View Full Version : Looking for tech/phone savvy people for some help

16-03-2021, 04:14 PM
Hi all, I can't decide between the "Apple" or "Samsung" debate,
I currently own an 11 Pro Max, Airpods Pro, Apple watch, I'm thinking of getting a tablet too. Recently I have been thinking of switching to S21Ultra. Need some help and discussions , which could help me decide. Thanks in advance :) here's a little image for all!

16-03-2021, 06:45 PM
just a suggestion, get a Samsung. For me, I also got a S21 Ultra, besides owning a iphone 7plus

16-03-2021, 07:08 PM
just a suggestion, get a Samsung. For me, I also got a S21 Ultra, besides owning a iphone 7plus

Any reason as to why you think the s21u is superior ?

16-03-2021, 08:02 PM
i prefer the samsung hardware to be slightly superior to iphone, and i like the samsung camera as well

16-03-2021, 08:32 PM
I'd say that it really depends on what's important to you. Do you take lots of photos and want better image quality above all else? Then you might want to go for the samsung instead (the iphone tends to take better night shots though). Performance wise, I doubt you'll feel much of a difference between the two in daily use.

You also need to consider that when you switch away from an iphone you'll be changing app ecosystems as well. It sounds like you're already quite deep into apple ecosystem since you already have the airpods and apple watch, so you might lose some features on those products if you swap to a samsung phone (I'm not totally sure about this part though).

As for the tablet, there's no competition. The iPad is miles ahead of the competition in pretty much every way. But if you want a tablet for just note taking and reading, I can talk more about some eink tablets that are really good for it.

16-03-2021, 09:57 PM
I'd say that it really depends on what's important to you. Do you take lots of photos and want better image quality above all else? Then you might want to go for the samsung instead (the iphone tends to take better night shots though). Performance wise, I doubt you'll feel much of a difference between the two in daily use.

You also need to consider that when you switch away from an iphone you'll be changing app ecosystems as well. It sounds like you're already quite deep into apple ecosystem since you already have the airpods and apple watch, so you might lose some features on those products if you swap to a samsung phone (I'm not totally sure about this part though).

As for the tablet, there's no competition. The iPad is miles ahead of the competition in pretty much every way. But if you want a tablet for just note taking and reading, I can talk more about some eink tablets that are really good for it.
Well currently my resale value of my 11Pro Max is around 1.2K , since my battery health is still at 100%. My AirPods Pro is still BNIB as I wasn't sure if i wanted to continue with apple or switch back to Samsung. I heard that 3rd Party apps work better with iPhone? And i know this is abit off topic, but like 90% of females "models" on instagram are using iPhones, I wonder why. Thanks so much for your input it really really helps :)

16-03-2021, 10:17 PM
iphones tend to hold their resale value for much longer compared to samsung phones though, so you'll be able to sell your iPhone 11 for a higher value later down the line when you want to upgrade. I'm not too sure about the 3rd party apps part tho. I guess you see a lot of those "models" using iphones cause a lot of them were already used to the apple ecosystem. You can criticize apple for a lot of things, but the one thing they get right is user experience. For people who aren't that interested in tech, they give something that "just works" without needing to spend a lot of time looking at manuals and stuff

16-03-2021, 10:19 PM
If u are into taking good pictures, lots of selfie, u may want to consider Samsung S21 Ultra. U can browse the link below for the comparisons.


If u r like me who prefer ease of use and simplicity, then go for iPhone.

16-03-2021, 11:26 PM
If u care more on privacy, then apple is the better choice. All apps on apple store have been checked before publishing. While samsung using android, there are some apps which can steal your data.

Since you already having some apple products, it’s easier to continue with apple.
I’m using iphone 11 max now, picture quality is good, especially in low light condition.

16-03-2021, 11:54 PM
If u care more on privacy, then apple is the better choice. All apps on apple store have been checked before publishing. While samsung using android, there are some apps which can steal your data.

Since you already having some apple products, it’s easier to continue with apple.
I’m using iphone 11 max now, picture quality is good, especially in low light condition.

I mean I guess I can still change, unless I unseal my air pods pro and buy a ipad then there's no going back already haha

17-03-2021, 03:00 PM
Looks like you are heavily invested in Apple eco-system. Your Apple Watch and Airpods will not work well with Samsung - many features will not be available. Also, if you backup your photos in iCloud, you will not be able to access them in Samsung Phone. Unless you dont mind all these and willing to learn new ways of doing things, I think S21 is a better phone.

17-03-2021, 03:37 PM
Looks like you are heavily invested in Apple eco-system. Your Apple Watch and Airpods will not work well with Samsung - many features will not be available. Also, if you backup your photos in iCloud, you will not be able to access them in Samsung Phone. Unless you dont mind all these and willing to learn new ways of doing things, I think S21 is a better phone.

Haha the thing is I used to be a Samsung user but because I never tried iOS for a long time then Iike just wana try hahaha and my airpods aren't opened yet so I could sell them I guess