View Full Version : [Short Story] The Intern

09-07-2019, 02:16 AM
Alex has worked hard to get to where he was, labouring day and night to deliver top-notch results for the team. Sleeping 5 hours a day, working 6 days a week, Alex was set for success.

In the 3rd year of his career, nothing extraordinary has occurred to him besides praises from his bosses. There were a few attractive ladies in his company, but he's never had any casual banter outside of meetings with them.

One day, Alex noticed someone new, seated at a desk he has to walk past everyday on his way to his office. The petite lady was intensely looking at her screen, seemingly trying to figure out something. Just as Alex wanted to walk over to introduce himself...

"Alex, can you come to my office please?" Helen called out. Helen was Alex's supervisor - she has style. Standing tall at 1.7m, she dons designer-like dresses, sometimes flashy in floral, sometimes in elegant black. No matter, her figure suits any dresses. Her heels were almost deadly, but no deadlier than the intense gaze she has. Helen is a high-flyer, having reached the position of a director earlier than anyone. She had short black hair, and can't be any older than 35.

"Alex, you have done quite well over he past 3 years. It's time for you to step up. I want you to learn how to manage a team. This is a test for you. We have a new intern here today."

Helen stood up and walked up to Alex. She put her hand on his shoulder to turn him around towards the office. Alex could smell the floral perfume emanating from Helen's pink camilia dress.

"Look, her name is Jermaine, she's in her third year in Uni, and studied engineering. But she is very passionate and driven to get a job in finance, so I've given her a chance. I've assigned her to do a study to help us look for opportunities. I want you to guide and nurture her for the next 12 weeks - this would be a good training for you too. Let me introduce you" Helen winked.

When Helen called out to Jermaine, she turned around with utmost eagerness. Her ponytail was tidy and neat, Alex thought. Jermaine held a confident smile as she stood up and walked towards Helen. She was in a white blouse - Alex couldn't help but notice the bra lining that was slightly too obvious. One thought led to another and he just realised how well endowed this 1.6m lady was. Before he went further in his head, Alex quickly dismissed those thoughts.

"Hi Jermaine, nice to meet you. I'm Alex, happy to work with you in the coming months"

Jermaine gave a firm handshake. "How delicate her fingers were!" Alex couldn't help but thought.

"Pleased to meet you too Alex, I look forward to your guidance."

Her smile could melt hearts.

09-07-2019, 05:19 AM
Sure hope TS will update more soon, this story is very nice.

09-07-2019, 06:28 AM
nice story TS, shall wait here for more updates.

09-07-2019, 07:03 AM
Camping here for more updates to this nice story. :)

09-07-2019, 01:05 PM
Good start TS, please continue!

09-07-2019, 10:10 PM
Nice start, camping here for more updates.

09-07-2019, 11:24 PM
Another camper here!! :D

09-07-2019, 11:37 PM
Another supporter here.

09-07-2019, 11:41 PM
Pt. 2
Jermaine was the middle child. She always felt that her elder sister, Elaine, outshone her. Elaine graduated from a UK uni, has a 5-figure number of followers on instagram. Jermaine was often envious of her sister's height, standing at 1.7m, and tended to compare her body with her sister's since young. She was self-conscious that her breasts were disproportional to her petite frame, unlike her sister who could pass off as a blogshop model.

But when she started out at uni, she started to enjoy the attention she gets, perhaps more so in engineering where the gender ratio is severely tipped towards her favour. In her second year, she became vice president of the engineering school club when some guys nominated her. She was spurred on by the votes and recognition she got, and gradually appreciated the fact that guys were especially nice to her than her friends.

It was then that Jermaine was determined to succeed in career, knowing that she's probably smarter than her sis and has the charm despite not having that "model" figure. She studied hard, went for career workshops, and networking events. When the chance to intern as a front office position in Bank X landed in her hands, she knew she is going to put in 200% to secure the job. The 5-figure starting salary is the dream of many undergrads, and the reality of only the top 1%...

On her first day, Jermaine made sure to choose the best outfit she thought. A white blouse and black skirt for the earnest and professional look. She tied and re-tied her ponytail to make sure it's neat. Checked and double-checked her teeth before stepping into the office to meet her assigned supervisor for the first time.

"Pleased to meet you too Alex. I look forward to your guidance." She gave Alex a firm handshake, along with a confident and bright smile.

10-07-2019, 05:13 AM
Many thanks for sharing this story, it's a nice read and certainly look forward to more updates.

10-07-2019, 08:46 AM
love this story! sure hoping there will be much more.

sex crusader
10-07-2019, 09:33 AM
Female Intern always got me busy for nothing !:D

10-07-2019, 02:41 PM
Looking forward to hear more

10-07-2019, 10:16 PM
Camping here for more updates.

10-07-2019, 10:52 PM
Female Intern always got me busy for nothing !:D

ROI not good enough ROI? :D

11-07-2019, 12:56 AM
Please let me know if you guys like this!

Pt. 3
The first few couple of days was difficult.

Jermaine was bright, but without prior experience in the finance industry, there were many concepts and tools that she wasn't familiar with. Alex had to hand-hold her, sometimes walking through mundane processes step-by-step, which took up a lot of his time in the day while he still has his day-to-day deliverables for Helen. But Alex was patient, keeping in mind this was a test for him. He blocked out his time in the evening for Jermaine, staying past normal office hours to help her pick up the relevant knowledge and skills. He didn't mind it that much, considering he's single and doesn't have a gf to meet after work. His last relationship was over six months ago and since then he has been pulling extra hours anyway to gun for the promotion.

One evening, Alex came back to his desk after dinner with some friends. He had a couple of beers but remembered that he had to send something out to a client tomorrow morning. Walking into his department, he saw Jermaine concentrating on her screens, as usual, and reminded him how he was just as hardworking when he started.

"Alex, you're back! Sorry can I trouble you with something?" Jermaine called out as Alex walk past her desk.

Alex turned around, thinking to himself - another late night again - "Sure, how can I help?"

"Can you help show me again how do you extract this economic data from the database? I tried it just now but it turned up errors."

"Sure... let me show you again" Alex smiled, looking at the girl's earnest expression. Her cheeks were pretty well-defined, he thought. He walked over beside Jermaine, took the mouse while standing and made a few clicks.

"See, just specify this properly and voilą..." he turned and looked down towards Jermaine who was staring intensely at the screen.

It was then that he noticed Jermaine's top was unbuttoned way too low to be deliberate. He saw Jermaine's lacy pink bra trying to cover her full bosoms, thinking to himself how fair her skin was and how soft it looked. Her collarbones were most inviting.

He gulped, feeling some tightness in his pants.

Jermaine took sometime to process and memorise in her head what Alex just showed her. It didn't take long, just 5 seconds, and made a mental note not to forget this again.

"Thanks Alex, you are really helpful all this time..." she looked up and noticed Alex's distracted face.

Alex quickly stood upright, putting his hands in his pockets to try to hide the bulge. He pretended to look around the office to hide his panic, and said "No problem Jermaine, hap... happy to help."

He was wondering whether he should tell Jermaine that her button came off, but decided against it. He took a few steps back walking behind Jermaine's chair. "Continue the hard work, good on you" he said as he walked back to his desk.

Jermaine was slightly confused by Alex's strange reaction, not his usual self. She was even more perplexed at what she saw as Alex stood upright. She noticed Alex's bulge as he stoof upright. She never did noticed that since she joined - so she was thinking if Alex was so well-hung... she shrugged it off, focussing back on her work.

When she was done, she packed up and finally noticed her button. "Oh..." she thought, embarrassed. She looked over her cubicle and saw Alex's desk still lit. She thought the best option was to leave the office quietly and did so.

11-07-2019, 05:15 AM
really like this nice story, please continue sharing ts.

11-07-2019, 06:21 PM
Enjoying this story TS, waiting for more updates :)

11-07-2019, 11:30 PM
Appreciate the support!!

Pt. 4
Alex couldn't focus. Back at his desk, he realised how hard he had gotten. After all, his ex was flat-chested even though he had a fetish for boobs. When he was dating his ex, he would still regularly surf porn, especially on the javs that featured the wonderful bosoms he would fantasize on. He tried to calm his mind down to focus on what he has to send out the next day. But his heart was racing and his imagination running wild.

Did Jermaine do that on purpose? What would have happened he stayed at her desk? Would Jermaine have asked him if he liked what he saw? How would Jermaine have reacted if she saw her erection right next to her face? What if she just placed her hand on his bulge, slowly unbuckling his belt while looking up at him with a naughty smile?

It's been too long. Alex found himself rubbing his cock on the outside. "I can't screw this up!" he thought "maybe I should test the water?"

He tried getting back to his work. But the image of her deep cleavage came back not too long after. He thought he would go over to Jermaine's desk with his still rather obvious erection, and let Jermaine know her button was off as a purely kind gesture. He stood up, only to realise the girl had left.

He took his phone instead and went to the handicap toilet. Searched for a jav featuring one of his favourite actress - young and well endowed - and blew off a large load.

"How would she have reacted?" Alex pondered.

11-07-2019, 11:44 PM
Very nice, please continue TS!

12-07-2019, 12:40 AM
Nice story here, more please.

12-07-2019, 06:25 AM
great to see your sharing TS, do continue updating this story.

12-07-2019, 09:20 AM
Support nice story and camping here

12-07-2019, 10:41 AM
Like your story. Keep it coming.. ;)

13-07-2019, 12:51 AM
Nice updates here, more please.

13-07-2019, 06:55 AM
enjoyed reading your story, look forward to more updates. :)

13-07-2019, 04:05 PM
TS more pls.

13-07-2019, 04:32 PM
Very nice, hoping for more updates!

14-07-2019, 05:21 AM
really like your story ts... it's a nice read... share more soon please...

14-07-2019, 06:35 AM
nice story, keep on sharing the updates TS.

14-07-2019, 11:53 PM
Pt. 5
Jermaine came in the next day, bringing an extra cup of coffee for Alex. As she walked in, she looked over into Helen's office and saw Alex and Helen in some conversation. Helen does remind her of her sister, Elaine. She could imagine her sister looking that way in a couple of years. Helen was in white dress with a blue jacket, looking extremely well-polished. She was tall like her sister but had a bigger frame, although proportionally so with a femme fatale figure. Her dark bold lipstick accentuated her position of power, while capturing a subtle but deep sexiness. Her well-defined brows were in a frown, and she definitely didn't look like she was pleased. Oddly enough, Jermaine found her intimidating yet attractive at the same time. It seemed like Alex was having a hard time. Jermaine wondered why but got back to her seat naturally.

Few moments later, she heard Helen's door open. Alex's hurried but heavy footsteps came from her back and she saw Alex zoom past. Surely something didn't go right. Jermaine thought about the coffee she bought and took a peek over her cubicle. She saw Alex back at his desk, extremely focused on his screen. At once she felt the guilt of taking up so much of Alex's time. She looked at the coffee and thought - maybe today's not a good time. She wondered if Alex messed up because of her. Her concern made her decide that she would work on her assigned project more independently, figure things out on her own and try not to trouble Alex too much again...

Alex was frustrated. He made an embarassing mistake in the client proposal, adding an additonal zero in the quote. Also a couple of careless mistake here and there. Clearly it was a rush work and he was sloppy. He felt the silliness of jerking himself off last night instead of focussing on his deliverable. Thoughts about Jermaine surfaced but he quickly dismissed them. He needed to focus and salvage the situation. He needed to save his hard-earned credibility. "Focus you horny bastard" he thought.

15-07-2019, 12:54 AM
Nice update TS, looking forward to next episode :)

15-07-2019, 01:06 AM
Thanks all for the support. Felt like writing another part ;) welcome any feedback.

Pt. 6
A few days past, Alex started to wonder why he had not heard from Jermaine. They exchange smiles and greetings when they walk past each other, but nothing more. No ask for help, no catch-up initiated by Jermaine, whereas he would get at least a question daily before the "eventful" night. He was slightly worried, thinking back, if Jermaine noticed his hard-on and eventually her exposed top and felt uncomfortable about it.

"What if Jermaine spoke to Helen about it? Shit."

He quickly sent an email to Jermaine to ask if she needed a catch-up on her assignment or any other help, only to receive a polite response that she's fine and can handle it. Alex wondered hard, but had to shrug it off to focus on his own onerous tasks.

The following week, Alex found himself stepping into the office only to see Jermaine in Helen's room. She was in a similar, if not the same top she wore that night! Alex felt his heart beating faster. Jermaine had her head lowered - this doesn't bode well - Alex looked across to Helen's side only to make eye contact with the femme fatale.

Helen in her power outfit, a dark red tube top dress with a small V-cut in the center, showing her collarbones that men would dream about, walked towards and opened her door. "Alex please come in now."

This doesn't sound well. Alex could tell when the tigress is out to kill. He took a few quick but bold steps, bracing himself for impact as he headed towards the room. Every heartbeat felt like his last of his dignity withering away.

"Alex, can you explain to me what is this?" She through a stack of papers on her desktowards Alex. Alex glanced sideways towards Jermaine as he took up the stack. She was looking down and her hands together in front. He glimpsed a teary-eyed expression. He took a quick flip through the deck and was bewildered.

"Jermaine you are the intern, Alex you are her supervisor. You are supposed to work as a team. And this is what you deliver?"

Alex quickly put two and two together and realized what happened. Jermaine had gone ahead to submit a draft of her assignment to Helen for review, and he had not seen the draft in this current form. What he saw before wasn't even close to what he held in his hand. He looked at Jermaine again who dared not look up. Mustering up his courage, he looked towards Helen.

"Helen, please let me explain. I made the mistake of asking Jermaine to not bother me as I had to focus on the client proposal. She approached me a couple of times in the past week but I asked her to come back later."

Jermaine looked up, confused, and almost tried to protest, "Helen..."

Helen turned her back towards to the both of them. "Jermaine please leave the room." She said firmly with force. Alex signalled to Jermaine to quickly go out. Jermaine resisted, shaking her head. "Now." the tigress sounded like her claws were out and ready to pound.

Alex held Jermaine's arm and ushered her out. He turned around to Helen again, thinking that he could deal with this, just as he always did. He looked at Helen's back, from her bare shoulders down to her waist, realising what a tight dress she was wearing and how firm her ass was. He had always looked up to her - what an assertive powerful lady. If she had bent over there and then, he would not mind fucking this tigress and tame her into a cat. But clearly this wasn't the priority. He turned into damage control mode and stood his ground. Helen turned around. Alex looked firmly at her. He apologised and promised to prove himself, asking her for another chance.

Jermaine went to the handicap toilet straightaway. She was embarassed, and didn't want the others to see her in her current state. When she got back, Alex was already out of Helen's room. She wanted to talk to Alex - but was worried she would break down again in front of all the colleagues. She went back to her desk, calmed herself, and sent an email to Alex. "Alex, I'm sorry. Can we talk later this evening in private?"

Alex saw the email. He was thinking how to approach this. Maybe it was his fault that what happened that night made Jermaine uncomfortable. Did Jermaine not tell Helen because she didn't want to cause trouble to him? Why did Jermaine not send him the draft before passing it to Helen?

"Sure, let's speak later." He wrote.

Alex got back to his work, all the more so that he must salvage his performance both on his own and as a supervisor in front of Helen. The day passed and Jermaine had not approached him. Alex realised it was late, but thought it would be best for Jermaine to find him when she feels comfortable doing so. It wasn't long till the both of them are left in the office, per usual, as the hardest worker in the office. When the last colleague left, Alex was ready for the chat, hoping that Jermaine had the privacy she wanted. He took his mug and went over to the pantry to get some water, in case he got thirsty.

He felt a tap on his back. "Alex..."

He turned around, only to find Jermaine slightly teary and avoided eye contact. The girl had her neat ponytail as usual, her cheeks were rosy and her left ear had this small mole on the side.

Jermaine looked away and said "thanks for protecting me... I did a stupid thing. I didn't want to bother you because you were busy all the time and Helen isn't giving you an easy time too. I always troubled you and took up so much of your time. I really wanted to do well but I can't be so selfish..."

Alex felt such a relief, but also found Jermaine to be such a silly girl. He noticed her light floral perfume which wasn't dominating like Helen's, but was something probably a sweet young girl would wear. "Silly girl! Jermaine! Why would you think this way! As your supervisor, it's my responsibility to help you along the way. I did what I did 'cos I know you fought hard to be here. Don't try to pull off something like that again ok? I don't have that many lives in front of the tigress..."

Jermaine looked up and saw Alex's smile. She felt so grateful and protected by this guy, unlike the many childish boys in school that were going nowhere. It was an emotional day... she felt impelled, took a step forward, and hugged Alex closely.

Alex was taken by surprise. He opened his arms to move his mug out of the way, only for Jermaine to naturally fit in. He felt this petite lady's embrace, stunned. Her hair smelled nice. He awkwardly move his hands to Jermaine's back to close the hug. It was then that he realized what a close hug this was and that he could feel Jermaine's full bosoms quite distinctly - surely not petite at all! That night's image quickly came back to his mind... the pink bra, her full breasts, her fair skin.

She was almost in tears. But she felt it. It was too obvious. He also came to realise it was obvious and it poked hard into her slim waist. Jermaine didn't know what to do in that moment. She took a sudden step back only to have Alex's arms lift up as he opened the embrace, knocking her head on Alex's mug as she retracted. The water poured across her white top.

She stood still, shell-shocked by the chain of events. Alex stood still too, seeing how the girl's bra outline emerged from the wet top. It was the pink bra he remembered.

15-07-2019, 03:33 AM
Thanks for the nice updates here, more please.

15-07-2019, 03:43 AM
Keep goin TS..Thanx for the update

15-07-2019, 05:20 AM
great story, enjoy reading it. look forward to your next update TS.

15-07-2019, 08:34 AM
setting up my tent here for more of this story.

15-07-2019, 03:49 PM
Time to help Jermaine clean her white top? :)

15-07-2019, 06:38 PM
Join the camping group and start the fire burning

16-07-2019, 06:56 AM
this is a nice story, hope for more updates soon.

16-07-2019, 07:19 AM
TS more update.

16-07-2019, 07:26 AM
Nice story, TS more update.

16-07-2019, 08:34 AM
please share more updates ts, it's a really nice story.

16-07-2019, 05:03 PM
I like this story bro, shall wait here for more installments ;)

16-07-2019, 06:30 PM
nice story, waiting for more updates...:D

16-07-2019, 08:10 PM
More updates please ts

16-07-2019, 08:30 PM
Very well written story TS, do continue :)

17-07-2019, 06:41 AM
really like your story ts! hoping for more updates.

18-07-2019, 03:39 PM
Camping here for more exciting updates.

18-07-2019, 05:14 PM
Camping here for more update!

18-07-2019, 05:27 PM
So very nice story, wish to read more.

19-07-2019, 08:38 AM
nice story, please share more. support your thread TS.

big wood
19-07-2019, 11:31 AM
well written nice story thanks

19-07-2019, 07:17 PM
Nice story here, more please.

20-07-2019, 07:03 AM
this is a nice story ts, waiting for more juicy updates.

21-07-2019, 10:51 AM
I really like this story!

setting up my tent here for more updates. :)

21-07-2019, 02:29 PM
Good stuff, waiting for updates too ;)