View Full Version : Share your method/story: How do you quit Chiong?

22-08-2018, 11:12 PM
Hi Guys,

Anyone had quit chiong , please do share your story or method.

23-08-2018, 07:19 AM
Quitting sex is different from quitting addictions like smoking. You can train to quit smoking or better still not start at all but you cant train to quit wanting sex as its biological human nature. At most you can surpress your desires and abstain but the lust will always be there.

23-08-2018, 10:42 AM
Easy soln - pocket no money quit.

23-08-2018, 12:40 PM
Hi Guys,

Anyone had quit chiong , please do share your story or method.

Spend all your money on your wife... :D

23-08-2018, 12:52 PM
step one: buy resale hdb 5 room flat in mature estate

step two: buy pte property in atas district

step three: buy 2nd pte property in atas district

spend the rest of your life paying off the loans, balls will shrivel due to stress

no balls = no testosterone = no horniness = no cheonging


23-08-2018, 01:12 PM
Take out a 50 dollar note and paste it on your forehead( ur forehead need at least a bit of oil to work)
Log in to sammboy forum pic/video. Choose ur favourite pic or video and wank away!
After release, clean up.
Take down the 50 dollar bill and put it back to your wallet.

Alternatively if above option fails.

Get married.
If this fails too?

Bear a child.
If this too fails

Get another child!
If this fails again?

Dun bother quitting. U are too rich for that! Just continue chioning.

23-08-2018, 01:31 PM
Sometimes, addictions (porn, chiong-ing, etc) are forms of escapisms. Maybe reflect if there are any stressors in your life e.g. financial (the usual), relationship, work, etc.

Work on a plan to remove these stressors and learn not to run from discomforts.

23-08-2018, 02:27 PM
Take out a 50 dollar note and paste it on your forehead( ur forehead need at least a bit of oil to work)
Log in to sammboy forum pic/video. Choose ur favourite pic or video and wank away!
After release, clean up.
Take down the 50 dollar bill and put it back to your wallet.

Alternatively if above option fails.

Get married.
If this fails too?

Bear a child.
If this too fails

Get another child!
If this fails again?

Dun bother quitting. U are too rich for that! Just continue chioning.

Good suggestion haha :D

23-08-2018, 02:54 PM
Choose ur favourite video and wank away!

Sic mine..

23-08-2018, 04:45 PM
Sic mine..

What the fuck show is that? Whahahaha

29-08-2018, 07:17 PM
if I am still here talking about the method or story on "how to quit chiong?" then u think my method work? haha. this forum got so many "informative" info on chiong stuff and if still here u think can quit chiong? haha

maybe should ask "how to quit surfing this forum" first...:D

29-08-2018, 10:29 PM
What is soln?:confused:

Easy soln - pocket no money quit.

29-08-2018, 11:14 PM
Quitting sex is different from quitting addictions like smoking. You can train to quit smoking or better still not start at all but you cant train to quit wanting sex as its biological human nature. At most you can surpress your desires and abstain but the lust will always be there.

Yes. Sex addiction can be managed and controlled. There are clinics which offer sex addiction therapy/counselling.

I Love Boobs
29-08-2018, 11:31 PM
Get yourself busy.
PCC often.
Divert your income so you have less $$ to spend

29-08-2018, 11:47 PM
Hi Guys,

Anyone had quit chiong , please do share your story or method.

Calling chicken is fun, why quit? :o