View Full Version : Marrying a work permit viet ML

24-08-2018, 09:15 AM
Hi bros, I visited my regular viet ML recently and she told me to marry her so that she can get a LTVP and stay here longer and earn more also. She promised to give me $2k every month. Its too good to be true. I'm still single, Should I marry her? I also need to submit an application to MOM. I need to seek your kind advices or anyone have experiences to share with me. Thanks

24-08-2018, 09:26 AM
Hi bros, I visited my regular viet ML recently and she told me to marry her so that she can get a LTVP and stay here longer and earn more also. She promised to give me $2k every month. Its too good to be true. I'm still single, Should I marry her? I also need to submit an application to MOM. I need to seek your kind advices or anyone have experiences to share with me. Thanks

You like to dig grave for yourself ?


24-08-2018, 09:36 AM

Are u that desperate for $2k?

24-08-2018, 09:42 AM
Prepare to go to jail.for scam marriage

24-08-2018, 09:44 AM
ask for $20k... $2k is nothing.

anyway, u must be prepared to stay in Changi Hotel. i foresee your sentence will be heavier if she is caught selling her body and you will be charged for living off prostitutes

24-08-2018, 09:44 AM
Hi bros, I visited my regular viet ML recently and she told me to marry her so that she can get a LTVP and stay here longer and earn more also. She promised to give me $2k every month. Its too good to be true. I'm still single, Should I marry her? I also need to submit an application to MOM. I need to seek your kind advices or anyone have experiences to share with me. Thanks

It's a good deal @ 3k / mth + free sex on demand ... do think about it you lucky B !

24-08-2018, 10:19 AM
Actually can but both of you must live together as a couple so when police question you guys know both each other well enough to answer. Most sham marriage is that both male and female lives seperate lives.

24-08-2018, 10:19 AM
Please post peekchures of your Viet ML’s face & naked body and let samsters advise you whether she’s worth it or not :D

24-08-2018, 10:36 AM
Hi bros, I visited my regular viet ML recently and she told me to marry her so that she can get a LTVP and stay here longer and earn more also. She promised to give me $2k every month. Its too good to be true. I'm still single, Should I marry her? I also need to submit an application to MOM. I need to seek your kind advices or anyone have experiences to share with me. Thanks

Please dont be a brainless stupid Singaporean... We have many stupid men in Singapore oredi...

24-08-2018, 10:37 AM
Get money every month & free fuck..why not??

24-08-2018, 10:50 AM
After 2 mths she tell you no money to pay you ....come out with all excuses....how? Can't do anything with her....lan lan .... the most if she get caught get sent home. You also sent to new home at changi... worth it or not...

24-08-2018, 10:57 AM
Get money every month & free fuck..why not??

It's a good deal @ 3k / mth + free sex on demand ... do think about it you lucky B !

I hope u guys are just trolling for laughter.

U can get free fuck from any decent gf. No need from a sham marriage. If she’s willing to give u $2k-$3k a month means she earns from GQ and not the normal massage. Which also means one day the authorities will catch up with her and the police may knock on your door.

24-08-2018, 11:01 AM
Hi bros, I visited my regular viet ML recently and she told me to marry her so that she can get a LTVP and stay here longer and earn more also. She promised to give me $2k every month. Its too good to be true. I'm still single, Should I marry her? I also need to submit an application to MOM. I need to seek your kind advices or anyone have experiences to share with me. Thanks

you think its worth going to prison just for 2k a month? Worse depending on how things turn out, legally she can file for divorce and get maintenance from you....then you whole life have to pay her not she pay you..:eek:

24-08-2018, 11:30 AM
u better think twice bro, I've seen some bad true life experiences before !

Hi bros, I visited my regular viet ML recently and she told me to marry her so that she can get a LTVP and stay here longer and earn more also. She promised to give me $2k every month. Its too good to be true. I'm still single, Should I marry her? I also need to submit an application to MOM. I need to seek your kind advices or anyone have experiences to share with me. Thanks

24-08-2018, 11:55 AM
IT'S will very seriously case ...
think again ...

24-08-2018, 12:37 PM
Hi bros, I visited my regular viet ML recently and she told me to marry her so that she can get a LTVP and stay here longer and earn more also. She promised to give me $2k every month. Its too good to be true. I'm still single, Should I marry her? I also need to submit an application to MOM. I need to seek your kind advices or anyone have experiences to share with me. Thanks

All the possibilities of jail time aside, what if you meet someone you want to marry in future?

The marriage record follows you for life, how are you going to explain to your future wife?

And the ML can actually turn nasty and extort money for the divorce.

24-08-2018, 12:46 PM
LTVP not supposed to engage any form of work as governed under MOM.

Time and time again people post about ML just treat as ML, never anything more.

If you still go ahead you are just digging your own grave.

24-08-2018, 02:57 PM
Hi bros, I visited my regular viet ML recently and she told me to marry her so that she can get a LTVP and stay here longer and earn more also. She promised to give me $2k every month. Its too good to be true. I'm still single, Should I marry her? I also need to submit an application to MOM. I need to seek your kind advices or anyone have experiences to share with me. Thanks

never sign on dotted line with other nationalities ML Fl or whatever the L... u are gonna be destroyed.... just massage pay and f off...:)

24-08-2018, 03:54 PM
Have you thought of the possibility of the ML roti prata her words after she gets her LTVP?
Have you thought of the implications you can get if she gets caught for providing extras during a raid then trace her LTVP linked to you?
Think with your right head bro.

25-08-2018, 08:47 AM
Why marry a whore to cause you unnecessary troubles?

25-08-2018, 09:38 AM
Bro, don’t do it. Its not worth the trouble. There is nothing to say that she will not dump you after she achieves what she wants.

25-08-2018, 09:52 AM
I agreed with most bros. It may seen easy but once you are caught. You, your family and career can be a big impact to your current life.

Too much risk esp our society

25-08-2018, 09:57 AM
After 2 mths she tell you no money to pay you ....come out with all excuses....how? Can't do anything with her....lan lan .... the most if she get caught get sent home. You also sent to new home at changi... worth it or not...

If she no money then divorce lo
But still its a risky act

25-08-2018, 10:11 AM
Your nationality worth a lot more than that, don’t waste it!

25-08-2018, 11:02 AM
Wtf are some fucking sg man thinking??

25-08-2018, 12:06 PM
I believe those SG men who go call chickens(MLs/FLs/WLs) are all adults ba(definitely not small kids la), so they shud be able think for themselves.

Actually they no need to use their head to think, they juz use their backside to think and they shud noe what is what liao, no need to come to sbf to seek opinions. There are oredi many threads relating to samsters asking for opinions on KC/relationship wif MLs/FLs/WLs.

All responsible minded bros gv their opinions and suggestions, all and i mean ALL bros wud advice those samsters involve in such relationship wif MLs/FLs/WLs to stop and back out from such nonsense.

So far i hv not come across any bros advice those involved samsters to proceed & carry on wif their relationships.

25-08-2018, 12:29 PM
Please post peekchures of your Viet ML’s face & naked body and let samsters advise you whether she’s worth it or not :D

wisdom fully agree

25-08-2018, 12:36 PM
Govt wants to make example of people who do scam marriages and goreng them. Like Bros say, many pitfalls, 2 mths later no money to pay you no legal recourse, she roti prata her words when caught, charged for living off earning with a prosti, live together how ? She has FL appointment in your flat how ? Now business done with yr knowledge..

$2000 you put yr effort in driving Grab part-time n small passive income like electrical maintenance in condo can earn bro.. You go with this scheme is like playing with C4

25-08-2018, 02:21 PM
You mad bro? The last person you need to marry is a viet!

25-08-2018, 03:57 PM
Friend, u will have too much to lose by getting married. Don't one day, the 'wife' turn around take away your asset, if the HDB flat is under your name, just be careful she can kick out whoever staying inside. Then u will also have to send money to her until she get remarry or dies. It's a lifetime slave to the woman u married even if she takes your money serving other men.

25-08-2018, 04:12 PM
She must have ask all her regular to marry her till she got one who agreed.... maybe her KC skill not power enough....:D

25-08-2018, 04:20 PM
She must have ask all her regular to marry her till she got one who agreed.... maybe her KC skill not power enough....:D

but all of us would like to believe and think that we were the only special one..

25-08-2018, 04:50 PM
A Friend of mine married at Vietnam Wife. She asked my Friend to build a house for her parents in her hometown. Cost him about 60k. I Guess there is no free deal and lunch in this world.

25-08-2018, 06:00 PM
A Friend of mine married at Vietnam Wife. She asked my Friend to build a house for her parents in her hometown. Cost him about 60k. I Guess there is no free deal and lunch in this world.

Did your friend gave in...later her parents can sell for 80k or more...... to them there's free deal this world.......:D

25-08-2018, 07:54 PM
but all of us would like to believe and think that we were the only special one..
Vvvvery true, that's why being the only special one, he is willing to contribute to all her requests, together with all the other only special ones :D ..

Did your friend gave in...later her parents can sell for 80k or more...... to them there's free deal this world.......:D
And ask the friend to build another house for her parents at another side of her home town :D ..

Think after reading so many scary stories, TS must be shivering under his pants now, TS should consider himself lucky that he did not, for the sake of a verbal promise by the Viet ML of a monthly payout of $2000, marry her to help her obtain LTVP via scam marriage.

TS really doesn't know what are the implications involved & what are the impacts of these implications can lead him to..

25-08-2018, 10:08 PM
Go for it la, sit there wait for money nia, but ask for higher pay la, bargain with her another $50 more... :D :D :D

25-08-2018, 10:30 PM
Think there a lot of wise bro here...

For $2000 worth it anot to go in sit? We dun scared u say she cheat ur hdb cheat ur cpf all this la... the ques is $2000 worth it anot?

2 million I will do it for sure cos I think worth it even get caught :D

25-08-2018, 10:54 PM
Think thrice !

25-08-2018, 10:54 PM
Go for it la, sit there wait for money nia, but ask for higher pay la, bargain with her another $50 more... :D :D :D
She will also bargain down to $30 nia :D ..

Think there a lot of wise bro here...

For $2000 worth it anot to go in sit? We dun scared u say she cheat ur hdb cheat ur cpf all this la... the ques is $2000 worth it anot?

2 million I will do it for sure cos I think worth it even get caught :D

If 2 million she no need to cheat me la, i'll automatic gv her my hdb, my cpf, my everything la :D ..

25-08-2018, 11:00 PM
You found a good deal bro.....I met girl same like u before......get money from her as well as free bonk........ignore most negative advice as most are jealous of u.

Hi bros, I visited my regular viet ML recently and she told me to marry her so that she can get a LTVP and stay here longer and earn more also. She promised to give me $2k every month. Its too good to be true. I'm still single, Should I marry her? I also need to submit an application to MOM. I need to seek your kind advices or anyone have experiences to share with me. Thanks

25-08-2018, 11:16 PM
She will also bargain down to $30 nia :D ..

If 2 million she no need to cheat me la, i'll automatic gv her my hdb, my cpf, my everything la :D ..

I also want ....don't need 2 million... 1 million can liao. ...:D

26-08-2018, 02:13 AM
I also want ....don't need 2 million... 1 million can liao. ...:D

Wah sai !

U are cheaper than me ah?

Oops!, i mean u are kinder than me la :D ..

26-08-2018, 03:46 AM
U all think too much already Singaporean . Not all wl are bad . They don’t have a choice that why they turn to this line . Are they not human beings?? Eventually they also get marry n have kids . Not all wl will con money n hdb. Government says wat u all also listen .con cpf bla bla .singaporeans!!

26-08-2018, 07:57 AM
She will also bargain down to $30 nia :D ..

If 2 million she no need to cheat me la, i'll automatic gv her my hdb, my cpf, my everything la :D ..

I also want ....don't need 2 million... 1 million can liao. ...:D

Everyone has a price, but it baffles me to see TS lowball himself until only $2k a month. If he agrees, his Viet ML must be laughing until cannot control her cheebye juices gushing out. :D

26-08-2018, 08:15 AM
At the start, you will get what you want but once you are in the marriage and if things turn sour. Good luck to you, all will go downhill and you cannot do anything about it.

26-08-2018, 08:29 AM
Hi bros, I visited my regular viet ML recently and she told me to marry her so that she can get a LTVP and stay here longer and earn more also. She promised to give me $2k every month. Its too good to be true. I'm still single, Should I marry her? I also need to submit an application to MOM. I need to seek your kind advices or anyone have experiences to share with me. Thanks

Bro are in like late 40s who marry a late 20s viet ML? Why so desperate?

By any chance is the ML advertised here? I have a strong feeling It is

26-08-2018, 08:39 AM
Everyone has a price, but it baffles me to see TS lowball himself until only $2k a month. If he agrees, his Viet ML must be laughing until cannot control her cheebye juices gushing out. :D

$2K per month is indeed the current market rate (to be exact, the lower end of the market) or a lumpsum payment of $25K.

I see a variety of guys like TS who agree to the said rate, usually they are folks looking for an easy way to make money or desperate folks at wits end to get some passive income (e.g. ex-cons just out of jail with no money and no one willing to employ them)

Still, not fun to be the subject of investigation by SIB so TS better think thrice.

26-08-2018, 08:53 AM
$2K per month is indeed the current market rate (to be exact, the lower end of the market) or a lumpsum payment of $25K.

I see a variety of guys like TS who agree to the said rate, usually they are folks looking for an easy way to make money or desperate folks at wits end to get some passive income (e.g. ex-cons just out of jail with no money and no one willing to employ them)

Still, not fun to be the subject of investigation by SIB so TS better think thrice.

Not too long ago TS also PM me for job lobangs in SG for his Viet ML too, lololol! :p

26-08-2018, 10:31 AM
Had similar proposal from a pinay before. Hot and sexy pinay. Bonked a few times then ask me to marry her so she get LTVP. Agree to give money monthly and bonk anytime. Luckily I think with correct head and rejected her proposal. After that she disappeared without a trace. If I had agreed then I would be done for.

26-08-2018, 10:47 AM
If I were TS, I would keep her passport and all earnings in a common account etc to keep her from betraying :D

26-08-2018, 05:22 PM
TS, please don’t be stupid. You can land yourself in jail if caught or part your assets if divorce. Love is blind but you aren’t.

26-08-2018, 08:16 PM
Hope TS is listening, to the right message of course.

Don't greed over 2000 and end up loosing 20000 or even more..

27-08-2018, 08:12 AM
Don’t think it is that easy for a WP holder to get permission to marry a Singaporean though.

27-08-2018, 08:47 PM
TS, please don’t be stupid. You can land yourself in jail if caught or part your assets if divorce. Love is blind but you aren’t.

Yeah, that's the very reason why more & more stay single than get into lifetime trouble with the law. Divorce not only part your hard working monies but potentially threatened to be jail when u cannot pay her. The threatening nightmare is for life, no joke. Seem like in this era, Jail time no longer for bad guy only, marriage n divorce can get one into deep trouble also. Not to scare TS, he has too much to lose. Don't next time when 90yo parents asked for money to buy food you don't have & ownself also no money buy food eat but die die must have money pay the ex wife or else go jail, then cry no tears.

27-08-2018, 09:04 PM
why so many sg bros like to dig own grave ah?
i really dont get it at all

27-08-2018, 09:58 PM
why so many sg bros like to dig own grave ah?
i really dont get it at all

That's because they think with the smaller head.

27-08-2018, 10:13 PM
That's because they think with the smaller head.

Don't we all :o

28-08-2018, 06:17 AM
That's becoz 英雄难过美人关 !

28-08-2018, 06:25 PM
Cannot understand...U pay this ML for her services frequently.....she offer u 2k monthly for sham deal....U thinking of helping her because u still single & want easy money....
What do u want out of this? Free sex? She where got time if she want to give u 2k.
Extra income? Is she popular & got lots of customers?
Free lodging at Changi? U like to experienceit isit?
Lonely because u single? Better to get married from marriage agency?
Think bro...think!

28-08-2018, 10:06 PM
Gently gently walk away if you know what's good for you bro.

29-08-2018, 11:31 AM
Ask for 50k là... Not worth it if its only 2k

17-09-2018, 11:50 AM
Hi bros, I visited my regular viet ML recently and she told me to marry her so that she can get a LTVP and stay here longer and earn more also. She promised to give me $2k every month. Its too good to be true. I'm still single, Should I marry her? I also need to submit an application to MOM. I need to seek your kind advices or anyone have experiences to share with me. Thanks

Dont do it dude, you may think that after paying you $2k she will stay with you and let you fuck, then you wait long long, she will go fuck everyone else except you.

Plus, if you are caught you go prison and nothing much will happen to her