View Full Version : I Finally Cheated on My Wife... with Our Maid
21-09-2018, 07:06 PM
Sex for my wife was only a means of procreation; she was brought up to believe that sex was not supposed to be enjoyable. So, after she gave birth to our son, intercourse was far and wide. Our lifestyle changed and sex was placed on the back burner. Even then, whenever I had the urge, she would either reject my advances, procrastinate or always "have something else more important to do". Hearing my colleagues at work relate all their sexual exploits made me ever more frustrated. When my wife took ill and couldn’t do the housework anymore, we finally decided to engage a maid.
I guess you could say we were “desperate” for a domestic helper because between work and helping my son with his school work, not to mention laundry that was piling up. We needed help immediately so the better option was a “transfer maid”. Out of the many maids that were available, one of them stood out; her previous employer gave her an excellent testimony so choosing Sarwendah was a no brainer.
When I went to the maid agency to pick her up, I had the surprise of my life. What stood before me was different from the photo provided on the biodata.
This is may be a work of fiction so names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales and incidents
are either the products of my imagination or used in a fictitious manner.
Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
21-09-2018, 08:49 PM
Ts good start, cont pls
21-09-2018, 09:43 PM
When I went to the maid agency to pick her up, I had the surprise of my life. What stood before me was different from the photo provided on the biodata.
The “real” Sarwendah looked so much younger than the photograph in her biodata. She lowered her head and smiled meekly at me.
“Kamu umur berapakah?” I asked her her age as I couldn’t believe she was 25 years old, as stated in her biodata. She looked like a young Secondary 4 girl, with her petite body frame and her hair tied up in a ponytail.
The maid agent quickly chirped in, “She really 25 lah! Biodata cannot anyhow put one. You know Singapore Gahment, everything law-by-law one.”
Sarwendah nodded at the agent’s comment. Not wanting to continue this charade, I accepted the answer at face value.
Wanda, as she likes to be called, being a “transfer maid” was already familiar with “Singaporean Lifestyle” so it didn’t take long for her to “assimilate” into our family. She was like the “younger sister” to my wife and the “older sister” to our son. During those days when my wife felt “up to it”, we would go out together and people would mistaken us for a family.
Wanda was a capable girl and we began to dote on this “new member” of our family more. My wife and I became more liberal especially with her daily necessities; we saw her more as a family member than as a maid. Instead of used hand-me-downs, we went to shopping centres to shop for her clothes. We didn’t splurge on her but we made sure she had “fresh” clothes.
I know I might come off as “cheapskate” but shopping for clothes for Wanda was relatively cheaper. You see, with her petite frame, she could fit into “kid-sized clothes” which were cheaper.
She was a simple girl when she first joined our family. Some would call her a Plain Jane but over the span of a few months, she blossomed into a beautiful flower.
This is may be a work of fiction so names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales and incidents
are either the products of my imagination or used in a fictitious manner.
Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
21-09-2018, 10:02 PM
Good start TS, camping for more :)
21-09-2018, 10:04 PM
Great start TS, support! ;)
21-09-2018, 10:20 PM
Camping to support TS...
21-09-2018, 10:22 PM
up you. hope you can complete the story
21-09-2018, 10:24 PM
Good start. Looking forward to more. :)
21-09-2018, 10:38 PM
Another supporter here, please continue.
22-09-2018, 02:29 AM
22-09-2018, 02:40 AM
up you. hope you can complete the story
Thank you Bro JChoo for your points.
I've long been a "silent reader";
Though I am not an accomplished writer like Bro ilock
but I hope that I can write something that is worth reading.
Thank you and welcome fellow campers:
luvuass, Sainaga, randily and dyelook
I will try my best.
22-09-2018, 03:13 AM
camping here :D:D:D
22-09-2018, 03:27 AM
She was a simple girl when she first joined our family. Some would call her a Plain Jane but over the span of a few months, she blossomed into a beautiful flower.
As Wanda bloomed, my wife seemed to wither away until one day, she had to be admitted to the hospital. I made Wanda accompany my wife at the hospital while I made special arrangements at work so that I could fetch my son to-and-from school each day.
It was the weekend and I had dropped Wanda and our son at the hospital to be with my wife while I came home to grab some stuff. The flat felt empty; devoid of the warmth and laughter that I had been accustomed to.
As if I were searching for something, I went into each room, starting from the Master Bedroom, my son's room and finally, Wanda's room. Since settling her in, this was the first time I ventured into her room.
Something inside of me stirred.
I felt excitement building up inside of me as I "explored" my maid's room. Something inside of me hoped to find something in her room. There should be something of interest to me. There must be!
I knew this was wrong; it was an invasion of privacy. What if Wanda found something amiss and complained about me?
"No, I am 'the man of the house'; I provide for this family. Everything inside this house belongs to me. I bought the clothes that Wanda wears every single day so technically those are my clothes so I am just checking on my own things." I kept "reminding" myself, giving me excuses to go through my maid's belongings.
I opened her wardrobe and examined her clothes. After what seemed like an eternity, I opened the drawer containing her intimates. Jackpot! This was where she kept the pieces of fabric that covered the most precious parts of her nubile body.
There was a certain kind of "innocence" in her choice of underwear. It reminded me of the type that younger girls would wear. Perhaps she got these because they were cheaper? I don't know because I never bought underwear for any women. And, because my wife viewed such things as "shameful", she never did share any such information to me. eg?odnHeight=450&odnWidth=450&odnBg=FFFFFF
[Images used are for illustrative purposes and to add visuals and realism to the story]
I picked up a piece of her cotton panties and like a sick pervert, I began to sniff it. I took in the smell of detergent and downy fabric softener and I felt a tightness in my groin. Like an addict I put the whole panties to my nose and I breathed in as hard as I could.
"These are Wanda's panties," I told myself as I envisioned my young maid doing the housework in nothing but her undies. Instinctively, I rubbed myself with my free hand.
What am I doing? Should I stop?
This may be a work of fiction so names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales and incidents
are either the products of my imagination or used in a fictitious manner.
Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
Any images used are for illustrative purposes and to add visuals and realism to the story.
22-09-2018, 06:55 AM
this is a really nice story ts, more of it will be great.
22-09-2018, 06:56 AM
Looking forward to your next updates to this nice story TS.
22-09-2018, 07:15 AM
Well written story here, camping for more updates.
22-09-2018, 07:19 AM
nice story TS! hoping for more updates to it.
22-09-2018, 08:50 AM
"These are Wanda's panties," I told myself as I envisioned my young maid doing the housework in nothing but her undies. Instinctively, I rubbed myself with my free hand.
What am I doing? Should I stop?
My dear readers, please do not judge me, for I am also a human with needs. After my wife took ill, the most I got to is a bit of rubba-rubba between the sheets. Many a times I contemplated visiting one of the FLs advertised in the other threads but as one of the bros put it, if you are scared, just avoid; there is no 100% foolproof way of preventing STDs.
They say men are like animals. They are right. By this time, I had subsonciously released my manhood from its confines and stroking it furiously while fantasizing about my young maid. No sooner had I started, I squirted my load all over the drawer.
As some of the bros here like to put it, in the heat of the moment, we let our “smaller head” do the thinking. And now that “the deed” is done, my “big head” is back in the helm.
Looking at the mess my “small head” had created, my “big head” seem to scream, “What have you done?“ My semen was all over her underwear and the maid’s room now smelled of sex. I started to panic.
This may be a work of fiction so names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales and incidents
are either the products of my imagination or used in a fictitious manner.
Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
22-09-2018, 10:10 AM
Very nice story and waiting for more updates.
22-09-2018, 10:35 AM
Sappork TS for nice read. Please continue to post more updates.
22-09-2018, 01:30 PM
Thank you fellow campers:
(Sorry if I miss anybody out. It's good to feel wanted)
I remember the "agonizing" days when I practically logged in every other hour to read updates so I will try to update regularly.
I will try to "get straight to the point" so please be a bit more patient with me; this is also my first time writing and all of my posts are under moderation and also I am on the phone most of the time so it's a bit difficult to type/post.
However, I would like to thank the Moderators as they have been very quick to approve my posts; this makes me want to write even more!
Thank you Moderators!
22-09-2018, 01:36 PM
fion camping! can’t wait to see how this will unfold!
22-09-2018, 02:08 PM
Looking at the mess my “small head” had created, my “big head” seem to scream, “What have you done?“ My semen was all over her underwear and the maid’s room now smelled of sex. I started to panic.
Some of the bros here might get excited for "leaving their mark" all over the place but know this: it was my first time and boy was I frightened. What would you have done in a situation like this?
Before my brain could react, my phone rang. Apparently, my wife wanted me to buy some kueh-kueh as she was sick of the hospital food. I complied to her requests and quickly ended the call.
Then, I took some hand towels from the kitchen to clean up as much "evidence" as possible. In order to mask my "aroma", I practically emptied my wife's perfume into the room and I opened the windows and used the standing fan to air the place.
Clearly I was not thinking straight. My guilt set in and the phone call made me panic even more.
Hurriedly, I finished up with my "mop up" and made my way to Geylang Serai to buy my wife's favourite kueh and I made my way to the hospital.
22-09-2018, 02:10 PM
Nice story, sapport!
22-09-2018, 02:17 PM
Very nice story. Waiting for your update. 👍
22-09-2018, 02:34 PM
Hurriedly, I finished up with my "mop up" and made my way to Geylang Serai to buy my wife's favourite kueh and I made my way to the hospital.
When I arrived at the hospital ward, my wife was clearly unhappy. Sickness always makes people grumpy and she was even more upset because she couldn't find Wanda and our boy.
"Where is that stupid girl?" she complained, "She was there and then, suddenly she's gone! I've seen some of the men here looking cheekily at her. What if they chat her up and kidnap her? What if they sell our son away?"
Just as she started to drone on, as if my magic, my son came running towards us.
"See Kakak?" Our son shouted animatedly, "I told you it was daddy! I can sense my daddy when he's nearby. I got psychic powers!"
Our son ran past me and practically jumped onto the bed and hugged his mother. My wife winced in pain but said nothing. But her pained expression didn't escape my notice and I grabbed my son by the arm and forcefully dragged him away. I don't know what had gotten over me at that moment but I wanted to smack that insensitive child there and then; couldn't he see that his mother was in pain?
Just as I was about to let my anger get the better of me, Wanda stepped in between our son and I.
"No Sir, no angry. Ah Boy only happy to see you and ma'am," she pleaded for my son who was by this time confused at my sudden outburst.
The fragrance of Wanda's shampooed hair filled my nostrils and I had an instant hard-on. Momentarily I softened my stance and let go of my son's arm. Breaking free, he escaped to the other side of the bed and hid behind his mother. My wife turned her attention to our son and comforted the frightened child while I stood there rooted, wondering if Wanda felt my hardened member pressing against her?
Regaining my composure, I took a step back and put some distance between Wanda and I. Wanda lowered her head and gave a slight nod. Did she also blush? Was her nod acknowledging that she had "overstepped" her border by challenging me? Or did she feel my hard-on pressing against her soft tender body?
22-09-2018, 02:37 PM
this is a nice story, great share and more please. :)
22-09-2018, 03:10 PM
Nice story TS.
22-09-2018, 03:24 PM
So far enjoying your story, waiting for the juicy part. Camping here for more updates.
22-09-2018, 03:25 PM
Hi bro
Just can’t wait to read more from you
22-09-2018, 04:43 PM
Regaining my composure, I took a step back and put some distance between Wanda and I. Wanda lowered her head and gave a slight nod. Did she also blush? Was her nod acknowledging that she had "overstepped" her border by challenging me? Or did she feel my hard-on pressing against her soft tender body?
The rest of the day went by without much fanfare; the housemen made their rounds, the nurses came and left. Soon visiting hours were over and the announcements over PA system gently chased visitors home.
I forgot to mention that before the final stages of her sickness, my wife has been a proud staff of this hospital. Yes, my wife was a nurse and being a former staff at this hospital had its privileges. Her former colleagues who were on duty that day made it a point to drop by her bed to check if everything was ok?
Familiar faces dropped by her bedside. This transported me back to the days when I was still serving my National Service as a policeman; that was how I first met my wife. But I digress; that’s another story for another time.
When the three of us got home, I suddenly remembered the mess I made in the day. Wanda noticed it. Who wouldn’t? I practically dowsed the whole room with my wife’s perfume!
And for the uninitiated, sperm itself has a peculiar smell; when mixed with fragrances, it will sometimes give off a certain odour.
I tried to explain that I broke the bottle of my wife’s favourite perfume. Hence, the smell. Wanda smiled at me, seeming to accept my weak explanation.
“Sir, wangi. Saya suka” she quipped, citing that she found the perfume fragrant and that she liked it. I made a mental note to buy a bottle from Mustafa’s and give to her.
Wait a minute! What’s happening to me? Why am I acting like a schoolboy having a schoolboy crush? Am I buying presents for the maid now? What’s happening to me?
22-09-2018, 06:59 PM
Thanks for an excellent story! :)
22-09-2018, 08:17 PM
camping for more , thanks TS for sharing...:)
22-09-2018, 08:36 PM
Good job on cheating your wife. Next time someone will cheat you too. That's how the world work.
22-09-2018, 09:00 PM
Wait a minute! What’s happening to me? Why am I acting like a schoolboy having a schoolboy crush? Am I buying presents for the maid now? What’s happening to me?
This is crazy. My wife is lying in the hospital but here I am in Mustafa buying fragrances for my domestic helper.
“It’s just a kind gesture” I tried to reason with my conscience and justify my actions, “MOM should give me a ‘Best Employer’ award. Straits Times should also come and interview me.” I mused.
What was that MasterCard advertisement tagline again? “Priceless”? Well that was exactly what I experienced when I gave the bottle of perfume to Wanda. Her initial shock gave way to silent sobs. Turns out, this was the first time any man treated her nicely and my “kind gesture” had touched her.
Within moments, her sobbing broke into a cry and she buried herself in my chest. Instinctively, I put my arms around her and hugged her. I cradled her head while she emptied her tears into my chest.
That night she related to me how she was abused by her family; how they match-made (read: sold) her to the rich land owner’s retarded son in their village. Hearing her personal tragedy, my heart ached.
22-09-2018, 09:42 PM
That night she related to me how she was abused by her family; how they match-made (read: sold) her to the rich land owner’s retarded son in their village. Hearing her personal tragedy, my heart ached.
As in any backwater country, it was every family’s wish to marry their daughters into wealthy families. Wanda’s family was no different. Although marriages arranged by parents was declining in Indonesia, it was still very common among lower-class families, such Wanda's. So when they heard that their local land owner was looking for a wife for their son, they jumped at the chance; it didn’t matter if the betroth was mentally challenged.
On the day of the wedding, Wanda was sent off with great fanfare. Her family was elated to have their family’s status improved by marriage. None of them were prepared for the nightmare that lay ahead.
After the last of the guests left, Uncle Amir (the groom’s uncle) led the newly weds into their matrimonial room. Wanda told me that Uncle Amir gave the groom something to eat, which he gladly accepted. He then guided the groom to a corner of the room which was piled with toys.
The groom was like a child trapped in an adult’s body and had the intellect and innocence of a seven-year-old so he was glad to be “reunited” with his toys after a long, boring day at his wedding. He had been sitting and smiling at guests the whole day.
With the groom distracted, Uncle Amir had Wanda all to himself. That night, Amir forced himself upon the young bride.
As Wanda related her ordeal on her wedding night, I felt myself getting turned on again.
22-09-2018, 09:52 PM
Wow, great start. I'm sure many of us here love a good, coherent story not necessarily just about sex from the get go. You're actually giving ilock a run for his money!
22-09-2018, 10:44 PM
With the groom distracted, Uncle Amir had Wanda all to himself. That night, Amir forced himself upon the young bride.
As Wanda related her ordeal on her wedding night, I felt myself getting turned on again.
I painted a graphic mental picture from Wanda’s words......
That night, Pak Amir gave my husband something to eat that made him happy. Then Pak brought my husband to where his parents kept his toys and let him play there.
“Come,” Pak Amir beckoned me, “let not a child waste the fruits of a young woman when it can be savoured by a man.” He said as he smiled at me. He forced his tongue into my mouth but I clamped it shut.
He rewarded my defiance with a tight slap.
Instinctively I let out a cry and he pushed on his attack, inserting his tongue down my throat. I started to gag and I coughed.
He slapped me again and again as if to beat me into submission. Then he offered me an ultimatum - to submit myself fully to him or he will get the male servants take turns to have their way with me and then declare me a loose woman and have the villagers stone me to death.
I trembled in fear. If I brought shame to my family, my father would kill me so I agreed to his advances.
He made me address him as “suami” or husband while he disrobed. For the first time in my life, I saw an erect male organ.
”Isap!” he forced me to my knees and then he brought my face to his swollen manhood. In fear, I turned away and I was rewarded with a few more slaps to my face.
”Isap!” he commanded me again to suck on his swollen member. This time I opened my mouth and slowly put his cock into my mouth.
Without warning, he grabbed both sides of my head and pulled my head towards his pelvis while he trusted in my direction. I gagged and started to retch.
I tried to struggle but he clamped my head like a vice.
22-09-2018, 11:03 PM
+10 for your well written story, more please.
22-09-2018, 11:22 PM
Nice start to the story...
22-09-2018, 11:37 PM
Keep it cumming! Has me on the edge of my seat! :D
23-09-2018, 12:32 AM
Good story.
23-09-2018, 02:17 AM
Thanks again to new campers:
(Sorry once more if I do miss anybody out)
It's really good to feel wanted and appreciated. I hope my follow-ups won't disappoint
23-09-2018, 02:20 AM
Wow, great start. I'm sure many of us here love a good, coherent story not necessarily just about sex from the get go. You're actually giving ilock a run for his money!
Hi Hazardofeden!
Comparing me with the Great Bro ilock is like comparing local actors with Hollywood actors; he's in a class of his own and my idol! I just hope that I can write 1/2 as good as him :)
23-09-2018, 02:21 AM
+10 for your well written story, more please.
Thank you bro diputs1269! I am truly humbled.
23-09-2018, 02:32 AM
Camping here. More plz
23-09-2018, 03:01 AM
Without warning, he grabbed both sides of my head and pulled my head towards his pelvis while he trusted in my direction. I gagged and started to retch.
I tried to struggle but he clamped my head like a vice.
Wanda continued her story......
With no escape, I could only bob my head up and down his shaft, gagging and retching several times until he was satisfied with me, he released his grip.
"You have a lot to learn on how to please a man", he said with a smirk. "That was not the least enjoyable but you will learn." Then he practically ripped my clothes off.
He roughly fondled my breasts, alternating between suckling and licking my nipples. For the first time in my life, I started to experience some new sensations.
"You like this, don't you?"
I shook my head. Feeling humiliated that I was being violated by this fat and balding old man.
"Then why are you wet?" he asked dryly.
Only then did I realize secretions were flowing out of my vagina and down my thighs. I covered my face with my hands in shame but Pak Amir pried them open. He seem to want to humiliate me further.
Pak Amir laid me down on the bed and then he started licking the juices that flowed down my thighs, slowing making his way to my honey pot. And when he got to the entrance of my vagina, he stopped licking. Completely.
As if a spell was broken, I snapped out of my trance and looked at him.
"And now sayang, is when I make you a true woman", he said and he spread my legs wider on the bed. Gripped with a new sense of fear, I began to trash around in bed. I tried to kick Pak Amir but he was larger than me and he overpowered me. Just for good measure, he smacked me a few times. As I was reeling from the after-shocks of his slaps, I felt a sharp pain below.
"You are so tight my sayang. Such a waste to let that you are married to that imbecile", he whispered in my ear as he continued to thrust his swollen member into my vagina, "From now onwards, you will learn to serve me, you understand?" As if he had gone into a trance, Pak Amir quickened his pace and with a few grunts, he exploded inside of me.
I must have passed out after that because the next thing I remembered was my mother-in-law inside our room; my husband, on the other hand, was sleeping naked next to me. I scanned the area for Pak Amir but he was no where in sight.
"Good! Good!" she exclaimed as she saw the mixture of goo and blood on the stained bed sheets, "your father is correct; you have not been tainted by any man"
Happy with her findings, she woke my husband up and told him to wash up and get ready for breakfast downstairs.
23-09-2018, 06:46 AM
Many thanks for sharing this story, it's a nice read and certainly look forward to more updates.
23-09-2018, 07:40 AM
love this story! sure hoping there will be much more.
23-09-2018, 08:25 AM
Hi bro
Nice up date
Up you my humble points
23-09-2018, 09:36 AM
waiting here for more of this really nice story, great share!
23-09-2018, 09:47 AM
TS lucky to be Wanda's confidant which means she has full trust in sir.
Please continue your story.
23-09-2018, 10:59 AM
"Good! Good!" she exclaimed as she saw the mixture of goo and blood on the stained bed sheets, "your father is correct; you have not been tainted by any man"
Happy with her findings, she woke my husband up and told him to wash up and get ready for breakfast downstairs.
Listening to Wanda's story was like watching some television soap opera; it felt so surreal. Mother-in-laws checking if their daughter-in-laws were virgins?
In his book, "Bringing Up Boys", Dr James Dobson talks about men having a natural instinct to protect women; Wanda's story - her vulnerability made me want to become that protector. Her protector.
I pulled Wanda closer to me and I comforted her - the worst was over and that she was now safe with me, here in Singapore, away from her village, away from her family.
My mind began to whirl - plans were being drawn up mentally on how I could save this young lady from her tormentors in Indonesia. We are a more advanced society, there are women rights here. Something can be done to help Wanda and I will be that one to initiate it. I made up my mind to do some research; perhaps I should start with the maid agency, followed by MOM and the Indonesian Embassy?
It was getting late and I told Wanda to get some rest; the weekend had come and gone and we had to wake up early the next day as it was a school day for my son. Like a docile, dutiful wife, she nodded her head and complied. She excused herself so that she could wash up.
Was she singing from the toilet? Did Wanda have the habit of singing in the toilet? Why did I not notice this part of her before? Was it because my wife was around?
Was it me or this time around, did Wanda leave the bathroom door ajar?
23-09-2018, 11:02 AM
Good job on cheating your wife. Next time someone will cheat you too. That's how the world work.
Thank you Bro SuperTank for your compliments and warning.
I will remember your advice when I write my next fiction. As for this thread, my feet already wet, I don't think I should just stop abruptly; not so nice, right?
23-09-2018, 11:55 AM
suppork naise story ts
This is a sex forum, don't worry so much lol and please continue writing.
Thank you Bro SuperTank for your compliments and warning.
I will remember your advice when I write my next fiction. As for this thread, my feet already wet, I don't think I should just stop abruptly; not so nice, right?
23-09-2018, 04:40 PM
This is a sex forum, don't worry so much lol and please continue writing.
Thanks Bro hi2u for your kind words. Sorry for not writing sooner. Currently confessing my sins. Very dark here in the confession box. Let me get out first before I start “cheating” again. Thank you for your patience. Hahaha!
No religious person(s) were harmed in making this post. Oops! :P
Good job on cheating your wife. Next time someone will cheat you too. That's how the world work.
Thank you Bro SuperTank for your compliments and warning.
I will remember your advice when I write my next fiction. As for this thread, my feet already wet, I don't think I should just stop abruptly; not so nice, right?
23-09-2018, 06:27 PM
pls update quickly :D
23-09-2018, 06:55 PM
Was she singing from the toilet? Did Wanda have the habit of singing in the toilet? Why did I not notice this part of her before? Was it because my wife was around?
Was it me or this time around, did Wanda leave the bathroom door ajar?
I inched myself towards the bathroom door. From the little opening I could see Wanda showering. Right in front of me was this sweet, young 25-year-old showering. With her back facing me and water from the shower splashing on her face, I doubt she would notice me spying on her.
Watching porn was one matter but to be so close to a “Live!” show is exhilarating! I could feel my heart in my mouth. I wish I was the soap bubbles flowing down her slender neck, meandering down her small perky breasts, past her small tummy and down her little cave of happiness. How I wish I was on that roller coaster ride.
If Wanda were to turn around right now, she would have caught me staring at her young, naked body.
Call me a coward. But I took off. She has already suffered so much; being raped on her wedding night. I just couldn’t bring myself to add to her list of “tragedies”.
Bro SerflySGR
Good honour. Up you 14 points.
I inched myself towards the bathroom door. From the little opening I could see Wanda showering. Right in front of me was this sweet, young 25-year-old showering. With her back facing me and water from the shower splashing on her face, I doubt she would notice me spying on her.
Watching porn was one matter but to be so close to a “Live!” show is exhilarating! I could feel my heart in my mouth. I wish I was the soap flowing down her slender neck, meandering down her small perky breasts, past her small tummy and down her little cave of happiness. How I wish I was on that roller coaster ride.
If Wanda were to turn around right now, she would have caught me staring at her young, naked body.
Call me a coward. But I took off. She has already suffered so much; being raped on her wedding night. I just couldn’t bring myself to add to her list of “tragedies”.
23-09-2018, 07:29 PM
Good job on cheating your wife. Next time someone will cheat you too. That's how the world work.
Bro.. this is a sex forum.. once u sign up here means you are cheating or intend to cheat on ur wife or gf.
If not u should not be here at all.
23-09-2018, 09:02 PM
Bro.. this is a sex forum.. once u sign up here means you are cheating or intend to cheat on ur wife or gf.
If not u should not be here at all.
Bro Arcon, after consulting with my Taiwanese friend, he's probably here for one of the following reasons (I will try to translate what she said; sorry in advance because Chinese is not my main language):
只看不嫖、没有罪 (see prostitute is ok; if you book then you are "in the wrong")
我不下地狱、谁下地狱? (This is tough. Something about going to hell to "lead by example")
Anyway, thanks for the comment. Maybe he didn't read my disclaimer/signature and had good intentions - to warn me to stop if I haven't started. Else, it means my writing is really convincing. Either way, I am thankful to Bro SuperTank.
Welcome to the thread, by the way; we all come in peace. Hope my story is up to your standard and help you chase away some boredom. Cheers!
23-09-2018, 09:03 PM
Bro SerflySGR
Good honour. Up you 14 points.
Thank you Bro lipe. I really don't know how this point system works but. Thanks again.
23-09-2018, 09:08 PM
Hi bro
Nice up date
Up you my humble points
Thank you for your points Bro sleep. I will try my best!
23-09-2018, 09:09 PM
Welcoming new campers:
Hoping that my story will bring you guys some entertainment, other than just sex. Try to put in a few more installments before the Zz Monster attacks again.
Have a good weekend, dear campers!
23-09-2018, 09:29 PM
Bro Arcon, after consulting with my Taiwanese friend, he's probably here for one of the following reasons (I will try to translate what she said; sorry in advance because Chinese is not my main language):
只看不嫖、没有罪 (see prostitute is ok; if you book then you are "in the wrong")
我不下地狱、谁下地狱? (This is tough. Something about going to hell to "lead by example")
Anyway, thanks for the comment. Maybe he didn't read my disclaimer/signature and had good intentions - to warn me to stop if I haven't started. Else, it means my writing is really convincing. Either way, I am thankful to Bro SuperTank.
Welcome to the thread, by the way; we all come in peace. Hope my story is up to your standard and help you chase away some boredom. Cheers!
This translate to “if I dun go to hell, who will?”
Anyway, excellent story. Looking forward to your update
23-09-2018, 09:30 PM
If Wanda were to turn around right now, she would have caught me staring at her young, naked body.
Call me a coward. But I took off. She has already suffered so much; being raped on her wedding night. I just couldn’t bring myself to add to her list of “tragedies”.
The "MIA" episode at the hospital left quite an impression on my wife. Even though it was a misunderstanding; our son had asked Wanda to bring her to Kopitiam for some snacks as he was bored watching TV at the waiting room, my wife felt it was necessary to get Wanda a phone.
I felt bad giving her a used phone, I got a friend in the XiaoMi Club to help me purchase one of the better model XiaoMi phone. Naturally Wanda thought it was my idea and she was over the moon.
My wife was subsequently discharged and life "returned to normal". For those of you who have taken care of elders, you would know that drugs and medication takes a toll on a person. Even though my wife was allowed to come home, she was practically a patient in her own home, sleeping or resting most of the time.
Not wanting to disturb her rest and to give her (and her visitors) more privacy, I converted our study room into her "Rest Room". This was her hospital away from the real hospital. Now, instead of visiting her at the hospital, we just had to walk to our (former) study room. Our son joked that we should get a buzzer so that whenever mummy wanted anything, she could just press the button and the buzzer would sound; the light outside the study will come on and Wanda will know that she is needed.
"Kakak should wear nurse uniform also!" our innocent little boy joked. Images of cosplay nurses flashed across my mind and my imagination began to wonder......
...... How many brothers and sisters here also have this fantasy? Wasn't that the reason why I went after my wife so many years ago?
We all had a good laugh over our boy's innocent comment.
23-09-2018, 09:36 PM
This translate to “if I dun go to hell, who will?”
Anyway, excellent story. Looking forward to your update
Thank you Bro sexcision. Please don't go to hell anyway. Cos if you go to hell, then I will have one less happy camper. Hahaha. Oops!
23-09-2018, 10:00 PM
"Kakak should wear nurse uniform also!" our innocent little boy joked. Images of cosplay nurses flashed across my mind and my imagination began to wonder......
How many brothers and sisters here also have this fantasy? Wasn't that the reason why I went after my wife so many years ago?
We all had a good laugh over our boy's innocent comment.
Previously, when we engaged her initially, we had an agreement that we would pay her OT in exchange of her off day. Now that my wife was back home, Wanda could resume having her off days. When I broke this news to Wanda, she didn't seem quite happy, which I felt was odd. Which maid wouldn't want a day off?
"Off pergi ke mana?" she asked me. This got me dumbfounded. Here was a maid who didn't seem to want to go for her off day because she didn't know where to go?
Jokingly, I told her that if she didn't know where to go, I will bring her out cos I needed an Off Day myself. Again I noticed a glint of happiness in her eyes. Or did I just imagine that?
The next few days came and went but even with a maid, taking on both the duties of a father and mother took it toll on me and I was really looking forward to the weekend. I did the unthinkable; I lied to everybody. I told my mother that I had to work overtime in the office and since Wanda was off that weekend, I needed her to come over and watch over my wife and son.
Thankfully my mother and my wife have a good relationship and my mother loves playing grandmother to our son so she took up the "assignment" without hesitation.
For once in a long time, I was looking forward to the weekend when I could finally "take a holiday" away from everybody and finally be alone. Anyone of you ever feel this way?
I thought about the places where I could "hide" awhile maybe catch a movie or grab a bite at a restaurant and pamper myself. But I was in for a surprise.
24-09-2018, 07:10 AM
TS, 10 points up as encouragement.
A very interesting thread.
24-09-2018, 07:17 AM
good story TS, shall wait here for more of it.
24-09-2018, 07:44 AM
Camping here for more updates to this nice story. :)
24-09-2018, 11:48 AM
hope you enjoy your weekend with Wanda..:)
24-09-2018, 01:31 PM
Nice story with an interesting build-up! Keep "up" the good work! boob_man
24-09-2018, 01:44 PM
So far so good TS, please continue writing.
24-09-2018, 06:31 PM
Cheers to the writer. Please write more.
25-09-2018, 12:04 AM
camping for more
25-09-2018, 12:23 AM
I thought about the places where I could "hide" awhile maybe catch a movie or grab a bite at a restaurant and pamper myself. But I was in for a surprise.
My mum came a knocking early Sunday morning. (Well, not really knocking; it’s just a figure of speech. Just saying, in case some of you want to ask why I never install a door bell?) Apparently Wanda ushered her in cos I was still snoring away. My son came into the room to wake me up; I guess the main reason was because I kept his video game controller and by waking me up, he could have his prized possession back.
Normally I would give him a earful for disturbing my peace but thinking of the “bigger picture” (hey! I had the whole day off - I could check into some hotel and sleep the day away, right?), I just let it slide.
I took a shower and quickly dressed. I wasn’t going to get stuck at home. Furthermore, I told my family I had OT; I can’t be doing OT after lunch, can I? My mother had bought _lontong_ for my boy and was cooking porridge for my wife. I gave my mother a hug and patted my boy on his head; wife was still soundly asleep so I didn’t wake her up.
I took the car keys and left home.
As the lift door opened at the ground floor, I was drawn to the sound of someone scrambling down the stairs. Curiosity caught the better of me and I decided to wait under the flight of stairs......
25-09-2018, 04:52 AM
waiting for the juicy parts..:)
25-09-2018, 07:14 AM
Interesting story TS, will be great if you will continue with it.
25-09-2018, 08:10 AM
this is a nice story ts, hope for more juicy updates.
25-09-2018, 08:36 AM
Must be Wanda trying to catch TS, going OFF together. Camping here for more updates.
25-09-2018, 09:24 AM
camping here for more updates too
25-09-2018, 11:28 AM
Must be Wanda trying to catch TS, going OFF together. Camping here for more updates.
Alamak! SPOILER alert! Bro diputs1269 must have watched the preview on Toggle dot SBF TV... Oops!
Speaking of Toggle, please check out some of the interesting meanings of toggle on Urban Dictionary (
Some examples include:
To sexually harass someone on Facebook. To sexualize someone's world. Especially for the first time.
Toggling is the process of female masturbation. One continues to use any amount of fingers, or miscellaneous objects to obtain pleasure in the private area. Especially when a male figure is not around to provide orgasmic pleasures to the clitorous. Sometimes this act is used to arouse the male figure.
To insert one's finger, most commonly the thumb, into the woman's anus while having sex (can be performed during oral sex as well)
Sorry for the delay; now at work so very difficult to type. Hang on for the next installment. And most importantly, THANK YOU for your support! :D
25-09-2018, 12:01 PM
Alamak! SPOILER alert! Bro diputs1269 must have watched the preview on Toggle dot SBF TV... Oops!
Speaking of Toggle, please check out some of the interesting meanings of toggle on Urban Dictionary (
Some examples include:
To sexually harass someone on Facebook. To sexualize someone's world. Especially for the first time.
Toggling is the process of female masturbation. One continues to use any amount of fingers, or miscellaneous objects to obtain pleasure in the private area. Especially when a male figure is not around to provide orgasmic pleasures to the clitorous. Sometimes this act is used to arouse the male figure.
To insert one's finger, most commonly the thumb, into the woman's anus while having sex (can be performed during oral sex as well)
Sorry for the delay; now at work so very difficult to type. Hang on for the next installment. And most importantly, THANK YOU for your support! :D
Thank you.
Camping here for more updates.
25-09-2018, 01:31 PM
As the lift door opened at the ground floor, I was drawn to the sound of someone scrambling down the stairs. Curiosity caught the better of me and I decided to wait under the flight of stairs......
I saw a young girl, probably some Poly or Uni student scampering down the stairs. She look flustered. Rushing towards me, she kept apologizing for making me wait.
Huh? Apa ni?
Took me a few moments to recognize her. I had to do a double-take. Already without make-up, Wanda was a sight to behold. Now with fresh make-up on to accentuate her high cheekbones and sparkling eyes, she was breathtaking!
Seeing my puzzled face, she reminded me of my “promise” that if she didn't know where to go, I would bring her out. Suddenly I remembered one of my school teacher’s advice: “never make a promise to a woman you don’t intend to keep. For even 'passing remarks' will be held against you and hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”. What have I done?
To be clear, I only made known to my family members that I was going to do OT. As Wanda was scheduled to be on leave, there was “no need” to inform her of my plans for that day. Hence, she must have assumed that I got “upset” waiting for her so she hurriedly rushed down to “catch up” with me. I don’t know about some of the brothers out there but such actions always melt my heart. I felt a twinge of guilt, having the poor girl run after me when in fact, I have really “forgotten” the whole incident.
To me, it’s one thing to have stray thoughts about my maid but to hatch an elaborate plan to get into her pants is a whole new ball game to me.
In a chirpy and enthusiastic voice, Wanda asked, “Ingin pergi ke mana?”
Any bros or sis here have any idea where to bring a maid out on her off day?
25-09-2018, 01:58 PM
Waiting for TS to continue for more... Support
Loon khor
25-09-2018, 02:25 PM
Great story writing... Please keep updating.
25-09-2018, 02:36 PM
Wow, nice start and nice story... read all 6 pages at one go and somehow still wanting more.
Good penmanship... support.
Thanks for keeping me in suspense...what comes next?
25-09-2018, 02:37 PM
Nice update, now waiting for the juicy part. Please continue. :)
25-09-2018, 05:03 PM
Wow, nice start and nice story... read all 6 pages at one go and somehow still wanting more.
Good penmanship... support.
Thanks for keeping me in suspense...what comes next?
Bro crackpod, thanks for your support!
It’s not I want to keep people in suspense, it’s because don’t know why today so many warranty claims? People keep coming into my cubicle, want to write more also cannot. More claims = my company lose money = boss not happy. Now have to write report to boss first. LOL :D
Will try to update soonest. Anyway, based on last episode, do you have any idea where is a good place to bring a maid out for a date? Hehe
25-09-2018, 09:54 PM
Well, TS asking where to bring a maid to during her off days....of course, needless to say, it will always land inside the hotel room.
But as the employer of the maid, better not as if caught, all evidence produced means you will be barred from employing another maid.
Just play with caution.
26-09-2018, 07:04 AM
great story, enjoy reading it. look forward to your next update TS, support your thread.
26-09-2018, 07:42 AM
really like this story TS! please do continue sharing. :)
26-09-2018, 09:34 AM
share more of this nice story ts.
26-09-2018, 09:57 AM
Nice story Bro.
finally managed to read finish until this page since this morning.
your header attracted my attention to read your post.
26-09-2018, 03:06 PM
kudos to Ts for nice story. Pls continue.
26-09-2018, 03:09 PM
Since TS had made known to his family members that he is going for OT, I think going to office is the best place.
26-09-2018, 04:39 PM
Well, TS asking where to bring a maid to during her off days....of course, needless to say, it will always land inside the hotel room.
But as the employer of the maid, better not as if caught, all evidence produced means you will be barred from employing another maid.
Just play with caution.
Since TS had made known to his family members that he is going for OT, I think going to office is the best place.
Thank you Brothers sky_liner2 and diputs1269 for your suggestions/inputs.
As I am spinning a tale in a forum, and my story-telling level not as good as Bro ilock and/or Bro TigerWoody so I thought I'd try another approach... Get you readers participation to be some sort of a test audience. You guys can give me your comments and I will try to address some (if not all) of them in the story itself.
As with all "true stories", some facts have to be "stretched" a bit so that the story will be interesting. As some bros mentioned in their own threads/stories, that while the story may seem like days, in actual fact, they spent months to woo their respective targets.
In any case, I also seek everybody's patience whenever I update slower. I'm not trying to milk points or build (too much suspense). I write because I want to share a story and as a form of de-stress. The reasons for my delay is because while I am at work, it's a bit tough to update regularly with people walking into my cubicle every now and then. And when I am at home, with the family around, it's also not very conducive to write, especially when I wish to tag photos inside for more realism. Usually I type using my small phone while I am in the toilet, so please excuse the typos and spelling errors. And lucky the forum "got no smell one". Haha!
Will update again... Soon...
26-09-2018, 04:46 PM
will wait , take your time but need your update with the maid...:)
26-09-2018, 05:58 PM
Awesome thread here, support!
27-09-2018, 12:43 AM
Really a nice story, please continue TS :)
27-09-2018, 07:02 AM
like your story very much... very nice read... share more soon please...
27-09-2018, 07:22 AM
keep on sharing this story TS, it's a really nice read.
27-09-2018, 09:54 AM
really like this story, please do share more. support your thread ts.
27-09-2018, 12:04 PM
Waiting for more updates :)
27-09-2018, 01:24 PM
this story is nice, great share and more please.
27-09-2018, 01:42 PM
This is a great story, hope to read more.
27-09-2018, 02:05 PM
Support nice story!!
27-09-2018, 03:07 PM
Exciting part cuming up, please continue TS.
27-09-2018, 03:09 PM
Its not a wonder that many of us imagine and dream to have steamy sex with our maid on the sly not excluded.:D How many have really done it cos we would love to hear it.
Not to distract TS tho, please proceed as you will.
27-09-2018, 05:29 PM
In a chirpy and enthusiastic voice, Wanda asked, “Ingin pergi ke mana?”
Any bros or sis here have any idea where to bring a maid out on her off day?
Would it be appropriate to use the phrase, 'I was caught with my pants down'? All I ever did want, was some time to myself. Maybe some of you deem me as a bad husband or irresponsible but to quote the lyrics of a Chicago song, 'even lovers need a holiday, far away from each other' and this was supposed to be my 'holiday'!
To quote Bro Slowpump 'many of us imagine and dream to have steamy sex with our maid'; here was a girl warming up to me. Could I say that she wanted to go on a date with me? Or again, am I thinking too much? Whatever it is, I have to play my cards right. Taking advice from Bro sky_liner2, if I am not careful, I could very well land myself in hot soup.
Thoughts raced across my head - I had to pretend that I had a plan but where do I bring Wanda to? I do not know if she was "hotel" ready and if she was, is it a good thing when a girl so 'readily' offers herself to you? What does this imply? That she offers herself to others also?
I thought of bringing her to my office but knowing the guys at my office, it would be suicidal. First of all, photos of my (attractive) maid would appear on Facebook, then one of my 'concerned' relatives would call me; my mother who's 'on duty' would get wind of this and then I would have a whole lot of explaining to do.
Not wanting to look like a fool, I tilted my head towards my car. Even if I got caught with my maid in my car, I could just say that I was giving her a lift to the MRT and setting some 'last minute' rules.
Wanda took the (front) passenger seat. Once in the car, Wanda lowered her head shyly. She seemed embarrassed. Usually my boy would want to 'ride shotgun' and sit next to me; this was the first time Wanda was sitting next to me.
Wanda's fragrance permeated the air inside the car as we drove out of the multi-storey car park. I took in the smell, which gave me an instant hard-on.
What was my plan?
To do the things I had originally planned to do; to take a break and unwind and have a (few) good meals. The only difference now is that I have someone to tag along.
27-09-2018, 06:30 PM
What was my plan?
To do the things I had originally planned to do; to take a break and unwind and have a (few) good meals. The only difference now is that I have someone to tag along.[/QUOTE]
Love ur story, up ur reputation. 👍😁
27-09-2018, 07:17 PM
What was my plan?
To do the things I had originally planned to do; to take a break and unwind and have a (few) good meals. The only difference now is that I have someone to tag along.
I figured we should go slow so we stopped over for a quick bite at Eunos market. I could also use this chance to gauge Wanda's reaction. All throughout the excursion, she followed me behind. Passersby would have thought I was bringing my younger sister out. I beamed with pride. I have heard people boasting of going out with Sweet Young Things (SYTs), I was not living that 'dream'!
A part of me was hoping that Wanda display some displeasure that I was such a 'cheapskate' to bring her to a (no aircon) food centre for a 'first date' but she appeared cheerful and seemed and to enjoy every moment of it.
Next we headed to the nearby cinema to catch a movie. As it was too early for horrors, I opted for some action flick. I didn't want to stuff her so I skimmed on the popcorn. My idea was to 'starve' her a bit so that she could enjoy the next item on my itinerary - Buffet Lunch!
The movie was your usual action movie, whereby the hero will never die so there were no sad moments. However, being a long-time silent reader of this forum, I picked up some 'skills'.
Firstly, I noticed she wasn't wearing a jacket; who wears a jacket in sunny Singapore, anyway? So, on the pretext of 'keeping her warm', I put my arms around her. Instinctively, she rested her head on my shoulder. BINGO!
Yes, I know I am easily satisfied but if you read the title, the key word is 'finally'; I'm really new to this game and boy was I nervous.
I used my hands to rub hers - to keep her warm. My hands then wonder up to her arm and shoulders; my rubbing causing an even bigger bulge in my pants. Sensing that she was not putting up any resistance, I moved forward to 'sniff her out'.
I placed my nose close to her ear and gave it a whiff. The warm air that exhaled from my nostrils must have tickled her and she giggled. Taking that as a 'yes', I got bolder and I told her that I love her scent and I licked the tip of the tragus of her ear. See that she was enjoying the attention that I was giving her, I began to kiss her earlobe.
Wanda began to breathe heavily, giving out sighs as she exhaled. Getting bolder, I started to nibble and suck on her earlobe while whispering to her that she was the prettiest thing I have ever seen.
I had now past the point of no return.
27-09-2018, 10:19 PM
Thanks for the nice updates, camping here for more intimate actions.
28-09-2018, 12:22 AM
Wanda began to breathe heavily, giving out sighs as she exhaled. Getting bolder, I started to nibble and suck on her earlobe while whispering to her that she was the prettiest thing I have ever seen.
I had now past the point of no return.
I began to smell her like she were a drug, noseing the length of her neck, up till the back of her ears. I used the tip of my tongue to trace the path taken by my nose. Her breathing got heavier and I could hear her moan in pleasure. This encouraged me more and I used my free hand to caress her thighs. It was such a waste that she was wearing jeans. But then again, if she wore too sexily, my mother, being a traditional woman, would have given her a earful.
I began to rub and squeeze her thighs, carrassing her kneecaps through her worn jeans. I could vaguely feel her thrusting her pelvis rhythmically. I gently bit her on the neck and then using my tongue, I covered the marks left by my teeth with my saliva. Then I blew kisses into her ear.
Suddenly Wanda broke away from my embrace and turned to face me. Thinking that I may have crossed the line, I froze. I thought of all the different excuses I would give her for my indiscretions. I even contemplated giving her a bribe to prevent her from going to the authorities.
But before I could utter a word, without warning, plunged head-first towards me. She nestled her head in my chest. Over the sounds of gunfire, I could barely make out her muffled words; something about being shy?
Not wanting to push my luck, I decided to just return her hug and watch the remainder of the movie. As the credits rolled, I thought of my next move. They say the way to a person’s heart is through the stomach; so the next place will definitely delight her palates.
28-09-2018, 08:08 AM
I really like this story!
setting up my tent here to wait for more of it. :)
28-09-2018, 02:02 PM
But before I could utter a word, without warning, plunged head-first towards me. She nestled her head in my chest. Over the sounds of gunfire, I could barely make out her muffled words; something about being shy?
Not wanting to push my luck, I decided to just return her hug and watch the remainder of the movie. As the credits rolled, I thought of my next move. They say the way to a person’s heart is through the stomach; so the next place will definitely delight her palates.
We walked into the movie theatre ‘separately’ but came out as a couple. I believe this is the GFE that many bros here have been talking about. Wanda held onto my arm as we walked out of the cinema.
“Hungry?” I asked her, taking this opportunity to rub her tummy. She nodded shyly. The day was getting better by the minute!
Not wanting to ‘waste’ the lunch at a shopping centre food court. Also, I did not want to run the risk of seeing any familiar faces; afterall, a food court is ‘accessible’ to many people, more so on a Sunday afternoon. I intended to head to some place more special.
That place would be the Kintamani Indonesian Restaurant located at Havelock Road – not top of the end (we don’t want an overkill here) but with a certain ‘barrier to entry’. I mentally gave myself a pat on my back for such a great idea.
As the restaurant was located inside Furama Riverfront Hotel, I noticed Wanda’s face turned beet red the moment we turned into the hotel car park. She looked somewhat uncomfortable and fidgeted in her passenger seat. Maybe she was thinking of how to unbuckle the seat belt and jump out of the car. This thought made me do a double-check to ensure the door locks were engaged; I don’t want my face to be splashed all over STOMP web site for ejecting a maid out of a moving car. My worries were unfounded as she remained in her seat until I parked my car.
As I killed the ignition and got out of the car, I noticed Wanda hesitated to alight so I got back into the car and inched my way towards the passenger seat. She looked down, avoiding my gaze. I took her smaller hands in mind. By instinct, she tugged away but I held on, gently. She continued to bow her head, as if resigned to her fate.
“Don’t worry,” I assured her, “we are just here for the lunch.” Taking a $50 note from my wallet, I placed it in her hand. “Here’s $50. If you feel that I am lying to you or if you still feel uncomfortable, use this money to take a taxi home.”
This time around, she didn’t hold on to me. Instead she chose to walk behind me. As my original intent was clear and above board, I felt I need not overly explain myself. Furthermore, by doing so, won’t it make me appear more ‘guilty’?
Cautiously, Wanda followed me as we took the lift to the third floor.
28-09-2018, 02:18 PM
Nice story Bro.;)
28-09-2018, 03:09 PM
Nice and shiok story, please continue.
28-09-2018, 06:32 PM
This time around, she didn’t hold on to me. Instead she chose to walk behind me. As my original intent was clear and above board, I felt I need not overly explain myself. Furthermore, by doing so, won’t it make me appear more ‘guilty’?
Cautiously, Wanda followed me as we took the lift to the third floor.
Wanda appeared edgy in the lift. Not once did she want to be close to me and, maybe it was my character or my pride, I did not make any effort to try to get close to her or comfort her. It was not until we got to the restaurant that she finally seemed to calm down. “Indonesian food, ok?” I asked in the most nonchalant manner possible. Again, she nodded.
The waiter ushered us to our seats and I told her that everything was paid for and she just had to choose whatever she wanted to eat. Wanda hesitated as if she was unsure. Maybe she was afraid she would be made to pay for the extra items she had chosen or I would view her as some glutton. But then again, judging from her small frame, I guess the she can afford to put on some extra weight without appearing bloated.
I took her by the hand and guided her to the buffet spread. “Try not to eat too much rice and carbohydrates,” I told her. “Go for seafood and the more expensive stuff”, I said to her with a smile. To prove my point, I piled my plate with prawns and shellfish before putting some on her plate. Shyly, she nodded and smiled.
Normally when I go for a buffet, it would be all-out makan session for me but today I had a ‘guest’ and I wanted to go all out to make her feel happy. In my haste to promote ‘all you can eat’, I had already skipped the part of starting the meal with horderves. However, I made sure that the meal ended with dessert; I am sure that this was something that only the atas people do.
By the end of the meal, I could see that Wanda seemed impressed by the whole show but once I settled the bill, I could see that her sense of dread had returned and I could see that she was feeling jittery all over again. We were, after all, inside the Furama Riverfront Hotel.
28-09-2018, 08:12 PM
nice story, do continue please...:)
28-09-2018, 08:26 PM
By the end of the meal, I could see that Wanda seemed impressed by the whole show but once I settled the bill, I could see that her sense of dread had returned and I could see that she was feeling jittery all over again. We were, after all, inside the Furama Riverfront Hotel.
Expectantly, Wanda kept looking at me. Not wanting to ‘keep her in suspense’ and for fear that she would suddenly bolt and run off, I asked her what was lacking at home because we would be going to Great World City to do some grocery shopping.
I deliberately walked a bit faster to the car park to retrieve the car. Even though the balance on my Cash Card was low and I had intended to do a top-up, I decided against staying another moment longer in the hotel. I wanted to impress upon Wanda that I was not a lecher.
The ploy worked! By the time we reached Great World City, Wanda was back to her cheerful self. Grocery shopping played itself out as if we were a newly-wed couple, with me pushing the trolley and Wanda choosing household items. Something about the way she kept turning around to see if I was behind her made my heart skip a beat. Whenever she asked me for my opinion on some item, I would take the chance to stand closer to her. With her face so close to mine, I would say in a soft voice, “you decide”. To which she would shyly nod and then decide whether to buy or put the item back on the shelf.
As we walked out of the supermarket, she recalled the times when our whole family would go shopping together and how madam would always buy her nice, new clothes. I wondered if that was a hint for me to get her new clothes because I could think of a few pieces I would love to see her wearing.
Weighing my options, I decided against being a spoilsport. At this moment, I was experiencing the ‘joys of courtship’ with a young nubile girl. It won’t hurt for me to ‘pay’ her for her time. Besides, a friend once told me that when we buy clothes for a woman, it should something that we like to see her in (and take off) and not the other way around.
Instantly, I told her that I would love to get her new clothes. Guiding her away from the branded shops, I guided her to the shops where there were clothes I wanted her to wear. Of course, I didn’t tell her this. Neither did I tell her that I wasn’t prepared to spend my money on Zara for her.
We went boutique-hopping. I chose a few presentable pieces and asked her to try them out. Taking the articles from me, she disappeared into the changing room. As I stood there daydreaming about how Wanda would look in her ‘new clothes’, my handphone rang.
28-09-2018, 09:37 PM
We went boutique-hopping. I chose a few presentable pieces and asked her to try them out. Taking the articles from me, she disappeared into the changing room. As I stood there daydreaming about how Wanda would look in her ‘new clothes’, my handphone rang.
The handphone read “WANDA”
Why was she looking for me? Why did she have to call me when I was just there?
I looked in the direction the changing room and I saw her peek out of one of the cubicles. She didn’t seem like she wanted to come out. Instead, she beckoned me to come over which I hastily did. Did something happen?
When I reached her cubicle, I saw a young innocent girl standing in front of me. Were she not my maid, I would have mistaken her for an undergraduate. She seem to ooze with a certain innocent sex appeal.
“Ambil foto saya?” apparently she too loved what she saw and wanted me to take photos of her in that dress so that she could send them to her friends and family back home – what a wonderful life she had!
Positioning myself so that my reflection would not be caught in the mirror, I took some photographs of her using my phone. I marveled at my shots; I should have been a photographer. Once I had taken a few photos of her, she disappeared into the cubicle to change to the next outfit.
At that split second, I wanted to place my camera phone under the door to take a few shots of her changing. I could feel my member swell and stiffen. How I wish I could I could bang open the cubicle door, pin Wanda to the wall , pull her cotton panties down to her knee caps, impale her with my hardened manhood and bang her hard and fast until I release all my pent-up frustrations?
As if the heavens had an answer for me, the cubicle door opened.
28-09-2018, 11:03 PM
Nice story getting exciting now, more updates please.
29-09-2018, 12:05 AM
Can't wait for more. Great write up with slow but exciting suspense.
29-09-2018, 12:58 AM
At that split second, I wanted to place my camera phone under the door to take a few shots of her changing. I could feel my member swell and stiffen. How I wish I could I could bang open the cubicle door, pin Wanda to the wall , pull her cotton panties down to her knee caps, impale her with my hardened manhood and bang her hard and fast until I release all my pent-up frustrations?
As if the heavens had an answer for me, the cubicle door opened.
Wanda emerged from the cubicle, dressed in her ‘own’ clothes. The salesgirl who was waiting nearby quickly came to serve her but was disappointed that Wanda didn’t want any of the clothes.
“Not nice ah? The size too big for you? Too small?” the sales staff asked, hoping to close the sales.
Personally I felt the dresses brought out a more mature side of Wanda; not suitable for ‘house use’ but definitely good to wear out for a date. Yet Wanda rejected all of them.
Not wanting to spoil the day, I told the sales girl I wanted all of them. Wanda’s eyes widened when she saw my gesture. Her eyes became watery but she shed no tear.
Not wanting to end the supposed ‘date’ abruptly, I told her I would show her around some of the more scenic places in the area so we drove around the west coast area.
It was sad that West Coast Park had became the site of reclaimed land; I had fond memories of dates there. Then I remembered there was good ol’ mount Faber just a stone’s throw away.
By the time we ascended Mount Faber, it was already dark. Hence, I had little resistance from her when I held her hand (on the pretext that it was dark). We strolled the park as lovers would and at the peak while pointing out the various Singapore landmarks, I slid my arms around her small tender waist and hugged her from behind.
Again I begin to stir. Perhaps she felt it this time as she readjusted herself, rubbing me in the process, making it even harder. Lust took over me and my hands started to roam all over her starting with her tummy. Sensing little resistance, I began to lick her neck whilst smelling her hair. Wow! Even after a day out, her hair still smelt fresh. Her perfume, however had mixed with her womanly scent, which turned me on further. I slid my hand beneath her top and made my way up to her bra. Feeling the contours of her bra, I started to wonder if this was the same bra that I ejaculated on some days ago?
29-09-2018, 06:59 AM
Sure hope TS will update more soon, this story is nice.
29-09-2018, 08:19 AM
eager to hear ts making his move...:)
29-09-2018, 10:25 AM
Thanks bro for the updates. Keep it coming pls.
29-09-2018, 11:54 AM
Nice update TS. Hoping to read more.
29-09-2018, 11:59 AM
waiting for updates!
30-09-2018, 01:20 AM
Sex for my wife was only a means of procreation; she was brought up to believe that sex was not supposed to be enjoyable. So, after she gave birth to our son, intercourse was far and wide. Our lifestyle changed and sex was placed on the back burner. Even then, whenever I had the urge, she would either reject my advances, procrastinate or always "have something else more important to do". Hearing my colleagues at work relate all their sexual exploits made me ever more frustrated. When my wife took ill and couldn’t do the housework anymore, we finally decided to engage a maid.
I guess you could say we were “desperate” for a domestic helper because between work and helping my son with his school work, not to mention laundry that was piling up. We needed help immediately so the better option was a “transfer maid”. Out of the many maids that were available, one of them stood out; her previous employer gave her an excellent testimony so choosing Sarwendah was a no brainer.
When I went to the maid agency to pick her up, I had the surprise of my life. What stood before me was different from the photo provided on the biodata.
This is may be a work of fiction so names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales and incidents
are either the products of my imagination or used in a fictitious manner.
Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
So many holes u need to screw a maid in your house? Desperado siah
30-09-2018, 08:17 AM
this is a nice story!
setting up my tent here to wait for more of it. :)
30-09-2018, 06:06 PM
Nice story, please update more.
30-09-2018, 07:10 PM
Support for more!!
01-10-2018, 07:05 AM
great to see your sharing TS, do continue with this story.
01-10-2018, 07:20 AM
this is a nice story, hope TS will give more updates soon.
01-10-2018, 11:03 AM
Tks TS for nice updates. Hope to read more.
01-10-2018, 10:19 PM
Nice story TS, thx. Camping for more.
02-10-2018, 04:14 AM
TS pls cont’ waiting for your nice story, don’t MIA please.
02-10-2018, 07:25 AM
enjoyed reading your story TS! please do continue sharing. :)
02-10-2018, 11:01 PM
Haha...just as it was getting sexciting TS is taking a pause. Looking forward to more soon. :D
03-10-2018, 12:47 AM
Nice story TS...
03-10-2018, 07:23 AM
keep on sharing this story TS, it's a really nice read.
03-10-2018, 12:29 PM
TS pls cont’ waiting for your nice story, don’t MIA please.
Hopefully TS is still safe and sound to continue his story here.
05-10-2018, 12:27 PM
TS sudah MIA maybe coz of some critical comments regarding morality by people who don't realise this is just a fiction story in a sex forum!
05-10-2018, 12:41 PM
Nice story TS, pls continue
05-10-2018, 05:33 PM
TS sudah MIA maybe coz of some critical comments regarding morality by people who don't realise this is just a fiction story in a sex forum!
Some very valid points made by Bro Slowpump! Thank you!
Yes, I read some of the said critical comments on this thread and to say that I am not the least affected would be a lie; some went to the extend of cursing me - that I will get "retribution" for my actions. Makes me wonder why I even bother writing?
Just scroll up and these hecklers can be easily spotted.
However, as much as I wish to lay blame on them for my lack of posting, I think it won't be a fair statement to say that it is solely because of these unhappy people that I've stopped posting. The fact of the matter is, I've not stopped writing; it's due to a new model that is going to be launched at my work place and I'm needed to put in some extra hours.
On the flip side, I am thankful for all the happy campers on this thread and I think it would be grossly unfair to let the many good supporters down because of some unhappy people who dislike my writing, right?
So... To the hecklers, I want to tell you "sorry for posting sex-related stories in a sex forum".
And to the people who have supported this thread since Day 1, here's me saying "sorry for the delay" and "please have some patience", I will try to update more frequently. In fact, if my desk phone stop ringing, we should be able to see an update some time soon! Heh heh! :p
05-10-2018, 06:08 PM
Nice story TS, please continue!
05-10-2018, 07:29 PM
No need to explain to them lar... just continue🤣
05-10-2018, 09:49 PM
On the flip side, I am thankful for all the happy campers on this thread and I think it would be grossly unfair to let the many good supporters down because of some unhappy people who dislike my writing, right?
So... To the hecklers, I want to tell you "sorry for posting sex-related stories in a sex forum".
And to the people who have supported this thread since Day 1, here's me saying "sorry for the delay" and "please have some patience", I will try to update more frequently. In fact, if my desk phone stop ringing, we should be able to see an update some time soon! Heh heh! :p
Bro, you can't make everyone happy everytime especially nutjobs who come into sbf and complain there's too much sex here! What more smoking allowed in our own homes?? Hey wait.....
05-10-2018, 10:23 PM
This is a sex forum so definitely is stuff with all sort of sex related stories.
Patiently waiting for the next update.
06-10-2018, 06:50 AM
really nice story ts, please continue sharing it.
06-10-2018, 12:44 PM
Bro, you can't make everyone happy everytime especially nutjobs who come into sbf and complain there's too much sex here! What more smoking allowed in our own homes?? Hey wait.....
Yes Bro Slowpump, you are correct! Anyway, they will tell you you are not allowed to smoke in their homes... In front of their wives :p
This is a sex forum so definitely is stuff with all sort of sex related stories.
Patiently waiting for the next update.
I think they didn't read the disclaimer when they logged in Bro diputs1269 or maybe they 'act virgin'? :cool:
06-10-2018, 01:03 PM
Again I begin to stir. Perhaps she felt it this time as she readjusted herself, rubbing me in the process, making it even harder. Lust took over me and my hands started to roam all over her starting with her tummy. Sensing little resistance, I began to lick her neck whilst smelling her hair. Wow! Even after a day out, her hair still smelt fresh. Her perfume, however had mixed with her womanly scent, which turned me on further. I slid my hand beneath her top and made my way up to her bra. Feeling the contours of her bra, I started to wonder if this was the same bra that I ejaculated on some days ago?
Throwing caution to the wind, I slip my fingers under the under band of the bra. Cupping her small melons, I quickly found her nipples. Using my fingers, I rubbed against them. As her back was facing me, I could not see but only feel her small round breasts. Recalling one of the threads here about 'flat chested women', I began to imagine she was one of the girls posted in that thread, imagining that I was now fondling one of those 'pictured' breasts.
I read some of the bros here mentioned that girls will smaller breasts tend to have more sensitive nipples. Perhaps they were correct because no sooner, I heard Wanda moan. Encouraged by her words, I increased my intensity.
"Sakit", Wanda whispered. I guess, it was a long time since I had breasts and I forgot how it is like to properly please them.
Taking cue from Wanda, I slowed down my 'attack'. I continued to 'nose' her neck and like a depraved man possessed, I started to say lovey-dovey things like how she smelt good and how I would take good care of her. I told her that she was far away from the bad men in her life and now she has found a good family and she didn't have to worry.
Having said all of these, I know some you bros will probably scold me for making such promises to my maid. But as they said, God gave men just enough blood for one head to function properly. Clearly, it was not the big head that was doing the talking now.
06-10-2018, 01:16 PM
Having said all of these, I know some you bros will probably scold me for making such promises to my maid. But as they said, God gave men just enough blood for one head to function properly. Clearly, it was not the big head that was doing the talking now.
The animal inside of me took over and I began to bite on her neck, sucking leaving marks.
"Abang, jangan", Wanda reminded me. Her soft words suddenly jolted me back into reality. Yes, I should not be leaving marks all over her. Yet a part of me wanted to leave these marks on her as a warning to other men that she was taken. Yet, the would prove to be a double-edged sword because my wife would then be on guard against Wanda. I can't let this happen.
I stopped my 'teething' and began painting her with my tongue, like a dog in heat. In my mind, I would think of a few more tricks that some dogs knew.
Using one hand, I disengaged the hooks of her bra and her whole undergarment came loose. Free of the frontal cups, my hands could now move in and hold her firm little naked breasts. I squeezed them, kneaded them, played with them. How long have I waited to hold them in my hands?
I wished that this moment would never end; time would standstill we would forever be stuck on Mount Faber. Even the buzzing mosquitoes and my sticky skin could not deter me from having my way with my young maid.
But as they say, all good things had to come to an end and I needed to get home or my mother would start to get suspicious.
06-10-2018, 01:31 PM
I wished that this moment would never end; time would standstill we would forever be stuck on Mount Faber. Even the buzzing mosquitoes and my sticky skin could not deter me from having my way with my young maid.
But as they say, all good things had to come to an end and I needed to get home or my mother would start to get suspicious.
When I got home, my son was playing video games while my mother emerged from my wife's room. She was surprised that I would come home with Wanda and with so much grocery shopping at that! Wanda quickly excused herself and took all the things with her and scurried into the kitchen.
Cooking up a story that I saw her on the way back so I made a detour the supermarket with her. Seeming to buy my story, she nodded and went about packing her things.
Feeling a tinge of guilt, I decided to drive my mother home. As my son was more engrossed in her game, I made the trip alone. I guess guilt does make you a 'better' person because I kept trying to find topics to talk to my mum while driving her back home.
Although she lived relatively close to me, the drive from my home to Marine Parade seemed like an eternity.
When I finally kept quiet as I could not find any more topics to discuss, my mother spoke up, "I noticed the love bites on Wanda's neck"
06-10-2018, 03:13 PM
Oh no, visible love mark spell trouble. Very well written story, more updates please.
06-10-2018, 03:17 PM
Although she lived relatively close to me, the drive from my home to Marine Parade seemed like an eternity.
When I finally kept quiet as I could not find any more topics to discuss, my mother spoke up, "I noticed the love bites on Wanda's neck"
All throughout the journey home, my mother's words keep coming back to haunt me. Had I gone too far?
When I got home, all the lights, except that of the hall were switched off; our son had gone to sleep as he had school the next day. The lights in Wanda's room were also switched off; she must have been really tired. Besides, she needed to wake up early the next morning to prepare our son's breakfast.
Remembering the day's action, I got 'frustrated'. Till now I had not 'relieved' myself. Not wanting to push my luck with Wanda; up till now she appeared willing to let me fondle and touch but was she willing to go further? I did not have the answer to that question. Furthermore, I guess all humans are afraid to face reality and rejection; what if I were to make further advance and Wanda were to reject me? What then? Shouldn't I be contented with whatever I had? Maybe she did what she did because she just wanted to release her own pent-up frustrations and nothing more?
The more I 'thought', the more 'frustrated' I became. I couldn't take it anymore and I made my way into my wife's room. Like a lion pouncing on its prey, I stripped myself naked and 'attacked' the sleeping form of my wife. I lifted her T-shirt over her head, exposing her breasts. Like a starving man, I devoured them hungrily. Soft moans escaped from her mouth and my wife seem to have awakened from her sleep. She began to caress my head while I enjoyed her tasty love pillows. Feeling that she was 'in the mood', I got up and pulled her pants off. As if she had suddenly awaken from her dream, her hands shot out towards the waist of her pants and held on to the elastic band.
Tugging at the elastic band, she hissed, "You mad already is it? What are you trying to do?"
06-10-2018, 09:49 PM
Nice writeup, please continue.
06-10-2018, 10:11 PM
The more I 'thought', the more 'frustrated' I became. I couldn't take it anymore and I made my way into my wife's room. Like a lion pouncing on its prey, I stripped myself naked and 'attacked' the sleeping form of my wife. I lifted her T-shirt over her head, exposing her breasts. Like a starving man, I devoured them hungrily. Soft moans escaped from her mouth and my wife seem to have awakened from her sleep. She began to caress my head while I enjoyed her tasty love pillows. Feeling that she was 'in the mood', I got up and pulled her pants off. As if she had suddenly awaken from her dream, her hands shot out towards the waist of her pants and held on to the elastic band.
Tugging at the elastic band, she hissed, "You mad already is it? What are you trying to do?"
"Is this how you treat me? Like some kind of sex toy?" she asked, "what kind of beast or animal are you? Your have your dirty thoughts so you need to take it out on me?" With that she pushed me away. For a person who is sick, she gave quite a strong shove and I was displaced from the bed. Her actions shocked me. Didn't she moan initially? Didn't she want it? Why then did she react this way?
Maybe some of your kind brothers reading can shed some light on this? Does your significant other do this to you also?
What about the sisters reading in? Do you do this to your man? If so, why do you do this?
I guess this is what people like to call 'pouring cold water' or anti-climax? Nursing a case of 'blue balls', I left my wife's room feeling even more frustrated than when I first entered it.
07-10-2018, 03:29 AM
My ex FB behave the same to her ex husband. She told me she said those exact words which you mentioned. I reason with her and explain she is immature and inviting problem. True enough , she told me her late husband went into an affair with his secretary. I told her her late husband loves her. Wanted to do with her. She rejected and think he treat her as sex object. What if the scenerio reverse? She wants but the husband don't give? What will she think then? She was dumb folded. Sad to say she still think she is right after so many years even though she aged till she met me. From then, i learn that she is a spoilt brag. Always being pampered by family since young. Because her age gap with her siblings were 10 years apart. Therefore, many give in to her. And she always think she is right without proper guidance from parents and sibling.
07-10-2018, 07:01 AM
a fan of your story... it's a very nice read... share more soon please...
07-10-2018, 07:13 AM
Nice story bro, TS, please continue!
07-10-2018, 08:10 AM
really like your story ts, waiting here for much juicy updates.
07-10-2018, 09:36 AM
Please update
"Is this how you treat me? Like some kind of sex toy?" she asked, "what kind of beast or animal are you? Your have your dirty thoughts so you need to take it out on me?" With that she pushed me away. For a person who is sick, she gave quite a strong shove and I was displaced from the bed. Her actions shocked me. Didn't she moan initially? Didn't she want it? Why then did she react this way?
Maybe some of your kind brothers reading can shed some light on this? Does your significant other do this to you also?
What about the sisters reading in? Do you do this to your man? If so, why do you do this?
I guess this is what people like to call 'pouring cold water' or anti-climax? Nursing a case of 'blue balls', I left my wife's room feeling even more frustrated than when I first entered it.
Bro, I feel you. It is something both of you obviously didn’t discuss and get on the same page before marriage.
To many women, there are multiple layers of intimacy. And different definitions associated with it.
In what you just described, intercourse is something deemed dirty and immoral to her but hugging and petting are signs of intimacy and love. Lines are very clear. Next time tell her you want not sex but another child. I leave the decision of whether to go for counselling to you.
In the mean time do enjoy your maid and please continue to share your escapades with her frequently.
07-10-2018, 11:05 AM
Bro, I feel you. It is something both of you obviously didn’t discuss and get on the same page before marriage.
To many women, there are multiple layers of intimacy. And different definitions associated with it.
In what you just described, intercourse is something deemed dirty and immoral to her but hugging and petting are signs of intimacy and love. Lines are very clear. Next time tell her you want not sex but another child. I leave the decision of whether to go for counselling to you.
In the mean time do enjoy your maid and please continue to share your escapades with her frequently.
Thank you for your response Bro dgsk early Sunday morning!
A lot of times, things change before and after marriage and after, erm dare I say it, 'religion'? Then again, it could be her sickness that's causing her to feel this way.
I am not giving excuses for people who stray but when the perception or can I say, 'misconception' of sex changes for one party, the other gets severely affected. This could happen to either man or woman.
Before we get too carried away, although this is fiction, there is a strain of truth in the story that I weave. Although, to protect the people around me, I cannot tell you which is real and which is fiction. I can only seek your understanding and hope you enjoy reading.
07-10-2018, 11:59 AM
sure bro we fully understand your predicaments, please continue..:p
07-10-2018, 01:53 PM
Thank you for your response Bro dgsk early Sunday morning!
A lot of times, things change before and after marriage and after, erm dare I say it, 'religion'? Then again, it could be her sickness that's causing her to feel this way.
I am not giving excuses for people who stray but when the perception or can I say, 'misconception' of sex changes for one party, the other gets severely affected. This could happen to either man or woman.
Before we get too carried away, although this is fiction, there is a strain of truth in the story that I weave. Although, to protect the people around me, I cannot tell you which is real and which is fiction. I can only seek your understanding and hope you enjoy reading.
These women are self entitled and selfish.
Thank you for your response Bro dgsk early Sunday morning!
A lot of times, things change before and after marriage and after, erm dare I say it, 'religion'? Then again, it could be her sickness that's causing her to feel this way.
I am not giving excuses for people who stray but when the perception or can I say, 'misconception' of sex changes for one party, the other gets severely affected. This could happen to either man or woman.
Before we get too carried away, although this is fiction, there is a strain of truth in the story that I weave. Although, to protect the people around me, I cannot tell you which is real and which is fiction. I can only seek your understanding and hope you enjoy reading.
Bro SerFlySGR, definitely enjoy reading. It brings back memories of my own.
So please write often. Looking forward
07-10-2018, 03:53 PM
Nice story TS, hope to read more.
07-10-2018, 05:48 PM
I guess this is what people like to call 'pouring cold water' or anti-climax? Nursing a case of 'blue balls', I left my wife's room feeling even more frustrated than when I first entered it.
I didn't even bother to dress; I just stormed off from my wife's room and back into mine, naked. I wonder if any brothers out there had the same feeling as me? Trying to sleep with a case of 'blue balls' is no joke, not to mention the mental 'trauma' of not getting it off; it was really tough just trying to fall asleep. Reading some of the comments and private messages by fellow readers reinforced my 'anger' and disappointment'. How dare she call me a 'beast'? An 'animal'? Didn't our union produce the sweet child who is now our son?
They say that anger takes up a lot of energy and unknowingly, I must have dozed off but what woke me up was a sight to behold - There, in front of me, was Wanda sucking me into erection.
She must have felt me stirring and she stopped to look at me with her big brown eyes. I let out a sigh. It was like a wish come true.
I always read with great interest in this forum about wives, girlfriends and FBs giving good head but I have never experienced it firsthand. Right now, in front of me, was this beautiful angel giving undivided attention to the most neglected part of my body.
I could feel her moist, warm mouth englufing the whole of my manhood, moving up and down the length of it, sucking it. Intermittently, she would use the tip of her tongue to lick the top of my circumcised head, giving me wave after wave of pleasure.
"I hear what you doing with Ma'am, just now" Wanda said in broken English, in between pleasuring me, she said, "Ma'am tak kasi, you no happy. My mouth now make you feel good; I make you happy ok, sayang?"
As euphoria took over me, I began to shudder; Wanda increased her pace, sucking the very essence of my manhood as I erupted into her throat. Wanda choked a bit but true to her word, she was determined to 'make me happy' and she took in every single drop of my cum. And yes, she swallowed.
07-10-2018, 06:00 PM
Nice thread, support!
07-10-2018, 10:32 PM
Such juicy update, more please.
08-10-2018, 12:33 AM
"Is this how you treat me? Like some kind of sex toy?" she asked, "what kind of beast or animal are you? Your have your dirty thoughts so you need to take it out on me?" With that she pushed me away. For a person who is sick, she gave quite a strong shove and I was displaced from the bed. Her actions shocked me. Didn't she moan initially? Didn't she want it? Why then did she react this way?
Maybe some of your kind brothers reading can shed some light on this? Does your significant other do this to you also?
What about the sisters reading in? Do you do this to your man? If so, why do you do this?
I guess this is what people like to call 'pouring cold water' or anti-climax? Nursing a case of 'blue balls', I left my wife's room feeling even more frustrated than when I first entered it.
I guess it depends on what is her illness?
08-10-2018, 07:28 AM
Camping here for more updates to this story. :)
08-10-2018, 02:55 PM
Camping here for more updates to this story. :)
16++ rtd with thanks.:)
08-10-2018, 05:12 PM
Camping here for more
08-10-2018, 05:18 PM
still camping!
08-10-2018, 06:36 PM
"I hear what you doing with Ma'am, just now" Wanda said in broken English, in between pleasuring me, she said, "Ma'am tak kasi, you no happy. My mouth now make you feel good; I make you happy ok, sayang?"
As euphoria took over me, I began to shudder; Wanda increased her pace, sucking the very essence of my manhood as I erupted into her throat. Wanda choked a bit but true to her word, she was determined to 'make me happy' and she took in every single drop of my cum. And yes, she swallowed.
By the time I woke up the next morning, she was gone. I was half expecting Wanda to share one half of the queen size bed as my wife had her own room. And my bed was definitely more comfortable than Wanda's.
Her absence made me wonder if it were all a dream? I was still naked although I could barely find any trace of last night's episode. Was this what people call a Wet Dream? Had I imagined it all up due to all the sexual frustration that was 'built-up' from my day out with Wanda?
I quickly scanned the rooms and found my wife still asleep while my son had already left for school. I assume that Wanda had sent him to school, giving me the chance to catch up on my sleep. Did she even bother to try to wake me up just now?
As it was a work day, I showered and left for work.
They say that when a person in love, every thing will work out for him or her. As I walked into the office, I noticed the new receptionist smiling at me. I returned the smile to her. As I walk past the counter, I tried my best not to look below her neck. I heard rumours that the new receptionist came and left work 'chauffeured'. I wondered who the lucky man or men are?
"Good morning Mr Gills!" this was the first time the sweet young lass greeted me, making my day even sweeter. What a way to start off a Monday!
08-10-2018, 06:44 PM
Dear Readers/Campers
Would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for taking time to read my posts.
Also want to apologize that I cannot thank each and every one of your individually and also sorry if I missed out and didn't reply to your comment/feedback.
Will try to backtrack later cos, as mentioned, I am usually typing away on my Dinosaur Phone so it's quite a challenge to an old man like me.
But, if you were to read carefully, you might have noticed that I have used some of your inputs in my updates so as to make it more 'current'.
Hope you guys like it. Feel free to drop more suggestions.
Will update soon!
P.S. Oh yes, my main intent is not to get points for writing; just to share my story.
But since I have been given points, can anybody teach me how do I return the favour to the kind souls who have given me theirs? Really thankful to all the point-givers. THANK YOU! Really appreciate it!
09-10-2018, 12:19 AM
As I walked into the office, I noticed the new receptionist smiling at me. I returned the smile to her. As I walk past the counter, I tried my best not to look below her neck. I heard rumours that the new receptionist came and left work 'chauffeured'. I wondered who the lucky man or men are?
"Good morning Mr Gills!" this was the first time the sweet young lass greeted me, making my day even sweeter. What a way to start off a Monday!
Unlike other working days, this day seem to pass very quickly and before I knew it, the day was already over. I usually stay behind at work to tie up loose ends and surf a bit of Facebook before I head on home. But even that seem to whizz by and before I knew it, it was close to 9 pm.
I collected my car and as I drove to the main entrance, I saw a familiar figure waiting by the main gate. Concerned, I stopped adjacent to her and wound down my window, “Are you ok? Waiting for your boyfriend to pick you up?“ I enquired, hoping to get some sort of response from her.
“Yes. My boyfriend come already.” Then she made a deliberate show to walk in front of my car to the front passenger side of the vehicle. She opened the passenger door and took her seat next to me.
“Dear,” she cooed, “where are we going for supper?”
First of all, I made a mental note to always, always lock my car. Over the past few months, due to the fact that my car was a more popular model used for Private Hire Vehicles, I’ve (blind) people hopping into my car, thinking I am a Grab driver.
She tugged at my arm, bringing me back to reality and pouted, “Since you don’t want to buy me supper, then just drop me at the nearest MRT can already.”
If this were a game, I would definitely press ‘pause’ and look up the FAQ for some cheats and tricks but this was not a game and I now had a pretty chick sitting in the front seat of my car.
“But I thought you said you were waiting for your boyfriend?” I gave her a puzzled look.
“Well, looks like you are my boyfriend for tonight!” I just smiled weakly at her and told her to buckle up.
As I drove past the Guard House, the guard on duty gave me a knowing look. What have I gotten myself into this time?
09-10-2018, 12:49 AM
Nice! This is getting interesting...
09-10-2018, 06:52 AM
Thanks for sharing this nice story TS, please continue.
09-10-2018, 04:43 PM
yay....her 'boyfriend' is going to come soon....very soon.
Probably in one of her orifices....
09-10-2018, 06:16 PM
yay....her 'boyfriend' is going to come soon....very soon.
Probably in one of her orifices....
Just for you, Bro Bangster, while waiting for my next update, here's a cooking video. Heh heh!
Hope you like it bro! :D
09-10-2018, 07:28 PM
Ur helper looks something like that bro?
09-10-2018, 10:02 PM
Ur helper looks something like that bro?
I think for illustrative purposes, why not? Heh heh! :D
09-10-2018, 11:02 PM
I think for illustrative purposes, why not? Heh heh! :D
Nice pics here but this cup seems bigger than Wanda?
10-10-2018, 12:51 AM
One more photo for illustrative purposes to share with all the bros here.
10-10-2018, 12:58 AM
Nice pics here but this cup seems bigger than Wanda?
Hi Bro diputs1269!
Thank you for always supporting my thread! Always a pleasure to read comments from you!
Yes, you are right! Good observation! Wanda's are smaller; I will try to find some pics to 'illustrate' this.
Was doing some surfing and found some comments made about this Indonesian maid (Nunik Ambarwati) working in Singapore.
Apparently she went on Bigo Live! and now she's some celebrity?
Anybody can confirm this?
10-10-2018, 06:48 AM
really nice story ts, please continue sharing it.
10-10-2018, 04:52 PM
I heard rumours that the new receptionist came and left work 'chauffeured'. I wondered who the lucky man or men are?
Well it is not rumours, now I know who the Chauffeur is !!!!!!
Good luck, please update
10-10-2018, 05:01 PM
Nice story...just also there are wives cheating on their hubbys.
10-10-2018, 11:29 PM
Very well written story, please continue to write more.
11-10-2018, 07:19 AM
nice story TS, hope for more to come soon.
12-10-2018, 06:56 PM
“But I thought you said you were waiting for your boyfriend?” I gave her a puzzled look.
“Well, looks like you are my boyfriend for tonight!” I just smiled weakly at her and told her to buckle up.
As I drove past the Guard House, the guard on duty gave me a knowing look. What have I gotten myself into this time?
They say that when Lady Luck favors you, she backs you up all the way! Not wanting to seem like a cheapskate, I brought Meko to one of the better restaurants for supper. At first she was taken aback, "But I was only joking with you Mr Gills," she said.
"Joke or not, you must be famished, Meko and we all need to eat." I assured her with a smile.
Joke or not, I think I made good on the first impression department; Meko seemed to have enjoyed the night out with me. Sadly, there was no night cap and there were no sparks when I dropped her off at her home.
With a smile, I drove myself home, wondering what was in store for me when I got home?
By the time I arrived home, all the lights were out. My wife was probably asleep already; my son who had school the next day was in Lala Land too. The lights in Wanda's room were off too so I doubt I would get lucky tonight.
Worn out, I decided to hit the shower and go to bed.
I was awaken again by slurping sounds and a wet and warm sensation around my cock. Was Wanda was sucking me off again? I woke up with a jolt, causing Wanda's teeth to run across my already swollen head.
I turned on the lights and sure enough, there was my petite maid in a kneeling position, on my matrimonial bed. I am pretty sure this time around, I was not dreaming.
Wanda blushed. She lowered her head. She meekly requested that I turned off the light but I told her that I wanted to see her doing the deed. I wanted to see her giving me head. As I coaxed her, my flaccid member began to stir again.
12-10-2018, 08:13 PM
I turned on the lights and sure enough, there was my petite maid in a kneeling position, on my matrimonial bed. I am pretty sure this time around, I was not dreaming.
Wanda blushed. She lowered her head. She meekly requested that I turned off the light but I told her that I wanted to see her doing the deed. I wanted to see her giving me head. As I coaxed her, my flaccid member began to stir again.
Seeing me rise to the occasion, she got back on the job. Feeling her warm breath on my cock sent shivers down my spine. I have always wanted my wife to suck my cock but she had always remarked it as a 'dirty' act and she could not understand why men derived so much pleasure from women sucking the organ in which urine comes out? I offered to eat her (in exchange) but I got the same response.
Bringing myself back to the moment I found hands involuntarily moving to the sides of Wanda's head, guiding her up and down my swollen shaft. I began jerking in sync with her bobbing. I was in heaven. As I felt I was nearing my climax, Wanda began to intensify her sucking. This time around, I stopped her. I didn't want to come in her mouth this time.
I gently pushed her away and she looked up. She appeared puzzled that I stopped her. Motioning at her top, she immediately understood that I wanted her to undress and she lifted her T-shirt, exposing her two small little molehills for the very first time.
Noticing my gaze, she quickly covered up with her T-shirt.
"It's ok baby," I coaxed, "I want to see them. Show them to me, my little darling."
"Kecil," she said in a soft voice as she lowered her head and held on harder to the T-shirt covering her front.
"Jangan kuatir. Kecil, tak kecil, saya pun suka" I assured her that her breasts were 'just the right size' and I pulled her T-shirt away. Not wanting her to use it to cover herself, I threw it across the room. I pushed her into the bed and I started to feast on her small perky breasts.
I heard some of the bros here mention that girls with smaller breasts tend to have more sensitive tits. Wanting to test out this theory, I started licking her nipples till I notice them swell. Then I alternate with sucking and 'gentle' teething all over her boobs.
Encouraged by her soft moans, I pulled Wanda's shorts off, exposing her bush. Making a mental note that I should get her to shave, I dived into her love hole and started to lick her.
Wanda's moans became louder and louder but I was too horny to be bothered. I removed my face from her privates and positioned my throbbing cock at the entrance of her love hole. Wanda's eyes opened and she whispered meekly, "Are you sure?"
I answered by thrusting into her. She winced but her pussy lips soon grew accustomed to my girth as I continued to pump away like a depraved man. As I was nearing to my limit, Wanda crossed her legs over the small of my back and pulled me towards her.
I had just ejaculated inside my maid.
12-10-2018, 09:17 PM
Wanda's moans became louder and louder but I was too horny to be bothered. I removed my face from her privates and positioned my throbbing cock at the entrance of her love hole. Wanda's eyes opened and she whispered meekly, "Are you sure?"
I answered by thrusting into her. She winced but her pussy lips soon grew accustomed to my girth as I continued to pump away like a depraved man. As I was nearing to my limit, Wanda crossed her legs over the small of my back and pulled me towards her.
I had just ejaculated inside my maid.
I held on to her as I emptied myself into her. For that one moment, I didn't bother about anything else but satisfying my lust. I began showering her with kisses. Having tasted her, I now wanted Wanda even more. As I withdrew myself from her, I saw my creamy semen flowing out of her vagina. Using her hand, she it scooped up and she put her hand in her mouth, licking the murky white substance off her fingers, giving me a horny, 'come fuck me again' look.
I hugged Wanda. Planting kisses on her cheeks and neck, I professed my love to her. I wanted her. She was my 'fountain of youth'; I have not enjoyed myself for an eternity and she had now just re-opened the floodgates. I held on to her and drifted to sleep.
When morning came, Wanda was again 'missing'; she had probably sent my son to school. Looking into my wife's room, I found her snoring away. Must be the medication, I thought.
Picking up my phone from the dresser, I texted the relevant departments, calling in sick. I was in no mood to work today. As I placed my phone back on the dresser, the lock of the front door clicked. Wanda was home and she bought breakfast!
I went up to her and received the plastic bags of food from her, reaching out to give her a peck on her cheek. Wanda instinctively avoided me, for fear that my wife would be awake.
Re-assuring her that my wife was still asleep, I told her to get changed. I told her to put on the clothes that I had bought her the other day; I also asked her to bring along a change of clothes. Protesting that she had bought me my favorite lontong for breakfast, she hinted that she had not eaten and she wanted to consume her breakfast with me.
I told her to pack all the food into the fridge and I left a note to my wife that I was bringing Wanda out with me to run some errands and told her there was food in the fridge for her.
In an instant, the gears in my mind started turning; I was planning on how I was going to make love to my young, willing maid. "I am going to fuck you Wanda; all day long." my cock stirred as these thoughts swirled in my brain.
The opening of a door brought me back to the present. Wanda looked good.
Posing suggestively at the door, I remembered the reason I have reported in sick today. With lust taking over me once again, I hastily pulled Wanda from the doorway and into my embrace. This sweet little minx will be the death of me. I know it!
12-10-2018, 10:03 PM
In an instant, the gears in my mind started turning; I was planning on how I was going to make love to my young, willing maid. "I am going to fuck you Wanda; all day long." my cock stirred as these thoughts swirled in my brain.
The opening of a door brought me back to the present. Wanda looked good.
Posing suggestively at the door, I remembered the reason I have reported in sick today. With lust taking over me once again, I hastily pulled Wanda from the doorway and into my embrace. This sweet little minx will be the death of me. I know it!
Breakfast was the last thing on my mind and Wanda seem to know it. There was a glint of playfulness in her eyes as our eyes met at the traffic lights. We bought some food along the way and we checked-in into a hotel. I didn't mind paying for a better room as I had already prepared to spend the whole day exploring every inch of my maid so I made no effort to save any expense.
Once in the room, I told Wanda to take off her clothes. Dutifully, she complied.
She made a deliberate effort to slowly peel off her pink top, tugging it, pulling it up her slim waist and when her hands reached where her underboobs were, she stopped. As if I was striking a deal with the devil, she looked at me and asked me if this was what I wanted?
I practically shouted "Yes!" and I commanded her to remove her top.
Wanda smiled at me. She continued to peel upwards, over her small breasts and over head. It was then that I suddenly realized that Wanda wasn't wearing any bra underneath her pink top the whole time! This explains why she appeared so flat and probably why she kept looking at me, to see if I was aware and if I had any reaction?
As if to tease me further, she threw her pink singlet at my face and giggled. Then she crossed her arms over her breasts, covering them from my sight. I caught her top and I held it to my nose, taking in fragrance of the perfume that accompanied it. I could feel myself getting hard as I used her top to wipe my face.
Turning my attention back to her, I told her to take her hands away as I wanted to marvel at her perky tits. She shook her head shyly I stepped forward and plied her arms away, pushing the to her sides as I licked her breasts hungrily. In our haste to leave home, I had not given her any time to wash up but I was more than happy to taste her salty skin and take in her womanly scent. I gave her breasts all my attention; her moans cheering me on as I began to paint every single inch of her bosom.
Taking a step back, I told Wanda to take off her shorts. Again she made a big show of it. Such a prick-tease. She told me to look away as she was shy but again, I refused. She told me she felt her body was inadequate and my looking at her made her feel very shy. I reached forward to pull down her shorts but she stepped away.
Shyly she told me she would do it herself and she unbuttoned the top of her shorts.
Slowly and deliberately, Wanda pulled down her shorts, exposing her cute girly panties; the same ones that I had ejaculated on previously. The manner in which she stripped caused her arms to cover her nipples and her small breasts, teasing me further. Dressed only in her panties, she hung her head and smiled shyly. Unable to wait any further, I dropped down on my knees and crawled towards her. I put my nose to the cotton fabric of her underwear and began to sniff at it. The air from my nose could have caused a sensation and she giggled.
"Jangan abang", she cooed sexily causing me to lust for her even more. I licked her vagina through her panties. This time, I noticed there was something different from the night before. Wanda ran her fingers through my hair as I planted kisses and pleasured her with my tongue.
I was supposed to be at work but I called in sick. But then again, I must be sick; sick in the head. For here I am, on my knees, kneeling down in front of my young, nubile maid, shamelessly face-fucking her through her panties.
"Wanda, I love you." the words came out of my mouth as I became overcome with lust. I just wanted to pound her until I come. Again and again.
I am indeed a sick man.
12-10-2018, 10:09 PM
Thanks for the wonderful updates. Finally can freely savour this fresh young chick. Please write more.
13-10-2018, 12:55 AM
Thanks for the wonderful updates. Finally can freely savour this fresh young chick. Please write more.
Yes bro. Sedap makan bro. Heh heh!
13-10-2018, 10:09 AM
Camping for more...
13-10-2018, 10:30 AM
You know the write up is good one when it leaves you wet reading it....great stuff and ignore all the self righteous pricks....wonder what they are doing in a sex forum if they want to preached about morality...
13-10-2018, 11:04 AM
You know the write up is good one when it leaves you wet reading it....great stuff and ignore all the self righteous pricks....wonder what they are doing in a sex forum if they want to preached about morality...
Wow! Bro HonkyTonkyMan! You must be brothers with the Honky Tonk Man and the Mouth of the South (Jimmy Hart)!
I read on the other thread on Screwing Maids (,
got some 'white knight' a.k.a Kaypoh Kia went to baotoh on a fellow brother. Sometimes I wonder what they stand to gain from all these?
Anyway, thank you for your support also. I try my best to keep writing. Hope it meets your standard, bro.
13-10-2018, 12:05 PM
"Jangan abang", she cooed sexily causing me to lust for her even more. I licked her vagina through her panties. This time, I noticed there was something different from the night before. Wanda ran her fingers through my hair as I planted kisses and pleasured her with my tongue.
I was supposed to be at work but I called in sick. But then again, I must be sick; sick in the head. For here I am, on my knees, kneeling down in front of my young, nubile maid, shamelessly face-fucking her through her panties.
"Wanda, I love you." the words came out of my mouth as I became overcome with lust. I just wanted to pound her until I come. Again and again.
I am indeed a sick man.
I tugged at her girly panties, pulling it down but her arms shot out. Wanda offered some playful resistance; apparently she didn't want me to strip her naked. Was she hiding something from me?
Her resistance fueled my desire even further and I tugged at it even harder. What was revealed under her panties made me even harder; Wanda had somehow found time to shave! She must have noticed my surprise and again, she used her hands to cover herself.
At that moment, something came over me and I lost all senses, I practically grabbed Wanda by the shoulders and threw her onto the nearby bed. I pounced on her like a hungry beast. I pinned her down by her wrists and I attacked her neck, steadily making my way down to her tummy and to the shaved treasure below.
Then I inserted my tongue to taste the sweet nectar within. Her moans made me hornier and I intensified my 'attacks', alternating from licks to sucks. Her moans were driving me crazy. She seemed to be enjoying the attention my tongue and mouth were giving her. I became jealous; I should be the one getting the pleasure so I grabbed her by her head and I shoved her head towards my loins. Wanda instinctively helped me to remove my shorts and my member sprang out of its confines.
Not giving her the chance to react, I slammed my cock into her mouth, causing her to choke and gag. I pulled my cock out, only to push it in deeper with another powerful stroke. Relishing in my newfound power, I continued to dominate my maid. I enjoyed her hot breath on my cock as her tongue swirled around my shaft, pleasuring it further.
Feeling I could not last any longer, I pulled her head back, tilting her head so that she was looking up at me. I wanted her to see me explode on her face. Expectantly, she opened her mouth looking at me hungrily as I furiously stroked my throbbing cock. Without warning, hot semen squirted out; the first few drops that landed on her eyes, caught her by surprise and she closed her eyes in reflex. She squinted a few times, trying to shake off the thick goo. Her hands then reached out to massage my shaft as I continued to empty my balls.
As I dripped my last drop, Wanda used her mouth to lick and clean up my now sensitive cock. I had never experienced such a sensation before. Having circumcised, I did not expect it to be so sensitive. Unknowingly, I let out a satisfied cry.
13-10-2018, 02:06 PM
Good writing, please continue as I already steamed...:D
13-10-2018, 02:10 PM
As I dripped my last drop, Wanda used her mouth to lick and clean up my now sensitive cock. I had never experienced such a sensation before. Having circumcised, I did not expect it to be so sensitive. Unknowingly, I let out a satisfied cry.
Wanda hugged me, burying her face deep into my abdomen. I returned the hug. My sweet Wanda; she has brought so much pleasure and happiness to me since she came into our life. I basked in the afterglow of sex and as the last ebbs of my climax subsided, I noticed my belly getting wet. I gently lifted her chin; the stored tears continued to flow and Wanda burst into sobs. I hugged her again. I felt that this was the only way I could reassure her that I was there for her. I had hoped that by doing so, she could feel my love for her and my sincerity. All I heard was muffled sobs as she continued to cry, her head buried in my chest. I was puzzled at her sudden outburst; I was even more worried that she would go to the authorities and cry rape.
Whenever she seemed to be getting herself under control, a fresh bout of sobs would begin. My thoughts raced. I tried to recall all the events that led to the present moment. Had Wanda display any signs of being under duress? How did she react during the Guest Registration? I really didn't want to go to jail; I really didn't want to have to explain to my wife and my son what I have just done. Wasn't she a willing party? Why was she crying now? I started rambling about how I loved her and how she was so much better than my wife and that I would love her and dote on her and take care of her. In short, I began to make promises that a man would only make to his wife.
Wanda finally looked up. She told me that she had given me what she deemed precious and although I was not her first man; she was robbed of her virginity by her husband's uncle but she profess that I was the first man that she offered her body willingly. My heart melted.
As we lay in bed, Wanda recounted her life after marriage......
It is a Javanese ideal that husbands and wives should show affection and love to each other, since they cannot demonstrate their affection publicly, they can only do so in private. As I came from a poor family, we received very little education and we were not exposed to the 'finer things in life'. Now that I was married 'up', I was to be 'educated' in 'the ways of the rich'.
It was Javanese tradition that mothers would impart their skills and knowledge to their daughters. As my mother was poorly educated herself, I only inherited her skills as a housewife. I did not know how to dress up or how to behave in a formal way. So this responsibility fell on the shoulders of my mother-in-law.
She took me into a windowless room. She closed and locked the door behind her and told me in a serious voice, "What I am going to impart to you is strictly from a mother to a daughter. You will not share this knowledge with any one other than your own daughter. As I only have a son and since your mother lacks the knowledge in this area, I will now teach you the ways of satisfying a man. Learn these skills so that you can make my son surrender his his seeds to you and crave for you as he would his inanimate toys. Make him favour you over his other distractions so that you may bear children to carry on our family line."
She then brought out what looked like a carrot and told me to suck on it. Not expecting any of these, I hesitated. My hesitation was met by a tight slap and I felt my left cheek burning.
"Suck it you ungrateful, little bitch!" Mother commanded, "it is not your place to think or to question but to obey, do you understand?"
I nodded.
My silent reply brought about two more slaps across my faces and I cried out in pain.
"You will speak when spoken to and answer when asked", Mother instructed. And in a deliberate voice, she asked, "Do I make myself clear, Wanda?"
"Yes." I replied. Tears welling up in my eyes.
"Yes, Mother." she corrected me. "Without my family, your family would have starved. How much can your family earn by selling the crops that you grow in your backyard? Just look at yourself? Your body is so small like that of a child. No matter, what you lack in stature, you will make up in skill. I will teach you the ways of the Kamasutra and you will bear us descendants. Now suck it!"
I begin to suck the carrot-like object. "Suck it like you enjoy it. Suck it as if it was ice cream. Make some slurping noise."
Mother continued to give instructions. I found out later that she was imparting the art of fellatio as we progressed to objects of different shapes and sizes.
Every morning, after cleaning up after breakfast, I would spend at least a few hours daily in that windowless room. The only times I could 'take a break' from training was when I was unclean and during fasting month. Training progressed from fellatio to the actual act of love-making. Although my husband had the intellect of a child, I was still expected to carry out my duties as a wife. Mother told me that since my family had sold me to them, my sole purpose in life now is to serve my husband and his family. For once in my life, I felt shame for being poor but I had no choice. This was my lot in life and I had to accept it.
As perverse as this sounds, I was thankful to her mother-in-law because Wanda could give head like no other. I realized now, her skill was derived after months of training. My maid was some trained pleasure giver and I hung on every single word of her story...
13-10-2018, 03:08 PM
As perverse as this sounds, I was thankful to her mother-in-law because Wanda could give head like no other. I realized now, her skill was derived after months of training. My maid was some trained pleasure giver and I hung on every single word of her story...
As Wanda related her story, I began to feel another erection coming. Wanda noticed this too and she took my awakening organ in her soft hands and began to touch it as she continued to share her story......
One night, as I was sleeping, I thought I heard the clicking sound of the lock of my door. I woke up with a start and found a figure creeping into my bedroom. It was Amir!
"When you first sucked my dick you were but a novice, you couldn't satisfy me but your tight pussy made up for your incompetence. But, by now, you should have learnt some skills from your mother. I am here tonight to test you. Show me what you have learnt, child." Amir commanded me.
I hesitated. Then I remembered the slap that Mother gave to me and her harsh words, "It is not your place to think or to question but to obey".
"Make no mistake, child." Amir reminded me, "For if you fail to please me, I will let your mother know that you have made my nephew very unhappy and this will not sit well with her and your father-in-law. They will return you back to your family and you will live in this village in shame. Is that what you want?" Amir threatened.
I got up from the bed and walked towards Amir and knelt before him.
"No, uncle." I replied, "I am yours to command. Please put in a good word to Mother and Father for me."
"King," he corrected me, "you will address me as 'King Amir' whenever we are alone and you will serve as you would a king. Give me pleasure or I will make your life hell!" He hissed as he unbuckled his pants and let them fall to the floor, freeing his rising cock.
It was clear he hadn't washed up so I took a towel, wet it and cleaned up his tool, giving him a handjob in the process. Mother had taught me not to make it seem like I was cleaning but rather as a form of foreplay; the sensation of the warm and cold towels will stimulate the penis. I played with his balls as I used a cold towel to massage his now erect member.
I kissed the tip of his penis and then I flicked my tongues a few times before swirling it around. I engulfed his cock with my mouth and King Amir gave out a soft groan, "Goooood! You have come a long way, my child" Encouraged by his words, I began to suck him rhythmically.
I could feel his cock grow bigger in my mouth. King Amir breathed heavily, sighing deeply as I moved my mouth up and down his shaft, my cheeks hollowing in and out. Satisfied with the pleasure I gave him, he told me to undress and kneel on the bed on all fours.
Using his rough hands, he tapped my inner thighs, signalling me to spread my legs wider as he arranged me for his pleasure. He used his fingers to probe my vagina until he felt it was sufficiently lubricated then he positioned himself for entry.
I braced myself for his thrust for I knew from the first experience he was a rough man. I felt his hand in my hair, twisting it until he had some sort of grip. Then, without warning, he yanked my hair as he penetrated me with his dick. I gave out a shocked yelp and I looked in the direction of my husband. Thankfully, he was still sound asleep.
King Amir went for long deep strokes and before long, as he did the first time around, he emptied himself inside my womb. I was shocked. What if he made me pregnant? Having satisfied his lust, King Amir withdrew himself from me.
"Clean me up", he commanded me. I reached for a towel but he slapped me with the back of his hand, "with your slutty mouth". Crawling towards him, I used my mouth to lick up the remnants of his seed as I begin to drip cum all over our matrimonial bed.
13-10-2018, 04:30 PM
I've added 6 more 'visual aids' on top of those I have already attached for the storyline.
These photos are for illustrative purposes only and to make reading more pleasurable for the earlier pages / posts as follows:
Page 1 / Post #3
She was a simple girl when she first joined our family. Some would call her a Plain Jane but over the span of a few months, Wanda blossomed into a beautiful flower (
Page 4 / Post #60
I wish I was the soap bubbles ( flowing down her slender neck, meandering down her small perky breasts, past her small tummy and down her little cave of happiness.
Page 6 / Post #87
Took me a few moments to recognize her. I had to do a double-take. Already without make-up, Wanda was a sight to behold. Now with fresh make-up on to accentuate her high cheekbones and sparkling eyes, she was breathtaking! (
Page 14 / Post #202
Wanda looked good. Posing suggestively at the door (, I remembered the reason I have reported in sick today. With lust taking over me once again, I hastily pulled Wanda from the doorway and into my embrace.
Page 14 / Post #203
Slowly and deliberately, Wanda pulled down her shorts, exposing her cute girly panties (; the same ones that I had ejaculated on previously.
Page 15 / Post #211
She then brought out what looked like a carrot ( and told me to suck on it. Not expecting any of these, I hesitated. My hesitation was met by a tight slap and I felt my left cheek burning.
The photos are not meant to be explicit or to offend; rather, they are to make the story more interesting and help the reader to 'visualize' where my limited vocabulary left off.
Hope this makes reading my story more enjoyable. Cheers!
13-10-2018, 04:44 PM
great write up TS.
13-10-2018, 09:29 PM
Fantastic write up, more please.
14-10-2018, 07:15 AM
good story TS, shall wait here for more of it.
14-10-2018, 09:41 AM
Camping for more. Great story TS
14-10-2018, 10:30 AM
please share more ts, it's really nice.
14-10-2018, 02:04 PM
Great story here, camping here for more updates.
14-10-2018, 02:59 PM
Great story here, camping here for more updates.
Nicely written story. Continue please. :)
14-10-2018, 04:45 PM
King Amir went for long deep strokes and before long, as he did the first time around, he emptied himself inside my womb. I was shocked. What if he made me pregnant? Having satisfied his lust, King Amir withdrew himself from me.
"Clean me up", he commanded me. I reached for a towel but he slapped me with the back of his hand, "with your slutty mouth". Crawling towards him, I used my mouth to lick up the remnants of his seed as I begin to drip cum all over our matrimonial bed.
By this time, I was spotting a raging hard-on. Wanda's story, coupled by her skillful, soft fingers drove me close to the edge of no return. I placed my hand over her smaller one, signalling to her to stop. She looked at me and smiled. I gave her a reassuring hug, "Everything will be ok now. You are in Singapore. We have laws here; you will be protected". Doesn't every proud Singaporean say this? As if we the only safest city in the whole universe? "Tell me more Wanda," I whispered into her as she lay on my chest, "I want to know more about you."
"No, later you angry to me," Wanda replied.
In a soft voice, I reassured her that I would never judge her. Her stories made me curious; if she were married to a rich family, why then was she now a maid here in Singapore? I knew of some of the land owners there being richer than professionals here. And maybe, after telling me the whole story, I could think of a way to help her get her revenge on her tormentors? Yes, I am also a 'White Knight' now, sticking my nose into other people's business. In actual fact, her stories turn me on and I was addicted to them.
King Amir would come and visit me whenever he had the urge and use me as his cum dump. Sometimes he would choose to cum on my face, my breasts, my back or any part of my body as he chooses. He says this is the way to mark his territory. Sometimes he also gives me pills to swallow before we have sex. He tells me this is good for a woman and I just take them.
I remember one particular night; it was the night of my husband's birthday when they threw a banquet as a celebration. Most of the more influential villagers were invited. As the wife, I was to be dressed for the occasion and seated next to my husband so that I could serve him.
The villagers seem to have noticed a change in me, from the time I married my husband and now - they see some difference in me. I know this by the way they look at me as I feed my husband, who because of his intellect, is oblivious to all that is happening around him. To him, this was a happy day because all his friends and family were here to celebrate his birthday.
Seeing him in high spirits, they all took turns to toast him to get him drunk. My mother-in-law who was present, tried to turn down a few drinks but my husband, wanting to prove he was now a 'big' man, kept drinking. Before long he was dead drunk.
My mother-in-law told the servants to help me to carry my drunk husband to our room and seeing that the 'Birthday Boy' was no longer at the table, there was no need for me to reappear at the banquet either; it wouldn't be proper. After laying my husband on the bed, the servants left. I locked the bedroom door and went into the connecting bathroom to wash up for the night.
As I was coming out of the bath, I heard a knock at the door. Fearing that it was Amir again, I turned off the lights and pretended to be asleep. As the door was locked, the only way Amir could get in was if he persistently knocked; there should still be guests outside and if they noticed him lurking around, questions would be asked. I doubt he would want to run that risk.
I was wrong.
The lock clicked and the bedroom door creaked opened. I heard the light switch being flicked on and then footsteps. Many footsteps.
"See? My son is already asleep. Drunk." the voice said. "Wanda, are you asleep? We saw you drink some wine just now and we want to make sure you are ok. Can you hear us child?" the voice continued, in a concerned tone.
It was definitely not Amir; it sounded like my father-in-law - a kind and soft-spoken man who left things to my mother-in-law. I sometimes wonder if he were henpecked but I didn't want to ruffle any feathers so I didn't ask or comment. Anyway, I come from a poor family. I 'married' into a rich family; it was not my place to question, just to listen and to carry out what was asked of me. Even so, I was too afraid to open my eyes to look and confirm my suspicions. I just kept my eyes shut and pretended to be asleep.
Then a second voice rang out.
14-10-2018, 11:04 PM
Thanks for the update, camping here to find out who is the second voice.
15-10-2018, 07:09 AM
Interesting story TS, will be great if you will continue sharing it.
15-10-2018, 08:11 AM
please continue...:)
15-10-2018, 09:39 AM
waiting here for more of this really nice story, great share!
16-10-2018, 01:02 AM
cant wait for the next episode..
16-10-2018, 07:17 AM
nice story TS! hoping for more updates.
16-10-2018, 11:21 PM
Enjoy such nice story here, please continue writing.
17-10-2018, 07:13 AM
keep on sharing this story TS, it's really nice.
18-10-2018, 07:35 PM
"See? My son is already asleep. Drunk." the voice said. "Wanda, are you asleep? We saw you drink some wine just now and we want to make sure you are ok. Can you hear us child?" the voice continued, in a concerned tone.
It was definitely not Amir; it sounded like my father-in-law - a kind and soft-spoken man who left things to my mother-in-law. I sometimes wonder if he were henpecked but I didn't want to ruffle any feathers. Nonetheless, I was too afraid to open my eyes to look and confirm my suspicions.
Then a second voice rang out.
Wanda looked at me, as if to get some reassurance from me that it was ok for her to proceed with her story. On one hand, I felt jealous that I wasn't the first man to have tasted her but the rational part of me reasoned with myself - had she not been put through all these ordeals, would she be as 'experienced' as she is now? A friend once told me that when you have been through the worst, you will appreciate it when have found the better things in life. In the case of Wanda, I had hoped that this was true.
Wanda continued her story:
I first met my father-in-law on the day of my marriage. Before that, I have heard stories of him being a very fierce man. But my impression of him changed. He was a quiet, soft-spoken Javanese man who left everything to Mother. Mother, on the other hand, was very strict and fierce. As I told you about the 'training' that she put me through. It was not easy as she had very high expectations of me. I am very afraid of her. While Father was out running the family business, Mother took care of all the household matters and I was expected to be able to handle housework even though we had our own servants.
I remember there was one time I broke some plates and Mother lashed out at me angrily. It was Father who intervened that I was spared a worse fate. But even though Father spoke out for me, Mother reminded him of her 'position' within the household and Father seemed to have accepted and he retired into his room. After so many months of training and all that talk about a woman must be able to satisfy her husband and bear many children, I never did hear Father and Mother make love at night. Again, I knew it was not my place to question so I did not pry.
"So, what happened that night?" I became impatient and interrupted Wanda. I came to realize that Indonesians do sometimes have the knack to beat about the bush a little or was it because that Singaporeans tend to be more impatient? I broke free of her embrace and sat up. "Who was the second voice? Was it Amir? Who was it?" I asked.
"Sayang marah saya?" Wanda thought I was getting angry with her. I checked my tone; I didn't want to spoil her mood and make her stop her story. Furthermore, I hope I could put in another round before we head back home; I didn't want to waste the time we had in this hotel room. But curiosity really got the better of me and at that juncture, I was almost willing to give up another round, just to hear the answer.
And surely enough, the answer came from her soft lips, "Ayahku..."
The second man in the room was her biological father.
18-10-2018, 09:41 PM
Interesting twist here, never expect the answer. More updates please.
19-10-2018, 06:51 AM
Looking forward to your next updates to this nice story TS.
19-10-2018, 07:41 AM
Surprised that second voice is her biological father, can't wait for more updates.
19-10-2018, 01:40 PM
will the father do it on her?..please continue...:D
19-10-2018, 02:15 PM
"Sayang marah saya?" Wanda thought I was getting angry with her. I checked my tone; I didn't want to spoil her mood and make her stop her story. Furthermore, I hope I could put in another round before we head back home; I didn't want to waste the time we had in this hotel room. But curiosity really got the better of me and at that juncture, I was almost willing to give up another round, just to hear the answer.
And surely enough, the answer came from her soft lips, "Ayahku..."
The second man in the room was her biological father.
Men are perverse creatures; there is something about incest that excites us all. The very mention of her biological father in their matrimonial room sent another wave of excitement through my system and I felt another erection coming. I hung on to every single word she said as she described her feelings and her thoughts that night.
I felt a hand touching my shoulder. It felt rough, as if the hands belonged to a labourer; someone who worked with his hands. I was certain that the hands did not belong to my father-in-law. Who could it be?
“Wanda? Are you asleep?” he whispered in my ear. I froze. I recognized that voice; it belonged to my biological father. But why was he here?
As if he read my mind, my father spoke, “At least I know that Wanda is safe and happier here.” Tears begin to well up in my eyes and I was brought back to my childhood; my biological father had always doted on me. I remember him taking care of me during my formative years; he had always told me that I was destined for greater things so he didn’t allow me to help out in the fields. In a way he protected me from the harshness of growing up. While the other children in the village baked under the hot sun, I was ‘protected’. Although I was exempted from ‘hard labour’, I still had to help out at home, doing housework. My father probably cried his heart out the day I got married. Fighting back my tears, I continued to pretend to be asleep.
“You are contented just to know that she’s ‘safe and happier here’? Then you can leave right now,” my father-in-law challenged him, “You are here because you have always been curious how a tanned, mediocre-looking couple like your wife and you could produce a fair child like Wanda? You wanted to see how this diamond in the rough could be polished under my wife’s tutelage and sparkle?”
In a harsher tone that seemed to echo in the room and stab me in my heart, my father-in-law hissed, “You are a bastard, you always are. You are only here to take advantage of your drunk daughter and fuck her brains out!”
19-10-2018, 06:50 PM
will the father do it on her?..please continue...:D
Not sure unless TS writes more.
19-10-2018, 09:21 PM
will the father do it on her?..please continue...:D
Not sure unless TS writes more.
I suspect they gonna bang her in a threesome. TS make suspense only........:D
19-10-2018, 10:37 PM
I have read this story up till now and I wish to say that our Bro is a very good writer. I wish to ask if the images provided is of Wanda. Please provide some more as it really is better to have a story with images allowing us to bring our imaginations wild. Also, I hope someone can teach me how to "up" someone's points. Cause if possible, I wish to up the author and the person who teaches me to "up".:D:p:eek:
19-10-2018, 11:12 PM
I have read this story up till now and I wish to say that our Bro is a very good writer. I wish to ask if the images provided is of Wanda. Please provide some more as it really is better to have a story with images allowing us to bring our imaginations wild. Also, I hope someone can teach me how to "up" someone's points. Cause if possible, I wish to up the author and the person who teaches me to "up".:D:p:eek:
Bro, you need to have power before you can “up” someone. You currently have 0 power.
19-10-2018, 11:38 PM
I have read this story up till now and I wish to say that our Bro is a very good writer. I wish to ask if the images provided is of Wanda. Please provide some more as it really is better to have a story with images allowing us to bring our imaginations wild. Also, I hope someone can teach me how to "up" someone's points. Cause if possible, I wish to up the author and the person who teaches me to "up".:D:p:eek:
Pls change the color to something readable......
20-10-2018, 01:05 AM
I have read this story up till now and I wish to say that our Bro is a very good writer. I wish to ask if the images provided is of Wanda. Please provide some more as it really is better to have a story with images allowing us to bring our imaginations wild. Also, I hope someone can teach me how to "up" someone's points. Cause if possible, I wish to up the author and the person who teaches me to "up".:D:p:eek:
Hi Bro WalaoCrap
Thank you for your compliments. I'm glad my thoughts are readable.
The images provided, as I have stressed many times over, are for illustrative purposes but in my mind's eye, they resemble my Wanda.
I wish to post more photos but thinking for the bros who read in 'public' places, some photos might be NSFW and cause them unnecessary embarrassment. Also, some of the more IT-savvy bros mentioned that threads with more photos take a longer time to load.
Personally, there's no need to 'up' my points; I'm flattered that you take time out to read my story. Thank you bro!
Pls change the color to something readable......
Dear Bro sexcision,
Your wish is my command. Colors changed. See above :p
I suspect they gonna bang her in a threesome. TS make suspense only........:D
Hi Bro Slowpump!
I also want to post more often but just now my IT admin post a memorandum saying that based on SingTel Monthly Report someone in our department go porn site and the IT guy singled out SBF. I also blur and don't know what to do? Any suggestions? :(
20-10-2018, 01:36 AM
more please TS.
20-10-2018, 02:18 AM
Support nice story :)
20-10-2018, 02:29 AM
OMG I am so sorry to the bros that kena blinded by the sharp color of the blue paiseh paiseh. And thanks for telling me I cant up anyone for now.
20-10-2018, 07:08 AM
I like this story TS, shall wait here for more installments of it.
20-10-2018, 09:17 AM
Hi Bro Slowpump!
I also want to post more often but just now my IT admin post a memorandum saying that based on SingTel Monthly Report someone in our department go porn site and the IT guy singled out SBF. I also blur and don't know what to do? Any suggestions? :(
you can act blur and pretend not to notice the memo..:D
20-10-2018, 10:55 AM
I also want to post more often but just now my IT admin post a memorandum saying that based on SingTel Monthly Report someone in our department go porn site and the IT guy singled out SBF. I also blur and don't know what to do? Any suggestions? :(
Better faster email to all, get it clear, and say its not you and that you dont surf SBF for sex.
20-10-2018, 11:14 AM
Hi Bro Slowpump!
I also want to post more often but just now my IT admin post a memorandum saying that based on SingTel Monthly Report someone in our department go porn site and the IT guy singled out SBF. I also blur and don't know what to do? Any suggestions? :(
you can act blur and pretend not to notice the memo..:D
Bro ml1138,
I think better not because some of my colleagues might be silent readers.
Although the names of the characters in my story have been changed,
they might just find the scenario familiar and blow the whistle on me.
Nowadays many white knights around; you never know who is your true friend?
Especially when there are girls involved :p
I still want my Long Service Award. Heh heh!
20-10-2018, 11:31 AM
Hi Bro WalaoCrap
Thank you for your compliments. I'm glad my thoughts are readable.
The images provided, as I have stressed many times over, are for illustrative purposes but in my mind's eye, they resemble my Wanda.
I wish to post more photos but thinking for the bros who read in 'public' places, some photos might be NSFW and cause them unnecessary embarrassment. Also, some of the more IT-savvy bros mentioned that threads with more photos take a longer time to load.
Personally, there's no need to 'up' my points; I'm flattered that you take time out to read my story. Thank you bro!
Dear Bro sexcision,
Your wish is my command. Colors changed. See above :p
Hi Bro Slowpump!
I also want to post more often but just now my IT admin post a memorandum saying that based on SingTel Monthly Report someone in our department go porn site and the IT guy singled out SBF. I also blur and don't know what to do? Any suggestions? :(
Bro, that comment is not for you lah. For another bro who use luminous blue text. Got to stress my eyes to read 😂
20-10-2018, 11:57 AM
Bro, that comment is not for you lah. For another bro who use luminous blue text. Got to stress my eyes to read 😂
Hi Bro sexcision!
Working today?
I know you not talking about me. Anyway, I also need to change the color of Bro WalaoCrap's quote so that I can see and reply.
Kill two birds with one stone. Heh heh!
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