View Full Version : How to hint to acquitances tt u want her to be your sex buddy

30-10-2019, 11:35 AM
Any ideas?

For example, can tell her she can contact u to go out if she is lonely?

Any other ideas?

30-10-2019, 01:06 PM

30-10-2019, 02:16 PM

30-10-2019, 02:28 PM

Ai sio gan mai?

30-10-2019, 02:31 PM
Ai sio gan mai?

swee straight to the point:D

30-10-2019, 03:49 PM
You have to time your question correctly. Otherwise ASGM becomes ATGM. Ai Tio Gan Mai? :p

30-10-2019, 05:09 PM
Any ideas?

For example, can tell her she can contact u to go out if she is lonely?

Any other ideas?

just ask her out for a drink. if she is free and lonely, she will say ok. if she is not free, counter offer her to suggest a date. if she makes excuses, then forget it. if she can propose an alternative immed, make sure u are avail on that day.

30-10-2019, 05:17 PM
If you want fast is to directly ask her.

If you want take it slow, test water, than ask her go out for drinks.

I think this kind of thing is "try got 50% chance, never try 0% chance"

30-10-2019, 06:09 PM
Any ideas?

For example, can tell her she can contact u to go out if she is lonely?

Any other ideas?

Giving up on your 29 year-old virgin girlfriend (https://sbf.net.nz/showthread.php?t=750520), already, Bro eugenengsx?

Or you downgrade her from "girlfriend" to "acquaintance"?

If yes, then this thread and the other thread (https://sbf.net.nz/showthread.php?t=750520&page=2) - asking the same thing, right?