View Full Version : Faithfulness
28-11-2019, 04:18 PM
Newbie girl here.
Recently had sex with my good friend’s bf. Horniness came over me as i always admired him secretly.
We had unprotected sex and he came inside me. Feel so bad when i see my friend and my own bf now.
But at the same time i also feel excited about the misdeed.
Am I a bitch?
28-11-2019, 04:34 PM
Newbie girl here.
Recently had sex with my good friend’s bf. Horniness came over me as i always admired him secretly.
We had unprotected sex and he came inside me. Feel so bad when i see my friend and my own bf now.
But at the same time i also feel excited about the misdeed.
Am I a bitch?
Not married yet. All's fair game.
28-11-2019, 04:37 PM
What you did is not correct. At the same time, it is not abnormal. The thrill comes with the cheating and the feeling of being wanted by 2 men. The thrill will last you a while. Before reality sets in. Then the ensuing pain. If you are not married, go have your fun. And pain. No one is bound to no one contractually. Just make sure this never happens after married. That one jia lat
28-11-2019, 04:38 PM
Newbie girl here.
Recently had sex with my good friend’s bf. Horniness came over me as i always admired him secretly.
We had unprotected sex and he came inside me. Feel so bad when i see my friend and my own bf now.
But at the same time i also feel excited about the misdeed.
Am I a bitch?
In the heat of the moment anything can happen .Yup, happened to me too.
Just move on.
28-11-2019, 04:39 PM
Haiz their wedding is 2 month later.
Sometimes I get jealous or envious thinking of my friend doing that stuff on the bed. Worst is she sometimes tell me about their bedroom stories such as he prefer no condom etc. I pretend to give advice but get so jealous
28-11-2019, 04:43 PM
Haiz their wedding is 2 month later.
Sometimes I get jealous or envious thinking of my friend doing that stuff on the bed. Worst is she sometimes tell me about their bedroom stories such as he prefer no condom etc. I pretend to give advice but get so jealous
Wow! I sense envy and jealousy. Chill lah! :)
28-11-2019, 04:45 PM
Its probably a one night stand. Get over it. Not good to steal friend's bf esp when they getting married soon
28-11-2019, 05:01 PM
Haiz their wedding is 2 month later.
Sometimes I get jealous or envious thinking of my friend doing that stuff on the bed. Worst is she sometimes tell me about their bedroom stories such as he prefer no condom etc. I pretend to give advice but get so jealous
1) Take a picture of the guy.
2) Print the picture out
3) Make it into a mask
4) Ask one of the bros here to do you with that mask
5) Profit.
28-11-2019, 05:31 PM
Newbie girl here.
Recently had sex with my good friend’s bf. Horniness came over me as i always admired him secretly.
We had unprotected sex and he came inside me. Feel so bad when i see my friend and my own bf now.
But at the same time i also feel excited about the misdeed.
Am I a bitch?
Care to share details on how it happened? :D
28-11-2019, 06:34 PM
Morally is wrong but why don't you guys talk it out and maybe have a 4p session.:D
28-11-2019, 06:37 PM
Story goes like this
Were with a few friends in a pub and were seated very close cos space very cramp. His elbow kept gently brushing against my breast. It went on throughout the night. It made me very sexually aroused. Luckily i was wearing panty liner or the seat will be wet. Not sure intentionally or not.
His gf whom is my friend was dead drunk and we sent her to his home in his car. After settling her on his bed, bcos i was a bit tipsy he held me and offered to send me home. Somehow we started to french in the living room. We proceeded to the other bedroom and the rest were history.
I am not the girl next door. Was always fascinated with male anatomy since teenage. Remember i had the first penis in my mouth when i was 18. It was like 7” and my vagina bled cos it was big for a virgin
28-11-2019, 06:51 PM
Newbie girl here.
Recently had sex with my good friend’s bf. Horniness came over me as i always admired him secretly.
We had unprotected sex and he came inside me. Feel so bad when i see my friend and my own bf now.
But at the same time i also feel excited about the misdeed.
Am I a bitch?
Hi girl, been through this as well. At first, the thrill, then comes the feeling of he should be mine instead. But at the end of the day… men are men, they dare to do it, even if you dare to commit, but they will dare not commit ya, I am very sure he will crawl back to his wife. The ‘come inside you’ thingy… really does bring about that sense of physical bond at that moment in time ya, for me at least, something like I got him! I got him! but after that, if you think back sometimes for him, really not sure he would remember it or not. Don’t be too hard on yourself ya.
28-11-2019, 07:24 PM
Sis u mus be very pretty. More stories pls.
28-11-2019, 10:15 PM
Hi girl, been through this as well. At first, the thrill, then comes the feeling of he should be mine instead. But at the end of the day… men are men, they dare to do it, even if you dare to commit, but they will dare not commit ya, I am very sure he will crawl back to his wife. The ‘come inside you’ thingy… really does bring about that sense of physical bond at that moment in time ya, for me at least, something like I got him! I got him! but after that, if you think back sometimes for him, really not sure he would remember it or not. Don’t be too hard on yourself ya.
The sis is right. Men are natural assholes. In a moment of lust, he's probably not gonna have any emotions attached to you.
He's probably gonna try to get into your pants again soon enough.
29-11-2019, 12:43 AM
Newbie girl here.
Recently had sex with my good friend’s bf. Horniness came over me as i always admired him secretly.
We had unprotected sex and he came inside me. Feel so bad when i see my friend and my own bf now.
But at the same time i also feel excited about the misdeed.
Am I a bitch?
Thought u should be concerning about 1 month later, what will happen to you?
29-11-2019, 12:49 AM
Story goes like this
Were with a few friends in a pub and were seated very close cos space very cramp. His elbow kept gently brushing against my breast. It went on throughout the night. It made me very sexually aroused. Luckily i was wearing panty liner or the seat will be wet. Not sure intentionally or not.
His gf whom is my friend was dead drunk and we sent her to his home in his car. After settling her on his bed, bcos i was a bit tipsy he held me and offered to send me home. Somehow we started to french in the living room. We proceeded to the other bedroom and the rest were history.
I am not the girl next door. Was always fascinated with male anatomy since teenage. Remember i had the first penis in my mouth when i was 18. It was like 7” and my vagina bled cos it was big for a virgin
Seem like a Jav storyline to me :D
29-11-2019, 11:25 AM
Not a bitch but maybe a slut?:D
29-11-2019, 11:51 AM
Not a bitch nor slut.. maybe just a human who dares to step up at a given opportunity.
29-11-2019, 01:47 PM
Not a bitch nor slut.. maybe just a human who dares to step up at a given opportunity.
Yes, quite agree with wat this bro says.. :)
29-11-2019, 01:53 PM
Not a bitch nor slut.. maybe just a human who dares to step up at a given opportunity.
Yeah as long as u are not tied down with someone for life, everything is game on.
Previously my ex col and I had a thing for each other however I heard from others she's had a bf . Hence I also didnt want to cause any awkward situation by telling her I like her then end up getting rejected and spoiling the friendship.
However one night after some team dinner and drinks, I sent her home as she was tipsy. Sent her into the lift and she suddenly lunged over and we started a fierce kissing round. Sneaked me into her room that night and we made out like horny rabbits. She then confessed to me she have a bf , but she still fancies me. So she didnt know why but she took the chance and we ended up making out every week behind the bf back.
Nothing ventured nothing gained.
It really depends on u, if u feel that its wrong then move on from that night.
If it feels right then no harm playing along.
Have fun!
29-11-2019, 02:39 PM
Its in your mind. If you dont mind it and he don't mind it than go ahead. :p
Morally wrong, but see what are your moral values. :D
29-11-2019, 03:34 PM
Waiting for round 2 story. :o
29-11-2019, 03:41 PM
Newbie girl here.
Recently had sex with my good friend’s bf. Horniness came over me as i always admired him secretly.
We had unprotected sex and he came inside me. Feel so bad when i see my friend and my own bf now.
But at the same time i also feel excited about the misdeed.
Am I a bitch?
Since you feel excited about it, you still can do it again secretly. It will be so thrilling :)
29-11-2019, 04:08 PM
Of course own free will and its a free world, she can do as she please if she don't mind hurting her good friend and people calling her a slut.
30-11-2019, 06:28 AM
As a guy, this is just a 1 time free of charge, free of commitment sex. Few guys will skip this opportunity to bed you. Can always say he is drunk, can turn tables and say you came onto him in his moment of weakness, can even say he is so drunk he has mistaken you for your friend. Given how much time and money your friend has spent preparing for her wedding plus the potential embarrassment from family, friends and colleagues of cancelling a wedding, she will not be on your side too.
The honest truth is the moment has come and gone for him. He may come back for more free of charge, free of commitment sex. He may also no longer put you in his mind. Not many factors in your favour. Why not let him go mentally and move on? Is he attractive because of the forbidden fruit factor?
30-11-2019, 07:17 AM
Move on sis. Most peop will have thoughts and few dare to do it. Who can say right or wrong morally? Peop set it that way, they set the belief such a way historically peop think it’s wrong. Y men last time can have few wife’s and not gal? What is moral and how much it’s worth? So long both are happy. Do not cause harm. Just do it. There will be that part be it emotionally or physically 1 partner can not fulfill. Come in. Seldom we can tell it all, be it fantasy, that wrong deed we did out of the blue which we cannot tell our life partner.
Just do it. Few more and u be a veteran
30-11-2019, 08:45 AM
History made many things and belief that things shd be done in a certain way. Let’s just take it that it was appropriate during that time. But issit applicable now.
Life is short. U nv know if you wake up tml. Just do it.
30-11-2019, 09:04 AM
Okok thx for advice
It is normal to feel the way you felt. Are you ok with it?
The guilt is there as one is your best friend and one is your boyfriend. This is kind of like no strings attached. If you are unable to maintain a no-strings attached stance, better to stop in case your life gets turned upside down.
Okok thx for advice
30-11-2019, 11:06 AM
It's fun while it lasts, unless you are the type who won't get emotional, this won't end well, sis.
All the best!
30-11-2019, 11:30 AM
No matter what everyone advises... she will do it if she wants, or she won’t when it’s enough lol. Probably just enjoy the story best
30-11-2019, 02:51 PM
I would advise not to get too emotionally attached to him since they are going to get married... unless this guy still wants to play.
Anyway since you are still single, enjoy it while you can and enjoy the experience.
04-02-2020, 02:54 PM
Newbie girl here.
Recently had sex with my good friend’s bf. Horniness came over me as i always admired him secretly.
We had unprotected sex and he came inside me. Feel so bad when i see my friend and my own bf now.
But at the same time i also feel excited about the misdeed.
Am I a bitch?
Hey babe, recently I also had eyes for my wife's bff. She kinda gave me "a look" a few times and it kinda played in my head. As mentioned in another thread, some girls just have hots for attached/married guys, thinking they are more "matured" and less sticky?
04-02-2020, 05:41 PM
After their marriage we did it twice. I know shouldnt do it but cannot control as i had liking for him a long time already. And having sex and foreplay with him is the most enjoyable experience i ever had.
04-02-2020, 08:04 PM
After their marriage we did it twice. I know shouldnt do it but cannot control as i had liking for him a long time already. And having sex and foreplay with him is the most enjoyable experience i ever had.
Probably best to train him for getting your friend pregnant sis, you go girl!
04-02-2020, 08:07 PM
After their marriage we did it twice. I know shouldnt do it but cannot control as i had liking for him a long time already. And having sex and foreplay with him is the most enjoyable experience i ever had.
Go ahead. Dun stop
04-02-2020, 11:30 PM
Probably best to train him for getting your friend pregnant sis, you go girl!
Stand in while your fren is pregnant
08-02-2020, 05:09 PM
As a guy, this is just a 1 time free of charge, free of commitment sex. Few guys will skip this opportunity to bed you. Can always say he is drunk, can turn tables and say you came onto him in his moment of weakness, can even say he is so drunk he has mistaken you for your friend. Given how much time and money your friend has spent preparing for her wedding plus the potential embarrassment from family, friends and colleagues of cancelling a wedding, she will not be on your side too.
The honest truth is the moment has come and gone for him. He may come back for more free of charge, free of commitment sex. He may also no longer put you in his mind. Not many factors in your favour. Why not let him go mentally and move on? Is he attractive because of the forbidden fruit factor?
Very much agree with this bro here!
09-02-2020, 10:14 AM
The sis is right. Men are natural assholes. In a moment of lust, he's probably not gonna have any emotions attached to you.
He's probably gonna try to get into your pants again soon enough.
Men are 'natural'. We fuck as many as we can as biology determined. Women fuck as high up the social ladder as they can.
'Asshole' is invented by society.
13-02-2020, 09:06 AM
Why think so much? It’s a typical FWB situation. It may last Long for years or May just one day pops disappears with a few emo days. Just move on live on the days, just be happy will do.
What other might says or their future opinion will be just a passer-by.
Frankly I married and also having a fwb. We live day by day as we want. U wanna ask for opinion here- can. For my 2cents worth, just do what you feel it’s right and happy be it ur personal or work life.
Fun fact: My dad company employed tons of foreign workers for construction work. I working on frontline with them and get to know them well. I would say high percentage of them (Indians) the smarter ones have FWB here. I was surprise but see too much until it’s norm. Their ways of treating FWBs is different from me but anyway it works for them.
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