View Full Version : [Short Story] strive for the best! Part 1
22-03-2018, 09:40 AM
After my Long "holiday" I finally start my first day of work in a new company working on sales.
The first day was pretty much orientation understanding the company and the product/services that we need to sell. Then finally we were split into our teams.
My team generally handles international stakeholders, which pretty much means that I have got the chance to travel!
So after the orientation, we had a lunch with all the new employees who started work on the same day as well. We Chit chat a bit and understand their background and their positions in the company. Some are HR, some a managers, some are sales and etc.
After the lunch the new staff will have to report to our managers to understand about the job scope that we will be handling.
I head to my manager office and she was a mid 40s lady who has a pleasant motherly look and heard from the staff that she is a very good manager to work under. Our conversation went really well and she explain to me the scope and etc.
After 30 mins of conversation, she called in my team leader Janice, Janice is in her 30s and she is very hard work Ling and strive for the best! Which is our team motto.
From the looks she looks very stern but in face she is quite a nice lady to work with as well
Generally I am very happy working under this team. Our team consist of 6 person, Janice the team lead, josh and Mary the dy team lead, two senior Sales staff mike and Nancy and lastly Sales staff which is me, the lowest ranking.
Janice: welcome to the team, as you can see the team is quite small but not to worry, the workload is fairly distributed and if you need any help, just inform us, we will work together with you :)
Mike: wow a junior staff joined our team, breaking history Liao
Nancy: yea, first time
Me: why???
Nancy: because handling international customers requires lots of sales knowledge and understanding. Normally they won't put new staff in this team
Janice: this is director's idea, to let new staff adapt in dealing with international customers, like a pilot to see if new staff can make it. Not to worry plaingirl, do inform us if you are not comfortable with this type of job scope, we will try as much as possible to assist you
Mike: yea no worry, we will help each other out.
Mary: hello welcome our new staff, do let me know if you need any help okay?
Me: sure
Janice: another dy is not around as he is on leave, he will come back next week.
Me: okay sure
Mary: come over I will explain more to you
Janice: thanks Mary, I will head out for the meeting wish me luck
Mike: Jia you! Go win the other teams!
Janice then walk out the office for the meeting
Me: what meeting was that?
Mary: it's a client meeting, I think by now you should know that under the international sales group, there are a a total of 4 teams, each team are fighting to get the top international sales so that we can get more bonus and more resources. We help each other is because we want to make the team look good and we all get the bonus together.
Me: wow, this really fire my drive to work harder
Mary: that's the spirit!
22-03-2018, 09:52 AM
Days of understanding the product day and night and before I actually deal with any customers, I was arrowed to help out with D&D event for the company.
Going through meetings was tedious and waste of time but D&D seems like a major thing to the company because this is one of the chance whereby the new staff can establish connections with the company's director and directors from different department are using this time to show off their portfolio to the top management team
My sales director is Vincent, who is in his mid 40s look like those Uncle with big belly. There are two of us Jason and I help out with him as we are the new staff under his Management.
So we work through the slides with him, the decor for the D&D theme and etc. As we wanted our theme to be selected as for D&D
The director was quite good as he always prepare supper for us every day when we stay late and give us time off the next day so that we can rest well and work with full potential. But this kind of working hour, leads to Jason falling sick, taking 3 days mc
Our director is quite understanding as he know that this is too tedious as we need to prepare quite a number of things in such a short time
That was the first night where I was together with my director, we were busy working and I can sense that he kept staring at me, not just now but first time when we work with him.
Understanding the culture in the company, if want to do well, have to carry balls so I decided to take this chance to make an impression on him but purposely let him see my panties when I went under the table to grab something. Also revealing my c cup boobs by removing my jacket as I am wearing a Low cut dress. And countless time walking to him and ask him questions.
22-03-2018, 09:58 AM
Popcorn & chips ready for more. :p
22-03-2018, 10:34 AM
Tent and camp firing ready
22-03-2018, 10:42 AM
Starting a campfire site .
22-03-2018, 01:33 PM
Nothing much happen during the preparation nights with my director, I knew that he understood that he mustn't eat and shit at the same place rule, especially if he is a management level personnel. So I make use of these time to flirt with him at least I can get some benefit out of him ( promotion orbincrement)
During the D&D theme selection, our theme was selected and we will be the first to present on our results to the top management. Other directors were unhappy but have to live with it since it is a decision from the top management.
The D&D night was smooth and our director presented on our results and the future plan on our department. It was praised by the CEO on our performance. Jason and I were invited to the stage by our director as he thanked us for putting in the effort. Can see my team cheering for me.
I am very happy that I leave a mark within a few months into my new job.
After that we had the dinner and listen to other departments result but the top management were not listening as they are busy chatting with themselves and their guest.
I start to understand why presenting first made an impact. Because the management only take notice of the first presentation of the results, the rest they don't really care as all these are already stated in their yearly report.
After the dinner, there is a desert buffet whereby all the staff will be standing to get deserts to eat and mingle with each other. At this point I am all alone since I am Nee to the team and I don't really have any guest that I invited, so I stand at one corner waiting for the event to be over.
Then suddenly, I saw my director walking towards me with our CEO.
Vincent: boss, this is the colleague that helps me with the planning and presentation
CEO: well done, plaingirl right? Thanks for the effort, we are looking for such talent to be in our company! Really nice to have you here
Me: thank you for the compliment
With that CEO left me and the director to entertain other guest
Vincent: well done plaingirl, and you dress really nice tonight
Me: thank you
Vincent: alright enjoy yourself tonight
Me: okay sure
After that I just waiting for the event to be over and yea it's over! At around 11pm, I walked out of the hotel and waited for taxi, while walking to the taxi stand I sprain my ankle it was really pain that I am unable to walk.
At this time, I saw a car stopping right in front of me, it turns out to be my director.
Vincent: are you alright?
Me: I sprain my ankle, can't really walk
He get off his car and come and take a look at my ankle
Vincent: it's really bad, come I drive you home
Me: is that convenient?
Vincent: no worry la, come I drive you home
He supported me to his car
Vincent: so where do you stay
Me: xx xx xx
Vincent: oh okay sit tight
So along the way we chatted mostly about myself .
Attheblater part of the journey, I started falling asleep, without knowing, we have reached the carpark at my place.
I was very tired especially these period where I have to understand the product and also help out with the D&D planning, I know someone tries to wake me up but I was too tired to open my eyes.
Then I suddenly felt my boobs were being touched, it was a soft touch and his hand went under my dress and gave it another squeeze. I gave a soft moan with that. Then I opened my eyes and he quickly lift his hand up and pretend to wake me up (but I knew he touched me).
Vincent: finally you woke up, had tored sometime to wake you up already
Me: sorry I was too tired
Vincent: is your ankle still okay, can walk?
Me: shld be fine now,
When I tried to get up, it was really pain
Vincent: let me take a look again
He switch on the car lights to see my ankle
Vincent: not that serious but I can do something about it
Vincent gave me a few rub and twist and every rub I was yelling in pain
But after that, I felt better, can at least walk to my own apartment.
Me: thanks for the ride and treatment boss
Vincent: no worry
22-03-2018, 02:02 PM
Nice story sis, waiting for more .
22-03-2018, 02:03 PM
Starting a campfire site .
Stating one too .
22-03-2018, 02:35 PM
Looking forward to next instalment .
22-03-2018, 04:25 PM
Looking forward to more updates .
22-03-2018, 08:47 PM
Good start sis, support!
23-03-2018, 04:40 AM
Looks like Vincent is a very caring man .
23-03-2018, 06:50 AM
Many thanks for sharing this story, it's a nice read and certainly look forward to more updates.
23-03-2018, 07:06 AM
nice story, more updates of it will be great. support support.
23-03-2018, 09:44 AM
Looks like Vincent is a very caring man .
Think so too .
23-03-2018, 10:18 AM
Support nice story :)
24-03-2018, 07:34 AM
nice story! waiting here for more good stuff to come.
24-03-2018, 01:23 PM
Nice, please continue sis
25-03-2018, 07:48 AM
Camping here for more updates to this nice story. :)
25-03-2018, 04:06 PM
I hope TS will come back with an update soon .
25-03-2018, 04:20 PM
tent pitched with popcorn & drinks....:)
Mon Soon
25-03-2018, 04:31 PM
Thanks Sis & camping for more pls
25-03-2018, 04:42 PM
I hope TS will come back with an update soon .
Hoping too .
25-03-2018, 05:36 PM
Support and camping!
27-03-2018, 07:25 AM
keep on sharing this story TS, it's a really nice read.
27-03-2018, 11:11 AM
I went to my home and my weekend didn't have any activity since my leg was in pain but recovering well. It was a brand new week after the dnd event, my work continues and with my leg sprain I didn't go out to do much sales for two weeks. My colleagues had been helping me to fill up the sales target. After one month into my job, finally the opportunity to go overseas is here. It is common for our team to go overseas biz trip as our sales target audience is mainly overseas customers.
Janice: so finally its your first biz trip, Jia you!
Me: am I going alone?
Janice: thankfully not, was nearly the case but luckily Mary was able to go with you one the first two days. The next two days is just paper work, negotiation will be done by then
Me: that's great!
Janice: remember to apply for miles membership, since you will be Travelling often, you can collect points for Travelling
Me: okay great!
Our first biz trip and the sales went through very well, in fact Too good that we almost break our company top record in a single deal!
I message to Janice about this news as Mary was preparing to fly to Japan for another sales deal
The China deal was done and my CEO was notified about this deal.
The CEO dropped me an email stating on my good performance and the customer is satisfy with our product detail and presentation.
The customer wanted to do a collaboration which is a very big deal if this goes through. The CEO wanted me to handle this as Janice and Mary were busy with other important deals. and they will be there in around one weeks time. So in the meanwhile I will need to go back to Singapore to get my stuff and fly to china again three days later.
I quickly took the flight back and pack up my stuff and went to the CEO office to get updates from him about the possible collaboration with our customer in china.
27-03-2018, 11:26 AM
understand from CEO that there is a possible collaboration in using our product in their research which can be beneficial to our Organization in terms of going to china market.
I flew to china with the sole intent to close this deal. When I reached Beijing, I quickly go to the hotel and unpack my stuff and get dress up for the meet up with the director that I was dealing with previously.
That director Chen, was in charge of this sales and he was in his late 40s (not sure but most of the director that I met comes with Pervy looks).
It was the appointment time and he came to the restaurant at my hotel for discussion. I went through with him on the product details again and the benefits of using our products and etc. But I felt that he was not listening and kept looking at me.
After the dinner, director Chen suggest to go to some quite place as the restaurant was too noisy for discussion. I pretty sure what he is up to but if can close this deal before Janice and Mary arrival, it will be a big boost for me and my career.
Chen: can we go somewhere to discuss, can't really hear you much
Me: sure, hmm why not go to my room as it is quieter.
Chen: okay sure
When we reach my room, I lead director Chen to the seat and sat down opposit of him and pour him some water.
27-03-2018, 03:57 PM
Pitching tent :)
29-03-2018, 08:04 AM
sure hoping TS will update more soon. :)
29-03-2018, 10:14 AM
After seated, I began to talk about the product and try to sell him the idea that the product will be good for his Organization in terms of research and sales. My sales pitch keeps on going and I can see that director Chen is not listening to me and keep nodding his head. His Pasir of eyes keep staring at my chest area.
Knowin that I purposely tease him by taking off my coat, which shows my Low cut dress and keep bending forward while pretending to look at paper
Me: so what is your decision on the product?
Chen: the product is pretty good but the cost is a bit too high
Me: what you pay is what you get, you won't regret on the quality of our product
Chen: but.... there are other companies selling similar product with similar or lower price
Me: but our service is good!
Chen: service?
Me: yea our after sales service is good, provide 24/7 support
Chen: hmmm somewhat similar, unless you can provide pre-sales service
He slowly walk towards me and place his hand on my shoulder
Me: hmmm we don't provide such service
I gently push his hand away
Chen: but don't you want to close this deal?
Me: yes but...
Chen: if you be nice to me, I will be nice to you too
Me: but....
Chen: of course, I won't force you but I have booked a room here as well, if you keen, do come to yhis room number.
He wrote the room number of a piece of paper and he left the room
After he left the room, I struggle a bit. Horny as I am but I try to constraint myself. Looking at the possible sales, I ponder a bit and decided to go ahead.
Around 20mins after he left, I went off my room and went to his room. Once I reach outside his room, I press on the door bell. Ding dong
The door opened
Chen: so you have made your decision
I silently nodded ( pretend to me pure and innocent)
He then hold my hand and bring me in.
29-03-2018, 02:20 PM
Once in the room, I stood still and director Chen put his hand all over my body and start grabbing my boobs.
Me: argg argggggg
Chen: seems like you like it when ppl touch your boobs
I didn't answer but just moan
Chen: 你的身体好棒哦,比我的女儿的还棒
He slowly strip off my dress, bra and panties and leave me naked
Chen: 真的好美
I tried to cover my body with my hand and director Chen remove his clothing and pants, walking to me with his dick pointing up.
29-03-2018, 03:34 PM
Chen: 你的身体好棒哦,比我的女儿的还棒
Wtf that pervert! Either he peed at her own Daughter or he had fucked her! Wow lol
30-03-2018, 06:53 AM
Thanks for sharing this nice story TS, more updates of it please!
30-03-2018, 08:40 AM
interesting story ts, really like it, share more! :)
01-04-2018, 07:34 AM
this is a nice story, hope there will be more updates soon.
02-04-2018, 08:53 AM
very nice story, support your thread.
02-04-2018, 03:38 PM
Wtf that pervert! Either he peed at her own Daughter or he had fucked her! Wow lol
Ooops pua kang tao hahahaa :D
02-04-2018, 03:58 PM
Nice story sis, camping for updates!!
03-04-2018, 05:10 PM
I hope TS will continue soon .
03-04-2018, 06:49 PM
I hope TS will continue soon .
I also hoping .
11-04-2018, 03:48 PM
TS where have you been,:p
11-04-2018, 09:13 PM
Nice story, camping too :D
13-04-2018, 02:56 PM
Looks like Chen sure is taking a long and slow towards TS. :)
14-04-2018, 11:01 PM
Looks like Chen sure is taking a long and slow towards TS. :)
Yeah , slow and steady . :D
07-05-2018, 10:34 AM
He laid on me and stuck licking every part of my skin.
Me: 陈懂。。不要
Chen: you came in yourself
Me: 不要。。停
Chen gave a evil smile and suck my nipple harder
I moan as nipple is one of my sensitive part
Me: 我要
Chen: so fast?
Director Chen also cannot take it any Long, he inset his dick into my pussy
Chen: so tight... fuck so tight
Me: 干我。 快干我
Director Chen start fucking me hard in missionary position
07-05-2018, 11:26 AM
this is a really nice story, great share!
07-05-2018, 04:46 PM
continue please...:)
08-05-2018, 10:38 AM
Me: 啊啊。。好爽,快点
Me: 啊啊啊
Chen: 啊啊
Director Chen unload his sperm inside my pussy
Me: very nice, warm feeling
Chen: you are better than my daughter
Me: you fuck your Daughter before?
Chen: yea but just that is not my biological Daughter
11-05-2018, 02:47 PM
After that night the deal is done. I am happy with the end result so as my team and my boss. I was given a promotion and was happily staying in the company till I got married with a kid.
See you at my next phase of story
16-05-2018, 05:41 AM
Waiting for next phase of the story....
16-05-2018, 06:58 AM
like your story very much... very nice read... share more soon please...
16-05-2018, 09:28 AM
Camping for next phase too :)
16-05-2018, 09:43 AM
setting up my tent here for more of this nice story.
16-05-2018, 10:08 AM
TS MIA already....:rolleyes:
19-05-2018, 12:15 PM
TS still not back yet .
20-05-2018, 08:09 AM
very nice story, like it alot. sure hoping there will be much more.
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