View Full Version : The shipping mess
09-04-2018, 12:19 AM
In view of the recent hoohaa about sweets, here's a story for you to enjoy.
My name is Sam.
I am 28 this year and had graduate from a local Poly many years back. I had 3 very good friends from there, Magdeline, Elysse and Laetitia.
Magdeline was the shortest about 1.55m weighing about 48kg, had long wavy hair. She was a little on the meaty side for her height but she was the cutest amongst the 3 of them.
Elysse was the middle one, at about 1.6, weighing about 45kg. She had long straight hair that comes with dyed brown strips. She was the most considerate and caring amongst them. On top of that, she had a jovial nature. She was definitely my type and I guessed she would probably make a good wife but somehow, we never ever connect romantically.
At 1.68m, Laetitia was the tallest amongst them but weighed about the same as Mag. Since our Poly days, she had maintained her hair short.
In terms of characters, the 3 of them were rather similar. They had bubbly personalities and were often very talkative. We had gotten close because we were in the same course and had done some projects previously together.
Even though I had the 3 girls as my best friends, I was also attached to a sweet and nice girl, Sonia, from our Poly. She was from the business school and I had got to know her from an orientation programme.
With her dark rimmed specs, she was definitely not a head turner but was more of the girl-next-door type, someone who you would have no qualms to bring home to visit your parents, but still, I was not her first boyfriend.
I always remembered the first time we made love 2 months into our relation. We were taking a stroll at East Coast Park after our midnight movie, holding hands, lovey dovely all the way. It was always like this during the honeymoon period. As usual, she was in a long skirt and buttoned-up top.
We walked from the Hawker Center towards the Sailing Center. Just behind the sailing centre, Sonia mentioned that she was tired and we took a seat at one of the benches there. As it was about 3am, the place was rather deserted; especially we were off the cycling track.
Initially she sat beside me, both of us silence, enjoying the sea breeze and each other's company, with her head on my shoulder.
Sonia: I am tired....
She yawned a tiny yawned.
Me: want to go back?
Sonia: no... let me lie a bit on your lap. ok?
I moved a little and she laid down on the bench with her head on my thigh. I started to stroke her shoulder length hair, moving from her forehead towards her temple. After a while, I felt her hand on my thigh and she started to stoke me as well. Obviously, my manhood started to get awake. Because her head was near my groin, she could fell my manhood growing, pushing against her. She giggled before suddenly turning over and grabbing it. I gasped.
Sonia: what is this?
Me: eerrrrmmm....
Sonia: haha..... horny?
Me: errrmmm....
Luckily the place was dark and she could not see my blush. She sat up and looked into my eyes, before moving forward and kissing me on my lips. Our tongues locked and I could feel her hand moving upwards along my thighs until they rested on the buckle of my berms. Skilfully, she unbuckle and unzipped me, exposing my boxers. She moved her head away from me and looked down.
Sonia: so hard......
I did not know what to reply as she used a fingertip to touch my dick. Even though my boxers was protecting it, but I felt as it an electric shot moved up along my thighs into my stomach area.
Sonia: haha..... it's wet......
Embarrassed, I tried to cover up, but she restricted my hands. Before I know, she pulled down the front of my boxers, exposing my dick to the cold breeze and buried her mouth onto my cock. Surprisingly, she was very good at giving head as she twirled around the tip of my helmet with her tongue, paying specific attention to the cyclops area, causing me to moan.
Me: GUHmmmmmm.......
Automatically my hands moved to her boobs and she did not resist. It was the first time that I was in contact with them and I felt the anticipation and nervousness as I pulled out her tucked-in blouse away from her skirt. I lifted it to her armpit area, and for the first time, I saw her beige looking bra. Without further prompting, I unclasped her bra, releasing her breasts. As her head continued to bob up and down, I caressed her boobs, massaging them and teasing her nipples.
I felt the twitching sensation from my loins, and she must had felt it too as she released the strangle hold on my meat stick. She got up and looked at me with her breasts exposed in the faint moonlight.
Sonia: want more?
I could only nod my head as my voice failed me. She grinned and without further ado, she straddled across me, both legs on the bench, facing me. With her fingers, she moved her undies aside and held onto my shaft.
Me: wait...wait.... condom?
Ignoring my question, she guided me into herself. Again, I was surprised as she was very wet there. As she slowly lowered herself into me, I could feel the walls of her pussy gripping my wiener. She offered her breasts for me to suckle as she bounced on me.
Sonia: ahhhh....ahhhh.....
She moaned softly, in a sexy way. It was not easy to suckle her with her moving up and down and end up, I could only stick my tongue out to lick her ever moving nipples as she rode me. I tried my best to control, but because of the previous assault by her mouth, I could not hold on for long.
Me: aaaaaghhhh.... get..... up...... cummming.......
She quickly withdrew herself, and her mouth took over her nether lips and started to suck my manhood again. I shot my load into her mouth and she milked me dry after that. However, she did not swallow and spat the remains into a piece of tissue.
That was the first time we had sex. Even though it was not perfect, but it was a start and we started to have sex on a regular basis. From the first day till now, she had never allowed me to lick her before and most of our lovemaking was without much foreplay even though I did get the occasional head from her.
09-04-2018, 12:20 AM
After we left the poly, only Mag and I furthered our private studies whereas Sonia found a job at Raffles place and Ely and Lae was doing some part time jobs here and there.
Mag managed to work for a company in Tuas. Then when there was a request for headcounts for assistant engineers when someone left, Ely joined together with Lae. I joined them a year later even at the protest from Sonia. She did not really like me hanging out too much with the girls but I managed to convince her that this was the opportunity that I was looking for.
Although the 3 girls were each pretty in their own rights but I was never interested in them and treated them like my sisters. Sonia knew this as well and finally she relented.
The company was a MNC that specialise in Marine Engineering. Our company did not have a large employee base in Singapore and was managed by a local boss, Mr Ong, with a total of about 20 of us in the company. Only 5 were administrative staffs whereas the rest of us were in the engineering team. There was no sales person as our projects were mostly flowed through from Europe.
The 5 admin staffs were aunties in their 40s or 50s. The rest of the staffs, apart from the 4 of us, were multi-nationals, some even from as far as Europe. These engineers will be here normally for projects for 1 to 2 years before they were deployed elsewhere. The 4 of us made up the local team.
We were often deployed out to the ships in the dry docks for days or weeks if we were to service an off shore vessel and during those times, the days would get lonely even if we returned back to base in the evening for the onshore jobs. However, the pay was good and we liked our jobs, so we stayed on. Soon, Sonia and I started to spend less time with each other.
In the company, Mr Ong is about 50s. He was a good boss and always protective of his employees. He protected us from the senior management and always got good bonus for us. On special occasions, he would invite the staffs to his place in Bukit Timah to mingle with his family. He had 2 teenage daughters and a caring wife. He was the role model that I secretly aspire to be in future.
As for the other 10 engineers, 5 were from Europe, 2 were from the Philippines, 2 from Malaysia and the remaining was from Cambodia.
- John (30 male)
- Dan (35 male)
- Lassie (33 female)
- Huth (40 female)
- Mitchelle (25 female)
- Rodrigo (27 male)
- Suzy (24 female)
- Tan (36 male)
- Lim (37 male)
- Vieak (25 female)
The Philippinos were a couple, Lassie and Dan for the Europeans and so they mostly hung out on their own. Huth had her own family here and Lim most of the time, travels back to JB whenever he was free to return to his wife and kids. Mitchelle had a live-in boyfriend and she seldom joined us.
We could tell that Tan was interested in Vieak and John was interested in Mag. They were always hanging out together with us after work for drinks or dinner on weekdays. Sonia and I met up only once or twice a week over the weekend due to our work schedules as also mainly because we were staying at the opposite end of Singapore.
Whenever I had dinner with the girls and John, sometimes we would go down to a club for some beers. Of course, there would be guys that came over and tried to get to know my 3 friends but every time, the girls would use me as their shield and pretended that I was their boyfriend rather than John. Although their stories were different, but all of them had bad relationship with guys previously and had no interest at this point in time to get into another relationship.
09-04-2018, 03:06 AM
Woohooo.. pitching tent and starting camp fire..
09-04-2018, 06:59 AM
Looking forward to your next updates to this nice new story TS.
09-04-2018, 07:21 AM
keep on sharing , it's a really nice read.
09-04-2018, 07:56 AM
Camping here for more updates. :)
KIng's Order
09-04-2018, 11:49 AM
Starting a campfire . :) All welcome to join in and support TS . :)
09-04-2018, 01:07 PM
Camping to support TS...
09-04-2018, 01:34 PM
Welcome back
09-04-2018, 01:58 PM
Nice start TS, support!
09-04-2018, 04:37 PM
should be very interesting, waiting for update..:)
09-04-2018, 06:27 PM
One day Mr Ong informed us that HQ wanted to expand our Singapore business. Thus, the first step was to get our own sales person so that we could start to bring in some revenue. He interviewed a few candidates and finally selected one. As we were all deployed when the candidates were there for the interview, we did not know who he had decided upon. The admin staffs were equally coy about it and told us that we would see our new colleague when the person commenced work.
A month pass quickly, and the day she started work, I was the only one in the office that day as the rest were deployed.
As I got into the office, there was a well-dressed girl sitting inside the entrance. She looked to be around 25 or 26 and she was pretty; definitely a head turner if you walk pass her on the street. She had long straight hair and had a slim body. With a pair of dark rimmed specs, just like Sonia, she was dressed in an OL attire, the standard white blouse with black skirt. Although she was hot, but the way she behaved and dressed, she portrayed a girl next door image. I wondered if she was the new sales person that the boss had hired.
Without trying to look like a pervert, I merely nodded and smiled at her and she returned the greetings. Just then, our HR, Sally, came out.
Sally: Hi Hazel, good morning. You are early.
Hazel got up and straightened her clothes while extending her hand to Sally. Even with her heels, I could tell that she was about the same height as Ely.
Hazel: Hi Sally, good morning. The traffic was moderate this morning and I am glad I came in time.
Sally turned to me.
Sally: Hi Sam, let me introduce you to our new colleague, Hazel. She is the sales person that Mr Ong had hired. Hazel, this is Sam, one of the engineers here.
I extended my hand and she shook it. Her hand was small and I could feel her softness of her skin against mine.
Me: Welcome.... I hope you will enjoy your stay.
Hazel: Pleased to meet you. You can call me Haz....
Just then Mr Ong came into the office and after the morning greetings, the 3 of them went into his office.
I went to my desk and started my day. It was difficult to concentrate as I was excited about the prospect to work with Hazel. Although the 3 girls were fine but like I mentioned earlier, I treated them like my sisters. Furthermore, I was not interested in Vieak. Even though I was still together with Sonia but we had slowly drifted apart since i started working here. I would honestly say that still being together with Sonia was more of a matter of trying to be committed to each other rather than passion. For the first time in many years, even though I knew it was wrong, my heart fluttered again.
Not long after, they emerged from Mr Ong's office. Apart from finance and HR, who shared the same room, he was the only one in the office that had an individual room.
Haz was allocated to me and I was to mentor her for the next few days since I did not had any on going projects. The boss wanted me to explain to her what we were doing and also more about the company.
09-04-2018, 06:29 PM
Over the next few days, Hazel and I hung out together. I showed her the ropes and the processes of how our company operated. Normally, during lunch we will have a quick bite at the nearby canteen or sometimes, she would drive us out to Jurong point to have lunch.
During this period, I found out a great deal about her. She was staying near Holland Village and unfortunately for me, she was attached and had a boyfriend for quite a few years. A tiny bright spark for me was that she mentioned that they were not on really good terms as they were having frequent arguments. However, she would still hope that they would sort it out and get back to where they were previously.
During the evenings when my besties were back from their deployment, they would teased me during dinner as they could sense that I had a special feel towards Hazel. I would vehemently denied it, citing the fact that I was still with Sonia and Hazel had a boyfriend. Luckily Hazel had never joined us for dinner and the girls would do their teasing then, but I was glad that she was not around and would not know about it.
The weeks passed quickly and Hazel was out of the office most of time, trying to get new sales for the company. She was doing relatively fine as every month, there would be new jobs from her.
It was also during this period when I was out with Sonia one of the weekends when the inevitable happened. I remembered that it was after watching a movie in Orchard when she broke the news to me.
Sonia: Sam..... we need to talk...
Me: ok?
Sonia: I think we have drifted apart for many months.
I did not anticipate it but she made the move first.
Sonia: I knew that we were drifting further and further apart because of our work schedule..... and.....
She stopped and looked away.
Me: I'll try....
Sonia: see..... There’s someone that is interested in me in the office..... and...
It was at this point that I knew that there was no point in continuing our relation.
Me: ok.... I get it....
Sonia: I am sorry....
Me: no... It’s ok..... I think it's better for both of us.....
Sonia: You're not angry?
Me: no.....
There was no bitterness or anger with each other. We had known for a long time that this would only happen one day, just that we did not really brought it up and discuss openly with each other. Somewhat, I was glad she brought it up. With a simple hug and goodbye later, that was how I became single again.
After we broke up, I spent more time in the office and hanging out with the 3 girls. I told them about it and they were full of sympathies.
Even though I seemed fine on the outside but deep down, I was still sad. After all, we were together for some time.
The girls took turns to hang out with me over the next few weekends.
Ely called me out on the weekend 1 month after I had broken the news to them. Clarke Quay was the location for dinner that Saturday.
When I turned up, I was surprised to find only Ely. She had come alone and was dressed in a blue halter neck dress with a plunging neckline and 4 inch heels, showing off her cleavage. Her make-up was much thicker than what I had seen before. She looked alluring.
Me: Hey Ely, where's the rest?
Ely: They couldn’t make it.....
Me: where did they go?
Ely: They told me they had some last minute family programmes.
I rolled my eyes.
Ely: let's go for dinner first. I am hungry.
She chose a restaurant and we ordered our food.
Me: hey....why are you dressed like this?
Ely: oh... to seduce all the single guys out there....hehe....
She giggled. I always found her very appealing as she would seemed so innocent and girlish whenever she did that.
Me: Yah....yah.... I am single and I am not seduced by you....
The banter went on for a while and our food came and we chatted as we ate. She veered the conversation without me realizing.
Ely: how long had we known each other?
I did a rough count in my head.
Me: hmm.... maybe 8 or 9 years?
Ely: ok good. Remember.... we will remain as BFF forever ok? I will be here for you.
At that point, I did not know what she meant.
Me: errmm... ok.... but if it is about Sonia, I am fine.
Ely: ok.... I understand.
She stopped at that and then brought me to a club after dinner.
At the club, we got a table as she ordered a bottle of Tequila. Some guys came over and tried to get to know her but as usual, she said I was her boyfriend and they left.
Me: always using me as a shield.
Ely: You are my BFF and I know you are ok to help....
We started some finger guessing games and the drinks flowed. She was a good drinker and I was not a bad one myself. However, with just the 2 of us, we could not finish the bottle. By then, I was more drunk then her.
Ely: Ok..... I think we are good. Let's go....
She called a cab and it arrived. Because I was more drunk, I thought this cab was for me and she would take a different cab. Instead, she came into the cab with me.
Ely: Uncle, go to this address.
She passed him a piece of paper and I murmured to her.
Me: whereeee are weeee going?
ELy: Ssshhh..... lie down on my shoulder and sleep. I'll call you when we arrive.
I took up her offer and slept on her shoulder.
09-04-2018, 08:19 PM
Nice start bro, do continue soon ;)
09-04-2018, 09:05 PM
Nice story bro, keep posting :D
09-04-2018, 09:13 PM
Nice story bro! Support support
09-04-2018, 10:09 PM
camp camp!! Welcome back pussluver bro!!
10-04-2018, 07:33 AM
nice story! hoping for more good stuff to come.
10-04-2018, 01:29 PM
Support and camping!!
10-04-2018, 09:03 PM
Elysse woke me up and paid the fare. As I got out of the cab unsteadily, I looked around the surroundings, trying to get my bearings. She put her arm around my waist to support me.
I was still tipsy but I recognized the place.
Me: why are we here?
Ely: ssshhhh....
She put a finger on my lips.
ELy: just follow me... I have a surprise for you....
She led me into the lobby of Swissotel and checked us in.
Unsure of what her plans were and my mind still clouded by the alcohol, I followed her up to the room.
Ely opened the door and still with her arm around my waist, she helped me in. I looked around the room but there were no balloons or cakes or any special stuffs.
Me: where is the surprise?
She did not reply but led me to the bed and sat me down on the edge.
Ely: I am the surprise for you.... hehe....
she giggled again.
Without speaking further, she reached to the back of her neck and untied the knot of her dress. She allowed the dress to fall lazily down to the floor. I blinked my eyes as she stood in front of me in just her blue strapless bra and matching Gstring. I mean, I had seen her in her bikini before but that was at the beach and in public. This was not her bikini but her lacy undergarments and she was in a private room with me.
Me: wait. what about Mag and Lae?
Ely: They don't know and I don't intend to let them know. It's between you and me.
Me: I am fine.... really.... I don't need you to do this.....
Ely: I know you are not fine. This will give you something more of a headache to take your mind off her.... and this is not sympathy.... it's because I care for you as a friend....
Me: but...
She leaned forward and put a finger to my lips again.
Ely: don't speak. Tonight, I am yours. After tomorrow, you will be back to my BFF. Just tonight.
I did not know what to say and stared at her dumbly.
She straightened herself and unclasped her bra. Elysse had the skin tone of a beach babe. All along, I thought it was because she hung out at the beach often, but when I saw her naked breasts, I was surprised that they were equally tanned, almost the same colour as the rest of her body. Her areolas were dark and her nipples were large, like the size of an eraser at the back of a pencil.
In just her Gstring, she straddled me on my thighs and held my face with her hands.
ELy: what are you waiting for, sam?
My mind was still cloudy and I did not know how to react. My hands were still on the bed.
Ely: Don't think. It's your once in a life time opportunity. If you do nothing, you will miss it and there is no next time.
My hands reacted first. I put them on her bare thighs and started stroking. she giggled again.
That was it. That giggle.
I reached out behind her head and pulled her face down towards mine. Our mouth met and our tongues fought hungrily. She pushed me back on the bed as we continued frenching. I reached out to cup her breasts and teased her nipples.
Ely: ugrmpphff...
Suddenly she got up. For a second, I thought that was the end. However she went over to her bag and took out a packet of condoms, waving it at me.
Ely: See, I am prepared. hehe...
In the meantime, I had removed my shirt and she came back to the bed to unbuckle me. She eyed my erected dick for a moment.
Ely: hmm.... nice...
she removed her final piece of clothing and stood naked in front of me. I had never even once imagined how she would look like in her birthday suit but here she was. Compared to Sonia, her bush was neatly trimmed.
She clambered up the bed and spread her legs over my face while holding onto my dick. Without me asking, she started to suck me.
Her pussy was already wet with her juices and not wanting to waste the chance, I slowly explored her, opening up her lips, touching and stroking them.
Ely: ummm.... ummmm...
I started to lick her bits and she continued to suck me readily. Her mouth closed tightly along my shaft as she continued her mouth-fucking on my penis. I could feel myself building up.
Me: Ely.... stop... stop.... I cannot last....
She ignored my pleas and continued her actions even though I had already stopped licking her. I tried to push her away but she held on strong. I unload my sperms into her mouth. She continued to suck me dry before she released me.
Finally, Elysse turned around and opened her mouth, showing me the blob of white liquid in her mouth. Then she closed it and swallowed the whole gooey mess before smacking her lips at me.
I was dumbfounded and my jaw remained opened. Even Sonia had never done this before.
She saw my expressions and giggled.
Ely: hehe.... I don't normally do this. But yours tasted fine..... hehe....
My penis was now deflated. In the meantime, while trying to get me up again, she allowed me to suck her nipples and breasts while I fingered her. She moaned softly as I caressed all over her body while she continued to massage my dick, hoping that I would have my reaction soon.
Not long after, I became stiff again.
Ely: hmm... I didn't realize that you can recover so fast....hehe....
Once she got me up, she held my rod and capped me. I tried to get up but she disallowed me. As she saddled over my body, Ely touched herself there to ensure that she was wet enough. She held on my cock and slowly lowered herself onto me.
I slipped into her easily and she started to ride me. She grabbed my hand and put it on her tits. I got the massage and started to play with them. She was not really a moaner and even when she did, she moaned softly.
Ely: umm...ummm...ummm...
She had good stamina and rode me hard and quick. This time, she came first.
Ely: urmmhh.....urrrmmmhhhh....urrrmmmhhhhhhhh.....
She slowed down significantly as she had her orgasm. Finally she stopped and laid her body on top of mine.
I manoeuvred her so that she laid on her back while I went on top of her, into the missionary position. She spread her legs for me as I pushed into her tunnel.
It wasn't long but this time, both of us came together. After removing the condom, I laid down and rested next to her.
We had another 3 rounds of hot sex before we called it a night.
10-04-2018, 09:39 PM
This is one very hot story. Please continue...
10-04-2018, 10:02 PM
waiting for the
10-04-2018, 10:55 PM
Time really flies when you were busy. It had been 6 months since Sonia and I broke off. Ely and I went back to becoming only best friends, and without benefits. She never ever reminded me of that incident and I kept to my side of the promise to also never ever mention it again. Of course the other 2 girls did not know anything about it.
One evening, I received a text late at night from Mr Ong to be present in the office at 7am the next morning. Unsure of what it was, I arrived early the next day and he was already waiting in the office with Hazel.
Mr Ong: Sam, thanks for coming in so early. I had redeployed your current work to Lim. I need you to work with Hazel on a tender. Although Hazel had some projects but they were small. There are some changes in the management plan and they wanted to downsize our team unless we are able to contribute significantly. This is the big project that I had been waiting for. So, I need you 2 to work hard on this and win it.
He passed me the tender documents and I looked at it. It was for an overhauling job for a vessel in one of our neighbouring country. Submission date was 2 days from now.
Mr Ong: Unfortunately Hazel managed to only get this late last night. I know. The deadline is tight but if we can get it, I assure that you will get a big bonus.
With that incentive, even though no value was mentioned, but it was enough to spur me to work. I nodded.
Mr Ong: I prefer the both of you to work off site because I am sure you will need to work through the night. And to get dinner or food at night, you will waste time travelling. I need you to win this for the company.
Hazel: ok. Then we can go over to my place. It's nearer to office if we need anything from here.
Me: sure...if you say so....
Mr Ong: ok. Once you are done, send me a copy first. I will have a look and then you can submit.
We nodded.
After collecting my extra set of clothes from office (I always kept a clean set in the office just in case I dirtied my own set), we headed over to Hazel's place.
We had our breakfast before heading to Hazel place. It was nothing much to shout about as she was staying in one of the older point-blocks there.
She stayed on the top most floor and once we got in, she put the documents on the dining table.
Haz: there's no one around. We can use the dining table. Make yourself at home.
With that, she went in to change while I looked around. Her house was just the standard HDB 5 room flat. No fanciful renovation and with the terrazzo flooring, I was sure that they had shifted in many years ago. Her house was sparsely furnished with just a TV, its console, a sofa and a coffee table. There were some old photos, some of which she sported short hair while others long, and some oiled paintings on the walls which I did not bother to take a look at them.
I was looking out of her windows at the breath taking view the scenery was offering from her place, when she came out from her room.
Hazel had tied her hair up in a bun and was dressed in a cotton singlet and shorts. Her cleavage showed through the top of her blouse and I had not realized previously that she was a C cupper. Her smooth legs were flawless and did not have those black injuries marks that my 3 besties had. She had removed her specs.
Me: You changed to contacts?
Haz: haha.... no.... I have perfect eyesight.
Me: then the specs?
Haz: no degree. Just to make me more studious....haha..... Shall we start?
We sat down and started working. There was no air-conditioned in the dining room and even though her place was windy, with me dressed in tshirt and jeans, I was starting to perspire and it was mighty uncomfortable for me but I shouldered on.
Finally the delivery for lunch came and we had a break.
Haz: you looked uncomfortable in your jeans. You want to change out of that?
Me: I don’t have shorts. So it's ok....
Haz: hang on....
She went into her room and came out with a pair of shorts for me.
Haz: here..... My boyfriend's....
Me: but will he mind?
Haz: nope.... he doesn’t come often nowadays..... so it's fine....
After I changed, we continued with our work. The tender was for maintenance of a large cargo vessel in Indonesia which was co-owned by an Indonesian company, Singapore company and Netherlands. It was not too difficult except that there were many technical questions which require us to revert upon.
That evening her parents came back and brought us dinner. They retired to their room and left us to carry on. Even a few mugs of coffee were unable to keep Hazel awake and she went into her room to take a nap. Her nap turned into a full blown sleep. I struggled on.
The next morning, her parents brought breakfast for us before leaving for work at 7am and she finally woke up at 9am.
The dining table was outside her room and I was sitting facing her door as it swung opened.
She emerged from her room frantically in just her sleeping attire, a pink singlet camisole and a tiny pair of grey shorts. I could see a faint tint of the darker shade of her areolas through her top. Her shorts was tiny and tight, more like a pair of boy shorts, as it moulded around her bottom and bundled up into her crack, offering a glimpse of her camel toe. Her hair was dishevelled and she looked panicky. The door to her room slammed against the wall.
Haz: shit! shit!.... what time is it? Sorry.... I overslept..... You should have woken me..... Sorry..... Did you sleep? is it going?
She bombarded me with multiple questions in a single sentence. Although I was tired but seeing her without a bra made my day and caused a stirring in my loins. Through the night, I had managed to complete almost half of the technical specifications and also some of the business questions but I decided not to tell her about it. I wanted her to stick around.
Me: it's tough working through the night alone....
Haz: sorry......
Me: here.... I had completed these....
I turned the lap top around without pushing it across the table. She came forward and bent down across the table, looking intensely at what I had completed. In her frantic moment, she forgotten to hold on to her top and the top of her blouse came opened, offering me an unobstructed downblouse view of her nipples and breasts. Instantly I had a hardon looking at her juicy bits. As tired as I was, I wished I could reach out and cuddle those melons.
Hazel finished looking through and stood up. I looked away before she caught me staring.
Haz: wow..... You finished so much last night.... thanks.....
Me: I did what I could.... we need to complete it by tomorrow so that we can send to Mr Ong to review before submission.
Haz: ok.... I'll go wash up and come and help you....
Me: ok.....
I stood up and stretched myself as she collected her bra and towel and went into the bathroom. She did not close the door to her room and a thought flashed into my mind. I wanted to see how her room looked like.
I looked at the bathroom and as I heard the shower turned on, based on yesterday evening when she bathed, I estimated that I had about 10mins.
10-04-2018, 11:16 PM
Hazel's room was more furnished than the living room. There was a queen-size bed, a built in wardrobe, a dressing and study table. There was a column of boxes that were stacked up on top of each other and I had no idea what they contained. The bed was not made up and her duvet was bundled up in one corner together with some of her soft toys.
She was a messy person. The clothes she wore yesterday was on her study chair and I spotted a pair of lacy panties on it and realized that it could be what she was wearing yesterday.
my primal instincts took over. I listened carefully and still hear the sound of running water.
With my heart pounding, I reached out and held the tiny piece in my hand. I had never done this before but I could not resist as I placed the material to my nostrils. I could smell her womanly scent still lingering on it.
Excitedly, I rubbed it against my face, imagining that I was rubbing against her bare bottom. It also came to my realization that she had took the same bra she was wearing at home into the toilet. With her panty still here, it could only mean one thing. She was not wearing anything underneath her shorts unless she had worn something new last night.
I wanted to do more with the piece on my hand, however, I wanted to further explore her room. I looked at my watch. 3mins had passed since she went into the bathroom. I had roughly 7 minutes left.
I opened the drawers to her dressing table. Nothing of particular interest as most of them were makeup kits as well as hairbands and stuff. I closed it and went to the wardrobe.
The water had stopped and I waited for a while before it started running again. I estimated I had 5 mins or so left.
I opened the wardrobe. On this side were all her clothes. I closed it and opened the other side.
There were a few drawers. The first one contained all her bras. I looked through them and confirmed that she was a C cup with a 32 around. The next drawer was her panties. She a wide range of panties, ranging from Gstring to boyshorts, lacy to cotton and she even had a few see through ones. I placed everything back in place.
I moved on to the next and final drawer. As I opened it, I was surprised. 2 dildos and 2 vibrating eggs lying in plain sight on top of her boyfriend's clothes. I did a quick check and all the items had batteries in them. They looked like they had been used recently. I wondered as to why she had all these when she had an existing boyfriend and also why these items were not placed in a more strategic location. What will happen if her mum or dad opened the drawer? Were they not having sex anymore? Questions came into my mind.
Just then, I heard the water stopped. Quickly I closed the wardrobe and returned to my seat. Just then, the door to the toilet opened. Hazel came out with the towel wrapped around her head. She had now worn a bra but was still clothed in the same items.
Although she had not morphed into a vamptress in this short 10mins, but looking backed at what I had secretly found out in her room, I started to have a different opinion of her. Not in the bad sense, but her toys gave me an indication that she was more than the girl-next-door type.
Haz: Sorry I took so long. I tried to be faster.
Me: It's ok. I took a rest while you were bathing....
Haz: shall we have breakfast before we start?
After breakfast, we continued to work on the tender documents. I dropped my pen a couple of times in hope that I could get a glimpse of her pussy but her shorts was tight and offered no visible holes. All I could see was her cameltoe. I gave up after my second try.
My mind continued drifting to her pantyless bottom and it was difficult to focus. She thought I was tired and asked me to take a nap. I refused. Finally at 2am, I could not take it anymore and fell asleep on her sofa. She woke me up at 6am, telling me that she had completed the document. I had a brief look through before we send it to Mr Ong.
Hazel texted him and he replied that he will take over for the submission and we could have the day off.
With everything done, I bade Hazel farewell and went home to sleep.
11-04-2018, 07:02 AM
like your story very much... very nice read... share more soon please...
11-04-2018, 07:11 AM
Interesting story TS, will be great if you will continue with it.
11-04-2018, 08:55 AM
Good story. Keep coming bro
11-04-2018, 10:09 AM
you should have stayed over for the day and wait for some happening...:p
11-04-2018, 09:47 PM
ya sia TS, should have told hazel u had fatigue, cant go home yet...den....LOL
11-04-2018, 10:21 PM
1 week later, Mr Ong gathered everyone in the office on a Tuesday morning.
Mr Ong: Good news first. We won the project.
Everyone cheered.
Mr Ong: bad news..... the schedule is very tight for this project, that is why they were willing to pay so much. We will gather 5 engineers required for the project. There will be changes in your schedules. Those projects that are urgent will be taken over by the other engineers whose projects still have time to complete.
A series of groans echoed around us.
Mr Ong: Don’t worry. It's only 3 days. That's the time frame that they need us to complete the project. Hazel will work on the planning and Sam will assist her. We need teamwork for this one.
Me: Hazel?
Mr Ong: yes. She said this is her first major project and she does not want it to fail.
Me: But boss....
Mr Ong: She’ll be fine. You will assist her.
I looked at Hazel and she just gave me a thumb up.
With all the arrangements made, 1 week later, Hazel had selected the 5 engineers whose current projects would still have ample time to complete even after taking away these 3 days. Lim, Mag, Lae, Vieak and John.
She did not select Ely for this project as her current deployment also had a tight deadline. Also this project had specific expertise requirements that John would be able to fulfil and there was no point to bring Lae who also had the same skill set.
The 7 of us took a flight to Kalimantan and settled down at the town of Balikpapan. We hung out that evening as the vessel would be stationed offshore, just outside the port and would not be entering the docks. We were to get to the vessel early next morning. So after dinner, we went back to our rooms to prepare for the next day.
We were at the pier early the next morning, with all of us dressed in our company blue overalls. Each of us lugged our small luggage as we were expected to be on the vessel for the next 3 days.
Fortunately the sea was calm and after about 30mins, we saw the large multi-purpose vessel. Our boat was dwarfed by the huge vessel. Once we berth alongside, we boarded the vessel. The captain was already waiting for us at the top of the stairs as we walked up the gangway.
He looked at us and extended his hand, shaking hands with everyone in our crew.
Captain: Welcome guys. I am Mr Smith. I hope the maintenance operations will go smoothly.
Haz: Hello Mr Smith, I am Hazel and I am the Project Manager. Sam is my assistance.
She introduced the rest of our team.
Smith: Nice to meet you, Hazel. I had sent my crew to town for their liberty for the next 3 days so that they will not interrupt you. Only our cook will be on board and also myself.
Haz: Thanks Cap. That is nice. We will get the job done.
Smith: Let me show you to your cabins first.
He brought us to our cabins where we left our luggage and then proceeded to show us around the vessel from the engine room to the bridge, from the stern to the bow. Basically everything that we need to know and access on the ship. After that, he left us alone.
Hazel distributed the jobs out to the respective Engineers and distributed the walkies. These were not the walkies that you could get at any shopping malls. They were high-powered devices that needed a license for us to use them. Sometimes there were blind spots in large vessel and without these, it would be difficult to communicate. Cell phones were deemed useless as we were out of range from the nearest network base station.
Mag, Lae and Vieak would be in the engine room. John would work on the propeller shaft and Lim would service the hoist. Hazel and I would be working under deck in the midship area, checking the hold and also fatigues in the hull. Because some of us would be working solo, Hazel instructed everyone to report their position every hour.
With no time to lose, all of us went to our stations to commence our work.
Hazel stuck with me as I went about my work. First I checked the hold and the ventilation was fine as cargo area had containers laded with goods. However, as the ventilation system was spoilt along the passageways and some parts under deck, it was hot and humid. I was just wearing my overall without any top and I was already sweating. Hazel had a black top underneath her overall and I would guess it would be worse for her. She left 3 inches of the top of her overall unzipped as we went about with our inspection.
Lunch was served in the mess and after lunch, our crew continued to update Hazel on the status of their jobs via the allocated communication channels. We worked continuously throughout the afternoon.
After dinner, we resumed work. In our line of job, it is common to work through the night and with the specifics she had for them for the first day, they were to complete up to the stipulated work before they can retire for the night.
11-04-2018, 10:22 PM
At about 1am, I stopped as the walkie crackled and Vieak reported the status in the engine room. I watched Hazel as I had done for the whole day; her hair was tied in a ponytail and even with her glasses and overalls, she still looked beautiful as she listened to the updates.
We still had not service the ventilation system and the passage where we were in currently, was humid and I had started to perspire. As she replied into the walkie, subconsciously, she started to play with her zipper and then without looking at me, she started to unzipped the top part of her overall. My heart beat faster and my eyes were glued to her fingers as the zipper moved downwards.
She finished her conversation and caught me staring.
Haz: what?!
Me: errmm... ahemmm.... nothing....
Haz: It's very hot here.
Her fingers stopped when the zipper was about 4 inches down from the top. I could see her cleavage and realized that she was not wearing the black top underneath any more.
Me: errrmmm.... ok.....
The walkie crackled again and John gave his updates. I gestured her to continue moving along the passageway and she followed as she replied to him.
Once she got all the updates from everyone, the passage way returned to silent with only the "clank clank" sound our footsteps were heard. I continued my inspection and she followed behind me. I realized that the airflow for this entire floor was stagnant.
I wanted to quickly finish this floor as the humidity was stifling. In the oppressing heat, I re-focused my attention when suddenly she stopped me.
Haz: what's that sound?
I stopped and listened. There was a dull thudding sound, the unmistaken knocks between the hull of 2 vessels against each other.
Me: Strange. I think there is a vessel alongside us.
Haz: Can't be. Smith said that the crew won't be returning until 3 days later.
She picked up the walkie and radioed Lim as his last location was on-deck.
Haz: Lim, are you there?
Haz: Lim, Lim. This is Hazel. Do you read me?
Haz: why is he not replying?
She looked annoyed.
Me: the rest are far below. I'll check.
We are just 1 floor down from the deck.
Me: there's a hatch further down the passageway. Let's go.
I took the tool box and walked down the passageway until I arrived at the next ladder. I left the stuffs and started to climb while Hazel waited at the foot of the ladder. At the top of the ladder, just before I opened the hatch, something inside me told me to remain stealth. I opened the hatch quietly and stuck my head out.
I could see some dark shadows walking across the deck towards the bridge. As my eyes adjusted to the different lighting, I realized that they were men and some of them were carrying rifles. I counted 8 of them. Shocked, I quickly close the hatch and retreated down the ladder.
As I put my foot down onto the floor and let go of the ladder, I saw a shadow flashing across the wall in front of me. I tried to turn around as Hazel started to scream.
The impacted landed on the side of my face and I blacked out.
11-04-2018, 10:23 PM
Thanks guys for your support. Hope you will enjoy this piece.
11-04-2018, 11:12 PM
Thanks for the story TS!
12-04-2018, 07:16 AM
good story TS, shall wait here for more of it.
12-04-2018, 09:52 AM
It was only a short blackout as I came to very shortly. I could feel the side of my face smarting. I believed that the assailant had intended to hit the back of my head but because I made that small turn, he caught me on my face instead.
I did not open my eyes as I heard the assailant speaking to Hazel. I could feel his body heat and felt that he was squatting next to me.
Assailant: don't even think about running off or I will kill him.
As I felt a cold sharp edge of an object pressing against my neck, I realized that his voice sounded very familiar
Haz: what do you want? Let him go.....
Assailant: I saw the boat. Pirates. They have guns and will kill us.
Lim. The assailant was Lim.
Hazel gasped.
Lim: yes. They will kill us. But first, let us have some fun together before we die.
Haz: no.....
Lim: Over the past few months, the way you had been looking at me. I knew it. You liked me.
Haz: never.....
The tip of the pointed object left my neck as I heard Lim standing up.
Lim: Never? Never?
From the sound of his footsteps, I could tell that he walked towards her and she was retreating. However, he was still too close and I was not sure if he was keeping an eye on me. Furthermore, I did not know if he was carrying any other weapon and so I bade for my time even though I wanted to alert the rest of my crew about the pirates. I kept my eyes closed.
Lim: You tried to portray a goody 2 shoes image with your conservative dressing in the office. But I had gone through your bags in the office.
He took another step and she retreated.
Lim: Your clothes. Those clothes that I found are not what a good girl will wear. You are a loose woman.
Haz: I am not! Those are my gym clothes!
She said defiantly.
Lim: what about the device, har?
She did not reply this time as I heard her backed into a wall.
Haz: no.... stay away.....
He stopped.
Lim: look at you.....look at your breasts.... they are so full. so soft...... and you must have unzipped yourself to show your boobs to him..... to seduce him....
Haz: no..... it's hot here..... listen... got 2 kids and your wife. I am sure you love them a lot....
Lim: yes.... but I am going to die.... what's the point.... I had been controlling myself.... but since I am going to die.... I might as well have a good time..... hahaha.....
I heard a metal clinking as he dropped his weapon and his footsteps echoed against the metal floor as he rushed towards her. Hazel screamed again.
12-04-2018, 10:01 AM
very nice story and updates, support your thread bro.
12-04-2018, 12:49 PM
Everything then happened in a flash. I opened my eyes. Lim reached Hazel and she was trying to fend him off. At about 1.8m and about 90kg, he was a big man. Hazel would not have any chance against him.
However, instead of trying to struggle with her, he pushed her head and it slammed against the wall. She was dazed from the impact and instinctively, her hands reached out to the wall to support herself from falling while recovering from the shock. She lost all resistance to put up any fight.
Taking advance of the situation, in that instance, without bothering to meddle with the zipper, with his hands on the garment at each of her shoulder, he yanked her overall sideways and downwards. Although the zipper was made from sturdy material, but with the force he exerted, it ran its rail easily. The whole top came opened.
I took a quick glance at the situation and looked frantically around for a weapon.
Hazel's whole frontal view was exposed, from her shoulders all the way down to her navel button. As her top was not fully down, her hands were still in the sleeves, and so it pinned down her arms to the side.
Lim held the back of her collar pinning her arms further back and pushing her breasts forward. I could see the top of her breasts straining against her black bra, begging to be free of the restraining fabric. He answered their request. He did not try to unclip her and he did nothing gentle. With one hand on the back of her collar, with the other, Lim held onto the center of her bra, between her breasts, and gave it a good yank. I heard the hooks tearing off from the fabric and her bra came loose, exposing both her creamy breasts.
Hazel was jolted back from her daze with the force that he exerted. The straps must have pulled hard against her flesh. She realized what was happening and panicked. The first thing she did was tried to struggle. But her hands were held back by her sleeves as he held firm to the back of her collar. She could only move her body side to side, which caused her breasts to jiggle wildly in front of him.
I paused for a brief moment as I looked at the sight in front of me. It was not something that I would witness everyday even with the events that were happening. His back was to me and even though she was facing me, she did not see me. Her eyes showed fear. Fear of what he would do to her. The fairness of her skin formed a contrasting V shaped against the dark colour of the overall. Her lovely breasts were at the top of the V and her light brown nipples stood out glaringly.
With some efforts, I turned away from her and my eyes laid on the large spanner from my toolbox. I went and grabbed it, causing a din as metal clank against metal. I turned back to briefly glance if he realized that I had woken up but he was too engrossed with her to even notice the noise I was making.
He had pinned her back to the wall and her struggles were now limited. He put a thigh between her legs and lifted her slightly upwards, causing her to straddle it. With her helpless and her breasts on offer, Lim grabbed them forcefully, squeezing them hard. She was shaking her head wildly and howled in pain. He pinched her nipples and pulled them towards him.
Haz: OUCCHHHH....NO!.... STOP! ....urnnnhh....
Lim: haha.... you see, you like it....haha....
Haz: NO!..IT's PAINFUL!...... urnnnghh...
Although she gave off short moans but tears started to stream down her face. He leaned forward and licked her nipples, first the right one and then the left, leaving a gleaming stream of his saliva on each of them. In this situation, her nipples prompted by his tongue, turned hard and became erected even though there was totally nothing erotic about it.
Haz: NO! urrrnn.... urrrnnn.... NO! GO AWAY!
She screamed at him but there was no way he was stopping. His hand went down the V and yanked hard against her panties.
I stood up and started to run towards him.
Streakkkk..... streaaaakkkk....splakkkk…..
The very audible sound of her panties being torn filled up the passageway.
Haz: Ouccccchhhh!!!!!!
I came up behind him. I knew I only had one chance. At 1.7m, I was not a big guy and if I missed, then I would have to get into a physical confrontation with him which I did not have the confident of winning.
I did not think of striking his head as my plan was not to decapitate him but to incapacitate him enough for Hazel to break loose.
Once I was close enough, I knelt down and swung the spanner at the side of the knee of his standing leg. The spanner connected with the bone and gave out an enormous shattering sound. I took no delight in it but it had to be done.
Once connected, he released Hazel and fell heavily on the ground. Without checking on Hazel, I quickly returned back to the toolbox and got out my cable ties. As he was wriggling in pain on the floor holding his knee, it took me some effort to pull his hand away from holding his knee. Finally I managed to tie both his hands against a large pipe against the wall. Once his hands tied, he started to whimper but I ignored him.
With him secured, it was time to see how Hazel was doing.
She had moved back a few steps away from him and was hugging the front of her overall together. Her hair was in a mess and she was still sobbing. I walked over to her and put a hand on her shoulder.
Me: are you ok? Is your head fine?
She nodded. I wanted to comfort her more but time was a precious commodity now. I looked for the walkie and contemplated if I should radio the rest. If they were already captured, then radioing through would let the pirates know that there are other passengers on board and that would put Hazel and I at risk.
I had no time.
12-04-2018, 12:52 PM
I made my decision quickly and press onto the talk button.
Me: Mag, Lae, John, Vieak, anyone there?!
No response.
I tried again and all I got was silence.
By now, Hazel had composed herself and she came over to my side.
Haz: Sam.... he said....
Me: yes.... shit.....
She had dried her tears but her eyes were still red. Even though she had just went through an ordeal but she would still need to know what was happening. I told her what I had seen and she nodded. She seemed to be taking it rather well given the precarious position we are in. I did not want to put her into any more dangerous situation any more.
Me: Hazel, look. You need find a place to hide. I need to go and find the rest.
She shook her head.
Haz: no.... I'll go with you....
Me: no.... it's dangerous. They have guns... I saw them....
She shook her head defiantly and spoke firmly.
Haz: I am the project manager and I have to make sure everyone is safe.....
Me: but... you had just went through......
She cut me short.
Haz: I did not run away earlier when you were down and he threatened to kill you. I could have run away to protect myself. But did I?
I remembered that.
Me: ok.... but I am not too sure if I can protect you. I am not John Rambo.
She scowled at me.
Haz: I don't need protection from you.
She was still holding onto the front of her overall, covering her modesty.
Me: we need to get you something to wear. You can't move around like this.... let's head down to the cargo. we could find something there.
She nodded.
Haz: what about him?
Me: We have no time for him now. We'll come back for him later if we can....
Haz: ok... you walk first.... I'll follow behind....
I took the other walkie from Lim and left him groaning as we headed off.
I switched our walkies to the lowest volume just in case our crew comms us but silent enough not to let the noise from the radio travel too far along the passage way. Our safety boots were making too much noise and we had removed them, holding them in our hands. I was planning to use it as a projectile if we meet anyone and that, hopefully, would give us enough time to escape.
Barefooted, we moved along the passageway silently and carefully. Every now and then, I stopped to listen for noises other than ours.
Hazel followed closely behind. At one point in time, she told me not to look back and I heard her adjusting her clothes.
Finally we managed to reach the cargo holding area without any incident.
By now, there was still no reply and I was sure that our crew was captured. The pirates would be searching for us soon, maybe they had already started. We had to move fast.
Haz: Finally, air-conditioning. Where do we start?
She was still holding to the front of her top.
Me: I don't know. we need to see what is in these bales. Perhaps there would be clothes in there.
We tried to be as quiet as possible as we opened the bales while keeping our ears opened for any other suspicious noises. Those that we opened and were not clothes, we closed the packages back carefully.
As luck would have it, we found clothes in the 3rd bale that we opened but there were no undergarments.
I selected a Tshirt and shorts while she selected a tight tank top and shorts. I stopped her.
Me: Hey.... don't get those. Get a Tshirt. If the pirates caught us, it will be too revealing. Furthermore, you don't have a bra now. Your bits will be showing.....
Haz: Tsk.....Some places are unventilated. If we need to hide, I don't want to be overheated.....
Her words made sense and her expressions told me not to argue with her. We quickly closed back the package.
Haz: faster. Let's change. Turn around.
I turned away from her and proceeded to remove my overalls. Even though we were quiet but I could hear her removing her clothes as well.
I was still totally naked when suddenly I heard a noise at the hatch. She heard it too and I felt her grabbed my arm from behind. I turned to face her, nodding in acknowledgement. Even though she was also naked but I did not have time to ogle. I had to think fast.
Me: grabbed your clothes and follow me. Quick.
I whispered urgently into her ears and gathered my clothes. She had done the same and I proceeded to move. She followed.
As I hurried to the location in the middle of the hold, I remembered to switch off both the walkies. I had seen a small area between the bales earlier. I quickly adjusted some of the surrounding bales to make it seemed natural before dumping all our clothes into the small crevice, no larger than a shell-scrape. It would be comfortable enough for her.
Quickly, I turned to her and whispered.
Me: quick. Lie inside there. I'll cover you with the other cargo.
Haz: what about you?
Me: It's too small for the 2 of us. I'll think of something else.
Haz: No. there is no time. You get in with me as well.
Me: It won’t fit.
Haz: It will. You just lie on top of me. Hurry up.....
She was insistent and there was really no time to argue as I heard the hatch opening.
Hazel went down into the area and quickly laid down on her back. She gestured to me, mouthing an urgent silent "come". At her prompting and because I had no other plans in mind, I lowered myself into the crevice.
On my knees, I lugged the bales above us until I completely covered up the hole. It was not too soon as I heard the muffled sound of voices in the cargo area and I just hoped that they would not see any misalignment in my handiwork.
Even with our hiding place completely covered, but there was still faint light coming through the material that the cargo was in. I could vaguely still see her face. Compared to earlier, she looked completely calm but my heart was pounding.
12-04-2018, 03:48 PM
Wa bro intense! Well written!
12-04-2018, 04:37 PM
good job, I have to hold my breath for more update...:)
12-04-2018, 04:58 PM
Camping for more... well written
12-04-2018, 05:16 PM
excited to know what is happening next.
12-04-2018, 08:21 PM
Brilliant story. Hoping to be able to write like you one day.
12-04-2018, 09:57 PM
hope there is one more update today
13-04-2018, 07:32 AM
nice story bro, hope for more to come.
13-04-2018, 09:39 AM
share more of the story bro, it's really nice.
13-04-2018, 10:52 AM
Nice story bro. Keep it going
13-04-2018, 02:03 PM
Getting exciting ..... :)
13-04-2018, 03:10 PM
nice story... please continue
13-04-2018, 07:42 PM
Support and camping to very nice story!
13-04-2018, 09:46 PM
something came up. will try to post soon.
My apologies for the delay
14-04-2018, 09:38 AM
something came up. will try to post soon.
My apologies for the delay
No need apologise bro n thank you for another great work.. :D
14-04-2018, 09:48 AM
No need apologise bro n thank you for another great work.. :D
yes agreed, enjoy your weekend...:)
14-04-2018, 10:11 AM
something came up. will try to post soon.
My apologies for the delay
waiting here for more of this really nice story, great share bro.
14-04-2018, 03:16 PM
will update tonight. stay tuned.
14-04-2018, 10:15 PM
In the small space that we were hiding, our position was awkward. We were basically in a missionary position. Earlier, because I had to kneel down to shift the cargo, she had opened up her legs so that I could get enough leverage and balance to move the items. Once the items were in place, there was no space for us to readjust. So, I was on top of her, facing each other, with my legs in between her legs. In this position, I could feel my flaccid penis just outside of her nether region, lying against her inner thigh.
For my torso, I was supporting my weight with my elbows and her hands were pinned down to the side. With the load on my back, our upper bodies were only less than a centimetre away from each other. Every time she inhaled, I could feel the soft tips of her nipples touching my bare chest.
Me: sorry....
Haz: ssshhhhh.....
The voices grew louder. I assumed that they had already entered the cargo area. There seemed to be more than 2 person in the cargo area. I tried to concentrate and listen to them, but their voices were still muffled and I could not identify what they were saying.
In our precarious state, even as I tried to figure out a plan, I was continuously distracted by something happening in our small enclosure.
Initially, those touches from her nipples were soft and they made contact with me only when she inhaled. However, what I felt now was the perpetual contact of her 2 hard pointed tips against my chest and not only when she inhaled. In fact, now every time she inhaled, the rubbery tip of her erected nipples would rub against my chest instead of just a bear touch.
I looked at Hazel. She was frowning and her eyes were focused, looking up to the right, which indicated that she was also trying to listen to the conversation. But there was another expression on her face. She was biting her lower lips as well.
My mind floated back to her naked body when she was lying down in this place. Even though I just had a brief glance, I vaguely remembered that she had not spotted any dark shade around her pubes. I presumed that she was clean shaven there.
For a moment, I wondered how her nether region would look like. Then the incident with Lim grabbing and squeezing her luscious breasts came back to me vividly.
I realized that she was breathing more heavily compared to before. Thinking back to my love-making sessions with Sonia, I wondered if Hazel was getting aroused now.
It was a mistake. Big mistake. As if it had a mind of its own, my flaccid penis came to life. I felt it growing as it started to brush against her thigh.
Hazel felt it as well, as she looked at me with horror in her eyes. Her body stiffened and she tried to close her legs, but she was obstructed by my hips.
My penis continued to grow until I could feel the tip touched the outer lips of her nether region. At this point in time, it was just a slight touch of skin but her face cringed when she felt my tip.
Taking a chance, she whispered urgently.
Haz (whispering): get it off!
Me (w): sorry. Let me adjust
I tried to push my hips up slightly, away from her, but it took some efforts to lift the load which was sitting on my butt. The action moved caused a very small rustling sound from the cargo but I had not move even a bit. I could still feel her pussy with the tip of my cock.
Haz(w): no...wait... stop....
I stopped moving and my dick continued to remain where it was. Her face was full of exasperation and frustration.
Me (w): let me try again.
Haz (w): no. stop. You are making noises. They can hear....
Me (w): my cock.....
We heard the voices coming closer.
Haz (w): ssshhhh...
I maintained my position and tried to focus to the voices as I tried to find out where the pirates were.
It was only minutes but it felt like a couple of hours. I considered myself fit and could pass my IPPT every year. But the cargo behind me was taking its toll on my arms and my back. I was not the green monster from the Avengers or neither was I the bald guy in Jumanji. Try to put even a 40kg weight behind your back in a push up position and you would know what I meant.
Millimetres by millimetres, I could feel myself losing my strength and slipping downwards towards her slowly. Her eyes became wide opened as she felt my dick applying pressure against her lips, spreading those petals of hers very slowly but surely.
Hazel mouthed a silent word to me.
Haz (silent words): SHIT!
Bit by bit, I could feel more and more of her pussy as I slipped in further. The outer lips of her labia started to press against the helmet of my penis. Soon, I could tell that my cock was just at the entrance of her tunnel.
She blinked and pleaded wearily, shaking her head.
Haz (s): No! Please. No.
I nodded and gathered the remaining of my strength as I stopped myself from moving further, but as the noises grew louder, my dick had to remain where it was.
14-04-2018, 10:17 PM
But many times, things that happened would not be what we expected it to be.
The voices continued to come nearer and very soon we could hear them almost directly on top of us even though we could not catch any words as they were heavily muffled. I deduced that at least one of them was walking on top of the cargos. With all my might, I tightened up my muscles to prepare to support the additional weight just in case he stepped onto the cargo on top of me.
Hazel realized that as well. She closed her eyes tightly and clenched her teeth, preparing herself.
Then it happened!
The pirate took the step and the sudden increased in weight pushed me downwards. As I was bracing for it and I did not sink in too far down for him to notice but I still did.
She clenched her teeth and shut her eyes tightly as her vagina parted and the full length of my cock slid in easily into her tunnel. Her face grimaced with agony as I had done an unlawful entry.
Fortunately he did not linger and continued walking but I could still not withdraw myself from her as any movement now would be too obvious. My cock remained impaled in her pussy.
With the initial entrance done, she opened her eyes and stared daggers at me. If looks could kill, this would be it.
Me (s): sorry.
She did not respond and turned her head away.
The voices moved further away from us but still I did not dare to move but I could feel my dick throbbing in her pussy.
With the imminent danger gone, my attention went back to Hazel. She was breathing much heavier than before and she was chewing her lower lips again.
I tried to lift myself but she stopped me. She shook her head vigorously.
Haz (s): no....
I caught what she meant. Even though the guy had went past but she was afraid that there could still be someone standing guard on top of some parts of the cargo waiting for movement, like a spider ambushing its prey.
I stopped moving and waited.
Our little enclosure was getting a little stuffy and I was getting uncomfortable. My legs were getting numb and very soon I would need to adjust myself. The muffled voices moved further away.
I decided to take a chance. I push myself upwards slowly. My penis started to inch out of her.
I was not focusing on Hazel then, until she blew into my face to get my attention. I stopped what I was doing and looked at her. She was shaking her head vigorously again.
Me (s): what?
Haz (s): what are you doing?
Me (S): legs. numb.
Haz (s): no. don't.
Me (s): why?
Haz (s): just don't.
Me (s): why?
I repeated my question.
She frowned and looked at me fiercely again. I could tell that she had a reason and was considering.
Me (s): what?
she looked away from me. Apart from being discovered by the pirates, I could not think of any other reason. So far, during my movement, there was no sound coming from the cargo behind me. My legs were already getting numb and I decided to continue to push myself up.
Haz: ern....
A very tiny moan escaped from her. Her moan was very soft but I immediately stopped moving and listened, hoping that those guys would not have heard it.
When nothing happened outside, I turned and looked at her. She was breathing very heavily and the look of her face wasn't pleasant. She did not speak but continued staring hard at me and I was surprised that even such a small movement had caused her to moan.
I realized now why she had stopped me from moving earlier but now, my position was even worse than before. My angle was 1/3 out and 2/3 inside her and because I had half way lifted my lower body off hers, this position was taking a toll on my knees.
Me (s): My knees!
She knew what I meant but she shook her head but I could not hold it any longer. I could feel the cramps starting in my thighs.
Ignoring her pleads; I pushed back in slowly while she clenched her teeth again. This time, I felt the walls of her pussy gripping tightly against my shaft as she tensed herself up. It was the wrong thing to do as it only brought more sensation to herself. Hazel eyes remained close tightly but her mouth opened up and seemed like she was about to moan loudly. To prevent that from happening, I lowered my mouth over hers and stuck my tongue into her mouth, hoping to stifle her moan.
Still, a very muffled moan managed to escape.
Haz: grrrphh...
With our mouth still locked together, she opened her eyes and stared at mine. I lifted my mouth away from hers.
Me (s): sorry.
We waited silently in our position. Even though it was a short 10 mins, but by now, my back was aching terribly and I had lost almost all my strength. I had rested down my hips onto hers and our tummy touched while my cock remained stiff and rigid in her pussy.
Shortly after, we heard the hatch slamming close and feeling safer, I whispered to her.
Me (w): sorry....
Haz (w): ssshhh....
We waited for another 5mins.
Haz (w): Do you think they are gone?
Me (w): I don't know. Should I try?
She nodded.
Me (w): ok. I am going to try to get up.
She looked at me and bit her lips. Slowly, I pushed my back up and my dick withdrew from her. It came up with a soft splurging sound. She moaned softly again even though I was just withdrawing.
Haz(w): ernn....
I could tell that she was trying to control her moans but I was surprised that she was so sensitive there.
Very quietly, I pushed away the cargo from my back and still kneeling in our shell-scrape, I peeped out carefully. Only silence greeted me and there area was deserted. I turned and looked at her.
Me: ok. clear....
With my body freed from her, she covered her breasts with her hands, protecting her modesty. She wriggled herself away from me and got out of the shell-scrape. My knees were already numb and not responding. She helped me to sit at the edge of our hiding place.
I looked down into the shell scrape. Our new clothes were still inside and there was a very visible wet patch where her bottom laid earlier.
I did not have the chance to truly look at her body previously. Now, I turned and stared at her.
She had porcelain fair skin all over her body. Her breasts were bountiful C Cups, not of the drooping type. They were firm and ended with 2 light brown perky nipples at a 30 degree angle to the sky. Her tummy was flat without any hint of fats. Her pussy was clean shaven and her legs were well toned and slim.
But there was some abrasion on her pelvic area as well as both her shoulder blades. .
Hazel saw that I was staring at her and turned her back to me but not before I saw her took a brief glance at my still erected dick. She went back into the crevice and collected our clothes.
Haz: stop staring. Time to get change. We still have the problem.
She threw my clothes at me.
I came to realize that even after what had just happened, unlike the incident with Lim, she had not cried during this episode.
15-04-2018, 12:59 AM
Once my legs recovered their sensation, I changed into the clothes that I had stolen from the cargo earlier. I was still surprised that she did not slap me after what happened earlier.
Me: Sorry about just now.... I wasn't...
She cut me off.
Haz: what should we do now?
I considered our options. We could go to the boat that was alongside but I was pretty sure someone was guarding it and if we descended the gangway, we would be sitting ducks. I was also sure that the captain had been captured by now.
Me: I have a satellite phone in my bag. But it is in the cabin.
Haz: The cabin would be in the bridge. It will be heavily guarded and what about our crew?
Me: They would have already been found. We can try to find out how they were doing but we would not be able to help them. Those guys have guns.
She nodded and sighed.
We had managed to find some sneakers and left the boots behind as I deemed them useless as projectiles. I removed the safety axe from the hold and took it with me. Once we were ready, we started to move. We were slow and careful, stopping now and then to listen to sounds.
As we made our way, I thought about the phone. Hazel was right. The bridge would be heavily guarded. How could we get to the phone without being discovered? Sooner or later I would need to confront some of those guys. Even though I had army training but it was still scary. The army were all practice sessions. Unarmed-combat was useful but it was all training. Now is the real thing. I shuddered at the thought but it had to be done.
We went past the passageway that I had left Lim earlier. Lim hands were still held by the cable ties and the leg that I had hit, remained in an unnatural position. He was motionless as they had put him out of his misery. A knife stuck out from his chest. Hazel made a small shriek and held onto my arm tightly, on the other side of him. I sidestepped the trail of blood that had already covered the passageway and we hurried across, leaving him there.
Finally we reached the end of the passageway without encountering anyone. There was a staircase leading up to deck and another going down to the engine room.
If we took the upwards stairs, a guard could be guarding the exit and it would be game over for us. In most ships, there were 2 staircases leading up to the bridge in case of an emergency. There would normally be a 3rd ladder on the outside of the walls. But sometimes, there would be a 4th ladder leading upwards in some vessels. Perhaps those pirates would not be guarding the 4th ladder.
The 4th ladder on this vessel was in the middle of the bridge but it was not accessible from any of the levels below deck except the Engine room. The only way was down. I gestured to her and she nodded. The engine room was 3 floors below us and I took the lead. She stayed close behind me.
As we descended, I would stick my head into the next level passageway first to ensure that there was no one there. Then I would stick my head down the stairs to ensure that there was no one in the room below before we went down.
It was slow work and we went down 2 levels. The engine room was just below us.
I looked down into the room. It was a large room full of machinery. There could be someone inside but was not visible from my elevated position as he could be hidden behind any of the machinery.
I warned Hazel and she nodded. We descended quietly. Once we were at the foot of the stairs, I pulled her and we ran for the nearest cover, underneath the staircase, subsequently squatting down to make ourselves smaller while taking stock of the area.
Behind us was the wall and on the other side was another wall. To the right of the staircase were 2 corridors, separated by machines in the middle, leading deeper into the engine room.
We remained in our position for about 5mins before we heard the familiar sound of a lighter and shortly after, a single cloud of smoke appeared. As he was hidden from our view by the machines, on the far side corridor, we could not see him. We continued to wait for another 5mins in silence as we hoped to find out if there was another person with him. Normally, if there were 2 person standing guard, they would speak to each other to keep boredom away. 10mins had passed and so far we could tell that there was only a single guard there.
Previously I had counted 8 pirates on the ship. 3 were searching for us. 1 would definitely be guarding on deck. So if the captain and all our crew were in the bridge, then at least 2 pirates would be there. There were 2 staircases leading down to the engine room. So probably they will have 1 on each side.
I pulled her face close and whispered directly into her ear.
me (w): there is only 1 guard.
she nodded in agreement.
me (w): i'll try to go by this side and flank him from the other. My guess is that he would be facing the stairs. He won't see me from behind. You wait here.
Haz (w): no. what happens if he happened to be facing the other side? I am sure he has a gun.
I frowned. She was right. I had guessed that he would be facing the stairs with his back facing the other end, but if he was sitting perpendicular to the corridor then he would see me straight away.
Haz (w): I have a plan. I'll go and be the distraction. You creep up behind him when he is distracted.
I considered her suggestion and shook my head.
Me (w): no. it's too dangerous. He may shoot you.
Haz (w): no. I guarantee he won't....
Me (w): Guarantee? What made you think that he won't shoot you.
Haz (w): I'll seduce him. He won't want to fuck a corpse, would he?
I stared at her.
Me (w): Do you know what you are saying? This is ridiculous and too dangerous. What happened if I was too slow?
Haz (w): then you have to fast to save me.
Me (w): but....
Haz (w): Look sam. I don't want anyone to die on the ship because of my cowardice. The pirates are here for a reason and we do not know why. We can hide but once they have gotten what they want, they will kill the rest of our crew. There is just 1 guy here. I am sure you will be fast enough to save me. Once we take care of him, we can go get your phone and call for help. We don't have much time. Or do you have a better plan?
I shook my head. She was right. Although she would be in danger but so far I had not heard any gun shots and they had used a knife on Lim. So if I was quick enough, she would be relatively safe.
I nodded.
Me (w): be careful....
Haz (w): you too....
15-04-2018, 01:52 AM
Very interesting story. Please continue..
I thought bro ilock had patented the "accidental penetration" lol. Good to see it in another story :)
15-04-2018, 06:52 AM
interesting and nicely written story TS, great share and please do keep it going.
15-04-2018, 07:40 AM
very nice story bro, like it alot. sure hoping there will be much more.
15-04-2018, 07:58 AM
A very nice piece of work. Please continue, TS!
15-04-2018, 09:52 AM
this is a very nice story!
setting up my tent here to wait for more of it. :)
15-04-2018, 10:22 AM
fast forward, I would like to see how Haz seduced the guard..:p
15-04-2018, 12:04 PM
Please continue
15-04-2018, 12:46 PM
Great story & keep this thread alive.
15-04-2018, 01:57 PM
really nice story TS!
15-04-2018, 06:18 PM
Excellent story TS, do continue please ;)
15-04-2018, 06:34 PM
Wonder what Hazel is going to do next ... :)
15-04-2018, 07:29 PM
Awesome story TS, camping for more!
15-04-2018, 10:11 PM
I don’t normally pray but I did now. Too many things could go wrong and I would need all the help I could have. Some divine help would be welcome at this point in time.
Leaving her underneath the dark stairs, I took a quick glance out at the other corridor, ensuring that he had not come out from his side of the corridor, before ducking into the corridor that was next to Hazel and me. I squatted there and turned around to look at her. Even though her hiding place was dark, I could still see her thumbs-up sign.
I went on fours and crept silently while keeping the machines between me and the guy. I crept towards the break in the rows of machines that was about 5 to 6 metres away. There was a barrel just at the entrance of the break and once I passed that, it would be time for her to do the distraction, whatever it was supposed to be.
Finally I arrived behind the barrel and turned back to look at her. She showed me the "ok" sign and I knew it was time. Before I could move, suddenly I heard footsteps on my side of the aisle, about 10meters ahead from where I was hiding. I froze.
I listened and it was the unmistakable sound of footsteps heading towards me. If he continued walking forward, I would definitely be discovered as there was no place for me to go. I was trapped.
I turned around and look at Hazel. She gestured wildly for me to go back to her but if I moved now, he would see me and it would be game over for the both of us.
I removed the axe quietly from behind me and gripped it tightly.
I hoped to be able to swing the weapon at the guy before he reacted.
But if he even let off a sound, the other guy in the other corridor would be on me in a flash.
I could not care less. This was my only option.
I turned back to have a last look at Hazel under the stairs. I was shocked to see that she had removed her top and just clad in her shorts. This was definitely not in the plan.
Even from my tiny hiding place behind the barrel, I waved frantically at her, hoping that she would turn and look at me.
Before I could do anything, she rushed out from her hiding place, paused and made sure that the guy in my aisle saw her before dashing into the other aisle.
2nd guy: Bakti! intruder!
I heard his footsteps as he started to run towards me. At the same time, over at the other aisle, I heard the metallic clink of a gun being picked up from the floor.
Bakti: stop!
Instead of running pass me, the 2nd guy went through the break in the machines and went over to the other aisle.
Me: fuck....
I murmured under my breath as I realized that I did not have time to think. I was worried about her safety and crept swiftly into the same connecting passage. Keeping myself low, I peeped into the aisle where Hazel had went in.
Hazel was standing at the end of the aisle with both her hands up in the air. The full beauty of her breasts were totally exposed to all of us even though they still had some faint red marks on them where Lim had grabbed earlier. Her distraction had worked and probably saved me as the new guy changed his initial direction.
The 2 pirates were standing in the middle of the aisle facing her. Bakti was pointing his rifle at her. I was surprised that the 2nd guard was an African and in his hand, by his side, he held a pistol. He did not raise that at her.
I considered my options. I could move forward now. But if I did so, at most I could only take down 1 of them and both of them had guns. I had to bide my time to get us out of this situation.
I just hoped that there would be an opportunity.
15-04-2018, 10:16 PM
2nd pirate: What have we here?
Hazel looked at him as if he was just a man from the convenient store. She showed no fears in her eyes.
2nd pirate: Why are you topless? What happened to your top?
Haz: The guy you killed ripped off my top....
2nd pirate: hmmm... yeah.... I could see the red marks. He must had grabbed your titties hard..... yeah.... but how do you know we killed him?
Haz: well, how do you think I got here?....
She rolled her eyes. Apparently, he was the higher ranking between the 2 pirates as he was the only one speaking.
2nd pirate: oh yeah.... right. Are you alone?
Haz: If I am not alone, do you think I would be topless, showing my naked breasts and nipples to everyone?
She brought attention to her breasts and he looked at them again.
2nd pirate: Oh yeah..... love those titties man..... very nice..... are they enhanced?
Hazel did not answer and instead dropped her hands. Bakti immediately tensed up and she raised her hands into the air again.
Bakti: stop! put your hands up.
2nd Pirate: Bakti .... relax man..... put the gun down....
Bakti: Aba, are you sure?
Aba: yeah.... she can't run faster than us..... put it down man.....
Bakti lowered the rifle but still held it in his hands, preparing to use it anytime.
Aba: So, are they enhanced?
She gave him a brief glance before looking down at her breasts as she lowered her hands. She cupped the underside of her breasts and bounced them a little, causing them jiggled up and down naturally. Then she stopped shaking them and put her well-manicured index finger into her mouth and sucked on them, before moving her fingers to her nipples. She slowly rubbed those bits and teased them until they became fully erected. Finally she stopped and put her hands up behind her head, pushing out her breasts proudly, displaying them.
Slowly she looked up at Aba again.
Haz: So, what do you think? Are they enhanced?
I understood why she raised her hands again. She was trying to show them that she was submissive to them. Earlier she mentioned that her plan was to seduce them but currently, she was in fact teasing them openly.
Aba was not only tall. He was big as well. Much bigger than Lim. If I did not have the element of surprise, I would never be able to bring him down. Furthermore, he had a gun. And there was also Bakti to contend with. It was a very dangerous game she was playing and I did not have the full confidence of getting her out of this mess.
He did not reply to her question.
Aba: Bakti. Search her for hidden weapons. Be gentle with her.
Aba was watching her like a hawk. There was no place for her to hide anything since she was topless with just a pair of shorts. My guess was that he was trying to test if she had faked her earlier performance. She seemed to realize that as well, and if she was scared, she controlled herself very well as she showed no emotions and her hands remained behind her head.
Bakti looked gleeful as he knew it was an opportunity to fondle her. He slung his rifle behind his back and approached her.
Once he stood in front of her, he held her waist with one hand while the other massaged her breast gently. He leaned forward and sucked the other breasts. Never once did she cringe. I could see her relaxing herself as her eyelids drooped as she allowed him to caress her body. There was not tension in her actions.
This was an opportunity for me but still I did not move. Aba was still alert as he continued to scrutinize her.
I was right.
Aba: ok. enough. I told you to search her for hidden weapons....
Bakti stopped and instead of searching her shorts, he stood up and pulled out the same kind of knife that I had seen on Lim's chest. Hazel stared at it and there was fear in her eyes. She took 2 steps backwards away from him, towards the wall behind her, while her hands hugged her chest.
Haz: wait... wait... don't kill me.... I'll do anything you want....
Bakti reached forward and grabbed the waistline of her shorts.
Bakti: stop moving before I hurt you.
He hissed softly and she stopped in her tracks.
Like hot knife through butter, he sliced down on her shorts until the whole garment became strips of useless fabric and she stood there naked. He put the knife back in its sheath and admired his handiwork.
With the danger gone, Hazel looked visibly relieved. Even without their prompting, she turned around and faced the wall. She bent the front of her body down and held on to the pipe on the wall, with her torso forming a fallen letter L with her legs and pushing out her round perky butt at us. She opened up her legs a little as she stood on the floor, offering us a full view of her pussy.
Knowing her, the actions that she had done were just too deliberate. No one could be fearful one moment and immediately the next moment think about having sex. My guess again was that she was trying to give them the impression that she was using sex to exchange for her life.
They were watching her as she turned her head back and looked at them. Slowly, she placed a hand to her pussy and spread her lips, showing us the pinkish interior of her vagina. To my surprised, there was the unmistakable gleam of her lubricating fluids there. The thought that she enjoyed Bakti's caressing sealed the deal. She stuck a finger into her pussy and withdrew it, causing more juices to flow out her from hole. She wiped her finger on her ass cheeks before returning to open up her pussy folds again before cooing out.
Haz: ok. You can search me now if you want.
She was not even teasing them. She was like a porn star begging them to fuck her. But it had its effect. The pirates stood mesmerized. Even I could hardly contain myself to rush forward to fuck her.
Bakti put his rifle down against the wall and dropped his pants. He held on his erection as he walked up behind her, ready to penetrate her. She continued to look at him with half droopy eyes and did not panic. In her L position, she put a hand on his arm and stopped him.
Haz: No.....I prefer my pussy to be licked first.... lick me.....
Bakti squatted down behind her and rubbed her clit.
Haz: urrnnngghh..... that feels good.....
She did not sounded fake as she said that. Slowly, he inserted 2 fingers into her pussy and proceeded to lick her clitoris making a loud slurping noise.
Haz: errnn.... urrnn.....
She started to massage her breasts with one hand while continuing to look at Aba. I could not tell if she was faking her moans as they sounded genuine and she seemed to be enjoying his touch. Furthermore, from the incident from the shell-scrape, I knew she had a sensitive body.
Seeing that Bakti's between her legs, Aba did not want to miss out on the actions as well. Aba placed his pistol down on the floor and removed his pants. His dick was enormous. Hazel saw that as well.
Haz: nice big one......urnnngghhh....... I have not tried such a big one before....
Aba: haha.... yeah.... I will make sure you will enjoy it.....
He had left his stuffs behind and started to walk towards Hazel.
This was the opportunity I was looking for.
15-04-2018, 10:17 PM
Nice story
15-04-2018, 10:55 PM
Great update.
Anxiously waiting for more ...
15-04-2018, 11:12 PM
Yeah keep it cumming :p
16-04-2018, 12:00 AM
Camping here too ...
16-04-2018, 12:42 AM
Wow ... This is really riveting!
16-04-2018, 12:49 AM
More pls.....
16-04-2018, 09:11 AM
Very exciting .... more please :)
16-04-2018, 09:06 PM
There was no time for hesitation or contemplation. Holding the axe tightly in my hand, I ran forward covering the few meters between us in a flash. I had never run so fast in my life but was careful not to slip at the last moment.
Aba heard me and started to turn around.
I swung the axe hard towards his head, without thinking if I would kill him. My only thoughts at that point in time were our lives and all I knew I had one shot. I would need to take him out of the equation.
The blade of the axe connected with his neck and gave out a grisly crunching noise. He did not even have time to make any sound as blood sprayed out from his decapitated head.
The impact was so huge that the axe flew out of my hands once it had connected with him. I had no time to lose as I picked up the pistol from the ground.
Aba's body thudded against the ground loudly. By now Bakti had heard the commotion. But he was still between the legs of Hazel. As he tried to get up, she pulled his hair and held onto him, preventing him from reaching out for the rifle or the knife in his fallen pants. They were still struggling as I pointed the pistol at Bakti's head. Immediately, he stopped trying to get away from her and went down on his hands and knees.
Bakti: please.... don't kill me...
This time, it was him who was pleading with me. Hazel went over to the wall, collected the rifle and came back. Before I could even react, she raised the rifle and butt stroke him in the face.
Bakti: Arrrghh....
He felt to the ground with blood coming out from his lips. I quickly held on the barrel of the rifle and stopped her. I was shocked by her sudden anger but then I realized of what had happened to her over the past few hours. She was groped by Lim, penetrated by me and touched by this guy, all unwillingly. I guessed her mind had too much and she had finally snapped.
Me: What's that for? I had already got him....
Haz: for touching me.....
Me: but you were the one who asked him to touch you....
Haz: He could have controlled himself.
I looked at her. How any guys could stop themselves from touching her when she was the instigator?
Haz: stop giving me that look. You killed the other one. This is just deserts for this one.
She tried to raise the rifle again and he raised his hand to protect himself. Again I prevented her from doing so.
Me: wait..... you can't kill him.... I need to interrogate him......
She stopped and considered what I had said but continued to hold onto the rifle. FInally she nodded. I turned to Bakti and see fear in his eyes.
Me: I won't let her attack you if you corporate.
He nodded and spilled the beans. Basically he was a hired hand from town. A guy came to his town and offered jobs. They were offered USD5k for a 1 day job. He did not know much except that they were all issued guns to capture all the passengers and to steal a cargo from this ship. There were a total of 10 of them. 8 were on the ship while the other 2 remained in the boat. That was all that he knew.
Hazel continued to stand beside me when i was interrogating him. When he stopped, she spoke.
Haz: This guy is useless. Wait here. I'll look for some ropes to tie him.
She started to walk away but I held her arm.
Me: Hazel wait....
I turned to Bakti
Me: Are there any more of you here in the engine room?
He shook his head and told me where the rest of the pirates were located.
Me: be careful....
She nodded and went deeper into the engine room.
When she returned, the rifle was slung across her back and she had some roped with her. She took over my pistol while I tied Bakti up. She went under the stairs and took her singlet to stuff it in his mouth. After ensuring that he was secured and would not choke to death on his gag, I placed him in a compartment and lock him in it. Even though I did not want to, I placed the dead man into another compartment to prevent anyone from stumbling into the body but there was nothing we could do about the blood and so we left it.
Hazel was still stark naked. I removed my top and pass it to her. Even though it did not cover her bottom, but it was better than nothing.
We headed to the 4th ladder quickly.
This ladder was unlike most other ladders on the ship as it was enclosed in a small elevator-like-shaft. There was no opening in this shaft under deck except for the engine room. Once it reached the first floor, there was an exit door on every level thereafter. It then leads upwards all the way to the roof of the bridge. So this ladder was more of a service ladder rather than for standard usage.
I went up first followed by Hazel as she did not want me to peek up her bottom. Fortunately, there was a landing space at every level where we could stop to rest. My cabin was above deck on the 3rd floor and once we get above deck, we climbed quietly. I was not expecting anyone to guard the ladder as it was rather well hidden and unused.
Finally both of us stood at the tiny landing space on the 3rd floor. When she was ready, I slowly opened the door. I kept it ajar and listened for any noise but the corridor was silent.
Based on the earlier calculations that I had, there should not be anyone here. Carefully, I peeped out into the corridor. The coast was clear. We stepped out quickly and after I closed the door silently, we ran to the far end of the corridor where my cabin was.
I yanked opened the door immediately as we did not want to be out in the corridor for too long. Fortunately, there was no one there and we stepped in. As I was closing the door after us, Hazel stopped me.
Haz: You get the phone while I head back to my cabin to change. I can't be walking around half naked.
Me: wait. I don't think you need to go. They had taken my luggage.
She turned to look at the empty room. All my stuffs were gone. Even the pillow on the bed was gone.
Haz: shit. What about the phone?
Me: The phone is an expensive equipment I did not keep with the luggage. I just hoped they didn't search the room too carefully.
I walked to the cabinet and reached underneath it. My hand found the small bag that the satellite phone was in. I opened it and fortunately the phone was still there and I heaved a sigh of relieved.
It was 3am. Most people would be asleep now. I did not want to waste time calling the police as I was not sure if they would believe me. MHA was closed as well. There was only 1 person that I could reach out to.
I keyed in Ely's number. She picked up the phone on the 3rd ring.
Ely: hello? who is this? don't you know the time?
Me:'s me....listen.....
I proceeded to tell her everything and gave her the location of our vessel. BY the time I finished speaking, she was wide awake.
Ely: no shit. ok.... you guys hang in there. I'll reach out to all parties now.... please be safe.....
We hung up.
I turned to Hazel and looked at her. She was sitting on the bed, staring into space, with her legs slightly opened. The Tshirt was too short to cover her pubic area and she did not even bother to do anything about it. Her hair was in a mess. Her make-up smudged and there were new bruises on her legs from her struggle with Bakti. She looked very tired.
We could wait here as I was sure that we would be relatively safe. But there were still stuffs that needed to be done. I needed to find out how the rest were, especially Mag and Lae.
Me: You seemed very tired...
Haz: I am fine..... let's go....
She started to get up and I put a hand on her shoulder.
Me: no.... stay here.... you'll be safe....
She pushed my hand away and stood up facing me.
Haz: Stay here?! Then where are you going? I can't stay here. We need to check out the crew and if we can, we should try to save them. I am going with you.
Me: No. It's dangerous and I don't think we can save them. I just need to go and find out if they are still alive. My besties are somewhere out there and....
I looked down at her exposed pussy deliberately. She did not attempt to cover up.
Haz: what?!....
Me: twice when we met with danger, your body was.....errmm..... Compromised..... and dressed like this, it's invitation for more attacks...
Haz: yah...yah... did you forget that yours was the worst!? You inserted your.... your..... your... thing into me! So does that make you dangerous?
Me: You know that was an accident.....
Haz: Don't forget that the 2 times it happened; I was saving your ass....
Me: yah... but then I am sure you do not want it to happen again....
Haz: If it is needed once more to save someone, then I will still do it again.....
Me: Did you enjoy it?
That was the wrong question. She slapped me hard across the face and turned away from me and faced the small window.
Haz: Asshole.....
Me: Sorry.... I just wanted you to know that I did not want to put you into any more danger....
Haz: Sam! look!
She exclaimed excitedly.
16-04-2018, 09:26 PM
more more more:p
16-04-2018, 09:54 PM
getting really exciting now...come come come!
17-04-2018, 07:59 AM
really like your sharing ts, waiting here for much juicy stuff.
17-04-2018, 10:43 AM
Knowing that the light in the room would cast a shadow on my silhouette, anyone on deck could see me if I stood at the window. We kept ourselves low as we peeped down at the deck.
The floodlights on deck were switched on. One of the cargo main hatches was open and 4 of the pirates were on deck around it. One person was operating the hoist and lowering the hook into the hold. They were shouting at someone in it.
Me: They are shifting the cargo.
Haz: I see 6 of them. This means that the bridge is not guarded. Shall we....
Me: yes. Let's go save them....
I checked both the weapons and ensured that they were loaded. Even though the rifle was much heavier, I let her carry it because there was a belt for her to sling it behind her. I held the pistol in my hand as I opened the door from my room.
As we went past her room, I wanted to check if they had missed out on her luggage but she ushered me along.
Haz: no time.... they may return any time.... saving them is more important than my modesty now.....
So far, she had placed my safety before herself. I was sure she did not enjoy any abuse to her body and now once again, I was sure she was aware of the consequences of being caught but still she placed their safety over hers. People were generally selfish and most are afraid to die. Deep down, I was thankful and proud of her. Although I did not want her to suffer again, I nodded.
As the pirates were all on deck, there was no need to use the same ladder than we had ascended from and we went up by the normal stairs. Once again, she allowed me to be in the lead.
We reached it easily and I opened the door and stepped in. It was not difficult to find them. Lae, Vieak and Mag were bundled in one corner side by side. The captain, John and the cook were not there and I presumed that they were held elsewhere or had already been killed.
As we approached the girls, we could see that they were individually tied to chairs and were completely naked. From their body, there were no other physical bruises except for the abrasions where their limbs were tied to. Their legs were each tied to the individual legs of their chairs and their pussies were all exposed.
Haz: shit....
As we hurried towards them, they saw us and their eyes brightened up for a moment. However there was a cloth that was tied over their mouth and it preventing them from speaking and all they made were excited noises. Hazel went to Lae and started to work on her knots. I quickly put my gun down and started to try to untie Mag.
Even I as did my work, I could not help but to sneak a peek. I mean what are the chances that you would get to see almost all your colleagues and friends naked?
I always knew Mag had C Cups breasts but her areolas were huge and her breasts were saggy compared to Hazel's. Lae had perky B Cups which looked like Ely's. Vieak had small breasts, almost like a boy's chest but she had huge nipples. Larger than any I had seen previously.
At the bottom, Lae was clean shaven and had thick pussy lips of which much of it protrude out between her vagina. Mag and Vieak both had untrimmed bushes below.
John: Sam....
My thoughts were interrupted.
Me: John?
Wondering how he had escaped from the pirates, I turned around to face him and stared straight down the barrel of his pistol. Hazel turned as well and gasped. It was then that I realized that the girls were not making excited noises but they were trying to warn us about John.
John: I was wondering where the 2 of you disappeared to.... I send out the guys but you could not be found....
Hazel's shifted and he pushed the muzzle to my forehead.
John: Hazel, don't even try. This thing is loaded and I am trigger happy.... Remove your gun and put it on the ground, slowly.
She slowly removed the sling across her head and bent down slowly to put the gun down. As she squatted, I saw his eyes went between her legs and frowned. She stood up again oblivious to it.
John: what happened to my guys in the engine room? I comms them but they stopped replying.
I kept quiet and realized that because Aba was dead, I did not search him. I should have done so as he probably would have a walkie with him somewhere. I wanted to slap myself for my carelessness. John nodded his head knowingly.
John: I see. You are resourceful Sam..... Aba was a big man and you could still take him down.... I knew you were a hindrance to me. That's why I asked the guys to stop wasting time searching for you and get the things I came for. I knew when they did that, I was sure you would take the bait and will turn up here. All I had to do was to wait for you. haha....
He turned back to Hazel.
John: What happened to your bottom?
Haz: It does not concern you.....
John: haha.... I didn't know you are feisty..... well, at least not in the office.....
Haz: what do you want?
John: hahaha.... I just wanted the cargo... and a good fuck with my colleagues..... hahaha....
He looked at the 3 girls and all looked on the ground, away from him.
17-04-2018, 10:44 AM
John took out a set of handcuffs and threw it a distance in front of Hazel.
John: Pick that up and cuff him....
She remained still and he fired off a warning shot very close to me. I could hear the bullet whizzing pass me. The whole bridge reverberated from the gun fire. Hazel put her hands to her ears as she tried to cover them.
His walkie buzzed and he spoke into it.
John: nothing.... I misfired...... yeah.... everything is fine....
He put it back into his pocket and looked at Hazel again.
John: I missed deliberately. The next time, I would not miss.
She went forward and picked up the item.
John: Cuff him to that post.
She did what he asked and he lowered the pistol. I was now stuck to the post and was literally immobilized.
John: Good...... now we got our expectations right..... So what happened to your bottom?
She replied without hesitation.
Haz: Aba removed it.....
John: haha....good girl...... so... did he managed to fuck you?
Haz: yes.....
John: that's a shame. You know, I always thought that you had the best figure in the office and you are pretty but I am not going to stick mine in something that he had......
In my mind, I was relieved for a moment.
John: but then, it will not stop me from having some fun with you. Take off your top.
Haz: wait I have some questions.
John: You are not sticking by the rules....
Haz: you have us. There is no way to escape.....
He gestured her to a chair and she sat in it while he remained standing.
John: ok.... ask me...
Haz: where is the Captain and the cook?
John: the cook is in the mess. haha..... The captain, well, let's just say he is somewhere on this ship.
Haz: Are they still alive?
John: I don't know.....
He was evading her questions.
Haz: What's on this vessel that you want?
John: let's just say some precious cargo.
Haz: what about.....
John: enough..... it's my turn to ask you questions. Where did you hide?
Me: we hid in....
John: come on Sam. I am asking Hazel.... you just be quiet. You will have your chance later..... haha....
Haz: we hid in the cargo area.
John: hmmm... interesting.... my guys couldn’t find you..... what about Bakti. Did he also fuck you?
Haz: yes...
John: so did you moan when Aba fucked you with his large cock? haha....
She bit her lips and considered before answering.
Haz: yes I did....
John: I would want to hear you moan.... haha.....
Me: Wait... I thought you weren’t going to touch her?
He grinned at me.
John: Hazel, remove your top now....
He waved his pistol at her and without needing a second prompting, she took off her top. The marks that Lim had inflicted on her breasts had turned blue-black now.
John: nice breasts. Very nice. I guessed Aba was very rough with you. I wished he did not touch you..... I think you'll be a very good fuck.
He walked over and stood behind her. From the pocket of his pants, he took out some ropes and tied her to the chair. Her position was just like the other 3 girls, hands tied to the arm rest and legs secured to each of the chair leg. Once she was secured, he stood up and grabbed one of her breasts.
John: nice. Very firm.
Me: stop touching her.
He looked at me and laughed.
17-04-2018, 10:50 AM
Seemed like some of the members who read my previous stories were no longer active in the forum. Glad that there are some new bros who still enjoy my stories.
As a "free-time" writer, it is not the accolades that keeps me penning down stories but more of the people who are interested to read it.
I am not bro ilock. I like his stories very much but I could never write as well as he did, for example vivid descriptions and sentence structures, that keep our imagination wild.
I try to make up for the style of my lousy writing with some exciting contents.
So, as long as there are readers, it gives me motivation to continue writing.
Thanks for your support.
17-04-2018, 11:01 AM
its an everyday affair now to read your stories.
big wood
17-04-2018, 11:14 AM
bro your story is good keep it up i enjoy reading
17-04-2018, 11:33 AM
Keep up the story bro.
17-04-2018, 11:33 AM
keep it up bro, we are all interested in your story so do not stop writing...:)
17-04-2018, 01:03 PM
Thanks for your support.
i am an avid reader of your work. :D
thank you thank you..
17-04-2018, 01:08 PM
Seemed like some of the members who read my previous stories were no longer active in the forum. Glad that there are some new bros who still enjoy my stories.
As a "free-time" writer, it is not the accolades that keeps me penning down stories but more of the people who are interested to read it.
I am not bro ilock. I like his stories very much but I could never write as well as he did, for example vivid descriptions and sentence structures, that keep our imagination wild.
I try to make up for the style of my lousy writing with some exciting contents.
So, as long as there are readers, it gives me motivation to continue writing.
Thanks for your support.
Just wanna say, thank you bro. Keep writing. While waiting for your updates I have reread your old story “my FB”. Very nice story.
17-04-2018, 01:30 PM
Hi bro puss.. your old readers are ard lah. We hv been diligently following your stories!
When u dun update us.. we damn sian ok!
17-04-2018, 01:54 PM
Thanks for the update Bro.
Always eager for your stories.
Faithfully camping and looking forward to more ...
17-04-2018, 03:02 PM
Bro Pussluver,
Just a note that your stories are the best, different style and pacing from ilock, but same level of enjoyment or higher. Always look forward to your stories! Keep it up!
17-04-2018, 03:23 PM
Bro Puss, Great Story! Looking forward to read more. ;)
17-04-2018, 05:07 PM
John released her and walked towards me. He stopped just out of my reach.
John: I had been lusting over her. Didn't you know that? In fact every guy in the office is, and I believed that includes you too.... hahaha.....
Me: no.... I did not....
I was surprised by his declaration on Hazel. I always thought he was interested in Mag.
John: haha.... Anyway, I wasn’t going to further my actions. I just wanted to feel her tits. I told you, I don't know if he is clean, considering where his tool when into......hahaha.....
I saw Hazel had a look of disgust on her face.
John: Hazel, I was waiting for you but the fool, Aba, made me wasted my time. To tell you honestly, I am a little disappointed to not be able to enjoy you.....
He walked over to Mag and grabbed her tits. She struggled but once he pointed the pistol at her face, she stopped moving.
John: You know, these girls are still untouched. I was planning to place the 4 of you side by side and fuck you together. Now I only have the 3 of them.
Haz: Aba did not touch me. fuck me if you want. Leave them alone.
John: Tsk tsk tsk...... Hazel, Hazel..... good try.... but.... I don't believe you....
John: shut up and stop screaming..... One more sound from the both of you, I will put a bullet through her head.
He pressed the muzzle against Mag's head. Mag looked at Hazel fearfully and Hazel kept her mouth shut. He laughed and then untied Mag. Pointing the gun at her, he brought her to a horizontal railing and tied her hands to it. He held her underboobs and bounced it a few times.
John: nice.... just what I always expected. Full and bouncy, just like well filled water bag....hahaha.... I always liked bigger breasts.....
He repeated the same actions with Lae and Vieak so that all of them had their hands tied to the railings. With only their hands tied, all 3 squatted down.
John: 3 of you better stand up and offer your butt to me before I shoot you.
They were fearful of his weapon and adhered to his request. Their position were now similar to Hazel's one in the Engine room.
With all of them in the position he wanted, he placed his pistol on the floor and removed his pants. He walked behind them slowly as he inspected each of their pussies. Hazel looked away. I tried to as well but I found myself remained glued to his actions.
Finally, he stopped behind Vieak, held onto the base of his penis and inserted it into her. She started to make some noises but her gagged prevented any clarity of the sounds she made, whether she was moaning or crying.
Vieak: urrmmpphhh..... grrmppgfff....
As he thrusted into her from behind, he laughed.
John: hahaha... you know why? Because you are wet and the other 2 are dry! hahaha.....
With that, he removed his penis. I could see his rod caked with her juices. Instantly, he went over to Lae and without rubbing her pussy of stimulating her, he pushed his penis into her. She started to cry.
Lae: sob....sob.....
John: haha...... Lae, say thanks to Vieak for providing the lubrication......hahaha
After a few thrusts, he went to Mag and did the same to her. He repeated the same actions, again and again, fucking Vieak with a few thrust, followed by Lae and then Mag and returning to Vieak again.
I wanted to stop him but I was afraid he would shoot them. There was nothing I could do. Feeling extremely useless and helpless, I turned away from the beastly actions and looked out of the bridge. The deck seemed to be quiet as there was no one there. I presumed they had completed the loading of the goods.
I turned and looked at the clock. It was about 1.5 hours since I called Ely and I was already feeling weary and tired.
Mag: ugghhh....ughhhh....ughhh....
The loud moans of Mag caught my attention again. John had removed her gagged and was fucking her fast. He grabbed her tits and ploughed into her from behind as he tried to cum into her.
Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw the door to the bridge opened quietly. The first guy put a finger to his mask, where his lips were supposed to be, indicating to me not to make any noise. I nodded.
More figures poured into the room as they kept low and crept into the bridge quickly and silently. More than 10 of them entered the room and after finding no one else, they surround John. He was in his throes of passion and did not see the figures dressed in black entering the room until it was too late.
When he saw them, he released Mag and rushed towards his pistol. One of the guys shouted for him to stop but he continued. There was never the standard "stop stop stop or I will shoot statement" as 3 shots boomed in tandem from their MP5 almost immediately. Obviously there was no plan to aim for his leg. Every shot was aimed to stop him as all 3 slugs found his torso and caused him to fly backwards. He laid on his back, dead.
"CLEARED!" They echoed.
A pool of blood formed quickly around John's body. I turned to look at the girls. They were all shivering, including Hazel.
17-04-2018, 05:10 PM
I looked at the guys and was not sure where they were from as there were no markings on their bulletproof vests and with their helmets and masks, they were unrecognizable. They sure arrived very quickly.
A blow torch was brought and my cuffs were dismantled quickly. The girls were released and each given some clothes, blankets and hot drinks, as a few female officers attended to them.
I told them that I had killed someone and they mentioned that they had already found the body.
After the confirmed that all pirates had been captured, one of them, obviously the commander, spoke to us in English.
A helicopter would take us to the nearest airport and a military aircraft would take us home. Once we were back home, we were sent to the hospital. All of us stayed for 1 night before being discharged.
THe next morning, when I checked the news, there was no mentioned of the hijacking by the pirates. I did not know who called but it was definitely a covert operation.
Mr Ong gave all of us 3 weeks of leave and counsellors were provided by some government bodies. Ely spent time with the girls, trying to get them back on their feet. Vieak tendered her resignation and returned to her homeland. I was not sure how Hazel was, but I guessed that she should be better off compared to the girls.
The vessel company paid us half the cost of the project even we had not completed it. Insurances were paid as well and each of us received some compensations.
2 weeks later, on a Sunday, I received an unknown call and was told that an officer will be coming over together with Hazel. My besties were not called as they were deemed to be not ready to be engaged.
An hour later, my doorbell rang and I went to opened it. I recognized it as the command person who spoke to be in the vessel. I let him in and Hazel turned up few minutes later. She looked gorgeous as all her physical scars had recovered. She was dressed in singlet and a denim shorts.
We took a seat around my table and the Commander introduced himself as Ryan.
Ryan: Sam, we chose your place because we knew that you stayed alone. Hazel's place is not convenient as she is staying with her parents and she did not want them to worry.
I nodded.
Ryan: John was the mastermind of the whole thing. Smith was obviously working with him. We are unable to locate him now. The rest of the guys we took in do not know much as Aba hired them from town.
Me: What about the cook?
Ryan: His body was found in the mess. We will not charge you for Aba and the Indonesian police will not also as you acted in self-defence.
Me: What was the cargo he was going after?
Ryan: Some classified stuffs. We are unable to tell you more.
Me: how did you guys arrive so fast?
Ryan: again that is classified. How are your colleagues?
Me: They should be fine.
Ryan: what about you?
He looked at Hazel.
Haz: thanks. I am fine.
Ryan: ok. I have to go. The case is closed as far as we are concerned. But just in case if you needed to reach me, this is the number to call. Take care.
With that he left my place.
I thought Hazel would leave with him as well but she stayed behind.
Me: how are you?
Haz: I am fine. How are the girls?
Me: Ely is spending a lot of time with them and they did not want me to be around. I think they are coping. Ely updates me every day.
Haz: ok. I am going back to work tomorrow.
Me: So fast?
Haz: yup. Nothing much happened to me. I am ok.
Me: How are things between you and your boyfriend?
Haz: we broke up.
Me: Oh.... sorry...
Haz: it's ok. We weren't getting along too well any way. ok. I just wanted to inform you that I will be returning back to work. Come back when you are ready.
Me: ok..... I think I will join you back tomorrow then.
With that, she left. After what happened between us in the shell-scrape, I was surprised that she could be so nonchalant about it.
The next morning I reached office, everyone tried to be normal. The admin staffs spoke to me like nothing had previously happened but I was sure that they already knew about the whole story.
I waited for Hazel and when she arrived, she got the same reception from them as well. She took her seat beside me and we started working.
Nothing much happened over the next week. I started my deployment and she started going out for sales.
Soon my 2 friends came back to work as well.
17-04-2018, 05:10 PM
Bros, good to know that you guys are still around. The story had not ended. Stay tuned.
17-04-2018, 06:03 PM
Nice story broo
17-04-2018, 06:10 PM
Bros, good to know that you guys are still around. The story had not ended. Stay tuned.
Bro, maybe we are silent, but we always alert every updates from you. Cheer..
17-04-2018, 06:43 PM
Nice story
17-04-2018, 06:58 PM
Another silent reader here bro. Have always enjoyed reading the stories in this forum. And checking this thread for updates have become a daily affair. Keep it up bro!
17-04-2018, 08:06 PM
Seemed like some of the members who read my previous stories were no longer active in the forum. Glad that there are some new bros who still enjoy my stories.
As a "free-time" writer, it is not the accolades that keeps me penning down stories but more of the people who are interested to read it.
I am not bro ilock. I like his stories very much but I could never write as well as he did, for example vivid descriptions and sentence structures, that keep our imagination wild.
I try to make up for the style of my lousy writing with some exciting contents.
So, as long as there are readers, it gives me motivation to continue writing.
Thanks for your support.
I will always support your story, bro!! keep writing!! :D:D
17-04-2018, 08:18 PM
please update somemore
17-04-2018, 08:24 PM
Another Place For Me To Park Here ... Upz You Bro pussluver ;)
17-04-2018, 10:08 PM
TS keep up the story.
17-04-2018, 11:35 PM
Ended aburptly... i guess i wanna know how is hazel going get fuxk. She is so hot.
18-04-2018, 01:53 AM
Another Place For Me To Park Here ... Upz You Bro pussluver ;)
U loss ur permanent parking lot in GC ?
18-04-2018, 10:33 AM
Ts thank you. You are one of the few good writers around. Keep on update pls.
Jay Chou
18-04-2018, 12:39 PM
U loss ur permanent parking lot in GC ?
Up u bro. 😊
18-04-2018, 05:06 PM
Thanks TS. Waiting for next updates:)
18-04-2018, 07:58 PM
Waiting for next installment.
18-04-2018, 10:16 PM
please update bro puss
18-04-2018, 11:22 PM
Although everyone tried to be normal, the incident had changed the girls. They started to distance themselves from me, except for Ely. There were no more dinner gatherings and they had stopped messaging me as well. Ely told me that they still needed time to get over and prefer not to have any contacts with guys currently. I gave them their space and Hazel was not in the office most of the time as she also seemed to be avoiding me. I spent most of my time with Tan when I was in the office. He tried to get more information from me but my lips were sealed.
Mr Ong also hired another 3 replacements and all 3 were girls:
- Nguey (25 Vietnamese)
- Hida (26 Indonesian)
- Minh ( 25 Vietnamese)
They were pretty in their own rights and hung out mostly by themselves.
About 2 months after the ship incident, one evening about 9pm, when I finished work and returned home, I realized that I had left my house keys in the office. I informed Mr Ong that I would be heading back to the office.
I had to enter from the backdoor as I did not have the keys to the main door. I was the last to leave and so I was not expecting anyone. However, once I closed the door, the air-conditioned was switched on and I heard a separate soft buzzing sound. Suspecting an intruder, I went in slowly to find out where the sound was coming from.
It seemed to be coming from my cubicle as there was a small lamp illuminating only that area.
As I crept forward, careful not to make any noise, I automatically grabbed the broom stick. Even though it is just a flimsy piece of wood, from the experience on the fateful vessel, I knew having a weapon would go a long way.
I reached the entrance to my aisle. I considered about rushing in, shouting and flailing my arms or I should just get take a sneak peek first. Somehow, I could not make up my mind and instead, just stood up.
Instead of an intruder, Hazel was sitting on her chair, with the dim light illuminating her. She was stark naked except for the black stockings on her legs. Her legs spread wide opened and one of her hand was between her legs and holding onto a vibrator, which I recognized it from the cupboard at her house, while the other was busy squeezing her breast, pleasuring herself. The scene was visually extremely erotic.
When she saw me, her mouth dropped and had a shocked expression on her face but she did not cover herself.
Haz: Oh Sam.... it's you... it's ok..... come.... help me....
My mind went back to our secret in the shell scrape. Not knowing how to react, I stood there mesmerized.
She put her vibrator on her desk, stood up and walked over to me. I still did not react as she started to unbuckle me. Not trusting myself to speak, I allowed her to continue her job.
Once my pants dropped on the floor, she squatted down and held my dick in her hands. She looked up at me with a seductive look as she engulfed the tip of my dick in her mouth. Her warm lips wrapped around my tool firmly and started to suck my dick. Her suction was good and I held her head to encourage her.
She did not do it for long and she stood up shortly. I had never peeped into her drawers before and was surprised when she went to it and took out a condom, capping me. Then she threw the box into her bag. Without speaking, she put her hands on the desk and offered me her butt. The scene in the Engine room came rushing back to my mind.
I walked forward and held her hips. I planned to lick her but she reached out from underneath her body and guided my dick into her already well lubricated pussy. Once my tip touched her pussy, I could not resist and pushed in swiftly. There was no resistance from her tunnel as I started to fuck her from behind.
Not wanting to let her breasts feel lonely, I leaned forward and grabbed her tits and played with her nipples.
Haz: ughh....ughhh....ughhh.... faster sam....fuck me....hard...
With her sexy voice prompting me, I increased my tempo and gyrated my hips harder. The front of my thighs started to slap against her butt.
She moaned loudly as she came. I presumed that it was because of her earlier self-pleasuring session that she had such a quick orgasm. She pushed herself back towards me to allow deeper entry. I could feel the walls of her vagina gripping my pole.
As I did not had sex for quite a long period and hearing her moaned so loudly, I could not restrain myself and I came in tandem with her.
Finally after I emptied myself, I withdrew myself from her. I could feel her juices dripping down the side of my thighs. She turned around, took a tissue and removed my cap, wrapping it carefully, before throwing it in the bin, and started dressing. I had just finished cleaning myself when she took her bag.
She gave me a warning look.
Haz: thanks sam Don't ever bring up this incident again. Remember; NEVER bring it up EVER again. NEVER.
I nodded dumbly as she started to head out.
Haz: bye Sam and good night.
With that, she left.
The entire incident seemed like a dream to me. I would term it as a quickie as both of us had reached our climax in just a space of 5mins. I was totally unsure of what just happened. She seemed to be avoiding me for the past few months but what happened was beyond my expectations. Unable to comprehend, I collected my keys, took the tissue from the bin and dumped it in the bin outside the office, before heading home.
18-04-2018, 11:23 PM
Hi Guys, updates will be slow. I am re-writing the 2nd part of the story as the one I wrote has some major issues.
Have patience & thanks for your interests in the story.
18-04-2018, 11:25 PM
The next morning, I went out for my deployment and did not step into the office until about 6pm. Most of the staffs had already left and headed back home. Hazel was not around.
Mr Ong: Sam, can you come into my office?
Normally, he would speak to me directly in my cubicle. I wondered if I had not done my job properly and the customer had complained as I headed into his office.
Mr Ong: close the door and have a seat.
I did as told.
Mr Ong: So... you came back to the office last night?
Me: yes. I made sure I locked everything up before I left.
Mr Ong: Yes.... I know..... there is something I want to let you see. come here.
I walked behind him and he played a video on his laptop. Although the quality was lousy due to the lightings in the office, but it was clearly showing me fucking Hazel in the office. I was shocked.
He gestured me back to my seat. As I got seated, I thought I was fucked and he was going to fire me.
Mr Ong: You know the company policies.
I nodded.
Mr Ong: this is inappropriate indecent behaviour. Both of you.....
Me: But that is infringing on my rights as well.
Mr Ong: well, this happened in company premise and the camera is for security purpose..... It's within the policies.
Without a lawyer, I did not know if what he said was accurate, about security.
Mr Ong: Do you want to continue staying?
Me: yes....
Mr Ong: ok....I can help you. The video could be deleted and no one would know.
Me: How sir?
Mr Ong: I'll be frank. Our Singapore office needed bigger projects. After the incident on the vessel, Hazel had been reluctant to get any more off shore projects and all she did was got the small ones. We cannot continue like this. HQ would not tolerate and I am getting pressure from the top every week. The bosses are threatening me. Sam, I cannot do without a job.
Me: what can I do?
Mr Ong: convince her to get the offshore ones again. Those are the ones that customers are willing to pay more.
Me: I am not sure if I could do it.
Mr Ong: I see that you had good relations with her.
He pointed to the video.
Me: I mean.... I don't know if I can convince her.
Mr Ong: up to you. If you decide to speak to her, make sure that you do not tell her about this video. If she knows about this video, you know better than me that she would not give in, and when that happens, this video will go up to the top. I'll give you till Monday.
Me: ok.... I'll try but no promise....
Mr Ong: I'll help you by making sure that she is in the office this whole week. Come back to me then. That's all.
He pulled out the thumb drive and kept it in his drawer as I headed out of the room, I felt that I was stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea. I know Hazel was stubborn and I was not too sure if I would be able to convince her.
19-04-2018, 01:24 AM
"I see that you had good relations with her" loll..
Very humorous writing. Please continue!
19-04-2018, 02:25 AM
Yeah. Finally. But but just 5mins seems like a FL. Really need to get into her mind.
19-04-2018, 07:10 AM
great to see your updates TS! do continue with your nice story.
19-04-2018, 08:38 PM
I had to decide how to break the news to her. Hazel had warned me not to speak about the incident again and Mr Ong was right that if I told her about the video, she would prefer to resign than to be force to go for the offshore projects. Then it would directly jeopardize my stay in the office, so I could not be direct with her.
I had to think of a way to convince her.
As Mr Ong had said, Hazel was in the office the next morning. She arrived before me and did not seem to be in a good mood.
Me: morning....
Haz: hi....
Me: Didn't expect to see you here....
Haz: Boss had some admin stuffs for me to clear. This will take whole week and I cannot bring them home. Why are you here? No deployment?
She replied me grumpily.
Me: oh....nope.... do you want to go for lunch later?
Haz: nope..... I don't think I have time..... next time....
After that, she engaged herself into her work. During lunch, she told me to get takeaway for her.
The remaining of the week was the same. She did not have time to go out for lunch and either asked myself or the rest of the colleagues to get something for her. By Friday, I was panicking as I had to give Mr Ong an answer on Tuesday.
Fortunately I had a break.
It was about 6pm when she stopped whatever she was doing and turned to me.
Haz: hey.... you free for dinner?
Not wanting to sound to overly enthusiastic, I replied slowly.
Me: sure.... I am good.....
Haz: ok.... let's go now....
She was quiet along the way and I did not know what to say. It was a pleasant surprise for me as after that night, she turned cold towards me again.
Hazel drove straight to Indochine at Gardens by the Bay and again I was surprised that she had actually made a booking. The restaurant was normally packed and the prices here are not cheap. I knew she had something to tell me but I was not sure what it was. Once we ordered our mains, she settled down.
The view here was spectacular. We could see the whole Marina area from where we were sitting.
Haz: nice view......
Me: yup.... beautiful....
Haz: serene and peaceful.... I like.....
I was not sure where the conversation was heading.
Haz: Sam, I would like to apologize. I know I had been mean to you but I hoped you understand. The whole incident at.... at the ship.... affected me.... badly..... I had gone to a doctor and was still undergoing therapy for depression.
I nodded quietly. I guessed that was why she behaved that night in the office and then the opposite way the next time she saw me. She must be feeling mentally stressed. I had read up somewhere that when such things happened, people start to have weird behaviour until they managed to get their mind sorted out. If their condition was bad enough, sometimes they may even have temporary amnesia. I remembered her words that night and decided not to even try to bring that up tonight. I did not want to have a bad dinner with her.
Haz: well, this dinner will be on me, as an apology. Accepted?
Me: ok.... don't worry....
Haz: I am still on medication. Keep it from the colleagues ok?
As usual, she wanted me to keep too many secrets.
Me: no problem....
Haz: I hope I will get better soon.
She tapped her temple.
Haz: The work in the office is stressing me out as well.....
Me: anything I can help?
Haz: no.... it's just sales reports....
I took the opportunity since we were talking about work.
Me: Any new deals?
Haz: Working on some small ones........
Me: Why not try to get the bigger ones?
Haz: bigger ones need our staffs to be offshore......
She trailed off and I looked into her eyes. She seemed distant as she thought about something.
Me: but our company needs to meet the numbers.....
Haz: not now, sam..... I cannot put our guys into danger any more....I got the project the last time and caused misery to everyone....
I realized that whatever happened on the ship, she blamed herself.
Me: no.... babe..... it's not your fault.... it's John who planned it.... you couldn't prevent it....
I saw tears building up in her eyes and automatically I reached out to her hand across the table and squeezed it. She did not retract it and I held onto it.
Haz: can we don't talk about this anymore?
Me: sorry.....
Slowly she pulled her hand away and took a tissue and wiped her eyes. I knew that it would be impossible for her to work on the offshore tenders any more. For the remaining of the night, I did not want to push her anymore and we talked about other more light-hearted stuffs.
19-04-2018, 08:39 PM
Over the weekend, I was resigned to my fate. Hazel was a dead end for me. There was no way she would even consider. Now that we had started to get back on talking terms, I did not want to throw it all away again. Furthermore, I did not want to agitate her further as I just wanted her to get well soon. As for Mr Ong's side, I knew that HQ would put more pressure on him. Ultimately, he would have to fire Hazel and look for another sales person else he could be sack as well. Of course, I remembered that my video was still with him.
On Saturday, I made my decision. I will get into the office and try to steal the thumb drive back.
I arrived at the office about 6pm. Private hire cars were now so convenient as it dropped me at the doorsteps. I was careful so as not to cause suspicion to myself. If there were anyone, I would say that I left something in the office and came back to get it. I walked around the exterior of the office, peering through the windows, and once I confirmed that the office was empty, I headed straight to the backdoor.
The moment I got into the office, I looked around to ensure that there were no other hidden cameras. Then I went to look for that camera. I remembered the position where the video was taken from and headed straight for the top shelf of the cabinet that was facing my aisle. Apart from just files, I could find nothing there.
I was left puzzled but I knew I did not have time to ponder this. Next, I went over to Mr Ong's door and tried the handle. Just as I expected, it was locked but I had already made plans.
I headed to the store and got out the tallest ladder I could find. Placing it besides the door, I climbed all the way to the ceiling. Office ceilings were mostly made from removal plywood boards and I managed to remove the ones from both sides of the wall. Then carefully, I held onto the ladder and the wall and scaled across, careful not the break anything. Once I got over, the only thing left was to drop down and land safely from about 2.5m.
I lowered myself down into the room without breaking my ankle, stood still and listened. Silent greeted me.
Feeling safe, I switched on the lights and headed straight for his drawer. Fortunately, it was not locked. Carefully, so as not to misplace any of his stuffs, I searched for the thumb drive.
It was underneath some stationary. I dropped it in my pocket and closed the drawer. Again, I looked through his room for any hidden cameras. There were none. Feeling satisfied, I switched off the lights and opened the door.
I had the shock of my life when I saw Hazel standing outside the door with the same broom that I had taken the other night. I had not heard any noises and so I did not know she had come back to the office. She was shocked as well but when she saw me, she put down the weapon and spoke first.
Haz: SAM! what are you doing inside Mr Ong's room?!
She looked at the ladder and glance upwards at the missing panels in the ceiling, before looking back at me. I knew that there was no way I could escape this and no matter what I excused I made, would not be convincing.
Me: I.... errmmm.... took back our video.....
Haz: what video? and why is it "Our"?
Me: The one that we.... errrmmm... that night....
She looked confused and I presumed that it was due to her temporary amnesia.
Haz: What video?
She repeated.
Me: I think it is better that I show you..... Come....
I went to my laptop and plugged in the thumb drive. It was easy to find the file as there was nothing else in it. I clicked the play button.
The video showed her sucking my cock and we could both see her seductive face rather clearly even though the quality was not that good as the lightings were dim. I heard her gasped and she covered her mouth with her hands. I thought she might faint any time.
Me: wait.... wait.... relax.... breathe.... I know you may not remember.... but... relax..... I think no one else had seen this....
She blinked again and again, looking at the screen intensely as I had started to fuck her from behind. Hazel turned and looked at me.
Haz: what the hell is this? where did you get the video and when did it happened!?
She took a seat and looked more shocked compared to the earlier expression when she saw me coming out from Mr Ong's office. I told her about that night. She pointed to the screen again.
Haz: That's me! But it's not me!
I did not really understand what she meant. To me she was incoherent.
Me: slow down..... slow down....
Haz: listen! That is not me.....
She grabbed my shoulders and looked straight into my eyes.
Me: I know.... it's ok.... don't worry....
Haz: no... you don't understand.....
Me: Hazel.....
Haz: Sam! I have a twin sister!
19-04-2018, 09:15 PM
Haz: Sam! I have a twin sister!
Getting interesting liao.. Thanks bro..
19-04-2018, 09:21 PM
Getting interesting liao.. Thanks bro..
Yes bro, are we thinking the same thing? :D
19-04-2018, 09:42 PM
has the 2 master of SBF WRITING joined forces???
20-04-2018, 07:01 AM
really nice story ts, more updates of it will be great.
20-04-2018, 07:06 AM
more and more steam cumming...haha..:)
20-04-2018, 08:06 AM
like this story TS! please do continue sharing. :)
20-04-2018, 01:23 PM
This revelation caught me entirely by surprise. She had never mentioned it before and I was at her place for 2 days and I had not even seen her at home. Hazel must be having one of her attacks.
Me: Haz..... Can you calm down?
She closed her eyes and took a few deep breath before opening them again.
Haz: ok... I am calm. I am telling you I have a twin sister.
Me: Are you sure? you had never mentioned her before.
Haz: We are not close. She is seldom home. That's why I never mentioned her to you!
I looked back at the screen. To me, she was Hazel and Hazel was her. They are the same person and I was perplexed.
Haz: look.....
She took out her phone and showed me a picture. It was taken years ago. There were 4 of them in the picture. Her parents and 2 Hazel, one with long hair and one with short. They look not only similar but were in fact identical. I remembered those old pictures that I saw at her place. She had short hair in some of them while long hair in others. At that point in time, I had presumed they were both her. But it did not occurred to me that the other sister was the one taking the picture as there were no evidence that there were 2 Hazels. There were no photos that had the 4 of them in it.
I was speechless now.
Me: But I did not see her at your place.
Haz: That time when you came to my place, she had just moved out about 1 week ago. I thought she would come back soon and since she was not at home, I took the opportunity to paint my room and had temporary shifted my boxes to hers. So I was temporary using her room but all the stuffs in the room were hers as she had not moved them out.
I wanted to ask if those toys were hers but I restrained myself.
Haz: Are you convinced now?
I nodded.
Haz: I have a question. Why didn't you speak about it to me?
Me: About what?
Haz: errrmm... about us fucking in the office... I thought guys would try to get a 2nd fuck from the same girl?
I rolled my eyes.
Me: Hey... that's insulting.... anyway, I thought she was you. And you told me not to speak about it anymore. I mean her..... Furthermore, when we had dinner yesterday, you told me you were unwell. I thought you may have amnesia.
This time, it was her turn to roll her eyes.
Haz: I don't have amnesia.. people who suffered from depression does not have amnesia... but why was she in the office?
Me: hmmm..... sorry..... I didn't know....... She was already here when I arrived. That was why I thought she was you as I never expect you had a twin sister.
She thought about it.
Haz: And how did you know about the thumb drive in Mr Ong's room?
I told her everything about my conversation with Mr Ong.
Haz: Sam....
She looked thoughtful as she chewed her lips.
Haz: It seemed that Mr Ong had got Hanna to do this but how did he do that? How did he know about Hanna?
Me: Maybe he saw your resume and knew you had a twin sister?
Haz: but still, there is no way he knew that we are identical.
Me: I have no idea.
Haz: Let's find out ....
I replaced all the partitions and she told me to put the thumb drive back.
Me: what if he publishes it online? You'll be in trouble....
HAz: the thumb drive is useless. He would have already made copies of it.... put it back....
Once everything was back in place, we closed the office and made sure everything was back in place.
Me: why are you back in the office?
Haz: I wanted to do some work as I could not sleep....
Her car was not in the compound.
Me: where's your car? You took a taxi?
Haz: no.... it's further down the road.
Me: why did you parked so far?
Haz: I wanted to catch some quiet time. The air is also fresher at this time.
Me: no wonder I did not hear you driving up.
Her car was about 400m away. As we walked, I finally noticed her dressing. Earlier because I was shocked and too many things happened and I did not realized it.
Me: why are you dressed like this?
Haz: Like what?
Me: you are in a singlet and your shorts are too short... I could see....see.... argh.... never mind....
Haz: what's wrong with that?
Me: If you had driven and park in the office compound, then I would not have made the comment. But you parked so far away and there are lots of foreign workers here at night. It's not really safe. Please park in the compound next time if you are so late.
She did not reply and just gave me a funny look as she unlocked her car.
20-04-2018, 01:24 PM
Me: Where are we going?
Hazel did not respond. Since we got into the car, she was silent and kept taking sideway glances at me. Her expressions were strange and she seemed thoughtful. I started to think if she had gone back into her depressive mood. I wondered if I should try to speak about more light hearted stuffs. But because she was holding on the steering wheel, I held back as I was afraid I could say something wrong and she would lose her concentration.
I decided to remain silent as well. The radio was not switched on and there was really nothing to do except to either look at the scenery or to look at her lovely legs. I choose the latter as I watched her expertly control the accelerator and brakes.
Finally, she exited MCE and turned out into Ford road, before turning into Geylang as she slowed down. We went through a few back lanes before we finally found a parking lot.
Me: Why are we here?
Haz: Hanna rented an apartment here.
Finally she spoke as we exited the car.
Me: This building?
I turned and looked at the short time hotel that we had parked outside.
Haz: nope. Its a few streets away.
Me: Then why did you park here?
Haz: did you realize that there were no parking lots?
She started to walk and I caught up with her. Geylang was no longer the same as before. In its heydays, it was super crowded even into the wee hours of the night, regardless which day of the week it was. There will be people coming for good food but more people would come here for sex. Currently, you could hardly see any more streetwalkers along the back lanes but there were still men who come here for drinks and good food and they would often ogle at the KTV girls who stayed in the vicinity.
The way Hazel dressed was rather inappropriate for the location. Her singlet was fine but I could see almost half her butt cheeks from the tiny shorts that she was wearing. It was smaller than the grey one that she wore at her place and this looked more like a hot pants kind of shorts. It was so indecent looking that a girl would only wear it when she was home. Even as we were walking in this back lane any guys who walked past would take a second look at her.
About 20m from the main street, I held arm and stopped her.
Me: wait.... wait...
She turned and looked at me surprise.
Haz: what?
Me: You know where we are right?
Haz: Yes?
Me: Your dressing.... errm.... is a little inappropriate.
She gave me that strange look again and she looked down at herself.
Haz: what's wrong with this dressing?
Me: half your butt cheeks are showing. The men here are lecherous.
She laughed. This was the first time I heard her laughed since the incident.
Haz: This was not my normal dressing when I go out. My plan was to go to the office and work and then return home. I did not have any intention to go anywhere, and definitely not here. I know this place and I would have gone back to change first but it's 8.30pm and Hanna would be going out soon. I know her timings. So if we missed her now, we have to wait till tomorrow before we could find her again. I would not know where she would go to party. We don't have time. Do we?
I scowled at her reply.
Haz: but sam, why are you so concerned?
Me: well... it's because.... I mean..... you know....
This time, she held my arm and looked straight into my eyes.
Haz: do you have a thing for me?
Me: errm.... erm....
I tried to turn away but she reached out to my cheeks and held it while continuing peering into my eyes.
Haz: answer me.
Me: well... I....
She released me.
Haz: ok.... there's no need to answer me.... I know..... hehe....
She giggled and started walking towards the main street.
I caught up with her and was about to begin my protest when she slipped her hand into mine. I was shocked and stopped in my tracks. She pulled against my hand gently to get me walking again.
20-04-2018, 02:34 PM
hmm how does Hanna know Sam then?
20-04-2018, 03:51 PM
wah, interesting again!
20-04-2018, 04:57 PM
can't wait for the next installation...:p
20-04-2018, 08:11 PM
More please
20-04-2018, 08:14 PM
hmm how does Hanna know Sam then?
Mr. Ong knew that Sam was going back to office to take something. So he arranged for Hanna to be there. So Hanna knew whom she was supposed to honey trap.
Yes, can't wait for the next dose of this hot story.
20-04-2018, 08:41 PM
Waiting for updates too! ;)
20-04-2018, 08:47 PM
Mr. Ong knew that Sam was going back to office to take something. So he arranged for Hanna to be there. So Hanna knew whom she was supposed to honey trap.
Yes, can't wait for the next dose of this hot story.
But Mr Ong would not expect beforehand that Sam going back office to get house keys on that day. Sam went back, maybe halfway or reaching home, realized no keys, on his way back to office, inform Mr Ong.
Mr Ong has to contact Hanna, Hanna rushes to the office, Mr Ong open door for her, set up hidden camera (for this one time cos later Sam found camera is no more there), Hanna get ready, Mr Ong disappears. All within, say, one hour maybe less?
I m sure those questions will be answered later. let's be patient.
20-04-2018, 11:52 PM
Awesome story TS!
Pls continue :)
21-04-2018, 08:15 AM
Hope to read more updates.
21-04-2018, 09:24 AM
But Mr Ong would not expect beforehand that Sam going back office to get house keys on that day. Sam went back, maybe halfway or reaching home, realized no keys, on his way back to office, inform Mr Ong.
Mr Ong has to contact Hanna, Hanna rushes to the office, Mr Ong open door for her, set up hidden camera (for this one time cos later Sam found camera is no more there), Hanna get ready, Mr Ong disappears. All within, say, one hour maybe less?
I m sure those questions will be answered later. let's be patient.
Perhaps Hanna is Mr. Ong's sugarbaby. That day, Mr. Ong was planning to have some office sex with her and asked her to come over.
That could explain why Mr. Ong was able to set up the trap so fast
That could also explain why she moved out to her own place..
Haha, just thinking of possibilities. Let's wait for the story
21-04-2018, 09:51 AM
Very good story, hope to read more.
21-04-2018, 10:16 AM
Waiting for updates :)
21-04-2018, 10:48 AM
Maybe there is no twin sister in the 1st place. It was Hazel all along cos she got duel personalities and she don't realise it. Hanna is another one of her personality created by herself.. The photos maybe is she photoshop... :D
21-04-2018, 11:01 AM
Great read! Keep em commin! Tks!
21-04-2018, 12:44 PM
Maybe there is no twin sister in the 1st place. It was Hazel all along cos she got duel personalities and she don't realise it. Hanna is another one of her personality created by herself.. The photos maybe is she photoshop... :D
Possible. Bro ilocks latest story (on his blog) involves split personality disorder involving a phantom twin sister too..
Let's wait and see..
21-04-2018, 12:48 PM
Even though we walked hand in hand along the main street, there were still wolf whistles at her when we walked past the coffeeshop.
"Look at those butts"
"wow. nice butt cheeks"
"show more"
"can we be friend"
"grabbed her butt for us"
These were some of the shouts we heard but she ignored them and crossed the road. I wanted to grab those buns of hers but definitely not here.
Finally, after more stares and whistles, we arrived at the gate of an old building. A signage showed that the parking lot was only for residents. Hazel spoke to the old security guard and he did not even bat her an eyelid and allowed us in.
We walked up the stairs to Hanna's apartment. Hazel rang the bell and the door opened. Hanna was halfway through her make up but was already dressed in her party dress.
I was totally unprepared. Even though I already knew about her twin but seeing Hazel and Hanna together shocked me once more. I looked from one to the other. They were basically replicas of each other. I had known some twins before but the 2 of them were identical. Their features and body shapes were the same. Even their hairdos were similar. Recalling the night in the office, fuck, they even sounded similar.
It was little wonder I could not differentiate their differences.
Haz: hi Hann....
Hann: what are you doing here?
Then she noticed my presence.
Hann: So you found out....
Haz: can we come in and talk?
Hanna opened the door wide.
Hann: ok... for a short while. I am going out.
The apartment was a small one, a studio apartment. We took a seat and Hanna did not even offered us drinks.
Hann: ok... what is it that you want to know?
Haz: how did you know Mr Ong?
Hann: Kenneth? I got to know him at a pub....
Haz: so why did you agree to help him?
Hann: offered me 5k to pretend to be you and have sex with him.
She pointed at me.
Haz: And you did?! don't you think that this is prostituting yourself?
Hann: come on. You should know that I had fun almost every week. Furthermore this time I am getting paid. Why not?
Hazel sighed.
Haz: Do you know he had a video of you and sam?
Hanna waved it away.
Hann: I am not too bothered even if he masturbates to it. haha..... even if he put it online, I don't care.
Haz: So how did you get to the office and how did you know he was in the office?
Hazel gestured at me.
Hann: Kenneth called me that night and told me there was an opportunity for the 5k. On my way there, he told me his plans. I used the spare keys that you guys kept hidden under the flower pot to get into the office and I helped him set up the camera. The rest you know.....
Haz: Are you still in contact with Mr Ong?
Hann: Nope.... why should I? I received my payment....
Haz: did you sleep with him?
Hann: har.... the dirty old fellow tried to come on me .... but I rejected him.....
Haz: did he offer you cash?
Hann: yeah..... 10k.... but there is no fucking way for me to sleep with such an old, fat and ugly guy.... at least this guy here is quite good looking.....
I blushed.
Hann: Is he your boyfriend?
Haz: yes...
Hann: opps.... sorry... hey... hmmm... what's your name? .....errm.... sebastian.... errmmm.... oh....ya... sam.... have you fucked my sister?
Haz: stop it.
Hann: I guessed he had not..... haha.... but anyway, we are basically the same, not only in terms of physical appearance. You know, fucking me is just the same as fucking my sister..... you want to fuck me again? hahaha.....
Haz: shut up Hann....
Hann: haha....
Haz: so when are you going home? mum misses you.,...
Hann: I'll be home when I want.... anything else? I am late already.
Haz: Remember to come home and visit mum....
Hann: ok...ok.... bye bye....
She ushered us out of her place and slammed the door.
Haz: let's go....
21-04-2018, 12:49 PM
Hazel did not held my hand or speak as we walked down the stairs. Even once we arrived at the ground level, she still did not hold my hands as she walked ahead of me. We crossed the road and still she was in front.
I followed her behind and dared not go up to her as she seemed angry with me but I could not figure out the reason. Before we reached the coffeeshop, she took a detour and walked into Lorong 20, hoping to skirt around it via Westerhout Road.
She was a little taken aback as there were quite a few South Asians in the lane. She slowed her pace but did not turn back and continued walking into the Lorong.
They noticed her and due to the way she was dressed, they probably mistook her for a working lady. A few of them started to approach her and she quickly sidestep them to the other side of the road. They followed and crossed the road.
They started to block off her route as they congregate around her and she was quickly being surrounded.
I pushed my way through the crowd.
"how much"
They were bidding for her and I could see fear from her eyes. Finally, I managed to get to her through the crowd and told them loudly.
Me: this is my girlfriend. Leave her alone.
They looked at me, unsure of what I had said is true. Some of them started to jeer at me. To convince them, I turned Hazel towards me and hugged her, kissing her directly on the lips but She did not respond or even try to open her mouth.
The jeers turned to cheers as they clapped their hands and laughed. Slowly one by one, they moved away to look for other girls. Hazel pushed me away once they had left.
Haz: what was that for!?
She spoke not too friendlily.
Me: saving you?
Haz: there are other ways of doing it.
She stormed away from me and this time, I caught up with her.
Me: Why are you so angry?
Haz: All because of you!
Me: what did I do?
She stopped, turn around and slapped my chest.
Haz: who ask you to get involved with Hanna!
Me: I thought she was you!
She knew that I was right and she stormed off again. We did not speak again until we were inside the car.
Me: sorry.... If I had known, I would not have done it....
Haz: you would still do it.....
Me: No I wouldn't
Haz: she is much sexier and cuter.... you would still do it....
I knew she was being ridiculous. Both of them are identical. But the one I like was Hazel. I had to thread carefully.
Me: Physically you are both the same. You are equally sexy and pretty. Dressing wise, you are doing fine. But most importantly, both of you have totally different characters and I like yours. And it's you whom I like. That's what is most important.
She did not respond.
Haz: We need to get back the video from Mr Ong.
Me: It's Hanna right? you shouldn't be too bothered....
Haz: He could always post online and say that it was me. Furthermore, I don't want your "thing" to be all over the web.
Me: There's no way he will just return it unless you get him the projects that he desire. He needs to save his ass.
Haz: Even if I did as he requested, he could still keep a copy and blackmail you whenever he wants. We need to get it back.
Me: How?
Haz: I have a plan
21-04-2018, 06:45 PM
Oh so Hanna really exists..
Looking forward to more!
21-04-2018, 09:19 PM
Waiting for more update. See 2 post jus not enuff.. Go go bro ts.
22-04-2018, 12:59 AM
By now, it was almost close to 10pm. Hazel went out of the car and made a few calls before coming back in.
Me: So what's the plan?
She did not mention anything about her plans and remained quiet along the way as she drove straight to her house.
Haz: come.....
This time, she held my hand again as we stepped into her house. Her parents were home and smiled at me when they saw us holding hands. She brought me to the other room, the one which had its door closed the last time I was here.
Her room was different from Hanna's. It was tidy and clean and had a new coat of paint.
Me: Why did we come back to your place?
Haz: wait here.
She went into Hanna's room and came back later, dressed in her sister's clothes. A sexy spaghetti black dress that had a plunging V neckline that came with a flared short skirt. In between the V, I could see the fair colour of her cleavage contrasting against dark fabrics, bringing more attention to her breasts. She had also worn black stockings and the skirt was so short that I believed it it moved more than 1 cm up, it would show the colour of her undies and there was no sign of a bra. Basically she was dressed like a slut.
Me: Why are you dressed like this?
Just then, I heard the doorbell rang. Her parents opened the door and I heard someone came in. He appeared at the door to her room.
Haz: Thanks Alan for the short notice....
They hugged and she introduced us before closing the door to the room. Alan was a good looking guy and from his physique, I could see that he went to the gym frequently
Haz: Did you bring the stuffs?
Alan: yeah.... all here....
He lifted the bag that he was carrying and proceed to take the stuffs out. As he removed the electronics equipment, I realized that they were not some things that could be bought in Sim Lim Square. The first seemed like a microphone with tiny box attached to it.
Alan: This is the microphone and the transmitter. It will send your conversation to my receiver here for recording. Here....... put it in your bag.....
Me: So what's the plan?
Haz: Mr Ong has a thing for Hanna. We will get him to talk about his offer of 10k to Hanna. We can use that as evidence and get it to exchange with the video.
I tried to get her to share more information but she refused and we headed out.
We took Alan's car and he drove to Mount Faber without her prompting him. Obviously they had discussed it earlier when she called him in Geylang. He dropped Hazel at the top of the hill and parked his car further down the road. Alan and I walked back the direction we had just driven past before taking a position behind some shrubs. I sat down beside him in the darkness. I looked out from the bushes and could see Hazel sitting alone on a bench.
Me: What are we doing here?
Alan: Hazel got Hanna to call Mr Ong. He is meeting her here.
Me: Hanna? Was she willing to do it?
Alan just shrugged his shoulders and took out another piece of equipment that seemed like a recording receiver.
Me: So what do you do? Why do you have all the equipment?
Alan: I am a PI.
Me: why are you helping us?
Alan: She is my friend....
Alan passed me a earpiece and took out a high-powered video camera, directing its point of focus on Hazel. I saw Mr Ong approaching Hazel's bench, taking a seat beside her.
Alan: we go....
I put the earpiece in my ear and listened.
Mr Ong: Hi Hanna.... sorry I am late. Did you wait long?
Haz (pretending to be Hanna): Hi Kenneth.... luckily you can make it....
Mr Ong: So... what's up?
Haz: I am in need of some money....
I realized that Hazel was speaking like Hanna. Very crude and direct.
Mr Ong: I believed you had received my payment.
Haz: Yes. What about the 10k to fuck me....
He laughed as if she had told a funny joke .
Mr Ong: hahahaha.......Hanna.... Hanna.... no......
Haz: What the fuck?! You made an offer that day and I need the fucking money....
She stood up and pretended to walk away. He reached out and held her forearm, stopping her.
Mr Ong: wait.... sit.... don't be so impulsive.... we can still talk...
She sat down again.
Haz: What's there to talk?
Mr Ong: Well, you know, I made some enquires and I know you sleep around alot......
He laughed again.
Haz: what do you want?
Mr Ong: Didn't you say that you were in need of money?
Haz: You said you are not interested....
Mr Ong: I need to check the goods first...... haha
She hesitated.
Mr Ong: well? So, Hanna, what do you do? haha.....
Haz: here?
Mr Ong: Are you shy? I thought you are open-minded? Anyway, it’s up to you. I don't repeat my offers......
So far he had not done or spoke about anything that she could use against him. But the sudden skewed in conversation had turned the situation on her. She could either choose to walk away and we could think about other plans or she could continue and try to collect the evidence that she would need.
22-04-2018, 12:15 PM
She could either choose to walk away and we could think about other plans or she could continue and try to collect the evidence that she would need.
Guess we all know the answer.. :D
22-04-2018, 02:08 PM
Thanks for the nice updates.
22-04-2018, 02:33 PM
Nice updates, thanks.
22-04-2018, 04:58 PM
Good stuff! Camping for more :D
22-04-2018, 10:46 PM
Support nice story :)
23-04-2018, 12:55 AM
Do continue TS
23-04-2018, 09:05 AM
sorry guys. been busy. will be back in a few days.
23-04-2018, 09:16 PM
Hope u dun MIA too long! :D
23-04-2018, 09:42 PM
give me a few days. sorry. work and family issues. need to sort it out.
sorry for the delays.
24-04-2018, 12:59 AM
give me a few days. sorry. work and family issues. need to sort it out.
sorry for the delays.
No problem bro, family first!
24-04-2018, 07:05 AM
give me a few days. sorry. work and family issues. need to sort it out.
sorry for the delays.
really nice story, enjoy it. look forward to your next update, support your thread.
27-04-2018, 01:31 AM
please continue.
27-04-2018, 08:44 AM
Support n camping! :)
27-04-2018, 02:34 PM
Hazel considered for a moment and look around. The area they were in was off the only road and at this moment, it was deserted except for them.
She stood up and flipped her hair, leaving one side of her neck exposed. Then she lifted one leg and placed it on the bench, with her stilettoes on the seat. Her skirt went up and because her skirt was short, her black undies peeked out from under her skirt.
She slowly traced her finger of one hand from the wrist of the other, upwards, across her forearm, her biceps area and stopped at her shoulder. Without hesitation, she reached out to her spaghetti top and slowly pulled one of the straps down her arm. She did the same with the other and did not stop until her entire top was sitting around her waist. Her breasts gleamed in the moonlight incandescently. Her nipples stood up proudly in the night without the protection of her blouse.
I wanted to rush out and stopped her but Alan put a hand on my shoulder. He merely shook his head. I thought for a moment and knew that Hazel would definitely blow of her top if I spoiled her plans now. I calmed myself down and continued watching from my location. Surprisingly, Alan was calm and did not seem to have any reaction except being focused on capturing everything in his video cam.
Mr Ong looked at them and smiled.
Mr Ong: nice tits....
I thought she would stop there, but if she did, the whole scenario would seemed just like Hazel was seducing him and it would be useless evidence. She continued with her seduction as her hand slowly grabbed one boob and twirled her manicured finger around her nipples, drawing circles around it and lightly pinching her nubs between her own fingers.
Mr Ong adjusted his pants and I did the same as well. However, Alan did not have any reaction.
Hazel continued to tease him.
With one hand still playing with her breast and nipple, with the other, she reached across her creamy thighs and pulled the hem of her skirt further up her thighs until the lacy black thongs was fully exposed. Her hand continued to move down, in between her thighs, and stopped at the intersection between her legs. She slowly rubbed herself.
Mr Ong gulped and so did I. Alan showed me a thumb up sign and grinned at me. I turn back my attention to Hazel.
She slowly pulled aside the bottom of her thongs, showing him the protruding lips of her pussy. Sensually, she guided a finger across her clit before letting her thongs fall back in place, covering her pussy. She lifted her finger that was glistering with her juices and she stuck the finger into her mouth, sucking it.
Slowly she put her leg down from the bench and pulled the straps of her blouse back in place. I thought she would stop there, instead, both her hands reached underneath her skirt and she slowly pulled down her thongs. She held the thongs in her hand and threw it into his face.
Immediately he put it on his nose, taking in all her womanly smell, before stuffing it into his pocket.
She returned to the bench and sat side ways, facing him. Again, she lifted one leg up and lifted her skirt to her tummy area so that her pussy was fully exposed to him. Slowly she put a finger down on her clit and started rubbing it. As she spread her labia, even from where I was, despite the low lighting, I could see that her hole was caked with her juices.
Hazel continued to look at him as she inserted a finger into her tunnel and let out a soft moan.
Haz: ern.....
He bent forward towards her bottom to get a better look at her nether bits. But she was fast. Even as he was bending down, she immediately retracted her finger and closed her thighs as she pulled her skirt down, covering up.
Haz: NO touching......
Mr Ong: ...ok....ok... no touching.... show me.....more.....
Haz: no.... that's all.... how?
Mr Ong: errmm.... You are very wet......
She put her legs down onto the floor and stared at him.
Haz: So?
Mr Ong: I'll give you $100 now. Let me touch it....
Haz: no....
She replied firmly.
Haz: not here..... well?
Mr Ong: ok.... $500. let's go to my car. I just want to touch.
Haz: fuck you. I am not a whore....
He put his hands in his pocket. I could see him fidgeting with her panty in his pocket.
Mr Ong: ok..... let's go to a hotel. I'll pay for the hotel. 1 night. Tonight. $2000.
That was the evidence that she needed. Alan immediately picked up his phone and called her.
Haz: errm.... oh fuck.... wait... my phone is ringing...
She answered it but Alan remained silent.
Haz: hello? oh James..... now? ok...ok.... which hotel? can.... thanks! you are my saviour! see you later..... bye!
She hung up and stood up.
Haz: sorry Kenneth.... I have another appointment. Got to go....
Mr Ong: wait....Hanna.... wait... how much is he paying? I am willing to offer more....
Haz: sorry.... your fucking chance had past..... you had it earlier and you should had taken the opportunity. Perhaps next time when I am in need of money again, I'll look for you....
Mr Ong: bitch.....
Haz: oh.... and you can keep that as a souvenir..... haha.... bye.....
She pointed to his pocket, turned and walked off, back the way she came earlier. We continued to remain in our post so that he would not see us and also to make sure that he would not harm Hazel. He stood there for a moment and then walk back the way he came, complaining loudly about her.
Once he was out of range, Alan called Hazel again.
Alan: Yo babe.... just continue walking to my car. I will follow behind until his vehicle had passed us.
He hung up and turned to me.
Alan: Sam, you remained out of sight from the road. I will let you know when he had driven pass.
In this manner, we slowly got back to Alan's car.
Haz: Alan, did you get the recordings?
He played back the conversation and the zoomed in video that he had taken.
Haz: good.... now we have the evidence we need....
Alan: A very good display of seduction....... haha.... good job....
Haz: hmmmphhhfff...
I could see her stole a sneak peek at me. I frowned and look at Alan, who still did not have any reaction to the videos.
Haz: Sam, are you jealous?
Me: errm.....
Alan: hahaha.... I am not attracted to girls. So don't worry. ok... you got what you need. I'll compile both the video with the sound and pass it to you by tomorrow.
Haz: Thanks! you are so sweet.....
Alan: ok.... then case close for me.
She turned to me.
Haz: I made some calls earlier and Sam.... things are not as simple as the just the video....
Me: what is not that simple?
Haz: I called up HQ..... there was no pressure from the top to get the big projects. As per the projects we had, they are happy. I am sure he has some reasons for wanting to target the off-shore projects. Something's not right here....
Me: ok? we could just use what we have and then ask him back for the video and leave the company....
Haz: No.... like I said before, how can you guarantee that he won't make copies? You can tell him about this video and let him know that if yours get published, then his will end up with his wife. I am sure he will take you seriously and not do anything more with the video.... Remember to tell him that Hanna helped you on all these. I will speak to her....
Me: So what do you intend to do?
Haz: I don't know. I still don't know why he still insisted to get those projects after what happened the last time. Let's wait and see
Alan: Ok. Since there is no plan.... Let's go for beers as I already helped you with the stuffs. You promised....
Haz: now?! No! Did you forget that I am not wearing anything underneath? And this stupid dress is too short and revealing. It's too obscene and uncomfortable. No way.... next time perhaps....
Alan: That's your problem. You owed me the drinks..... I'll be away after tomorrow and back only 1 month later..... Sam, you ok?
I was not sure. Hazel was in a vulnerable state currently.
Me: I'll leave it to her to decide.
Haz: what about Mark? No need to accompany him?
Alan: I already told him I'll be late.
To my surprise, she agreed.
Haz: ok..... only for a short while. I don't feel comfortable in this....
I laid down on the backseat as he started driving.
He drove straight to Raffles place and we went up to 1-Atitute. Even with the DJ playing the latest music, for once, the place was not crowded.
We got a seat on the upper floor and ordered our drinks.
Initially, Hazel put her bag on top of her legs to protect her modesty but as the night went on, we were getting tipsy and Hazel's inhibition diminished as well. She put her bag beside her and a few times without realizing, her skirt went up a little, offering us a glimpse of her pussy. I had to remind her that she was exposing herself before she pulled her skirt down again.
At about 2am, we left the place and went downstairs to grab a taxi. Alan got into 1 first and mentioned that he will collect his car tomorrow and pass the evidence to us.
I flagged down the next taxi and both of us got in.
Me: Uncle, Holland V....
Haz: it's 2am. Not good time....... my parents would be sleeping and if I go home now, I will wake them and they will nag none stop. Your place.....
I gave the driver my address and once we started driving off, she put her head on my shoulder and slept.
27-04-2018, 05:12 PM
Many thanks for the update. :)
27-04-2018, 11:20 PM
Nice update , thanks :D
28-04-2018, 07:59 AM
Thank you bro pussluver for the update.. Getting sexciting soon
Nice update. Always looking forward to TS stories. Especially with the different genre he is exploring.
28-04-2018, 01:49 PM
Welcome back bro pussy!
28-04-2018, 02:09 PM
"Your place....."
Thats what every guy wants to hear :)
Bring it on bro.. getting hotter and hotter
28-04-2018, 10:07 PM
"Your place....."
Thats what every guy wants to hear :)
Bring it on bro.. getting hotter and hotter
Agree bro, sure to get PHD upon hearing that :D
29-04-2018, 03:54 PM
When we arrived, I woke Hazel up and paid the cab fare. As she got off the cab unsteadily, she unintentionally gave the old driver a good view of her butt. I held her waist and we staggered to the lift.
Once we got to my place, I let her sit on the sofa while I got a towel and some of Sonia's old clothes. I ushered her to the bathroom in the master bed room and handed her the items while I took my stuffs and bathe in the common bathroom.
My place was not big. Just an old rented 3room flat. My parents had migrated overseas and I wanted to try out my luck in Singapore before deciding if I would follow them.
I finished bathing and headed to my room to see if she needed any stuffs as I presumed she was still in the shower. However, once I opened the door, she was sitting on the bed, wrapped in the towel and combing her hair. Sonia's old clothes remained folded on the bed.
I sat down beside her.
Me: The clothes wouldn't fit?
Haz: they belong to your ex, don't they?
Me: yes.... but we had broken off long ago.....
Haz: I won't wear anything that belongs to her or any of your ex.....
She pushed the old clothes back to me.
Me: I only had 1. Anyway, if you are not wearing these, then how are you going to sleep? Mine are too large for you.
Haz: seemed like I have no choice.
Looking straight into my eyes, she removed her towel. My eyes automatically wandered down to her boobs and then down at her pussy and back to her eyes.
Haz: Why do you still looked so shock when this is not the first time you had seen me naked? hehe....
Me: every time.... I could only see from afar.....
She spoke softly as she leaned over to me.
Haz: tonight, they are all yours......
For the first time since the incident in the vessel, our mouth locked. Her tongue probed into my mouth hungrily as I held her waist, supporting her weight.
Slowly, I guided my hand across her smooth skin, moving up towards her breasts. As I held her boobs in my hands, I was surprised they felt firm yet soft. I remembered one specific description, they were full and bouncy, just like well filled water bags, and I realized that this was the first time I was grabbing her melons.
Instinctively, my fingers found her nipples and as I teased them, they slowly became fully erected. Suddenly, she stopped her Frenching and moved only her head away from me. My hands remained on both her breasts.
Haz: I never did the earlier performance before.... I did not like it, and especially do not like to expose myself to others..... but it was necessary. So, I thought about you and decided to perform for you.....
She lowered her mouth to mine again and started Frenching.
Haz: urmpgh....thinking of you........ smoooocccch......while doing it...muacccckkksss.....made me....urmpghh.... very...horny.....
She moved herself, put her hands on my shoulder, opened her legs and straddle over my thighs, while I was still sitting on the edge of the bed. Slowly, my mouth left hers and I moved it towards her cheeks. She turned her head the other way, offering me to neck her.
I nibbled slowly down her neck.
Haz: umm...umm....
My mouth continued to kiss her along her body, against her smooth silky skin. She lifted herself up from the bed, fully kneeling down. Her breasts were now on the same plane as my mouth and she pushed them towards me. Finally after so long, I managed to suck on her breasts.
I ran my tongue across the tiny goose pimples around her areolas and slowly ran it across her nipple, while massaging the other breast with my hand.
Haz: umm...umm....
She sat down on my thighs again and our lips found each other once more. Her hands went down to my shorts and easily found my erected cock. She wrapped her hand around it and gave it a few gentle tugs.
Hazel got down from the bed and slowly removed my shorts as I continued to sit by the bedside. Once I was fully naked, she squatted down in front of me, between my legs. I watched her as she slowly used the tip of her tongue to tease my tiny pee hole, all the while looking into my eyes. I could feel a jolt of electricity moving up my spine as she started to circle her tongue around my helmet head. Pre-cum slowly formed on my tip and she lapped it up like a hungry puppy.
She slowly engulfed the tip of my helmet with her mouth and as she held onto the base, she took in the whole length of my shaft. The feeling was heavenly, especially if it was your colleague in the office, whom you could only dream of her doing this to you. But now this was real.
*smuacckkkk.... summmmarckkkk....*
She was skilful and her suction was good. As her head bobbed up and down, sucking my tool and trying to drain me, my balls started to contract. She felt it too and moved her mouth away.
Still looking into my eyes, she moved forward, took my dick and placed it between her breasts. Her hands pushed her C Cups together and started to breast-fuck me. Although I felt the compression by her boobs, there was not too much physical feeling but seeing my dick between her breasts was erotic enough.
After a short while, I could not take it anymore. I wanted to feel her. I needed to feel her. To fully explore each and every nook and crevice that she had.
I helped her up and laid her down on my bed. Without any verbal indication, she opened her legs for me. I looked at her shaven pussy and she was already so wet that a stream of her juices had flowed down the side of her thighs.
I went forward and could smell her womanly smell. Gently, I put my hand on her folds and spread her nether lips open. The pinkish interior of her vagina was ready any time for my entry.
Haz: lick me.....
Instead of licking, I used my fingers and explored her clit slowly, feeling every petal of her inner lips. As I was playing with her clit, more juice flowed out and my hand was soon coated fully with her lubrication.
Haz: ummm.... lick me...... baby..... lick me....
I had seen those juices many times and had also imagined about how she tasted. Without further prompting, my tongue touched the little knob at the top of her slit.
Haz: ahh....yes.......
I started to paint her with gusto and inserted 2 fingers straight into her love tunnel. Her body emitted a short shiver as she was attacked by my tongue and fingers.
*slurppppp...... sllluuurrrrpppp.....quuuueeeakkk.....ssqqqquuuaaac cchhh......
She was very wet and both my tongue and fingers were producing noises in tandem with my licking and fingering. She started to moan loudly.
Haz: uuuummmmmmm.....errnnn.....
Hazel started to grab her own breasts as I continued what I was doing. She squeezed her breasts together and played with her nipples. I could feel her getting more and more arouse as she pushed her breasts upwards and started to lick her own nipples. This was a little too much for me.
I stopped what I was doing and positioned myself on top of her. She spread her legs wider and held my dick with one hand.
Haz: come...... fuck me.... fuck me now......
I moved forward and she guided my dick into her tunnel.
Haz: errrrrnnnnn..... ughhhhh......
Even though I had not started to pump but she was already moaning loudly. I remembered the time we had in the shell scrape and how she was moaning now. It was only now that I realized that she was not sensitive on the exterior but only when something was inserted into her. With this realization, it got me very stimulated as it was such a personal experience.
I started to fuck her and just as I expected, she moaned regardless I was entering of exiting her; there was no rhythm to her moans.
Haz: urrnnnnnn.....urrrnnnnnn......urrrrnnnnnnn...
I started to increase my tempo and that only increased her volume. The faster I went, the louder she moaned.
Haz: URRRRNNNNNNN..............URRRRNNNNNNNNNNNNN...... .......URGNNNNNNN.............
She continued to grab and lick at her nipples. I could feel her pussy starting to get tighter as her tunnel grabbed onto my shaft, even though her juices continued to flow out.
Suddenly, her legs clamped around my waist and she shook her head side to side wildly. Her hands pinched her nipples and looked like she was try to pull them out from her breasts. Her hips buckled and her eyes rolled back in their sockets, showing me only the whites.
Haz: UGGGHHHHHHH....... FUCKKKKK...... ME......UGHHHHHHH.......
As she climaxed, her tunnel had tightened to the point that my penis could feel all the ridges inside her. Every push or pull was an intense sensation for me and I could not hold back any more.
However with her legs clamped around my waist, I could not withdraw.
Me: Let me go.... I am cumming.....
She was so engrossed in her own orgasm that she did not hear what I said. Without control any more, I ejaculated into her pussy. Even after I had finished my last drop, she was still panting as I laid down on her body.
Finally she released the grip on my waist and I pulled myself out from her. A thick white blob of my sperm flowed out from her pussy and she cleaned it off.
Physically spent, we laid down side by side on the bed. I looked at her and her eyes were closed.
Me: shit..... I shot my load into you....
Haz: don't worry.... I am in my safe period....
Me: many boyfriends did you had in the past?
Haz: 1.....
Me: Did you every use toys before?
Haz: nope.....
Before I could continue to ask, she got up and took my deflated dick in her mouth.
Me: wait.... I haven't cleaned it.......
She looked at me and just winked before sucking on it, swallowing whatever remaining cum I had and trying to bring it back to life.
That night, we had another 4 rounds before we slept.
29-04-2018, 04:31 PM
Excellent update TS, makes me so hard while reading .... :D
29-04-2018, 05:24 PM
Nice update TS, Hazel is so hot!!!
29-04-2018, 09:14 PM
OMG !! More more pls
29-04-2018, 09:16 PM
I can almost imagine Hazel in front of me ..... naked of course! :D
30-04-2018, 09:50 AM
During that night of passion, Hazel confessed a few things to me. She had already took a liking to me even before we got onto the vessel. However because she had a boyfriend at that time and I did not made my move, she did not as well. And even though she was together with her boyfriend for the last few years, they only had sex during the first year. After that, their relationship had went downhill and just like Sonia and myself, they kept it going, even though their love had almost become none existence.
In the morning I was awakened by a strong suction on my penis. She had started to suck me off and as I woke up, she offered her pussy to me as we got into a 69 position. But because I had already emptied myself regularly throughout the night, the doorbell rang before I could ejaculate.
Haz: It must be Alan.
Me: Alan? how did he know where I stay?
Haz: He called earlier and I gave him your address....
She got out of bed and got dressed, or rather try to cover herself up. Hazel did not want to wear what she was wearing last night as I had stained it unintentionally during one of our session and since she did not want to wear Sonia's old clothes, she just took one of my largest work shirt and wore it. The bottom of the shirt just barely managed to cover her bottom but because it was a shirt, every time she moved, the bottom flaps would open up and I could see her pussy quite easily. Furthermore, it was an old shirt and the 2 top-most buttons had already dropped off. She buttoned up the remaining ones.
Me: where did you get that?
Haz: I got it when you were sleeping.....
She started to walk to the door of the bedroom.
Me: Baby, wait.....are you sure you want to open the door dressed like this? I could see your pussy every time when you walk.....
Haz: It's the longest shirt I could find. Anyway, it's only Alan and don't forget he is....
Me: Yes. I know. but still he is a guy.....
Haz: I can't find anything else and you dirtied my dress.....Unless you had something else that I could use. Anyway, the Tshirt covers up well unless when I walk. I won't be walking because I will be at the door.
The doorbell rang again.
Haz: I had already washed up. I'll go open the door while you wash up....
I wanted to continue but I could see that she was getting irritated by my protests. Not feeling too pleased, grumpily I went into the toilet in the master bed room as she went to get the door. I knew that Alan was not interested in woman but you can never be too sure.
When I came out, I could still hear them talking. As I went out to the living room, she was at the door and the gate was opened. Alan was standing by the door. Even though she was not showing off any parts, I was still mighty unhappy.
Alan: good morning Sam. I see you 2 had a good time last night....
Me: Ask her....
She hit me softly on the chest.
Alan: haha... ok... I don't want to disturb you love birds any more.... here, the details are inside...
He handed the thumb drive to her and she passed it to me.
Haz: thanks..... you are so sweet. You must have worked throughout the night....
Alan: it's nothing...definitely not as much as the 2 of you....haha..... ok... babe.... gota go. Have a plane to catch....
Haz: have a enjoyable trip with Mark.... bye...
With that, he walked off.
Just when I was about to close the gate, I saw my 60 year old neighbour, Uncle Tan, coming out from his flat with 2 bowls of food in his hand. He was a nice guy and had always brought food over to spend time with me as he was living alone as well. His wife had long passed on and he lived alone as he had sent his children to America to study and they had since settled down there.
30-04-2018, 09:53 AM
I am going to split the next few postings into 2 scenarios.
It does not matter how each one goes as it will not affect how the story ends.
So you can choose how you would want to decide Hazel is.
30-04-2018, 09:54 AM
<<Scenario 1>>
Hazel turned to go but I held her hand.
Me: My neighbour is bringing food over.
Haz: now?
Me: yes. Uncle Tan is a very nice person and he lived alone. Normally he would bring food over to share with me.
She stuck her head out of the door before coming back into the house.
Haz: why is he limping?
Me: His leg is no good as he got into a accident long ago.
Haz: And you are not helping him?
She pushed me aside and went outside to Uncle Tan. I looked from just outside my door.
Haz: Hi Uncle Tan? Please let me help you.
She reached out and took over the bowls from him.
Uncle Tan: oh...and you are?
Haz: I am Hazel.... Sam's girlfriend....
Uncle Tan: Sam's girlfriend?
Haz: Sam.... come here....
I went over and she passed the bowls to me as she held on his arm, supporting him into the house and sitting him down on the sofa. As he got seated, I saw him talking a peek down her shirt as she leaned forward to support him, even though she was holding onto the top of her shirt with one hand.
Putting down the bowls on the coffee table behind her, I could see the hamburger-shaped of her pussy below her butt as the bottom of the shirt rose when she helped him.
She straightened up and was about to take the seat furthest away from Uncle Tan on the sofa because my armchair was filled with my clean laundry, leaving me with the centre seat.
Uncle Tan: errm... sam, since Hazel is here, do you want to split the noodles into 3 portions?
Haz: You stay with Uncle Tan. let me do it.
She collected the bowls and went into the kitchen. I took over the seat that she had just vacated.
Uncle Tan: Her first time staying overnight at your place?
I nodded and he laughed.
Uncle Tan: wonder..... and last night I thought who was watching porn and left the volume too loud.
Me: Oh.... did we disturb you?
Uncle Tan: no... don't misunderstand..... it's just that it's been too long since I have heard this. So I seriously thought a neighbour was watching porn..... anyway, she had a very good figure and reminded me of my wife.
Obviously he had been checking her out.
We continued to make small talks before she came out of the kitchen with the noodles separated.
Pulling down the hem of the shirt, she took the middle seat and put a cushion on her lap. We started to eat and he asked her about her job and stuffs.
Uncle Tan and I finished our food first and left our bowls on the coffee table.
When Hazel finished hers, probably she was engrossed in the conversation with him and got careless, she forgotten about what she was wearing. She got up from the sofa and bent forward to collect the bowls from the table. As she bent forward, once again, her pussy was shown to both of us.
Before I could warn her, Uncle Tan tapped her butt with his fingertip. Immediately it caught her attention and she realized what she had done. She stood up and adjusted her top quickly, while blushing.
Haz: oppss... sorry.... that was rude.....
Uncle Tan: sam.... can you help her instead?
She went back to her seat while I collected the bowls to the back. I tried to keep as silent as possible while in the kitchen so that I could listen in to their conversation.
Uncle tan: Hazel, you should be wearing more stuffs when you have guests at home.....
Haz: sorry... I don't have anything else to wear.
She proceeded to tell him the reason and he laughed.
Uncle Tan: I see..... you probably need to remember to leave some spare clothing here the next time you come....
Haz: I definitely will!
I came out and returned to the sofa.
Uncle Tan: Sam, this top needs to be thrown away. Even for you, it's already too used and old, just like me.....haha....
Haz: Please don't say that.... you are not so old....
Uncle Tan: haha..... I haven’t seen a woman's body since my accident and since my wife passed on..... I don't even know how it looks or like any more ..... if that's not old, then what is?
Even though he was laughing, I could sense a tinge of sadness in his voice.
Uncle Tan: when I see you, you made me miss my wife..... sorry, not you... I mean.... hai.... never mind.....
I could see tears forming up in his eyes.
Haz: what is it? You can tell us....
Uncle Tan: haha....I guessed I am just feeling lonely.... it's ok....
He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. When he put it down, his elbow brushed against one of her breast. She did not move away and allowed the back of his upper arm to rest on her pillow.
Uncle Tan: Hazel...You are a very kind young lady.... and Sam, you have a very nice woman..... make sure you treasure her......
He got up slowly, collected the bowls and started to leave.
Uncle Tan: I am tired. An old man need his rest.....
Once he had left, I turned to Hazel.
Me: why did you do that?
Haz: Do what?
Me: you did not push him away.
Haz: Push him away?! he is an old man!
Me: but then you should not have done that.
Haz: What did I even do?! You are being unreasonable.
She got up from the sofa angrily, went into the room, changed and left.
<<End of Scenario 1>>
30-04-2018, 09:58 AM
<<Scenario 2>>
I was still pissed with her when suddenly a thought floated into my mind as I wondered if she was a closet exhibitionist. An evil plan quickly hatched in my mind.
I took a step quickly back into the house without closing the gate. Hazel was about to walk back to the room but I held her waist and stopped her. As she turned to face me, I planted my mouth over hers and started to French her. She responded.
Moving my hand quickly, I reached into her shirt and grabbed her breasts. This caused the remaining of the top buttons to drop off, leaving the shirt hanging only by its last 2 buttons. I undid the remaining buttons, allowing the shirt to drape freely over her body. Once the buttons were off, she tried to hold her shirt together but I managed to pull off her top and threw it on the sofa, leaving her totally naked. I bent down and started to suckle her nipple but she tried to push me away.
Haz: sam....ernnn.... no....wait....ernnnnn.... close the door...... ernnnnn.... people will walk pass.....ern....
Over the course of the past night, I had gotten to know her erroneous zones. There were 2. One behind her ear lobes and the other was inside her tunnel. The rest of her body, even licking her clitoris or nipples, would cause her to be horny but these 2 specific zones would make her lose most, if not all her inhibitions, especially if she was penetrated with rapid follow up actions. Of course when she was near her big O, she would lose all controls.
I took advantage of her weakness and inserted 2 fingers into her pussy. Immediately, she lost all resistance to fight back and started to moan softly.
Haz: eurnn..... eurnn....... eurnn.......
Her legs wobbled and she put a hand on my shoulder for support while the other covered her mouth to stifle the noises she was emitting. I laid her down on the floor, just inside the opened door, with her legs facing it and proceed to work my fingers inside her as well as continuing to lick her nipples. All this while, I was looking at the door, waiting for Uncle Tan to appear.
Haz: ugh.....ugh..... ugh... ugh.....ugh....ugh...
She had closed her eyes and as my fingers picked up the pace, so did her moans and pants. After so many rounds between us last night and based on her physical tell-tale signs now, I knew that she was in the process of having an orgasm.
I also knew that between now and until her orgasm subside, she would be entirely oblivious to the surroundings. Her body would only focus on wanting to fully arrive and complete her climax, shutting out her mind completely.
I heard the footsteps getting nearer to the open door and I increased the speed I was fingering her with purpose. Subconsciously, she lifted her legs off the ground and spread her thighs fully. With one hand, she started to squeeze the breast that I was not sucking on and somehow, her other hand was still covering her mouth.
Haz: ennnn....ennnnn....ennnnn....
She was almost there as her toes began to curl.
At the same time, I saw a silhouette at my door.
Uncle Tan: Hi Good morning Sam........
I lifted my mouth from her breasts and looked at Uncle Tan standing at the door, holding the 2 bowls in his hand. He stood there completely shocked as he watched me finger fucking Hazel, who was lying on the floor completely naked.
Suddenly I felt bad about exposing her to Uncle Tan without her permission. However, at that point in time, it was because I felt that she had tried to expose herself again to Alan and I wanted to find out if she was an exhibitionist, that all my remorse took a back seat since I had already gotten her so far.
As per my expectations, she did not hear him speak as she started to pinch her nipple and her eyes started to roll back. It was a clear sign of her reaching her orgasm. My plan was just to stop short of her getting off. It had happened to me before and had made me extremely frustrated and I wanted to also see what her reactions would be.
I pulled my fingers out from her and leaving him an unobstructed view of her pussy as her juices followed out.
Uncle Tan remained at the door with his eyes transfixed on her lovely hole as she continued to lay there panting with her eyes closed. Her hand reached out frantically to search for mine to finish the job, still unaware of his presence.
Me: errmmm.....Good morning..... Uncle Tan....
I broke him from his fixation and he turned his eyes on mine. Hazel was still panting but I could hear her breathing slowing down.
Uncle Tan: sorry...sorry for disturbing...... I'll come back later....
As he turned to go, I got up and hurried to the door to stop him.
Me: Uncle Tan... Uncle Tan.... It's ok..... I see that you had brought breakfast... Come in.....
As I held his arm and guided him into my house, she finally opened her eyes and looked at my previous situated location, still searching for me to complete my task. She was confused for a moment, before looking down between her legs at us.
When she saw him stepping into the house, immediately she closed her legs, covered her breasts and screamed. She got up and rushed into the room.
Uncle Tan: oh dear.... I think you better see how she is doing.... I'll make my move first....
Me: no.... wait here.... we'll have breakfast together....
I took over the bowls from him and put them on the coffee table. I settled him down on the sofa, collected the shirt she was wearing prior, before heading into the room. As I entered, she was hiding behind the door with a towel wrapped over her body and did not sound too pleased.
Haz: Who is that!? and why is he here!? why did you let him in!?
Me: My neighbour, Uncle Tan. He is a very nice person and he lived alone. Normally he would bring food over to share with me. I did not let him in. His eyesight were not that good and unfortunately today because our door was opened, so he just stepped in. Oh and he brought me breakfast this time.
I acted innocently but she was still whispering angrily but not screaming as she did not want to let him know about our discussion.
Haz: but....but.... you should not leave me lying there! He saw everything! everything!
I knew she had another soft spot and I made use of it.
Me: His leg is no good as he got into a accident long ago. As you can see, he was limping and so, I went forward to help him. You wouldn't want him to fall right? Anyway, I told you that we had a guest earlier but I don't know if you heard me.
She put her face in her hands.
Haz: He saw everything. This is so embarrassing.
I passed her the top.
Me: I am going out to accompany him. I can't leave a guest alone in the living room. If you are not comfortable to meet him, perhaps you can stay in the room until he is gone.
I did not wait for her answer and went out and sat beside Uncle Tan on the sofa as my other only armchair was full of my clean laundry.
Uncle Tan: Is she ok?
Me: yah.... she'll be fine.
Uncle Tan: You 2 shouldn't leave the door open when you are getting intimate, you know? Luckily it was just me but anyone could walk pass.
Me: oh sorry.... She just came over for the first time last night and I guessed we were too engrossed and I forgotten to do it. I'll remember the next time.
Uncle Tan: wonder..... and last night I thought who was watching porn and left the volume too loud.
Me: Oh.... did we disturb you?
Uncle Tan: no... don't misunderstand..... it's just that it's been too long since I have heard this. So I seriously thought a neighbor was watching porn..... anyway, she had a very good figure and reminded me of my wife.
Just then, Hazel walked out from the room apprehensively. She had worn the shirt over the towel which was still wrapped around her like a sarong and she did not look very glamourous in such a dressing.
Me: Uncle tan, my girlfriend, Hazel.
Haz: Hi Uncle Tan....
Uncle tan just nodded his head and smiled at her. She blushed and looked uncomfortable before settling her eyes down on the 2 bowls of noodles.
Haz: I'll get them separated into 3 portions....
I left Uncle tan sitting in the living room as I headed into the kitchen.
Initially, my evil plan started because of my curiosity to find out if she was a closet exhibitionist instead I found out about something else unexpectedly after what happened over the last few minutes.
I thought about the time in the vessel where she pranced around mostly naked and then also at the performance she did in front of Mr Ong. Although I was interested in her body but I was still not too turned on at that point in time. Now that she was my girlfriend and exposing her to Uncle Tan without her consensus started to stir something deep down inside me.
Someone said that "with great power comes great responsibility" but that was bullshit. I would rather say that "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupt absolutely".
Although I could still not conclude whether she had exhibition tendencies but I knew I could manipulate her by just using the knowledge of her weaknesses and working on it; the question was how easily and to what extent.
After previously reading so much about mind-control, having experienced some degree of control over her mind's sexuality, it gave me a sense of power. So now with this new sense of power over her, it gave me a weird feeling.
I was not too sure if I had become a pervert by taking pleasure to show off the intimates of my girlfriend or was it because I had control over her. I needed to understand about myself and decided continue with the experiment.
She was still separating the noodles into 3 bowls as I went behind her and hugged her waist. She continued with the noodles.
Haz: let me finish up here and I'll be out to accompany you guys.... be good.... go and....
I started to neck her.
Haz: baby... don't.... let me finish up... and after he go you can....
Instead of stopping, I went for her other sensitive zone. I started nibbling behind her ear lobes and she stopped whatever she was doing as her hands held onto the table top. She started to breathe heavily again. Although I knew that some time had passed since I fingered her but because she did not get past her climax, her body would still be readily responsive.
I tugged at her towel and let it dropped onto the floor, leaving her remained dressed in the shirt with the 2 bottom buttons securing it. I knew that if I removed her top now, she would resist, so I left it in place. I turned her around and she opened her eyes droopily looking at me. She started to push me away.
Haz: baby.... no... that's enough... the uncle is still outside. You can fuck me however you want later.....
Once more, before she realized, I pushed my fingers between her legs and deep into her vagina even before she could resist. She just managed to take in a deep breathe before covering her mouth. Her face contorted into a frown as her eyes displayed both lust and fear at the same time. Lust, as her body waited in anticipation for that climax that had not arrived. Fear because she was afraid she would scream when she attained it.
I ignored her expressions and fingered her hard. She had trouble trying to suppress her moans and had to use both her hands to cover her mouth.
Haz: e....e.....e.....
Her legs wobbled again and gave way as she succumbed to my probing. I quickly held her waist to support her while continuing to finger fuck her. I watched her face closely which was now contorted in agony for not able to release her moans, waiting for the signs.
her eyes started to roll back and that was what I was waiting for. Immediately I pulled my finger out from her. A stream of her juices flowed out from her pussy and dripped onto the towel that was on the floor. I released her and let her sit on the towel as she slowly caught her breath. Twice I had prevented her from coming and I was sure her body was screaming for a good fuck. She just sat there and looked up at me with a please-come-fuck-me now face.
I kiss her on the forehead, cleaned my soaking hand on her towel and went out. She was ready for my final experiment.
30-04-2018, 10:01 AM
As I went out, I sat at the other end of the sofa, away from Uncle Tan.
Uncle Tan: Is everything ok?
Me: yup... I was putting the laundry into the washer....
Uncle Tan: oh...ok....
I spoke loudly next so that Hazel could hear and would not stay in the kitchen to finish off what I had stopped on her own.
Me: sorry for making you wait. You must be hungry. Hazel will be out soon with the food.
Uncle Tan: need to talk to loud. I am not deaf.......
Within a minute or so, she came out of the kitchen with the bowls and was just wearing the shirt without the towel. I did not ask her about it because I knew it was stained with her own juices. Uncle Tan checked her body out as his eyes went up to her cleavage and then back down to her legs. She was looking down as she set the bowls on the table and did not notice it.
Hazel stood up and looked at the only available seat. She turned to the armchair and saw the pile of laundry on it. Then she looked at the floor and she hesitated for a moment to consider her options before walking around the table.
Once she sat between us, with both her legs on the floor, she put a cushion on her lap and ensured that nothing peeked out from her top so as to protect her modesty. We held the bowls in our hands and started while Uncle Tan made small talk with her, asking her about her job and so on.
I finished the noodles first. Hazel was a slow eater and she had hardly finished half her portion. Her hands were still occupied with her food, left hand holding the bowl while right hand the chopsticks. They were still engaged in conversation.
I put my hand on her thigh that was nearer to me and I could sense the tension in her. Uncle tan did not seemed to notice the slight change in her demeanour and continued to speak.
Slowly, I moved up her thigh and under the cushion. I stopped at her pubic area. She tried to clamp her legs tighter together but she could not cross her legs without causing the cushion to drop. However, because she was slim, there will always be a gap at the top of her legs. Her breathing pattern changed and betrayed her as I moved my middle finger downwards until I touched the top of her slit.
Hazel left the chopsticks in her bowl as her hand came down and caught my forearm, trying to prevent me from proceeding.
Just then, Uncle Tan turned sideways and looked at her. He did not notice where her hand was.
Uncle tan: Oh.... sorry, I didn't know you don't like noodles.....
Haz: Oh.... it's nice....
Her hand quickly went back up to the chopsticks so as not to arouse his suspicion and he turned back to his noodles. Without her hand to stop me, my finger managed to go lower and touched her clit. She turned to me, with an angry look on her face, mouthing a soundless word to me.
Haz (s): STOP!
I replied by giving her a naughty grin.
She changed to a pleading expression, just like what I saw in the shell scrape.
Haz (s): baby... please stop....... no.......
She shook her head briefly to reiterate her point.
With my free hand, I put a finger to my lips and she turned away from me with a half-convincing, angry expression.
Her thighs were still tightly clamped together and my finger was stuck but I preserved. Like a miner, little by little, bit by bit, I pushed lower and along her slit until I reached the entrance to her hole, but that was the most I could proceed.
When she felt my hand there, she panicked as she thought I could drill straight in and moved backwards to try to cross her thighs.
That was the opening I need. In the instant that she moved backwards, she had to apply force downwards and backwards rather than sideways. Her thighs opened up briefly and before she could cross her legs, I pushed 2 fingers directly into her. She sucked in a deep breath and stopped moving. Apart from that, there was no other indication from her as she was still holding onto the food.
In this position, once in, there was no way I could finger fuck her. I did the only thing I could. I started to wriggle my fingers inside her, exploring all the ridges in her tunnel, stroking her from the inside. My palm was already wet with her juices as I continued my actions under the cushion, still oblivious to Uncle Tan.
Uncle Tan: So Hazel, do you think companies should continue to employ FT?
She was not concentrating.
Uncle Tan: Hazel?
Haz: oh.... sorry... what?
He repeated his question and she answered him. He continued to ask her questions and in order not to appear rude, she focused on her replies.
Either her were legs getting tired or she was losing her concentration, her thighs started to relax.
Although her thighs were still together but they were not clamping down on my hand anymore. This tiny allowance gave me the opportunity to move my fingers in and out of her tunnel.
Hazel's breathing increased and started to stammer in her replies.
Haz: I think..... errrm.... think..... they.... not have the proper errrmm.... pass.
Uncle Tan: Har? what pass?
Haz: Pass..... I mean..... errrm..... certs....yah....certs....
She bit her lips as she tried to fight the feeling in her loins while also give proper answer to Uncle Tan. His continuous talk with her was actually a good distraction for me as she could not multi-task properly. As her mind was busy with his questions, it allowed her body to take over. I knew it was only a matter of time.
Her legs started to part slowly. My hand could now move freely between her legs as I started to finger fuck her gently so as not to cause the cushion to drop too soon from my vigorous actions. Like a surgeon looking for vital signs in a patient, I watched her carefully and waited for the right moment.
Haz: urn....ahhemm....
A soft moan emitted from her but she cleared her throat to try to mask it.
She put the bowl of remaining noodles on the table and held my wrist with both hands in her last feeble attempt to stop me. Her grip was not as strong as before and her legs remained opened.
Gently, with my free hand, I pulled her hands away from my wrist and continued to finger her freely in slow motions. Her hands did not return and I knew it was almost time.
Her eyes were glazed as she leaned into the backrest of the sofa with her hands by her side. Her motions had caused a very erected nipple to expose itself but she did not realize or make adjustment to hide it. Under the cushion, her legs opened slightly wider. Her breathing came in rapid short burst.
Uncle Tan was finishing up with his last mouthful of noodles and had still not notice anything amiss.
Even with my fingers penetrating in such slow speed, I could sense that she was only a few seconds away from her orgasm. All the previous teasing I had did on her had done its work. Her body was now just waiting to explode into life due to the frustrations I had helped to build up. Her mind had stopped functioning as she succumbed to her physical self. Now only one thing was in her mind and nothing else mattered.
He put the bowl on the table and started to turn to look at her, wondering why she had not answered him again. Just at this time, her eyes started to roll back and as she stuck out her chest, pushing the fabric away, leaving her boobs free. Her 2 erected nipples peeked at us in their full glory.
At the same instance, like before, I stopped fingering her and started to withdraw my fingers from her pussy. She felt my intentions and her hands shot out to grab my wrist causing the cushion to fall onto the floor. With her hands on my wrist, she spread her legs wide and pushing her thighs against ours, while trying to pull my finger back into her again.
Haz: pleeeaaasssse..... pleeeeaaassssse..... I need to cum.....
Uncle Tan had fully turned around and her eyes darted between he and I, pleading desperately, as I held firm in my position.
My intention was to wait a bit before proceeding to finish off the job. I could see her frustrations starting to boil over and her lust had built up to the point of no return. She released my wrist and stuck her fingers into her slophole and started to finger herself.
Haz: ugh....ugh....
That was not what I wanted. I held her hand and pulled her finger out.
Haz: RRRGhhh....let me go..... SAM....leeettt..meeee .... ggoooo.....
Me: ok...ok.... I'll help you.....
Haz: urnnn....urrrnnn.....ughhh....
Both her hands were in mine but she had started to moan again. I looked down and Uncle Tan had stuck his fingers into her vagina and had started to finger her.
I released her, unsure of what I should do, as squashing noises started to emit from her pussy. With her hands free, I thought she would pushed his hand off. Instead, her hands went straight to her breasts and started to pinch her nipples. Her eyes rolled back and she let her leg rest on our thighs as she started her orgasm.
Her body buckled on the sofa, pushing down towards his fingers that were in her soapbox.
He fingered her harder and pushed her hand away from her breast as he took over, pinching and pulling at her nipples. She continued to buckle and cum.
Haz: UGHHHH..... UGHHHHH.......
I sat there in silence as I watched her explosive orgasm.
After 1 min of arriving at her climax, her body finally stopped moving and she laid there with half close eyes. Uncle Tan's hand was still in her pussy and his other hand was still grabbing her breast, toying with her nipples.
Her breathing slowed down but he continued to finger her with his thumb rubbing against her clit. Within 30 seconds or so, her breathing increased again.
Her body rocked again as she had a 2nd orgasm. It was longer than the first and after this, she laid there exhausted but still he continued to finger her. Not once did his fingers left her pussy since he inserted into her.
Her rest was even shorter as she started coming again just 15 seconds after her 2nd orgasm subsided.
She moaned as the third one went through her body. It lasted longer than the 2nd. Finally she fell back into the sofa. Uncle Tan released her breasts and pulled his finger out of her. It was fully caked with her white juices.
He looked at Hazel.
Uncle Tan: My wife had passed away for a long time and for the last 15 years because of my leg, I had not seen a woman's body. And I am so old that I don't even remember how a woman body feels or looks like any more.....
He looked up at me.
Uncle Tan: Thanks Sam..... I know you did this for me.
It was not my intention but I nodded.
Uncle Tan: Hazel, don't blame Sam...You are a very kind young lady.... and Sam, you have a very nice woman..... make sure you treasure her......
Hazel still looked to be in a daze.
Uncle Tan: I am tired. An old man need his rest.....
He got up slowly, cleaned his hand on his shorts and collected the bowls and left.
Hazel remained on the sofa with her energy all spent. As I had not released, I went over and doggy her. She came easily as I emptied myself into her.
As I laid there on the sofa besides her, she regained herself.
Haz: why did you do that?
Me: Do what?
Haz: you put me in a compromising position.
Me: I did not.... I mean.....
Haz: yes. you did. I am leaving.
She got up from the sofa angrily, went into the room, changed and left.
<<End of Scenario 2>>
30-04-2018, 10:03 AM
Scenario 2
30-04-2018, 10:25 AM
confusing but very good so ironic
30-04-2018, 10:56 AM
wah thank you bro pussluver for the 2 versions.. siao liao... steam steam while in office now.. :D
30-04-2018, 03:42 PM
Wow this update damn shiok, thanks TS :D
01-05-2018, 07:34 PM
Bro scenario 2 is better
01-05-2018, 08:25 PM
Scenario 2!
01-05-2018, 08:32 PM
Scene 1 preferred here!
01-05-2018, 09:13 PM
Support Scenario 2:D
02-05-2018, 12:32 AM
Scenario 2 :)
02-05-2018, 11:05 AM
Scenario 1
02-05-2018, 11:57 AM
woah. nice change of perspective man 👍🏻
02-05-2018, 01:42 PM
It was our second day together and we already had an argument. Although I sent her a text later to apologise, she did not respond me. Suddenly I felt lost without her.
Monday morning, I was deployed and I kept thinking about Hazel and how to appease her when I received a call from HR to ask me to return to office earlier that evening as the boss wanted to speak to me. I had not thought about Mr Ong the whole day as my mind was totally on Hazel.
As I stepped back into the office at 5.45pm, there was no one else and I headed straight for his room.
Mr Ong: Sam..... have a seat....
Me: Boss.... I....
Mr Ong: ok.... I know....I know... you are going to tell me that Hazel had not agreed to it....
Me: how......
He smiled and held his hand up.
Mr Ong: HQ called me. They said Hazel spoke to them. So I know you had spoken to her and she is trying to find out why we need the big projects.
He leaned forward in his desk and look at me.
Mr Ong: So you failed.....
Me: yes.... I am sorry but...
Mr Ong: jobs are not easy to find nowadays.... if I send the video up, you will know what happens to the both of you....
Although the person in the video was not Hazel but I did not tell him that I already knew it was Hanna. I nodded quietly.
Mr Ong: let me tell you what. I'll keep the video with me first......
Me: errrmmm.... ok....
I did not know if I should threatened him back with the video I had. Somehow, I decided to hold it back.
Mr Ong: good.....
me: so what about the projects? How are we going to get the projects. Will it jeopardize our company?
I had to pretend I did not know anything. He ignored my question.
Mr Ong: How was the session with her? Is she your girlfriend?
He gestured to the thumb drive. I shook my head as I was not about to tell him that Hazel was my girlfriend now.
Me: no... she is not...
Mr Ong: and she was willing to have sex with you? wow.... she must be real horny....
Me: You saw the video. She was masturbating and I caught her. And then what happened, happened.
Mr Ong: Since she is not your girlfriend then I am sure that every guy in the office will like her as well..... haha.....
He walked over to where I was seated and put his hand on my shoulder.
Mr Ong: So she is not your girlfriend right?
I nodded again.
Mr Ong: Good. I have a plan and I need your help....
me: what plan?
Mr Ong: I had gotten approval from the top. We will organize a company trip for our top performers and you will help me to organize. I had already booked the location.
The conversation ended and I left for the day. Once I left the office, I tried calling Hazel but she did not picked up her phone. I texted her his plans.
02-05-2018, 01:43 PM
The next day, I sent out an email to all the project staffs including Hazel on the oncoming bonus retreat, minus the admin staffs. Huth and Mitchelle rejected, citing that they had family matters. Mag and Lae did not want to go and Ely wanted to stay back to accompany them.
Dan, Lassie, Rodrigo, Suzy, Tan, Nguey, Hida and Minh accepted the invitation almost immediately. Hazel only replied in the evening that she would be available. Once all the replies had been tabulated, I informed Mr Ong and he sent me an acknowledgement text.
The trip was the Friday in 2 weeks time.
The remaining of the week passed without me seeing Hazel and she did not reply to my messages. It was as though we were never together and she was avoiding me again. I wondered if I had caused her depression to resurface.
That weekend, I decided to look for Hanna at her place. Hazel had previously informed me of Hanna's timing and I made sure that she would be in the house when I took a private hire down.
Once again, the security did not even look at me as I went into the compound. I headed straight for Hanna's unit.
She opened the door after the 8th time I pressed the bell. Even though this is not the first time I saw her and I had already seen the both of them together, I was again surprised when I saw her.
Hanna: It's you again. What do you want?
Me: Did your sister contact you?
Hanna: my sister? I thought you 2 were together? what happened.
Me: Can I come in?
She hesitated and allowed me in. Her place was still as messy as ever. I got myself seated down and told her what had happened since we last met.
She rolled her eyes.
Hann: Sam? right?
I nodded.
Hann: you are dumb. You know why her previous relation failed?
I shook my head.
Hann: You need to understand her. She can be very nice and caring. She can be chivalrous and loyal. But there is a dark side to her. She can be headstrong and stubborn. And she had an extremely bad temper.
I considered the words she used. I could relate most of these characteristics in Hazel.
Hann: there is no way that you can change her opinion of you once she gave you judgement. And there are no grey areas. Once she judged you, you are either black or white.
Hanna laughed at my expressions.
Hann: ok.... I'll help you speak to her....
Me: oh.... ok.... thanks....
I got up.
Hann: Tsk.... I haven't finished.....
I stood there and looked at her. I could still not get over the similarities in their physicality.
Hann: only.... if you fuck me again......
She gave me a come-fuck-me look. The office scenario came back into my mind but I shook myself off it.
Me: Thanks but no thanks...... I'll try other ways then....
I proceeded to head towards the door and she laughed.
Hann: Hey.... you seemed to be a nice guy and based on what happened in your office, I think you really like her..... I am sure you miss her a lot..... you sure you don't want to take up my offer? I can be her substitute for now.... I'll keep it a secret, you know?
Me: Thanks Hanna....I appreciate your offer......but it's Hazel that I like.....
Hann: hahaha.... fuck you also don't want. I am a bit offended....haha..... but I think you are a good man..... I'll help you speak to her...... what's your number?
I gave her my number and opened the door.
Hann: ok.... I'll let you know the outcome.....
With that, I left her place.
I did not hear from both the sisters for the entire week and as the day came closer, I started to be worried as I did not know what Mr Ong's plans were. He seemed to be confident that after the trip, he would be able to get Hazel to agree to his request.
Initially, I had wondered why he could not work on the tenders without her help. It was then I realized that HQ would need a 4 eyes principle for any tenders. This meant that a sales person needed to do up the proposal and he would need to go through and approved before submission. That was why getting Hazel's consensus would be essential for him.
Thursday night arrived and I had to be at the airport early tomorrow morning.
That night, as I would away for 3 days, I went over to inform Uncle Tan, just in case he decided to bring food over during the weekend. He could tell that something was troubling me and I told him everything about the trip and my worries.
He just reminded me to look on the bright side, enjoy myself and use the time to patch things back with Hazel.
02-05-2018, 01:46 PM
The next morning, I was late as I arrived at the airport as there was a massive jam along the way. The rest of the team were already there and waiting for me. We got our boarding pass and boarded the flight in time.
A few hours later, we landed at Krabi and then we took a shuttle to the resort. During the journey, not once did Hazel spoke to me.
We finally arrived at the location.
The resort was located at the end of the street. Lush greenery surrounded the area and there were no 2 storey buildings but huts were the main accommodation. A thick partition of trees and bushes split the resort into 2 portions. The first segment comprised of the main pool and also the admin buildings. The other segment was located at the back of the compound and it was well hidden from the main segment unless the doors to the gates were opened, liked currently. The smaller section also had a small pool within its compound. Both areas had entrances that led to the private beach below.
As Mr Ong got our keys, we were told that we were allotted the area further away from the main entrance so that we could have some privacy for our company activities.
There were only 6 huts in this section. He started to allocate the team for each hut.
1. Dan, Lassie - in the first hut.
2. Rodrigo, Suzy - in the second hut
3. Nguey and Minh - in the 3rd hut
4. Hazel and Hida - in the 4th hut
5. Tan and I - in the 5th hut
6. Mr Ong - in the 6th hut
We went into our rooms to change and left our bags before heading out and gathered around the pool.
The girls were all in their bikinis and the guys were in our trunks or beach shorts.
Just like most Vietnamese, Nguey and Minh were very fair. In fact, they were even fairer than Hazel and they had well-endowed figures as well. I was surprised that Hida had D cups as she was mostly dressed in baggy tops in the office. Her bikini top could almost not cover those melons as she kept pulling the garment up frequently.
Mr Ong: Sam, so what is the first team building game?
He had left me to be the organizer of the activities for the first day.
I had planned the activities to be family oriented and nothing naughty as I split us into groups. Pool volleyball was followed by frisbee, also in the pool. Mr Ong did not join us as he said he needed to meet someone outside.
By the end of both games, it was already dinner time. We washed up and headed to town to have our dinner. Mr Ong joined us at the restaurant as I informed him of our whereabouts.
Beers flowed after dinner and he said that he had an important announcement to make. Everyone stopped and paid attention to him.
Mr Ong: Thank you for the hard work for the company. We appreciate what you had done and hoped that you will be able to do better. To show that the company reward our best performers, Hazel and Sam had been given a luxurious yacht trip tomorrow by the company for their good results.
Everyone clamped their hands and congratulated us.
Mr Ong: As part of the management I get to go for the trip as well.
This time, everyone booed jokingly
Mr Ong: Come on... if you performed well, you will get such rewards as well. So, it's a free and easy day for the rest of you tomorrow.
Once again, they cheered.
I caught Hazel staring at me and frowning. We both knew that whatever he had planned would happen tomorrow. I could tell she was worried but perhaps she wanted to get her mind off the madness, she went out alone for a massage after our dinner.
Early next morning, we changed and got ourselves ready for the trip. A small vehicle came and picked the 3 of us up and drove us to the pier.
It was a indeed a luxurious yacht, perhaps a 90 footer. There was a sheltered-opened-air roof right at the top, a middle section which was the bridge, the main deck enclosure and an underdeck section. All the rest of the sections were air-conditioned.
A Thai butler showed us to the main area where a buffet breakfast had been set, before alighting the vessel and leaving us alone. As we started to eat, the boat started to sail out from the pier, leaving the mainland behind.
Hazel still had not spoken to me all morning and remained silent as we had our breakfast. It was an awkward moment for me as the both of them engaged in conversation.
Once breakfast was done, she went down into the lower cabin and changed into her bikini before heading out to the afore deck to sunbath, leaving Mr Ong and myself in still sitting by the breakfast table.
Mr Ong: She is really hot isn't she, especially when she is not wearing her glasses.
I kept quiet.
Mr Ong: Look at her figure. If I could only have the chance....
He turned and looked at me and caught me with a look of disgust on my face. He laughed.
Mr Ong: Sam, don't forget, I still have the video of you and her.
Me: yes. I remember.
Mr Ong: so, no matter what happen, you have 2 choices, either remain silent or you can join me. Else, you will know what will happen.
I hesitated. If he was to harm Hazel, I will definitely stop him. As if he could read into my thoughts, he spoke before I questioned him.
Mr Ong: Don't worry. I won't harm her.
He looked out of the front windows and we could see Hazel was sitting at the bow, trying to rubbed sunblock to herself. He went out and sat beside Hazel. They started to talk and I was surprised to see her handing the lotion to him and she started to lie down.
I went out to join them.
The boat was travelling at a rather good speed and the sea breeze was blowing gently on our faces. Hazel had already lain down on the deck with her back facing the sky and he was rubbing the sunblock over her back when I joined them.
Mr Ong: So, Hazel.... what do think of my offer?
Haz: 50k?
Mr Ong: yes. take it as a special bonus if we get the project.
Her bikini top was those with strings tied to her back and she undid all of them to allow him to spread the sunblock evenly across her back.
Haz: lower please.....
His hands went down to just above the waistband of her bikini.
Haz: So why is it so important to go for those projects?
I knew what she was doing. She was trying to make him lose concentration and accidentally divulge about why he needed the projects so desperately.
Mr Ong: I need the bonuses from the company and the big ones will help.
Haz: I could try to get many of the smaller ones. Why do we need the big ones?.... my legs please....
He slid his hands over the bikini on her butt and started to rub the lotion to the back of her legs.
Mr Ong: We don't have the manpower to do so many small projects.
He finished with her first leg and started on the second.
Haz: I am sure the engineering team will be able to complete all of them.
Mr Ong: Sam, do you think we can?
I thought about it. Honestly, we were already swamped. We would did not have additional bandwidth.
Me: Nope.... I don't think so...but even if we had the big one, I don't think we have any bandwidth as well.
He glared at me.
Mr Ong: Sam for the big projects, we could always re-allocate the manpower because it normally last a few days for ships that stop over.
Haz: but still, why is getting the big project so important? I am sure you are paid well enough, so the bonus shouldn't be so much of a difference, right?
He did not answer her as the boat slowed down and came to a stop. I looked around us and we were in a cove area of an island as the anchor was lowered. The door to the bridge opened and I heard footsteps of the captain coming towards us. I could not see him as the tinted windows blocked my view.
As he appeared at the bow of the boat, I was shocked.
02-05-2018, 02:55 PM
It was Smith.
Smith: Hey Ong.... how is it? Did she agree?
Hazel had gotten up from her prone position, covering her breasts, as she turned her head towards Smith.
Mr Ong: not yet. Why did you come down?
With the appearance of Smith, the dots became connected and the puzzle was partially solved. Since Mr Ong was in cahoots with Smith and Smith was on the hijacked vessel previously, this meant that Mr Ong was involved in the hijacking as well.
Of course they could have tried to hijack any other vessels but Smith was now on the wanted list, he would not be able to captain other ships and there was no way he could know what the manifest was anymore. So they needed Hazel to bid for the bigger projects and win those. Once the project was won, Ong would have knowledge of where the vessel would be and when the crew was deployed, Smith would be able to join in to check on the manifest, in hope that they could get some valuable cargos on these projects.
As I had known Smith from the last incident, I realized that the video was also a ploy to get me on their side.
Smith: I wanted to see how you are progressing. I thought you needed help. The wait is too long for me and we had spent too much to rent this boat..... we needed her to agree.
Mr Ong: I know but you are not supposed to come down.
Smith: well, I am now...
Mr Ong turned and looked at me.
Mr Ong: So Sam, are you with us or against us....
The situation had changed. It was not a case of the video now. The issue was much larger. I was glad that I did not told him about the video I had as I was sure that it would not affect him. Instead, I would not even be on this trip with him.
I weighed my options. Smith was much larger than me and I did not have the element of surprise anymore. Looking around at where we were, there was only 1 option. I looked at Hazel but I could not see her eyes behind her sunglasses. I decided that we should agree now and then make a report when we got home.
Me: I am with you, sir..... but would I get paid as well?
Mr Ong laughed.
Mr Ong: Sam, if we get what we wanted, of course you will get your share as well. If not, why do you think John joined us?
I nodded. So now, I was supposed to take over the role of John in their new plans.
Mr Ong: so Hazel, are you with us or against us? You will still get the 50k if you agreed to help us.
Hazel turned her head to me and then back at Mr Ong.
Haz: If I agree, what do I need to do?
Mr Ong: If you agree, you would just need to write the proposal for the tender and submit it. You don't even need to board the vessel again like last time.
Haz: and what if I disagree?
Smith laughed sinisterly.
Mr Ong: that is not an option....
She contemplated and then agreed.
Haz: ok.... I agree..... I'll join you....
Smith: good.... smart girl..... let's celebrate....
Smith went back into the cabin while she turned away from us and got her top back on again. He appeared with 4 glasses of champagne in his hand and handing each of us 1 glass.
Smith: here's to our cooperation... cheers.....
We all downed the drink and started to chat about other stuffs.
10 mins later, I felt drowsy suddenly. I wondered if it was the sun or the sea that was causing me these symptoms as I watched Hazel slumped onto the deck. The last thing I saw was Smith standing over me as I passed out.
I woke up later in the cabin of the main deck. Mr Ong was sitting at the breakfast table and was smiling at me.
I looked outside and the boat had started to move again. Smith and Hazel were nowhere to be seen as I got up unsteadily.
Me: Where is Hazel?
Ong: She is down below in the cabin sleeping.
Me: What did you do to her?
Ong: I don't trust her. I needed additional security.
He passed me a video cam and I looked at the video. Hazel was fully naked and looked half asleep as she was pounded by Mr Ong's cock. She was moaning softly and I could hear Smith chuckling as he took the video.
Me: What had you done?!
Ong: nothing.... we had sex…...don't worry. I used a condom......
He said as a matter of factually as if he did nothing wrong.
Ong:..She won't be able to get my DNA even if she report it.... and with this video, I am sure she will commit to us....just like you....haha....
I tried to shake off my drowsiness and I was getting angry.
Ong: Sam.... cool it.... I asked you before if she was your girl. You said she was not.... so she is fair game. Anyway, don't worry. It's only once off.... I just need the video to make her obey us.
I did not know what to reply. I wanted to get down to the lower cabin and see how she was but Ong stopped me.
Ong: Let her rest. She is exhausted.
Still angry and feeling useless that I could do nothing as my girlfriend was being drunk rape, I went back out on deck, wondering how I could make these guys pay for what they had done.
Hazel did not wake even as we docked against the pier. I went back into the air-conditioned area and Mr Ong had woken Hazel up as she climbed unsteadily up the stairs.
As she got more sober, she remembered what had happened and started to cry. By now, Smith had come down to the cabin area as well.
Smith: why are you crying? You were enjoying it earlier and was begging for it..... we have proof.... haha....
Ong: shut up Smith..... Hazel, it's only once off. We needed insurance for your commitment as we cannot afford mistakes.
She looked at him and cried even more. He gestured to me and ushered Smith out of the cabin.
I looked at Hazel. I was not sure what I should do except to put my arms around her shoulders to comfort her as I whispered softly to her.
Me: Don't worry.... I'll make them pay for what they did to you.....
When she calmed down a bit more, we disembarked the boat. The same vehicle came to pick us up and send us back to the resort while Smith went on his way.
02-05-2018, 02:56 PM
Hazel was still sobbing quietly as we entered the resort. I thought everyone would be out but Nguey and Minh were there by the pool in their bikinis. They came over quickly when they saw Mr Ong.
Mr Ong: Sam, pass her to them. They will look after her. follow me. I need you to meet someone. Girls, bring her back to her hut.
I was not too sure if the 2 of them were involved as well but taken into account that they would look after Hazel, I suspected that they were also part of his syndicate.
As he opened the door to his hut, I was extremely surprised to find Ely there. She got up and gestured me to a seat.
Me: Oh my god. Ely! what are you doing here!?
She calmly took a seat opposite me as Mr Ong sat on the bed. She turned to Ong.
Ely: Everything went as planned?
He smiled at her with a thumbs up sign.
Ely: Good job......Sam.... Ong and myself started this..... as you know, my family needed money for my mum's medical expenses and the salary is not enough. He is planning to migrate and need as much money as he could get his hands on. As you know, some ships carry valuable cargos. When they are being service, some of these cargos will still be on board and there would not be anyone guarding them. So we could carry out the job.
I stared at her, disbelieving my ears.
Me: Do you know what you are saying?! Why had you changed so much?!
Ely: Sam, after that night we spent together, I realized that I had fallen for you but I did not know what to do. So, the only way is to get you on our team and see if we can become closer. How is she?
The question was directed to Ong and he nodded his head.
Me: Why!? I thought you only needed her to bid for the projects? Why did you need to....need to....rape her?!
Ely: she was getting too close to you and I needed to put a stop to that. we also needed the insurance that she will not betray us.
Me: She was innocent....
Ely: Sam.... what had happened had already happened. You should move on..... she is not worthy of you now....
I stared at her. I could feel the anger building up again as I clenched my fist.
Me: There is no way we can be together. Especially after this. You made a mistake!
I stood up and Ong stood up at the same time. Ely retreated to the door and opened it. Tan was standing outside and came in with 2 of the resort security.
Me: what? even you are on their team! Who else?!
Ely: We have enough. With yourself and Hazel, we will form a good team.
Me: What about Mag and Lae?!
Ely: They are not in the team.
Me: And you allowed John to do what he did to them?!
Ely: That was not planned. I never ever wanted them to get hurt. I am feeling bad about it. I was glad that John was killed anyway. He deserved that.
Me: NO! It was not his fault. It's all your fault!
Ely: Sam.... calm down or they will have to calm you down.....
Me: NO!
I rushed forward trying to get out of the room. Ely stood that and looked as I was immediately pinned down by the Ong, Tan and the 2 security.
All of a sudden, many other figures rushed in through the opened door of the small hut. It was complete chaos and a massive struggle took place between the 2 groups.
Tan released me and his punch connected with the face one of the new invaders. In return, 2 others jumped on him, causing him to trip against the bed and falling onto it. Immediately the 3 attackers leaped onto his body, pinning him down.
Ong got up and tried to push the attackers away from him. But they were much younger guys and managed to push him down on the floor. One sat behind his back while the other secured his wrist.
The security personnel were surprised and they too were pinned down easily. Ely tried to flee but 2 of the new uniformed guys held her arms and prevented her from escaping.
A voice outside the hut boomed in Thai.
02-05-2018, 02:57 PM
One-by-one of the captured person was escorted out of the hut. I came out last and was again surprised.
Standing outside the hut were Hazel, Hanna, Uncle Tan, Ryan and a person in uniform. He looked like he was from the police and was the one barking orders.
I noticed that the gates to our section of the resort were closed and when I looked at the attackers, some were dressed in the same uniform that I had seen on the previous incident while others were of the Thai Police uniform. Obviously it was a joint operation. The captives were led to the edge of the pool and they stood next to each other. Nguey and Minh were also there.
The uniform person introduced himself as Thark. I assumed that he was the person leading the charge of the Thai police.
I looked at Thark and Ryan and reported what I knew.
Me: They are a syndicate. And they were involved in the vessel hijacking in Indonesia. I can be a witness.
Ryan nodded and he and Thark spoke to each other softly before Thark barked orders to his guys.
Thark: bring them back. We will work with the Singapore police on this.
With that, all the prisoners were led away out of the compound with the police escorting them. Some remained behind to search the huts of the syndicate for other evidence.
I looked at Hazel and was confused because Hanna was the one that was still sobbing. She looked at me and shook her head, indicating that it was not the right time for answers.
Ryan spoke to Uncle Tan and Uncle Tan chuckled.
Uncle Tan: Pack your bags. I have a better place. Follow me.
He led us to another resort that was nearer to town and which was much more luxurious than the one we had.
I headed back to my room.
Later that evening, all of us gathered in Uncle Tan's suite. The 2 girls were present as well and they were dressed in the same outfit. Singlet and beach shorts.
Uncle Tan: Sam I am sure you had a lot of questions. I think you can ask them now. We will try to answer you.
Me: Yes. What happened? I mean, why are you here?
Haz: Let me start....
She told me that when I told her about Ong's plans, she contacted Alan, who contacted his friend, Tom. Yesterday when she went for her massage, she called up Tom, who had gone to the office this morning, on the pretext that Mr Ong had sent an engineer to the office to service his laptop. Tom was a hacker and he managed to get into the notebook.
As Hazel needed to wait for the evidence that could be found from the notebook, she got Hanna, who had also arrived last night, to take her place on the boat today. Once Hazel had gotten the evidence, she called up Ryan and he arrived with his men.
Uncle Tan was not activated by Hazel. However, when I told him about my situation and was coming for the trip, he had some suspicions and was worried about us. He did not know anything about the syndicate but he contacted his Police friend instead. The Police came down to the resort to investigate.
Hazel was not present in the resort at that time but was somewhere nearby so that she could see who went in and out of the resort but she had to remain hidden as she was "supposed" to be on the boat. So when she saw the police at the entrance, she stopped them and waited for Ryan's team.
When they saw us entering the resort, they made their move.
Me: So.... it was Hanna on the boat? I thought i was you.....
Both girls looked at me and rolled their eyes.
Me: Hann, are you ok?
Hann: yup..... I was unhappy not because I was raped. I was unhappy because I would never ever have sex with that fat old ugly shit if my drink was not spiked. I feel so dirty......Asshole.
Me: sorry. I couldn't prevent it. Mine was spiked as well.
Hann: I know.... anyway, I am fine now. I hoped they find the video and charge the fucker.
I looked at Hazel.
Me: Are you still angry with me?
She smiled and sat beside me, holding my hand.
Haz: nope..... I am fine now.....
Uncle Tan: good. Everything is fine now.
Me: Uncle Tan, why do you have such contacts?
Uncle Tan: Well, let's just say that it is experience. haha..... how do you think I could live without a job for so many years? I still have businesses around the region. Legal ones of course.... haha...
He looked at us.
Uncle Tan: I don't think you guys would want to continue to work for your company. How about working for me?
Hazel and I looked at each other and nodded.
Me: you have to tell us more about what you do.....
Hann: what about me?
Uncle Tan laughed.
Uncle Tan: you can join them if you want..... I wouldn't mind...... identical twins working for me would be useful....haha....
Hanna came over and sat on the other side of me, holding my hand as well.
Hann: Like this?
Haz: hey.... he's mine......
She hugged me close as I could sense her jealousy taking over. Hanna hugged me from the other side as well.
Hann: When I helped you to board the boat, you promised that you will share him.... didn't you? Don't go back on your words.
I looked at the both of them, disbelieving my ears.
Haz: Still no.... unless you stop sleeping around. I don't want you to bring any diseases to him.
Hann: with him, I won't.... and I will return home as well..... I promise.....
Uncle Tan laughed again.
Uncle Tan: haha.....Sam... you are lucky..... it's good to be young....isn't it?
----------------------THE END---------------------------------
02-05-2018, 02:59 PM
Thanks bro for the support.
I hoped you had like the adventure.
At this point in time, there are no plans to further the story.
Perhaps if I find some inspirations in future, there may be a possibility or I could provide a new adventure for everyone.
02-05-2018, 03:08 PM
Wow. The plot twist i thought it really was hazel that got raped haha
02-05-2018, 04:25 PM
Wow. The plot twist i thought it really was hazel that got raped haha
I suspected it was Hanna but it was Uncle Tan that was the twist for me. Maybe TS can spin another story from there since Sam and the twins are joining his company.
02-05-2018, 04:28 PM
Another masterpiece from bro pussluver... I was kinda sad that you have no updates last year... Good to know that you’re back.
02-05-2018, 05:02 PM
Another masterpiece from bro pussluver... I was kinda sad that you have no updates last year... Good to know that you’re back.
Didn't realized I did not have any stories last year. Maybe I will check and confirm.
Waiting for ts next masterpiece.
02-05-2018, 08:17 PM
don't know the story is real or not but i LIKE!
02-05-2018, 09:45 PM
Awesome story TS, wish it has not end yet :D
03-05-2018, 05:40 AM
Thanks bro for the support.
I hoped you had like the adventure.
At this point in time, there are no plans to further the story.
Perhaps if I find some inspirations in future, there may be a possibility or I could provide a new adventure for everyone.
thank you bro.. so looking forward to your next masterpiece.. till then.. have fun bonking
03-05-2018, 08:57 AM
Nice story TS, waiting for next one :D
03-05-2018, 04:06 PM
Wow.. Awesome story. It was almost a true account of what had happened. Applause.
04-05-2018, 11:49 AM
thank you bro.. so looking forward to your next masterpiece.. till then.. have fun bonking
Thanks bro but since 7 years ago, bonking had almost become none-existence for me. :(
04-05-2018, 11:50 AM
Waiting for ts next masterpiece.
don't know the story is real or not but i LIKE!
Awesome story TS, wish it has not end yet :D
Nice story TS, waiting for next one :D
Wow.. Awesome story. It was almost a true account of what had happened. Applause.
Thanks guys..... glad you like the story. Until next time....
04-05-2018, 05:07 PM
Nice story bro!
04-05-2018, 08:53 PM
Thanks bro but since 7 years ago, bonking had almost become none-existence for me. :(
Forget about writing n pay more attention to the real things bro.. Huat ah
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