View Full Version : Quarantine Problems
11-05-2020, 01:52 PM
Hello everyone,
I've been a long time lurker of this subforum and love all the amazing stories written by the imaginative and talented bros here!
Had a little spare time and being rather inspired by the current covid situation, I came up with some fictional short stories that take place during lockdowns due to covid under my broad category of "quarantine problems"
I have a few short stories and have not decided whether I'll be creating one thread per short story or just continuing with a new story in this thread after the first ends.
Here is my first story for all to enjoy, this is my very first one and am open to comments about writing style etc.
I'd love to have pictures or gifs to complement my story - I absolutely enjoyed the stories here that had gifs and pictures to with the story telling. But i am very bad at looking for images/gifs so if you have suggested gifs or images that could complement my story, feel free to share!
This first story is inspired by another story in this forum by another bro. As the story develops, most of you should easily be able to guess which story inspired mine.
To the bro who wrote it, if it wasnt fiction, I am very sorry for your loss! I loved the story though and if you would ever be willing to share the vids and pics that you removed, know that i am very curious about them!
Work Friends to Fuck Friends
Day 1
The lockdown hit Singapore suddenly, with borders closed within 30 mins of being announced and citizens asked to remain where they were to be quarantined and then brought to facilities in batches unless they were able to reach their place of stay within 30 mins of the announcement.
Jeff was with his assistant, Amy in their office in Guoco tower when the announcement came. Being a Malaysian who crosses the causeway daily for work, Amy was going to be stuck in Singapore without a place to stay. Jeff had hired her a little over two months ago and she had no friends she could stay with.
Jeff chose Amy to be his assistant for a few simple reasons – she was a leggy ex-model with huge D cup breasts, well-toned butt and an angelic face that contradicted her devilishly sexy body.
Jeff: where will you stay? Do you need help finding a place to stay?
Amy: yes! I don’t have anyone I know here that could let me have a room. It should be impossible to find a place to rent in such short notice.
Jeff: I live in the next block in the residences, you can crash there until you find a place.
Amy: Oh thank you! I hope it wont be too much trouble
Jeff: I don’t think it would be trouble, as you know, I am single and I live alone. The only downside is there is only one bedroom. We can rotate between the bed and couch I guess
Amy: Ok! I will let my parents know I will be staying with you
Amy on the phone: Yes mama I will be staying with a friend from work! Ok bye!
Jeff: you tell your parents that I am your friend? Whos your friend?
Amy: hehe yes you are my work friend right? Still a friend!
Jeff: would your boyfriend mind?
Amy: I don’t think I have a choice even if he does. I hope he understands! I have already let him know. He doesn’t seem very happy for me to be living with another guy but he agrees there is no choice.
At the apartment
Amy: wow it’s a very nice view! You even have a jacuzzi!
Jeff: Yes well it’s a nice place. There are few rooms but I converted them for other purposes unfortunately there is only one bed – here
Jeff showed her his bedroom. There was only one bed but it was gigantic, able to sleep up to 4 people comfortably.
Amy: wow! Why do you have such a big bed! You bring many girls here is it boss? Hehe
Jeff: I roll around a lot and like space when I sleep. Look out for a dark stain there, its from a girl who squirted on my bed and I couldn’t get rid of the stains
Amy: huh.. ohh.. eee
She wasn’t really sure how to respond
Jeff gently slapping her arm: Just joking la haha. My clothes are inside my cupboard, you can shower in my bathroom first and pick out clothes you want to wear. Ill order some food.
Amy went into his room and closed the door. She left her bag outside though and had even left her phone on his dining table. He picked it up to look at her messages, wondering what her boyfriend was saying about him or rather what she was telling her boyfriend about him.
Jeff had only one purpose for being so nice to her – he wanted to fuck her brains out and if it meant sowing discord between her and her boyfriend, well it was even more of a turn on.
Boyfriend (BF): babe text me when you’re there ok, be careful and don’t be too trusting. Miss you!
BF: Babe are you ok? Safely at his home? Let me know please!
BF: Babe! Are you angry with me? I see you online but you don’t reply me. Im sorry if I did something wrong ok, I am just worried about you staying overseas on your own! Call me!
Those were the whatsapp messages from her boyfriend. He even called 3 times in the last 20 mins! He wondered why Amy didn’t respond. He noticed a tracking and remote access app installed on her phone, likely by her boyfriend so that he could read her messages and see what she is up to at all times. What a needy retard he thought.
He added his phone to the list of master access phones and copied her BF’s number to his phone just in case he wanted to have some fun with them.
He ordered some pizza and opened a bottle of cheap wine. Nothing gets you drunk faster than cheap reds he grinned.
Just as he was airing the wine, Amy appeared from his room in one of his loose, low hanging singlets. It was an oversized one which ended just below her butt, making his cock stir wondering if she was wearing anything below.
It was obvious she wasn’t wearing a bra, her breasts jiggling with each step and her nipples obviously erect through the thin material with ample sideboob was visible thanks to the low-cut design of the singlet. Thank you weird Taobao singlet designers he thought.
Amy: I couldn’t find anything casual for home that fits! So I took this! Hope you don’t mind!
Jeff: Sure I think I have more of those, if you like it you can have it, really cheap from Taobao! Ill go shower now, look out for the delivery guy! Help yourself to some wine!
Jeff went into his room but left all doors ajar. He wanted to see if she would somehow wander in and take things further on her own.
He saw her clothes hanging behind the door, they still smelt wonderful, a perfect mix of her womanly musk with her perfume. She had even hung her lingerie openly, making him wonder if she was just as open to fucking him or she was just too naïve. Her lingerie, a lacy half cup bra with matching g string that looked like it barely covers her pussy suggested the former. But he couldn’t take the risk just yet to ruin his chances.
He took a shower and used the remote app to look at her texts before heading out of the toilet.
Amy texting her bf: Hi dear I just showered. He lent me his clothes as I don’t have any! Here is a pic
She took a selfie with her in his singlet, either by design or by luck, the picture seemed like she was wearing a normal, decent singlet.
Amy texting her bf: we are waiting for food now. His place is nice!
She proceeded to send a video home tour of his place, leaving out his bedroom.
Bf: ok babe take care and let me know if you need anything ok!
11-05-2020, 01:56 PM
Pizza arrived just as Jeff stepped out of the room. Amy ran to the door, giving Jeff a glorious view of all her bouncy bits. He was hoping her breasts would spill out of the singlet but alas he was not that lucky. As she ran, the singlet rode up to reveal she was not wearing anything on her bottom!
What the fuck man! He thought, was she really up for some good shagging as well? How the fuck does she think walking around bare assed and bare pussied in a stranger’s home appropriate?
When she came back with the pizza and sat down, Jeff decided to play it cool.
After a few glasses of wine, he asked
Jeff: hey er, you are not wearing anything under the singlet right? Nothing at the bottom as well?
Amy: huh? Why? You saw?! Oh no! is it bad? Do you think the delivery person saw? Oh no I look like I am trying to seduce you right since you are my boss! Oh no!
She started blabbering and pouting, looking helpless but all so hot right then. Jeff wanted to shut her up by shoving his cock inside her.
Jeff: Oh no Amy, calm down! I don’t think the driver saw anything. I didn’t see anything but it was just a guess since I saw your underwear in the toilet hanging and I was wondering if you need anything. I am really ok if you think this is most comfortable for you. I may be your boss but I am also a guy so if you let me see, I sure will see! But if you think you are uncomfortable, let me know what you need! I am really more concern about.. you know.. how do I put it.. pussy juice on my furniture? They are mostly felt based as you can probably already feel. They are a joy to sit on naked but if they get damp, it is easily damaged and stained. I know girls will some times have such.. secretions randomly.
Amy: HUH! Oh er..
She was blushing furiously and her mind was swirling both thanks to the wine and her boss’s candidness.
Amy: let me go get a towel to sit on then!
She got up quickly, swaying a little and ran toward his room to retrieve a towel. Again as she moved, the singlet rode up, giving him a view of her nice smooth bottom and hints of a perfectly bald pussy.
She returned with a towel and sat on it.
Amy: Thank you Jeff for letting me know. I have always been blur when it comes to such things. My mom always said I sit and behave like a guy, so rough and ungirly. She made me go into modelling to change that. But I realised in modelling, people don’t care that you zhaogeng, or even they like it! Many times I was told the pictures had some zhaogeng and it was so obvious the crew definitely would have saw it! That means they didn’t care or actually wanted it.
Jeff: so you don’t mind if I get to see, but you care that the delivery guy saw your pussy?
Amy: emm, not sure lei. You are my friend ma so I think it is ok since it was accidental. Its like if we go swimming and you saw me in my bikini, almost naked also ma hor? But for delivery guy I don’t know him! Feels weird!
What the heck is wrong with this girl, Jeff thought. She didn’t care if her friend saw her bald pussy? Wow this might be easier than he thought!
When they were done eating, Amy offered to do the dishes.
As she walked away, Jeff admired her butt cheeks, exposed as the short singlet she wore rode up as she moved. He took the opportunity to take a picture and looked into her phone through the app.
Bf: Hey girl, are you ok? Why never reply me??!
Bf 10 mins later: Hey are you ok??
Bf 20 mins later: WHY NO REPLY??!!
What a chump Jeff thought!
When Amy was done, she decided that it was time to hit the hay.
Jeff followed her to the bedroom to make sure she had everything she needed and took some pillows for the couch. He attempted something that he was pretty sure would not work. He decided to give it a shot anyway.
Jeff: Ok so this is something odd but as you know.. I live alone so this is normal for me. My bedsheets are expensive because they are of a silk and high thread count cotton blend. In this aircon environment, it is very easily damaged by our normal clothes due to static. So it I usually sleep naked to prevent that. If it is not too uncomfortable for you, I hope you will sleep without clothes on it as well. But I don’t want to be like a creep, making you sleep naked in my bed given we barely know each other! Let me know!
He was sure she would say no, but if she agreed by some miracle, he would be able to admire her nude form while she slept through his hidden security cameras. Something to wank off to on the couch if he couldn’t sleep.
Amy: emm, I think ok la. I also sleep naked usually at home. I don’t want to damage your things! You are already very nice to me!
Jeff: ok then. Thank you very much! Off to the couch then. Hope my back can take it!
Amy: eerm, hey boss, I think the bed big enough for us to share lei. If you don’t think dirty, I think we can sleep on the bed and still have enough space in between. We can put the pillows in the middle!
Jeff: then you want to let me see you naked ah?
Amy: off the light then get naked and go on bed lor aiyo. Thinking dirty lei
The lord of sin must be watching over me tonight, Jeff chuckled to himself
Jeff: er ok then, as long as your bf and parents don’t mind ah
Amy: I am an adult already! I choose what I want to do!
After placing the pillows, Jeff turned off the lights, got naked and went to his side of the bed. He could hear Amy fumble to get on as well.
There were still light coming from her phone. He guessed she was texting her boyfriend. The faint light from her screen allowed him to catch small glimpses of her lovely breasts through the gaps between the pillow wall.
He took his phone and went into the tracker app to spy on their conversation.
Amy: Hi baby, we are going to sleep now! Just now I was eating! Stop expecting me to text you non stop when I am at people’s house as guest la! So rude!
Bf: sorry but when you go missing like that I am very worried! You are staying in a man’s house alone, I don’t know what to think!
Amy: Jeff has been very nice to me! He is my boss and I trust him! don’t think dirty! Don’t you trust me?
Amy: in fact he was so nice to tell me what I wearing just now easy zhaogeng wor. If he was pervert like you will just enjoy it!
BF calls Amy
Amy in soft whispers to not disturb Jeff, to no avail: hey! Tell you sleeping already! Why you call? Will disturb people one you know!
BF: *shouting through the phone though Jeff couldn’t hear*
Amy: No! he is a gentleman and has been very nice to me to let me stay here! His bed is very big and we put pillow in between! Don’t you trust me?
Amy: You don’t trust me at all! Keep saying such things! Don’t want to talk to you already!
The call ended and Amy huffed.
Jeff: Quarrel with BF ha?
Amy: you heard that ah? Sorry! Hope didn’t wake you up. my boyfriend keeps saying things like you are being nice just to fuck me!
Jeff: is that what you think also?
Amy: No! I don’t think that! I think you are very nice, you didn’t force me to stay with you or do anything I don’t want. My boyfriend don’t trust me! So angry!
Jeff: calm down girl, don’t let him ruin your night. Do you want to turn on the lights to talk about it? Or maybe get a cup of water to cool down?
Amy: Ok thank you, sorry to disturb. How to turn on the lights?
Jeff: *claps 3 times*
The lights turned on.
Jeff: do you want me to close my eyes while you get up so I don’t see you naked?
11-05-2020, 02:13 PM
Hi Bro,
Just up u for sharing. Pls continue to post more....
big wood
11-05-2020, 02:14 PM
nice story thanks
11-05-2020, 02:40 PM
Hmmm nice, wonderful story. Set tent with whisky camping for updates
11-05-2020, 02:58 PM
Good start
Camping for more
11-05-2020, 03:17 PM
Amy: haiya no need la so difficult huh. I will be staying with you for a few days at least, surely will have many problems if we so shy around each other! After all I think you saw my little girl already right just now!
Jeff: haha ok then
Amy returned with 2 cups of water and handed one to Jeff. He could finally admire her nude form openly. He didn’t realise he had been staring at her body.
Amy: staring at what ha?
She saw Jeff’s erect cock and was starting to blush.
Jeff: Errm.. you got shave one ha?
Jeff responded lamely, pointing to her pussy. her naked form in front of him made his mind go blank
Amy: no la, I wax often, don’t like having hair. You also ma, you wax right? No hair there. Quite big now hor, why ah? You doing naughty thing just now is it
Amy nodded at his angry red cock. She slowly sat down on his side of the bed and passed him his cup. Her wonderful pussy lips parted as she did so, giving him an amazing glimpse of the pink velvet depths within.
Jeff: no la Amy, got a naked hot and sexy model walking around in my house you think I wont get hard meh?
Amy stuck her tongue out to tease him.
Amy: who is this sexy model lei? Oh he shaking lei
Amy pointed at his cock which throbbed when she stuck her tongue out. This gorgeous vixen really had all the tools to make guys go insane. He thought he would cum right there.
Jeff: you lah of course. Your boyfriend never like this with you meh?
Amy: erm, have la.. but not so big ma hehe. Ok la so is my fault! How to make it better leh? You want to masturbate anot? I leave the room
Jeff: No I don’t masturbate one. My rule is to only cum with a girl. Since your fault, you help me lah!
Amy: aiyo how to help? I got boyfriend one leh.
Amy was clearly aroused. Jeff could see her engorged clit peeking out from the folds of her pussy. it was also releasing a generous amount of her juices and some had already found their way down onto the bedsheets.
Jeff: You horny already ah! So wet! Careful of my sheets or you’ll really leave a stain!
Amy shot up quickly, not wanting to damage his sheets. In the process, she spilt water on Jeff and gave out a cute little yip
Amy: Sssoorry! I hope water doesn’t damage your bed! Should I get a towel to sit on?
Jeff: aiya nevermind la abit of water. No need a towel, you seem very tense still. You want a massage? You’ll need to sit on my lap though in case your little pussy decides to get wetter. Usually I ask girls to sit on my cock la. So that can plug the hole, but you got bf so I wont ask you to do that
Amy: Oh! Of course cannot! I don’t even let my boyfriend fuck me! I am keeping sex for until after marriage! I am still a virgin!
Even though she seemed unsure, Amy moved closer to Jeff.
Jeff took the opportunity to pull her toward him and had her sitting on his lap with her back facing him, at the edge of the bed.
He positioned her this way so that his 8 inch monster cock was nestled between the folds of her heavenly pussy. he could feel the warmth and arousal flowing out of her wanting pussy.
Virgin eh? Let’s change that he thought to himself.
11-05-2020, 03:23 PM
He started massaging her neck, relaxing her while keeping his face close to her neck, smelling her scent and exhaled on her exposed nape. He could see goosebumps appearing and felt her trembling. He was going to make her beg him to make her cum!
Jeff: so you’re still a virgin huh? Sure anot? Your boyfriend don’t ask sex from you?
Jeff was trying to keep the topic on sex, to get her hornier and crave his cock
Amy: mmmm, ya.. I am a virgin still! This…. this is my first boyfriend and I tell him to wait till after marriage! I know….. is old fashion but I grew up like that! I tell him that whatever we do, I will not have sex until after married!
Amy practically moaned her response, with a few gasps in between sentences as Jeff did some kegels to make his cock jerk upwards, tapping her dripping cunt. Boy this was like a fairy tale!
Jeff: so you never do other things with him? Like play with his cock, let him play with your pussy all that? Cannot be right you’re so hot. How to resist?
Amy: oohhhh erm. Talk about this I shy leh, will make you think badly of me anot? Ermmm have la. I do give him blowjob, let him play with my body lor. Just no sex. I don’t even let his cock touch my pussy!
How could he see her as anything except an insane slut? Here she was stark naked, her dripping pussy grinding on his raging hard cock, moaning away as he gave her a “massage”? and she still said she didn’t even let her boyfriend’s cock touch her pussy? what?!
Jeff started to shift his hands down to her chest area. He started off slow, testing the waters as he rubbed the side of her arms, his fingers gently caressing the sides of her massive breasts as he did so.
Slowly but surely, he worked his way toward the front, groping and squeezing her breasts but leaving out her sensitive nipples for now. They were facing a mirror, so he could watch her expression as he did so. She looked as though she was on the brink of orgasm, her eyes closed and her breaths quick.
As he continued to rub her breasts, he started to rock his hips so that she slid back and forth on his lap, her pussy gliding on his bare cock.
Amy was conflicted. She was enjoying this massage so much! But was it too much? Was what her boyfriend said true? Did Jeff want to fuck her? But it felt so good! And it wasn’t creepy or anything. He wasn’t fucking her, he was giving her a good massage!
But his cock, is on her pussy! not even her boyfriend had done it before.
“ooommpph” a moan escaped her lips and she made up her mind just then. She was an adult and she knew what she was doing.
This wasn’t sex. She was naked in her boss’s lap because she didn’t want to damage his sheets! She definitely couldn’t afford to pay him back for them and he was already so nice to her. Her mind at ease, she let herself go and enjoyed the massage.
Jeff: Is the massage good? Any requests?
Amy: mmmm it is very good Jeff! But… you are touching my breasts huh? So naughty ah! Do you always massage girl’s breast? Remember I have a boyfriend hor!
Jeff: Darling, this is a full body massage. How can I not massage your whole body?
11-05-2020, 04:41 PM
Awesome storyline. Please continue bro. Thanks 🙏🏼
11-05-2020, 07:21 PM
With that he started kissing and licking the nape of her neck, sending new waves of pleasure down her spine. He could feel her quiver as groans and moans escaped her lips.
She was now unconsciously grinding his cock on her own! He shifted her slightly so that her hips had more space to move. She automatically began to grind on his cock intensely as he started to tease her left nipple with his skilled fingers, rub her stomach with his other hand and suck on her neck.
This combination made her mind go wild with pleasure. She needed to cum so badly, she would do anything!
As Jeff's hands got closer to her groin, he suddenly stopped. Amy, who had her eyes closed, wriggled in his lap, desperately trying to get him to keep going. Jeff shifted her so that the tip of his cock now rested at the entrance to her wet love hole. He drew circles on her stomach with one hand and rubbed her clit with the other. He felt her continued to grind into him, but paused every once in a while just as his cock almost pierced her virgin hole.
Amy was frustrated! She needed release and the grinding had brought her so close. In this position, she couldn’t grind herself onto him much without risking his cock going into her. She still had some sense left in her that prevented her from letting his giant cock into her tiny love hole.
Instead, she tried to shift further back, so that she could once again grind the length of his cock.
Jeff stopped what he was doing suddenly and hugged her.
Jeff: Hey er girl? I think we should stop. You see your pussy is leaking so much onto me. It is almost going to flow onto the bedsheets!
Amy: Huh? Oh no! but it was so good and you aren’t finished! What can we do to let it finish?
She couldn’t possible let him stop now that she was so close to one of the best orgasms in her life!
Jeff: Maybe… but nah I think too risky and your boyfriend wont like it one.
Amy: What?? Tell me!
Jeff: we can do 69 position lor! Since I am only left with the bottom part of your body, you lie on top of me with your bottom at my head lor! Then I can quickly wipe off if going to touch the sheets and also continue to massage! But my cock will be in your face la so I think you wont want it.
Amy: Im ok! I think since you help me so much I help you masturbate also la! Since you also so hard right? If use hand consider cum with girl anot?
Trying his luck, Jeff: erm, no cannot. It needs to at least be a blowjob
Amy: Haiya, ok la consider it as helping a friend. There is no love involved so I don’t think it is cheating! But when you wana cum must let me know ok!
Jeff: do you want to use a condom instead?
Amy: No! I hate condoms, it tastes so bad and feels weird. Some more, I was taught that if you got a condom, it means you are prepared and it is cheating since you already thought of it! This way, we aren’t cheating!
Jeff: haha ok then
They got into position and even before Jeff did anything, the cock hungry girl engulfed his cock with her mouth and started sucking like a pro. He was too big for her to take the entire length straight away but as she built momentum, she was able to take his whole length into her a few times.
She wriggled her pussy in his face, reminding him to continue his massage. He started rubbing her clit and was about to plunge his fingers into her when she swatted them away.
Amy: No! don’t put more than one ok! I read online that too many fingers will make me not virgin!
Jeff proceeded to put a finger in and pulled her pussy to his mouth and started licking.
He did not expect to even touch her on the first night but now, just over 6 hours after inviting her to his home, this insanely sexy girl was in a 69 position in his bed, fulfilling what he chose her for.
Amy suddenly stiffened and started shuddering. Jeff knew this meant she was having an orgasm and increased his attack on her delicate pussy. She quaked as he continued his assault. He also started to feel his own orgasm building in his balls.
After what seemed like an eternity, he shot his load down her throat just as she took his entire length into her once again.
She got up coughing, choking on his huge load. He could see his cum leaking out of her mouth as she tried to hold it in, not knowing what to do with the load while keeping in mind that she couldn’t spit it just anywhere for fear of staining his bed. It was a funny sight to look at.
Jeff: just swallow it girl, most of it is already in your throat.
After a few tries, she swallowed the rest of his load
Amy: Wei! I told you to tell me before you cum! How can you do this to me?
Jeff: It came suddenly and by the time I knew, I already started shooting. Your sucking was too good! Ill try harder next time!
Amy: Har? You think still got next time meh? So naughty ah you all guy think girl so love your cock ah.
He reached out to rub her pussy.
Jeff: ya, you don’t like cock meh? This pussy seems to say otherwise.
Amy: Hmmph! I am going to shower
Jeff followed her into the shower and she did not protest.
They washed their bodies and went to bed exhausted.
Amy didnt know that the entire ordeal was captured by Jeff’s hidden cameras.
11-05-2020, 09:17 PM
Hi Bro TS,
Any chance to share the video over here?
11-05-2020, 10:34 PM
Camping for more!!
12-05-2020, 01:11 AM
Up u 22 points for a form of encouragement cheers :)
12-05-2020, 04:44 AM
This first story is inspired by another story in this forum by another bro. As the story develops, most of you should easily be able to guess which story inspired mine.
yeah i think i know which story u are talking about. it was a very sad story indeed.
12-05-2020, 05:13 AM
Sure hope TS will update more soon, this story is nice.
12-05-2020, 11:11 AM
Day 2
Jeff woke to find Amy already out of bed. Her scent lingered in the room, the perfect mixture of the remnants of her perfume and her womanly musk. He looked at his phone, downloading the video of the antics of the night before. These security cameras were definitely worth the investment.
He took a look at her phone through the app.
BF at 4am: babe I am very sorry. Of course I trust you. I love you. call me back ok
BF at 6am: Babe, have you wake up? Don’t be angry ok? Im sorry!
Amy at 8am: Hi, I am up. not working already so no need to be up at 6am ma.
BF: how did you sleep?
Amy: ok la, his bed very nice to sleep. Very big and comfy.
Bf: You still sleep on his bed? Did you sleep alone?
Amy: No! I tell you already his bed is not normal bed! It is very big can sleep more than 4 people. More than enough space for us to share!
Amy: Yes! I tell you already! See you don’t trust me at all!
Bf: ok ok, sorry to caps. Did you sleep after our quarrel or?
Amy: no, I was angry at you. the call disturbed Jeff so he ask me if everything was ok. I told him about our problem. I couldn’t sleep so he give me a massage then we go to sleep
Amy: I DON’T WANT TO TALK TO YOU ALREADY! Keep saying I cheat! It is just a massage!
BF: ok ok sorry. Did anything happen during the massage? What he massage?
Amy: he give me full body massage lor.
Bf: massage on where? How to full body? You naked?
Amy: on the bed, yes I told you already had to be naked on his bed cos clothes will damage it
Amy: after the massage, I helped to relief him…
There were 4 missed calls from her bf and it seemed like she was on a call now as well.
Jeff was rock hard reading their conversation. It was really hilarious and such a turn on for him. An insecure bf who was miles away who was such a worry wart over his model girlfriend. Although he did really have a cause for concern, given her naiveite and rather odd mindset about sex and love.
If she were his, he might have some concerns too. But she wasn’t his and all he wanted was to fuck her brains out. And it seemed like the odds were in his favour
He washed up and went out of the room, finding Amy in a rather heated conversation on the phone at the living area.
She was back to wearing the oversized singlet and was seated with her legs wide apart, giving him a nice view of her bare pussy. she had forgotten all about the towel to sit on, not that Jeff really cared. His furniture was really from Taobao and he would be willing to buy a new set of everything if he could fuck her senseless during this lockdown.
Amy: Don’t want to talk to you already! Bye!
Jeff: what happened?
Amy: stupid boyfriend lor! I told him about last night, that you give me massage because I was stressed after our call. Then he start saying I cheat on him again. Very angry!
Jeff: aiyo, how ah like that. Do you wana find another place to stay? I feel bad if I am the reason you and your bf have problems
Amy: Don’t care him la! I feel bad to trouble you also but I had tried finding places to rent or hotel to stay but all of them very expensive! You know my salary how low! I cannot afford like 200 a night! It is more than I earn in a day!
Jeff: don’t worry, I live alone anyway, I am fine having you here as company during this stupid lockdown. Have you eaten? Since no work anymore, I can show you the roof today since last night it was dark already I didn’t bring you there.
Amy: Roof? Also yours ah? Why you so rich ah
Jeff: this is a penthouse girl, I am not rich la. You work for me but you also know the type of work I do. How rich can I be right? My parents rich. They bought me this place to stay and also for investment lor. Take it as my inheritance.
Amy: waaaah. Didn’t know my boss is really a rich boss ah! Ok thank you I will stay here until I find another alternative! I made breakfast! I found some eggs and bread so made toast and scrambled eggs. I eat already, cos hungry. But yours is on the dining table! I go take a shower to cool down! Angry!
Jeff went to eat and took the alone time to edit the videos of last night and planning a way to further sour their relationship. He got hard again just thinking about it.
When Amy was done, he brought her up to the roof where there was a large outdoor jacuzzi and a infinity lap pool with an awesome view of the Singapore skyline
Amy: waaahh!! Can see the flyer from here!
Jeff: you are free to use it anytime you want! Shall we try the jacuzzi? More than big enough for 2 of us!
Amy: But I don’t have swimwear lei! How to go? Use underwear? Haven’t wash though
Jeff: I've seen you naked and you’ve seen me naked. Why cannot just go in naked? Also cant see anything with the bubbles.
12-05-2020, 11:13 AM
Amy: Hmm ok lor! I go in first!
She quickly took off her singlet and got into the jacuzzi. Jeff turned on the jets and joined her. He caught her staring at his monster cock which was fully erect and grinned.
Amy blushed when she was caught and stuck out her tongue.
Amy: Hard again! Whats the problem this time?
Jeff: it will always be you! do you wana take a picture? I can help you
Amy passed him her phone and he helped her to take a few photos of her in the jacuzzi with the amazing skyline behind her. From the photos, it was obvious she was naked but the bubbles protected her modesty.
Amy: Lets take selfie!
She scooted up beside Jeff, who took the opportunity to shift her onto his lap, his cock sandwiched between her butt. She didn’t resist.
Jeff: ok smile, one two..
Just as he said three, he shifted a hand to grab her breast under the water and gave it a squeeze. This caused her to squirm and squeal, spoiling the shot.
Amy: eehhh! Whats that! You anyhow touch my breast!
Jeff: haha sorry I couldn’t resist. Lets try again.
They got back into position and this time, Jeff placed his hand on her breast.
As they took the pictures, it looked like an innocent one. Beneath the bubbles however, he was tweaking her nipple as they took the shots while she desperately tried to flick his hand away without spoiling the shot.
When they were done, she squirmed out of his lap.
Amy: so naughty Jeff! Why all you guys like to play with breast?
Jeff: What you mean all you guys? How many guys have played with your breast? You are magnificent and I would play with any part of you! not just your breasts!
Amy: last time when I was modelling lor, the photographers like to play with my breasts a lot! They said massaging it will help it grow firmer and nicer on photos! They also like to make my nipples hard for shoots so that they will poke out from the clothes, to attract more views! At first I believed them. Then my boyfriend told me they were lying! But even so, my boyfriend also cannot stop playing with my breasts whenever we are alone one!
Jeff: well then it just shows I am a normal guy ma, whats so surprising?
Amy: Hmm ok la you got a point. Maybe is like cannot resist hor? Natural…
Jeff: do you like it when your boyfriend suck your breasts?
Amy: yes! It feels very good and makes me really horny! Especially when he suck on it and rub my pussy, I cum very fast!
Jeff: you really love each other huh? For you to stand his protectiveness and him for agreeing to wait till after marriage for sex. If I were him, cannot tahan leh. Girlfriend so dam sexy and hot but cannot put my cock inside. Will go crazy one!
Amy: you really think I am so sexy ah boss?
She stuck her tongue out again. Oh lord, thought Jeff. I might have to flip her over now and fuck her brains out!
12-05-2020, 06:57 PM
Very nice bro pls cont :D
12-05-2020, 09:07 PM
Jeff: yes, why? This cannot be the first time you hear it right? Im sure you know it also.
Amy: no one tells me that leh. Sometimes my boyfriend tells me that im fat. That my butt area got a lot of extra fats. I agree some parts maybe abit too fat la. If can be smaller better.
Jeff: nonsense! Where is the fat? Show me! You need 2nd opinion!
Amy stood up revealing her nakedness in all its glory. She went closer to Jeff and thrust her butt towards him. She squeezed her cheeks
Amy: neh, see here like a lot of fat or extra skin! And here my thighs also abit bah bah
Jeff squeezed her butt cheeks and gave it a hard smack before trailing his hands up her thigh to her mound and lightly brushing her slit before placing it down
Jeff: No la where got? It is perfect! Hear that piak sound? Fantastic!
Amy: ow! Pain lei you so mean to me! I am going back down to watch tv!
She got out of the jacuzzi and headed down, wriggling her bubble butt as she walked.
Jeff looked into her phone through his again and saw the following texts
Bf: sorry ok girl, ive cooled down now. I trust you. what you do is your decision and I trust that you never cheat on me
Amy: ok la, promise you stop saying me cheat ok? I love you! I just come down from jacuzzi! See pic!
Amy sent the picture of her in the jacuzzi with the Singapore flyer behind
Bf: are you naked in the tub? He take pic for you ah? Means he get to see you naked again?
It seemed like he was on the phone with her right now! Jeff hurried down to eavesdrop.
Amy: But it is see only what! Yes we naked but who never see naked girl before leh? You see his house so nice, you think he cannot get girl meh? Must be me? Open computer also can see naked girl what! What is so wrong? You said you trust me? Bye!
Jeff: Quarrel again ah?
Amy: Ya! That stupid guy, cannot take it! Make me so angry de. Keep say trust me and I believe him so reply his msg. then again and again he find way to say im a bad girl cheat on him!
Jeff: do you.. want me to talk to him?
Amy: haiya, duno la I give you his number you can do what you want ba. I don’t want to talk to him already!
Jeff was delighted at her offer of the number. He can now start “operation fuck dat dude up”. he hoped Amy did not see the glee on his face. Luckily she was too busy pouting and staring at the tv screen.
Jeff: don’t angry already la. You need to relax leh later high blood. Want another massage anot? Yesterday you calm down after massage.
Amy: Here ah? Ok lor. Your massage very good huh. A lot of girls let you practice?
Jeff: Hmm.. I only practice on girls that I want to lor. Some ask me to massage I also don’t want to give hor. Come sit on my lap.
Amy hopped on his lap obediently. This time, he asked her to face him, so that his cock was sandwiched between her folds and her breasts were on his chest.
Amy: like that can meh? Ok lor
Jeff hushed her by covering her mouth and began stroking her neck gently.
She was immediately silenced and went limp. He could feel the heat emanating from her sex. Her needy pussy was once again dripping sex down his shaft.
After a short while, Jeff stopped and lifted her up, asking her to kneel on the couch. He casually rubbed her sopping cunt which caused her to flinch and brought it to her face.
Jeff: wa girl, I know is natural hor, but you very wet leh. We need to stop it from staining the couch. Cant use a towel also cos it will leak through since you so wet.
Amy: Oh no, then how? 69 like last night? But you haven’t even done my shoulders finish!
Jeff: hmm, this might sound weird but I really think is the only choice lor. I usually plug girls with my cock so that it wont leak out one. But you virgin ma, so cannot put my cock inside. What if just the tip? See how it goes? I will put just my tip inside slowly, if pain we stop. If not then it will be the best way.
Amy: No! then it is cheating right with your cock inside me! Also, how can still be virgin with that inside?
Jeff: No ah, we not having sex what. It is a massage. I also never put my whole cock inside, only the tip. If just the tip not so big, the hymen should remain intact one. Do you trust me?
Amy: ermmmmm ok la try lor. But I tell you stop must stop ok?
Jeff made her straddle his cock and slowly lowered her onto his raging erection. Her wetness that had already coated his entire shaft meant he was ready for entry. He paused as the tip of his cock reached the entrance to her virgin cunt.
He could feel her holding her breath, quivering with need and confusion. He lowered her further, feeling his giant cock stretch her tight pussy. wider and wider it got as he lowered her further. The glans were in, but he didn’t stop. He wanted her to be the one that stopped him. When a quarter of his cock was in, Amy squealed
Amy: Stop! That’s enough already! Otherwise I will lose my virginity and become a cheat!
Jeff: ok, feels ok right? Let us continue
In that position, her lovely breasts in his face. He could feel her pussy spasm with each breath they took. It was still getting used to having something that large inside. He could feel it squeeze his cock and pulsate.
He went straight for her breasts, sucking on the right teat while rolling the left nipple between his fingers.
Amy was lost in a swirl of lust and new sensations. She never had anything except fingers in her pussy before. Now she had a quarter of Jeff’s giant cock inside her pussy, throbbing as he got more aroused. She could also feel her pussy being stretched each time she breathed.
The awkward position they were in meant that with every breath, she would be rocking ever so slightly, sliding his cock in and out of her a little with every gasp.
With his expert attack on her breasts, she went limp from the sensations and let him have his way.
As he continued to suck her nipples, Jeff started rocking his hips, thrusting his giant cock in and out of her ever so slightly.
Amy: oohhhhh no!! stop that rocking! That is sex right? I cannot cheat!
Jeff: hush girl, that is not! It is part of the massage. Full body massage right? I am massaging your pussy with my cock. It is not sex. Just like we agreed, it is only the tip inside and so you are still a virgin.
He increased the pace, going deeper with every thrust. He wanted to see if he could push her to the point where he had his whole cock inside her but he felt his orgasm building and didn’t want to risk shooting his load inside her at this point. This will likely freak her out.
He thrust his cock into her pussy a few more times and suddenly felt her pussy clamp down on his cock like a vice. He felt his own orgasm building and quickly withdrew. As he did so, she howled as her tight pussy that was filled by his cock just moments ago, had a void.
His cock came out of her tight cunt with a pop. Just in time he thought, as he lifted her off him and started spurting ropes of cum onto her breasts.
Jeff: urrrghghh sorry, im abit out of practice, this shouldn’t happen
He wasn’t lying, usually he would shoot his load into the cunts of the girls.
Amy mumbled senselessly, still fazed by what happened.
Amy: I think it is ok, I feel much better now.
She walked of to the shower and Jeff decided not to follow.
He took his phone and texted her boyfriend. The plan was going better than expected.
Jeff: hey man, this is Jeff, Amy’s boss. I hear from Amy you are giving her a hard time cos she is living with me. Give her some slack man if she didn’t live with me, she would be in the streets or some weird quarantine facility!
Bf: why you have my number? Stay the fuck out of our problems! Who you think you are? Stop trying to psycho her that I am the bad guy!
Jeff: but you are the bad guy dude! You keep giving your girlfriend shit. Your girlfriend is such a fucking hot slut man! You should be giving her your cock all day!
Jeff: nothing man! Well I gave her my dick that’s all 😊
Jeff sent him a picture cropped from the video of the night before showing his cock nestled between her pussy.
Bf: fuck you! ill kill you bastard how dare you touch my girl! Fuck!
Jeff sent him a cropped video of the 69 session, with Amy sucking his cock so zealously and him eating her cunt.
Jeff: she said she loves my cock cos well, yours is really small! Guess what? Her pussy is mine!
Bf: fuck you chee bye I gona kill you fucker I don’t believe you! she said she will remain virgin until marriage!
Jeff: ok bro ill be waiting. You can do whatever you want. You also know she don’t want to talk to you anymore anyway! So you can only talk to me!
Jeff finished the conversation with a picture he quickly cropped of the session they just had. It showed him sucking on her tits. He removed the part of his cock inside her, saving it for another time
He blocked him and went into Amy’s phone. Naturally, her bf was spamming her phone with messages now
Amy: What do you mean? You hack and track my phone, now you tracking and hacking his phone also? You are unbelievable!
Amy blocked him.
It seemed having his cock inside her had shook her so he left her alone for the rest of the day. When it was time to go to bed, he found her lying in bed before him.
Amy: Hi Jeff, thank you again for letting me stay.
Jeff: No problem, stop being so formal. We are friends right? You said one.
Amy: Yea hehe ok friends. Your that thing, still hard leh. When will not hard one leh?
Jeff: As always, it is because of you ma. Cannot help it! Maybe if shoot a few times per day then will be hard less often lor!
Amy: few times a day? Eeeyerr so horny one meh you guys? Want me help you again anot? Today like never help you hor.
Jeff: hmm, if you don’t mind of course I would love to. Can I fuck you? hehe
Amy: Aiyo so naughty. Help you only hor, not say have sex with you.
Jeff: let me feel your pussy on my cock la, feel only ma not go inside.
Amy: haiya. Ok la. What you want me to do?
She got up and straddled him. He got her into cowgirl position and made her slide her pussy up and down his shaft. It felt heavenly for the both of them.
He sucked her breasts as she continued to slide up and down his length, making her gasp and moan like a bitch in heat.
Jeff: like that cant cum one I think. Let me put inside la, just the tip only. Like just now! Just now already in and not cheating ma, now also will be the same!
Amy: No! now is for the purpose of you cumming! It is not the same! Just now is for massage which is not sex related!
Jeff: Ok la then I give you massage again? Can anot?
Amy: hmm. How to massage?
Jeff lay her down on her stomach and placed a pillow on her belly, causing her pussy to be raised for easy access. He lay over her, his cock positioned at the entrance of her pussy and began rubbing her neck.
As he massaged her neck, he kissed and licked it as he slowly slid his cock into her. He was a ‘gentleman’, sliding only as deep as before. He thrust in and out as she moaned loudly. He could feel her pussy contracting signalling an orgasm. He powered through and felt his orgasm build as well.
All massage things were forgotten, he now had her in doggy position, fucking her with a quarter of his cock like a crazed man. Just as he was about to cum, he pulled out and shot his load at her pussy.
Amy: wei! How can come there! Will pregnant anot?
Jeff: wont la, outside ma. Let’s go shower and sleep!
12-05-2020, 11:59 PM
TS, great thread. Added 13 to your reps.
13-05-2020, 05:15 AM
Many thanks for sharing this story TS, it's very nice. Certainly look forward to more updates soon.
14-05-2020, 05:09 AM
thanks for this nice story, please continue sharing ts.
14-05-2020, 01:26 PM
Awesome story bro.
Had me hard reading it and love the way you manipulated her innocence, inching your way into her treasure pot. 😋😋😋
Ups up.
14-05-2020, 03:07 PM
Steamy.... keep it going....
14-05-2020, 03:08 PM
Please continue with the juicy story TS :)
14-05-2020, 03:57 PM
Jeff woke to Amy’s pussy in his face. Her clit was engorged and as usual, sex was oozing out of her love hole. She was sucking his cock enthusiastically, twirling her tongue around his cockhead and slurping up any precum that escaped.
He reached up to give her cunt a lick.
Amy: oooh! Wake up already huh! I hope it is a good way to wake up to!
Jeff: Definitely one of the best ways! What are you doing?
Amy: I woke up and saw your naughty cock standing and thought I should help you shoot lor. Since it is always my fault right? Hehe. So that you wont be so xin ku all day and try funny thing like trying to ask me to fuck you! you know I wont!
Jeff kept quiet and enjoyed the blowjob. This crazy slut clearly didn’t know what cheating was or what sex was. He wasn’t going to tell her of course. He felt the familiar sensation building in his balls and prepared to unleash his load into her unsuspecting mouth.
Amy: eeeyerr, again!
She quickly ran to the toilet to spit out whatever cum that didn’t manage to find its way into her throat.
When she returned, she was back in her singlet and sporting a smile. She left the room to make breakfast, leaving Jeff alone. Naturally he whipped out his phone to check hers. She had unblocked her boyfriend in the morning.
Amy: Morning
Bf: still angry?
Amy: if you not angry and not going to accuse me of being a dirty girl then maybe not!
Bf: sorry. Will you forgive me?
Jeff chuckled out loud. What was he doing? Trying to play it cool? Even with those pictures he sent? What a cuck!
Amy: maybe! See how you behave from now on.
It looked like Amy sucked his cock right after having a conversation with her boyfriend. How faithful of her.
He texted her boyfriend.
Jeff: hey dude! How’s it going? I kissed Amy’s lips a few times already! Do you think she likes it? I cant tell if she is a good kisser!
Jeff: Her pussy lips I mean. They cant kiss back right? Get it? Hahahah!
Bf: fuck you cheebye I will kill you!
Jeff: don’t la, you haven’t see all the amazing videos and pictures I have of us together yet! Wait a while ok?
He proceeded to send the picture of their selfie in the jacuzzi
Jeff: looks innocent hor, but actually below, I was squeezing her breasts! She looks so cute trying to control her face from showing how good she feels!
He went out to find Amy laying the table. They ate, making small talk.
Amy: I want to go swimming after breakfast! The pool looks very nice!
Jeff: ok, I can help you take pictures also. Don’t forget suntan lotion hor. I can help you apply your back if you need.
Amy: Ok! Help me apply then!
He followed her up to the pool and asked her to lay on the pool chair. He sat on her butt and squirted a generous amount of lotion and started rubbing it over her back, once in a while reaching to her sides to tickle her breasts, making her wriggle and giggle.
As he moved down, he shifted and found his cock nestled between her cheeks. He thought this was the perfect opportunity to take a nice close up picture for her cucky boyfriend. He positioned his cock at the entrance of her butt hole and started taking pictures.
Amy: Hey! How come your cock is there ah? Naughty!
Jeff: erm just my positioning bah. I need to sit down to reach you ma, where else to sit?
He shifted again, placing the tip of his cock at the entrance of her pussy. he nudged it a little, parting her lips and bringing his tip just past the entrance and quickly took a few pictures and made a video of it coming out.
Amy: Hey! Cannot ah!
Jeff ignored her and continued applying lotion, taking the chance to maul her butt and slide his hands up and down her slit from behind. When he was done with her back, he asked if she wanted her front done.
Amy: ok la since your hands dirty already.
Jeff applied lotion on her front, being all professional and gentlemanly, if professionals had their cocks wedged between tits of girls when they did so.
He shifted into a 69 position with him on top to apply lotion on her tummy and pussy, shoving his cock in her face as he did so.
Amy: Wei! So big this thing anyhow put! Oily also!
She tried to swat it out of her face but let go as she realised it was coated in lotion, because it was nestled between her expertly lotioned breasts just moments ago. It swung back and smacked her on the lips.
Amy: ow! This thing!
Jeff moved down to her pussy and started rubbing it with with zeal, determined to make her cum before she went into the pool. He could tell she was close anyway, from all the antics and his giant cock in her face.
Amy: oooohhh how come apply lotion also need there like that?
Jeff: to be thorough! Sensitive spot right?
She shuddered and jerked, signalling the arrival of her orgasm. When it subsided, Jeff got up.
Jeff: all done!
Amy: thank you. don’t know if you are being naughty and any how touch anot. Put lotion also can put until I cum one leh!
Jeff: if you ask me hor, you are the one that is naughty! I am putting lotion for you but you have orgasm!
Amy: hmmph
Amy pouted and stuck her tongue out like a cute little school girl.
14-05-2020, 03:58 PM
She took the lotion from his hands
Amy: you want or not? I need to wait for lotion to go into my skin anyway
Jeff: ok lor, but be gentle ok?
Amy started slathering lotion over him. When it was time to do his front, she paid particular attention to his cock, stroking it up and down gently as she spread the lotion.
Precum flowed from his cock and he thought that she would be making him cum once again.
Alast he was wrong. She stopped just as he felt the orgasm building and left him dry.
Jeff: Oi will blue balls one leh you this naughty girl!
Amy: Bleh who ask you say me naughty! I am a good girl!
She stuck out her tongue again and went into the pool.
After a few laps, she came to the edge of the pool and called out
Amy: hey help me take photo! Like those atas Instagram from behind make me look like very style and deep thinker one.
She went to the side facing the flyer and Jeff took some photos for her.
After that, he left her to swim and went down to process videos and pictures of the day before.
14-05-2020, 04:06 PM
Thanks for nice story. Hope to read more.
14-05-2020, 05:38 PM
Awesome story bro.
Had me hard reading it and love the way you manipulated her innocence, inching your way into her treasure pot. 😋😋😋
Ups up.
Upped u +129
14-05-2020, 06:57 PM
Upped you TS
Please post more soon
14-05-2020, 08:28 PM
After he was done, he took out 2 beers and went up to find Amy sitting on a pool chair rubbing her pussy. Was she masturbating?
Jeff: doing what ah? Exercise ah
Amy: eek! So pai seh. You know what I doing la. Horny cannot meh?
Jeff: of course can. Want me to help? Here is a beer.
Amy: no! Don’t want already. Mood gone!
Jeff: how come swimming can become horny?
Amy: no la I was lying here suntan ma. Then felt horny lor. Your massage yesterday very good.
Jeff: oh no! Massage make you horny that isn’t good! Supposed to be relaxing but instead make you tense and horny. Cannot do anymore!
Amy: no! I want! It felt so good!
Jeff: which part?
Amy: all! Erm, but the best is the erm. Cock massage? The one you massage my inside lor. Never do before ma
She took a big gulp of beer and looked away from him shyly.
Jeff: later then massage you again lor.
Amy: now can please?
She made puppy eyes at him, clasping her hands and inadvertently squeezing her breasts together. It was a wonderful sight.
Jeff: ok la come sit on my lap, your back face me first
Well this was it! He had gotten her to beg for his cock inside her. Only thing left is to stick it all the way in and rearrange her organs with his giant cock.
He started slow, wanting to drive her insane with lust before letting her have his cock.
He put her on his lap, his cock between her folds just like on the first night.
She instinctively started grinding into him as he began with her neck. He planted kisses on her nape, sometimes licking as his lips left her body.
His hands slid down to her breasts and began tweaking her nipples. He rolled her right nipple between his fingers as he drew circles around her left areola with his nails. She whimpered and gasped, increasing the intensity of her grinding on his cock.
Still teasing her sensitive breast with his nails, he moved his right hand down to her groin, gentle rubbing her clit as she continued to grind her hips into his.
He increased the intensity on her clit and finally, to her relief, started paying attention to her erect nipple, flicking it ever so gently and squeezing it as he continued the assault on her left breast. He could feel her breath shortening and her grinding becoming more urgent.
Good he thought. Cum for me you crazy slut!
Amy: ohhhh I am cumming! Don’t stop Jeff! Ohh ahhhh
Amy shuddered and writhed as an intense orgasm shook her. Jeff, never relenting, continued to rub her clit furiously and tweaked her nipples mercilessly. To his surprise, he felt her squirt on his cock as a second orgasm melted her into a wet, moaning mess.
He quickly made her turn around, pretty much carrying her as she was limp from the orgasms. He positioned her pussy above his cock, preparing for entry. In a swift motion, he lowered her onto his cock as he thrust his hips upward, splitting her pussy open and stretching her vagina walls with his huge cock.
Like a gentleman, he stopped when half of his cock was in her. A little lower than yesterday, but still not all the way, just as she liked it.
He began rocking her, making her ride him on her own as he attacked her pert breasts, still sensitive from all that teasing. He took her right nipple in his mouth and sucked it with a vengeance, twirling his tongue around her nipples and flicking it as well.
Amy rode him on her own accord, not even noticing or caring how deep his cock went into her. She just bounced up and down his cock like a machine, increasing in speed as she gained momentum.
The faster she went, the louder she moaned. Jeff helped her by thrusting into her just as she was lowering herself.
The combination of his assault on her breasts and his cock stretching her pussy beyond its limits, sliding in and out her tight hole sent her over the edge and into another orgasm.
Her pussy clamped down on his cock, making her tighter than he thought possible. He felt his own orgasm building as he too was overwhelmed with lust. He held her hips still and slammed his cock into her viciously while never relenting on her breasts with his mouth.
They came in unison, with the first two spurts going deep into her pussy. he quickly pulled out and let the remaining few spurts out on her pussy.
As their orgasms subsided, he felt Amy go limp and let herself go, simply sitting down in exhaustion.
As luck would have it, his cock was still just above her pussy as she sat down. The mix of cum and sex juices made the entry into her pussy easy, but he still felt her insides stretch to take all of him inside. She sat down with all her weight and took his entire length in her.
Shocked but still in a haze from her orgasms, she didn’t know what to do.
Amy: huh? Oh no whaaat? Is it in all the way??!
Jeff: erm, yeah! Sorry, I couldn’t move in time, you just sat down. And it just slide all the way in!
Amy: AHHH!! Oh no what do I do!
She began to wriggle, trying to regain use of her legs to get off his cock. All she succeeded in doing was rocking her hips with his cock inside her, making her pussy spasm as it tried to accommodate this large foreign object.
Amy: It feels weird! So deep inside! Oh no! is it all the way in? am I not a virgin anymore? Did I cheat?
Jeff: hang on babe, don’t move first! Let me get you up ok?
Jeff lifted her up slowly, lifting her off his cock. He was reluctant to leave her pussy but he knew this was something he needed to do to get what he wanted.
He lifted her till only the tip was still inside her.
Jeff: Do you feel any pain? Does it hurt or sting?
Amy: er no? why?
Jeff: there is no blood also! Seems like your hymen is intact! Still a virgin! And definitely not cheating! It was a massage remember? I gave you a massage only mah.
Hymen still intact my ass haha Jeff thought to himself. She probably broke it when she was younger, doing sports and such, like most girls did. He was wondering if she would believe what he said.
Amy: oh phew! I was so worried you know! I thought what my bf said would come true! That I will cheat on him! Lucky I didn’t! you can let me go now!
Jeff removed his hands that were holding her up. she must not have been prepared as she simply slid down again, taking his entire cock to the hilt. He had a sudden surge of pleasure and thought he was going to cum right then. He was still very sensitive from the recent orgasm.
Amy: Oh no! aiya. Let me get up myself!
She wriggled and held on to him to support her as she got up wobblily.
Before she managed to get his whole cock out of her, she must have had slid up and down his cock more than 20 times!
After she got off, she laid on Jeff, facing him.
Amy: Thanks for the great massage Jeff! It was fantastic! But now, what to do about this?
She pointed at his cock, which was still fully erect.
Not wanting to push anything further for now, he simply responded
Jeff: its ok la. Im glad you like the massage. Later got energy can massage you again lor! This morning radio said we should be on lockdown for at least a month, so you can still make use of me to get free massage for the next month!
Amy: Huh? Say im making use of you! so mean! So after lockdown cannot get massage already huh?
Jeff: haha. We’ll have to see then
14-05-2020, 08:32 PM
Amy opted to take a bath, so she went to his bathroom alone as Jeff sat at the living area to “do stuff”. What he was really doing was having fun with Amy’s boyfriend.
Jeff: Hey man, what you think about this?
He sent him a close-up picture he took while applying lotion on Amy, the one with his cock pushing the entrance of her wonderful pussy. He also sent one of them on the couch, with him suckling on her massive tits and his cock piercing her virgin pussy
Jeff: She said very big leh and she is too tight for me! My cock stretches her so much! Felt like a tight rubber band around my cock when I go inside.
Hope she can still feel your small cock inside her. If you ever get the chance la hahaha loser
He followed up with a short video of Amy moaning as he thrust in and out of her while he sucked her tits. He also included the part when she moaned loudly as she came on his cock.
Jeff smirked and went to join Amy in his tub
14-05-2020, 08:41 PM
Awesome story bro, please continue!
14-05-2020, 09:39 PM
TS well done, keep story cumming pls :)
14-05-2020, 10:49 PM
best story I've read on sbf. cheers bro!
14-05-2020, 10:57 PM
Please continue :D
15-05-2020, 02:04 AM
So nice updates, more please!
15-05-2020, 05:13 AM
like this story very much... it's very nice... share more soon please ts...
15-05-2020, 07:50 AM
Next installment please......
15-05-2020, 08:05 AM
please share more ts, this story is nice.
15-05-2020, 08:59 AM
This is good.....
15-05-2020, 11:49 AM
Jeff had expected Amy to keep her boyfriend blocked, at least until he had made her completely his.
However, she unblocked him after dinner. This made him a little concerned that his texts to her boyfriend might destroy what he had built with Amy.
Thankfully, that stupid hothead didn’t know how to make use of the situation. Instead, he called Amy and started shouting vulgarities and calling her a cheating slut.
Amy had taken the call in front of Jeff and burst into tears.
Amy: You are such a horrible boyfriend! I where got cheat? Stop saying me cheat! You stupid idiot! I don’t ever want to see you again!
She ended the call and blocked him, hopefully forever this time.
Jeff went over to hug her.
Jeff: don’t be sad girl, I don’t know what happened but I can definitely tell you that you didn’t cheat and you are a good person! So nice and bubbly. If you were my girl I wouldn’t say that you cheat on me ah.
Amy between sobs: you.. you just saying that to make me happy lah. Or maybe saying that to make me let you have your way with me is it?
Jeff: No! nonsense! You are an adult, who can say anything that can make you do things you don’t want? I really think you are a nice person! So cheerful always and thoughtful. You see my cock so hard and xinku you help me relief also. That is a very nice thing to do!
Jeff couldn’t believe he said that. He was laughing hysterically inside and prayed he didn’t burst out laughing.
Amy hugged him as she continued to sob. They stayed there in silence for a while before Jeff left her to be alone with herself.
Jeff texting her bf: man you really fucked up on that call bro! I really thought I was fucked when she picked up you call! But you were such an idiot and now she’s not gona talk to you ever again!
Jeff: its OK bro ill tell you what. I’ll continue to make her hungry for my cock. So hungry that she begs me to fuck her all day, everyday and cum inside her every time. And I will. I’ll fuck her with my big cock so hard that she won’t ever want to even go near yours. And when I’m bored, I’ll dump her and ask her to go back to you. Because she deserves to be with a loser like you! Update you soon k? Hahaha fucking loser
Jeff got ready for bed. He predicted that by the end of the week, she would be craving for his cock inside her every day.
He fell asleep with a grin on his face, only to be woken by Amy nudging him.
Amy: sorry Jeff. I’m feeling very down still and need something to help me relax and sleep. Do you.. do you think you can massage me again?
Jeff: wa girl, people sleep liao leh. OK la since you’re sad tonight I will help you as my friend. What massage you want?
Amy: that one lor
She pointed to his cock.
Jeff: sure how, cannot change mind half way ah!
Amy: yes!
She squealed and brightened immediately. Jeff got up and threw her down on the bed, flipped her over and positioned her for doggy style, ignoring her woahs of surprise.
Jeff: hard massage ah
He saw that her pussy was already slick with desire. He rubbed the tip of his cock at her entrance and thrust his entire length in, burying his cock to the hilt in her pussy. As his balls smacked her clit, he pulled back and thrust himself deep in her again.
Amy: ohhhhhhh ahhhhh
He increased the pace of his strokes, each stroke going deep into her. He could feel her pussy clench helplessly as his huge cock forced her vagina walls to accommodate it.
Naturally, she came quickly from his hard pounding. He continued his relentless fucking as he felt orgasm over orgasm wash over her.
Finally when he felt his own coming, he slowed his pace, savoring the last few strokes before he past the point of no return.
Tonight he made the riskiest move in his play, he unloaded the full load of his seed deep inside her.
Only after her pu
ssy had milked him dry, he withdrew his sword from her sheath, panting. He saw that Amy had been reduced into a sweaty mess from the orgasms and his hard pounding.
He turned her over and started kissing her neck, going down slowly to her nipples. He sucked on them gently as she started to groan again.
He stopped after a few minutes and sat her up.
Jeff: shiok?
Amy: waaa. What happened? My mind just went completely blank after the first time I cum.
She looked down at her pussy, red with abuse.
Amy: wow..
Jeff leaned in and gave her a deep kiss on the lips before lifting her up and bringing her to the toilet to clean up.
She was his now. He had planted his seed in her, marking his territory. His insanely beautiful ex model of an assistant has fulfilled her purpose.
She started off as a work friend, but she was now his crazy, cock craving, cum guzzling slut of a fuck friend.
It took less than a week.
15-05-2020, 12:06 PM
Thank you for the update
Keep them coming
15-05-2020, 01:34 PM
Hosei laio 👍🏼
15-05-2020, 04:21 PM
Day 4
Morning came and Jeff woke to her straddling him, trying to fit her cock into her hungry cunt, reinforcing the fact that she was now his cock craving slut. Without warning, he thrust upward, plunging his shaft all the way to the hilt. She tried to scream as his cock filled her vagina.
Without giving her time to react, he grabbed her hips and started fucking her intensely, gaining momentum as she gasped and moaned breathlessly, breasts jiggling in tandem with his strokes.
He didn’t care how many times she would cum. He didn’t care if she did at all. All he knew was he was going to flood her tight, velvety depths with his life-giving seed.
As he felt his seed starting to signal its eventual escape from his balls, he pulled her toward him and kissed her deeply, staring deep into her eyes, they were disoriented from the merciless pounding. It took a while for her to register the kiss. Her eyes transitioned from blank and unfocused to wide with shock.
Relentless with his pounding and kissing, he could see her lose the fight to lust as her lips parted and her tongue came out to be entwined with his.
He shot his load in her, spurt after spurt of hot cum into her fertile pussy. When he was done, he held her tight, holding her tongue hostage in his mouth.
He was going to enjoy using her as a sex doll for this lockdown. Surely after a few weeks of mindless plowing and seeding, her young fertile womb would be carrying his child.
Once the lockdown was over, he would simply terminate her employment and disappear from her life. Leaving her with the best gift he could give her. An heir in her womb that would forever remind her of her stupidity and naivety.
She would likely go crawling back to that cuck of a boyfriend, in tears and begging for forgiveness.
Would he forgive her, a sexy goddess who was such a tease, denying him her pussy in all their years together but was now carrying a child from someone that she had only known for months?
Jeff thought he would. She would likely want to keep the child as well. They would then forever have a part of him in their lives.
He felt his cock twitch inside her pussy as he thought of this. This turned him on immensely.
Amy was still lying on him panting, panting from the ordeal.
Time for round 2, he thought.
The end?
15-05-2020, 04:42 PM
Juicy quarantine story, hope to
15-05-2020, 06:25 PM
Up you bro. Awesome story. I think I know which bro’s story you borrowed ideas from. Good job!
15-05-2020, 06:46 PM
Jolly good story, enjoy reading it.
15-05-2020, 11:03 PM
TS , please continue this story , its only starting to get juicy
16-05-2020, 05:16 AM
great story, enjoy reading it. look forward to your next update TS.
16-05-2020, 08:19 AM
Thanks so much for sharing this nice story, camping here for more updates. :)
16-05-2020, 02:32 PM
It's a fantastic story, enjoying it :)
17-05-2020, 06:11 AM
nice story TS, will be great if you will continue sharing it.
17-05-2020, 03:34 PM
Nice story TS, pls update if there are latest updates.
18-05-2020, 06:10 AM
nice story TS, shall wait here for more installments of it.
18-05-2020, 10:42 PM
Write more so I can up you
19-05-2020, 03:25 AM
Very good plot, please continue bro!
19-05-2020, 06:43 AM
nice story, keep on sharing TS.
19-05-2020, 01:24 PM
One of the best written stories. Great bimbo plot coupled with strong actions. Please continue, only one more hole to go...then perhaps she has a sister for continuation.
19-05-2020, 05:56 PM
Wow interesting story. Hope to read more pls.
19-05-2020, 08:57 PM
She took the lotion from his hands
Amy: you want or not? I need to wait for lotion to go into my skin anyway
Jeff: ok lor, but be gentle ok?
Amy started slathering lotion over him. When it was time to do his front, she paid particular attention to his cock, stroking it up and down gently as she spread the lotion.
Precum flowed from his cock and he thought that she would be making him cum once again.
Alast he was wrong. She stopped just as he felt the orgasm building and left him dry.
Jeff: Oi will blue balls one leh you this naughty girl!
Amy: Bleh who ask you say me naughty! I am a good girl!
She stuck out her tongue again and went into the pool.
After a few laps, she came to the edge of the pool and called out
Amy: hey help me take photo! Like those atas Instagram from behind make me look like very style and deep thinker one.
She went to the side facing the flyer and Jeff took some photos for her.
After that, he left her to swim and went down to process videos and pictures of the day before.
Great story TS!
Upzzz u my humble points... But beware Sherine will come stalk this thread, IT will think you are me as IT can’t even write a good post, real or imaginary.
19-05-2020, 10:45 PM
Great story TS!
Upzzz u my humble points... But beware Sherine will come stalk this thread, IT will think you are me as IT can’t even write a good post, real or imaginary.
ExBro, your post shouted louder that you are really very desperate and hopeless in your fucking mind due to your ED and distressed financial status. This explains why you are dying to entice unsuspecting Bros and stupid women’s naivety by your rah rah claims in the hopes of getting free fucks and paid fees from them! :eek:
Come on, look for grannies with happy ending services. They don’t mind your limp dick and rah rah massage skills! LOL! :D
100% Confirm plus chop you are fucking real clone nick of Sorbxe, ExBros and WhyShouldWe! :eek:
You will be charged for molest and rape in court one day just like
20-05-2020, 06:44 AM
really like your story ts! sure hope there will be more updates soon.
21-05-2020, 08:28 AM
nice story TS, hope for more updates soon.
22-05-2020, 08:12 AM
great share, waiting here for more of this nice story.
23-05-2020, 12:31 AM
Very nice story TS, hope you continue soon! :)
23-05-2020, 08:18 AM
really nice story TS, more updates soon please.
23-05-2020, 05:22 PM
This is a very nice story, good stuff and do keep the updates going.
24-05-2020, 08:26 AM
like your story alot bro! please do continue sharing. :)
24-05-2020, 10:09 AM
Nice story, waiting for more...
24-05-2020, 07:59 PM
Really great story.
Hope to read more.
25-05-2020, 09:11 AM
love this story! sure hoping there will be much more.
26-05-2020, 08:18 AM
nice story, share more updates TS.
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