View Full Version : Spoiling the Massues
14-02-2008, 02:03 AM
Iv been cheonging for the last 10+ years.
Im just sharing my 2c worth.
A lot of guys may or may not agree with me. But id still like to stay my 2c worth.
Honestly i dun think its fair to reward a masseue with $ 50 for HJ, $ 80 for BJ and $ 100 for FJ when they hardly spend less than 15 minutes on the special
If you look for legal thai chicken its $50 for 20 minutes and that includes full service including 2 showers.
So im perplexed as to why we pay extraordinary rates for the PRCs when we could have paid them much lower and stretched our dollar to cheong on a rainy day.
IF you look at Sam Leongs write up you will note that he has said that working at a health centre is a fantastic job where returns or income are far superior to time spent on working.
Look forward to hearing opinion of other bros.
14-02-2008, 09:00 AM
I know wat u mean, but really u can't compare things this way though i admit sometimes i also tink this way but i guess everything has its "market price".
But its quite normal that PRCs are more expensive than say Thai or Indon. Just walk around GL and u will know. For PRC prices start from $60 to $100, for Indon can get as low as $30 or $40. Service wise though, it doesnt mean the $60, $80 or $100 PRC is always better than the $30/$40 Thai/Indon. In fact i often encounter the reverse.
I will also point out that there is a famous Queen in Petain with the most mind blowing service plus good looks for just $50. But as I said can't really compare this way.
For TN/HC, normally is PRC, Malaysian or even local so definitely won't be as cheap as Thai or Indon. And apparently, they get little or even zero from "entrance fee" which is for the boss to pay rent/utilities, etc. So they only make from the specials. HC/TN is not like GL. They usually dun get high volume of customer. Maybe only a handful a day. So i dun tink the money is that great. Afterall they are so many TNs around. And dun forget they have living expenses too and some of them may have had to pay a tidy sum upfront to get themselves here....
14-02-2008, 09:37 AM
Hi, I agree with bro too hot...
I dun think we can become so calculative towards the rates we pay in the TN. I'm the sort of guy that frequent TN instead of GL coz I like to have a rub down before action. Imagine that the gal has to give you a massage so as to fulfill your purpose coming to a TN and might be paid little or non of the 'entrance fee' .
And during the 'action', there is only the clock you have to check with. If you are there only for the sake of unloading your load, you can jolly well tell the gal upfront so you got more time to play.....Thats of course if the place is a fuck shop or a joint you have visited before n know whats on the menu. Well, that also depends how long you can last...heheheheh.
Lastly, there are so many joints out there.... good ones bad ones. If we don't reward the good joints, the gals would not return to our sillyland to give us better services. Hence to reduce the chance of hitting a bad joint, do your homework and read through the treads. Although one man's meat might be other man's poison, it can't be too far. Thats my 10 cents worth(inflation).
14-02-2008, 10:57 AM
Iv been cheonging for the last 10+ years.
Honestly i dun think its fair to reward a masseue with $ 50 for HJ, $ 80 for BJ and $ 100 for FJ when they hardly spend less than 15 minutes on the special
If you look for legal thai chicken its $50 for 20 minutes and that includes full service including 2 showers.
Bro, different folks different strokes ,what u perceive as Value for money all depends on the individual. If Fann Wong says one screw for S$5000 I beleive there will be many who can afford even at higher price but if you put a 40+ actress for $5000 a go would u ??
Similarly, legal chickens be it at Keong siak,desker or other back lanes going for $50 a pop with 2 - 3 showers thrown in ,the quality and service remains unjustified.
If value for money is your aim, den better pcc for free or go sperm bank and donate your eggs for many desperate childless couples.
You say u cheong for 10 years leow, then sad to say u probably cheong on the wrong end of the scale .
It all boils down to whether u determine the worth of the girl doing the special for u.If the offer is too steep U can always reject.
14-02-2008, 11:28 AM
Brudders i started this not to flame anyone nor to abuse anyone verbally.
Honestly i am pleased with the replies of Bro toohot and Bro procum.
That things are sometimes not the way they seem. As in you must be paying lower but you end up paying higher. Honestly i do not Begrudge local or Malaysians being paid that sort of a price. Also i do not begrudge those working in the upscale HCs being paid that sort of a price.
But i definitely am against paying upmarket HC rates at low end TNs. Anyway i was trying to seek peoples opinion and get people to moderate prices.
To be honest, most of the time i get a fair deal much better than what most brudders post here in terms of pricing. And i visit TNS for the same purpose as bro procum mentioned. A little bit of rubdown before action. However I cheong far too often amidst the economic ups and downs.
I have been fairly successful in getting very good rates. Guess its all how you handle the situation. I respect the opinion of Bro too hot and bro procum.
Now Bro Maituleow, I know that you are not a newbie and if you do respect me you should not say things such as "If value for money is your aim, den better pcc for free or go sperm bank and donate your eggs for many desperate childless couples. You say u cheong for 10 years leow, then sad to say u probably cheong on the wrong end of the scale ." I just opened a thread to moderate opinion. The thread was not directed at you. Why get so upset?
Bro Maituleow please dun call people desperate childless couples. That shows that we despise certain types of human beings. Its not fair to anyone. Being a wiseman please apologise to all the childless couples who go all out to try and have a child of their own. "Living beings reproduce to have continuity. To have one of their own". If the PRCs can go all out just to earn a living why cant you apply similar strokes of the pen to Childless couples who go all out to have one of their own?
Bro MAituleow, maybe you are one of those fortunate people who has everything right going in your way. Please do not look down on less fortunate people.
Bro Maituleow, you said "If value for money is your aim, den better pcc for free or go sperm bank and donate your eggs ..... You say u cheong for 10 years leow, then sad to say u probably cheong on the wrong end of the scale ." i do not think it befits an old cheongstar like you to pass rude comments like this. if you doubt my cheonging capabilities leave me a private message and il share with you my experiences.
Maybe after a man to man talk we can be good friends. Up to it Bro Maituleow?
14-02-2008, 12:12 PM
i agree with u bro CheongStar2000
100 for 15min bonk is lousy value . . who dun wanna pay just 60 for 30min bonl
If enough customers are willing to pay 100, why should they bring it down
Some girls & HC want 120 . . .some bros are willing to pay some are not
these days i'm doing HJ without usual SOP massage to increase value & VARIETY . . .but thats for another thread in future
SIMPLY SUPPLY & DEMAND . . . . up to u pay or not
cheers bros:)
14-02-2008, 02:49 PM
Hi, I agree with bro too hot...
I dun think we can become so calculative towards the rates we pay in the TN. I'm the sort of guy that frequent TN instead of GL coz I like to have a rub down before action. Imagine that the gal has to give you a massage so as to fulfill your purpose coming to a TN and might be paid little or non of the 'entrance fee' .
Thanks bro.
Just to further elaborate (cos i cheong widely) recently i was initiated into soapy "massage" but actually there is no massage at all. Buts its damn shiok. Damage was the same as normal TN/HC (around $140 incl fj). At one glance the soapy massage definitely more worth it cos got a lot more action, no fight at all. BUT i don't write off TN/HC altogether cos when i go to soapy, the whole "agenda" is already known. There is no element of "mystery".
But sex is as much physical as it is psychological. When i go to HC/TN, especially one i never been before, there is an element of "mystery" that can be a very arousing too. How will the "massuese" seduce u into doing special? Some ask directly (no fun), some hint hint or persuade (a bit fun) but some without telling u start to touch all ur sensitive parts and u can feel being seduced by her which is very arousing. I had one experience where the lady halfway during the massage, let go her nice long hair which drop over her shoulders then took of her top and bra and started giving BM on my butt followed by AR. The unannouced treatment made me damn steam! Some others during massaging ur thighs start to give u "devil claw" treament also damn arousing...although i will say that for TN i normally only opt for HJ @ $50 which total up to $80 to $90 so its cheaper.
So different type of commercial sex got its own "thing", who is to say which one is deserving of higher price? In the end, variety is the essence of life.
So dun tink too much, keep bonking & have fun!
14-02-2008, 04:10 PM
Thanks bro.
But sex is as much physical as it is psychological. When i go to HC/TN, especially one i never been before, there is an element of "mystery" that can be a very arousing too. How will the "massuese" seduce u into doing special?
yes bro. absolutely agree with you. The "mystery" part is really a pulling factor to cheong TN/HC. :)
14-02-2008, 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by too_hot
. . . BUT i don't write off TN/HC altogether cos when i go to soapy, the whole "agenda" is already known. There is no element of "mystery".
But sex is as much physical as it is psychological. When i go to HC/TN, especially one i never been before, there is an element of "mystery" that can be a very arousing too. How will the "massuese" seduce u into doing special? Some ask directly (no fun), some hint hint or persuade (a bit fun) but some without telling u start to touch all ur sensitive parts and u can feel being seduced by her which is very arousing.. . . .
Totally agree with bro too_hot
He very wisely reminded us that mystery is one element of fun . . .
thats why even after a very good session i sometimes lack the will to RTF cos i know what i'm going to get next . . .
unless of course we change the pattern of seduction . . .
key here is variety
cheers bro :)
14-02-2008, 04:30 PM
I will neither agree or disagree with the above. If you think is veri x, then dun go to TN/HC,it also depend on the gal sve too, if the sve is good, then $100 is a value for money,other wlse, we can look for GL $30/$40 forthai and indo. after all we bro here same of them like me just want to unload the stress as part of it,be it a prc,thai,indo or m'sia gal.GL also have m'sia gal who cost us $150, so do u think is it too costly for 45mis?Like one bro said, if fan wong cost $5000, how many will go for it? it depend too
At the end of it, it take two hand to clap, for me is x and sve not good, for sure i wil not rtf even is cost only $30...If you have spare $, then many you can just go fot not save it for better use if you think it not value for $ bro....
happy cheong all bro....;):D
14-02-2008, 05:06 PM
I agree lah....that's why I never do FJ with girls I am trying for the first time....because of the increased excitement...sometimes...."Game over" very quickly....
So these days....I stick to my regular and skip the massage....that way...I can get all the teasing and foreplay before the actual "action"...
I personally feel mre value for money for me this way lah....
14-02-2008, 06:42 PM
I agree lah....that's why I never do FJ with girls I am trying for the first time....because of the increased excitement...sometimes...."Game over" very quickly....
So these days....I stick to my regular and skip the massage....that way...I can get all the teasing and foreplay before the actual "action"...
I personally feel mre value for money for me this way lah....
ur avatar is damn farni :)
14-02-2008, 06:45 PM
Totally agree with bro too_hot
He very wisely reminded us that mystery is one element of fun . . .
thats why even after a very good session i sometimes lack the will to RTF cos i know what i'm going to get next . . .
unless of course we change the pattern of seduction . . .
key here is variety
cheers bro :)
my turn to agree. though i ve never said it in my FRs, i actually very seldom RTF (at the most once) even when service is good. reason is that the first time it feels very good cos i didn't expect. if go second time then not much surprise liao. BUT i would qualify that quite often when the gal recognise u as a repeat customer, u can get even better treatment. this is the reason i will sometimes RTF once. the ONLY person i RTF more than once is the famous queen of petain....more than 30 times liao in the past 4 years!!
but bro, u say *we* change the pattern of seduction? i tot is they seducing us first? :p
14-02-2008, 08:41 PM
too_hot Re: Spoiling the Massues
but bro, u say *we* change the pattern of seduction? i tot is they seducing us first? :p
besides mystery
What i mean by seducing them. . .is sometimes instead of waiting for them
i take initiative to see their reaction & keep pushing bit by bit
trick is i try my best (if keen on the girl) to set rapport ASAP . . .
been to her hometown, favourite foods, shopping, leisure, interest etc
smile a lot of course, be gentle, cheeky, whatever works
always interesting to see their reaction when i surprise them with my wandering hands:D
its all about having fun & enjoying it right?
cheers bros:)
14-02-2008, 08:55 PM
u ask,they quote.
If u k accept,u take.
Otherwise,u move on 2 other places 2 look.
u buy a bottle of martel fr any shop,it cost less than SGD100.
why u still go ktv,where it cost ard SGD200 during HH & SGD350 after HH??
a lot of factors will contribute 2 the situation/scenerio.
tis kannot be the case of comparing apple 2 apple.
they r diff type.................
14-02-2008, 11:12 PM
i remembered when prc first started to work as hostesses ( think Shanghainese gals were the poineers ) in local ktvs..almost all cheongsters would want them to sit in their rooms..tall fair of them even remarked that they, prc gals , did not need to sit on the laps on any customers to get fat tips and they were mocking the GROs from neighbouring countries.
but now due to competitions they even go to bed with you for $100 per bonk..years back when prc were scarce , $100 tips from a customer , to them is normal..and u dont even get to rabba them..
just like a brother mentioned..demand and supply and also many a time , our small head thinking not our big head...
15-02-2008, 10:21 AM
besides mystery
What i mean by seducing them. . .is sometimes instead of waiting for them
i take initiative to see their reaction & keep pushing bit by bit
trick is i try my best (if keen on the girl) to set rapport ASAP . . .
been to her hometown, favourite foods, shopping, leisure, interest etc
smile a lot of course, be gentle, cheeky, whatever works
always interesting to see their reaction when i surprise them with my wandering hands:D
its all about having fun & enjoying it right?
cheers bros:)
Yes i see wat u mean. For me i seldom initiate. Wat i do is, i encourage, i.e. while lying on my stomach i spread my thighs wider as an "invitation". See if they take the hint. If they touch sensitive area, be it accident or on purpose, i will give a small groan or some other reaction to let them know that i liked it as an encouragement. so this ding-dong mind games can be arousing...
As for me seducing the maseuse, from wat i can remember only did it once which was in the now defunct (sadly) Blue Rose at Hougang. She was wearing short skirt and as she work her way around me my hands kept auto-roaming her thighs. Then i make a joke out of it saying that its not my fault rather my hands have a mind of their own. So i apologised on behalf on my hands - while STILL autoroaming her legs....for HC/TN till today Blue Rose is the best i EVER EVER had.
15-02-2008, 10:28 AM
Brudders i started this not to flame anyone nor to abuse anyone verbally.
Honestly i am pleased with the replies of Bro toohot and Bro procum.
That things are sometimes not the way they seem. As in you must be paying lower but you end up paying higher. Honestly i do not Begrudge local or Malaysians being paid that sort of a price. Also i do not begrudge those working in the upscale HCs being paid that sort of a price.
But i definitely am against paying upmarket HC rates at low end TNs. Anyway i was trying to seek peoples opinion and get people to moderate prices.
Bro, glad u did not mistake mt reply as any kind of flame. Cheers. For a period, i was also in the same conundrum as u. Keep asking which is best value for $$? I am not rich so i tend to want to make the most of wat i have. But the more i *think* the more i confused then i realised it is not something u can *think* about as there are to many variables.
In the end, my choice of where to bonk also dictated by wat i feel like having that day. Its like food, sometimes u feel like having sushi, other days, chinese and other times italian or french, etc. Although everyone has their favourite type of food but nobody eat only ONE type of food. Also we can't compare that a $100 plate of tuna belly sashimi is "not worth" cos u can get huge piece of steak for that price or can get suckling pig at crystal jade....its apples and oranges....
Hope u & bro MTL can kiss and make up :)
15-02-2008, 12:25 PM
Brudders i started this not to flame anyone nor to abuse anyone verbally.
Maybe after a man to man talk we can be good friends. Up to it Bro Maituleow?
Bro cheongstar2000,no worries I am speaking freely and do not have any agenda to raise your blood pressure.
Bro, 10 years of cheonging do you still pay the same rate throughtout?Or you oso pay more if you feel the girls worth it?
Can the tell the government not to increase their servant's salary?or can you try to get fellow singaporeans to try to moderate their pay increase? No right!!
If you think carefully about what I said about desperate childless couples ,could you not bring the issue out of context when I really meant that there are many desperate childless couples desperately wanting to adopt a baby and spent lots of money to conceive through different methods but have failed.
I have no doubt on your cheonging "experience" for 10+ years but I really meant it when I said you are doing the cheonging at the wrong end of the scale.
This forum advocates freedom of speech and opinions and who's to say neither one of us is right.
I will pm you later after my bonking session and maybe buy u coffee to share cheonging experience okay. Swee Boh!!!!!!!!
15-02-2008, 01:12 PM
Our brothers speak their minds....Sometimes we just cannot help it but accept it coz our little head tells us it is necessary though our big head says too expensive.
15-02-2008, 02:25 PM
u buy a bottle of martel fr any shop,it cost less than SGD100.
why u still go ktv,where it cost ard SGD200 during HH & SGD350 after HH??
actually would be great if TN/HC also have happy hours during their slow period haha.....50% off entrance fee and 20% off specials ;)
15-02-2008, 02:44 PM
I think it is a very individual and personal matter on how much to pay for HJ, BJ, or FJ at a HC/TN/FL etc. To each his own.
I mean it is up to the service provider to set the price and up to the market to decide if the price is reasonable, or atrociously high! Supply and Demand laws will prevail and the "market" price will be set - for each different service provider.
15-02-2008, 04:41 PM
There is no such thing as spoiling the massuers. To me, it's always your choice. You wan to play then must be willing to pay. If the price is not right, then give the place a miss. Definitely the price will come down or the place will close down very soon if everybody think the price is too ex.
If you want to get good bargain prices, then work harder. There are so many budget recommendations from bros who shares. Get lobangs from reputable bros. Sumtimes spend some $$ to try out recommendations. After a few trial n error, you will find some reliable bros or bros whose recommendations suits you.
Dun always expect every place you go give you excellent service n good price. No such thing. You cannot oso mandate a price for all the services here. Services n prices are here to stay. Take it n enjoy it with a pinch of salt. Dun bargain too much or else the service provider will also start to cut corner. Wat if the gals oso get together to increase the prices of their services? The gals can oso complains that sum ppl spoil market by offering low prices!!:p
"Good Friend, Cheap Prices. Cheap Friend, Bad Price!!"
15-02-2008, 09:50 PM
I think lower limit of prices are held by the 'middlemen' who do the immigration paperwork and stuff for the PRCs on Social Visit Passes.
If they charge X amount, the girls have to earn back at least X++ in the time allowed.
18-02-2008, 04:38 PM
There is no such thing as spoiling the massuers
Dun always expect every place you go give you excellent service n good price. No such thing. You cannot oso mandate a price for all the services here. Services n prices are here to stay. Take it n enjoy it with a pinch of salt. Dun bargain too much or else the service provider will also start to cut corner. Wat if the gals oso get together to increase the prices of their services? The gals can oso complains that sum ppl spoil market by offering low prices!!:p
"Good Friend, Cheap Prices. Cheap Friend, Bad Price!!"
Strongly agree with this brother, I would have written exactly if only I can express as well as he did. still a long way to learn to participate in this site.
20-02-2008, 09:47 AM
Hi Bro Maituleow,
Its good that you said you are speaking freely and do not have intentions to raise my bloodpressure. Sorry i could not reply earlier.
Yes i have cheonged for more than 10years. I have a certain rate that I pay at all similar joints and the Massueses accept it without cutting corners or dropping service. Sex is one industry where prices generally do not follow inflation. Prices have generally been the same in the last 10 years or in many instances cheaper too (cause bigger talent pool available now with easy visas available to PRCS and other foreigners unlike earlier). In rare cases there have been mild to moderate increases which I find acceptable and i have paid the increases without battling an eyelid in such places.
While you pay a basic rate for the service they provide you can choose to tip the service provider if you find their service extraordinary. Ofcourse every masseu tries to make you feel like a king by making statements such as
1. wow your so handsome
2. wow you have a big cock
3. you play soccer? you have strong leg/thigh muscles
4. you have strong and long staying power
5. do you go to the gym?
Now these are small talk initiated only to make you feel happy and we may tend to lose control of our wallet when flattered. However its important to maintain control over our head at such times and ensure that we have more cheonging experiences at various joints/gals rather than unloading our wallets on 1 service provider. Ofcourse other bros will think differently and i don wish to oppose them. They have their reasons for thinking what they are doing is right and i have mine. Like one bro said if Fann Wong says 1 screw is $5k then thats what it is. Take it or leave it. Ofcourse we cant ask Fann Wong can you HJ me for $100?
Free Economics dictates that market is about demand and supply. Ofcourse they forgot to include negotiating strength. Has Technology not become cheaper? Have airfares not become cheaper? Is it not easier and cheaper to research today than decades ago? Are many branded medicines not cheaper today? Lets not get into this discussion. I just wanted to prove that not everything need become more expensive as years roll by. Things can get cheaper too.
Bro Maituleow where i felt you crossed the mark was asking me to pcc and save the Dollar. Now I was not getting personal with you. I did not even know you at that point. Then why target me?
You also said donate my sperm to desperate childess couples (in your first post) and in your second post you said """(((If you think carefully about what I said about desperate childless couples ,could you not bring the issue out of context when I really meant that there are many desperate childless couples desperately wanting to adopt a baby and spent lots of money to conceive through different methods but have failed. )))"""
Bro Maituleow you want me to take the above para out of context? You sure were congratulating me when you said this? I dun wish to get offensive here. But i hope you realise now what you said!
I totally agree with you when you say that "This forum advocates freedom of speech and opinions and who's to say neither one of us is right." I never said i am imposing my opinion on anyone. I dun want to. I am an ordinary cheongster. I cant do that surely.
But as men i am sure we can have man to man discussions, following certain rules:
1. Not getting excited/agitated/emotional
2. have a mature conversation and remain friends
3. We should not flame/hurt/abuse anyone.
Who benefits if prices are not too high? Who benefits if we share locations and contacts without unnecessarily flaming each other? if we save $$$ we can always use it to cheong again. And why not? How many brudders here can cheong spending $$$ or more everyday? or atleast 3-4 times a week? Salary statistics are publicized by the govt. So if you earn the statistical salary and if you have a family can you really cheong so often? OR if you have a Sg gal as ur gf can u really have lots of cheong $$$ to spare? Ofcourse there are some who are fortunate. But lets admit it most of us are not.
While not wanting to sound boastful i can say that i have cheonged a few times a week without paying ridiculous prices.
Those who can spend $$$$ and cheong frequently are either businessmen or really highly paid executives or born with silver spoons. Ofcourse there are those who pay using plastic at HCs and KTVs and incur debts with almost everybank in Singapore. I know of guys who have done that too.
One of the bros said that the massues can group up and increase prices and try not to lower their prices. I just want to tell that Bro that the MAssues are not idiots. They are much smarter than what we make them out to be. Infact they are much smarter than most of us no matter how highly we think of ourselves. Massues have always tried for the longest time to quote high prices and hold on to the high prices. Then... Why have they failed? They have failed becase:
1: the talent pool for massues is huge. if one refuses to lower the price there are 20 who are willing to lower the price. Gone are the days (as one bro rightly pointed out) when PRCS were a rarity and we were paying them top $. Today you can get them for $40 as well and mind you these are young and pretty ones. Not some old aunties.
2: There are always cash strapped massues. And these massues are cash strapped for various reasons maybe she needs to pay rent/someone at home needs money to buy tv or study or buy land or whatever. These cash strapped masseus will always lower the price. And it is this phenomena that has prevented prices for HJ/BJ and FJ from going northwards. So not withstanding some bros who say that prices must increase they wont. They just cant.
Phew... i dun wan to get into a discussion on cheonging at the wrong end of the scale. Honestly who is cheonging at the wrong end of the scale! Anybodys guess!
20-02-2008, 10:49 AM
Ai Yo u really very Lo Sor one, write so much and say you not getting personal.....I only want to say ONE thing DEMAND and SUPPLY determines the value.
I am ugly and old but I can pay premium for good girls and service, CAN BOH!
u maybe handsome and young and stinge on price also CAN Mah!
20-02-2008, 12:49 PM
Bro Maituleow
Talking about paying premium and good service? Aiya i just dun wan to argue lah. YOU WIN. Happy!!!?
i already said i am a plain joe. i write so much cause i am a bit long winded thats all.
Happy Cheonging!!
( This is my theory........ You do not have to believe it......
Demand and Supply surely define price! Thats why prices have not moved up. Its not about being stingy but more about being insecure hence the premium. But nothing proves that pay premium got good service. Even Cat 150 cant provide good service many times.......)
20-02-2008, 01:26 PM
Actually, going thru this thread, I really feel that there is no right or wrong in anyone perception. Willing seller willing buyer. Although sometime willing buyer will make some grunt when got home so it also boils down to one expection. So as long as all bros here can afford some fun or many many fun, (depends on individual spending power) to keep them happy then let it be. Life is short & let's ROCK!
Sidetrack a bit, the title should be "Spoiling the Masseur". There is no such word as in "Massues"
20-02-2008, 02:21 PM
In the past, I oso think like cheongstar2000. Nowadays, I just find useful senior's guide to get good bargain. We can get syt for as low as $60. What else to ask for. No need to squeeze those "unfortunate" souls who need to provide such service to make a living. I know many of us think they earn easy $$$ from servicing us. But many of them are not by choice. Not all were forced to but then in a certain way, they were forced either by circumstance of lack of other means.
So my policy is, "If I have some spare $$$, then I dun mind throwing away some. Just throw it wisely so that the little spare $$$ can go longer". It doesn't mean that I spend less $$ then I get worse service or vice-versa.
We cannot change the world to think like us. Rather we can adjust our style to suit the world. Watever it is, just be happy, dun worry.:D
20-02-2008, 02:35 PM
Talking about paying premium and good service? Aiya i just dun wan to argue lah. YOU WIN. Happy!!!?
Okay lah u win ...but why this freedom of speech u kanna deduct points,is it due to my rebuttals to you..sorry I will up u back 4 points..Swee Boh!
20-02-2008, 03:06 PM
Okay lah u win ...but why this freedom of speech u kanna deduct points,is it due to my rebuttals to you..sorry I will up u back 4 points..Swee Boh!
Bro you have my respect.
21-02-2008, 01:33 AM
Bro Maituleow,
Please lah! I am not interested in points. Honestly not. If i had accumulated points for the past 10 plus years that would have been a helluva lot and thats even before you joined this forum. But truly i am not into this point stuff cause it really does not matter to me.
Can you please understand me? I am not asking you to accept my opinion. I just asked bros to respect it. Is that clear friend?
I have enough cheonging experience to find joints on my own, target them on my own and once mission accomplished i move to newer frontiers. Thats me. So please i am not asking for points. You can minus 10000 points or more if you wish.
All i said and i am still saying is that if we guys want we can moderate prices. Those who dun wish to need not follow. please continue to do your own stuff. no need to follow my advice at all. Please be generous and pay all the extra $ you want.
Bro Taiko2006 seems to have HIT THE BULLS EYE. he says """""""""" We can get syt for as low as $60."""""""" Thats exactly what I meant. You can get sweet nothings SYTS for as low as $40. The same service... the same fun... the same thrill and the same enjoyment.
BroTaiko 2006 continues """"""""""""""""So my policy is, "If I have some spare $$$, then I dun mind throwing away some. Just throw it wisely so that the little spare $$$ can go longer". It doesn't mean that I spend less $$ then I get worse service or vice-versa.""""""""""""
What it means is in effect if you have some spare cash and wanna blow it by all means go ahead. Else there is nothing wrong in stretching your $$ to last you another cheonging session.
And surely Bro Taiko2006 has said and I agree that lower price does not mean poor service.
21-02-2008, 04:18 PM
I give up on u liow...u seems to be from the MaTa wear shorts era .
give u points u oso so lor so..........anyway oredi given cannot take back so live with it lah...
btw, I just paid S$350 for a great local syt to bonk at Lavender 81 ..u want my opinion...its WORTH IT...hehehehehe....
21-02-2008, 05:47 PM
In the past, I oso think like cheongstar2000. ............
We cannot change the world to think like us. Rather we can adjust our style to suit the world. Watever it is, just be happy, dun worry.:D
I dun like to be quoted out of context... The most impt part seems to be missing... I oso said "No need to squeeze the....." which means dun bargain too much.. The price is there.. you take it or leave it. If you wan cheaper service, you can search in the many threads offering cheap n good services.. Like you can spend $2 for a plate of chicken rice in the Canteen or $5 in "Boon Tong Kee" or $9.50 in Country Club or $20 +++ in Hotels. The choice is yours. Dun nid to ask hotel to lower price or boycott country club for selling expensive chicken rice.. :p
21-02-2008, 10:17 PM
Illicit commercial sex is a market that is not regulated by any government body. And Singapore is full of selfish assholes who only care about their own enjoyment and don't give a fuck about whether others can afford to pay the same rates as them or not. I should know, I'm one of them :D
When you put all those facts together, there is only one conclusion: you are screwed! There is no way you can get enough of the market to agree with you, because we're all highly individualistic people. If we don't have to stick to a standard, we won't!
My advice is to accept it.
21-02-2008, 11:32 PM
actually l tink every ppl hav diff views abt matter...
To TS, u may tink tis way.
But u tink for a while lo, the gal using her body and herself to make u happy. U woo a normal decent gal, spent on them so much and etc, oso dun noe whether u can eat them in the end anot. But these wl and massues giv u the things that we wan for that amt of $$$ nia. What for be so stingy on them. This kind of thing dun nid be so calculative de.
for me, l dun mind paying more or even giv tips if the service is good and of quality standard...l mean, if the gal really make me feel good and comfortable, y not? l happy, and of cos in return l make her happy by offering her more $$, at the end of the day, u happy, l happy, everyone happy den impt mahs.
since we decided to chiong out play, this kind of $$$, we must be willingly to throw out de..:cool:
22-02-2008, 08:22 PM
Bro Maituleow,
Why are you so insecure? I really pity you getting so agitated and worked up for nothing.
When i started this discussion i did not even know you. Yet you have passed all sorts of rude comments against me. Honestly they dun make any difference to me. HAve you noticed that i have not made any inflammatory statement against you?
When people grow older they get wiser. I know several Ah Peks in Singapore who spend a lot more than you, who cheong much more than you do and yet they are humble. They drive expensive cars, go to the most expensive KTVs but they dun say that they do it. They do not flaunt it. Yet people recognise what they do.
So why do you need to flaunt your actions? There could only be 2 possibilities:
1: U r a hugely insecure person who has been bullied in his childhood by any Tom, Dick and Harry
2: You may not be speaking the truth
This is the internet. Anyone can say anything. Who is there to vouch for your actions? No one. And if you did bonk a $350 gal why would you go to Hotel 81? Wld Pan Pac or Ritz Carlton have been a better choice? So that the girl would have been in a better mood to serve you? I remember you calling me a miser. A miser may go to 81. But why would a non miser like you go there? Was the gal not ashamed to go to hotel 81 with you especially when she is a local and she was charging you $350 for her precious stuff? Would she not feel that the bed at Pan PAcific would be cleaner than one at 81?
So Maituleow, stop boasting for a second. What are you going to achieve anyway? Some brownie points? Some free pics?
Honestly i do not believe you are rich. Nor do i believe that you earn much. Rich people dun visit forums. They go for action one after another. Most of all rich people keep low profiles at all time. From your behaviour you do not fit into the category of even an upper middle class.
And dude i am not asking you if the service for $350 was worth it? Who knows? You may actually have low service standards or low expectations.
I wish all this had not happened and you had been more respectful to begin with. But you chose to slam me repeatedly. Now for your own self respect please behave dude.
26-02-2008, 04:21 PM
Bro Maituleow,
HAve you noticed that i have not made any inflammatory statement against you?
1: U r a hugely insecure person who has been bullied in his childhood by any Tom, Dick and Harry
2: You may not be speaking the truth
Bro u are the one that is agitated becos u keep contradicting yourself.
Is it a crime to be rich? I work hard and I fuck hard. ,Being rich cannot participate in this forum ah!
Being rich cannot fuck ah!! u ask Edison chen can or not?? hehehehehehe
27-02-2008, 10:04 AM
Bro Maituleow,
I think you really did not go to school. Your comprehension is terrible to be POLITE TO YOU.
Honestly you are nothing but a really insecure person who was probably bullied like hell during your childhood.
I mentioned in my previous thread that when i started this discussion i did not even know you. Yet you have passed all sorts of rude comments against me. Honestly they dun make any difference to me.
You say you are not agitated and then ask me to pcc, donate my sperms and stuff. Have i made such remarks against you.
Surely you are a loser and a sore one at that.
Please try to read my previous post again and i have quoted some parts of it hear in the specific instance that you are not free to read my previous post due to lack of time (since you work hard and fuck hard you see!!! Do you fuck a stone??? Else why do you need to fuck so hard??? Thought it must be a gentle process or are you a sadist while fucking?? Nothing wrong though if you wanna behave that way...)
When people grow older they get wiser. I know several Ah Peks in Singapore who spend a lot more than you, who cheong much more than you do and yet they are humble. They drive expensive cars, go to the most expensive KTVs but they dun say that they do it. They do not flaunt it. Yet people recognise what they do.
So why do you need to flaunt your actions? There could only be 2 possibilities:
1: U r a hugely insecure person who has been bullied in his childhood by any Tom, Dick and Harry
2: You may not be speaking the truth
This is the internet. Anyone can say anything. Who is there to vouch for your actions? No one. And if you did bonk a $350 gal why would you go to Hotel 81? Wld Pan Pac or Ritz Carlton have been a better choice? So that the girl would have been in a better mood to serve you? I remember you calling me a miser. A miser may go to 81. But why would a non miser like you go there? Was the gal not ashamed to go to hotel 81 with you especially when she is a local and she was charging you $350 for her precious stuff? Would she not feel that the bed at Pan PAcific would be cleaner than one at 81?
So Maituleow, stop boasting for a second. What are you going to achieve anyway? Some brownie points? Some free pics?
Honestly i do not believe you are rich. Nor do i believe that you earn much. Rich people dun visit forums. They go for action one after another. Most of all rich people keep low profiles at all time. From your behaviour you do not fit into the category of even an upper middle class.
And dude i am not asking you if the service for $350 was worth it? Who knows? You may actually have low service standards or low expectations.
I wish all this had not happened and you had been more respectful to begin with. But you chose to slam me repeatedly. Now for your own self respect please behave dude.
28-02-2008, 10:49 AM
Bro Maituleow,
HOw are you? OR are you still fucking hard some $350 gal in a $20 per 2 hour hotel? You said you work hard... you mean we samsters dun work hard?
Edison Chen??? Post your picture here so that all will know who is the Samster who thinks he can compare himself with Edison Chen...Im not sure if you can even buy Edison Chens used Condom at a second hand price and you call yourself rich???
You think only you can talk??? Learn to respect and accept other peoples opinion!!! Many brudders have said here before different strokes for different folks.
Guess you really dunno that most brudders out here prefer to stretch their dollar.
As i always mentioned you are a sore loser ( actually must call you other names but i just wish to be polite) who fucks hard i mean fucks a stone.
Be mindful of others sentiments in future. Dun be a jackass driving a China car and claiming to drive a VW or BM
28-02-2008, 01:00 PM
Bro Cheongstar, you getting too personal already, just because he make a comment that ask you go pcc or something like that in his first post?
Personally, I agree with you that Bro Maituleow is insensitive to ask you to pcc, but after that apologise already mah. Don't need to keep bringing up his first post in all your subsequent replies. Move on.
Anyway I think the Edison Chen comment made by Bro Maituleow is just said for fun only, no need to look so deep into it.
Everybody take it easy. This forum is suppose to share info one. Don't shoot here shoot there.
28-02-2008, 03:30 PM
Bro Cheongster or watever you want to call yourself, you are wasting space by starting this boliao thread just because you cannot get yourself right. Then you keep wasting other people's time by starting a mini-war in your boliao thread. Now, you are wasting my time by posting in your boliao thread. In the end, you are only wasting everybody's time for reading your boliao thread. I just had 3 words for you: "GO FUCK YOURSELF"!
P.S. Fellow Samsters, just let this boliao thread dies off, need no further debate or argument
01-03-2008, 07:47 AM
Bro BayLeaf or for that matter any curry leaf that you may be....
Thanks for your wonderful posting in which you have asked me to do certain things. I will surely follow your advice.
i do not know how to fuck myself. So please can you dearest bro bayleaf curryleaf take a video of how one can fuck himself with you in the LEAD ROLE and please upload it here for all of us to see.
Once i have seen it surely i will try it and i am sure a lot of fellow samsters will try it too.
Now Bro Bayleaf or Curryleaf if you are unable to do that then please watch your words lest brudders out here call you a eunuch. When you say something make sure you can do it. Dun be a woman. Else wear a bra and panty before you post such womanly comments.
Bro Ryantanth, i respect your observations atleast you know that it was not me who started off this war. Thank you very much for being observant. Atleast i know im not fully wrong though i take some blame for rebutting maituleow harshly.
Lao Er Ge
01-03-2008, 10:06 AM
CS2000 versus the rest.....
Hahaha. Cost cutting propsoal from CS2000. But motion not accepted and points losts.
I am out :)
01-03-2008, 12:47 PM
Hi, I agree with bro too hot...
I dun think we can become so calculative towards the rates we pay in the TN. I'm the sort of guy that frequent TN instead of GL coz I like to have a rub down before action. Imagine that the gal has to give you a massage so as to fulfill your purpose coming to a TN and might be paid little or non of the 'entrance fee' .
I agree on your statement as well. I asked many massage ladies and their work is not easy, with so many competition as well. In batam where I frequent for massage with specials. The gals usually gets about 10K( less than 2 dollar sing) per customer they rub on. Sometimes, they get no customers at all a day.
Without special services, you think they can survive? Of cos, if you have a regular WL who rub your back for you, and she know you well, she is more likely to give better service to you. Same price each time you visit her.
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