View Full Version : Chat Buddies about Sex.

03-12-2019, 09:48 PM

Met someone on this forum before where we used to talk and share about our sexual experiences and encounters in life.

Was always fun to hear from and to share the things we did with our partners and to share tips on how to have better sex.

Sadly, the guy has AFK already, and I’m left with no one to talk to. Haha.

Was wondering if anybody here is keen to just chat.
If you are, PM me and it’ll really be fun to hear your stories and make new friends.

Just in case you’re wondering, no need to reveal any private details unless it’s about your partner’s privates haha.

04-12-2019, 01:36 AM
maybe u can start by discribing a bit or urself and one of the craziest stories? or u pm me if u think the story is too crazy to be posted here :p

04-12-2019, 08:31 AM
maybe u can start by discribing a bit or urself and one of the craziest stories? or u pm me if u think the story is too crazy to be posted here :p

Hahah not really crazy but I did share a bit before in a post here last time. Haha.
PM me ba! :)

04-12-2019, 09:54 AM
Picture tells thousands words.

04-12-2019, 11:21 AM
Picture tells thousands words.

But a human’s Imagination is boundless

04-12-2019, 07:08 PM
As long you have started, I'm pretty sure there'll be people willing if not q-ing up to share.

For me, i have since given up asking from my partner so i use other means of releasing my needs. Nothing steaming like previously so definitely nothing juicy to share now.

05-12-2019, 08:26 PM
But a human’s Imagination is boundless

Those who cannot imagine will ask for picture :p

07-12-2019, 06:23 PM
Those who cannot imagine will ask for picture :p

Yup. Just wanna know someone who’s into sharing their own sex adventures too.
Pics not needed. Lol.

07-12-2019, 08:39 PM
I also wish have a opposite sex that can chat dirty.

11-12-2019, 04:28 PM
what the type of char bo is ur fav? For gf/wife i wont think too much normal can but for fantasies the more hiao n tua liap will be good :D

12-12-2019, 07:39 PM
Haha the best kind is those that are proportionate,

A nice perky ass and a simple rack.
I do prefer them if they’re slightly tan. Haha

12-12-2019, 07:47 PM
Put a lady picture of your choice infront of the mirror and chat with her. :D

13-12-2019, 07:26 AM
I also wish have a opposite sex that can chat dirty.

Here u go!

13-12-2019, 07:08 PM
Here u go!

WOW! Would be fun chatting with you haha

18-12-2019, 01:48 AM
I have an incident to share,

Sharing real incident to have a discussion and exploring hotwife scene here. Sharing this first time ;)

We are North Indian expat couple in Singapore both working in large MNCs.

In early 30s married for 4 years and know each other for a decade now. We have very good chemistry and understanding.

Myself, M 33 178 CM, 75 KG, Fit but not muscular. Wife 32, 162 CM, 56 KG, Dusky complexion, very cute face, 36 28 38 stats.

We visited Bali couple of months back for a week's vacation. After a spending couple of days seeing island, having beech fun and couple massages we went for Scuba diving.

We took 2 days lesson package in which first day was about understanding the basics and second day for two dives with assistance. This was our first time, my wife has fear of water and can't swim. But being a brave and adventurous girl she has a thing for trying new experiences.

On the first day we were picked from Hotel and taken to a resort near the dive site, which is a sunk ship not far from the shore. We were greeted by Divemaster who was a strong looking asian middle age man, must be in his late 40s and a young asian boy around 20 years of age, with athletic body.

Wife had wore a thin white single piece dress with slightly deep neck that gave a very delightful glimpse of her assets and Blue coloured Bikini under it.

After initial introductions Divemaster gave us a small tour of the resort and also explained a few things about scuba diving.

Then he asked other guy to explain me technicals of breathing gear and other stuff, and himself started to explain the same things to my wife separately. There was no reason for this but to have his whole focus on my wife's body.

My wife gave me a surprised look, but I just smiled at it and signaled her to continue. Don't know why, but this actually gave me some excitement.

I noticed that dive master was glancing her figure from toe to head frequently while explaining. My little guy also started fealing sensations seeing this.

#next update after some comments

23-12-2019, 08:38 AM
Haha nice interesting story!

Do share what happens.

Been talking to a few bros and so far

A) have had some really good talks with ppl, some of whom we’re still chatting and having loads of fun sharing our experiences and fetishes.
B) met ppl who stopped chatting when the realize I’m a guy and not a girl.
C) some ppl who messaged and I replied and they faded off the earth. Haha.

Feel free to PM me if you want a chat buddy etc! :)

24-12-2019, 02:40 AM
Haha nice interesting story!

Do share what happens.

Been talking to a few bros and so far

A) have had some really good talks with ppl, some of whom we’re still chatting and having loads of fun sharing our experiences and fetishes.
B) met ppl who stopped chatting when the realize I’m a guy and not a girl.
C) some ppl who messaged and I replied and they faded off the earth. Haha.

Feel free to PM me if you want a chat buddy etc! :)

Next parts of the story above here ;). I posted above here accidentally


24-12-2019, 07:09 AM
Haha nice interesting story!

Do share what happens.

Been talking to a few bros and so far

A) have had some really good talks with ppl, some of whom we’re still chatting and having loads of fun sharing our experiences and fetishes.
B) met ppl who stopped chatting when the realize I’m a guy and not a girl.
C) some ppl who messaged and I replied and they faded off the earth. Haha.

Feel free to PM me if you want a chat buddy etc! :)

PM you. But dunno you received anot

25-12-2019, 08:55 PM
PM you. But dunno you received anot

Bro. Didn’t get anything. I’ll PM you!

23-03-2020, 06:30 PM

Bumping this up cause looking for more ppl to chat with.

It’s been really interesting meeting and sharing about ppl’s sex lives and all.
Met quite a few ppl and have been chatting frequently!

A lot of missed opportunities cause I use skype or KIK only.
Apologies in advance! Hahaha

27-08-2020, 03:30 AM
Reviving this because COVID is boring.

28-08-2020, 04:56 AM
pm me ur skype.. lets be chat friends. i dun mind.

28-08-2020, 10:46 AM

Bumping this up cause looking for more ppl to chat with.

It’s been really interesting meeting and sharing about ppl’s sex lives and all.
Met quite a few ppl and have been chatting frequently!

A lot of missed opportunities cause I use skype or KIK only.
Apologies in advance! Hahaha

haha on telegram only

28-08-2020, 11:14 AM
pm me ur kik, we can chat there

28-08-2020, 12:15 PM
Pm me also, will share with you some pictures lol

28-08-2020, 03:34 PM
Eh u all... isn't what this whole freaking forum is about?

28-08-2020, 09:13 PM
Pm me also, will share with you some pictures lol

Male or female pictures? :D

12-04-2024, 02:40 AM
It’s been a while. Anyone looking to chat? PM me. :)

12-04-2024, 06:53 AM
This post is 5 years old. U mean to say in all that time, u still have not found a sex chat buddy. What are u? Too poor to afford a handphone? Tired of jacking off by yourself?

Haha. Had a few buddies here and there. Fell off the grid a little. But oh well. I accept your criticism.

12-04-2024, 11:26 AM

Met someone on this forum before where we used to talk and share about our sexual experiences and encounters in life.

Was always fun to hear from and to share the things we did with our partners and to share tips on how to have better sex.

Sadly, the guy has AFK already, and I’m left with no one to talk to. Haha.

Was wondering if anybody here is keen to just chat.
If you are, PM me and it’ll really be fun to hear your stories and make new friends.

Just in case you’re wondering, no need to reveal any private details unless it’s about your partner’s privates haha.

There are many bro/sis here willing to share and chat in here as that is also the reason why we are here bro lolz

Just like i used to meet up with a Married Female whom are Super horny and her hubby have a Mistress but never stay with her. And we used to meet up for lunch or dinner whenver she is FRE and Horny and have a quickie with her enjoying deep throat and CIM everytimes we meet up

12-04-2024, 11:30 AM

Bumping this up cause looking for more ppl to chat with.

It’s been really interesting meeting and sharing about ppl’s sex lives and all.
Met quite a few ppl and have been chatting frequently!

A lot of missed opportunities cause I use skype or KIK only.
Apologies in advance! Hahaha

when I opened this website I thought it was only about ML FL or whatever. It turns out there's a lot of useful information about everything

12-04-2024, 03:22 PM
Your photos will make people read you. and how do you talk so just say "I'm lonely" will go next chat hahaha

12-04-2024, 04:40 PM
Usually, if you have been talking intimately for a while, then the direction of the conversation will automatically go there, because you are an adult, what else if not about sex when you already feel comford

12-04-2024, 06:43 PM
any new topics?

14-04-2024, 01:26 AM
Put a lady picture of your choice infront of the mirror and chat with her. :D

Sekali she reply, scare until balls drop :D

14-04-2024, 11:03 PM
Sekali she reply, scare until balls drop :D

Pontianak BJ? Hmmmmm…. Lol

15-04-2024, 01:34 PM
Pontianak BJ? Hmmmmm…. Lol

Or hantu tetek? Which one u prefer?

Can add me I am bored simibirdy telegram very empty

22-04-2024, 02:37 AM
So creating a chat group to talk about sex?

22-04-2024, 03:46 PM
So creating a chat group to talk about sex?

Dunno who added me then exited after a few lines... 😆

05-05-2024, 01:10 PM
hahaha what a topic