View Full Version : Help needed

18-09-2018, 12:58 AM
Need some advice from you bros... i was stupid enough to fall for a credit for sex scam and loss a bit of money. Any bros here can offer advice on what to do other than making a police report?

Have been threatened by the scammer that they will hurt my family... can they really find out where i stay etc?

Also what evidence should I gather for the police report?

Thanks in advance.:(

18-09-2018, 01:03 AM
U can make a report if u want

They just scare u only wont do anything de

18-09-2018, 01:15 AM
Thanks bro...anyway to recover the money?

18-09-2018, 05:12 AM
Don’t think so that you are able to retrieve. But don’t need to worry that they will hurt you

Big Sexy
18-09-2018, 07:35 AM
ANTI-SCAM HELPLINE : 1800-722-6688

Need some advice from you bros... i was stupid enough to fall for a credit for sex scam and loss a bit of money. Any bros here can offer advice on what to do other than making a police report?

Have been threatened by the scammer that they will hurt my family... can they really find out where i stay etc?

Also what evidence should I gather for the police report?

Thanks in advance.:(

18-09-2018, 08:39 AM
Thanks bros... btw any point reporting to the police?

18-09-2018, 09:41 AM
Thanks bros... btw any point reporting to the police?

Actually, it is difficult to get your money back. How much did you lose? How did you pay the scammer?

18-09-2018, 09:54 AM
Thanks bros... btw any point reporting to the police?

Just report. Let MIB do some work.:D

18-09-2018, 09:57 AM
Go report and seek advise from police better. Your statement will let them give you better advice.

Money is lesser important than family and your own safety.

18-09-2018, 09:58 AM
Have been threatened by the scammer that they will hurt my family... can they really find out where i stay etc?

Also what evidence should I gather for the police report?

Thanks in advance.:(

Since they threaten, it is advisable to report to the police.

18-09-2018, 12:11 PM
Bro, they can do anything to you or your family and they are not so free,

I always scold the scammer and they threaten to kill me, I ask them to come but until now nothing happen, they just change nick.

Nothing to afraid of, next time they threaten you again fuck them up

18-09-2018, 12:13 PM
Thanks bros... btw any point reporting to the police?

then any point to post here?

Just make a police report and be smarter.

Take it as bitter medicine that no free lunch in this world.

18-09-2018, 12:41 PM
Bro, they can do anything to you or your family and they are not so free,

I always scold the scammer and they threaten to kill me, I ask them to come but until now nothing happen, they just change nick.

Nothing to afraid of, next time they threaten you again fuck them up

Good advice and will do so if anyone try to scam me.

18-09-2018, 05:01 PM
Bro, they can do anything to you or your family and they are not so free,

I always scold the scammer and they threaten to kill me, I ask them to come but until now nothing happen, they just change nick.

Nothing to afraid of, next time they threaten you again fuck them up

Well said bro!

18-09-2018, 05:05 PM
Care to share how this whole thing happened?

18-09-2018, 06:30 PM
Thanks bro...anyway to recover the money?

Unless the police is interested to investigate, usually they record it down and keep at one corner :D

18-09-2018, 06:39 PM
Well bro... connect with this girl from locanto and added her on LINE. Before meeting her the girl said her friend will call to verify. Immediately have request to put deposit and sounded fishy and I wanted to back out but the ‘friend’ started to threaten... say can trace where I live and etc. I gave in for a while but made up the excuse of no money and etc. drama for the whole night.

18-09-2018, 07:32 PM
Good that you suspectrd something. You still send the money despite it going bad?

18-09-2018, 07:52 PM
Got scared at the threatens initially... after that i just heck it.

18-09-2018, 07:56 PM
Got scared at the threatens initially... after that i just heck it.

There are a lot of scams on locanto. If you think it’s local based group scamming pls do make a report.

18-09-2018, 09:05 PM
yeah.. made a police report... Seems that this guy has been doing the same to a lot of ppl.

19-09-2018, 04:24 AM
Need some advice from you bros... i was stupid enough to fall for a credit for sex scam and loss a bit of money. Any bros here can offer advice on what to do other than making a police report?

Have been threatened by the scammer that they will hurt my family... can they really find out where i stay etc?

Also what evidence should I gather for the police report?

Thanks in advance.:(

Don't worry about being threaten by those scumbags. Like all other citizens on this island, they are also kiasi, kiasu, and kiajinghu... they talk cock only. :o

Justin Bieber
19-09-2018, 08:52 AM
Call your bank and notify them you got scammed for online fraud. They will put you on pending investigation on your case and there is a likelihood they will credit you the amount you paid for first whilst on investigation. Also immediately change your credit card.

Need some advice from you bros... i was stupid enough to fall for a credit for sex scam and loss a bit of money. Any bros here can offer advice on what to do other than making a police report?

Have been threatened by the scammer that they will hurt my family... can they really find out where i stay etc?

Also what evidence should I gather for the police report?

Thanks in advance.:(

19-09-2018, 10:23 AM
Call your bank and notify them you got scammed for online fraud. They will put you on pending investigation on your case and there is a likelihood they will credit you the amount you paid for first whilst on investigation. Also immediately change your credit card.

Here ok bro

19-09-2018, 10:58 AM
Bro, they can do anything to you or your family and they are not so free,

I always scold the scammer and they threaten to kill me, I ask them to come but until now nothing happen, they just change nick.

Nothing to afraid of, next time they threaten you again fuck them up

Ya la..tell them come lo.ah tiong scammer will kpkp only.next time they call u u tell 操你妈逼

19-09-2018, 11:16 AM
All the text messages that between you and him must be keep for strong evidence. Don't need to worry about your family, sg is too small to commit any crime, nobody can get away with anything with stompers and CCTV around.

19-09-2018, 02:44 PM
Call your bank and notify them you got scammed for online fraud. They will put you on pending investigation on your case and there is a likelihood they will credit you the amount you paid for first whilst on investigation. Also immediately change your credit card.

Up u Justin,

I hate scammer >> to TS

Justin Bieber
19-09-2018, 06:34 PM
Here ok bro

Just returned 60 points to you bro as promised :) Justin Bieber

19-09-2018, 06:49 PM
Justin Bieber you asked to exchange points. did you return?

19-09-2018, 06:53 PM
Just returned 60 points to you bro as promised :) Justin Bieber

Thanks bro

19-09-2018, 10:24 PM
Thanks bro

You sure he up you back? He asked me to exchange points but MIA after I up him. Still have face to PM me twice. People everywhere complaining about this scammer ...

19-09-2018, 10:47 PM
Bro datou, I doubt he can provide a list of bros that up him
I upped him on 09/08/2018, and yet he still can pm me on 24/08/2018 asking for points :mad::confused: - that just proven that he does not check and keep a record of favours he owed all bros.

I lost confident in him already :(



nice.. shit like you ask for exchange but wont return points.. even have the cibai face to pm me twice for exchanging points.. haha.. your zapping is worst than mosquito bite to me..
btw, the legendary JohnBass is much much more better than you.. fucking piece of shit, Justin Bieber..:

Same lah aiyoh this Justin Bieber so cheapskate ask for exchange points but hor dont give back. hello this is virtual world you also want to cheat. i think in real life you are also a cheater. aiyah points only you need just ask beg loh dont rob cheat steal in SBF. nowadays samster like that one meh???

Same here. Msg me to exchange points and after I upped his points and msg him, he sent another two msg to me asking to excha ge points. That's when I know unlikely to get anything back. But then again not like the points can exchange for money so oh well. If he does return me the points sometime this year will just treat.it as a bonus. Otherwise no hair off my back. Just that it's the principle of it.

I got the same treatment as described too. PM me to exchange when he haven’t even return favour. I wonder why he bother to spend so much time to PM so many ppl when a single post would likely attract many ppl to upz him in the first place.:p

Add me into his list as well.

still waiting for his return. -.-


Wonder why go thru so much effort to scam points...? :rolleyes:

It happened to me too. I upped him after receiving his PM but never got anything in return. But I’m not going to pursue it - it’s just SBF points. Posting to raise awareness.

i also kena. well, no cost to me i guess

I also kenna.
points also want to scam meh?

help you bump up this thread, me kena as well:D

me too....avoid this nick at all cost....lol

Yeah i kenna also...lol he said he has lots of people to return points...what bullshit...guess its lots of people to zap him to zero...lol

me as well..up him already and he still pm me.

nb.. kana cheater by him:mad: someone zap him please

I also upz him from PM requests...
after which i just let it go and not expecting him to really return favor.
But then he Pm me again for upz then i reply him, Bro i upz you liao leh but you not yet return favor as per your promise. lolx.
then he replied, ah okok, let me gain back power then will up you bro.

I also dont care lah. wonder why these people take the point so seriously.. before earlier stage of SBF maybe quite important ...now no more , if want more point, just pay money to Greentea then he will happily throw some to you.
Before we cant buy points, all truly from supports from fellow old samsters.
Anyway let him be...

Lmao I thought I was the only one who got cheated.

He promised to return upz but never did.

What a liar. Can become OKT and charge $200 for a ladyboy liao

upped on 28 aug, and until today still asking for exchange...well a relief im not the only one.

Same here, keep PM for Exchange. Upz him since 9 Aug.

Same... i upz him 24 aug.. now till no rtn..

Up you, too. I was con by him also.

Don't think he will return, lol.
He pm me exchange points? I up him and no return. He pm again exchange points ?And I replied that I already up him, get him to check.
Now my inbox still have his new pm 'Hi, exchange points?'.....lol

wah, i didnt read this post.
he PM me asking for exchanging of points which I did then I ask him to return favour and he MIA just like that ignore all my PM.

Points available for exchange.
JustinBieber, I'm still waiting for your exchange....

All Newbies & those wann... 24-08-2018 10:27 PM Justin Bieber Up you bro for exchange as requested...ml1138

am I in the Q?

Sometimes it's not about why being so calculative about the pts. It's about being gracious.

I upped Justin Bieber on 21st Aug and PMed him. Same as u guys, he gave me the standard reply lor.

Add me to the list of his victims.

Another victim here

didnt know there r people who scam things as meaningless as points

Give him lor..haha..


Mine is on 22 Aug that I upped him. No news of when he is returning :

Anyone Fucked insurance agen... 17-08-2018 09:26 PM Justin Bieber 5931

Still waiting...

You promised to up bklast Thursday but I told you to up other bro first that was ahead of me and you can up me bk on Friday . But today is Monday Liao ler!:

bro Insomia and Lilmei, YNWA.

Newcomer AWARENESS : That is Justin bieber usual trickS to scam for points :mad:Let him up you first before you up him


20-09-2018, 12:51 AM
TS sorry to hear about your loss. Anyways I was a victim many many many years ago but didn't lose much. Nonetheless a lesson learnt if you want to venture into the dark side of sex industry.

Make a police report. If the scammer is local, he/she will be caught. If it is transnational (overseas), the police cannot do anything. The bank will not credit back the amount you transacted to the scammer whether local or overseas even though a police report is at hand.

The bank only 'refund' your amount if you key in the bank account number wrongly, and it has to be like a mistake of 0 and 8 or numbers that look similar. The bank will ask the receiver to return the money instead. All transactions to scammers will be deemed that you are the willing party. It sucks but hope the experience will make you wiser.

20-09-2018, 01:48 PM
Justin Bieber you asked to exchange points. did you return?

He already owe me for one month to return my points yet he can just return other people point. Even i told him that u havent return my points today you message again.

20-09-2018, 08:27 PM
Yeah... i called the bank and AXS... they all said the transaction went through to Alipay alr. Have to call Alipay up to block the asshole.

20-09-2018, 10:16 PM
Yeah... i called the bank and AXS... they all said the transaction went through to Alipay alr. Have to call Alipay up to block the asshole.

did u make a police report in the end?

20-09-2018, 10:40 PM
yes... i reported to police

14-11-2018, 10:12 AM
so what did the police say?

i think the worry is since u transfer the money thru, your account will be flagged for money laundering?