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10-06-2020, 01:05 PM
Not sure this thread is appropriate to be here.. if not, then moderator can remove this thread.

just wonder how the people (including bro here) will vote? or wad they hope for? or what they expect from the GE outcome? etc...

10-06-2020, 01:37 PM
Not gonna vote miw. If no opp come my side den i will forfeit my votes. Hahaha

10-06-2020, 04:30 PM
i heard the dates set at july 11

10-06-2020, 05:48 PM
Not sure this thread is appropriate to be here.. if not, then moderator can remove this thread.

just wonder how the people (including bro here) will vote? or wad they hope for? or what they expect from the GE outcome? etc...

Seriously?? What outcome can there be? I dun think we even have opposition in SG........ LOL

10-06-2020, 06:24 PM
Any dog cat mouse come my area i also vote them. Just to make the share % of opp higher to show govt our displeasure.

Govt won't lose one lah. Confirm win like siao again

11-06-2020, 07:13 AM
If any FW stand for election I vote for him.

11-06-2020, 08:00 AM
i heard the dates set at july 11

most probably.. but definitely not earlier than 20 Jun bcos the last speech (for a series of speech by garment minister) is on 20 Jun.

11-06-2020, 08:10 AM
Any dog cat mouse come my area i also vote them. Just to make the share % of opp higher to show govt our displeasure.

Govt won't lose one lah. Confirm win like siao again

I also think so.

Gov has a good hand on table - as Gov pumped in so much $$$ during this covid 19.

Opposition got nothing to rebate/fight.
- More job creation?
- Better health care?
- Reduce FT?
- Reduce sg standard of living?

If lose, also dun lose much. Maybe lost one or 2 GRC/SMC to WP and/or PSP.

Overall, PAP still hold the most seats in the Parliament.

11-06-2020, 08:12 AM
Any dog cat mouse come my area i also vote them. Just to make the share % of opp higher to show govt our displeasure.

Govt won't lose one lah. Confirm win like siao again

I hope she come to my area for contest.

11-06-2020, 08:26 AM
I hope she come to my area for contest.

hmm sometime ago from internet or somewhere mentioned she is a volunteer in WP but not a member. so far no news or any info about her. so most probably may not contest in this GE. unless on nomination day then see any surprising news about her.

11-06-2020, 08:36 AM
I hope she come to my area for contest.

If she stand for election I will go to her area and vote for her..:D

11-06-2020, 08:50 AM
I hope she come to my area for contest.

If sge don mask(due to Covid), her winning votes will dip drastically.

11-06-2020, 08:51 AM
If any FW stand for election I vote for him.

i rarher vote for FL & is her.

11-06-2020, 07:00 PM
I hope she come to my area for contest.

Hope she compete with Kate Spade and win by a big margin :D

11-06-2020, 10:31 PM
She now no longer so chio already hor. You all google recent image maybe won't vote liao :D

12-06-2020, 12:28 AM
She now no longer so chio already hor. You all google recent image maybe won't vote liao :D

Then vote for Ting who still looks ypung & pleasant.

12-06-2020, 02:12 AM
Ah pek and uncles only complain or show off how hard their cocks and how great they are..

However Singapore has taken away their cock hardness and their so called success

13-06-2020, 10:20 AM
Like this how to beat MIW?

Misunderstanding Singapore

What the world gets wrong about the small, economic powerhouse—and its response to the pandemic.

by ADAM GARFINKLE JUNE 8, 2020 5:09 AM

Having lived in Singapore for the past ten months, on this my third trip here, I sometimes think the so-called Red Dot must be the most misunderstood country on earth. Its plight is owed to the outsized improbability of the place, hence its stubborn refusal to fit neatly into categories others have designed for the purpose of taming perceived “otherness.” Indeed, Singapore is variably misunderstood, the nature and degree of misunderstanding varying according to who is trying to cram it into which pigeonholes and why.

What the Chinese get wrong about Singapore

Mainland Chinese misunderstand Singapore because they assume that since nearly three-quarters of the country’s roughly 3.5 million citizens are ethnic Chinese, Singapore is a “Chinese country.” In some ways it is. In most ways that count it isn’t.

Singapore is the only majority-ethnic-Chinese country not geographically part of historical China. That is improbable. Like Hong Kong, too, its roughly 150-year history as a British colony and mercantile hub makes it different, institutionally and attitudinally, from China. In the 19th and early 20th centuries a small but significant minority of Chinese in Singapore sought actively to modernize by adopting many British institutions and manners, including English and sometimes Christianity. Meanwhile, in China efforts to modernize traversed the 1911 Revolution on a roughly similar trajectory, but soon detoured into chaos and then Marxism. The path dependency deviation between the groups matters.

Singapore was also thrust into sovereignty suddenly and against its will, yet another mark of improbability as history goes. Malaysia kicked it out of the newly formed federation in 1965, possibly the most fraught year in recent Southeast Asian history for a tiny, still mostly poor and virtually defenseless country to survive. Singapore survived anyway, its near-death experience profoundly shaping its sense of self in ways sharply divergent from the experience of mainland Chinese.

Most ethnic Chinese in Singapore, too, as also in other Southeast Asian countries, are descendants of minority dialect communities—mainly Hokkien, Hakka, Teochew, Cantonese, Hainanese, and the special category of Peranakan (a Chinese-Malay mixed group with a unique cultural style whose origins go back 15th-century Malacca). Collectively known as Nanyang (Southern Sea) or overseas Chinese, among themselves they are “Tang people” because it was during the Tang Dynasty (7th-10th centuries) that the ancestors of these groups migrated south before some headed out on Southeast Asia’s waves.

All this differentiates ethnic Chinese in Singapore from majority Han, Mandarin-speaking Chinese in China. But since 3.5 million people is less than the standard margin of error in the Chinese census, it is easy for mainland Chinese to misunderstand a thing so small that it seems almost negligible. When Singaporean diplomats and politicians insist to Chinese officials that Singapore is a multi-ethnic and multi-confessional society, as liberal an aspiration as a state is liable to adopt nowadays, Chinese officials typically smile and check their Rolexes. They are patient, and lately a little more insistent.

Singaporeans, meanwhile, understand China better than Chinese do Singapore, because they need to. This has led to muted schizophrenia. On the one hand, many Chinese Singaporeans feel proud to have tutored their big brother to the north on how to run an efficient, “smart” one-party state system, despite knowing that the sources and nature of the one party differ. On the other, many upscale Singaporean Chinese wince at mainlanders’ brusqueness, lack of worldliness, and the cloying nouveau riche behavior of wealthy Chinese whilst traveling abroad—including to Singapore’s spiffy Marina Bay Sands and Orchard Road shopping meccas.

What Europe and the U.K. get wrong about Singapore

Many Europeans, and British if we count them separately, not only misunderstand Singapore, but some lately do so willfully. It’s been sporting to drag the country-cum-metaphor into the desultory but encompassing and protracted Brexit bust-up of the European Union. Both “remain” and “leave” factions in Britain, and diverse Continentals too, have over the past few years enjoyed tossing Singapore about by calling a would-be post-EU Britain a “Singapore on the North Sea” or a “Singapore on the Thames.”

What is usually meant by such epithets is that Britain will adopt beggar-thy-neighbor policies to get the better of its former partners. Some commentators, for example Pippa Norris in a recent Foreign Affairs essay, have specifically mentioned environmental standards, labor rights concerns, and food safety protocols. By implication, therefore, they suggest without apparently having thought it through that Singapore’s environmental standards are lower than, say, Indonesia’s; that its labor rights record, for citizens and permanent residents at least, is worse than Thailand’s; and that its food safety protocols are inferior to, say, Malaysia’s.

This is nonsense, of course. But it doesn’t matter when European scribblers do battle with each other. As with mainland Chinese not being bothered to look at real, existing Singapore, Europeans typically know little about how Singapore actually works.

Now, as far as imaginable beggar-thy-neighbor traits go, it’s true that banks in Singapore are typically more willing to ignore where large cash deposits come from, at least to a point, than is the case in the United States or Western Europe these days. After U.S. pressure on Switzerland some years ago caused changes in Swiss banking practices, Singapore moved carefully—as it turned out not carefully enough—to fill the vacuum thus created. Singapore’s government-owned DBS Bank got implicated in Malaysia’s 2015 1MDB scandal, after which the authorities backpedaled quietly but assiduously to relative safety.

It is true, too, that Singapore has a famed maximum-security private warehouse—so not a bonded warehouse within the jurisdiction of Singapore Customs—called La Freeport, nicknamed Singapore’s Fort Knox. La Freeport is for wealthy people to store and transit expensive items without taxes levied, customs fees collected, or questions asked about where the stuff came from. (Several countries have free-port facilities.)

It is true, too, that as the world’s largest maritime transshipment hub, officials know that the parade of ships lined up coming to and leaving the Port of Singapore Authority may be carrying cargos not fully listed on their manifests. But it would be extremely expensive to all concerned, if not impossible logistically, to fully inspect every ship in port, and carriers know that. So do the smugglers who pay kickbacks to some even as they bribe others into discretion.

Look, we’re talking here about a society heavily populated by overseas Chinese in a place that before World War II had a well-deserved reputation for over-the-top gambling, prostitution, opium dens, and more. The current generation, while hardly the same as their precursors, has not jumped completely out of its cultural skin. Boy Scouts they aren’t.

It is also true that corporate taxes are low in Singapore. But what attracts large corporations to site their Southeast Asian operations here is not mainly the tax rate or any banking “courtesies.” It’s the presence of ample talented human capital available to work for multinational enterprises, Singapore’s lack of “friction” (read: bureaucratic corruption), its safety, political and fiscal stability, and willingness to invest in itself.

Indeed, if one looks functionally at Singapore, it resembles less a typical country than a multinational corporation with global reach that just happens to have a flag, a U.N. seat, and an anthem. It doesn’t so much have an industrial policy, epitomized by the state-owned collection of sectoral-critical companies under the umbrella of Temasek, as it is an industrial policy. With assets of about $320 billion, Temasek’s only shareholder is the Singapore Ministry of Finance. That, too, is improbable.

Together with Singapore’s more conventional sovereign wealth fund, the GIC (Government of Singapore Investment Corporation), with estimated assets of $440 billion, a back-of-the-envelope calculation of Singapore’s deployable surplus financial assets comes out to around $218,000 in the black for every Singaporean man, woman, and child. (The exact numbers are not published so as to discourage currency speculation by local and international traders.)

A post-Brexit “Singapore on the Thames,” or for that matter any individual European Union member-state these days, should be so lucky—or so provident and economically competent—to have that kind of liquidity at the ready. They could really use it about now.

13-06-2020, 10:21 AM
What the U.S. gets wrong about Singapore

So what of a United States, with a national debt of nearly $25 trillion—which translates into $75,757 per capita in the red? How do Americans misunderstand Singapore? Let us count a few of the ways.

Singapore is an authoritarian state, right? Well, Singapore is a one-party state, but not much less so than Japan has been since it re-emerged as a sovereign state in 1951. No one claims that Japan isn’t a democracy, so why Singapore? There are regular elections . . . which the People’s Action Party happens always to win.

Singapore is a “managed” democracy, and let’s be frank about what they means: The opposition is not going to win political power short of pigs flying and the moon audibly whistling “Majulah Singapura.” The system is subtly but effectively rigged—I mean protected—against that. So Singapore is not a liberal democracy by law or constitutional guarantee. There are limits on due process, for example, that Americans would not tolerate. But despite that, Singapore produces mainly liberal outcomes. Aside from its both principled and pragmatic quest for ever more multi-ethnic and multi-confessional harmony, people here are free to leave the country and return at will, to read anything they like, and to write and say anything they like so long as it doesn’t cross the line into potentially incendiary bigotry or intolerance. The line can move this way and that if the authorities think it needs to, so most critics self-police.

Once you’ve been here a while, you understand the reasons for this. Given its location and multi-ethnic composition, Singapore lacks the buffers of external security and social stability that America has typically—but obviously not always—enjoyed. For various reasons, Americans tolerate more individuated noise and ambient disorder than most people; Singaporeans, like most East Asians, place a higher premium on conformity and risk-avoidance. Americans demand political agency and voice; in Singapore those qualities rank lower on the priority list. Younger people sometimes chafe at this, but not enough yet to approach any significant tipping point. China will not pluralize its politics in a Western sense anytime soon, and Singaporean elites will not abandon their paternalist outlook either.

But Singapore has the death penalty! Yes, and so do thirty U.S. states. Singapore has not used that penalty much lately, and it still has virtually no violent crime or serious drug problem. It has no gun violence either, because tens of thousands of guns aren’t lying around.

But Singapore is a police state! Really? Then where are the police? Except during the famous annual Formula One race, where the cops are out in force to protect people against large numbers of drunken foreign chowderheads, you rarely see any. Maybe they’re sunk down in their cop-lairs watching the CCTV monitors that are ubiquitous here. Indeed, that might be why women of any age can walk anywhere, day or night, without fear of assault. And why there is virtually no graffiti or petty vandalism.

But the caning! Singaporeans did not invent caning as a punishment; the British did. I dislike the paternalism it represents, but I’m not a Singaporean so it’s none of my business. As for the infamous 1994 case involving then-18-year old Michael Fay, few Americans know that, beyond stealing road signs and squirreling them away in his room for no particular reason, Fay said “Fuck you” to the judge during his trial. Had he done that in, say, Kentucky or Texas, he’d have longed for a mere four switch swats on his asinine teenage ass.

But the chewing gum ban! That’s just Singapore’s way of implementing James Q. Wilson’s “broken windows” theory, which holds that public order is seamless and associative. It worked in the New York City subway system, and it works in Singapore.

Singapore and COVID-19

Ah, but efficient, technocratic, shiny, chip-on-shoulder Singapore has screwed up the COVID-19 crisis big time, hasn’t it? The U.S. media reports that number of cases has skyrocketed lately, and numbers don’t lie.

It’s true that numbers don’t lie, but it’s equally true that those who rely on numbers without sociological filters to tell them social truths are muttonheads. Recent U.S. press reports on Singapore’s handling of the pandemic have been misleading.

Let’s summarize the record. Singapore felt the foul winds from Wuhan very early in what became the pandemic. If Americans generally or the U.S. government had been paying attention to what was happening here, they wouldn’t have been caught with their britches down. But ’merkins, as Lyndon Johnson used to pronounce it, pretty much never care about, pay attention to, or deign to listen to foreigners—especially one from such a teeny little place as this. You play with and pet a cute little bunny, you don’t seek advice from it or respect its capacity to teach you anything.

The last public lecture sponsored by the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies at Nanyang Technological University, my host for the year, took place on January 31. I should know because I delivered it. From mid-January through mid-March, Singapore kept its infection curve fairly flat, as effectively as—if not more so than—Taiwan, South Korea, and Hong Kong, by using similar methods: temperature monitoring, testing, tracking, selective isolation, and a judicious use of masks. But schools and businesses remained open, and the economy hummed as usual. At the university, classes continued, as did smaller-scale meetings. I could feel some ambient tension, but trust in government and amid society—both earned from having endured the SARS ordeal in 2003, and some lesser public health scares thereafter—remained high.

By mid-March the pandemic had spread to Europe, the Middle East, and North America. So, like many countries, Singapore imposed international travel restrictions. Now, my wife and I experienced this shift in tactics personally. We had long since planned to visit Western Australia in mid-March, travel to Bali to mark a birthday, and then return to Singapore on March 25. We made it to Perth on March 15 just a half-hour before mandatory 14-day quarantine for all international travellers to Australia went into effect. We never made it to Bali; all our flights were canceled out from beneath our toes. So we hastened our return to Singapore and made it back to Changi Airport on March 19 about 15 minutes before Singapore’s 14-day mandatory quarantine kicked in.

Otherwise, frankly, the virus had its fortuitous uses: We enjoyed Cambodia’s Siem Reap in early February without having to vie for oxygen with the usual hordes of Chinese tourists, and we happily floated back and forth to Batam Island in Indonesia during the last week in February to visit a Bali-themed spa, and all but had the place to ourselves.

But by mid-March a large number of Singaporean students abroad, their semesters kyboshed by the virus, sought to return home. The government was not about to refuse them entry, but despite careful precautions, some imported cases made it through, and a small but frightening number of community-to-community cases inside the country eluded tracking.

As a result, the government rolled out its pre-planned “Circuit Breaker” intervention on April 6. The new restrictions emphasized social distancing. The government also distributed free masks to all Singaporeans, permanent residents, and work visa holders. While economic and cultural activity slowed, Singapore has never imposed the strict lockdowns characteristic of most Western countries that got a late start dealing with the problem. Buses and rail still run, though largely empty, and there’s traffic aplenty on the PIE (Pan-Island Expressway, the same one you saw in “Crazy Rich Asians”) that we can see here on the edge of the NTU campus.

The government has tried to ride the crest of the wave, keeping the infection curve flat without flattening the economy. The tracking and monitoring methodology has produced actionable near-real-time data, and the government has acted as the data suggested it should. It’s possible to fine-tune responses on a small island with a technocratic mentality, a good track record, and an adequate reservoir of social trust. Alas, size matters.

This fine-turning, close-to-real time reaction mode, has worked, too. The one glitch so far has concerned the foreign migrant-worker dormitories, where some 300,000 Bangladeshis, Tamils from India, and a smattering of mainland Chinese live. And this is the glitch that the U.S media has mischaracterized.

These are dormitories for temporary contract workers, so it’s close-quartered housing. Far be it from me to defend the way the government and the less-than-diligent managers of the dormitories have tended to treat these workers over the years, who in the main do construction and landscaping jobs. But the workers themselves mostly consider themselves fortunate to have the work considering their alternatives. Once the virus made it into the dorms, it spread fast and wide, accounting for the sharp spike in the raw number of cases. The government made haste to limit the contagion once its extent became known, and the number of new dormitory-related cases has come down.

The key piece of information here that the U.S. media failed to report is that the foreign temporary workers live and work mainly separate from the rest of the population, and they have not functioned as infection vectors into it. Because they are overwhelmingly healthy young men, their cases have been asymptomatic or mild. None has died from COVID-19 or even required ICU care, and only a few have required hospitalization. The number of new cases per day in the general population has actually fallen since the workers’ dormitory problem erupted. The number of ICU cases as a whole has remained steady or has fallen.

Total deaths from COVID-19 in Singapore went from 2 on March 21 to 23 as of May 28—out of a total of about 5.7 million people on the island. The result is that Singapore’s record, measured by deaths per million to date, stands at 4. The number for the United States at present is 306. Yes, numbers don’t lie.

Seeing Singapore for what it is

We all know how people like to describe their closest friends—informally, endearingly—as “crazy.” We know what that really means: that we know someone well enough to see and appreciate their unique idiosyncrasies. That’s part of the wonderment of real friendship.

Something roughly similar, if less intimate, happens with countries. You can’t really appreciate them, for better and not, until you know them well enough to see their unique characteristics. Once you do, the boxes that people back home say they fit into begin to look shabby and all but silly. Singapore is more improbable than most countries, true; but the same observation applies, I think, in the round.

Luckily or not, this year I’ve experienced Singapore both in normal times and now in the throes of COVIDaggedon. And from this perch one degree north of the equator I can look, virtually at least, upon my own country and city—Washington, D.C.—and what I see fills me with dismay. I don’t fear the planned trip home in about seven weeks’ time. I fear what kind of semi-stunned society I’ll find once I get there. The virus is almost incidental.

13-06-2020, 12:30 PM
Oppo rally super big, noisy and active. Dinner table lots of talk..
In the end, White Pigs will play their usual pattern on last two days.. stable government, your property price will increase, new mrt, new kindergartens...
Then, 72% vote PAP, give mandate..
Then for next 4 years pay and pay..
Soon bros, satellite erp and parking, more utilities tariffs to educate us in conserving global resources (but during CoVID dont know how to temporary remove tariffs and conservancy charges), less transparency (HoJinx pay still dont know), more stupid laws which is wu liao (like Shampoo Glum Fake News law dont know how to apply to LHY but know how to apply to Sporeans but anamoly in NUS suspension of showr video whilst those caught outside kenna full blow never review) , more changes to Constitution without referendum (originally raced turn taking to President become elected now back to restricted via race)
But still 72% will vote for them

13-06-2020, 12:38 PM
Then vote for Ting who still looks ypung & pleasant.

1 fuck, 1 vote? :D

13-06-2020, 01:54 PM
Oppo rally super big, noisy and active. Dinner table lots of talk..
In the end, White Pigs will play their usual pattern on last two days.. stable government, your property price will increase, new mrt, new kindergartens...
Then, 72% vote PAP, give mandate..
Then for next 4 years pay and pay..
Soon bros, satellite erp and parking, more utilities tariffs to educate us in conserving global resources (but during CoVID dont know how to temporary remove tariffs and conservancy charges), less transparency (HoJinx pay still dont know), more stupid laws which is wu liao (like Shampoo Glum Fake News law dont know how to apply to LHY but know how to apply to Sporeans but anamoly in NUS suspension of showr video whilst those caught outside kenna full blow never review) , more changes to Constitution without referendum (originally raced turn taking to President become elected now back to restricted via race)
But still 72% will vote for them

The ball is in majority chinese sillyporeans. 80% Mandarin speaking. Can this group create a tsunami like how our Msia counterpart Malays had done in their last GE?:D

13-06-2020, 02:08 PM
Oppo rally super big, noisy and active. Dinner table lots of talk..
In the end, White Pigs will play their usual pattern on last two days.. stable government, your property price will increase, new mrt, new kindergartens...
Then, 72% vote PAP, give mandate..
Then for next 4 years pay and pay..
Soon bros, satellite erp and parking, more utilities tariffs to educate us in conserving global resources (but during CoVID dont know how to temporary remove tariffs and conservancy charges), less transparency (HoJinx pay still dont know), more stupid laws which is wu liao (like Shampoo Glum Fake News law dont know how to apply to LHY but know how to apply to Sporeans but anamoly in NUS suspension of showr video whilst those caught outside kenna full blow never review) , more changes to Constitution without referendum (originally raced turn taking to President become elected now back to restricted via race)
But still 72% will vote for them

Very well said! :D

13-06-2020, 02:42 PM
Do you imagine Gan Siow Huang giving blowjob in army uniform?

I Love Boobs
13-06-2020, 03:50 PM
The ball is in majority chinese sillyporeans. 80% Mandarin speaking. Can this group create a tsunami like how our Msia counterpart Malays had done in their last GE?:D

The answer is No.
They are impotent and inept.
Selfish with Low intelligence.
Only good for complaining and piling up food at buffets.
“Wa, why so expensive lei?”
“Wa, must get maximum value for money!”
“Standard of living in SG is so high!”
Morons. Cannot even differentiate standard and cost of living.
Most Bangla construction workers who have come to SG for 5 years speak better English than aunties in their 40s who were born here....

13-06-2020, 04:59 PM
The answer is No.
They are impotent and inept.
Selfish with Low intelligence.
Only good for complaining and piling up food at buffets.
“Wa, why so expensive lei?”
“Wa, must get maximum value for money!”
“Standard of living in SG is so high!”
Morons. Cannot even differentiate standard and cost of living.
Most Bangla construction workers who have come to SG for 5 years speak better English than aunties in their 40s who were born here....

Precisely! So they deserve watever shit they get from MIW. They voted for them. They deserve to be ass rammed daily by their master MIW! Pity the minorities who wish to vote a chg in garment but dont have the numbers to offset those useless 80% sillyporean majority. :rolleyes:

13-06-2020, 06:22 PM
From this thread...

I only know positively that both incumbent and oppositions are all getting the ground sentiments now.. even from Sammyboy.

You ppl who are getting the ground sentiment vibes for your analysis studies.. oppies still cannot make it, except the blue party that stand a reasonable chance of resistance.
The rest of the oppies parties are shooting themselves in their foot everytime... but that doesn't mean the white incumbent is damn good either.

There's an outflow of at least $60billion just for this virus, of which I am in no position to judge its usefulness. But there's no such thing as budget deficit for long term in Singapore coffers.. so someone will have to pay for them.

Guess who and where it will be coming from after the General Election.

13-06-2020, 09:50 PM
Guess who and where it will be coming from after the General Election.

So whether is wayang party of lightning party, peasants still need to pay. LPPL.

13-06-2020, 09:55 PM
The answer is No.
They are impotent and inept.
Selfish with Low intelligence.
Only good for complaining and piling up food at buffets.
“Wa, why so expensive lei?”
“Wa, must get maximum value for money!”
“Standard of living in SG is so high!”
Morons. Cannot even differentiate standard and cost of living.
Most Bangla construction workers who have come to SG for 5 years speak better English than aunties in their 40s who were born here....

Conned by Woody Goh who promised us Swiss standard of living, but what we got is Swiss cost of living. How can trust the whites ??

13-06-2020, 10:14 PM
The ball is in majority chinese sillyporeans. 80% Mandarin speaking. Can this group create a tsunami like how our Msia counterpart Malays had done in their last GE?:D

I zapped you for your racist comment

14-06-2020, 07:50 AM
I zapped you for your racist comment

I am just being frank. 23% of chinese Msian voted against UMNO. It wont help much unless majority Malays follow suit. The latter, 68%, did it last GE. It created a Malay tsunami they called it. The rest is history. Now coming back to sillyporean Mandarin speaking chinese, 80% of kiasi kiasu peasants. 80% is a very big number. Chinese can create a huge tsunami. Dont u tink so? 20% minorities cant even create a ripple.:rolleyes: Btw i am also a Chinese. :D

14-06-2020, 10:11 AM
Whos racist? Hokkien or Teochew?:rolleyes:

Hokkien-Teochew Riots (1854)

The Hokkien-Teochew Riots, also known as the Great Riots of 1854 or the Five Catties of Rice Riots, began on 5 May 1854. The riots stemmed from conflicts between the Hokkien and Teochew communities in Singapore. It was also suggested that secret societies were involved in the riots, especially the Ngee Heng (Ghee Hin) society, which had splintered into Hokkien and Teochew branches, but the extent of their involvement is uncertain.1 The riots lasted for at least 10 days, and led to the death of approximately 500 people and the destruction of some 300 homes. The riots are considered to be one of the most severe outbreaks of violent conflict within the Chinese community in 19th-century Singapore.2

In the early 1850s, conflict between the Hokkien and Teochew communities arose over the control of pepper and gambier plantations, as well as lucrative revenue farms attached to them. The Hokkien merchant community’s increasing dominance in this economic sector was noticed, leading to dissatisfaction among the Teochews.3 This coincided with a period of rice shortages and high rice prices due to reduced imports from Java.4

At the same time, an unusually large number of Chinese immigrants had arrived in Singapore in 1853. Many of these immigrants were members of the Xiao Dao Hui (Short Dagger Sect) that had fled to Singapore after participating in a failed rebellion in Amoy against the Qing imperial government. These political refugees were well armed and considered to be more predisposed to violence than other Chinese immigrants, who mainly came to Singapore seeking employment.5 European observer C. B. Buckley reported that disagreements emerged when the local Hokkien community refused to join in a subscription fund to aid the rebels, of whom a majority were reportedly Teochew. This caused tension between the Hokkien and Teochew communities.6

Outbreak of violence
Violence first erupted on 5 May over a dispute between a Hokkien shopkeeper and a Teochew buyer regarding the price of rice.7 The argument drew the attention of bystanders, who took sides based on their affiliations, thus escalating the situation. This resulted in intense street fighting between the two communities. Shops were smashed and looted amid the chaos.8

Upon the first outburst of violence, Police Superintendent Thomas Dunman called for military reinforcements to supplement the police force, but Governor William Butterworth, who failed to comprehend the gravity of the situation, overruled his initial requests.9 Instead, Butterworth took it upon himself to survey the troubled areas, whereupon he was attacked by a mob.10

When it became evident that the police force was unequal to the task of suppressing the riots, the military as well as contingents of marines from British men-of-war, berthed in the harbour, were summoned to aid in restoring order. European volunteers were also appointed as special constables to help contain the spread of violence.11 Influential Chinese businessmen and community leaders, such as Tan Kim Seng, rendered assistance by mediating with the headmen of the various secret societies.12 An appeal was also made to the Temenggong of Johore for assistance; in response, he sent 200 Malay soldiers as reinforcements.13

Despite these efforts, the rioting continued to spread from the town to the rural areas after the first two days, to areas such as Paya Lebar, Siglap and Bukit Timah where many Chinese resided. Colonial reports suggested that the violence in the countryside was more intense and killings more widespread than they had been in the town area.14 On 10 May, five days after the start of the riots, the colonial authorities implemented a new course of action. Divisions of troops were transported by steamer to the corners of the island, from where they marched towards the town areas. The move caught the rioters by surprise and was effective in quelling unrest in the countryside.15

Resolution and aftermath
In total, the riots lasted more than 10 days. While contemporary observers differed in their estimates, records indicate that approximately 500 persons were killed and 300 homes destroyed. In total, some 500 people were arrested, but only about 250 could be identified and tried. Following 17 days of trial, six men were sentenced to death and two were eventually executed.16 It was also recorded that 30 junks sailed away for China on 13 May; this was observed as the departure of the unwelcome immigrants.17

In the aftermath of the riots, there were calls for the colonial government to introduce more stringent legislation to better regulate the activities of Chinese secret societies, in order to prevent future riots.18 Editorials in the press also condemned Butterworth for his initially inadequate response, which they regarded as having led to a deterioration of the situation.19 Despite these calls for action, Butterworth remained steadfast in his view that minimal intervention was required, and strongly opposed any new legislation that called for total suppression.20 He did, however, support the formation of the Volunteer Rifle Corps as a standby quasi-military force that could be called upon to put down any future instances of unrest.21 Butterworth also bestowed upon Dunman the Sword-of-Honour, a military award in recognition of Dunman’s service in quelling the riots.22

May–Dec 1853: The arrival of Xiao Dao Hui rebels leads to a larger inflow of immigrants.
5 May 1854: Violence breaks out in the town area.
6 May 1854: The military is called in; special constables are appointed to restore order.
8 May 1854: Rioting spreads from the town to the countryside.
10 May 1854: Troops are sent to various corners of the island via steamer.
8 Jul 1954: The Volunteer Rifle Corps is established under the direction of Butterworth.

Yong Chun Yuan

14-06-2020, 10:49 AM
This GE. Only one topic. Not Wuhan virus because is science problems. World lock down and protections against foreigners. Here. Impossible to create jobs with above average salaries.

My visions. This coming jobs fair. 40 000 jobs and 100 000 walk in applicants. Maybe 50 % are chop by certain group of people. Eg SIA staffs. Still many applicants including PR and new citizens walk away because of 1 yr contract basis.

Who dares win? Lighting and opp parties. Solve un employment before 2024.

By the way. If WHO can contain Wuhan virus, RLD allreally back in biz 3 mths ago.

I Love Boobs
14-06-2020, 10:56 AM
This GE. Only one topic. Not Wuhan virus because is science problems. World lock down and protections against foreigners. Here. Impossible to create jobs with above average salaries.

My visions. This coming jobs fair. 40 000 jobs and 100 000 walk in applicants. Maybe 50 % are chop by certain group of people. Eg SIA staffs. Still many applicants including PR and new citizens walk away because of 1 yr contract basis.

Who dares win? Lighting and opp parties. Solve un employment before 2024.

By the way. If WHO can contain Wuhan virus, RLD allreally back in biz 3 mths ago.

You're a moron who claims to work in healthcare.
Your English sucks.
I cannot comprehend your posts.
It is Covid-19.
Not Wuhan virus.

14-06-2020, 11:14 AM
As a malaysian, all i can say to the brudders here hor... at least when u vote (u get the person u vote on the job) though they may not deliver what u want.

In Malaysia, vote A can end up getting B lor.

14-06-2020, 12:01 PM
They hopeless lah. Bring down UMNO liao still kana UMNO take back. The Mahatir also jialat duno how many times he wanabe PM sia. :rolleyes: Then they whole life is du kacheng cases. :D

U think DAP a good party? Lim Eng Guan a good Minister/PM?

I Love Boobs
14-06-2020, 01:08 PM
U think DAP a good party? Lim Eng Guan a good Minister/PM?

It’s Lim Guan Eng by the way.
Yes, DAP has good people.
But Malaysia is not inclusive enough to have a non-Malay PM.
The same can be extrapolated for Singapore.
The only country progressive enough to elect a minority PM was Peru with Alberto Fujimori in the 1990s.

14-06-2020, 01:29 PM
Not gonna vote miw. If no opp come my side den i will forfeit my votes. Hahaha
If your side no opposition, then is considered a walkover. You don't even have a chance to forfeit your votes.

14-06-2020, 04:30 PM
It’s Lim Guan Eng by the way.
Yes, DAP has good people.
But Malaysia is not inclusive enough to have a non-Malay PM.
The same can be extrapolated for Singapore.
The only country progressive enough to elect a minority PM was Peru with Alberto Fujimori in the 1990s.

When i say good i mean clean. Is DAP a clean party? Is LGE clean and upright and honest Minister?

I Love Boobs
14-06-2020, 05:23 PM
When i say good i mean clean. Is DAP a clean party? Is LGE clean and upright and honest Minister?

Aside from the bungalow corruption case....
Need some Malaysians to opine on this...

14-06-2020, 05:39 PM
My cousin working here on S pass. Malaysian Chinese. He said at Sabah, Chinese dont need to vote. He grew up there never ones he voted. I told him thats not what I watch on news.

Whats the point of Q up and they dont have his name? The thing is 2 yrs ago. Dr M asked Chinese to give him the vote with promise of things. He refuse to disclose what things.

By the way. Malaysian Chinese got played out. Dr M did not honor his words.

14-06-2020, 06:46 PM
Aside from the bungalow corruption case....
Need some Malaysians to opine on this...

Dont trust any politicians. Especially when u have father and son in the same party.

14-06-2020, 09:26 PM
I am just being frank. 23% of chinese Msian voted against UMNO. It wont help much unless majority Malays follow suit. The latter, 68%, did it last GE. It created a Malay tsunami they called it. The rest is history. Now coming back to sillyporean Mandarin speaking chinese, 80% of kiasi kiasu peasants. 80% is a very big number. Chinese can create a huge tsunami. Dont u tink so? 20% minorities cant even create a ripple.:rolleyes: Btw i am also a Chinese. :D

the people are unhappy, but not unhappy enough to vote the ruling party out

is the ruling party stupid enough to cause so much unhappiness that the people will vote against them? do they want to repeat what happened in 2011? over the years, how many foreigners converted citizenship and they dare to vote against the ruling party?


14-06-2020, 10:08 PM
the people are unhappy, but not unhappy enough to vote the ruling party out

is the ruling party stupid enough to cause so much unhappiness that the people will vote against them? do they want to repeat what happened in 2011? over the years, how many foreigners converted citizenship and they dare to vote against the ruling party?


Thats right. Sillyporeans only good in barking, making noises.But doesnt bite. Every elections same results. In other words, most sillyporeans still feel PAP should be the garment of the day. 70% will testify to that.:D

15-06-2020, 07:12 AM
Dont trust any politicians. Especially when u have father and son in the same party.

Errrrr .... and also a daughter-in-law controlling the entire market in the country.

15-06-2020, 08:25 AM
My cousin working here on S pass. Malaysian Chinese. He said at Sabah, Chinese dont need to vote. He grew up there never ones he voted. I told him thats not what I watch on news.

Whats the point of Q up and they dont have his name? The thing is 2 yrs ago. Dr M asked Chinese to give him the vote with promise of things. He refuse to disclose what things.

By the way. Malaysian Chinese got played out. Dr M did not honor his words.

Dr M is a sly fox. He will promise anything to get elected but he will do what he wishes after he is in office. Unfortunately many still are gullible or have no other choice. That's why some feel it is useless to vote... no good leaders anyway.

15-06-2020, 09:20 AM
Errrrr .... and also a daughter-in-law controlling the entire market in the country.

Actually i was talking about Msia politicians. As for sillypore, sillyporeans aware of your above post. They are fine with it. Dont believe u can ask those 70% sillyporean.:D

15-06-2020, 09:34 AM
By the way. Malaysian Chinese got played out. Dr M did not honor his words.

Politician cant be trusted. Remember those days when DAP was the oppie party. LKS and Mahathir never see eye to eye. Both accussing each other DAP v UMNO as racist party. But last GE, LGE, Anwar and Mahathir enjoying threesome.:D Shortwhile later they went separate way.Now i heard they miss their last threesome. May go to bed together again. U think DAP can be trusted? You think they really fight for Chinese or Msians?:rolleyes:

15-06-2020, 08:45 PM
Nomination date could be 1/7. P3 could reopens at mth end. The organisers wish to divert the crowds away from the rally. All biz back in biz include RLD?

A Malaysian colleague said he might be able to travel in and out of JB daily by end of Jun. HR let off winds to him. We travelling into JB for leisure? I doubt so bec their MCO extent till end August.

17-06-2020, 04:15 PM
Thats right. Sillyporeans only good in barking, making noises.But doesnt bite. Every elections same results. In other words, most sillyporeans still feel PAP should be the garment of the day. 70% will testify to that.:D

tiagong not enough sheep to produce cotton... what's the solution?

import more sheep!


17-06-2020, 06:26 PM
Thats right. Sillyporeans only good in barking, making noises.But doesnt bite. Every elections same results. In other words, most sillyporeans still feel PAP should be the garment of the day. 70% will testify to that.:D

Most sillyporeans wanted to have Opposition in parliament BUT not from their own constituency !

17-06-2020, 09:19 PM
Most sillyporeans wanted to have Opposition in parliament BUT not from their own constituency !

Yup. Not me. I am in Hougang.

17-06-2020, 09:38 PM
tiagong not enough sheep to produce cotton... what's the solution?

import more sheep!


Not enough sheep or sleep. Ask him go count sheep:rolleyes:

17-06-2020, 09:42 PM
Most sillyporeans wanted to have Opposition in parliament BUT not from their own constituency !

Didnt i tell u sillyporeans are selfish by nature. Majority only good in kpkb but vote lightning party ultimately. So dont blame lightning party whatever mistakes they made. Majority Sillyporeans just love to be ass rammed daily.:D

17-06-2020, 10:33 PM
The fear factor is always at the back of the mind. Most Sillyporean are kiasu & kiasi type lah.

17-06-2020, 11:13 PM
The fear factor is always at the back of the mind. Most Sillyporean are kiasu & kiasi type lah.

Yup. Fear factor plus the fact that many Singaporeans are just afraid of taking a leap of faith and are contented with what they have.

Well, those Singaporeans should be reminded that the PAP was once considered an 'opposition' party as well back in the days.

18-06-2020, 01:55 AM
The fear factor is always at the back of the mind. Most Sillyporean are kiasu & kiasi type lah.

I do agree on this part... mostly are in the comfort zone ady... They only kpkb when cust Wan to raise their electricity bill la all this... so I think PAP will win big again but hopefully they lose few seats to opp party

18-06-2020, 05:36 AM
Most sillyporeans wanted to have Opposition in parliament BUT not from their own constituency !

Weird cause opposition estates always cleaner and better managed

18-06-2020, 10:36 AM
I do agree on this part... mostly are in the comfort zone ady... They only kpkb when cust Wan to raise their electricity bill la all this... so I think PAP will win big again but hopefully they lose few seats to opp party

They only kpkb. Every day week month and year. Bark very loud. But no bite. Oppie only cause ripple. No Oppie tsunami like Msia last GE results. Dont believe just wait for Sillypore coming GE results.:D

18-06-2020, 10:38 AM
Weird cause opposition estates always cleaner and better managed

Though above equally important. But most crucial is bread and butter issue. Enough of EP and S-P jobs going to FTs. :rolleyes:

18-06-2020, 02:45 PM
Not farm more cotton plants to grow sheeps meh?

can grow but it takes time and some sheep may not turn out the way they intended. importing sheep shortens the time and they are beholden ;)

Yup. Fear factor plus the fact that many Singaporeans are just afraid of taking a leap of faith and are contented with what they have.

Well, those Singaporeans should be reminded that the PAP was once considered an 'opposition' party as well back in the days.

its standard tactics to use fear and manipulation to sway the votes. if they don't use, can of worms many many, public anger very very :p

18-06-2020, 05:24 PM
[QUOTE=sytlover2;20042162]Not gonna vote miw.
================================================== ========
think the people cannot wait to see & hear the new PAP army generals & world-class talents + our beloved 4G leaders in action
think the PAP rally will be flooded

18-06-2020, 07:43 PM

Sibei smart move from PAP... :D

18-06-2020, 08:23 PM
The Opp is always disadvantaged in one way or another.

18-06-2020, 10:41 PM
The Opp is always disadvantaged in one way or another.

Of course, judge and CPIB are supposed to be neutral but .....

19-06-2020, 01:46 PM
Singapore election: neither free nor fair, new report says

JAKARTA: As Singapore is expected to head to the polls in the coming weeks, urgent and immediate steps are required to effectively safeguard the integrity of the vote and remove structural barriers that favour the incumbents, regional lawmakers have said in a new report. Without these changes, Singapore’s upcoming general election will not be free and fair, said ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR).

In the report “In Singapore, an Already Unfair Vote Undermined by COVID-19” released today, APHR documented structural flaws that prevent the election from being fair, including the Prime Minister’s broad powers over the entire electoral process that lack any effective oversight. The use of a group constituency system where candidates run as a team, coupled with the short campaigning period, also place difficulties on the opposition to field candidates and prepare adequately in advance.

“There’s a reason that the ruling PAP has won every election since Singapore’s self-governance – the entire process is heavily stacked in its favour,” said Teddy Baguilat Jr, APHR’s Executive Director and a former Philippine Member of Parliament (MP). “The only way the vote can be regarded as free and fair is if urgent and genuine structural and legal reforms are implemented, including reforming electoral bodies to ensure they are truly independent, and dropping all ongoing politically-motivated charges against opposition candidates.”

“The very purpose of an election is for people to express their political will freely, and major changes are necessary to ensure that the upcoming vote fulfils the aspirations of the Singaporean people,” he said.

Moreover, the environment in which the Singaporean people are able to exercise their right to participate in public life is heavily restricted. Key opposition candidates have been targeted with lawsuits by members of the ruling party, and voters in opposition-led constituencies face reprisals for not voting for the PAP, APHR said. Fundamental freedoms, which are intrinsically linked to free elections, are limited as the government controls the media and uses restrictive laws against dissenting and critical voices.

“On polling day, the public shouldn’t be fooled by the absence of irregularities or electoral fraud. The current system is unfair from the start and entrenches a process that prevents any genuine political competition or free choice at the ballot,” Baguilat said.

“Opposition candidates face insurmountable challenges not only to run in elections, but also for their message to reach eligible voters, due to a short campaigning period and strict media restrictions. In addition, authorities continue to use draconian laws to target political opponents and muzzle other critical voices, resulting in a limited civic space.”

Finally, Covid-related measures introduced – including those under the Parliamentary Elections (COVID-19 Special Arrangements) Act 2020 – fail to ensure a fair campaigning process during the pandemic, or protect the voting rights for specific groups, particularly the sick and overseas voters. These challenges only compound the unfairness of the electoral process that already tilts favourably for the ruling party, APHR said.

“Singapore has until April 2021 to hold the election. There is no need to rush into organising one so soon, especially as the country continues to record hundreds of new daily coronavirus cases. There is no reason why the authorities are unable to accommodate all voters, and the possible exclusion of specific groups will only further undermine the legitimacy of the poll,” Baguilat said.

20-06-2020, 06:29 AM

Sibei smart move from PAP... :D

Not smart, is sibeh cunning :D

20-06-2020, 09:48 AM
The Opp is always disadvantaged in one way or another.
================================================== ==
The DREAM 4G Team for Singapore. nehbour countries see already also scare of them. singpapore sure win big
1. Heng Swee Kiat
2. Chan Chun Sin
3. Chee Hong Tat
4. Amrin Amin
5. Lawrence Wong
6. Daryl David
7. Gan Kim Yong
8. Janil Putucherry
9. Lam Pin Min
10. Masagos
11. Maliki

20-06-2020, 10:49 AM
================================================== ==
The DREAM 4G Team for Singapore. nehbour countries see already also scare of them. singpapore sure win big
1. Heng Swee Kiat
2. Chan Chun Sin
3. Chee Hong Tat
4. Amrin Amin
5. Lawrence Wong
6. Daryl David
7. Gan Kim Yong
8. Janil Putucherry
9. Lam Pin Min
10. Masagos
11. Maliki

Scared? :D :D
Who is scared of all these pussies? Should include the biggest pussy of all - Pinky Lee :D

21-06-2020, 07:19 PM
An interesting father's day weekend! A group of father r marked. Ang mo who are new citizens. What happen?

As I wrote there are no food delivery service. Some one? Has stop them from workings. This forced people to eat out and take aways. One more in case we overlook.

H Village could be the only food estate closed this weekend. A warning to ang mo voters, who gave them the pink ICs? Past 55 yrs ang mo here loved to brain washed peoples, with this gen in Obama systems and freedom of speech.

The lighting hit them at their popular foods joints. I guess ang mo pr and new citizens have to travel to town areas to celebrate this father's day. I am sorry for them. They lose in mine country.

22-06-2020, 01:14 AM

This succinctly sums up the MIW.

22-06-2020, 10:32 AM
When is the likely election day? In July?

23-06-2020, 02:28 PM

Lawyer and Peoples Voice party chief Lim Tean faces separate bankruptcy applications over nearly $1.45m

SINGAPORE - Lawyer and opposition politician Lim Tean is facing two pending bankruptcy claims totalling about $1.45 million, a Straits Times check has found.

One of the applications, filed by DBS Bank in October last year over a debt of $549,378, was heard in the High Court on Monday (June 22) in chambers via video conference.

The case has been adjourned for three weeks.

DBS declined to comment, as the case is still ongoing in court.

Mr Lim, who represented himself, did not respond to phone calls seeking comment.

The other application was filed by a trading company, Sing Wing (I & E), in May this year.

Records show that the company is seeking to make Mr Lim a bankrupt over a debt of about $905,000. A hearing for this application is scheduled on July 16.

Mr Lim is founder and secretary-general of Peoples Voice party, which had its registration approved in October 2018.

Last Friday, he announced on Facebook that his party would be contesting Jurong GRC in the upcoming election.

The Singapore Constitution disqualifies an undischarged bankrupt from being a Member of Parliament.

In February last year, Mr Lim avoided bankruptcy in proceedings brought by a Shanghai businessman over a US$150,000 ($209,000) loan.

Mr Huang Min, who had lent Mr Lim the money, filed a bankruptcy application in 2018 when the sum remained unpaid even after the Chinese national won a court judgment to recover it.

Mr Lim appealed against the court order to repay the sum, but eventually withdrew his appeal.

Mr Huang withdrew his bankruptcy application after Mr Lim submitted two cheques - one day ahead of a scheduled hearing - to settle the debt and legal costs.

23-06-2020, 03:19 PM
DBS bank. Expected lah.:rolleyes:

23-06-2020, 03:38 PM
I vote for any opposition that comes my side always. EXCEPT FOR THAT SINGH PARTY. No way I’m voting for SINGH. Over my dead body. May the best team win!

23-06-2020, 04:26 PM

23-06-2020, 04:47 PM
i had heard many foreigner laughed at our "democracy", we r a international joke

23-06-2020, 05:25 PM
i had heard many foreigner laughed at our "democracy", we r a international joke

Plse dont insult the 70% sporean.:D

23-06-2020, 05:37 PM
i had heard many foreigner laughed at our "democracy", we r a international joke

LKY already said we are not and will not be a demacratic country.

We are International Joke because our open leg policy has benefited the FTs and not the locals. Basically we are fucked.

23-06-2020, 06:42 PM
Back in 2015 two weeks after GE. The most powerful man changed his minds on FTs. Still he said we cannot do away FTs but he promise during rally.

Same on 10 July. Will he keep his promise the next 4 yrs? By the way mine MP message me? First time how she got mine nos. It is her honor to serve the people of Tampines, she hope to return to power.

It depends. I maintain same voting. No one can made me change mine minds not even PT reopens this weekend.

23-06-2020, 06:57 PM
Conned by Woody Goh who promised us Swiss standard of living, but what we got is Swiss cost of living. How can trust the whites ??

Swiss standard of living for him and all his bunch of cronies la...He and mah ballz tan and wong cunt seng all now laughing to the bank..still heck care us..

23-06-2020, 07:28 PM
looking into my crystal ballz, they win 69.69%


23-06-2020, 09:31 PM
Why the election now?

23-06-2020, 09:32 PM
Vote wisely.

23-06-2020, 09:42 PM
Vote wisely.

Dont insult the 70% sillyporeans:D

24-06-2020, 12:26 AM
This is all my pov and not meant to offend any supporter of any party here...

Why sudddenly within less den 3 weeks they open phase 2? Opening retail outlets 4d all this? And they announced on Monday and open on fri? Why so rush? And just after exactly 1 week they say Wan election ady? Why not during the circuit breaker they tell ppl they Wan election?

But is it a good time to hold election now for PAP? I would say it a very smart move from them... cos nobody rem the ever failing mrt... the raise of water and electricity bill... the high standard of living now! Now ppl are just talking about the coronavirus and when is it going to be phase 3 and when can we travel to other country for holiday....

Lastly if u ask me if PAP will win big again? I’m certainly think so... cos no rally to go and listen anymore! Everything online... let u listen to rally live and feel the emotions running or u think u see ur hp or tablet got feel anot at home? U decide...

And their biggest opp party to me personally la is not the worker party... is the party lead by Tan Cheng bock...

So as a not pro PAP supporters my fellow samsters PAP will win big this year again regardless u like it anot... cos singaporean kiasi to make changes... they are in the comfort zone ady thinking if opp party take over... Singapore will be in chaos

Lastly I hope that opp party will have a few more seats in the parliament instead of 5 WP in the whole parliament only

First time write so Long Sia... ok time to buy 4d tml Liao :D

24-06-2020, 06:02 AM
People already know who they are voting for. Rallies don't make a diff. People just go to rallies for fun. You see anyone ever go: "Whoa, that is a good point, but hey, that is a good point too!"

Now is as good a time for PAP, with all their billions from OUR contributions given back to us and masquerading as gift to us. Thijk like this: you ask your wealth manager manage your money, he give you back the earnings from the investments he made.on your behalf using YOUR money, you consider that a gift?

Then consider, is our country really doing much better than other countries? Job losses, infection rates, etc. Don't talk baseline standards. Man Utd salary is not same as Burnley salary. Are we winning that much more than Burnley?

Three, what has PAP stability done during the uncertainty. We are still being rocked left, right and centre. Even election they can only say uncertain when COVID-19 will end so do it now. Million dollar brains and still cannot say anything for sure. You think this is something a $100,000 brain would not be able to deduce?

Stability has two faces. Yes, you know exactly what you gonna get in terms of stability but that does not speak of quality. Consistency can be consistently good or mediocre. What have you seen from 4G leadership or management that suggests we are in good hands?

And to my consistent point, don't talk track record. How did a butt doctor qualify and become a minister out of nowhere? How come we never ask for HIS track record? Because PAP stamp and certify him? That is not a track record. That is blind faith on PAP. You can place faith on PAP but not on other parties. Why not? That's on you, not on the party running. So don't go saying the other parties candidates not good enough. What is good enough? Even after giving you more educated candidates, people still give same reasons for not supporting.

24-06-2020, 07:13 AM
This is all my pov and not meant to offend any supporter of any party here...

Why sudddenly within less den 3 weeks they open phase 2? Opening retail outlets 4d all this? And they announced on Monday and open on fri? Why so rush? And just after exactly 1 week they say Wan election ady? Why not during the circuit breaker they tell ppl they Wan election?

But is it a good time to hold election now for PAP? I would say it a very smart move from them... cos nobody rem the ever failing mrt... the raise of water and electricity bill... the high standard of living now! Now ppl are just talking about the coronavirus and when is it going to be phase 3 and when can we travel to other country for holiday....

Lastly if u ask me if PAP will win big again? I’m certainly think so... cos no rally to go and listen anymore! Everything online... let u listen to rally live and feel the emotions running or u think u see ur hp or tablet got feel anot at home? U decide...

And their biggest opp party to me personally la is not the worker party... is the party lead by Tan Cheng bock...

So as a not pro PAP supporters my fellow samsters PAP will win big this year again regardless u like it anot... cos singaporean kiasi to make changes... they are in the comfort zone ady thinking if opp party take over... Singapore will be in chaos

Lastly I hope that opp party will have a few more seats in the parliament instead of 5 WP in the whole parliament only

First time write so Long Sia... ok time to buy 4d tml Liao :D

Nice write up.

Think you are right Pap will win big.

GST will increase.
Simi tax or tariffs will increase.
More fines will increase.
ERP will increase.
anything alao increase.

Dun forget they need to earn back to pau high salaries
We are living like peasants.

24-06-2020, 07:50 AM
People already know who they are voting for. Rallies don't make a diff. People just go to rallies for fun. You see anyone ever go: "Whoa, that is a good point, but hey, that is a good point too!"

Now is as good a time for PAP, with all their billions from OUR contributions given back to us and masquerading as gift to us. Thijk like this: you ask your wealth manager manage your money, he give you back the earnings from the investments he made.on your behalf using YOUR money, you consider that a gift?

Then consider, is our country really doing much better than other countries? Job losses, infection rates, etc. Don't talk baseline standards. Man Utd salary is not same as Burnley salary. Are we winning that much more than Burnley?

Three, what has PAP stability done during the uncertainty. We are still being rocked left, right and centre. Even election they can only say uncertain when COVID-19 will end so do it now. Million dollar brains and still cannot say anything for sure. You think this is something a $100,000 brain would not be able to deduce?

Stability has two faces. Yes, you know exactly what you gonna get in terms of stability but that does not speak of quality. Consistency can be consistently good or mediocre. What have you seen from 4G leadership or management that suggests we are in good hands?

And to my consistent point, don't talk track record. How did a butt doctor qualify and become a minister out of nowhere? How come we never ask for HIS track record? Because PAP stamp and certify him? That is not a track record. That is blind faith on PAP. You can place faith on PAP but not on other parties. Why not? That's on you, not on the party running. So don't go saying the other parties candidates not good enough. What is good enough? Even after giving you more educated candidates, people still give same reasons for not supporting.

Nice write up. Will have to wait & see on the 10/07/20

24-06-2020, 08:32 AM
Not sure if WP can withhold Hougang, and wonder if PSP can put in some punches? What do you think will the younger Lee join Mr. Tan?

24-06-2020, 08:56 AM
GE2020: Lee Hsien Yang has joined Tan Cheng Bock's Progress Singapore Party but will not contest July 10 election

SINGAPORE - Mr Lee Hsien Yang, estranged brother of Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, has joined Dr Tan Cheng Bock's Progress Singapore Party (PSP), the party announced on Wednesday ( June 24).

At a breakfast meeting at Tiong Bahru Market, Dr Tan presented Mr Lee with a membership card.

Dr Tan said that Mr Lee has been a member "for quite some time", but due to the Covid-19 situation, they were unable to have a proper membership card presentation ceremony.

"This morning, I have a great pleasure in giving this Progress Singapore Party membership card to Lee Hsien Yang, who joined us quite some time ago."

Mr Lee has turned up at 8.30am at the market with Dr Tan and a group of PSP members, all of them wearing the party's red and white polo-tee.

The Straits Times had reported earlier on Wednesday that Mr Lee Hsien Yang had joined the party but would not be fielded as a candidate.

This development comes a day after Parliament was dissolved and the Writ of Election was issued. Nomination Day will be on June 30, with Polling Day on July 10.

Dr Tan has said on multiple occasions that he and Mr Lee are good friends and that if Mr Lee wants to join PSP, it would have to be on the terms of the party.

The duo have been spotted before on several occasions having breakfast together, once at a hawker centre in the PM's ward.

In July last year, Mr Lee said on Facebook: "I wholeheartedly support the principles and values of the Progress Singapore Party."

Mr Lee has been embroiled in a long-running feud with PM Lee over the fate of founding prime minister Lee Kuan Yew's house on Oxley Road.

24-06-2020, 10:21 AM
Still waiting for $22k from G before can get my vote :D

24-06-2020, 10:37 AM
Yes. PAP will win with a landslide victory! Cos theres no other able oppie around. WP is just there. Sitting pretty.:D Thats about it.

24-06-2020, 10:51 AM
Hoho..lee hy joins in the fight...this GE gonna be very interesting, machiam like hong kong drama serial..

24-06-2020, 10:54 AM
LHY joining the PSP like some sort of mascot. I think he should contest then it will make a real difference. Some say his ego may not allow him to contest as he cannot take the down side of losing. I do hope he stand up for election then we will see a good fight.

24-06-2020, 11:04 AM
LHY joining the PSP like some sort of mascot. I think he should contest then it will make a real difference. Some say his ego may not allow him to contest as he cannot take the down side of losing. I do hope he stand up for election then we will see a good fight.

LHY and LWL should put their money where their mouths are and run. Don't sling all that mud in the media. For fuck. They should know LHL better than any of us. LHL's public image is simply a carefully curated facade for the rest of us. If they think LHL is strengthening his own legacy while betraying his old man's ideals, they have a obligation to restore those ideals (whatever the fuck they are).

I can't believe someon who speaks in an enclosed space like the Parliament, which mostly contains a certain group of people, without defence or rebuttals from the other parties, and then considers himself in the clear. Let the people be the judge, not your friends.

24-06-2020, 01:19 PM
This is all my pov and not meant to offend any supporter of any party here...

Why sudddenly within less den 3 weeks they open phase 2? Opening retail outlets 4d all this? And they announced on Monday and open on fri? Why so rush? And just after exactly 1 week they say Wan election ady? Why not during the circuit breaker they tell ppl they Wan election?

But is it a good time to hold election now for PAP? I would say it a very smart move from them... cos nobody rem the ever failing mrt... the raise of water and electricity bill... the high standard of living now! Now ppl are just talking about the coronavirus and when is it going to be phase 3 and when can we travel to other country for holiday....


And their biggest opp party to me personally la is not the worker party... is the party lead by Tan Cheng bock...


my guess is they reopen to coincide with the resumption of the european leagues, if they don't reopen, they will continue to lose out on revenue, imagine how much revenue were lost over the CB period if u have all the sgpools outlets combined...

the sheep have short term memory regarding past cockups and the covid issue is very fresh, so its to their advantage by declaring elections now as they gave money not too long ago, if they take too long to declare elections, the sheep might forget the act of benevolence

the two hit combo of TCB and LHY will make them sweat a little, they can win a grc

24-06-2020, 01:24 PM
Still waiting for $22k from G before can get my vote :D

Most of the $22k went to the Jinx, ask her how much she gained from government's payout :D :D

24-06-2020, 01:55 PM
This is all my pov and not meant to offend any supporter of any party here...

Why sudddenly within less den 3 weeks they open phase 2? Opening retail outlets 4d all this? And they announced on Monday and open on fri? Why so rush? And just after exactly 1 week they say Wan election ady? Why not during the circuit breaker they tell ppl they Wan election?

But is it a good time to hold election now for PAP? I would say it a very smart move from them... cos nobody rem the ever failing mrt... the raise of water and electricity bill... the high standard of living now! Now ppl are just talking about the coronavirus and when is it going to be phase 3 and when can we travel to other country for holiday....

Lastly if u ask me if PAP will win big again? I’m certainly think so... cos no rally to go and listen anymore! Everything online... let u listen to rally live and feel the emotions running or u think u see ur hp or tablet got feel anot at home? U decide...

And their biggest opp party to me personally la is not the worker party... is the party lead by Tan Cheng bock...

So as a not pro PAP supporters my fellow samsters PAP will win big this year again regardless u like it anot... cos singaporean kiasi to make changes... they are in the comfort zone ady thinking if opp party take over... Singapore will be in chaos

Lastly I hope that opp party will have a few more seats in the parliament instead of 5 WP in the whole parliament only

First time write so Long Sia... ok time to buy 4d tml Liao :D

I will still vote for PAP. PAP number 1

24-06-2020, 05:37 PM
I will still vote for PAP. PAP number 1

For me, PAP also number 1 - counting backwards :D

24-06-2020, 07:56 PM
A mistake that could be corrected. Give special bonus to civil servants. Or is it new citizens there vote the lighting? Bec they dare not give to opp party?

I complaint to mine ancestors I cannot pray at Ching Ming bec the lighting locked me out of the temple. Look for them!

You are correct mine friend. Is a Hollywood movie. 55 Yrs ago heaven send a saviour, our founding father to unite this country. This Covid yr of the Rat heaven send our founding father son to free us all. And free man and woman we shall be. I cried hope he will stand for next mth election.

FYI. I use their pen not mine. There is nothing to be afraid of virus on the public pen. Dont be fool by them again.

24-06-2020, 08:01 PM
Even if PSP unable to secure a seat. The lighting lose even more %. Continue with wang yang. Born locals saw thru this. FYI. Man on the street has this.

After wining GE the lighting will give circuit breaker again. Bec they cannot contain the virus. So. Vote them it is as good as lock up again. From mine feelings. Our lifes matters if we have to lock up again so be it.

24-06-2020, 08:07 PM
People already know who they are voting for. Rallies don't make a diff. People just go to rallies for fun. You see anyone ever go: "Whoa, that is a good point, but hey, that is a good point too!"

Now is as good a time for PAP, with all their billions from OUR contributions given back to us and masquerading as gift to us. Thijk like this: you ask your wealth manager manage your money, he give you back the earnings from the investments he made.on your behalf using YOUR money, you consider that a gift?

Then consider, is our country really doing much better than other countries? Job losses, infection rates, etc. Don't talk baseline standards. Man Utd salary is not same as Burnley salary. Are we winning that much more than Burnley?

Three, what has PAP stability done during the uncertainty. We are still being rocked left, right and centre. Even election they can only say uncertain when COVID-19 will end so do it now. Million dollar brains and still cannot say anything for sure. You think this is something a $100,000 brain would not be able to deduce?

Stability has two faces. Yes, you know exactly what you gonna get in terms of stability but that does not speak of quality. Consistency can be consistently good or mediocre. What have you seen from 4G leadership or management that suggests we are in good hands?

And to my consistent point, don't talk track record. How did a butt doctor qualify and become a minister out of nowhere? How come we never ask for HIS track record? Because PAP stamp and certify him? That is not a track record. That is blind faith on PAP. You can place faith on PAP but not on other parties. Why not? That's on you, not on the party running. So don't go saying the other parties candidates not good enough. What is good enough? Even after giving you more educated candidates, people still give same reasons for not supporting.

well said bro :cool:

24-06-2020, 08:48 PM
Will be interesting to see what sort of dirty laundry gets aired with LHY being involved in politics now.

25-06-2020, 01:15 AM
Will be interesting to see what sort of dirty laundry gets aired with LHY being involved in politics now.

Something like LHL stealing neighbours' panty to PCC? :D :D

25-06-2020, 02:00 AM
Why no party called the Freedom Party ah?

The manifesto is to build a liberal island! Wah if got I cfm heart itchy one.

something along these lines:
- No more Anti-Vice, no more raids on ML/FLs
- Pei Du Ma Ma can work part-time as ML/FL
- Tax free alcohol for the first 30L pure alcohol per pax per year (so 1 bottle of whisky 40% of 1 L that is 0.4L of quota)
- legalize medical marijuana
- reduce cigarette tax
- allow smoking indoors if establishment have permit
- allow shisha (Haji Lane especially)
- Reduce foreign labor except for FL/ML (Even Trump ban work visas to US)
- allow the sale of alcohol after 10pm (lanjiao I really hate this law)
- Rent-free for all low-income families in HDB
- Free medical consultation to all
- Abolish caning
- allow Porn sites (Hate I need to use VPN)
- no more censorship board!!
- Get Nuclear weapons and abolish NS (serious right, we got nuclear who will touch us, so no need NS la, regulars can liao)
- foreigners are not allowed to own any property in Singapore, they have to rent forever if they work here.
- Expats should pay more tax than locals
- Local Unis free for locals, foreigners can pay for the locals so charge them more: Scotland is doing this.
- tax on investments more than wages (how can common man pay more taxes on his labor than people who just put money here and there? ) unless is to invest in SMEs or local MNCs (Canada, US does this)
- All government linked corporations have to be headed by Singaporean (Singtel, Starhub, Keppel, DBS) and hire Singaporeans first.
- have an expiration date on PRs, you must convert to a citizen and serve NS in 3 years or else your PR will be revoked. No permanent PRs allowed.
- Locals can own as many properties without needing to pay ABSD, since now foreigners cant own, why we need stamp duty. Locals should own all the land not foreigners. So what orchard ion, one marina, no more Hongkee or Ah Tiong buyers. They park their money here to siam the China ah gong so why scared. PRs can only buy 1 and must sell to a local if their PR is revoked.
- no need to pay entrance fee for casino
- no spying of citizens is allowed
- refund deposit for HDB if couples don't get married eventually.
- scrape ARF since we have COE already
- COE is bidded not on price but needs basis (Family with kids and old people get priority and pay less for their first car)

Honestly I don't have issues with lightning party la but I just want some freedom, they want us all to live like robots.. I honestly think most singaporeans can win an oscar man, whole day act according to the script our ah gong write for us.

Ok la I crazy cuz I sex addict, don't take me too seriously.

25-06-2020, 02:41 AM
2011 watershed election, opp suddenly vote count increased a lot. PAP scared until intro a lot of good policies for us hahaha.

2015, PAP win like siao because of LKY. Suddenly anyhow pass bills, treat us like fools by putting a puppet malay president anyhow, use fucking parliament to debate oxley miuse of powers. Pui

25-06-2020, 08:43 AM
my vote you will surely get.....:)

Why no party called the Freedom Party ah?

The manifesto is to build a liberal island! Wah if got I cfm heart itchy one.

something along these lines:
- No more Anti-Vice, no more raids on ML/FLs
- Pei Du Ma Ma can work part-time as ML/FL
- Tax free alcohol for the first 30L pure alcohol per pax per year (so 1 bottle of whisky 40% of 1 L that is 0.4L of quota)
- legalize medical marijuana
- reduce cigarette tax
- allow smoking indoors if establishment have permit
- allow shisha (Haji Lane especially)
- Reduce foreign labor except for FL/ML (Even Trump ban work visas to US)
- allow the sale of alcohol after 10pm (lanjiao I really hate this law)
- Rent-free for all low-income families in HDB
- Free medical consultation to all
- Abolish caning
- allow Porn sites (Hate I need to use VPN)
- no more censorship board!!
- Get Nuclear weapons and abolish NS (serious right, we got nuclear who will touch us, so no need NS la, regulars can liao)
- foreigners are not allowed to own any property in Singapore, they have to rent forever if they work here.
- Expats should pay more tax than locals
- Local Unis free for locals, foreigners can pay for the locals so charge them more: Scotland is doing this.
- tax on investments more than wages (how can common man pay more taxes on his labor than people who just put money here and there? ) unless is to invest in SMEs or local MNCs (Canada, US does this)
- All government linked corporations have to be headed by Singaporean (Singtel, Starhub, Keppel, DBS) and hire Singaporeans first.
- have an expiration date on PRs, you must convert to a citizen and serve NS in 3 years or else your PR will be revoked. No permanent PRs allowed.
- Locals can own as many properties without needing to pay ABSD, since now foreigners cant own, why we need stamp duty. Locals should own all the land not foreigners. So what orchard ion, one marina, no more Hongkee or Ah Tiong buyers. They park their money here to siam the China ah gong so why scared. PRs can only buy 1 and must sell to a local if their PR is revoked.
- no need to pay entrance fee for casino
- no spying of citizens is allowed
- refund deposit for HDB if couples don't get married eventually.
- scrape ARF since we have COE already
- COE is bidded not on price but needs basis (Family with kids and old people get priority and pay less for their first car)

Honestly I don't have issues with lightning party la but I just want some freedom, they want us all to live like robots.. I honestly think most singaporeans can win an oscar man, whole day act according to the script our ah gong write for us.

Ok la I crazy cuz I sex addict, don't take me too seriously.

25-06-2020, 08:52 AM

U are cute.

More themed Health Centres like those in Macau.
For example, Sauna 18

We need powerful navy with 2 aircraft carriers


25-06-2020, 12:02 PM
2011 watershed election, opp suddenly vote count increased a lot. PAP scared until intro a lot of good policies for us hahaha.

2015, PAP win like siao because of LKY. Suddenly anyhow pass bills, treat us like fools by putting a puppet malay president anyhow, use fucking parliament to debate oxley miuse of powers. Pui

Erm .... that's an Indian but somehow converted to Malay

25-06-2020, 04:45 PM
Hear that the peanut man resign. Scare lost. Haha

25-06-2020, 05:03 PM
Hear that the peanut man resign. Scare lost. Haha

I thought he is the once-in-50-years man :D

25-06-2020, 05:05 PM
Do nothing but get high pay

25-06-2020, 05:20 PM
I will still vote for PAP. PAP number 1

I vote for whoever I believe will be good for Singapore and our people. Singapore No 1. I pledge no allegiance to any party.

25-06-2020, 05:50 PM
Not gonna vote miw. If no opp come my side den i will forfeit my votes. Hahaha

Not sure what you mean but it is forfeit by default since there is no 'challenger' to vote.

25-06-2020, 05:55 PM
Hear that the peanut man resign. Scare lost. Haha

He's old, give him a break.

25-06-2020, 07:43 PM
Old Goh retired in this critical time, where this is only me. The opp has put up a strong team. Many has done two GE. The hammer has outstanding candidates. PSP, son of our founding father.

He pointed straight to EP. Actually EP had nothing to do with GE. By the way. I wonder is Goh standing in the next EP? If LHY secure a seat in the house, the lighting is seeing sun set. This GE I predict the lighting secure 58% only.

25-06-2020, 08:38 PM
Looking at both LHY and TCB. Both have their own personal grievances against PAP. Not really fighting for sillyporeans. LTK stepping down too. WP shaking now. I am not too optimistic, really.

25-06-2020, 08:44 PM
Will Nicole Seah be going for a 1-1 with Kate Spade? :D

25-06-2020, 09:01 PM
Looking at both LHY and TCB. Both have their own personal grievances against PAP. Not really fighting for sillyporeans. LTK stepping down too. WP shaking now. I am not too optimistic, really.

In that respect, I counter opine that candidates who run under the PAP banner are just hungry for power and not really fighting for Sillyporeans. They have nothing to lose (not even likely to forfeit deposit) and everything to gain. So what gives?

25-06-2020, 10:00 PM
In that respect, I counter opine that candidates who run under the PAP banner are just hungry for power and not really fighting for Sillyporeans. They have nothing to lose (not even likely to forfeit deposit) and everything to gain. So what gives?

Both LPPL. But the other oppie parties can be considered. I will vote for these two SDP and RP if they are contesting in my constituency.

26-06-2020, 11:24 AM
Will Nicole Seah be going for a 1-1 with Kate Spade? :D
================================================== =========
Kate Spade will whack nicole flat

Jay Chou
26-06-2020, 12:09 PM
================================================== =========
Kate Spade will whack nicole flat

Up u bro. 😊

26-06-2020, 12:12 PM
================================================== =========
Kate Spade will whack nicole flat
How come you are so sure ?

26-06-2020, 01:15 PM
How come you are so sure ?
================================================== =======
as Goh Chok Tong say before, give Ting Pei Ling 5 years and she will be different
now Ting v popular in MadPerson, v confident and steady now
she help so many people there
Nicole? wat has she do? Zero!

26-06-2020, 01:17 PM
Hear that the peanut man resign. Scare lost. Haha
GOH CHO TONG - tahnk you for the MORE GOOD YEARS u give us since 1996!
hope u continue to have MORE GOOD YEARS too

26-06-2020, 01:21 PM
================================================== =======
as Goh Chok Tong say before, give Ting Pei Ling 5 years and she will be different
now Ting v popular in MadPerson, v confident and steady now
she help so many people there
Nicole? wat has she do? Zero!

How do you compare the works of an elected MP against a person who isn't elected? When you elected, it is your duty to serve your constitutents, when you are not elected, you are doing voluntary work that is over and above what is expected (if any).

Might as well say Biden has done nothing for the current pandemic, whereas Trump has done such and such. Trump beats Biden anytime then. Why bother with elections?

And don't talk about track record again, it is an old spin.

26-06-2020, 01:24 PM
I will still vote for PAP. PAP number 1

u like our next generation to suffer like us
look at those 4G MP so yaya,, talk without thinking
use house to discuss OXLEY issue ,, waste of tax paying money
see how they handle dom issues

after this GE all kind of tax will come in ,, GST to rise 10%
will come up with more fines

do you know those people wear white only work every 5 years,, do they solve problems for us ,, NO

26-06-2020, 01:36 PM
u like our next generation to suffer like us
look at those 4G MP so yaya,, talk without thinking
use house to discuss OXLEY issue ,, waste of tax paying money
see how they handle dom issues

after this GE all kind of tax will come in ,, GST to rise 10%
will come up with more fines

do you know those people wear white only work every 5 years,, do they solve problems for us ,, NO

It is only planned 9% GST so far, you got to give them that. As for when, I speculate it will be sooner than you think: 2022..stepped increase. Your $600 "gift" now will be paid back in multiples, stock up your toilet paper now.

26-06-2020, 01:46 PM
I wouldnt vote pap becos the party has lost its way .

26-06-2020, 01:53 PM
I wouldnt vote pap becos the party has lost its way .

yes ,, the person in charge too soft cant handle big issue
is also stepping down after this GE
leaving those crowns to run this country

26-06-2020, 01:55 PM
It is only planned 9% GST so far, you got to give them that. As for when, I speculate it will be sooner than you think: 2022..stepped increase. Your $600 "gift" now will be paid back in multiples, stock up your toilet paper now.

ya ,, was plan 9% but they can increase it any amount they want
cause they know we singaporeans wouldnt make noise
so they do what they like

26-06-2020, 02:38 PM
I wouldnt vote pap becos the party has lost its way .

u like our next generation to suffer like us
look at those 4G MP so yaya,, talk without thinking
use house to discuss OXLEY issue ,, waste of tax paying money
see how they handle dom issues

after this GE all kind of tax will come in ,, GST to rise 10%
will come up with more fines

do you know those people wear white only work every 5 years,, do they solve problems for us ,, NO

But only 30% agree with u. Not majority 70% who are enjoying the party they had voted for.:D

Guys, dont blame the garment. Its not their fault. Remember, they were voted by 70% sillyporeans.

26-06-2020, 02:56 PM
ya ,, was plan 9% but they can increase it any amount they want
cause they know we singaporeans wouldnt make noise
so they do what they like

I don't deny they are capable of that either. And there is a bloody big excuse for it now.

26-06-2020, 03:43 PM
[QUOTE=edwintantan;20065006]u like our next generation to suffer like us
look at those 4G MP so yaya,, talk without thinking
our 4G leaders where got talk yaya?
look at ministers Heng, Vivian, Gan, Khaw, Chan, Ong, Lawrence Wong,
also Desmond Lee, Ng Chee Meng, Masagos, Maliki
all so humble & polite & friendly

26-06-2020, 03:54 PM
Like it or not PAP will still win
I just wishes to see won below 50%

26-06-2020, 04:52 PM
Like it or not PAP will still win
I just wishes to see won below 50%

Even if you are a betting man, nobody would offer odds on PAP winning, no matter how low. It is free money. Everyone would bet their house on that.

It is less about the percentage than the number of seats. 70% and 83 seats, or 55% and 83 seats don't make a difference.

26-06-2020, 05:36 PM
If pappies win big again this time we are all screwed...even the 70% sheep..gst, utilities,erp, fines will all go up to make up for heng sk‘s gifts to us. Hell, might even have chiong geylang tax..

26-06-2020, 06:29 PM
So many people till i can't differentiate who is 2G 3G 4G 5G 6G liao. :eek:

KBW is simi G? :confused: After he retired, will MRT break down again or not ah? 5555

I see all the new faces all i no feeling leh. haizzz. don't have those feelings you know? see liao will think wa this one buay pai hor that kind of feeling.

Simi G also can la, I only know GG. Yes, vote pappies and its good game for all of us..

26-06-2020, 07:04 PM
Simi G also can la, I only know GG. Yes, vote pappies and its good game for all of us..

These five days beg you for your vote, next five years you beg for mercy.

These five days tell you you are the most wise and will choose correctly, next five years tell you you are fucking dumbass and cannot take personal responsibility.

Nobody remembers all the water fee increases, ERP increases, transport fee increases, etc in the past five years. But you remember the $300 in your pocket now.

26-06-2020, 07:12 PM
Lau Goh ruled M Parade for 44 yrs. It is yrs I had not travel to this part of Spore. I dont look at blgs I observe the peoples. Back in the 70s I guess M Parade was selected for ang mo who migrated here.

Not all ang mo are rich some r average only. Still I do not have the %. The biggest group could be ang mo man, who married SPG and pick up pink ICs back into the 80s. This family has come 3G. It is their custom to vote the lighting even they dont like them.

How to change these ang mo mindset? I could have wronged. 5 yrs ago WP send Nicole Seah because she was SPG. She can worked on ang mo voters judging by the % she had done well. Some how I guess ang mo man weakness is SPG but they dont think highly of this girls holding on managment posts. More so in gov.

I predict M Parade returns to the lighting.

26-06-2020, 07:41 PM
So many people till i can't differentiate who is 2G 3G 4G 5G 6G liao. :eek:

KBW is simi G? :confused: After he retired, will MRT break down again or not ah? 5555

I see all the new faces all i no feeling leg. haizzz. don't have those feelings you know? see liao will think wa this one buay pai hor that kind of feeling.

Have to agree with you on the New faces part, but that applies to opposition New faces as well!

26-06-2020, 08:28 PM
Opposition always plain plain one mah. Except this round the TCB side like got special but duno got special or not. :D

The white side those ah bing gor and jie jie are standard one. So the rest leh must look outstanding than norm a bit mah tioboh?

NSP last time got swimsuit model you got vote for her not? If never then why they bother with same tactic? Tin Peiling auntie face everyone kuku already hard like fuck. Dun need more lah.

26-06-2020, 09:47 PM
So many people till i can't differentiate who is 2G 3G 4G 5G 6G liao. :eek:

KBW is simi G? :confused: After he retired, will MRT break down again or not ah? 5555

KBW is no belong to any G...... he was a jiuhukia recruited by his Godfather another jiuhukia named GKS the DM at that time. Put him into the Civil Service and worked all the way up to Perm Sec level.... and then enter politics. So can say he was there oredi involved in Gahmen even b4 GCT, LHL, or any of the current cabinet entered politics.... with this background so he is wat G? :rolleyes:

26-06-2020, 09:52 PM
So many people till i can't differentiate who is 2G 3G 4G 5G 6G liao. :eek:

KBW is simi G? :confused: After he retired, will MRT break down again or not ah? 5555

I see all the new faces all i no feeling leh. haizzz. don't have those feelings you know? see liao will think wa this one buay pai hor that kind of feeling.

Whatever G they are all there for a purpose - get high salary and not to care about the people

26-06-2020, 10:18 PM
================================================== =======
as Goh Chok Tong say before, give Ting Pei Ling 5 years and she will be different
now Ting v popular in MadPerson, v confident and steady now
she help so many people there
Nicole? wat has she do? Zero!

Kate Spade did nothing but stamp her feet to become MP, and posted a message during cooling down period when not supposed to do so. She is nothing but an air head :D

27-06-2020, 09:21 AM
Think the odds will be out soon.

27-06-2020, 12:15 PM
I was suprised the illegal hawkers are back at HDB markets. Malaysians and PRCs. Selling masks to house hold items. So? Malaysia and Spore borders open because the lighting need to win?

Next RLD back in biz before July? Could be. I question the lighting. What is the point in swab and, man seeking fun at RLD? Got infected, including FWs out of isolated ctrs. Return to community and become local transmission.

GE should be postone to 2021.

27-06-2020, 01:04 PM
Kate Spade did nothing but stamp her feet to become MP, and posted a message during cooling down period when not supposed to do so. She is nothing but an air head :D
no oppo dare cum in Madperson - Ting Pei Ling's kingdom strong sapport from senior citizens as she respect old people especially

27-06-2020, 01:26 PM
no oppo dare cum in Madperson - Ting Pei Ling's kingdom strong sapport from senior citizens as she respect old people especially

TPL is milf already lah. But it's true her works in the constituency build her a lot of support. Respect due as she stands alone in SMC rather than quietly try to slip in through GRC.

Older folks dream of getting daughter in-law like her. But she chose husband very well, married upwards :D

27-06-2020, 02:00 PM
TPL is milf already lah. But it's true her works in the constituency build her a lot of support. Respect due as she stands alone in SMC rather than quietly try to slip in through GRC.

Older folks dream of getting daughter in-law like her. But she chose husband very well, married upwards :D

Would respect her if she first won in SMC instead of GRC by smelling the ass of GCT :D

27-06-2020, 04:03 PM
Would respect her if she first won in SMC instead of GRC by smelling the ass of GCT :D

Well, she is a little better compared to that colorectal surgeon who stood in a SMC and then lost simi lau quee, no choice had to join AMK...thats a real ass smeller..

27-06-2020, 07:07 PM
Well, she is a little better compared to that colorectal surgeon who stood in a SMC and then lost simi lau quee, no choice had to join AMK...thats a real ass smeller..

18++ for u for sharing same tots as me.:D Tat guy an asshole.

27-06-2020, 08:08 PM
I was suprised the illegal hawkers are back at HDB markets. Malaysians and PRCs. Selling masks to house hold items. So? Malaysia and Spore borders open because the lighting need to win?

Next RLD back in biz before July? Could be. I question the lighting. What is the point in swab and, man seeking fun at RLD? Got infected, including FWs out of isolated ctrs. Return to community and become local transmission.

GE should be postone to 2021.

By then recession jialat jialat many would blame them and they would lose many votes

27-06-2020, 08:26 PM
Yes, this government is really tyrannical to risk all the lives of its citizens just so that they have better chances of securing a big win (not just win which is understandable...but they want a huge trophy at our expense). That is really diabolic

27-06-2020, 08:43 PM
Yes, this government is really tyrannical to risk all the lives of its citizens just so that they have better chances of securing a big win (not just win which is understandable...but they want a huge trophy at our expense). That is really diabolic

Citizens can be replaced with Nehs and Tiongs imports

27-06-2020, 10:50 PM
Would have been hilarious and more entertaining if the allegations against Ivan Lim came out after Nomination Day and there's no chance for him to step down.

28-06-2020, 07:40 AM
Not campaign period yet, so laws on display of party flags for GE don’t apply: Elections Department

Nuria Ling/TODAY
People's Action Party flags seen along Marine Terrace on June 27, 2020. A total of 11 flags were seen in the vicinity.
Published27 JUNE, 2020

SINGAPORE — As the period of campaigning by political parties for the July 10 General Election (GE) has not started, the rules relating to the display of posters and banners under the Parliamentary Elections (Election Advertising) Regulations do not apply at this time.

For now, the display of posters and banners is governed by other legislation such as the Town Councils Act.


This was what the Elections Department Singapore (ELD) told TODAY on Saturday (June 27), after the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) pointed out that flags from the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP) are put up in Marine Parade.

In a Facebook post published on Saturday, SDP said that it had sent an email to the ELD “to clarify the legal status of displaying party's flags in public places”.


The email, which was signed by the party's vice-chairman John Tan, asked ELD to confirm if it is “against election rules or laws” to display a party's flags in public places before Nomination Day, which will be on June 30.

Mr Tan also asked ELD to “let him know” what would be done if PAP was found to be in violation of rules in displaying its flags.

“If there is no violation, please let me know, too, as my party is planning to do likewise,” he wrote.

In its reply to TODAY’s queries, ELD said that the Parliamentary Elections Act governs the display of posters and banners during the campaign period, which is defined as the period beginning with the close of the nomination proceedings and ending with the start of the eve of polling day.

“Once the campaign period starts, the display of posters and banners must be subject to a permit that is issued by the Returning Officer,” a spokesperson from ELD said.

A volunteer at the Marine Parade PAP branch office, who declined to be named, told TODAY that the flags put up are “within the branch perimeters”.

The volunteer said the PAP flags were put up "as part of National Day celebrations" — something which has been done every year "for the past 20 to 30 years". There are plans to add to the 11 flags currently being displayed, said the volunteer, who added that the flags may be displayed for a longer period of time this year because "National Day celebrations are extended".

The volunteer was alluding to the announcement on April 25 by the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY) that with immediate effect, all organisations and households would be allowed to display the national flag until Sept 30 “to rally Singaporeans” amid the Covid-19 situation. The country celebrates its National Day on Aug 9 yearly.

Every year before the Covid-19 crisis struck, people were allowed to display the national flag only from July 1 to Sept 30 during the usual period of celebrations.

The rules for displaying the national flag were amended due to the pandemic, after MCCY received requests from members of the public who wanted to display the flag as a demonstration of unity and solidarity with others in society.

28-06-2020, 07:43 AM
"The volunteer said the PAP flags were put up "as part of National Day celebrations" — something which has been done every year "for the past 20 to 30 years". There are plans to add to the 11 flags currently being displayed, said the volunteer, who added that the flags may be displayed for a longer period of time this year because "National Day celebrations are extended".

The volunteer was alluding to the announcement on April 25 by the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY) that with immediate effect, all organisations and households would be allowed to display the national flag until Sept 30 “to rally Singaporeans” amid the Covid-19 situation."

Since when did PAP emblem become THE NATIONAL FLAG?

28-06-2020, 09:45 AM
Would have been hilarious and more entertaining if the allegations against Ivan Lim came out after Nomination Day and there's no chance for him to step down.

Obviously this fucker is feeling guilty and so it seems that everything said about him is also somewhat true..goes to show that PAPPIES do not always choose their candidates well

28-06-2020, 10:06 AM
Obviously this fucker is feeling guilty and so it seems that everything said about him is also somewhat true..goes to show that PAPPIES do not always choose their candidates well

Haven't started his career n he down-ed
Classic way of "cum n go" :D

28-06-2020, 10:25 AM
The lighting campaign began during CB, ang mo got hit by court case and ban from working here. Next. Swab tests for all people. Dont be frighten by all this non senses.

By the way. Ivan Lim is not real. He is a diversion. Ex army generals take instruction thats why the lighting love them. LHY too loved them. Female army generals also follow wrong instructions.

M Parade with a big population of ang mo voters must be put under the correct mindsets. The lighting put fear in them and, the hammer brought out a SPG with a message. Time for change time to speak up for ang mo who migrated here since the 70s. Ang mo boys done NS too.

I wish Nicole the best. Two mths ago I had doubts on local tramsission cases. And a member was correct. Postpone GE to 2021 even the sons of our founding fathers combined cannot bring down un employments.

28-06-2020, 11:22 AM
Nicole Seah was NEVER WP until this election, she was under NSP when she ran in Marine Parade GRC 2011.

28-06-2020, 11:32 AM
Anyone have Ivan Lim video to share? :D

28-06-2020, 12:17 PM
Nicole Seah was NEVER WP until this election, she was under NSP when she ran in Marine Parade GRC 2011.
How come Nichol this time is in WP ?

28-06-2020, 12:25 PM
The lighting campaign began during CB, ang mo got hit by court case and ban from working here. Next. Swab tests for all people. Dont be frighten by all this non senses.

By the way. Ivan Lim is not real. He is a diversion. Ex army generals take instruction thats why the lighting love them. LHY too loved them. Female army generals also follow wrong instructions.

M Parade with a big population of ang mo voters must be put under the correct mindsets. The lighting put fear in them and, the hammer brought out a SPG with a message. Time for change time to speak up for ang mo who migrated here since the 70s. Ang mo boys done NS too.

I wish Nicole the best. Two mths ago I had doubts on local tramsission cases. And a member was correct. Postpone GE to 2021 even the sons of our founding fathers combined cannot bring down un employments.
Brother, your england is really powderful. Very hard to understand what you are trying to tell us.

Just use simple english words and write your points out clearly one by one, don't talk about so many things all at one time. We become confused. By the way, Marine Parade don't have so many ang mohs as you say. Most of the ang mohs can be found in the high class Holland Village area. Marine Parade only have a lot of old men and old ladies living there. It is a matured estate. Their children have all married and moved out to the new towns like Yishun and Punggol etc, etc

28-06-2020, 12:34 PM
Anyone have Ivan Lim video to share? :D

Could be a member here, for all you know :D Check the ktv thread??

28-06-2020, 12:43 PM
Anyone HAS the alleged video of Ivan Lim's KTV romp?

28-06-2020, 12:57 PM
......... goes to show that PAPPIES do not always choose their candidates well

The days of LKY's style of 1+2+3 background checks and careful vetting of potential candidates are over.
Now candidates are "recommended" by their own fellow cronies and screening is ownself write one. As long as have fellow member to vouch for him can already.

28-06-2020, 01:24 PM
quite drama leh

first LHY join PSP

now ivan the terrible

need more popcorn :p;):D

28-06-2020, 02:24 PM
Citizens can be replaced with Nehs and Tiongs imports

Do include our Msian bros/sis too.:D

28-06-2020, 02:25 PM
How come Nichol this time is in WP ?

She learnt from Msia UMNO.:D

28-06-2020, 02:52 PM
Do include our Msian bros/sis too.:D

SG citizenship not preferred by msian. They have better opportunities than nehs and tiongs nowadays. Besides it is smarter for msian to get PR and retain their own citizenship. Best of both worlds.

Grounded Eagle
28-06-2020, 03:07 PM
SG citizenship not preferred by msian. They have better opportunities than nehs and tiongs nowadays. Besides it is smarter for msian to get PR and retain their own citizenship. Best of both worlds.

Yes..... many Mudlanders dun want to convert their PR into SG citizenship despite invitation by the SG gahmen to do so.

Most of them just want to use their PR to enrich themselves from the various govt schemes and intend to return back to Mudland with their goldchests upon cashing out the assets.

SG gahmen should change their policies to give grants and subsidies to Citizens only..... or make it compulsory for PRs to return those grants and subsidies if they do not take up SG citizenship in due course.

Fucked up gahmen giving away our hard earned reserves to foreigners without any intention to contribute to SG...... all come here to dig gold only. :mad:

28-06-2020, 03:30 PM
Yes..... many Mudlanders dun want to convert their PR into SG citizenship despite invitation by the SG gahmen to do so.

Most of them just want to use their PR to enrich themselves from the various govt schemes and intend to return back to Mudland with their goldchests upon cashing out the assets.

SG gahmen should change their policies to give grants and subsidies to Citizens only..... or make it compulsory for PRs to return those grants and subsidies if they do not take up SG citizenship in due course.

Fucked up gahmen giving away our hard earned reserves to foreigners without any intention to contribute to SG...... all come here to dig gold only. :mad:

Very true!

I strongly agree with your views!

Please bring up this points during the coming election!

Tell them to implement FOR CITIZENS ONLY policies.... or I will give my vote to the opposition ! ! !

28-06-2020, 03:43 PM
Please vote wisely :)

28-06-2020, 03:50 PM

While walking down the street a Singapore minister was tragically hit by a car and died.

His soul arrives in Heaven and is met by St. Peter at the entrance. "Welcome to Heaven", says St. Peter. "Before you settle in, it seems there is a problem. We seldom see a high official around these parts you see, so we're not sure what to do with you."

"No problem. Just let me in," says the minister.

"Well, I'd like to, but I have orders from the higher ups. What we'll do is have you spend one day in Hell and one in Heaven. Then you can choose where to spend eternity."

"Really? I've made up my mind. I want to be in Heaven," says the minister.

"I'm sorry, but we have our rules." And with that St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down to Hell. The doors open and he finds himself in the middle of a golf course. In the distance a clubhouse and standing in front of it are all his friends and other politicians who had worked with him. Everyone is very happy and in evening dress. They run to greet him, shake his hands and reminisce about the good times they had while getting both exalted and rich . They played a friendly round of golf and then dine on lobster, maliputo, caviar, and Macallan 1926. Also present is the devil who really is a very friendly guy and who is having a good time and telling jokes. They are all having such a good time that before the minister realizes it, it is time to go.

Everyone gives him a hearty farewell and waves while the elevator rises.

The elevator goes up, up and the door reopens in Heaven while St. Peter is waiting for him

"Now it's time to visit Heaven." So, 24 hours passed with the minister joining a group of contented souls moving from cloud to cloud, playing the harp, Cebu guitar and singing. They have a good time and before he realizes it the 24 hours have gone by and St. Peter returns. "Well then you've spent a day in Hell and another in Heaven. Now choose your eternity.

"The minister reflects for a minute before he answers: "Well, I would never have said it before, I mean Heaven has been delightful, but I think I would be better off in Hell." So St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down to Hell.

Now the doors of the elevator open and he's in the middle of a barren land covered with waste and garbage. He sees all his friends, dressed in rags picking up the trash and putting it in black bags as more trash falls from above. The devil comes over to him and puts his arm around his shoulders.

"I don't understand," stammers the minister.

"The other day I was here and there was a golf course and clubhouse and we ate lobster, maliputo, and caviar, drank $10,000 Macallan and we flirted, danced and had a great time. Now there's just a wasteland full of garbage and my friends look miserable. What happened?",

The devil smiles at him and says, "Yesterday we were campaigning. Today you voted".


28-06-2020, 04:18 PM
Pastor is not pro PAP?

28-06-2020, 04:24 PM
Very true!

I strongly agree with your views!

Please bring up this points during the coming election!

Tell them to implement FOR CITIZENS ONLY policies.... or I will give my vote to the opposition ! ! !

Sometimes, i feel like just renouncing my citizenship, take out my god damned stuck cpf and run off to join my tirak in prc...fuck this place

28-06-2020, 04:38 PM
Do include our Msian bros/sis too.:D

I have never regarded msians as bros/sis.

Although my most disliked foreigners are Ceca indians, but actually of all the various different foreign nationalities working in singapore, it is the malaysians that cause the most damage to singaporeans's rice bowls.

Because malaysians are found working in ALL types of jobs and ALL sectors in singapore from cleaners to factory low-level workers to office executives to even mid-level management jobs, any type of job you name it, you also can find many malaysians working in all these jobs in singapore.

Whereas there are still certain types of jobs in singapore which you will never find a Pinoy/PRC/Ceca/Vietnamese/Caucasian etc working in them.

Anyway, according to the most recent official statistics of foreign immigrants in singapore released by UN, there are 1 million malaysians in singapore, and indian cecas have 200,000 and PRCs have 400,000. Pinoys numbers are also 6 digits

28-06-2020, 04:43 PM
And malaysians are the most devious and most hypocritical in back-stabbing office politics. anyone can go read the comments in EDMW forum there always have many netizens bashing the back-stabbing traits of malaysians working in singapore.

Although I most dislike the Ceca indians of all the different type of foreigners working in singapore, but if strictly in terms of back-stabbing office politics and hypocrisy, the Pinoys/Ceca indians/PRCs/Caucasians/Vietnamese/indonesians are no match for the malaysians jiu hu kias when comes to back-stabbing office politics and hypocrisy.

28-06-2020, 05:00 PM
I have never regarded msians as bros/sis.

Although my most disliked foreigners are Ceca indians, but actually of all the various different foreign nationalities working in singapore, it is the malaysians that cause the most damage to singaporeans's rice bowls.

Because malaysians are found working in ALL types of jobs and ALL sectors in singapore from cleaners to factory low-level workers to office executives to even mid-level management jobs, any type of job you name it, you also can find many malaysians working in all these jobs in singapore.

Whereas there are still certain types of jobs in singapore which you will never find a Pinoy/PRC/Ceca/Vietnamese/Ang Moh etc working in them.

Anyway, according to most recent official statistics of foreign immigrants in singapore released by UN, there are 1 million malaysians in singapore, and indian cecas have 200,000 and PRCs have 400,000. Pinoys numbers are also 6 digits

And malaysians are the most devious and most hypocritical in back-stabbing office politics. anyone can go read the comments in EDMW forum there always have many netizens bashing the back-stabbing traits of malaysians working in singapore.

Although I most dislike the Ceca indians, but if strictly in terms of back-stabbing office politics and hypocrisy, the Pinoys/Ceca indians/PRCs/Caucasians/Vietnamese/indonesians are no match for the malaysians jiu hu kias when comes to back-stabbing office politics and hypocrisy.

Very well said!

I have no beef with our fellow Msian bros/sis. I do cheong with them occasionally. But when come to rice bowl, i am sorry, i have to fight for it. My livelihood at stake. Alot of of pmet jobs were held by fellow Msians. PRs and green card holders. No bs here. Been working with them. As usual, never stop praising our garment.:rolleyes:

28-06-2020, 05:03 PM
Sometimes, i feel like just renouncing my citizenship, take out my god damned stuck cpf and run off to join my tirak in prc...fuck this place

Think twice bro. I am proud of my country. But not the one who govern her.

28-06-2020, 05:16 PM
Very well said!

I have no beef with our fellow Msian bros/sis. I do cheong with them occasionally. But when come to rice bowl, i am sorry, i have to fight for it. My livelihood at stake. Alot of of pmet jobs were held by fellow Msians. PRs and green card holders. No bs here. Been working with them. As usual, never stop praising our garment.:rolleyes:

Can find msian in public service as well - those who are PR.

28-06-2020, 05:17 PM
Sometimes, i feel like just renouncing my citizenship, take out my god damned stuck cpf and run off to join my tirak in prc...fuck this place

whatever, we are still better off than there. If prc so good, won't have so many of their ladies going all over working ML and FL ;)

28-06-2020, 05:36 PM
Can find msian in public service as well - those who are PR.

Last time used to see msians working in Spore Customs. Permit holders. No bs.

28-06-2020, 05:37 PM
Seems like the WP and the oppo gonna be wipe out again this election...their only hope is Nichol Seah & Dr Tan CB, ex PAP MP...due to covid fears, jobs n economy n no physical rallies...esp now that they r without LTK, Png, the outgoing Mp of Hougang n Chen Mao...dunno wat ??..WP looks v. weak...even with him around the last round they just abt got thru by the skin of their teeth by just a few hundred votes..v. likely Hougang ALJ GRC will go back to PAP this time n with it 4 oppo Mps

28-06-2020, 06:46 PM
Seems like the WP and the oppo gonna be wipe out again this election...their only hope is Nichol Seah & Dr Tan CB, ex PAP MP...due to covid fears, jobs n economy n no physical rallies...esp now that they r without LTK, Png, the outgoing Mp of Hougang n Chen Mao...dunno wat ??..WP looks v. weak...even with him around the last round they just abt got thru by the skin of their teeth by just a few hundred votes..v. likely Hougang ALJ GRC will go back to PAP this time n with it 4 oppo Mps

Last GE ruling party won most from sympathiser votes. This time round, no rallies allowed. Slight setback there. So oppie parties must find ways and means to get their message to those 70%.

28-06-2020, 06:52 PM
Last GE ruling party won most from sympathiser votes. This time round, no rallies allowed. Slight setback there. So oppie parties must find ways and means to get their message to those 70%.
Very hard for them to do that... old uncles n aunties got no hps.. not IT savvy also.. so no way oppies r going to make it this time either even if they r really good.. .Pap still looks like the better party on the whole

28-06-2020, 07:51 PM
No need rally also can. 55 yrs ago LKY gave us a country and freedom. We called him founding father. 2020 founding father younger son, LHY joined opp party he says, the lighting is not what it used to be.

Many born locals sees the younger son & give him the respect. His older brother lose it yrs ago. No matter LHY miss this GE. The damage is done and the lighting blame themselves.

By the way. Is there a change in this gen of PR and new citizens mindsets? I am old fashion I dont welcome foreigners. This gen of new PR and citizens believe in this too. The 4G lighting saw this and move with us at least the next 4 yrs.

Old fashion overtaken new fashion. Protection is here to stay.

28-06-2020, 08:33 PM
Seems like the WP and the oppo gonna be wipe out again this election...their only hope is Nichol Seah & Dr Tan CB, ex PAP MP...due to covid fears, jobs n economy n no physical rallies...esp now that they r without LTK, Png, the outgoing Mp of Hougang n Chen Mao...dunno wat ??..WP looks v. weak...even with him around the last round they just abt got thru by the skin of their teeth by just a few hundred votes..v. likely Hougang ALJ GRC will go back to PAP this time n with it 4 oppo Mps

Look up Wikipedia, they didnt win by just a few hundred votes. Hougang won by three thousand votes, for one of the smallest SMCs, that is quite big. But Aljunied's winning margin of 2k is pretty slim for a GRC, but it is not just a few hundred votes either.

28-06-2020, 08:50 PM
If LTK's retirement alone will cause WP to fall apart, then they might as well fail now rather than later. Any party that relies on one person to hold everything together is destined to fail eventually. That pillar (person) will eventually go anyway, whether by retirement or death. Just look at Chiam See Tong for the perfect example.

WP was lucky in the sense that their GRC win allowed them to put a successment plan in place because they earned a brand name that allowed them to get "better" people in and they have worked a long time into smoothing in Perera and Giam (I am surprised that Goh is out). Now is as good a time as any to test whether their succession is working.

I don't understand this thing about Nicole Seah being the great blue hope. Why? Because she looks good? Or because her intellect is striking?

28-06-2020, 09:40 PM
“Whoever governs Singapore must have that iron in him. Or give it up. This is not a game of cards! This is your life and mine! I've spent a whole lifetime building this and as long as I'm in charge, nobody is going to knock it down.” ― Lee Kuan Yew

It does not matter whether you are pappy or oppy , without the strength, courage and wisdom to govern, give it up and don't waste everybody time & resources.

28-06-2020, 09:56 PM
It does not matter whether you are pappy or oppy , without the strength, courage and wisdom to govern, give it up and don't waste everybody time & resources.


28-06-2020, 10:42 PM
For many years I all along stayed in a SMC. But last year after I got married, I moved out from the SMC and bought a house in a GRC.

Curious, for those voters staying in a HDB flat in a GRC, (becoz GRCs are much bigger than a SMC), during the 2015 General Election did both the PAP and the contesting opposition party went to your flat unit for a door-to-door visit during the 9 days campaigning period??

29-06-2020, 01:03 AM
Seems like the WP and the oppo gonna be wipe out again this election...their only hope is Nichol Seah & Dr Tan CB, ex PAP MP...due to covid fears, jobs n economy n no physical rallies...esp now that they r without LTK, Png, the outgoing Mp of Hougang n Chen Mao...dunno wat ??..WP looks v. weak...even with him around the last round they just abt got thru by the skin of their teeth by just a few hundred votes..v. likely Hougang ALJ GRC will go back to PAP this time n with it 4 oppo Mps

Actually Pritam Singh is a really very hardworking guy from what I see la... go door to door talk to the resident... when was the last time u see ur PAP member walking around talking to you? Got la when election comes lor... I really hope Aljunied GRC worker party can hold on to it... actually I think Chee soon guan also quite good...

For many years I all along stayed in a SMC. But last year after I got married, I moved out from the SMC and bought a house in a GRC.

Curious, for those voters staying in a HDB flat in a GRC, (becoz GRCs are much bigger than a SMC), during the 2015 General Election did both the PAP and the contesting opposition party went to your flat unit for a door-to-door visit during the 9 days campaigning period??

I stay in my GRC for more den 10 years... never see PAP member before come to my place... also gd la dun need talk to them and waste my time...

29-06-2020, 04:22 AM
Pastor is not pro PAP?

I think I know which church he went and who is the pastor coz my niece also relate the same story when she came home.
Surprising that he tell such a story as he used to be a staunch lightning supporter. Maybe he dulan them now after they sent him to the changi holiday bungalow. Why is it he can still be a pastor at the same church after stealing millions from them ?

29-06-2020, 04:25 AM
I smell something is wrong in PAP

1) rush to have election even during Covid
2) 20+ PAP abandon ship, some use retirement as excuse
3) anyhow pick candidate like Ivan and Shawn that has questionable background and ability

29-06-2020, 08:11 AM
This is the effect. PAP will win all seats.


29-06-2020, 08:42 AM
[QUOTE=Tai_zi21;20068900]Actually Pritam Singh is a really very hardworking guy from what I see la... go door to door talk to the resident... when was the last time u see ur PAP member walking around talking to you? Got la when election comes lor... I really hope Aljunied GRC worker party can hold on to it... actually I think Chee soon guan also quite good...

I stay in WP GRC, I think is time for a change.
Let PAP back for next 5 years.

29-06-2020, 08:53 AM
Seems like the WP and the oppo gonna be wipe out again this election...their only hope is Nichol Seah & Dr Tan CB, ex PAP MP...due to covid fears, jobs n economy n no physical rallies...esp now that they r without LTK, Png, the outgoing Mp of Hougang n Chen Mao...dunno wat ??..WP looks v. weak...even with him around the last round they just abt got thru by the skin of their teeth by just a few hundred votes..v. likely Hougang ALJ GRC will go back to PAP this time n with it 4 oppo Mps

Hey bro,

I got same thoughts as you too.

The saga of the Hougang ALJ GRC law suit is yet to finish.I got a feel that Mr Low may want to take rap to save his WP.

The best winning trophy for PAP is to win "Hougang" and "Hougang ALJ GRC" from WP even they lost other GRC and SMC.

On paper, PSP is strong, and may win GRC with 5 seats.
WP lost 5 for Hougang ALJ GRC, and 1 HG GRC.
SDP may won over BB with 1 seat.

Worker Party ( with Nicole Seah) may win if they contested with those not Strong PAP GRC like Punnggol GRC.

Someone said Nicole going to contest Marine Parade again.

In the end, PAP still emerged as an overall winner even with small percentage of win 60-65%, and Gov still run by them for next 5 years. of cos, with number of Opposition seats increased.

Well. Lets sit and watch the show as the curtain raised up.

29-06-2020, 09:31 AM
Let PAP back for next 5 years.

What u mean back? All along PAP the ruling party,no?

OK. Let them be in parliament. But with less than 2/3 majority.:D

29-06-2020, 09:50 AM
IMHO, possibility 3 opposition parties may win seat(s) in the coming General Election 2020.

In order of winning chances : 1. WP , 2. PSP and 3. SDP

My concern is that I wish to have some opposition members of parliament [and not the NCMP(s)]

I know in GE2020, PAP is going to be the next government for another 5 years but there should be some opposition MP(s), at least.

The unfavourable outcome in GE2020 is that winner takes all which is still highly possible.

29-06-2020, 09:55 AM
The unfavourable outcome in GE2020 is that winner takes all which is still highly possible.

Mean generally we are fuck badly ady if this happen... GST about to happen sooner den u think I Guess... just think about it does our PAP give u free money? Not in ur next life even....

29-06-2020, 12:10 PM
Yes..... many Mudlanders dun want to convert their PR into SG citizenship despite invitation by the SG gahmen to do so.

Most of them just want to use their PR to enrich themselves from the various govt schemes and intend to return back to Mudland with their goldchests upon cashing out the assets.

SG gahmen should change their policies to give grants and subsidies to Citizens only..... or make it compulsory for PRs to return those grants and subsidies if they do not take up SG citizenship in due course.

Fucked up gahmen giving away our hard earned reserves to foreigners without any intention to contribute to SG...... all come here to dig gold only. :mad:

Well said Bro .. very true ! Why are our govt treating PR better than us Singaporeans in terms of jobs opportunities & other benefits ?

29-06-2020, 01:46 PM
Well said Bro .. very true ! Why are our govt treating PR better than us Singaporeans in terms of jobs opportunities & other benefits ?

Cos Msians are pro PAP. Cos PAP offer them jobs. Not just wp but S-Pass and EP (pmet jobs) too.They will instigate their sillyporean relatives to vote for PAP.

29-06-2020, 02:25 PM
What u mean back? All along PAP the ruling party,no?

OK. Let them be in parliament. But with less than 2/3 majority.:D

About 10 years ago, Aljunied GRC was George Yeo and gang.
WP took over in 2011
Time for a new party ������

29-06-2020, 02:57 PM
IMHO, possibility 3 opposition parties may win seat(s) in the coming General Election 2020.

In order of winning chances : 1. WP , 2. PSP and 3. SDP

My concern is that I wish to have some opposition members of parliament [and not the NCMP(s)]

I know in GE2020, PAP is going to be the next government for another 5 years but there should be some opposition MP(s), at least.

The unfavourable outcome in GE2020 is that winner takes all which is still highly possible.

Don't think SDP got any chance.
Even WP seat might be reduced.

29-06-2020, 03:15 PM
Well said Bro .. very true ! Why are our govt treating PR better than us Singaporeans in terms of jobs opportunities & other benefits ?

They hope the PRs convert to citizens and more votes for them

29-06-2020, 05:23 PM
Don't think SDP got any chance.
Even WP seat might be reduced.
just look at the talent of the pap new candidiates
power siah!

29-06-2020, 06:02 PM
Don't think SDP got any chance.
Even WP seat might be reduced.

Agree. Dont ustand why voters rejected him. Dr Chee talk sense, imo.

29-06-2020, 06:14 PM
About 10 years ago, Aljunied GRC was George Yeo and gang.
WP took over in 2011
Time for a new party ������

2011 got 54.72%. 2016 WP only got slim margin of 50.95% votes for Aljunied GRC. So this time round 2 heavy weight stepped down. I am very pessimistic on Aljunied GRC coming GE.

29-06-2020, 06:23 PM




29-06-2020, 06:24 PM
I think only WP and PSP has some chance of winning seats in this election. I think there are some good opposition younger candidates in the oppo parties. I think the gap is narrower now in the new candidates of the oppo and PAP. Some of those in oppo seem like they qualify for PAP as well. I believe we need good oppo in parliament.

29-06-2020, 06:25 PM
https://www.wp.sg/manifesto/?fbclid=IwAR00jG9YXloHN2U3rvPBLicH26un2t0ac3nBwLnn iuhDKxMGhuEecalQcEw



29-06-2020, 06:29 PM
https://www.wp.sg/wp-candidate-introduction-day-4/?fbclid=IwAR2mn83lHGYbArLx3UGGMk_YdaBvJd9pMDKk2fQY dA49MLP5tLkb0pEUzwI




29-06-2020, 06:31 PM




29-06-2020, 06:33 PM
2011 got 54.72%. 2016 WP only got slim margin of 50.95% votes for Aljunied GRC. So this time round 2 heavy weight stepped down. I am very pessimistic on Aljunied GRC coming GE.
Yep, somehow i also feel WP chances are slimmer this time round. Sillyporeans are not as angry this time round as in 2011, and i feel that them being less confrontational in nature may also lose some votes. Some people might feel that WP is too "nua". PSP might win west coast.

29-06-2020, 06:34 PM

https://scontent.fsin5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/p843x403/104974562_1590584651099705_5366145568742594657_o.j pg?_nc_cat=107&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_ohc=yotrE9yypQIAX-IwIFj&_nc_ht=scontent.fsin5-1.fna&_nc_tp=6&oh=0d7bda68cf455a7bf1e1bd141c0d996b&oe=5F1DD8A9

Some analysts are predicting that the PAP could win this GE with over 70% share of the popular vote, possibly even hitting 75%, as a result of factors like the "flight to safety" effect and the very high visibility of PAP Ministers and candidates during Covid-19. If this is the case, even weak PAP candidates could win and become MPs in GRCs helmed by highly visible Ministers.

In 2001, the PAP government also called a General Election in a time of crisis, shortly after the Sep 11th terrorist attacks on New York, which triggered some degree of economic turmoil. The result of that 2001 election was a 75.3% share of the popular vote for the PAP. Only two Opposition MPs - Mr Low Thia Khiang and Mr Chiam See Tong - won full MP seats in Parliament, at a little over 50%.

It is the PAP which chooses the timing of elections. However, what we have control over is our Parliamentary work in raising issues of importance to the country; the development of alternative policy ideas to inform policy-making; and groundwork to engage and help Singaporeans in the constituencies where we walk. The Workers' Party has been working hard on all these fronts prior to GE2020 and will continue to do so.

It is my hope that Singaporeans who value political balance, government accountability and diversity of views, that Singaporeans who feel that a strong Opposition is good for Singapore (as a PAP Minister once said), would do their part to ensure that these values are woven into the fabric of our national ethos.

NB: The article below is from Lianhe Wanbao and the subtitle states that the PAP vote share in GE2020 could exceed 75% and mark a 40 year high.

29-06-2020, 06:36 PM


Angelina Tia
Angelina represents the people who make things happen on the ground in Aljunied-Hougang Town, and troubleshoot issues when they crop up.
Many of our Property Officers grow up very fast and they have to display traits such empathy and understanding when dealing with issues, while remaining firm - depending on the circumstances or issue at hand. They are usually the first line interfacing between residents, commercial unit proprietors and other stakeholders. The issues our Property Officers deal with could range from nuisance to maintenance to just about anything! I thank all of you, past and present for playing your part in getting Aljunied-Hougang Town Council this far. We would not have made the progress we have without your commitment, perseverance and professionalism.

29-06-2020, 06:38 PM

29-06-2020, 06:41 PM
https://scontent.fsin5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/104438357_3237207839634840_7421466061642440414_o.j pg?_nc_cat=101&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=H3hN2363YusAX8jUwUK&_nc_ht=scontent.fsin5-1.fna&oh=4d7ac33063c890654c726e80b437f474&oe=5F1FE672

https://scontent.fsin5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/106373487_3237207802968177_4562486013104726524_n.j pg?_nc_cat=106&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=VptVbCXkY1IAX8JKiaN&_nc_ht=scontent.fsin5-1.fna&oh=7049c572ca3178f700dad6b6129c8dca&oe=5F1F7769

https://scontent.fsin5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/105595661_3237207846301506_2768004541271092917_o.j pg?_nc_cat=100&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=JwBXXJalHEcAX8xIegD&_nc_ht=scontent.fsin5-1.fna&oh=99d1690ea54302ca3d096b7c5ffa9d7e&oe=5F20D7A3


Party Renewal
(Mandarin translation below courtesy of Koh Choong Yong 许俊荣)
At our first candidate introduction today, I announced that Mr Low Thia Khiang, Mr Chen Show Mao and Mr Png Eng Huat would not be standing as candidates in GE2020. The party leadership came to this collective decision with Mr Low, Mr Chen and Mr Png respectively some time back, when all three shared their wish to step down at the end of the current term of Parliament. However, their decision to step down is not a retirement.
This collective decision is based on three considerations, all of which are anchored on the continued political success of The Workers' Party.

1. Broaden Leadership Base. For the Party to grow, new and younger leaders require Parliamentary and Town Council experience. If there is no renewal of Workers’ Party MPs, over time, the Party will not be able to attract new members to join and aspire to serve Singapore as opposition MPs. The absence of new blood will set the Party back in its growth as a credible and institutionalized opposition in Singapore.
2. Mentorship and Training. As the Party grows, it is important to ensure that a cadre of individuals can provide mentorship and train younger leaders. The time is right for the Workers’ Party to have senior leaders contribute in a different capacity. They remain critical as the Party's resource of information and experience.
3. Staying in touch with Singapore. The above two, were reasons that Mr Low and I agreed on. But I took some time to reflect on the third reason before I was eventually persuaded. Mr Low shared with me that it was critical for the Workers’ Party to remain relevant to all Singaporeans, be they new citizens, seniors, middle-aged and younger voters. He was concerned that as the elder generation of the Party ages, even as values and wisdom remain timeless, an MP must have his or her pulse on Singapore society. If a Workers’ Party MP became too detached from new norms and the changing shape of society, the Workers’ Party would be less effective in speaking for Singaporeans in Parliament and run the risk of becoming irrelevant.
The Workers’ Party and our supporters have been fortunate to count on the leadership of Mr Low, Mr Chen and Mr Png for many years, and many Singaporeans are in their debt for their decision to serve the country through the Workers’ Party. For the upcoming elections, Gerald Giam and Leon Perera, both experienced NCMPs will stand in Aljunied GRC, and the Party Organising Secretary Dennis Tan, another NCMP, will stand in Hougang SMC.
The party leadership, and all of us at The Workers’ Party will continue working and walking together, standing on the shoulders of the values Mr Low and other elder members have built. We will strengthen and carry the Workers’ Party forward to greater heights.
在今天举行的首批准候选人介绍会上,我宣布了刘程强先生、陈硕茂先生以及方荣发先生将不会在2020年大选 中参选。早些时候,当刘先生、陈先生与方先生透露他们有意在这一届国会结束之后选择退居幕后时,党的领导群 和他们集体做出了这项决定。然而,决定不参选并不表示他们将会退休。

1. 扩大领导群的基础。工人党要持续发展,年轻一代的新任领袖们在国会上与市镇理事会里都需要有经验。如果工人 党的议员没有更新,假以时日,党就不能吸引新的成员来担当起反对党议员的责任,为新加坡服务。缺少新血的加 入,会成为我们发展为一个有可信度、有组织性的反对党的绊脚石。

2. 指导与培训。随着工人党的发展,我们需要有一群能够指导与培训年轻领袖的资深党员。而这正是工人党的资深领 袖以不同的方式为党贡献的时机。他们仍然扮演至关重要的角色,为我们提供宝贵的经验与意见。

3. 与新加坡继续接轨。我和刘先生都同意上述两点,但我反复思考了这个第三因素之后,最终被说服了。刘先生和我 分享:工人党必须对所有新加坡人民保持相关性,这包括了新公民、长者、中年以及年轻的选民。他担心,随着年 长一辈的党员逐渐老去,虽然价值观与智慧是永恒不变的,但一名议员必须掌握新加坡社会的脉动。如果一名工人 党议员与新常态和形态不断变换的社会太过脱节,工人党在国会里的发言将不会那么有效,也有失去相关性的风险 。

工人党和我们的支持者们有幸多年遵循刘先生、陈先生与方先生的领导。在来临的大选,我们其中两位有经验的非 选区议员严燕松和贝里安,将出征阿裕尼集选区。另一位非选区议员,党的组织秘书陈立峰将会在后港单选区竞选 。
工人党的领导群,以及各位党员,将持续努力,与大家同行。在刘程强先生和其他资深党员所奠定的基础和理念之 上,继续加强工人党,把工人党推上更高的巅峰。

29-06-2020, 06:46 PM




29-06-2020, 06:47 PM

29-06-2020, 06:51 PM



29-06-2020, 06:52 PM



29-06-2020, 06:56 PM








29-06-2020, 06:58 PM





29-06-2020, 07:14 PM
[QUOTE=Tai_zi21;20068900]Actually Pritam Singh is a really very hardworking guy from what I see la... go door to door talk to the resident... when was the last time u see ur PAP member walking around talking to you? Got la when election comes lor... I really hope Aljunied GRC worker party can hold on to it... actually I think Chee soon guan also quite good...

I stay in WP GRC, I think is time for a change.
Let PAP back for next 5 years.

Agree. 55 years of PAP in other constituencies, time to change to Opposition too for next 5 years.

29-06-2020, 08:51 PM
The most X wins. As simple as this. If the biggest group of people wish the lighting to serve them. They have to be prepared after GE, the party did not fullfill its promises. One such is giving PR and new citizens to foreign spouses. So be it.

By the way. Buangkok Link has transfered a Ng Ling Ling to replace the Malay lady, ex MP. Probably 4 yrs under her terms she did not do a good job. Why i may ask, the voters to take another risk?

I guess the lighting will practice closed door policy. They will reduce the population of this red dot. I am sorry for a colleague who wish to marry a Thai girl. Wait long long.

30-06-2020, 12:46 AM
Anyone care to share what their constituency's MP has done for them (personal/community) level?

I'm in AMK GRC - YCK and my very 'professional' MP (Koh Poh Koon) has been sitting on my issue since 2016. In the 3 or 4 times that I've gone to the Meet-the-MP session (MPS), I've realised that he only comes in for the MPS after 10pm. Very disappointing performance from him so far. Expected much more from him since he is a minister with portfolio.

30-06-2020, 01:17 AM

While walking down the street a Singapore minister was tragically hit by a car and died.

His soul arrives in Heaven and is met by St. Peter at the entrance. "Welcome to Heaven", says St. Peter. "Before you settle in, it seems there is a problem. We seldom see a high official around these parts you see, so we're not sure what to do with you."

"No problem. Just let me in," says the minister.

"Well, I'd like to, but I have orders from the higher ups. What we'll do is have you spend one day in Hell and one in Heaven. Then you can choose where to spend eternity."

"Really? I've made up my mind. I want to be in Heaven," says the minister.

"I'm sorry, but we have our rules." And with that St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down to Hell. The doors open and he finds himself in the middle of a golf course. In the distance a clubhouse and standing in front of it are all his friends and other politicians who had worked with him. Everyone is very happy and in evening dress. They run to greet him, shake his hands and reminisce about the good times they had while getting both exalted and rich . They played a friendly round of golf and then dine on lobster, maliputo, caviar, and Macallan 1926. Also present is the devil who really is a very friendly guy and who is having a good time and telling jokes. They are all having such a good time that before the minister realizes it, it is time to go.

Everyone gives him a hearty farewell and waves while the elevator rises.

The elevator goes up, up and the door reopens in Heaven while St. Peter is waiting for him

"Now it's time to visit Heaven." So, 24 hours passed with the minister joining a group of contented souls moving from cloud to cloud, playing the harp, Cebu guitar and singing. They have a good time and before he realizes it the 24 hours have gone by and St. Peter returns. "Well then you've spent a day in Hell and another in Heaven. Now choose your eternity.

"The minister reflects for a minute before he answers: "Well, I would never have said it before, I mean Heaven has been delightful, but I think I would be better off in Hell." So St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down to Hell.

Now the doors of the elevator open and he's in the middle of a barren land covered with waste and garbage. He sees all his friends, dressed in rags picking up the trash and putting it in black bags as more trash falls from above. The devil comes over to him and puts his arm around his shoulders.

"I don't understand," stammers the minister.

"The other day I was here and there was a golf course and clubhouse and we ate lobster, maliputo, and caviar, drank $10,000 Macallan and we flirted, danced and had a great time. Now there's just a wasteland full of garbage and my friends look miserable. What happened?",

The devil smiles at him and says, "Yesterday we were campaigning. Today you voted".


Haha...... your pastor is an enlightened man.
You should all follow his advice.
GOD has spoken through this pastor.

30-06-2020, 01:46 AM
The most X wins. As simple as this. If the biggest group of people wish the lighting to serve them. They have to be prepared after GE, the party did not fullfill its promises. One such is giving PR and new citizens to foreign spouses. So be it.

By the way. Buangkok Link has transfered a Ng Ling Ling to replace the Malay lady, ex MP. Probably 4 yrs under her terms she did not do a good job. Why i may ask, the voters to take another risk?

I guess the lighting will practice closed door policy. They will reduce the population of this red dot. I am sorry for a colleague who wish to marry a Thai girl. Wait long long.

If I am not wrong, the Malay MP is suffering from Cancer soon after she took started her MP journey (according to this https://www.beritaharian.sg/setempat/walau-diserang-barah-ap-intan-terus-juang-berkhidmat-kepada-penduduk). She was quite helpful in resolving the issues (bus freq, extra bus stops etc. from some of the email exchanges I saw in a neighborhood chat) in the new neighbourhood of Buangkok although I have never seen her in MPS before too..

30-06-2020, 11:48 AM
Anyone care to share what their constituency's MP has done for them (personal/community) level?

I'm in AMK GRC - YCK and my very 'professional' MP (Koh Poh Koon) has been sitting on my issue since 2016. In the 3 or 4 times that I've gone to the Meet-the-MP session (MPS), I've realised that he only comes in for the MPS after 10pm. Very disappointing performance from him so far. Expected much more from him since he is a minister with portfolio.

They claim to help the people in whatever way they can. They are also the ones who voted for the policies which caused the problems faced by the people. Then they want to help? Double headed snake?

30-06-2020, 01:02 PM
i must say she quite "entertaining" in parliament.

Upped u bro :) round 2

30-06-2020, 01:20 PM
I'm in AMK GRC - YCK and my very 'professional' MP (Koh Poh Koon) has been sitting on my issue since 2016. In the 3 or 4 times that I've gone to the Meet-the-MP session (MPS), I've realised that he only comes in for the MPS after 10pm. Very disappointing performance from him so far. Expected much more from him since he is a minister with portfolio.
PM Lee say from day 1 Dr. Koh is minister value
he look like a honest hardworking humble guy
y are u talking bad about him? jealous politick again?
u can be sue for defacement hor!

30-06-2020, 01:44 PM
We are such a small country yet got so many parties. :eek:

Hear them speaking after nomination machiam remind me of my childhood time primary school story telling 5555.

See the lady must keep sanitizing the mic is so funny. 55555

Why must have 2 门神 or green dragon white tiger by their side when giving the nomination speech ah?

I'm wondering too.. for such a small country (even smaller than a city in some country) and yet we have so many ministers and they are earning 10-20 x more than those larger countries. What is the justification for such high pay??

30-06-2020, 02:53 PM
. for such a small country (even hat is the justification for such high pay??
world class
brain drain if u don't pay talent
goh choktong already say that many year ago

30-06-2020, 06:19 PM
world class
brain drain if u don't pay talent
goh choktong already say that many year ago

He also promised Swiss standard of living many years ago... so where is the Swiss living standard? Old people take cardboard as a form of exercise is the Swiss living standard? :D

30-06-2020, 06:39 PM
world class
brain drain if u don't pay talent
goh choktong already say that many year ago

World class? How? in what way? Measured against?

30-06-2020, 06:43 PM
If there are people who think the best way forward for a country is for 93 people to sit in a chamber nodding in agreement, unwilling or unable to think of another way, perhaps a better way, forward, then realise this: Patriotism is about supporting the country, not necessarily the government, distinguish the two.

30-06-2020, 06:48 PM
And with regards to brain drain, I suppose Toh Chin Chye, Goh Keng Swee, S Rajaratnam, etc were all paid higher than the US President? Or I guess they were complete rubbish? Or they understood something called public service?

30-06-2020, 07:22 PM
Haha...... your pastor is an enlightened man.
You should all follow his advice.
GOD has spoken through this pastor.
This is a very old joke used after GE in Australia 2007. But true one has to vote wisely as promised land can be just a mirage

30-06-2020, 08:34 PM
The sad reality is that we are all going to get screwed after the election.

2020, like WP said, is going to be a sweep for Lightning.

9% GST, More FT, Maybe country wakes up in 2025, who knows?

30-06-2020, 10:31 PM
On news5. Otelli says reduction in electric and gas bills this 3 mths. I doubt is true. Rather is after GE, July no change. August till Dec all go up.

Voters are well off. They dont mind paying more. Except me.

30-06-2020, 10:44 PM
He also promised Swiss standard of living many years ago... so where is the Swiss living standard? Old people take cardboard as a form of exercise is the Swiss living standard? :D

He gave us Swiss cost of living instead :D

30-06-2020, 11:17 PM
PM Lee say from day 1 Dr. Koh is minister value
he look like a honest hardworking humble guy
y are u talking bad about him? jealous politick again?
u can be sue for defacement hor!
Don't joke la, he good then they won't move him everywhere like a clown every ge liao

01-07-2020, 01:54 AM
Well, taking into consideration of all the recent handouts plus the fact that electricity tariffs are going down (quite sceptical about the timing of this piece of news), I predict that the PAP will win this GE by at least 75%. I also foresee WP marginally losing their stronghold on Aljunied GRC, while retaining Hougang SMC, and that LHL will step aside and relinquish his position as PM after their expected landslide victory.

SingaporePools should create a new 'Politics' betting segment to cater specially to the GE. I think many punters will rejoice upon hearing this. :D

01-07-2020, 01:56 AM
Don't joke la, he good then they won't move him everywhere like a clown every ge liao

A clown? More like THE prodigal son! :p

01-07-2020, 09:28 AM
Don't joke la, he good then they won't move him everywhere like a clown every ge liao
he is not a pink clown ok!
exactly because he is good, got power & charm, can engage the people, honest humble and sincere, he is a trump card
that's y they move him to another GRC where his influence can b more useful

general erection cumming - that's y they need people like him more to cum more forward