View Full Version : re: would u accept divorce woman with kids?

01-07-2007, 05:25 AM
just want to hear some advice if any bro would accept divorce woman with kids?

01-07-2007, 10:05 AM
it's onli a yes or no wat... zzzz :p

01-07-2007, 10:39 AM
just want to hear some advice if any bro would accept divorce woman with kids?

Why not if I very sure that she's the one I going to spend the rest of my life with and even better if her kids can accept me as father......... End of the day it's how much you "LOVE" her and not she ever marry before!!!

01-07-2007, 11:00 AM
Last time I was not comfortable. But now it's fine provided she is the right gal...:D

Perhaps age is catching up...:(

01-07-2007, 11:06 AM
my personal feel on this.. its about the depth of love that you have for each other.. not forgetting the children's acceptance of you too.. if all these are right, why not.. true love or someone that you can cherish is not easy to find in life.. if you miss this boat, who knows when the next one will be coming..

01-07-2007, 12:33 PM
just want to hear some advice if any bro would accept divorce woman with kids?

tell us ur concerns n apprehensions ... :)

01-07-2007, 12:52 PM
I think I'm the most appropriate person to answer this question. Is just a matter of how much you love her NOW and FUTURE. If you are not prepare, then dun hurt yourself and her. I've been with her with her kid for 7yrs. And in the midst of adopting the child. So, just ask yourself, are you ready for a family? Are you willingly love her and her kid unconditionally? If yes, then dun look further, just go ahead.

My personal view only.


01-07-2007, 01:27 PM
I think I'm the most appropriate person to answer this question. Is just a matter of how much you love her NOW and FUTURE. If you are not prepare, then dun hurt yourself and her. I've been with her with her kid for 7yrs. And in the midst of adopting the child. So, just ask yourself, are you ready for a family? Are you willingly love her and her kid unconditionally? If yes, then dun look further, just go ahead.

My personal view only.


Congras Bro. Seem that you are enjoying your family life now....I also in the same situation. Problem is the other party's mum a bit nuts......at first was okie with me then suddenly changed opinion...wonder why also...:confused:

01-07-2007, 01:41 PM
Why not?
A divorcee is also a human being, why despise her for her bad experience?
On the other hand, no need to teach her about sex, maybe she is pro liao.

01-07-2007, 01:48 PM
Buy 1, get 1, 2 or 3 free!

Actually the answer to this will very much depends on your age and also the lady's age, kids, age, etc.

I think, under normal circumstances, if a guy is 25 years old and the lady concern is 24 years old with 3 kids, more often than not, the guy is going to take a few steps back.

Younger guys will probably think twice. The younger they are, the more they will think.

Now for older guys, it will depend on how old are the kids. If the kids are very young like infants or toddlers, it's easier for them to grow up acknowledgeing the guy as the father and easier for the guy to love the kids. If the kids are in their early teens, the "rebellious" time of their lives, it's going to be more difficult for the guy to handle and accept. If the kids are all grown up and independent, the guy will probably not mind as he and the lady can start a new life together without the hindrance of the kids.

Another factor is also how the lady's situation came about. Did they divorce because she "steal eat" or her ex "steal eat" and was caught? Or they just both fall out of love?

Of course, many time love conquers all so a guy may just go ahead thinking that because of love, he's willing to go through anything like the saying goes, "love is blind". They only forget the second part of the saying, "love is blind.... but marriage restored it's sight!"

My 2 cents worth.

Tiger Beer
01-07-2007, 02:08 PM
This is very common among Malays. A male divorcee with kids, would marry a female divorcee with kids. For me, prefer not to carry the baggages, unless I love the girl.:D

01-07-2007, 02:11 PM
just want to hear some advice if any bro would accept divorce woman with kids?
Ever heard of a German idiom ... "a hole is a hole, but just a hole"??
In which case, whether she is divorced with kids only matter if you intend to accept her as the permanent partner for the rest of your life ...
In which case, the choice is really not yours but her children's ... any good mother would naturally base her decision on her own children's happiness, no??
All in all, this then make your very question totally redundant. :D

If you're wondering o needs verification, it goes like this ... "ein Loch ist ein Loch, aber noch nur ein Loch". ;)

01-07-2007, 03:14 PM
Ever heard of a German idiom ... "a hole is a hole, but just a hole"??
In which case, whether she is divorced with kids only matter if you intend to accept her as the permanent partner for the rest of your life ...
In which case, the choice is really not yours but her children's ... any good mother would naturally base her decision on her own children's happiness, no??
All in all, this then make your very question totally redundant. :D

If you're wondering o needs verification, it goes like this ... "ein Loch ist ein Loch, aber noch nur ein Loch". ;)

truth her focus is manily on her kids. there are alot of doubts in her mind. she is scared that she will let me down if she cant commit also. right now she just work n support her kids. her kids are her life.. no others.

01-07-2007, 03:55 PM
just want to hear some advice if any bro would accept divorce woman with kids?For me is unlikely,because i do mind what other think of me and i know i will not dote on her children as much as my mine.sorry for the negative answer but truth is cruel.

01-07-2007, 04:32 PM
bro gm,

importantly is whether u love her enuff not whether she has how many kids. The other thing is that these things need adjust for all parties.
Just like change management, u will need effort and time to get adjusted for everyone. The kids, the woman and you.

If you think just move in and every thing is going to be smooth, think again. It may be very stressful for the kids if they just got to know u.

01-07-2007, 04:39 PM
For me i donno what gg on my ex everytime thinks that i cheated her money juz like her ex hubby and she got a kind of mindset without guys she can live a life on her own that really a bad headache for me! And most worst things she listen to her friends and family but not me they told her that y so stupid to be with me because im a poor guy and she agreed with them ! Haiz so hurt me :mad:

01-07-2007, 04:47 PM
very situational.
i can say go wif ur feelings as long u feel happy for your life.

take note, tis is reality and may sound cb, remember there can be a chance tat they will not be @ ur death bed.

my 0.02.

01-07-2007, 04:54 PM
very situational.
i can say go wif ur feelings as long u feel happy for your life.

take note, tis is reality and may sound cb, remember there can be a chance tat they will not be @ ur death bed.

my 0.02.

they will not be @ ur death bed? what does it mean ? i don understand can u explain ?:)

01-07-2007, 08:37 PM
Till death do us part...:D

01-07-2007, 08:41 PM
And most worst things she listen to her friends and family but not me they told her that y so stupid to be with me because im a poor guy and she agreed with them

Just like my ex too. We been together for so many yrs but she rather consult and listened to her so-called close friends, that I am too old for her.

01-07-2007, 09:01 PM
Just like my ex too. We been together for so many yrs but she rather consult and listened to her so-called close friends, that I am too old for her.

aiya.. it is like that one lah..
last time when i pat tor with my wife, go her house(malaysia lah) meet the family...
friend say = singapore guy cannot be trusted.. play play with u only...
another friend say = beauty and the beast
1 brother say = singapore road very rough har ? why is face also so rough..
1 brother say = y he walk like floating like that... not jiao ta shi di one...
grandma say = dun regrat hor...:eek:

then now what....
buy house ask $$
buy car ask $$
simi lan also want to ask $$ from me and my wife....

I freeze my wife account and transfer all to my account
I tell them wait long long.....

01-07-2007, 10:04 PM
case by case basis lah.
generally a divorcee went through an entire (emotionally, physically, financially, etc) ordeal..... tis type of pple have a rough idea of what is required or unnecessary in life. i believe they can handle their future partner
better due their past experiences.....
personally, just release from legal attachment, still believe in LOVE and Marriage though they are different altogether, but without LOVE, the latter can forget it lor.....

01-07-2007, 10:09 PM
My term and condition is that she is either damn chio, model looks or filthy rich. Else, how to fall in love.

01-07-2007, 10:18 PM
case by case basis lah.
generally a divorcee went through an entire (emotionally, physically, financially, etc) ordeal..... tis type of pple have a rough idea of what is required or unnecessary in life. i believe they can handle their future partner
better due their past experiences.....
personally, just release from legal attachment, still believe in LOVE and Marriage though they are different altogether, but without LOVE, the latter can forget it lor.....

I second what you said. ;)

aiya.. it is like that one lah..
last time when i pat tor with my wife, go her house(malaysia lah) meet the family...
friend say = singapore guy cannot be trusted.. play play with u only...
another friend say = beauty and the beast
1 brother say = singapore road very rough har ? why is face also so rough..
1 brother say = y he walk like floating like that... not jiao ta shi di one...
grandma say = dun regrat hor...

Bro, when i first read your this post, my jaws almost drop :eek: Because one of my close buddies told me something similar when he was then dating his gf (now his wife). For one moment, i thought you were him!! But to my knowledge, he don't surf SBF. Hahaha...That's why I'm sure you are definitely not him.

02-07-2007, 08:44 AM
Congras Bro. Seem that you are enjoying your family life now....I also in the same situation. Problem is the other party's mum a bit nuts......at first was okie with me then suddenly changed opinion...wonder why also...:confused:

Thanks bro....Hope you can settle well with her mom. Anyway, for a few person of different brought-up, it takes a while to settle down. Like my case, I dun really like her mom style of living. But slowly, ask my wife talk to her. And things now slowly changed. Bro slowly and you will succeed.


02-07-2007, 09:06 AM
I.....(now his wife). For one moment, i thought you were him!! But to my knowledge, he don't surf SBF. Hahaha...That's why I'm sure you are definitely not him.

Who knows? Maybe HE is HIM! :rolleyes:

02-07-2007, 09:18 AM
its ok for me if i find thats the right girl for me.
sure to have some hiccups along the way as the child is not my,can take it as a test also.

02-07-2007, 11:02 AM
I second what you said.

Bro, when i first read your this post, my jaws almost drop :eek: Because one of my close buddies told me something similar when he was then dating his gf (now his wife). For one moment, i thought you were him!! But to my knowledge, he don't surf SBF. Hahaha...That's why I'm sure you are definitely not him.

i always told my friends i dun surf SBF outside :D

02-07-2007, 11:16 AM
i always told my friends i dun surf SBF outside :D

Hi Bro, nice to see you at kopitiam below BS last Friday, though I kena rejected entry ... hahaha :D

02-07-2007, 11:46 AM
it's onli a yes or no wat... zzzz :p

my experience... when enjoying the bonks, the answer was yes. after bonk until sian liao, the answer became no.

actually that was partly the reason, i looked at her son and i just didnt think i can give him my 100%. perhaps it will be much different if like her, i was also divorced with kids.

02-07-2007, 12:59 PM
aiya.. it is like that one lah..
last time when i pat tor with my wife, go her house(malaysia lah) meet the family...
then now what....
buy house ask $$
buy car ask $$
simi lan also want to ask $$ from me and my wife....

how to 'brainwashed' ur wife totally.... (used to do the same trick years ago with an chio Ipoh Gal.)
Transfer or divert in any way ur finance, correspondence address change to ur best bro or pal home,
put all ur credit cards (different banks) in a locker (buy a mini safe) at ur work place. Keep only ONE credit card (from the bank which you dont like) with you and bust it.
Prepare a 2nd sim card (from different telco). Let ur old sim card long overdue and kena terminate.
Guess what i did? I told her : " Look, when ur house need $, i got no qualms about sending $ over. Now i am in need of $ can they help me tide over? Shouldnt FAMILY help one another when in trouble?"
Less than 1 week later, she left me. Saying our relationship had come to a standstill... :D
This is how simple the test can be carried out!i looked at her son and i just didnt think i can give him my 100%. perhaps it will be much different if like her, i was also divorced with kids.
before i got married, i came across a lady who can be : 'a chef in the kitchen, a whore in the bed room and a maid in the house'...
but she got a kid.
we almost go ROM and i told her that if she want to ROM with me, i DO NOT want to have ANY kids with her. cos i'm afraid that i might not dote her kid when i got mine...
so i've straighten out my tots and i give her a miss... (wanna see how my own kid look like mah...) :D
Paiseh hor, to all bros if i've said anything hush. just that to each his own, and every man for themselfs...

02-07-2007, 02:22 PM
I'll accept as long as she is the rite lady for me regardless she has kids...!
But her kids must be less than 7yrs old...or else there wiil be a daddy recognition
problem :D !

02-07-2007, 02:26 PM
To marry a divorce woman with kids just makes things complicated.

Like what a bro had posted eariler, I feel that the guy need to get the acceptence from the kids and they r very important to the lady. This is the most important.

Next is $$$. Coz got kids, need extra $$$.

Next is her ex-hubby. Make sure they r really finish with their relationship. Dilly dally will make lots of problems in the future. e.g Like the drama on TV, those useless ex-hubby will get $$$ from their ex-wife.

Next is ur family side, how will they see ur wife? will they accept her and her kids?

02-07-2007, 08:08 PM
Who knows? Maybe HE is HIM!

Who knows? Maybe you are right! I better check it out with bro poorman4sex :D

i always told my friends i dun surf SBF outside

Erm...Bro poorman4sex, does your christian name starts with a T and ends with a Y? T***y :D

02-07-2007, 11:38 PM
Love, thy name is Pain in disguise....

Men and women think differently. When marriage breaks down, we men will walk away and never look back, but women will often compare. This i painfully learnt after many years of experiences.

I love kids very much, whose ever they are and they were ready to accept me. I told them i am not going to take over their dad's place for he will always hold a special place in their heart, but i will always be a friend, a good buddy to them. They loved me, for i did things that they never knew and experience with their dad before.

The mum was different. I was nothing more than a friend to her, for all the while i thought she loved me. But in her heart, the man who left her and broke her heart made the deepest impression in her life. A man she can and never will forget, no matter how much pain it brought to her, for with the pain there was joy too, no matter what i did, or sacrifices to make her life better. I had the body, but never the heart...

The road ahead is all emptiness and i had to walk that road...alone, again.

For those who enjoy looking for divorcees & lonely married women, do think again...you are and will be nothing more than a toy to her. We men may claim that we are in it just for the fun of it, a free bonk, but feelings will naturally develope. That GF feeling you hunger for will be transcient, and dont delude yourself that you will win her heart, cos you cant. The one she married was the one she loved. The one she remarries, is the expedient one. In the end, it's all emptiness......

菊花台.mp3 (http://www.ctg.ha.cn/ctg_dwgzw/bbs/images/upload/2007/01/30/084926.mp3)


03-07-2007, 04:52 AM
The road ahead is all emptiness and i had to walk that road...alone, again.

For those who enjoy looking for divorcees & lonely married women, do think again...you are and will be nothing more than a toy to her. We men may claim that we are in it just for the fun of it, a free bonk, but feelings will naturally develope. That GF feeling you hunger for will be transcient, and dont delude yourself that you will win her heart, cos you cant. The one she married was the one she loved. The one she remarries, is the expedient one. In the end, it's all emptiness......

However Bro , why cant she love again ? Start frm scratch and begin to love once more . Care to elaborate a bit .

Cheers !

03-07-2007, 04:55 AM
To marry a divorce woman with kids just makes things complicated.

Like what a bro had posted eariler, I feel that the guy need to get the acceptence from the kids and they r very important to the lady. This is the most important.

Next is $$$. Coz got kids, need extra $$$.

Next is ur family side, how will they see ur wife? will they accept her and her kids?

Bro khaos , I think you've some valid points here .

03-07-2007, 09:44 AM
I remember a friend working in SPH who buy one get three free. Real stupid guy, somemore, the wife got married and still fool around behind his back. :rolleyes:

03-07-2007, 11:15 AM
I think many bro already said what I going to say so I not gonna repeat them. What I gonna say is all depend on mindset. If both the lady & your mindset is not ready, better dun to avoid more trouble in the future.

03-07-2007, 11:45 AM
To answer your question...
1. There has to be some understanding between you and your partner ( the one with kids) that we really do love each other.
2. You must like kids. I mean really like kids... play with them, care for them... so that the mother will feel secure and happy.
3. You must be able to support them.
4. In the future, will you have any more kids with her? if so, how will it affect the kids that you have now?

can answer these questions means quite ok....

03-07-2007, 07:10 PM
Love, thy name is Pain in disguise..

More than meets the eye.

But in her heart, the man who left her and broke her heart made the deepest impression in her life. A man she can and never will forget, no matter how much pain it brought to her

What if shes the one who dumped her man? :mad:

The Great Him
03-07-2007, 09:52 PM
Depends on what the little buggers are like. If they are cute little angels why not? If they are damn horrid brats forget it, no pussy is worth that much trouble.

04-07-2007, 08:16 AM
I think most SBF bros will mind ...... Though I may be stereotyping, I think those who dont mind would be the non cheong type, who maybe have trouble getting GF.. I may be wrong, but just aiiri9ng my thoughts.

Furthermore, I think, if known too early, bros may not hv chance to develop relatiopnship to really luv the gal to accept the kids ... hmm, maybe gals should bear in mind and KC the guy first before tell all .... :D

04-07-2007, 11:34 AM
we almost go ROM and i told her that if she want to ROM with me, i DO NOT want to have ANY kids with her. cos i'm afraid that i might not dote her kid when i got mine...

there are many who think like us. that divorcee gf i had, ever mentioned to me that she has always been thinking about migrating to a western country with her kid, where the men are more open minded.

but i jokingly told her not to do that becos western countries already got many big boobs. being a D cup herself, she should stay in spore to make us proud. :p

04-07-2007, 12:03 PM
I think nowadays its not so much of a social stigma abt being divorce. But sometimes can't help but revert to the same old opinion. I used to hint a divorcee whose my neighbour's daughter. Since both families knew each other there are some kind of hesitation on her part with her 3 yo daughter. Of course a killer bod for me too. Actually, I intent not have any kids if I am with her. However, she asked me if I actually attracted to her becos of sex. I did like her though to accept the package, but she later siam me. Later in the neighbour saw her change BFs like women buying clothes. My pt here is that if you are ready to accept, whoever says what it doesn't matter. The crucial pt is whether you 2 can brave together all kinds of perceptions and social pressure.

Cro Man
04-07-2007, 06:51 PM
If you love her, you have to love and accept her kid(s). If you love her but dun love her kid(s), then forget it. You are not being fair to her and her kid(s). If a mother can abandon her kid(s) just because you cannot accept them, then she is not worth your love at all. ditch her. Just my 2 cents worth.

04-07-2007, 09:35 PM
On the whole depends on individuals, some peeps can't even accept divorcee what more one with extra luggage ...

05-07-2007, 11:32 AM
Children are always the innocent ones hurt when a marriage breaks down. They didnt asked to be born. But when parents part ways, they either are left with the mom or dad, or sometimes part with each other.

If you truly love the mom/divorcee, then you must accept her kids as well. It's an honour to be a father, for in a child's unconditional love eye, if you do the job right, you will be his/her hero in time, a best friend if the kid is a rebellious teenager. We too, had been a naive child and a rebellious teenager before.

It would be one of the most cruelest thing to separate the mom from her kids should one be incapable of looking after them or just don't like children. They already dont have a dad. Please dont make them without a mom too.

If one cant accept the kids, then please do not be so selfish and attempt to keep the woman. Walk away from her and them, dont allow feelings to grow, and let her find another man who can accept her and her kids. They had already witnessed a trajedy in their own matrimonial home. Dont let them witness another. We already have enough sadness in this world as it is....


05-07-2007, 02:06 PM
there are many who think like us. that divorcee gf i had, ever mentioned to me that she has always been thinking about migrating to a western country with her kid, where the men are more open minded.
being a D cup herself, she should stay in spore to make us proud.
too bad... i like small cuppers... (they are cute!) :D :p

06-07-2007, 11:47 AM
It juz depends on how much i love her..It will really take me courages to accept as u muz treat the kids like yr own...Wat if u and her born another children of yrs...U muz treat both equally.Nw u r nt only thinking of her.Spare some thoughts of her child as well...Think carefully...;)