06-08-2019, 04:35 AM
Sad to say, this would be the last remaining content of YuanRuoXi. Till today I am hoping that she would come back or appear on any of the FL sites. She has this gentle feminine touch that makes your cock throb, making you rapefully pound all of your sperm into her tight body. If I had RTFed her one extra time, I might have made her my mistress.
If you missed out, her introductory thread is HERE (https://www.sammyboyforum.info/showthread.php?t=738825).
As stated earlier, Part II will actually be the first time I exchanged saliva and dick-pussy juices with her. Met in a hotel around central. She was wearing this fluffy feathery dress that she said she wore it as her pajamas. To me she is in my personal opinion the 古典美人 of my heart. It's scary to think that I could fall for a whore. She is truly a professional seductress.
- This entry will be more organized for you guys to pick out particular interests you want to fap to.
- As usual, all images in this post are enhanced screenshots from videos of a fixed cam.
- Videos will be released at a later time after they have been processed in the Large Files Section. So remember to check back from time to time.
File names are named with different categories which will be explained below. This will allow you to find your interests to fap to.
Keep SCROLLING DOWN to find your interest. If not, click on the category and it will bring you there.
01_Char - These images are profiles of her in various poses usually with her face clearly shown.
02_Random (https://www.sammyboyforum.info/showthread.php?p=19041449&highlight=#post19041449) - Various images of her with actions that don't fall within any particular category. Interesting and hot.
03_Foreplay (https://www.sammyboyforum.info/showthread.php?p=19041450&highlight=#post19041450) - Images of erotic foreplay and teases from her.
04_Kiss (https://www.sammyboyforum.info/showthread.php?p=19041452&highlight=#post19041452) - I am a french junkie, probably some of you too. These are shots of kissing and frenching at various points of the session.
05_BBBJ (https://www.sammyboyforum.info/showthread.php?p=19041459&highlight=#post19041459) - I don't really have to explain this.
06_AR (https://www.sammyboyforum.info/showthread.php?p=19041460&highlight=#post19041460) - All images of her licking my asshole. Videos even nicer.
07_Spin69 (https://www.sammyboyforum.info/showthread.php?p=19041463&highlight=#post19041463) - Split from BBBJ category cos it's interesting. She sucked me while I lick her, then spin away while still sucking my cock.
08_Ride (https://www.sammyboyforum.info/showthread.php?p=19041466&highlight=#post19041466) - She rides me, gently, seductively.
09_Mission (https://www.sammyboyforum.info/showthread.php?p=19041467&highlight=#post19041467) - I switch from ride down to missionary, pounded the shit out of her.
Fuck I just realized I didn't doggie her. FUCK.
WATCH VIDEOS of this fuck with YuanRuoXi HERE (https://www.sammyboyforum.info/showthread.php?t=739865). !! UPDATE !!
REVISIT YuanRuoXi PART I here: PHOTOS (https://www.sammyboyforum.info/showthread.php?t=738825) | VIDEOS (https://www.sammyboyforum.info/showthread.php?t=738985)
Jump to my Sexcapades Collection Index (https://sammyboyforum.info/showthread.php?t=741873).
If you missed out, her introductory thread is HERE (https://www.sammyboyforum.info/showthread.php?t=738825).
As stated earlier, Part II will actually be the first time I exchanged saliva and dick-pussy juices with her. Met in a hotel around central. She was wearing this fluffy feathery dress that she said she wore it as her pajamas. To me she is in my personal opinion the 古典美人 of my heart. It's scary to think that I could fall for a whore. She is truly a professional seductress.
- This entry will be more organized for you guys to pick out particular interests you want to fap to.
- As usual, all images in this post are enhanced screenshots from videos of a fixed cam.
- Videos will be released at a later time after they have been processed in the Large Files Section. So remember to check back from time to time.
File names are named with different categories which will be explained below. This will allow you to find your interests to fap to.
Keep SCROLLING DOWN to find your interest. If not, click on the category and it will bring you there.
01_Char - These images are profiles of her in various poses usually with her face clearly shown.
02_Random (https://www.sammyboyforum.info/showthread.php?p=19041449&highlight=#post19041449) - Various images of her with actions that don't fall within any particular category. Interesting and hot.
03_Foreplay (https://www.sammyboyforum.info/showthread.php?p=19041450&highlight=#post19041450) - Images of erotic foreplay and teases from her.
04_Kiss (https://www.sammyboyforum.info/showthread.php?p=19041452&highlight=#post19041452) - I am a french junkie, probably some of you too. These are shots of kissing and frenching at various points of the session.
05_BBBJ (https://www.sammyboyforum.info/showthread.php?p=19041459&highlight=#post19041459) - I don't really have to explain this.
06_AR (https://www.sammyboyforum.info/showthread.php?p=19041460&highlight=#post19041460) - All images of her licking my asshole. Videos even nicer.
07_Spin69 (https://www.sammyboyforum.info/showthread.php?p=19041463&highlight=#post19041463) - Split from BBBJ category cos it's interesting. She sucked me while I lick her, then spin away while still sucking my cock.
08_Ride (https://www.sammyboyforum.info/showthread.php?p=19041466&highlight=#post19041466) - She rides me, gently, seductively.
09_Mission (https://www.sammyboyforum.info/showthread.php?p=19041467&highlight=#post19041467) - I switch from ride down to missionary, pounded the shit out of her.
Fuck I just realized I didn't doggie her. FUCK.
WATCH VIDEOS of this fuck with YuanRuoXi HERE (https://www.sammyboyforum.info/showthread.php?t=739865). !! UPDATE !!
REVISIT YuanRuoXi PART I here: PHOTOS (https://www.sammyboyforum.info/showthread.php?t=738825) | VIDEOS (https://www.sammyboyforum.info/showthread.php?t=738985)
Jump to my Sexcapades Collection Index (https://sammyboyforum.info/showthread.php?t=741873).