View Full Version : Why go for ML when u have Geylang?

27-12-2019, 05:02 PM
Been rather intrigued by why so many bros here frequent MLs. I myself started going to MLs a few years back 2013-2014. Back then MLs were rare and they provide relatively good service and pretty affordable 80 for BM/HLDY etc.

Fastforward to 2019, I think we sporeans need to wake up and stop thinking with ur little brother. First, to reach them we have to jump trough hoops(reach one address first then WALK to 2nd address, which usually takes 10-15 mins and bloody far), if we late or got lost they WILL CANCEL cuz many bros lining up and these MLs can afford to tell u to fk off.
2nd when u reach the bloody apartment, its freaking obvious what you are doing to people who live there(on the phone talking or looking at phone and trying to find damn unit).
3rd, Most MLs will look heavily discounted, take photo at 60-70% value. In websites they usually list all the services they are suppoed to provide. In reality its basic piano massage, 1-3mins HDLY, flip catbath 1-2 mins and robot handjob. Most apartments also have hygeiene problems. Hair and dirt in the shower area, some have shitstains in the toilet. I don think they clean or change bedsheets after each customer, so imagine all those guys before u sweat and cum and then u lie on top of that. Even the towels, u think its freshly made for u?
4th. Cost. From 80 sgd around 2012-2013 to now 120sgd. Tats only 30sgd less than Geyland 150 cat(still 150? i havent gone geylang for a while).

In geylang u have a regulated industry, with all the accompanying perks. Regular health checkups, a certain level of cleanliness and no need run around like headless donkeys. If you wan proper massage go to a proper clean joint. I think the golden era for MLs is 2012-2015. Now its not worth a dime....

27-12-2019, 05:18 PM
Its like comparing tailor made apparels to those buying from off the rack .
In G , most of them are like machines , serving so many customers a day.
Anyway ML are supposed to give MASSAGE ,of course many got conned by piano massage-but that's a different story.:D

27-12-2019, 05:34 PM
guess it is about fishing ba. u know u will get to have a F when u go G-land. sometime, it is about fishing and trying out the challenges.

27-12-2019, 05:44 PM
Mls u also the same wat, at most HJ. I never heard of MLs providing FJ for free. Ironically, in china ive experienced first hand MLs at HC providing FJ for free. Maybe they thought sporeans exotic or they really horny. Some famous MLs also are booked fully from morning to night so they also will treat each customer like a robot.....

27-12-2019, 06:10 PM
Many years ago i went to a mp. Only choose hj when offered all svc.
No strip or roaming. After a while i told her I couldn’t cum and asked her to lift her blouse and bra so that i can cum faster. She ok.
I played with her nipples and squeezed her boobs. After a while she was moaning and i tot she was play acting so i can cum. Then she pulled down her shorts and panties and went on top to ride me!

I tot siao liao i have to pay her for full svc. After the deed she only asked for hj fees. Lucky day to meet a mp who turn horny

28-12-2019, 03:57 AM
If you know which massage parlor to go, than is money well spend but each his own.

Many provide raw blow job and let you finger and play with their nipples.

28-12-2019, 11:48 AM
Bro u are not comparing apple to Apple but apple to orange ... You should be comparing FL to GL or massage parlor and FL massage ....

28-12-2019, 12:11 PM
it depend whether u have chemistry with the ML. few years ago i visited a ML, somehow or rather i ended up fucking her raw and she also didnt ask for xtra money

28-12-2019, 01:07 PM
It will never be the same. Just like fucking a married woman. Same pussy but different adrenaline

28-12-2019, 03:04 PM
Mls u also the same wat, at most HJ. I never heard of MLs providing FJ for free. Ironically, in china ive experienced first hand MLs at HC providing FJ for free. Maybe they thought sporeans exotic or they really horny. Some famous MLs also are booked fully from morning to night so they also will treat each customer like a robot.....

It depends whether they likes u. I got prc Here only offering massage and hj. But ml with me without additional cost.

28-12-2019, 04:16 PM
Geylang and MP are different. You go Geylang to fuck prostitutes but at MP you don't fuck prostitutes.

28-12-2019, 05:31 PM
Geylang and MP are different. You go Geylang to fuck prostitutes but at MP you don't fuck prostitutes.

Some ML will dangle the offer of FJ for your repeat visits if they are comfy with you, but guaranteed you won't be the only one offered. No different from prostitutes IMHO. As long as the FJ offer is not exclusive to a single customer, then there's really no diff la.

As to the original TS question, why ML over Geylang, is same answer as why FL over Geylang ... it's simply more tactical for those bros "eating out" :D

28-12-2019, 06:24 PM
i think most ppl will prefer like gf/fwb feeling, going to apartment parlor contacting the girl before hand

29-12-2019, 02:33 PM
It's like food. Why choose Chicken when you can have Pork:confused:

Different period we play differently. Different customers desire different things. Different working ladies got different work styles. Hope that answers your question :D

29-12-2019, 05:02 PM
everyday eat at same food court sometimes need to try a different dish.

29-12-2019, 06:31 PM
used to enjoy mls in the past where the massage was decent standards. rub-tease-fuck was really what i wanted. nowadays don't know any ml that can provide that combination due to the heavy clamp down on spas recently. so now only go GL for fj and clean ml for massage.

30-12-2019, 12:46 AM
Geylang any girl can fuck. ML not everyone can fuck. Once u convert them, u get horny milfs. I converted many big neh neh. Fei Fei, Fiona, Melody, Celine, Eva etc....thick pocket and good fucking technique. Lol!

30-12-2019, 10:48 AM
Geylang any girl can fuck. ML not everyone can fuck. Once u convert them, u get horny milfs. I converted many big neh neh. Fei Fei, Fiona, Melody, Celine, Eva etc....thick pocket and good fucking technique. Lol!

Agree. The feeling of nv know if can fuck is the best. The first thrust. That sense of conquering.

30-12-2019, 12:12 PM
Geylang any girl can fuck. ML not everyone can fuck. Once u convert them, u get horny milfs. I converted many big neh neh. Fei Fei, Fiona, Melody, Celine, Eva etc....thick pocket and good fucking technique. Lol!

Sound interesting. Please share your conversion technique and your encounters :D True story pls :)

30-12-2019, 08:54 PM
For me Bros, its more of the process. Like some Bros here mention, in GL, you know for sure you are going to fxxk the WL that you have chosen, the rest are rather routine, step 1, step 2, step 3...but when it comes to a ML, there is always the massage (provided you find one that gives a good press), than comes the "you never know when it will come" stage. This is where it is exciting for me...waiting for the ML to gradually go near your groin and than gliding her finger tips right where your balls are..than massaging your your inner thighs, and than later ask you to turn around and you never know when the GQ will come out, all the while having a conversation with you as we try to build some GFE...all these is what I enjoy now.

Its like the other day, a 28 year old junior of mine in office, also a cheongster, ask me why we like to go KTV, pay so much, touch touch, buy all the expensive liquor but in the end, did not even get a HJ:eek:!! To him, he cannot understand that sometimes for man our age, the process is more important than the final outcome. Only age will tell I guess? :D

Matured Senior Bros here, do you feel the same?

30-12-2019, 08:55 PM
For me Bros, its more of the process. Like some Bros here mention, in GL, you know for sure you are going to fxxk the WL that you have chosen, the rest are rather routine, step 1, step 2, step 3...but when it comes to a ML, there is always the massage (provided you find one that gives a good press), than comes the "you never know when it will come" stage. This is where it is exciting for me...waiting for the ML to gradually go near your groin and than gliding her finger tips right where your balls are..than massaging your your inner thighs, and than later ask you to turn around and you never know when the GQ will come out, all the while having a conversation with you as we try to build some GFE...all these is what I enjoy now.

Its like the other day, a 28 year old junior of mine in office, also a cheongster, ask me why we like to go KTV, pay so much, touch touch, but all the expensive liquor but in the end, did not even get a HJ:eek:!! To him, he cannot understand that sometimes for man our age, the process is more important than the final outcome. Only age will tell I guess? :D

Matured Senior Bros here, do you feel the same?

Yup. Totally agree. I manage to up most of the ML after 2 visits or so. Just be nice. Later share some stories

30-12-2019, 09:14 PM
...but when it comes to a ML, there is always the massage (provided you find one that gives a good press), than comes the "you never know when it will come" stage. This is where it is exciting for me...waiting for the ML to gradually go near your groin and than gliding her finger tips right where your balls are..than massaging your your inner thighs, and than later ask you to turn around and you never know when the GQ will come out, .

Actually, nowadays, can say that the MLs in most spas will pop GQ - it's not so much a surprise any more as you described. Not sure if anyone agrees?

It's almost a "by default" thing, or maybe depends whether they see your face is like 色狼 type or not!

FJ, will depend on what kind of joints ... those that ask you bring your own cd after initial visits, surely feels more genuine than pure fuck shops (no diff from GL).

Nonetheless fully agreed that the conversion to the dark side process is more fun than the actual deed.

31-12-2019, 09:39 AM
Just my 2 cents.

GL feels too commercialized and the feeling I get is too transactional. Literally people fuck and go.. but ML on the other hand could be more exciting as their main service is massage and other stuff they offer would be like bonus. they have more to offer besides sex.. depending on the ML, some offer hj only, some offer fj. Especially if you know this ML doesnt offer fj, but somehow you managed to get into the secret menu, then hosei liao. In a way, its like friends with benefits, maybe more of massage with benefits.

Maybe Im a little greedy and Im hopping to get all 3. 1- pretty girl, 2- great massage, 3-awesome sex.

But personally if I just want sex, I would prefer to go for FL, backed by good frs.

31-12-2019, 01:44 PM
have not been to MP for many moons, still need to register name and IC number at reception? :confused::D

02-01-2020, 02:24 PM
have not been to MP for many moons, still need to register name and IC number at reception? :confused::D

unfortunately, still require by-laws

03-01-2020, 10:09 AM
depends on what you like, I know some brothers like to be served and pampered and in those situations, a straight gl visit would serve the purpose (cos it's not impt to them whether the girl actually enjoy the session). however, some prefer a real experience where the girl also hits a real high and you can typically get that only in situations of ml who has been deprived and crave the encounter.

it can be mind blowing I assure you, I have come across some who haven't done it for a long time and the intensity is almost animalistic

03-01-2020, 11:00 AM
it can be mind blowing I assure you, I have come across some who haven't done it for a long time and the intensity is almost animalistic

Even i am like that :D