View Full Version : Maintain erection without applying oiment on dick
28-09-2002, 12:12 AM
hihi, i am green in here and hope that u guys can help me with your valuable experience.
me and my gf enjoyed long sex sessions but i tends to cum very fast around 5min or less when i start to enter her and cum especially faster if we have sex without condom.
once we did it 3 times in a row but even though it is my 2nd and 3rd time penetrating her i still take around 5min to jack off which i think it is rather fast.
so my question is is there any method to prolong my ejaculation without applying oiment on my dick as i am afraid if by any chance my gf gives me a bj after sex and she might get poisoning.
thanx for being so patient with me. cheerz
28-09-2002, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by Riquelme
so my question is is there any method to prolong my ejaculation without applying oiment on my dick as i am afraid if by any chance my gf gives me a bj after sex and she might get poisoning.
thanx for being so patient with me. cheerz
U Now apply oiment on yr dick ? result good?
28-09-2002, 11:19 PM
Originally posted by Riquelme
hihi, i am green in here and hope that u guys can help me with your valuable experience.
me and my gf enjoyed long sex sessions but i tends to cum very fast around 5min or less when i start to enter her and cum especially faster if we have sex without condom.
once we did it 3 times in a row but even though it is my 2nd and 3rd time penetrating her i still take around 5min to jack off which i think it is rather fast.
so my question is is there any method to prolong my ejaculation without applying oiment on my dick as i am afraid if by any chance my gf gives me a bj after sex and she might get poisoning.
thanx for being so patient with me. cheerz
try a few cans of beers be4 sex:D
29-09-2002, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by PrinceD@rkness
try a few cans of beers be4 sex:D
u 4get to say black type of beer PLUS EGGS
29-09-2002, 12:56 AM
mmm.....i tried sex after a heavy drinking session. the climax is not that intense although it does prolong ejacuation....
thanx for the advise though
29-09-2002, 02:50 AM
Hey bro , get hepl fm ur doc , dun be pai sei , he may intro viagra.
Very power pill - for all age really , no side effect .u will see result.
29-09-2002, 11:57 AM
Not Viagra - his problem (actually what problem? I'd love to trade places with him. He can do 3 times in a row. Ahhh...youth) is he comes too fast. Viagra does not do anything for this. All it does is facilitate the er.. "engorgement" process. And it does have side effects. Can kill you if you have elevated blood pressure.
R - 3 things may help you:
1) Do Kegels. These are exercises that help you isolate and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles i.e. much like what expectant mothers do to help them when it's time to push. What you need to do is that when you pee, contract your pelvic mulscles so you stop er... "midstream". Relax and repeat several times. Once you can isolate the sensation, when you are about to come, contract those same muscles several times quickly. I used to do this - worked wonders for me - until I got funny stares at the urinals from ah peks next to me. I stopped after one of them leeringly propositioned me "boy, you want to show me your musical fountain back at my place?".
2) Use a condom with benzocaine. Some are available from Trojan. Don't know whether they are available in Singapore but I'd be surprised if you cannot find it in Tanglin SC. Benzocaine is a common OTC analgesic/local topical anaesthetic. And do encourage you GF to BJ you right after you pull off the condom - an added benefit is that it numbs her mouth and shuts her up after sex. Otherwise you'd get the obligatory stupid questions that women always ask after sex e.g. "You love me or not?", "how much you love me", "you love me more than than your kawazaki or not?", "if I die will you be sad?" etc.
3) Put a poster of Temasek's exec dir on your wall.
Originally posted by mokjohnson
Hey bro , get hepl fm ur doc , dun be pai sei , he may intro viagra.
Very power pill - for all age really , no side effect .u will see result.
29-09-2002, 11:31 PM
hahahaha....bro GiddlyGook you seem to have problem with the Temasek's exec director huh....but the exercise u talk about i will go and try it out....thanx dude...
29-09-2002, 11:33 PM
Originally posted by lovely
u 4get to say black type of beer PLUS EGGS
mmmm.....stout plus eggs really works? but the taste of that mixture defintely sux.... haiz....looks like "fish and bear palm, cannot get both"
30-09-2002, 12:42 AM
Thanxs Bro G G for the tip...Think of the 3rd option sure deflate did like a baloon with the air let out...Hek..Hek..
30-09-2002, 02:46 PM
I too had some 'problems' in the past.. regarding to sex too.
Sometimes I cum too fast, sometimes takes very long.. sometimes have problems becoming hard when i want to..
I became quite apprehensive about sex.. and decided to do some research on it.. Bless the Internet.. I found most of my answers there..
usually Sexual Problems are Mind Problems.. not Physical problems.. but Mind Problems if prolonged can lead to 'real' physical problems.. so becareful..
Reason for problems
1) Nervousness / Anxiety - the more you worry about something.. the more u f**k it up!
2) Feeling at ease - You may not know it, some people may not have much contact with gals (maybe in Single Sex School all the way..). So may have an inherant feeling of not being comfortable with gals..
Basically, you need to search in yourself, if you have some kind of mental block.. relax yourself.. then proceed forward..
Practical Steps
1) Taking Bath together before SEX.. this really helps in relaxing your mind.. making each other feel at ease. And setting the mood. Some of the Best Sex I had is just after having BATH together with my GF.
2) Extended foreplay.. spend time.. lots of time exploring each others body.. when you are more familar you will feel more at ease.. = better performance
I was a greenhorn too.. dunno how to have sex!.. I was really bad.. :p
But.. reading from SEX EDUCATION WEBSITEs.. I discovered how to improve my mental state.. and CONFIDENCE!
I really do rock now.. :)
30-09-2002, 03:57 PM one! i think even got naked Shu Qi infront oso cannot stand :D
Originally posted by GiddlyGook
3) Put a poster of Temasek's exec dir on your wall.
08-10-2002, 02:14 PM
Originally posted by Riquelme
mmm.....i tried sex after a heavy drinking session. the climax is not that intense although it does prolong ejacuation....
thanx for the advise though
y not try heavy drinking +masterbate n cum a few times be4 sex? 100% takes a long long time to cum:D
08-10-2002, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by PrinceD@rkness
y not try heavy drinking +masterbate n cum a few times be4 sex? 100% takes a long long time to cum:D
whaa....drink liao mast and then sex again....sounds hard to cum liao...if really do it dunno can tahan not....scarli balls swell like hell....
09-10-2002, 04:49 PM
try at your own risk, tied a rubber band, a thick 1
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