View Full Version : Punishment for Malaysian RAPIST

21-06-2007, 10:00 PM
20 rottans!!! Very graphic contents.

Watch at your own risk!


21-06-2007, 10:34 PM
20 rottans!!! Very graphic contents.

Watch at your own risk!


Wow see liao backside also 'feel' the pain.....sucks :o

22-06-2007, 12:06 AM
Bro ....

you are wrong lah.....

This type of canning is just for the normal type of crime lah....

As for the caught rapist ......

The punishment should be turn around and canned !

:eek: Ah..hh......ahhh...ahhh.......!!!!


22-06-2007, 12:12 AM
Even thought i agree not every1 can go through something like this but i feel dat they truely deserves it....their inhuman act could cause the victims life to change completely

22-06-2007, 12:46 AM
Don't our rapists here get the same?


22-06-2007, 12:56 AM
i hope these rapists get sodomise in prison!

22-06-2007, 01:04 AM
sodomise? alamak.... An Hua is already out leh... :P

22-06-2007, 01:15 AM
20 rotan for the rapist i think is not enough
the best way is to cop away the dick:mad:

22-06-2007, 01:16 AM
i hope these rapists get sodomise in prison!

There's an unwritten code of dishonour among prisoners against child molestors and rapists...who will not only be sodomised but get worst things than maggots in their prick and arse holes

Don't our rapists here get the same? JWNY
yes...all serious crimes such as robberies/rapes caning is mandatory....but that guy real fucking tough bcos he could still walk after 20 strokes...most cases...they were already unconscious after 4-5 strokes!


Da Sha
22-06-2007, 01:17 AM
20 rotan for the rapist i think is not enough
the best way is to cop away the dick:mad:

Ha Ha gd lei chop chop chop ha ha

22-06-2007, 01:19 AM
no punishment can do justice for what they did... :mad:

22-06-2007, 01:43 AM
They surely deserves that kind of treatment and how i wish those guys in this thread (http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=71354) get turn around and canned like what Brother...Bob suggested. :D

22-06-2007, 02:21 AM
very scary...watching it like can feel the pain man..:eek:

22-06-2007, 02:27 AM
First time I ever watched a live canning. If this is available in the internet, how come the Malaysian government did not iinvestigate the leak?

22-06-2007, 08:31 AM
after watching this vid,

can't help but kinda respect that fucking rapist more or less abit. And hey it doesn't mean i condone his raping misdeed. Bros here please dun get me wrong.

Yes he deserve more than that for raping and probably ruining the entire future of the victim. And i think he will suffer 100 times or worse more if he happened to fall captive to the family members of the victim and not the gahment. Like some bro mentioned earlier, turn him around and gave that man 20 more strokes also highly possible. :D

But again, like another bro who mentioned he can actually walk after 20 strokes neatly almost on same spot. I heard some even need to be carried away by the guards but that man... damn he still can fucking zai zai walk without support.

22-06-2007, 08:43 AM
Is true that rapist in SG will be sodomise and gang raped in Changi Bungalow. Dunno whether all these bastard in M'sia will get the same treatment anot.

22-06-2007, 09:17 AM
The best way is to circumsize them and make them zatch prono together with unheal wound::D

22-06-2007, 09:43 AM
Really painful man........ But they desrve far more than that! And tot that after caning, they should not be able to walk? Well, I think it's a little diff from local caning I think. Remembering seeing 1 clips about local caning. The moment the first whip, the backside tear liao! Blood starts to flow & also about 3-4 strokes the fuckers unable to walk, gotta carry out..... Fuckers desreve!:mad:

22-06-2007, 09:53 AM
Dunno whether all these bastard in M'sia will get the same treatment anot.

Hi bro, meant no offense but i would refrain from using the word 'these' as you're referring to millions of Malaysians out there.

Anyhow, I can vouch that rape do happen everywhere and even back in Singapore. Many has gone unreported because some people would want to save face. You can sometimes see little girls getting married with a big belly as well right? Anyway, from what I have seen so far... rape is definitely a crime that needs extremely harsh punishment and the government all over the world is not doing enough.

Rapists, after going through prison will usually go back to taunt the victim. Sodomizing the rapist will only increase their libido to a higher extent and they get more violent. I think it would be possible to introduce a 'drug' for that or give them an overdose of steroids to shrink their pricks and balls. I think punishment in any form is meant to stop a person from doing crimes forever right?

Anyway, since the tittle for this thread is 'Punishment for Malaysian RAPIST'. I would try to remember what i've seen in the papers.
1. Status rape - maximum 5 years in prison with 3 rotans or both.
2. Forced rape - 15 years, minimum 10 strokes of rotans or both.
3. Assault and rape - life in prison, minimum 20 strokes or both.

i can't remember all.. but there are about 10 of these things for malaysian law.

22-06-2007, 11:09 AM
no nd lahh ...

juz put their dicks on a chopping board ...

stretch it abit by pinning one end wif a surgical pin ...

and then get the biggest strongest punjabi singh to cane it ...

repeat until the sausage and the balls drop off .... :D

prob solved ...

22-06-2007, 11:24 AM
but that guy real fucking tough bcos he could still walk after 20 strokes...most cases...they were already unconscious after 4-5 strokes!

scary stuff... i think even if i'm the caner i will also faint lah...

22-06-2007, 11:47 AM
The best way is to circumsize them and make them zatch prono together with unheal wound::D

Yo Bro Duriankapla,
me thinks you mean castrate not circumcise lah
bcos circumcision is to remove the dick's foreskin,
while castration means kukuchiao is cut and thrown into the dust bin:eek:

22-06-2007, 11:55 AM
i think all those rapist should be gang raped by all those lonely man serving life sentence .. let them know the pain they done to the victims.. and leak the news out..see who dare to rape again !!

22-06-2007, 11:58 AM
after watching this vid,

can't help but kinda respect that fucking rapist more or less abit. And hey it doesn't mean i condone his raping misdeed. Bros here please dun get me wrong. ..But again, like another bro who mentioned he can actually walk after 20 strokes neatly almost on same spot. I heard some even need to be carried away by the guards but that man... damn he still can fucking zai zai walk without support.

Ya, it was me DHairy who was amazed by that rapist's tenacity
to being able to walk despite being whipped till backside all bloody
maybe you, Bro TG1, does not mean respect for but just over-awed by him
bcos imagine the rapist's tough hide ...it must be most terrifying for his victim!

22-06-2007, 01:25 PM
ya you're right Bro Dharry,

respect is not the word to describe. Over-awed!

haha thanks for pointing that out.


22-06-2007, 01:40 PM
[QUOTE=liberatte;2099317]Hi bro, meant no offense but i would refrain from using the word 'these' as you're referring to millions of Malaysians out there.


Bro, I am referring to the Rapist. Pardon me if my words offend any m'sian.

I saw a clip before on the punishment for rapist in middle-east countries, they really cut off the dick of the rapist in the public. That would be the best punishment if set across the globe.

25-06-2007, 09:30 AM
Good video clip! I think it should be shown on TV like Crime Watch or something like that or even in schools, poly and Uni. This way everybody gets to see it and I'm sure it will deter many away from some stupid crimes like vandalism, road bullies and all those offences with mandatory caning. The best is for our government to film a few as there will be some really gung ho type where they won't shed a tear. So from a few, show the "worst" one where the guy is "screaming," "must be dragged" and really "jia lat" type. That way, it will send shivers down the spines of viewers.

Actually the 20 strokes should be divided into 2 sessions. I noticed that the guy was "feeling" the REAL pain about 8 to 10 strokes but towards the end, kind of like feeling numb already so he doesn't "Allah" anymore.

So after the first session of 10 strokes to 12 strokes, let his backside heal first. The moment it is "just" healed where the wounds are gone and the skin and flesh is tender, then he gets the balance.

I think just the thought of what he has to go through again, will definitely brings shiver down his spine and shit in his pants. I'm sure many will really regret the crimes they commit.

I know it sounds cruel but hey! those with 20 strokes are really serious crimes like rape.

My 2 cents worth.

25-06-2007, 08:41 PM
Good video clip! I think it should be shown on TV like Crime Watch or something like that or even in schools, poly and Uni.

If with this kind of public education and still got some heros dare to commit offences with mandatory caning, I have nothing to say liao. :o Anyway, continuous viewing of 2 blood shedding videos really made me very uncomfortable, especially right after dinner.

25-06-2007, 08:47 PM
Wow, that guy sure is a marksman with the cane!
Just nice, the blood started flowing our only after all the strokes had been meted out.

I'll bet he wasn't able to sleep on his back for at least a month:eek:

Donut cushions anyone?

Pek Kim Lui
25-06-2007, 09:42 PM
Let's extend it to all rapist! For those cases that are guilty beyond reasonable doubt I would like nothing more than to skin their cock and force them to fuck a modified iron maiden with razon blades inside cutting their cock to shreds. :mad:

25-06-2007, 10:22 PM
Why can't they catch anyone doing these crimes will be "Hang" or "Shoot to Dealth" or "Sit on Electrocuted Chair". Make them think 2-10 times before they commit any crimes....
Put on radio, tv and newspapers that the next culprit being caught will be dealt VERY VERY HARSH!!!

Especially in "Mer-Lay" Languages media...
(I'm not racist hor...)

"Sa Yi Jing Bai".
"Kill One To Warn Hundreds"

Maybe good move?


26-06-2007, 04:13 PM
Why can't they catch anyone doing these crimes will be "Hang" or "Shoot to Dealth" or "Sit on Electrocuted Chair". Make them think 2-10 times before they commit any crimes...

Maybe Death sentence is too heavy a punishment. Why not get them to hang them by their penis or let the little one be caned?

Just my 2-cent of suggestions.

26-06-2007, 06:23 PM
If this can be impose here in Singapore and Malaysia, think Rape rate will drop drastically.

Bro, watch at your own RISK



26-06-2007, 06:23 PM
If this can be impose here in Singapore and Malaysia, think Rape rate will drop drastically.

Bro, watch at your own RISK



That really gross:eek:

26-06-2007, 06:35 PM
Wah Lau~ Nearly puke... :eek:

26-06-2007, 06:41 PM
If this can be impose here in Singapore and Malaysia, think Rape rate will drop drastically.

Bro, watch at your own RISK



Maybe should show this in Malaysia.. anyway Malaysia also muslim country.

28-06-2007, 04:28 PM
the rape victime will suffer for long time after the incident. maybe she will feel the nightmare reminded of the incident, when she have sex again.

maybe can just use acupunture or something to disable the kukujiao nerves permanently - foerver cannot stand, then the rapist everyday go pee pee will be reminded by his kukujiao of his offence.

01-07-2007, 07:01 PM
Both clips are definitely very scary. :o

02-07-2007, 04:20 AM
i remember when i was in sec sch, we had a field trip to changi prison back in 96. the warden demostrated to us how local prisoners were caned; by caning the A-frame.

our method is slightly from msian style. for e.g. if the prisoner is sentence to 12 strokes, he would be cane by 4 diff caners. each can only cane 3 strokes max. and in the clip, the caner stood on the spot. but local caner, they would take 2 steps to gain momentum, during the steps, they will swing their cane, sort of like a technique to maximize the damage.

the purpose of diff caners is because after the strokes, the strength will be reduced. just like what happened in the clip. there will be a doctor to overlook the caning, if the prisoner faints during the caning, they will make him conscious and continue the caning. :eek:

02-07-2007, 05:55 AM
did u all read the paper today? a guy was wrongly cane.. double the amount he was suppose to receive.. in the end he got cane 48 times.. the docter say it remarkable that he survive after it:eek:

Big Sexy
02-07-2007, 07:55 AM
48 strokes and wrongly caned??? unless there was another case.......i only read that the guy got 8 strokes instead of 5 which he deserved...

Crimes which may result in caning
i will only list down those crime directly or indirectly related to "sex"

a. Outrage of modesty:
b. Rape: At least twelve strokes
c. Sodomy
d. Assault or use of criminal force to a person with intent to outrage modesty
e. Kidnapping
f. Extortion
g. others inclide Unlawful overstay in Singapore for over ninety days: At least three strokes and many other not related to sex... so i left them out...

interesting pt to note is

Robbery: At least six strokes, but If committed after 7 p.m. and before 7 a.m: At least twelve strokes.

for more on caning check it out here....

did u all read the paper today? a guy was wrongly cane.. double the amount he was suppose to receive.. in the end he got cane 48 times.. the docter say it remarkable that he survive after it:eek:

02-07-2007, 11:47 AM
Just shoot them, no point wasting taxpayer's $$ and time.

I am not advocating street justice but the only way to deal with these bastards is to deal with them expediently. The more they rape the more daring they become. In JB no young lady will feel safe on her own at night.

Sometimes I do agree with extreme solution but the "Mud" Police are corrupted to the core. So the minorities will have to resort to their own godfathers for protection eventually as in the case in Siciliy.

02-07-2007, 01:37 PM
i remember when i was in sec sch, we had a field trip to changi prison back in 96. the warden demostrated to us how local prisoners were caned; by caning the A-frame.
please forgive my blurness, but what does A-frame mean? Another thing - is the rotten used in S'pore similar to the one seen in the clip?


02-07-2007, 01:59 PM
Since young, I always tot Singapore canning is from the whip.
Is it ?

If im not wrong, for the A frame, the receiver will be tied to a standing wooden A frame. Hands and legs will be tied to the frame and waist will be supported as the receiver might break his own back when taking the punishment. How the frame is structured im not sure but it looks like the letter A, so it's called A frame. i don't know how to describe to u.

02-07-2007, 02:19 PM
interesting pt to note is

Robbery: At least six strokes, but If committed after 7 p.m. and before 7 a.m: At least twelve strokes.
this really interesting.
to decide the numbers of strokes also got similiar to peak and off-peak hours. :eek:

02-07-2007, 02:30 PM
I tot kidnapping is death sentence.
Will kena caning b4 hang ? thats bad.

02-07-2007, 04:48 PM
2cases were bought up for discussion.

One case 5 strokes cane 8 strokes(recently)

One case 24 strokes cane 48 strokes(1987)

This man think they strike toto, claiming PAP $300m


02-07-2007, 05:25 PM
Wow, that's painful manz... But those rapists deserves it. :cool:
20 rottans!!! Very graphic contents.

Watch at your own risk!


Interesting to know abt it.
interesting pt to note is

Robbery: At least six strokes, but If committed after 7 p.m. and before 7 a.m: At least twelve strokes.

Lolxzzz.. :D
to decide the numbers of strokes also got similiar to peak and off-peak hours.


Missing Dog
02-07-2007, 10:34 PM
Is true that rapist in SG will be sodomise and gang raped in Changi Bungalow. Dunno whether all these bastard in M'sia will get the same treatment anot.

I also heard that beside sodomise and gang sodomise, they will also beat up rapists and squeeze tooth paste into their ass hole as residents there despised rapists most.

03-07-2007, 09:03 AM
1. Status rape - maximum 5 years in prison with 3 rotans or both.
2. Forced rape - 15 years, minimum 10 strokes of rotans or both.
3. Assault and rape - life in prison, minimum 20 strokes or both.

what is status rape?

03-07-2007, 10:48 AM
Another sad case in Malaysia :( I seriously don't feel safe anymore for my friends and family in my own country...

Three held after rape-cum-murder


KLANG: Police detained a man and two foreign domestic helpers after a woman was found raped and brutally murdered in her house here.

Kek Huey Lian’s (pic) throat was slit from ear to ear and was found naked on a mattress in the master bedroom at 3.30pm yesterday.

Selangor CID chief SAC II Tajudin Mat Isa said a man, a close relative, was picked up by police several hours later.

“We need him to help us in our investigation,” he said.

Two domestic helpers, including one who worked for one of Kek's neighbours, were detained.

Kek, 41, who lived in a double-storey terrace house in Bayu Perdana here, has three children aged between four and 10.

Klang OCPD ACP Mohd Rodwan Yusof said the crime could have been committed by more than one person.

He said police did not rule out robbery because the room was ransacked. However, he added that there were no signs of forced entry into the house.

He said police believe the perpetrators had climbed onto the roof and entered the bedroom through the window, which was unlocked.

“Her maid and her four-year-old daughter were at a neighbour’s house, leaving her alone when the incident occurred.”

He said Kek's husband called the police when she failed to answer the door.

The police forced open the door and found her body, he said.

He added that police have classified the case as murder under Section 302 of the Penal Code.

When met at the scene, Kek’s husband said: “They could take the valuables but why did they hurt and kill her.”

03-07-2007, 11:01 AM
Animals ......freaks ......SAD tat mankind degenerate to such level.....dispicable:( :mad:

03-07-2007, 11:44 AM
all this cases happ:confused: en make me cheong lesser liau, dare not leave my wife alone at home..haiz..

04-07-2007, 12:59 AM
please forgive my blurness, but what does A-frame mean? Another thing - is the rotten used in S'pore similar to the one seen in the clip?


It's the frame that the prisoner will be strapped onto.

one of the many version.


and the cane is slightly longer here

04-07-2007, 01:46 PM
maybe msia shd implement death penalty on armed robbery and rapped cases.
tis might act as a deterrence.

my 0.02

Cro Man
04-07-2007, 06:41 PM
maybe msia shd implement death penalty on armed robbery and rapped cases.
tis might act as a deterrence.

Implementation is one thing, the main question is, can they catch the culprits? :mad:

05-07-2007, 11:47 AM
Implementation is one thing, the main question is, can they catch the culprits? :mad:

Catch the culprits is another thing, can they stop the policeman 'makan' money ?

05-07-2007, 11:55 AM
Catch the culprits is another thing, can they stop the policeman 'makan' money ?

Hahaha.. wan to stop the police "makan" $$...in Malaysia need to take 100 years lah when all the leader is ROBOT ..all programs de, law mean law coz human cant avoid the temptation of $$$$..
i still remmember i kena stop from drink drivng after clubbing in KL, so lan lan give kopi $$, then they can tell u which way to avoid since will have another stop.. sometimes, its not a bad thing lor if they are corrupted.

05-07-2007, 11:59 AM
what is status rape?

Status rape... statutory rape... underage sex, with or without consent.

Cro Man
05-07-2007, 08:46 PM
Shxx, another case of robbery cum gang rape in JB by Taxi Driver and his friend. Victim was robbed of RM1700 and subsequently gang raped. Driver has been arrested but his accomplice is still at large. Even taking taxi also unsafe now. :mad: