View Full Version : Carol House 26 Rm 10 Compliments from Chris Room 1

25-12-2019, 12:08 AM
Merry Christmas to all Sammyboy Petain Chiongsters, This is Carol from House 26 Room 10. The lady beside her is Cookie Room 18. But Cookie never offend me, so I will not post her out.

Carol is too busybody or KPO 鸡婆, dun know what happen want to 强出头。

Chris ask me to help her promote her services as her sister nowadays business very poor.

Let talk about Carol service, really is SOP, or waste of money. tried her once in House 7. Before i left, she say 下次见。In my heart i say wait long long.

Last time her room very near the main entrance so she got quite a lot of business and she got dress up a bit. Now dun put make up and dress like old auntie.

I remember seeing a ang mo kua kee asking her price and counter her $40 which she rejected. Comeon, Carol you are not even worth $30....

Go and learn from Chris, as Chris recent years also dress up and put on make up. But go home remove all makeup, cannot go home tell family i work as chicken in Singapore mah.

Anyway, Carol, you are not worth my promotion, you are only supporting role.

Wait for my main role, 主角, Chris. Must promote her 10 1000 websites, forum or Facebook group. Think after New year have to start my promotion to give her my Chinese New Year Ang Bao Big big

26-12-2019, 12:37 AM
Post Carol photo, everyone want to see Cookie KNN...

Carol really cannot make it :mad:

26-12-2019, 11:33 PM
KNN just realise Carol photo was deleted......

Never mind, post again....279124

27-12-2019, 11:09 PM
有谁要👀Chris的照片? 没有我明天再问。。。。

Who want to see Chris Photo? If not, i ask again tomorrow...:D

28-12-2019, 04:51 PM
Carol lousy ar?
How bad or see mood?

29-12-2019, 09:31 AM
有谁要👀Chris House 26 Room 1 的照片? 没有我明天再问。。。。

Who want to see Chris Photo? If not, i ask again tomorrow...:D:D:D

29-12-2019, 11:31 AM
Just post lah
How old liao
Must ask or por lampa u

U how old

29-12-2019, 04:42 PM
Just post lah
How old liao
Must ask or por lampa u

U how old

Dog fuck u:rolleyes:

29-12-2019, 07:18 PM
Dog fuck u:rolleyes:

Hor Gao Gan
May your mother be the most prosperous chicken in Mandai Crematorium
May your sister be the most fuckable chicken in Geylang.

Fucking baller, jiak ba bo sai bang, want to post post. Stop acting like a kid

29-12-2019, 11:05 PM
Hor Gao Gan
May your mother be the most prosperous chicken in Mandai Crematorium
May your sister be the most fuckable chicken in Geylang.

Fucking baller, jiak ba bo sai bang, want to post post. Stop acting like a kid

Haha of cos i will post.....i know u r one of the fuckers who try to act like good people yet wsnt to see:D

U chee bye nickname already define u

29-12-2019, 11:31 PM
Hor Gao Gan
May your mother be the most prosperous chicken in Mandai Crematorium
May your sister be the most fuckable chicken in Geylang.

Fucking baller, jiak ba bo sai bang, want to post post. Stop acting like a kid

Say my post is irritating to read, yet like to come in my thread to see.

Ask people stop acting like a kid, yet look who is acting like a kid....:D:D:D

Really from Kin Jor Kar

02-01-2020, 01:10 AM
Funny sia, cannot upload any photos since today, want to upload the super star Chris but cannot....

Keep getting error...

Kena marked by sammyboy si bo?

29-12-2020, 08:38 AM
can’t wait to see the photo

29-12-2020, 04:55 PM
can’t wait to see the photo

Knn, stop digging ancient thread

31-12-2020, 03:55 PM
Who want to see Chris Photo? If not, i ask again tomorrow...:D

I more interested in Cookie’s photo. Have or not?