View Full Version : Help! Fell in love with an ML..
07-03-2019, 03:40 PM
Hi guys, first of all, i do not visit MLs or FLs often. Probably only once every few months to half a year.
But back in November, backside itchy so decided to find one on the usual websites. Saw a few whom i found pretty and texted them.
Not sure to blame it on fate or not, out of the 4-5 i texted, only 1 confirmed with me, and yes, she is the one.
Im in my early 30s while shes in her late 20s. The first time i met her i was really surprised to find that she is actually really good looking and had just arrived in singapore for the first time. Found out after that she replied me was because she still did not know of the system to vet phone numbers yet lol. If she had known, she probably would not had replied to me hahaha.
So the deed is done and i left. Just after leaving, i received a text from her to ask me to add her on wechat. Didnt think much then and just added thinking would be easier to book her in future anyway. BUT! she started chatting with me, asking me if im already home and what not. So we chatted for a while before going to bed.
I just couldnt get her out of my head the next day and decided to book her again. And after this 2nd day, things just sort of really started. We chatted till late almost every night. Added me on her personal wechat, not the work one. Showed me old photos of herself and her family and wants to see mine too. Basically just got to know more about each other.
Up till that stage, it was pretty obvious to me that i actually feel for her, but still has doubt on her sincerity. But after much observation, she does not ask me for anything at all. Didn't ask for any money or to buy her anything. Instead, she asks me out for meals and movies and will even insist on paying sometimes. She does not even want to take my money even after i visit her at her place.
She does not give any indication that shes trying to make use of me for anything, but genuinely wants to settle down. I know her real name, her address in china and how her whole family looks lie down to their family dog. We also video call each other pretty often.
We quarreled once as I've probably showed some distrust in her. She scolded me telling me. yes, she would be lying if none of her customer her ever asked her out, but she had always rejected them. She only goes out with me, and even then, our first date was also her initiative (asked me out for movie out of the blue). She chided me for thinking that she has nothing better to do than to spend all this time talking with me whole day till late when she could be sleeping or talking to other guys.
She showed me to her mother when they were video calling and also snapped a photo of me while we were walking outside to tell her mother that she found her a son in law lol. The mother just advised her to find someone that treats her well is good enough, no need to be rich or handsome lol which im neither anyway.
So right now. The big problem. She really wants to marry me and settle down. BUT! Hahahaha shit, I am already married, bros. I know, it is damn arsehole to do something like this, but i honestly did not expect things to turn out this way with her. I've been holding out as long as possible as shes starting to get angry with me for not bringing her to meet my friends and family. Shes starting to doubt my intentions saying she knows shes not worthy as shes in these kind of line. Why would i want to be serious with her.
I honestly have no issue with her line of work as it is circumstantial. What I will have problem with is if she had made use of me for money and what not. I have always told her that if have no money and she will not lead a good life if she marries me. Her reply is that of course if she is married here she will also work to share the burden of both our families.
And err.. I guess she actually wants a baby with me too, lol have been doing it with her commando style ever since. I know many of you will think im foolish for doing so due to her line of work, but i dont know man, i really trust her to be clean. The first few times i visited her she was really proper on protection. It is only after we really got into each other for a while before all the commando action begins.
So, very sorry bout this WOT, but are any bros here in or had similar situation as I. What did you do? I know, I know.. I have but only that few choices to be honest, its either i fuck her over or my wife. I know. But it really is not an easy choice to make.
Appreciate any comments bros.
07-03-2019, 05:06 PM
Congrate bro. U found your true love. Marry her. Heck care on your wife.
07-03-2019, 05:06 PM
so in your best memory, how many times you fucked her unpaid? :confused:
About 5 times? Sup with that lol?
07-03-2019, 05:31 PM
End it before your life ends up in a real mess.
Remember the 3 simple rules.Click on the link in my signature and memorise them and repeat them daily as a mantra for your life.
07-03-2019, 05:38 PM
All 5 raw and creampies or not? :confused:
lol bro, thats the part you are interested in from my story?
Anyway, yes, luckily her menstruation came. I was pretty worried. The last time was while her menstruation was on going, so i just did it again.
07-03-2019, 05:39 PM
End it before your life ends up in a real mess.
Remember the 3 simple rules.Click on the link in my signature and memorise them and repeat them daily as a mantra for your life.
Understand these are words to live by.
However, there just always this "if" at the back of the mind that is hard to shrug off. hahaha.
07-03-2019, 05:40 PM
Understand these are words to live by.
However, there just always this "if" at the back of the mind that is hard to shrug off. hahaha.
Have a great fling and then move on. There is no way you are going to get long term joy if you marry a working girl.
07-03-2019, 06:33 PM
So what exactly you love about her? :confused:
Well, I find her really pretty, totally my cup of tea.
Is that a good enough reason already? ha.
Theres actually no specific reason, just that she's actually very nice to me, knows how to take care of me and always knows what to say and do to make me happy.
Character wise, she is very stubborn, bad tempered but she will never be fake to me. Im actually a super patient person so her stubbornness and temper don't really bother me. A few times she got angry with me or we quarreled but all solved by how patient i was with her lol.
She always says that her temper is very bad and she knows it. She had been single and alone for a very long time and already used to it, but is lucky to have met someone that can tolerate her character.
Apart from all this, i just feel really happy when im with her and i can feel that she is the same way too.
07-03-2019, 06:36 PM
Have a great fling and then move on. There is no way you are going to get long term joy if you marry a working girl.
Thanks bro. But i genuinely feel that she is not like that and we probably can be proper.
BUT! I too know that it's impossible for me to ditch my wife. This will never happen.
Just that the feel is bad, you know.
You will think about things like what if you did not get marries so early, what if you had met her earlier.
All the what ifs man..
07-03-2019, 06:55 PM
Can give examples what she got angry about? what you both quarrel about? :confused:
Mainly over her feeling like I’m trying to hide our relationship. Never brought her out to meet my friends and or family. Just basically feeling like I’m not serious with her and just toying around and will dump her when I’m done.
Ha..what can I say..
07-03-2019, 07:21 PM
So can you summarize how many months you both know each other? Estimate how many days together physically meet up? Have you go China visited her family yet? :confused:
Also is she now in China or Singapore?
From November till now loh. Not including when I go find her at her work place, we have went out dating for probably near 10 times?
She’s going back soon though as it’s her first time here and she can’t take it anymore.
Have not met her family physically lah lol, only thru video call. But she’s been asking when can I go find her after she goes back.
Bro, what are you getting at?
07-03-2019, 07:48 PM
Other than your wife not so pretty pleasing in your eyes. What so bad about her? Why you marry her? Do you have kids? :confused:
Actually my Wife isn’t bad looking lol. Just that we have been together for so many years already, since our early 20s man.
You know how it is after so many years lol.
And nope, no kids. Whew..
07-03-2019, 07:56 PM
Actually my Wife isn’t bad looking lol. Just that we have been together for so many years already, since our early 20s man.
You know how it is after so many years lol.
And nope, no kids. Whew..
It won't work out. Don't waste time. U think u know abt her but u actually know nuts. Can u stand 10 guys sending WeChat messages with hugs n kisses to her. Do u know how many relationship she gone thru. Why is she here do u know. She may tell u she got debts to clear but it's all bullshit.
U r already married r u ready for divorce n pay for alimony. Wake up bro. Go find 5 more girls to learn abt handling ml or fl. There is no Cinderella ending. U r just getting urself into a deeper abyss by not being upfront with her abt ur status
07-03-2019, 08:04 PM
Cross the bridge, put dynamite under it and blow it up !
If you don't, she will blow up with you.
These are China PRC women, they think 10 steps ahead of you already.
You play opening P-K4, they thinking of check and mate in two.
Enjoy.. wrap a $500 angpow when she leaves. 500 is nothing compared to the mess and shit you will be in..:rolleyes:
07-03-2019, 10:01 PM
It won't work out. Don't waste time. U think u know abt her but u actually know nuts. Can u stand 10 guys sending WeChat messages with hugs n kisses to her. Do u know how many relationship she gone thru. Why is she here do u know. She may tell u she got debts to clear but it's all bullshit.
U r already married r u ready for divorce n pay for alimony. Wake up bro. Go find 5 more girls to learn abt handling ml or fl. There is no Cinderella ending. U r just getting urself into a deeper abyss by not being upfront with her abt ur status
Hahaha thanks bro. I understand all that. You sound like you have some experience. Appreciate if you can share.
I mean, I know of the risks and all, but so far there’s been no red alert that she’s lying or cheating on me or anything. To be honest I’ve got no money for her to cheat as well and I’ve already made that known to her. I’ve really no doubt to her truthfulness and I am actually the one doing the lying and cheating on both my wife and her. The guilt gets to me sometimes.
07-03-2019, 10:04 PM
Cross the bridge, put dynamite under it and blow it up !
If you don't, she will blow up with you.
These are China PRC women, they think 10 steps ahead of you already.
You play opening P-K4, they thinking of check and mate in two.
Enjoy.. wrap a $500 angpow when she leaves. 500 is nothing compared to the mess and shit you will be in..:rolleyes:
Thanks bro. But I really doubt that she’s that kind of woman. There’s been no signs at all that she’s making use of me for anything, on the contrary, her behaviour, attitude and all shows me she’s actually thurhful.
We had talks about how it will be if this gets serious and sometimes she gets really sad about her circumstance and doubt that I am actually being serious with her. I don’t know man lol.
07-03-2019, 11:40 PM
Hahaha thanks bro. I understand all that. You sound like you have some experience. Appreciate if you can share.
I mean, I know of the risks and all, but so far there’s been no red alert that she’s lying or cheating on me or anything. To be honest I’ve got no money for her to cheat as well and I’ve already made that known to her. I’ve really no doubt to
her truthfulness and I am actual
ly the one doing the lying and cheating
on both my wife and her. The guilt gets to me sometimes.
Now she got customers got money ok. If u go together then how ?she no money u also no money u want her to go sleep with men to support the 2 of u?she has no skills no education and what can she do. Start business and hope to make it ah. U have a pretty wife but no sex life with ur wife then try to make it better instead of making things super complicated n hurting 2 girls n 1 guy. U may think she is pure n innocent n u r the special one. But please u r just wasting ur time unless u r ready to cut urself off all ur family ties n go China forever else just forget it.
07-03-2019, 11:59 PM
Now she got customers got money ok. If u go together then how ?she no money u also no money u want her to go sleep with men to support the 2 of u?she has no skills no education and what can she do. Start business and hope to make it ah. U have a pretty wife but no sex life with ur wife then try to make it better instead of making things super complicated n hurting 2 girls n 1 guy. U may think she is pure n innocent n u r the special one. But please u r just wasting ur time unless u r ready to cut urself off all ur family ties n go China forever else just forget it.
I guess she’s thought about the same problem as you did too. She says she’s got her own family to support and doesn’t want to burden me with that. Her parents are old and she’s worried about them too and vice versa as their daughter will be living here instead. But of course I’m not THAT poor lah haha but supporting 2 families will really be too taxing furthermore she wants kids too. Also, thanks for pointing out, major issue is for her to find work here. No education is really a huge problem.
Also lol, thanks for stating the obvious between my wife and I! Hahaha. It’s not that I didn’t try, just that due her weak body condition(past operations), she’s sensitive there (not in the good way), and it hurts for her. I understand it’s not her fault and she tries her best when she can. But you know how it is when you are in a relationship with minimal sex life.
Appreciate your time talking to me bro. I’ve got literally no one whom I can open up this issue of mine to lol. It does feel better talking about it.
08-03-2019, 12:31 AM
I guess she’s thought about the same problem as you did too. She says she’s got her own family to support and doesn’t want to burden me with that. Her parents are old and she’s worried about them too and vice versa as their daughter will be living here instead. But of course I’m not THAT poor lah haha but supporting 2 families will really be too taxing furthermore she wants kids too. Also, thanks for pointing out, major issue is for her to find work here. No education is really a huge problem.
Also lol, thanks for stating the obvious between my wife and I! Hahaha. It’s not that I didn’t try, just that due her weak body condition(past operations), she’s sensitive there (not in the good way), and it hurts for her. I understand it’s not her fault and she tries her best when she can. But you know how it is when you are in a relationship with minimal sex life.
Appreciate your time talking to me bro. I’ve got literally no one whom I can open up this issue of mine to lol. It does feel better talking about it.
Knew the ML for few months, date and fj couple of times and you thinking of divorcing your wife?? I am at a loss of words.. hope you wake up from your dream else nightmare awaits you
08-03-2019, 12:50 AM
Knew the ML for few months, date and fj couple of times and you thinking of divorcing your wife?? I am at a loss of words.. hope you wake up from your dream else nightmare awaits you
Haha don’t curse me lah bro. Not thinking about divorcing my wife. She’s a good woman and I can’t bring myself to do that to her.
Just that all these conflicting feelings are really bothering me and I need an outlet. To hear what some of you bros have to say and also would love to hear any similar experiences from anyone here.
Can only blame myself for falling too deep in the first place when waking up one day is inevitable.
But until then, lol, as bastard as it is, would like to enjoy this feeling while it lasts. Been darn long since I’ve felt such strong emotions toward someone and it’s really addictive, you get what I mean?
How I wish it’s all just a dream lol
08-03-2019, 01:21 AM
Haha don’t curse me lah bro. Not thinking about divorcing my wife. She’s a good woman and I can’t bring myself to do that to her.
Just that all these conflicting feelings are really bothering me and I need an outlet. To hear what some of you bros have to say and also would love to hear any similar experiences from anyone here.
Can only blame myself for falling too deep in the first place when waking up one day is inevitable.
But until then, lol, as bastard as it is, would like to enjoy this feeling while it lasts. Been darn long since I’ve fe
lt such strong emotions toward someone and it’s really addictive, you get what I mean?
How I wish it’s all just a dream lol
The moment u cannot tell her u r married this is not the normal type of relationship already. U r just happily having free sex n sending wrong signals to her. Be a gentleman la .
08-03-2019, 09:05 AM
The moment u cannot tell her u r married this is not the normal type of relationship already. U r just happily having free sex n sending wrong signals to her. Be a gentleman la .
Wah bro, brutal truth man lol.
I know, i know.. Just that when you are in the situation itself it is really hard to think straight. But you are right, best to end it sooner than later.
08-03-2019, 11:19 AM
Wah bro, brutal truth man lol.
I know, i know.. Just that when you are in the situation itself it is really hard to think straight. But you are right, best to end it sooner than later.
Drop hints u r already attached....say first time u meet there is no need to let a girl know ur marital status . It developed/came too suddenly . but it's the right thing to do now before something drastic happens. If she wants to be fuck buddy still then good. If not just know that there is no Cinderella ending to this. Also fuck buddy don't become emotionally attached to each other...
08-03-2019, 11:57 AM
Drop hints u r already attached....say first time u meet there is no need to let a girl know ur marital status . It developed/came too suddenly . but it's the right thing to do now before something drastic happens. If she wants to be fuck buddy still then good. If not just know that there is no Cinderella ending to this. Also fuck buddy don't become emotionally attached to each other...
Nah man, i don't think i can continue any form of relationship with her without being emotional.
I don't think i will want to risk revealing my status. Best to just keep it the way it is and slowly quiet down as shes going back soon anyway.
Thanks bro, never wanted a Cinderella ending, but just thinking about it is nice.
08-03-2019, 12:12 PM
If you fall in love with ML, will they let u creampie?
08-03-2019, 12:20 PM
If you fall in love with ML, will they let u creampie?
If YOU fall in love with them? NO
If THEY fall in love with you. Probably.
08-03-2019, 01:52 PM
She knw u awhile only & aldy talk abt marriage & babies..Err..Don’t u c the red flag???
U love her or love the sex u had wz her??
08-03-2019, 02:05 PM
Why not do a poll under the polling section? :confused:
There are many known cases in forum whereby ML/WL/FL allow chiongsters to raw or even creampie them. :D There's no love to talk about btw them. Mostly did it because moments of shiokness. :p
I suggest TS fuck more ML/FL like maybe at least 100? Or to be safe about 1000? That will help solve all the queries/issues TS facing. ;)
hahaha yes I've read stories here about them allowing bros to do it anyways. But i honestly dont think this is a very common practice amongst both bros and the ladies. Correct me if im wrong haha.
I admit i don't visit often, only occasionally. Once every few months or more?
But i've chionged the scene since teenage ah so lol im not too noob. And so far none of the experiences I've encountered left me with such a feeling. hahaha shit.
08-03-2019, 02:12 PM
She knw u awhile only & aldy talk abt marriage & babies..Err..Don’t u c the red flag???
U love her or love the sex u had wz her??
haha her reason is that at her age they are considered very old already. Although her parents aren't rushing her, due to their age, she wants settle down asap to let her parents know that she will be well taken care of.
Shes been single for a very long time after her ex bf cheated on her so shes very used to be alone with no need to report to bf or things like this. But after we had an argument or sorts partly due to this, she changed. This is only one of the things that she was willing to compromise and change because of me.
I mean, that is very sweet right? lol and i can't even get my wife to change the toilet paper roll.
Anyways, I won't deny that i do love her, I too love the sex we have, just like how a couple would during their puppy love phase.
08-03-2019, 02:37 PM
hahaha yes I've read stories here about them allowing bros to do it anyways. But i honestly dont think this is a very common practice amongst both bros and the ladies. Correct me if im wrong haha.
I admit i don't visit often, only occasionally. Once every few months or more?
But i've chionged the scene since teenage ah so lol im not too noob. And so far none of the experiences I've encountered left me with such a feeling. hahaha shit.
You are not her 24hrs so how sure are you that she only raw you and she doesn't have any other BFs? Don't be surprised when she rtc and text u say she is pregnant. If you are not careful it's only a matter of time u get into deep shit. Having said this, once you raw, not easy to revert to CD cos yr small head will tell yr big head not shiok. Now you only see the beautiful part of her cos you are blinded by 'love' and lust
08-03-2019, 02:45 PM
haha her reason is that at her age they are considered very old already. Although her parents aren't rushing her, due to their age, she wants settle down asap to let her parents know that she will be well taken care of.
Shes been single for a very long time after her ex bf cheated on her so shes very used to be alone with no need to report to bf or things like this. But after we had an argument or sorts partly due to this, she changed. This is only one of the things that she was willing to compromise and change because of me.
I mean, that is very sweet right? lol and i can't even get my wife to change the toilet paper roll.
Anyways, I won't deny that i do love her, I too love the sex we have, just like how a couple would during their puppy love phase.
Sweet??!!...Bro...Now of coz all can all yes haha
Mayb its true luv..I cant say coz i dont knw her
U say she kena cheated by her ex..Arent u doin the same as u r married??
08-03-2019, 03:37 PM
You are not her 24hrs so how sure are you that she only raw you and she doesn't have any other BFs? Don't be surprised when she rtc and text u say she is pregnant. If you are not careful it's only a matter of time u get into deep shit. Having said this, once you raw, not easy to revert to CD cos yr small head will tell yr big head not shiok. Now you only see the beautiful part of her cos you are blinded by 'love' and lust
True bro. We sort of had an argument somewhat regarding my trust toward her. Well she scolded me of course. But from then on she will let me know of her whereabouts and even take short videos if shes going out with her friend to show me. We video call fairly often too and she always lets me know that she is home already after work. If she indeed have other BFs, then they must be getting very little attention from her haha.
Fact is, i had not demanded nor even requested her to do this for me. After the argument i just apologised and told her that I know I've been thinking too much. This is one of the reason i feel that she's really sweet. Even though she had told me before that she had been single for very long, she's bad tempered, impatient and not accustomed to all this rules, she still puts in the effort for me.
Yup yup true that I'm super blinded, but I'm still clear minded enough to know if ever I'm ever being made used of one way or another. However, for my case, she really isn't gaining any benefits being together with me. I didn't even pay for all the meals and movies and what not when we are out on date. She will snatch my wallet away and then pay with her own money. It's a sometimes she treats sometimes i treat.
08-03-2019, 03:39 PM
Sweet??!!...Bro...Now of coz all can all yes haha
Mayb its true luv..I cant say coz i dont knw her
U say she kena cheated by her ex..Arent u doin the same as u r married??
Haha yes broooo.... i knoowwww..
This is why i needed an outlet to talk about all these, to clear some fog and to reaffirm some priorities.
I do feel guilty for the both of them, but honestly I'm too selfish here i know.
08-03-2019, 03:46 PM
Bro.... You are a bait. Bail out while you can. Don't be an idiot twice
08-03-2019, 05:23 PM
Bro.... You are a bait. Bail out while you can. Don't be an idiot twice
Thanks bro i know.
Trying hard to curb this feeling to end things but it's really difficult. The feeling is addictive like drugs lol.
08-03-2019, 08:34 PM
Thanks bro i know.
Trying hard to curb this feeling to end things but it's really difficult. The feeling is addictive like drugs lol.
I doubt any bro can convince you to stop this dangerous addiction since both of you are so in 'love' with each other. I assume that you are seeing her regulatly or more often since she is going back and also you are continuing with your raw acts. Have you thought of the consequences and how to handle if this and that happens? If not, please do so as if thgs turn bad or ugly, it's gonna affect your marriage.
08-03-2019, 08:52 PM
Let him be. Congrate to him. He found a new wife.
Piss off with this guy. Asking for advice her. N so many bro try to help him to get out of the mess but he insist of falling futher in love with that lady.
Let him be
Congrate him
Wish him all the best, since he has made up his mind.
08-03-2019, 09:59 PM
Let him be. Congrate to him. He found a new wife.
Piss off with this guy. Asking for advice her. N so many bro try to help him to get out of the mess but he insist of falling futher in love with that lady.
Let him be
Congrate him
Wish him all the best, since he has made up his mind.
Oh no no no. I’m guessing my “oh I’m so in love” attitude is giving you bros the impression that I’m not going to end this. So sorry for the misunderstanding.
I DO plan to end this soon as I do no want to affect my marriage and I’ve mentioned before that I am never leaving my Wife.
It’s just you know, needed a platform to release what was stuck in my head to make my head clearer lol.
Just needed to let out all these emotions I have and also to get some support and maybe experience of bros here.
Really appreciate all the advises you bros have given I have honestly read what all have you had written and truly understand the motivation behind what you guys have said.
09-03-2019, 05:16 PM
Like I always mention here ppl don’t come here to ask for advise cos they already know what they Wan
But also some of the good advise I see in this sex forum is unbelievable good
I can only suggest u to enjoy while it last
Cos 1 day she will go back... and she will ask you if you are going back with her to see her parents... since u r married prob u will reject her and tell her u can’t... after a few quarrel she will be back home and u will be bonking other ML again...
Tat is how life is always
09-03-2019, 08:52 PM
Cos 1 day she will go back... and she will ask you if you are going back with her to see her parents... since u r married prob u will reject her and tell her u can’t... after a few quarrel she will be back home
careful hor! she will ask u for saparation money after all the time & young she give u.
dont be carrot head to give $$$ to her
today saparate with u but she come back tomorrow have new lao gong
10-03-2019, 02:12 AM
Just pay n go.. Do not dwell on! :o
10-03-2019, 09:05 AM
You are not her 24hrs so how sure are you that she only raw you and she doesn't have any other BFs? Don't be surprised when she rtc and text u say she is pregnant. If you are not careful it's only a matter of time u get into deep shit. Having said this, once you raw, not easy to revert to CD cos yr small head will tell yr big head not shiok. Now you only see the beautiful part of her cos you are blinded by 'love' and lust
cannot agree more, +21 :D
10-03-2019, 10:11 AM
Just come across this thread. Interestingly that @TS just met this ML on for a short period of time. Just read thru all his reply and some question:
1. Yes you like the way she is, and she said she is new in this, any justification ? How do you verify she is new or she has being in Thailand, Hong Kong, Malaysia before in the past.
2. Did you tell you or she knew you are married, if yes still talk about married and children so what is she trying to drive at, and if she doesn't know you are married, then it's time you tell her nothing will come out in between both of you.
3. You are right not to bring her to meet any one that close to you as you still have doubt about her. Certainly you are right, never let her have any contact to people that eventually cause you trouble if things goes sour.
4. TS, you seems to flip flop over what you said when some brother trying to tell you what they feel and of course some got pissed off with you. Can understand that as you just trying to defense her. I guess that is no need to defense her as just input to you only.
OK just my two cents worth of what I see in your description of situation:
a. She may be right by saying her parent is old and want her married.
b. You have know not much of her background, no doubt she invite you to her home town. Don't be surprise that she has BF or even ex husband back in China before, this is very common. Wait till you go there and see it with yourself and you may be disappointed. But just my assumption.
c. One kind of funny thinking, knowing you for only a few month want to get married say want to help to support you, knowing you have no money. One think come to my mind is, she wants a permanent passport here, then she can continue her ML job. Did she mention she want to work in factory, where got so much factory here, did she say she will work in Coffee Shop ??? My thinking is once a ML always a ML. She eventually use to this kind of life.
d. Show you video of where she go to and who she is with, well video only take picture of what is in front of the camera you cannot see what is behind of the camera. When you video call her she can look decent dress on top, you don't know who is below licking or fingering her.
e. You seems to be taking too much attention on her as she can see as well, and I suggest you loosen your grip, let her mix around and observe, if she has other man friend, so be it, be more generous as this is good for you as you are not taking her as a future wife, you just want sex and intimacy from her only, be careful don't let your emotion over rule you. Raw not raw you decide and take care, must know when to raw.
I have a very funny feeling that she take you as the main character which we call 大老公, there bounce to be one or two more so call 小老公around except not within your radar. Do observe, take your time.
I may be wrong but again, she is a ML and you are married, then it come to topic of married, children, that tick off everyone comment.
Take care bro, just my opinion only.
10-03-2019, 12:08 PM
If you want to know the truth just jump right in and go for the ride. No risk no gain. Just made sure your wallet is deep enough to play.
10-03-2019, 07:42 PM
Personally i think u r in deep shit..ATB aldy talking abt meet the fockers,marriage & babies..The day u tell her it must have been love but its over nowwwww...She will create trouble in ur life esp ur marriage!!
Don’t mess with the Zohan aka ATB
12-03-2019, 09:19 AM
Thank you guys so much for all the opinions and advises.
Just an update, We have ended things lol.
Basically, all i have to endure right now is to control my urge to text her..
Which is extremely difficult to btw. Like seriously, especially at night.
12-03-2019, 03:01 PM
Thank you guys so much for all the opinions and advises.
Just an update, We have ended things lol.
Basically, all i have to endure right now is to control my urge to text her..
Which is extremely difficult to btw. Like seriously, especially at night.
Just delete the WeChat. I went thru it several times. The urge to ask how r u doin ?if they don't reply in few seconds the mind will start thinking she must be doing with somebody else or having a date so not convenient to reply....
Just have to find a way to rekindle the romance between ur wife n u ba.
12-03-2019, 03:28 PM
Basically, all i have to endure right now is to control my urge to text her..
Which is extremely difficult to btw. Like seriously, especially at night.
just delete her wechat & also BLOCK her a/c
this way no more link
if u are serious ending her, then u must take real serious action
if not u just talk cock talk horse dick
16-03-2019, 05:43 AM
Better do health check bro.
16-03-2019, 11:54 AM
Thank you guys so much for all the opinions and advises.
Just an update, We have ended things lol.
Basically, all i have to endure right now is to control my urge to text her..
Which is extremely difficult to btw. Like seriously, especially at night.
bro pass the wechat to bros here, lot of helping hands here :D
24-04-2019, 08:03 PM
It is indeed just celestia, and switching fonts didnt help. Ive been mainly setting the aa from the antialiasingsamples option at the bottom of celestia.cfg.
23-07-2019, 05:21 PM
Thank you guys so much for all the opinions and advises.
Just an update, We have ended things lol.
Basically, all i have to endure right now is to control my urge to text her..
Which is extremely difficult to btw. Like seriously, especially at night.
Hi Bro, I am in a similar situation as you. Hope you are better.
Kind to share whatever you have done to end this off. How did you tell her?
I guess she is gone home and now the feelings have stopped?
24-07-2019, 12:29 PM
TS, I feel you 100% as I have similar experience.
Somehow, ML or WL in my opinion, will highly end up coming back to the same old shit work as they do not possess skills since many do not have the perseverance to study and learn. These lazy young girls in their 20s are wasting their life not planning for long term. They uses their good look and youth to earn short-term money but their life will be a whore unless they find a rich man to feed them and lead a mistress life. Wealthy singles who are capable have better choices; not this dirty ML whose boobs and CB are played by the mass. May be she is one of my many MLs whom I have F for free too. When they are older they will understand. Hahaha!
Letting such relationship dies gradually is the best. Keeping nice memories of the time spent and wish her the best in whatever she do.
Sammy boss's rule number 3 is my golden rule: Whores are for fucking not loving. Just fuck them and be done with it.
24-07-2019, 03:19 PM
May be we all talking about the same ML :D
Hi Bro, I am in a similar situation as you. Hope you are better.
Kind to share whatever you have done to end this off. How did you tell her?
I guess she is gone home and now the feelings have stopped?
28-07-2019, 11:06 PM
1990 - got into shit with bar girl (I hope!) in rockhard, phuket - lost 5k
2002 - got into shit with ktv girl in lavender - lost 3.5k
2009 - got into shit with massage girl in dongguan - lost 2k
2015 - got into shit with married woman - lost 20k
2019 - got into shit with FL - lost her hp number
Morale of story: lose money small thing, just make you don't lose your life and family.
IF i screwed yr girl until her eyes rolled white, can you accept? If you are banging yr head against the monitor now, click on Dome 2 and start new...FL will always be FL, i play for 3 decades and never witnessed a cinderella.
28-07-2019, 11:17 PM
2019 - got into shit with FL - lost her hp number Only this didn't make you lose any K :D:D
Morale of story: lose money small thing, just make you don't lose your life and family. So true +1 Don't lose ownself
FL will always be FL, i play for 3 decades and never witnessed a cinderella. They only appeared in movies lah:D
29-07-2019, 10:12 AM
You screwed their shit hole instead of love hole? :D:D:D
Its always good feeling when we get into a loving relationship be it ktv,ML or FL. After all, they are still human. Just keep enough reserve for our cheonging for the remaining years will do...
1990 - got into shit with bar girl (I hope!) in rockhard, phuket - lost 5k
2002 - got into shit with ktv girl in lavender - lost 3.5k
2009 - got into shit with massage girl in dongguan - lost 2k
2015 - got into shit with married woman - lost 20k
2019 - got into shit with FL - lost her hp number
Morale of story: lose money small thing, just make you don't lose your life and family.
IF i screwed yr girl until her eyes rolled white, can you accept? If you are banging yr head against the monitor now, click on Dome 2 and start new...FL will always be FL, i play for 3 decades and never witnessed a cinderella.
29-07-2019, 04:55 PM
You screwed their shit hole instead of love hole? :D:D:D
Its always good feeling when we get into a loving relationship be it ktv,ML or FL. After all, they are still human. Just keep enough reserve for our cheonging for the remaining years will do...
Aiyoh, I didn't exactly check which hole cos to me, only didi matters. No need to think too much about their needs. We agreed on a price for the transaction so let's keep it as that.
TS, there are many many good girls out there. Why insist on white lot when there are you are season parking lots available??? Go get yourself a driver license first lah
You fall in love with ml is one thing, did the ml fall in love with you? or something else?
30-07-2019, 09:25 AM
You fall in love with ml is one thing, did the ml fall in love with you? or something else?
Quote of the day; 'did the ml fall in love with you? ':)
31-07-2019, 09:53 AM
Hey TS just read this whole thread about your sharing, how are you holding up?
02-08-2019, 10:05 PM
U get to creampie them every night!!
04-08-2019, 04:39 PM
Bet he's patched back after the ML has fucked by few others including me :D
After all, she's just a young ML; she has a long life journey.
Hey TS just read this whole thread about your sharing, how are you holding up?
27-08-2019, 12:21 PM
Seeking "Help"? Too bad there is still no medication for those who are not so smart. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying anyone is stupid.
27-08-2019, 03:19 PM
1990 - got into shit with bar girl (I hope!) in rockhard, phuket - lost 5k
2002 - got into shit with ktv girl in lavender - lost 3.5k
2009 - got into shit with massage girl in dongguan - lost 2k
2015 - got into shit with married woman - lost 20k
2019 - got into shit with FL - lost her hp number
Morale of story: lose money small thing, just make you don't lose your life and family.
IF i screwed yr girl until her eyes rolled white, can you accept? If you are banging yr head against the monitor now, click on Dome 2 and start new...FL will always be FL, i play for 3 decades and never witnessed a cinderella.
Actually it is not a lost because you get to fuck her :D
Even you want to fuck own gf you still need to spend some money.
27-08-2019, 03:53 PM
If only ML or WL, ROI can be improved by screwing them as much as possible
Gf usually spend more than on those ML/ WL cause high maintenance the longer the relationship. When it ends, you are left with memories.
As for wife, besides money, you spend your life
Actually it is not a lost because you get to fuck her :D
Even you want to fuck own gf you still need to spend some money.
28-08-2019, 06:43 AM
1990 - got into shit with bar girl (I hope!) in rockhard, phuket - lost 5k
2002 - got into shit with ktv girl in lavender - lost 3.5k
2009 - got into shit with massage girl in dongguan - lost 2k
2015 - got into shit with married woman - lost 20k
2019 - got into shit with FL - lost her hp number
Morale of story: lose money small thing, just make you don't lose your life and family.
IF i screwed yr girl until her eyes rolled white, can you accept? If you are banging yr head against the monitor now, click on Dome 2 and start new...FL will always be FL, i play for 3 decades and never witnessed a cinderella.
When you deal with PRC, you have to be careful (personal experience after staying 6 years in China). If you think you are smart and they are dumb (no education), then you are in deep trouble.
PRC learn from school of hard knocks which is even more powerful than getting a degree from Havard or Stanford. They are war veterans and not paper generals. I agree with boss Sam's views. By doing video call and taking photos, you are already exposing yourself.
Fucking raw is also another danger thing to do. I suggest you end this relationship when she is home. PRC is pretty united and if you hurt 1 of them, the whole village will come hunting for you. Just be very careful not to disclose any personal information else they will be hunting for you at your workplace, home etc.. The whole gang may harass your wife, family
They already don't give a damn for our AV, what makes u think you can outwit them? Either way disadvantage for you because:
1. After a few years u will be sian of this ML since you also sian of ur wife
2. To sustain an FL or ex FL, you need deep pockets. A lot of CB samster like me still contact ex FL to ask them to come out for a fuck (anal guys but it happens so they must be able to resist)
3. Financially if they are stretched (family need money), they will go back to be FL again since easy to earn $$
4. Don't hurt urself and your wife. I feel married better don't play around... I can already write a 50 page story of my encounters...close shave with danger
28-08-2019, 09:51 AM
Developing feelings for another person over time is natural. As men, our small head tends to overrule the big head making us more susceptible to KCT from WL.
My Personal Story: I have been in a long term arrangement (3 yrs+) with a KTV Vietbu (Ang Pai at one of the Orchard joints). My basic philosophy is pay per fuck - think of it as a reliable on call fuck buddy that needs to be paid. Don't get tied in to the whole emotional aspect of things as that would totally mindfuck even the strongest of men.
The reality is that these girls has many customers and gets constantly fucked by other men on a weekly basis. She talks to me openly about her sexual encounters with other Roberts in graphic terms. She's lying on the bed now sleeping as I type this. The hard truth is that there is no love to this arrangement, only $$$. To play this game, one needs to have deep pockets and accept a non-exclusive arrangement. Expecting anything else is fallacy and doomed to eventual failure. Cinderalla stories remains that...just stories.
28-08-2019, 04:22 PM
Either deep pockets or big cock. So far both of mutually exclusive. I learn this from ang pai melody (mimosa). Her SD is rich till can give her condos but cock small and limp. In the end, have to eat out for own satisfaction. She told me how she wish her SD has a bigger and stronger cock
Again, difficult to have perfect one la. Yandao, big cock and super rich.. Lots of women will flock to them
I agree with the fuck and go thing. Too much emotion is dangerous
28-08-2019, 04:30 PM
Actually it is not a lost because you get to fuck her :D
Even you want to fuck own gf you still need to spend some money.
Yeah man... I think I spend over 40k on my ex-SB over 2 years time :P stupid stupid stupid man!!!
28-08-2019, 06:14 PM
Yeah man... I think I spend over 40k on my ex-SB over 2 years time :P stupid stupid stupid man!!!
I don't think this is stupid at all. As long as you enjoyed the ride, why not. It's hard to quantify sexual satisfaction in qualitative terms. Over 3 years I estimate I have easily spent over $50k which is well within my means. And each fuck is worth every penny as long as emotions are kept in check.
28-08-2019, 11:57 PM
Hi guys! Thanks for the concern from some of you!
Just an update. She’s been back for about half a year already. Not planning to come back as she hated it here even though she’s only been here for a few months lol.
She’s been going for classes and lessons with the money earned to learn some skills in order to find a proper job back home.
Had a small argument with her a while back and tried to take the chance to stop contact but after a month or so she texted me back asking why I’m able to stop talking to her for such a long period lol. Told her that I can’t give her what she expects of me that’s why I chose to keep quiet. Then she say my ”情商” is really very low lol. After which, you know, heart soften and started talking to her again.
Although she’s trying to not make it obvious but I know she’s waiting for me to go over to find her. Which obviously I won’t do so lol.
So right now I’m just trying to slow down on the communication and hope one day it will just die off naturally. And of course, trying really hard to curb my feelings lol.
29-08-2019, 12:22 AM
情商 = emotional intelligence.. LoL
Obviously, this PRC is a gold-digger :eek:, knows the correct words to use with timing. Haiz.. one month no talk, suddenly talk to you must be because her current targets dry up and boh liao. :rolleyes: Now have to recall old targets for bombardment..
Good job Bro, don't be con by her. String her along..;)
29-08-2019, 07:56 AM
Keep your options open. If the GFE / Sex is good, I do not see why you need to cut contact as long as you keep it non-committal and non-exclusive.
Remember 2 can play the game - she has other customers (100% guarantee), you can have other girls as well.
29-08-2019, 06:09 PM
情商 = emotional intelligence.. LoL
Obviously, this PRC is a gold-digger :eek:, knows the correct words to use with timing. Haiz.. one month no talk, suddenly talk to you must be because her current targets dry up and boh liao. :rolleyes: Now have to recall old targets for bombardment..
Good job Bro, don't be con by her. String her along..;)
same for Coco from Win Spa & Long Long Spa
03-09-2019, 09:59 PM
It was easy to repeat the golden rule of sbf to others, laugh at other people's stupidity of getting kc until burn money or resort to extremes ... until ownself catch the kc virus, then it opened my own eyes.
Problem with this virus is that it sneaks up unexpectedly, starting out innocently forgettable as any other session with other ladies, and you won't be able to really pinpoint the exact session and exact moment where after walking out, you start missing that particular lady and can't wait for the next visit.
Until the infection get serious already and you realize you are in deep shit. Your rational logical mind tells you this is just kc virus and she has lots of other customers getting exact same treatment, but can't help that feeling ... :) Emotions make it all foggy, and emotions are partly fuelled by own life experience at that point in time, if down or low point, that's when get "infected".
03-09-2019, 11:40 PM
Well said Bro:(
05-09-2019, 01:48 AM
If you are married, don’t look for 小三 especially those decent ones.
Y hurt others?
08-09-2019, 09:30 AM
Yeah man... I think I spend over 40k on my ex-SB over 2 years time :P stupid stupid stupid man!!!
If it's any consolation, you are not the first and certainly won't be the last (speaking from personal experience). Just hope that we learn from this but again speaking from personal experience - we won't!
08-09-2019, 01:29 PM
If it's any consolation, you are not the first and certainly won't be the last (speaking from personal experience). Just hope that we learn from this but again speaking from personal experience - we won't!
When accidentally meet one that you develop feelings for, all logic goes out the window in an instant. You won't know what hit you ...
13-09-2019, 03:58 PM
Wah reading thru 6 pages many many hard knocking advise solid solid one.
I think TS your issue is the intimacy between you and wife plus the emotional roller coaster you have in your marriage. Cause she might now appear to everything you ever wanted but it is a total different stories when you are staying together facing her 24/7. You will eventually realise she ain't that perfect after all. We men always think with 2 heads but the women think with more than that not to mention this girls from the scene of flowers.
I sheldom see the word KCing being using by many this days. You can let go liao no matter what especially coming for rural part of CN very scary one the suction for $$$. You have diamond mountain will also collapse not to mention maintaining a family here.
18-09-2019, 12:03 AM
Reading the thread reminds me of a long time back.
Similar situation happened to me, just different is that I am not married.
Met this PRC ML who was fresh in SG, she was 22 and I am just a few years older at that time. After F her, we exchanged contacts and started texting everyday.
She tell me she never do with anyone else.... blah blah blah.
She was so innocent looking, pretty, understanding ... all the good things to describe, big eyes fresh face.
Showed me to her parents etc. Always waited for her to get off work, send her home. Go on dates, she cook dinner for both of us. Never ask for money at all for those typical “family distress” etc.
Just suddenly one day I got blocked from her wechat and could not find her anymore. Guess what, she got married. A friend of mine saw it on her wechat.
Then I realised, all along we may not be the “only one”, “chosen one” etc.
Her purpose is just to get the citizenship or which ever benefit in different cases.
Long story short, fast forward more than 10 years to today. She is still in ML line, been a KTV girl and still married to the guy who gave her the PR. (heard from friends who still patronise her).
At that point, did find a bit disappointing and miss her when lost contact with her.
Now I look back, lucky I am not the one. Once I bump into her at a mall, she ask me why so long never look for her. Not to rekindle, she meant for her service. Inside my heart was rolling my eyes..... knn I almost became the Robert with green hat if we are together.
From these years of chionging, I personally feel money can pay, feelings cannot play. We will never win.
Just enjoy, have a good F and move on to next.
18-09-2019, 08:42 AM
Quite normal for people in this line to cut-off contact once they found their gold mine as this could be demanded from their partner. Often however these WL would re-enter back into the profession once they realize that cash is starting to dry up.
At least you were smart enough to not spend $$$ on her other than for her services rendered.
18-09-2019, 11:39 AM
Good read. Learned many painful things from experience.
23-09-2019, 03:51 PM
Hi bro,
1) A person's looks and body will change over the years. Today she is pretty and sexy but after a few years or even a few months (e.g. pregnancy) she may not look pretty anymore and you will definitely find prettier ones. A person's character will change over the years. I have heard of research finding that the same person's personality is totally different when he is older compared to when he is younger. I don't have the source of the research but I find this to be true personally. I believe you have fallen in love with the current version of her, but beware, she may change into other version in a few years or even few months time.
2) No offense but from my own painful regrettable personal experiences, you may have fallen in love with her body. She gives you total no holds barred access to her body including raw and cum in pussy. It is hard to find such level of intimacy from other FL. And once you become used to such a level of intimacy you probably will not be satisfied with normal FL.
3) Once again, from my own painful experience, the sex may be free but you are very close to being hooked like a fish coming close to being hooked to a lure. Swim past the lure into the vast ocean.
Well, I find her really pretty, totally my cup of tea...edited
Theres actually no specific reason, just that she's actually very nice to me, knows how to take care of me and always knows what to say and do to make me happy...edited
Apart from all this, i just feel really happy when im with her and i can feel that she is the same way too.
24-09-2019, 08:57 PM
Hi bro,
1) A person's looks and body will change over the years. Today she is pretty and sexy but after a few years or even a few months (e.g. pregnancy) she may not look pretty anymore and you will definitely find prettier ones.
2) No offense but from my own painful regrettable personal experiences, you may have fallen in love with her body. She gives you total no holds barred access to her body including raw and cum in pussy. It is hard to find such level of intimacy from other FL. And once you become used to such a level of intimacy you probably will not be satisfied with normal FL.
Agreed with your Swim past the lure into the vast ocean.
25-09-2019, 09:22 AM
According to Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad Poor Dad), an asset is something that puts money in your pocket. A liability is something that takes money out of your pocket.
Women are liabilities. Rich people focus on building their assets.
18-10-2019, 03:37 PM
When you ran out of money this ML will find another carrot head :D
No money no honey. Fuck and Forget is best for us guys.
According to Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad Poor Dad), an asset is something that puts money in your pocket. A liability is something that takes money out of your pocket.
Women are liabilities. Rich people focus on building their assets.
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