View Full Version : Help....

25-06-2007, 03:20 AM
Bros and sistas,
this time need your help...
got separated with my c.o(but this is not the issue here)
***bear in mind she is C.O not O.C yet hor***

recently met a girl
got her number from her friend
1week later contacted her ask her out
she was off day 2 days in a row so we went dating for that 2 days

last wed~~
...dinner(she insisted on paying for dinner),
...drinks(i paid for drinks),
...supper(was not really hunry but she demanded me to eat)

last thurs~~
...she went for her hair cut and hair colouring
...supposed to go karaoke but she says she wanna go bowling so went bowling instead(a short episode happened in between,another guy,married man was waiting for her somewhere near her workplace,he wanted to go for bowling so wanna fetched her,she asked me how to settle it,i told her i am not related to her in anyways at that point of time yet so cant make decision for her,lucky for me she pushed the appt away)

***all these 2 days,i ever held her hands or even a good night kiss was given,1st time for me not to be able to have any physical contact with any lady after 2 dates***

next day off to work for her(she works in hotel industry so her shift starts at 15oohr-2300hrs)

during the course of the 2 days,we learnt a lot about each other
...she just broke off with her bf cos he cant commit to her,etc etc etc

so on the 2nd day after sending her home , sms her asking her if she would consider starting a relationship with me
she replied me saying that there was no rush into it(the way i see this reply means i have the chance right?)

she was down with flu,so on the day she went back to work i called her a few times to remind her to take her medication,went down to her htoel wanting to fetch her wait from 11pm till 2.30am,but she gave me orders and sent sent me home cos she is still tied down with work(all thanks to the bloody edb thing in sg now)

yesterday called her a few times,she nvr answered phone,about 9plus she finally answered the phone ,kena scolded cos she says if she dont answer the phone means she is busy,30min later sms her saying sorry cos i din know she was not allowed to answer call during her work,she replied its ok no need to apologise than i offered to send her back home but no reply from her
kinda sad,brain digging into the manual on how to tackle her,finally decided to write a letter,instead of writing on paper i sms her,i think i sent over 40full smses just to finish the letter(as usual tell her how much i like her blah blah blah in the letter)

today afternoon,called her a few times(from house phone so pte number she dont know),4pm she sms me asking me if i called her,i told her yes need to find out form her when is her off day next week,told me most prob this fri but cant confirm cos of the foregin ministers and delegates staying at her hotel
so i sms her back,can we talk about our relationship?
told me she got no time for sleep,eat cos of work where got time to think about our relationship?i was kinda pissed by her reply but still maintained cool(nabeh which bloody hotel pay peanuts to the rooms controller and expect them to work 24/7 for them one?),sms her told her that if she can change certain things about her bowling in just a matter of min,she is capable of handling anything,including her work load.and its not her fault that her past relationships failed just that she met the wrong guy,also told her to give us a chance to work it out...

called her friend,met her friend from dinner,found out more about her,learnt that she was in fact 12years younger than me,totally shocked cos all along i tot she is about 23/24yo and to think that only next year she is 21yo sent me into a shocking state,which after so many hours i am still trying to recover from it

on the way home i sms her telling her one more time i will always be there for her no matter wat.wont wanna be demanding towards her and told her only certain aspects of the relationship(if it ever happens) i will take charge if not she will take charge for the rest of it...no reply form her

so my question now is WHAT DO I DO FROM NOW?i am the type of person who likes to play defence and wait for a good chance than offense,BUT THIS TIME ROUND,i need to go offensive all the way given the fact that all the butterflies are flitting around her everyday,so i need a good offensive and sure win plan(if not sure win at least 90% winning chances plan)

i know i will be getting some stupid answers from some stupid pple here but nonetheless,i find that here would be the best place to get help

its not that i dont know how to tackle a lady but than she is 12years younger than me.....and its definitely something which i nvr encounter b4...thats why i am stuck here now,not knowing wat the next course of action to take
but maybe i dont look at her form a sexual point of view from the day i got to like her (which is very strange cos normally sex would be on my mind when i meet a new girl)thats why i am stuck

sorry all the info were given in very short form,if you need any info let me know i will try to input ...

25-06-2007, 03:34 AM
Hey bro. Fret not. let nature takes it course. Maybe you are spooking her out with your advances? I feel that you should show down but at the same time show her that you care. Maybe just drop her sms in the morning saying good morning. And After her working hours asking how her day was. Try not to hurry too much. Might scare her away leh.
I could only thing of a few reasons why she is behaving like this.
1) She is really busy with work.
2) She is just toying around.
3) She already has got someone in mind but still cannot make up her mind.

I might be wrong again. BUt i really cannot understand how the younger generation think nowadays. They really have a complicated mindset. Hope everything turns out fine for you bro. Meanwhile let me read your post again and see if i can figure out something better.:D

25-06-2007, 03:51 AM
Hey bro. Fret not. let nature takes it course. Maybe you are spooking her out with your advances? I feel that you should show down but at the same time show her that you care. Maybe just drop her sms in the morning saying good morning. And After her working hours asking how her day was. Try not to hurry too much. Might scare her away leh.
I could only thing of a few reasons why she is behaving like this.
1) She is really busy with work.
2) She is just toying around.
3) She already has got someone in mind but still cannot make up her mind.

I might be wrong again. BUt i really cannot understand how the younger generation think nowadays. They really have a complicated mindset. Hope everything turns out fine for you bro. Meanwhile let me read your post again and see if i can figure out something better.:D

taking a backseat and wait....hmmm....someone told me that also....but than i wanna do it in an offensive way,not defensive way. i need a plan even when i am taking a backseat,i am still offensive....

your deductions are the same as mine...
busy with work,
toying around,
someone in mind...
but i ruled out the toying around and someone in mind because if she was toying around,she wont be asking me wat to do when the married man called her out for a date,someone in mind is out cos if she really just broke up less than 3weeks ago with her bf....more or less is occupied with work cos i saw on tv news the wat world economic forum or watsoever that is held by EDB...
but than i could be wrong too....waiting for more input

25-06-2007, 03:58 AM
taking a backseat and wait....hmmm....someone told me that also....but than i wanna do it in an offensive way,not defensive way. i need a plan even when i am taking a backseat,i am still offensive....

Wah like going to war like that. All the best bro. This gal must have something special abt her to make you so fired up. :p

25-06-2007, 04:08 AM
taking a backseat and wait....hmmm....someone told me that also....but than i wanna do it in an offensive way,not defensive way. i need a plan even when i am taking a backseat,i am still offensive....

bro, offensive or defensive not up to u to decide, need to look at situation. but i really think u r freakin her out. not tgt aredy 40sms, tgt aredy 400? i think her words n actions seem to me that she's visibly irritated. i would think a 21 yr old would prefer more freedom rather than a guy who keeps hounding her. sorry if i sound blunt. chill bro.

25-06-2007, 05:18 AM
facing same problem with u too bro.. haha, also just broke off with bf.. busy with work, but totally different gal from urs =)
she has a lot of dogs ard her fetching her, no shortage of suitors
i was on very good with her intially, went out, say miss me etc
but after confession kinda stay away from me =(
she said she need time and enjoy singlehood, i'll say u are too kancheong like me. over worried.. chill man, take things slow serious, and try to play hard to get, imo u are too rush into a r/s bcos u afraid to lose her,also u want to court her and enjoy the romance with her.. but she not ready yet. give her time, remain frens with her.. that all i can say.. dont scare her off and im serious if not she get turn off.

Five Stone
25-06-2007, 08:18 AM
Bros and sistas,
this time need your help...
got separated with my c.o(but this is not the issue here)
***bear in mind she is C.O not O.C yet hor***
so my question now is WHAT DO I DO FROM NOW?i am the type of person who likes to play defence and wait for a good chance than offense,BUT THIS TIME ROUND,i need to go offensive all the way given the fact that all the butterflies are flitting around her everyday,so i need a good offensive and sure win plan(if not sure win at least 90% winning chances plan)

called her friend,met her friend from dinner,found out more about her,learnt that she was in fact 12years younger than me,totally shocked cos all along i tot she is about 23/24yo and to think that only next year she is 21yo sent me into a shocking state,which after so many hours i am still trying to recover from it.

So what is it that you want from her? To woo her or to lay her? Know her for two dates and wanted to start a relationship and a sure win plan if not 90% sure win plan from bros here for you to execute it? Either you see us as dimwits or you spend time thinking with your ass than your brain.

Simple ways of starting a relationship is unknown to you? Given your age and experience and smooth ways of narrating, I seriously doubt so, try telling us Paris Hilton is still a virgin. :cool:

25-06-2007, 09:26 AM
I know i will be getting some stupid answers from some stupid pple here but nonetheless, i find that here would be the best place to get help

You want to hear feedbacks, do accept them gracefully, whether it's positive or negative ones.

From your account, maybe your girlfriend is currently pre-occupied with her busy schedules, and she's the type of girl who is very committed towards her work. Since she's busy, and her health is taking it's toll right now.... don't push her too hard.

At least right now, wait for the completion of the World Economic Forum first, then bring her for a place for relaxation, a spa or a nice dinner something. Then see how things goes.... you can't rush things with this young lady right now. :cool:

25-06-2007, 09:39 AM
sorry all the info were given in very short form,if you need any info let me know i will try to input ...

Going after a ger is like fishing, u need to let go a bit n pull, if u pull too hard, the fishing line might break.

Sometime, it is good to take a break for a few days. If she is interested in u, she will find it weird that u do not contact her n she might contact u instead.

Relax, dun rush n too persistent, she might find u irritating.

25-06-2007, 09:46 AM
try not to come on too strong. if she needs space, give her tat.
gd luck

25-06-2007, 09:48 AM
You have to limit your calls & sms to her each day. She will be irritated by it definately.

25-06-2007, 09:50 AM
Going after a ger is like fishing, u need to let go a bit n pull, if u pull too hard, the fishing line might break.

Sometime, it is good to take a break for a few days. If she is interested in u, she will find it weird that u do not contact her n she might contact u instead.

Relax, dun rush n too persistent, she might find u irritating.

Nowadays so hard to sian meh? :rolleyes:

Just bring a net, go to those paid-fishing pond and lay your net lor.... 愿者上钩 :D

25-06-2007, 09:51 AM
yo Bro, cool dnw mah...R&R a few day... n wait...if she think of you...she will call you..if not look for another gal lor:)
my 2cts. n good luck.:D

25-06-2007, 09:53 AM
Bro! take things easy...if it is yours then she is yours. If not...move on. There are lots of fishes out there....be happy and live free.

25-06-2007, 10:06 AM
bro, offensive or defensive not up to u to decide, need to look at situation. but i really think u r freakin her out. not tgt aredy 40sms, tgt aredy 400? i think her words n actions seem to me that she's visibly irritated. i would think a 21 yr old would prefer more freedom rather than a guy who keeps hounding her. sorry if i sound blunt. chill bro.

hanor, 40 sms will freak me out too. imagine shes bz and her hp is constantly beeping.:eek:

25-06-2007, 10:16 AM
Just bring a net, go to those paid-fishing pond and lay your net lor.... 愿者上钩 :D

U different mah, u young, handsome n rich. All fishes 快快上钩

25-06-2007, 10:45 AM
so on the 2nd day after sending her home , sms her asking her if she would consider starting a relationship with me

why did you sms such a question? you should have asked her for a bonk (not sms or by phone hor), if she lets you, then the relationship has started right?

i also find it funny you'll keep calling and smsing her when she obviously dont give a shit. you so kan cheong how can? anyway just delete her number lah, if she really likes you, she will answer your call even if she's talking to johnny depp. :D

25-06-2007, 10:46 AM

12yrs different, yes age doesnt matter as some say but that bullshit, age does matter!!!! My first gf abt 7 yrs different and also ditched her boyfriend after hitching on me. Intially was fun, but soon age different problems come out. She too immature liao, want more freedom, dont want to settle down, certaintly no ready to commit into a permenant relationship. After 1.5 yrs, she dump me as she dont want to be tie down.

Bro... u better get to know her better b4 committing. Dont be too aggressive, play it easy. Go for more dates, find out more abt her. U r looking for everlasting relationship but she may be just passing time. Dont be blind by self percived love. Dont make the same mistake as me, play smart. Recce more till you r sure of her intentions before moving in. Like that both parties wont get hurt. :)

25-06-2007, 10:59 AM
ayio..which young gal dun get tulan to receive 40sms ;) I advice you to stop sms and call her for this few days..if she miss you she will be calling you soon ;)

25-06-2007, 11:42 AM
bro u are too KAN CHEONG already.

how can u send 40sms in a letter format? surely pissed her off or if not scare her.

if the girl likes u, she will be excited to receive ur sms or call.
how long does she need to jus reply and tell u that she is busy?

judging from what u write, she probably is a "player" who enjoys the process of guys going after her.

my opinion is jus sit back and relax... thats the best way to attack such ladies. U go all out, u probably make yourself look bad, thats all.

moreover, sianing a lady 12 yrs younger should be pretty easy. Girls normally like older guys but u got to show her you are much better than those young bengs. Patience is the key to success.

good luck to u ;)

25-06-2007, 11:46 AM
Hi Bro man13utd13,

While I was reading your post, my first impression is that here is a young guy just fall in love for the first time, considering the things you are doing while trying to "woo" the girl.

But I was shock when towards the end, I read that you are 33 years old! (based on 12 years younger than the girl of 21 years old).

I am wondering how would you ever advise anyone younger than you, like a 23 year old friend if he ever face some difficulties in chasing after a girl he likes. Send 40 smses? Call her a lot? Be "around" eventhough it is obvious that the girl is getting close to frustration if she is not already frustrated?

By the way, this girl is not your girlfriend, not yet and the way you go about chasing, I don't think will ever be.

Man, you got to go for an "overhaul" first in your "attitude towards a relationship" before anything else.

My 2 cents worth.

25-06-2007, 12:28 PM
most young gals will be very irritated by the 40sms n so many missed callss... its best nt to sms so much when she's busy... u may get negative results... if she really like u, she will take initiative to sms or call u one...

25-06-2007, 12:34 PM
Simple ways of starting a relationship is unknown to you? Given your age and experience and smooth ways of narrating, I seriously doubt so, try telling us Paris Hilton is still a virgin. :cool:

Seems that love conquers all and common sense is shaft up the ass. 40 sms and non stop phone calls sound more like a prank to me than trying to be a lovey dovey. :rolleyes:

25-06-2007, 12:35 PM
Slow down! You are putting too much pressure on yourself and the gal.
Seems like everything is moving too fast. Both of you don't really know one another very well yet.
What you are going through is only infatuation and currently she is the only thing that matters.
Take a step back, read the situation, state your objective and come out with a plan.

Rushing and being pushy ain't going to get you anywhere or get you anything.

"It takes 2 hands to clap, if only 1 hand is used, then must be slapping yourself on the face."

My 2cents.

25-06-2007, 01:25 PM
fren, dun be so kan cheong ... play it cool ...

girls think differently from guys ... if the guy gives the impression of being desperate and needy, it would definitely turn off the girl n send her running away ...

muz play it cool n dun let her think your world revolves arnd her ... show her a great time when she go out with you and tempt her with the possibility of getting more if she sticks around ...

oso muz show her the stick n scold her abit if you think she's doing u wrong or anything ... muz got back bone and stand up for yourself ... no girl wld love or respect a guy tat she can bully ...

Hope this is useful ... Cupid is a real joker ... the more u want it ... the more he wld wait n not fire his arrows .. juz to watch u suffer in agony ...

25-06-2007, 01:39 PM
Rushing and being pushy ain't going to get you anywhere or get you anything.

"It takes 2 hands to clap, if only 1 hand is used, then must be slapping yourself on the face."

My 2cents.

Hi Bro CoolBlack,

Very good advice. But the problem with our fellow brother in love is that he can't even clap!

I mean, how do you clap when one hand is holding the handphone while the other hand's fingers are busy typing in sms?


25-06-2007, 02:51 PM
sms her asking her if she would consider starting a relationship with me
wow, u sms her jio her ai kia steady mai? remind me of beng jio-ing lian to steady wor.

i feel for u bro but u r a guy try to be cool.

she quite bad to treat u lidat, i suggest u pass me her contact and i try to talk to her for u.

25-06-2007, 02:57 PM
go write her handphone number on the door of suntec city toilet...

25-06-2007, 03:12 PM
Personally i think he just wants to have the thrill and excitement of bonking a 21yo SYT. Would a mature and sensible guy send 40 SMSes and made endless calls to somebody in a short span of time?! If i were the gal, I would go made police report for harassment! If you really like and care for her, SPARE A THOT FOR HER not for your selfish carnal desires!!!:mad:

25-06-2007, 03:13 PM
thanks for all the advice so far...
most of you gave the same advice and i interpret it like using man utd's way of playing ,absorb all the pressure and WAIT for the right chance and launch a counter attack...

but guess brazil's way of attacking style football to score as many goals as possible is out for now...

and just to clarify something...
the 40smses were sent in 4 smses(dont u ever do it like wanna send a sms and it exceeds 1 sms and u carry on),but just that this 4 smses were too damn long (1 sms is 10x the length of the normal sms wich is about 160 characters),definitley not like the phone beeping 40times

like i say the biggest problem i have now is somebody so young....give me a mature lady more than 12years older than me,around my age or maybe 3-4years younger than me i wont have any problem,in fact just give me 3 dates and i will have her with me(not say that i am cocky or anything but just that maybe the frequency level is about the same,so a lot of factors are already provided for,so i just need to make full use of the factors and work to my advantage)

to be frank,getting to know somebody longer will work for some people but than i dont quite agree with it(yes its an advantage if you are able to do it,but knowing each other too well will results in split ups),i am sure you guys have heard the chinese saying "因了解而分手",furthermore how long should i get to know her?i have seen a few friends broke up because they know eahc other too well,nothing more to discover in the relationship,no more sparks in the relationship and definitely i dont wanna be the next one for this thing to happen

some bro even suggested bedding her than talk about it,sorry i dont wanna land in jail cos of rape(yah in case you dont know about it,as long as a woman refuses sex,even if she is your wife she can still charge u for rape,all thanks to the women's charter),thats the reason why i halted all physical actions.

like i say very very strangely,to me i dont feel any sexual tension at all between both of us when we are together,in fact i was even shy to hold her hand when i wanna correct some positions of her during bowling(nabeh i feel like a complete newbie in love again)

frankly speaking,today i took it quite slow(in my own opinion).....

about 2.30pm i sms her wishing her a good day

5 min later she replied "same to you"

than i just asked her if her flu was better and took her medication

and she replied "yeah..."

and also sent her 3 sms roses telling her i dont wanna send real flowers cos i dont know hotel's policy about workers receiving flowers during working hours and told her dont disturb her already and ask her to contact me when she is free

never expect any reply from her cos i ended my sms with dont siturb her already...which is true up till now no reply,maybe i will send another sms tonight after she is supposedly to finish work at 11pm.

25-06-2007, 03:14 PM
go write her handphone number on the door of suntec city toilet...

cant do that bro,this is a new number that she have and not many pple have it can count with her 8fingers and 2 thumbs who she gave this number to....

25-06-2007, 03:19 PM
some bro even suggested bedding her than talk about it,sorry i dont wanna land in jail cos of rape(yah in case you dont know about it,as long as a woman refuses sex,even if she is your wife she can still charge u for rape,all thanks to the women's charter),thats the reason why i halted all physical actions.

apa ini rape? :confused:

25-06-2007, 03:25 PM
apa ini rape? :confused:

as long as a woman is not consenting when you wanna have sex with her and you force yourself upon her,even if SHE IS YOUR WIFE,it can be considered RAPE under the WOMEN'S CHARTER in SG

25-06-2007, 03:32 PM
as long as a woman is not consenting when you wanna have sex with her and you force yourself upon her,even if SHE IS YOUR WIFE,it can be considered RAPE under the WOMEN'S CHARTER in SG

alamak... normally when you want to make love to a girl, you will ask or persuade or even beg until she consents right? who's talking about forcing or raping? am i missing something here? ok i go back and read the 1st post again... sigh... :D

25-06-2007, 03:39 PM
alamak... normally when you want to make love to a girl, you will ask or persuade or even beg until she consents right? who's talking about forcing or raping? am i missing something here? ok i go back and read the 1st post again... sigh... :D

to me starngely,likei mentioned more than once ,i dont feel any sexual tension towards her,even up till now....
thats why the having sex first than talk about relationship dont work...(not that i cant do it but i dont want a relationship that started cos of sex,needless to say u will nvr know if she will report u for rape)

25-06-2007, 04:39 PM
frankly speaking,today i took it quite slow(in my own opinion).....

about 2.30pm i sms her wishing her a good day

5 min later she replied "same to you"

than i just asked her if her flu was better and took her medication

and she replied "yeah..."

and also sent her 3 sms roses telling her i dont wanna send real flowers cos i dont know hotel's policy about workers receiving flowers during working hours and told her dont disturb her already and ask her to contact me when she is free

never expect any reply from her cos i ended my sms with dont siturb her already...which is true up till now no reply,maybe i will send another sms tonight after she is supposedly to finish work at 11pm.

isnt it obvious the way she reply you that she mean only as friend? If I am her I also scare to reply ur 3rd sms :rolleyes:

25-06-2007, 05:18 PM
Bro.. Dun worry.. i believe you're not the only 1 who's feeling so fuck up over a girl like this before. I'm pretty sure there are guys who've encountered this before out there including myself. Age does not come into play when it comes to love issue. Who cares if you're older or younger than her, if you really want her.. then got for it. But if its just for the sake of showing off a "trophy" or just a merely a bonk, you can even forget about it. But as what you've said, i guess you're for real.. But given the account of your so many exploit of threads, its kinda hard for us bro here to give you actual and sincere advice.

Put that aside, ask yourself, how much do you want this girl? How far are you willing to go for her? How long are you going to wait for her to accept you? I'm not going to be like "some other bros" out there saying " if she not interested.. Just move on!" To me, these are just some lame excuses for people who got not idea of what to say then to say this.

According to my analysis.. You're moving way to fast, faster than any bullet trains. Just a date or 2 you wanna her to go steady with you? Please.. You think this is Ang moh country issit? At least wait for a few more dates when she's really comfortable with you. Then You may consider dropping the qns. You may boast how good you are with girls older than you or 3-4 years younger than you. But its only you who say it. Who could vouch for you here? Take it nice and slow. If you're really into her, show her that you care for her. Since she wanna play hard to get with you. you should do that too.. Yeah.. She have lotsa bees and butterflies around her. Who doesn't wanna flock around a beautiful lady? Don't you? I agree with some bros saying.. "Its like fishing.. Use the Pull and relax method. Not pulling all the way.. "

Also, by sending sms like 1 whole lump of smses to her will not do you good. It makes you kinda long winded like a grandpa. Keep it short and sweet. Remember, more words=more mistakes. And when she doesn't reply to you There could only be a few reasons : 1- she could be real busy. 2) she can't be bothered with your sms. 3 - She's happily talking or spending time with another guy. 4 - She's tired for the day or her day is just fucked up and she wants to be alone. 5- She's busy talking to her friends.
By calling and giving so many miss calls will not help either. Because it shows that before she's with you, you're already showing the possesiveness and the needyness like a wussy. Cool off and chill take things as it comes.
Right now, what you should be doing is to maintain the friendship with her, ask her out for more dates, get her comfortable with you. Then decide whether to drop the qns again. If she rejects you again, doesn't matter. "It doesn't matter how many times you declare your love, so long as you succeed" Don't be disheartened after 2 attempts. Keep on trying.. Unless you decided to move on for a greener pasture.

I've been in your situation before (except for that i''m only going after 3 years younger than me and worse, another race girl for almost a year and yet, i'm still just a friend of her.)


25-06-2007, 05:38 PM
"It doesn't matter how many times you declare your love, so long as you succeed" Don't be disheartened after 2 attempts. Keep on trying.. Unless you decided to move on for a greener pasture.


thats the best quote i heard today...hahaha

true in my exploits i am moving fast because like i say the ladies involved are about the same age as me so i guess i dont have any problems with them or rather most of it is like we just happen to be there at the right time,thats why now want me to take my foot away from the accelerator its kinda hard for me to do it hahahaha.....

25-06-2007, 05:45 PM
Bro, u can forget about this ger lah... she's trying to play hard to get... So many butterflies with better looks and $$ than you sure she want to hook for best one, from my past experience. move on and look for better one, definitely not worth your time spent on her.

25-06-2007, 08:55 PM
Don't trust a woman so easily. I think maybe she has a bf or someone could be in her mind. And she likes you and is getting 'touched' by your advances. I think the letter should have quite an effect on her and maybe she don't know what to do now. Chose you or the guy.

If a gal likes you and in situation where she can be with you without worries, she should have replied positively to you. Women is like that lah, you can get her to be your gf even if you don't sian her. If she doesn't like you, MOST PROBABLY whatever you do to sian her normally ends up wasted.

And I think she's lying about being so extremely busy at her job. If she wants to find the time, she would be able to. Tell her not to talk cock lah.

25-06-2007, 09:04 PM
Don't trust a woman so easily. I think maybe she has a bf or someone could be in her mind. And she likes you and is getting 'touched' by your advances. I think the letter should have quite an effect on her and maybe she don't know what to do now. Chose you or the guy.

If a gal likes you and in situation where she can be with you without worries, she should have replied positively to you. Women is like that lah, you can get her to be your gf even if you don't sian her. If she doesn't like you, MOST PROBABLY whatever you do to sian her normally ends up wasted.

And I think she's lying about being so extremely busy at her job. If she wants to find the time, she would be able to. Tell her not to talk cock lah.

true true true,so i actually got a friend of hers to get some "wind sound' from her and see what happens from the feedback than make my next move....

26-06-2007, 02:36 AM
true true true,so i actually got a friend of hers to get some "wind sound' from her and see what happens from the feedback than make my next move....

Hello Bro,

Just in case u forget about ur younger days, women ard her age likes to b pursued by as many men n take their pick from among the thorns.....Now u r the only horse in the lineup so she is probably playing the waiting game with u.......Women in their early 30s r generally more matured n knows what they want, so the pursuing games doesn't really work for them.....From ur description, ur attributes seem quite popular among women in their 30s, so fret not, u will soon find another appreciative lady.....

Meanwhile lay off the gal for a few days n observe her response....Since u r looking for a serious relationship, I think u r also looking for a gal that can reciprocate the tender fondness u have for her...So if she totally ignores u, then u should do the same to her too!!!!

Yours humbly,

26-06-2007, 02:47 AM
Relax and be kool...if itz meant to be urs, it will be urs...:)

26-06-2007, 03:31 AM
bro man u,

u're going to be in for one hell of a ride, can't say for sure whether u'll get her in the end (or whether u'll even wan her long term when u actually got her), but hope your heart can take it............

best of luck (u'll need it)


26-06-2007, 04:32 AM
just like today i sms d gal, she reply 1 time, bo reply liao..
i think u really need to lie low for a while until she finish her event.. if after a period, she never msg u or call u.. u know the chance is very slim.. else u call her up and she remain busy rejecting ur dates.. u shd know the method u use initially is useless. well right now just go out and meet more new gals !! backup for spare tyres..

26-06-2007, 11:42 AM
The way the 40 sms beeps also depend on her hp model, if she is using some old model(eg. 8310) for whatever reason, it will beep 40 times as 40 sms.

The fact that you are successful in quick shots in your previous relationship doesn't mean a thing to this relationship. She already hinted to you to go slow, does not responding positively to your advances, so its time you draw up a new game plan rather than to insisting on continuing the current strategies.

Knowing each other well can go a long way, & choosing not to know before committing will only lead to future disappointment, worst still, break-up.

Lastly, she already told you she is very busy with her work so i suggest you to refrain sms-ing like msn. hotel staff not really convienient to sms non-stop as that will reflect badly on her working attitude. Even as a worthy friend, she will expect you to understand this logic.

26-06-2007, 01:30 PM
bro man13utd13, i dunno if u are like me, an impatient guy.
if a gal ask me to go slow, inside me i will tink...
"where got time?, how slow u wan?"

i dun really like to put gals high up in the sky or play hard to get.
i will lose my patience and search for another one.
life short man, dun waste time.

my 0.02.


26-06-2007, 02:02 PM
I have a good friend who wasted more than 2 years trying to get a girl who was just playing the field. He wouldn't take my advice to cool off. He was just as kan cheong as you, but he didn't send 40 SMSes, he threw expensive gifts and flowers at her.

"WTF for?", I asked him. He said it's just his way of chasing after girls. I told him if a girl accepts expensive gifts from a guy who is not even her bf, then she's fucked up and fails the criteria for a long-term partner. If he has been chasing for so long and she is still going out with other guys, and talking about other guys in front of him, then she is just treating him as a buddy.

After more than 2 years, he got some of his senses back (and some balls I think), and he cooled off and took my advice not to contact her anymore. He's now a happier person. But since he cooled off, she started calling him more often. Nah beh... some girls are bloody cheap.

Then he told me recently he used to send her 3-4 bunches of flowers every week. "WTF for?", I asked again. He said it's just his way of chasing girls. And so to put things in perspective, I told him I don't even give my OC 3-4 bunches of flowers in a year, yet she's still kwai kwai with me. So that set him thinking. Hmm...

2 years... I did so many things in that time.

Anyhow, every girl is different, and so is every situation. Just listen to your big head and not the smaller one.

26-06-2007, 04:07 PM
Women in their early 30s r generally more matured n knows what they want, so the pursuing games doesn't really work for them.....From ur description, ur attributes seem quite popular among women in their 30s, so fret not, u will soon find another appreciative lady.....

wow finally someone tells me that i am doing the right way but applying it on the wrong type of lady....if not i dont know how long i am gonna be bomb hehehehe,
you are right,i did some recalling this morning,i totally agree with wat u say,this tactic that i am employing is suitable for those who have not much "chips' to speak of like age etc...looks like i really hafta stay low and see what happens

26-06-2007, 04:11 PM
just like today i sms d gal, she reply 1 time, bo reply liao..
i think u really need to lie low for a while until she finish her event.. if after a period, she never msg u or call u.. u know the chance is very slim.. else u call her up and she remain busy rejecting ur dates.. u shd know the method u use initially is useless. well right now just go out and meet more new gals !! backup for spare tyres..

back up for spare tyres?u intro ?hehehehe...my line of work though i meet a lot of pple but than not really for me to go dating type.....ask me to sit there and see see look look i dont mind,but ask me to go up to a girl and ask for her number,ermmm.....i can only do it if she is alone,if not hafta face with so many "machine guns" at the same time very the boring one...i dun wanan face the firing squad,u know you see one jude girl with her friends and u approach her,sure will kena from her friends that are around at the same time right? me no more 18yo where the skin is thick like elephant where gpmg bullet also cannot penetrate tru....gone way beyond that gae already hahahaha....

26-06-2007, 04:15 PM
I have a good friend who wasted more than 2 years trying to get a girl who was just playing the field. He wouldn't take my advice to cool off. He was just as kan cheong as you, but he didn't send 40 SMSes, he threw expensive gifts and flowers at her.

"WTF for?", I asked him. He said it's just his way of chasing after girls. I told him if a girl accepts expensive gifts from a guy who is not even her bf, then she's fucked up and fails the criteria for a long-term partner. If he has been chasing for so long and she is still going out with other guys, and talking about other guys in front of him, then she is just treating him as a buddy.

After more than 2 years, he got some of his senses back (and some balls I think), and he cooled off and took my advice not to contact her anymore. He's now a happier person. But since he cooled off, she started calling him more often. Nah beh... some girls are bloody cheap.

Then he told me recently he used to send her 3-4 bunches of flowers every week. "WTF for?", I asked again. He said it's just his way of chasing girls. And so to put things in perspective, I told him I don't even give my OC 3-4 bunches of flowers in a year, yet she's still kwai kwai with me. So that set him thinking. Hmm...

2 years... I did so many things in that time.

Anyhow, every girl is different, and so is every situation. Just listen to your big head and not the smaller one.

wah lau ...send flowers?siao bo?i only send real flowers on bdays and anniversary,not even on V-day,the rest of the days i send electronic flowers....though girls like flowers and its a very very good tactic(cos i bed a few girls with just a bouquet of flowers before of cos coupled with dinner and movies that night after sending her the flowers finally with my love seed hehehe ,but thats besides the point here),but too frequent will make it lose it novelty,at least thats the way i feel it.....
and by the way,now my small head is still dormant,knnz,,,dont know if she knows blakc magic or not,the day i saw her till now,i cant imagine myself having sex with her leh,but than when i see other girls,sex came to my mind automatically(at least i know i am still a MAN who is functioning well)

26-06-2007, 04:22 PM
if a gal ask me to go slow, inside me i will tink...
"where got time?, how slow u wan?"

hahahaha....yah that was what went tru my mind when she told me "there is no rush right?"

but i tot even more "nabeh its still the same old thing of falling in love,getting to know each other and fucking our brains out than plan for the future,still must wait for so long meh?"

and i tot young girls are much more easier to tackle than mature women....
cos i know girls from the age of 23-27 are the hardest to get hold of cos they have finished their uni,started working and looking for the best fish around to settle down and have kids with,women above 30 a bit relax liaos cos they know its no more their prime to have babies so to them having comoanionship is more important than settling down(at least from wat i know),and gers below 22 should still be easy cos they just wanna fall in love....looks like i hafta group girls from 18-27 together liaos and separate them from those who hit the big 'o 30 ...BUT THAN I MAYBE WRONG TOO.....

26-06-2007, 04:23 PM
The way the 40 sms beeps also depend on her hp model, if she is using some old model(eg. 8310) for whatever reason, it will beep 40 times as 40 sms.

the last time i checked she was having a phone newer than my model,so the 40beeps will nvr arrive,just in 4 beeps

26-06-2007, 04:35 PM
bro... my advise is to take it slow... imo, you are moving a bit too fast. Young girls like her wants to feel wanted, to feel wooed. No need to play it fast and loose. Give her and yourself some breathing space.

However, you need to think carefully, 12 years is quite a big age gap to bridge. You may not think much about it now, but what about 10 years down the road? By then you are in your 40s and she is still in her 30s. Can you keep up with her and her demands (based on my experience, the older the woman grows, the more exotic her demands will be)...

26-06-2007, 04:43 PM
You may not think much about it now, but what about 10 years down the road? By then you are in your 40s and she is still in her 30s. Can you keep up with her and her demands (based on my experience, the older the woman grows, the more exotic her demands will be)...

certainly i have thought about this before,thats why i only launch this attack after i laid my own cards out carefully...kekekeke....the only thing i am afraid of is she is not able to keep up with my demands.....

26-06-2007, 06:06 PM
certainly i have thought about this before,thats why i only launch this attack after i laid my own cards out carefully...kekekeke....the only thing i am afraid of is she is not able to keep up with my demands.....

Maybe for now she is unable to keep up with your demands... but then who will know when the tables are turned around and she demands more from you than you are willing or able to give? Do give lots of thoughts on this... If ultimately you want to play the field, it is best not to get too involved...

27-06-2007, 01:31 AM
Maybe for now she is unable to keep up with your demands... but then who will know when the tables are turned around and she demands more from you than you are willing or able to give? Do give lots of thoughts on this... If ultimately you want to play the field, it is best not to get too involved...

frankly speaking,playing the field is not wat i wanna do with her,maybe see how things goes...if really comes to such a time when something like dat occurs than even i dun wanna let go i still hafta let go right?

27-06-2007, 02:04 AM
wow finally someone tells me that i am doing the right way but applying it on the wrong type of lady....if not i dont know how long i am gonna be bomb hehehehe,
you are right,i did some recalling this morning,i totally agree with wat u say,this tactic that i am employing is suitable for those who have not much "chips' to speak of like age etc...looks like i really hafta stay low and see what happens

I m not a big fan of romantic pursuits...In today's age, if a gal in her 20s still enjoys the pursuit games, then she is either indecisive or playing the field....Either type doesnt sound too appealing right??

27-06-2007, 02:12 AM
I m not a big fan of romantic pursuits...In today's age, if a gal in her 20s still enjoys the pursuit games, then she is either indecisive or playing the field....Either type doesnt sound too appealing right??

well, if she is playing the field i dont mind playing with her,afterall i wont be the one at the losing end....maybe just lose some time,cash...as a lady she will still stand to lose....but being indecisive is gonna be where the danger comes in.....