View Full Version : Fun Times in Singapore

19-04-2008, 11:27 PM
I think there's something seriously wrong with me...

I've got a great girlfriend who's quite honestly much much higher on the attractiveness scale than I am. She's very obliging in both the relationship and the bedroom, however, for some unfathomable reason, I love to play around everytime I come back to Singapore.

I love the Chinese girls in Geylang. There's such a variety. I try to avoid the ones on Lorong 8 because they're all strictly controlled by Mafus, while around Lorong 14-18 there's always a gem that's freelancing on her own. And by gem, I don't mean those old tired ladies that attract so much hoohah in the FL section because of their bargain basement prices, but by those girls who are 18, look like a young model and basically are just not standing at 8 because they want the independence and have less competition from the other hot young beauties.

On a side note, I have a pleasant income with a significant disposal percentage, and I'm always in Singapore only for at most a week at a time, so I budget around 6-10k every visit. My last trip back in December cost me 12 big ones cause I just let loose during the holiday season.

Now back to the story at hand, I like to be lavish. You have fun, the girl has fun, and trust me, when you treat these girls like princesses, they turn on the full charm. I've never had a problem with the fact that all they care about is the money, as long as they don't make it too obvious. Now the last time I was here, I droved the car to one of the Hotel 81 lots (I hate to park outside along the street cause I rarely drive and parallel parking is so hard. Plus a lot of people I know can recognize my car so I like to keep it discreet). Strolled down the Lorongs, looking for the candidate for my week of fun and games.

After walking for an hour, my god, this goddess I see standing by the side of the road. There's an old gent in an office getup apparently discussing terms with her. I sit by the coffee shop order a beer, and wait to see how things go. Now, I don't understand the gents who make it like a marketplace haggling, trying to bargain for the lowest price. U get what you pay for after all. If a girl feels that she's doing you a favor by giving you a bargain basement price, well.... usually she won't be particularly inclined to give you more "concessions" if you know what I mean.

Finally the old gent apparently feels that the price is too expensive as he walks away without sealing the deal. This actually went on for 10-15minutes!!! Well, here's the signal for yours truely. Straightening my shirt, I drain the last dregs in my can and walk up to this angel.

Here's a quick description. I like the short sevelte girls, the ones who have that indescribable innocent charm. I believe the SBF forumites call the Sweet Young things (SYTs). This girl was remarkable. Young, pale skin. Long shoulder length black hair. Near perfect teeth, and with a quirky grin that flashed several times during her previous conversations with the bargain seeker. I'm not usually attracted to overly big boobs, but in these case, the girl had a decent rank that would definitely be more than a handful. It was just the slightest touch disproportionate on her small thin frame (not particularly tall), but it gave her just that little touch of sultriness that drives men crazy. She looked like a package from paradise and boy oh boy was I ready to open the gift wrapping :)

(Bear in mind all conversations were obviously in chinese)

Me: Hello, I would love to have some time with you. Are you free.
Her: Sure handsome (suai ge).

She clings onto my arm and I lead her to a nearby hotel 81. I ask her along the way what price she's asks for and she says $60. I'm stunned. $60 for such a prize? Bear in mind that I'm very particular about looks and youth and it just seems so sad that she's giving it away for so little. I nod, and say, "For you, that's too little. How about $80."

Yes, yes, for those who are puking at this point, please understand that their half-hour or hourly rate is not the consideration. I'm here for a fun time and service is important beyond all factors. Just giving a measly $20 more per session makes the girl surprised by the generousity and oh so more giving later. (By the way, apparently Singaporeans have a reputation as being cheap and bargainers. Come on, are you trying to buy groceries or trying to have a good time?).

We finally get into the room and its decent by Geylang standards. No obvious stains on the sheet. I ask her to take a quick shower and she steps in. I ask nicely if i can join her and she gives me this sweet shy smile and say ok... (See what I mean about 20 bucks making all the difference). Now in Geylang, if you pay for a girl, its a sure thing, but let me stress again, this is setting up for a week of fun and games so its a little different process I go by.

She has on this black bra and matching thong like panties. And there's this cute thin gold chain around her waist as well as a red string pendant on her neck. I watch her slowly undress to reveal this small patch of bush that while untrimmed, does not look like a jungle. Theres her cute little slit that looks oh so scrumptious and her nipples are light and pink. "Good job bro on the selection," I think to myself. We walk into the showers. I take my time gently soaping her body, then allow her to return the favor. She takes special time to wash my private parts, gently running her hand up and down my manhood. She even pulls back my foreskin to wash that little area between cockhead and shaft. Her little dainty white hand on my soldier makes it sprung up to life.

Shes gives me this grin and does a few more quick up and down strokes with her hand, but I playfully swat her hand and ask her to go to the bed first. We cover up with towels and move on to the bed. Now I like to learn a little more about my prospective "companions", so I take out $250 from my wallet and hand it over to her. She looks at the money, then at me. "Why so much?" She looks crestfallen and worried. The response surprises me. "Ni yao zuo she me ne?" She asks biting her lower lip. I finally realized she thinks I some kind of freak who probably wants her to do something very nasty or freaky. I calm her down, and say just want to book her for a few hours, and just to tell me when the money runs out. She looks a little calmer and sinks onto the bed with relief although she gives off a slight nervous vibe. Another important thing is to try to hold a conversation. After all, in a week there's only so many times you can fuck. Some of the pleasure is in the company as well.

I talk to her about her family. How she finds Singapore, what she likes to do etc... I make a few jokes about Singaporeans liking to bargain and end up commiserating with her that Singaporeans are cheap bastards (sorry folks, I need to find common ground :P ). Anyway, after 10 minutes she starts reaching for my groin and I gently hold her hand, and say I just want to talk for the moment and am having more fun that way. She again flashes the impish grin and says I must be crazy or something. Two hours fly by and I realize I am having fun. She gives her hilarious imitation of the old guy who was trying to run a bargain with her, and even talks about a couple of funny incidents that happened to her while in Singapore. It even included an anecdote of some guy who brought a cat costume in a bag and paid her another 100 to wear it during sex... :)

Well, let me look through the list:
Hot sexy chick (check)
funny interesting conversation (check)
things clicking between me and her (check)

no just one final box to clear. How well does she fuck?

To be continued....

Tell me if you like this story and if you do, I'll carry on.
Thanks gents.

19-04-2008, 11:55 PM
Interesting story and l love the way u write, bro.

U have a way of writing story.

definitely good. l will uppz u once my pts are back. :)

pls do continue

20-04-2008, 01:32 AM
You write very well.

I like your story..... but do you have a point to your story, which you started by saying, "I think there's something seriously wrong with me..."

Nan Hong Gui
20-04-2008, 01:36 AM
hv up u for the story :)

20-04-2008, 01:40 AM
Part II

Moving along, things are finally heating up between Ting Ting (that's obviously not her real name) and me. Her charming little hand is now back at my crotch, doing wonderful things with my rod. Slowly gently stroking. Making sure the foreskin is stretched back, then sensously pushing it back down. She starts kissing my nipples, but I raise her head slowly and start kissing her ears, gently flicking her earlobes with my tongue. Ummm... She tastes so sweet. There's a faint perfume smell that's just barely perceptible.

She suddenly pulls her head back, and looks straight at me. Then, she looks down at my erect shaft. "Whew, for a moment I thought you were kuai kuai," she says grinning like a cheshire cat. "Now I know you definitely like girls." Before I can reply with an indignant retort, she kisses me straight on the mouth. Unexpected to say the least, but she seems to get into it and hey, I'm just enjoying the ride. We're leaning towards each other, and I can feel her warm soft breasts pressing against my chest as I savor the sensations of her tongue dancing around in my mouth.

She finally breaks the long kiss and I surface for air. There's a delightful blush breaking out on her pale cheeks and she looks ever so sweet. Quite honestly like a secondary school student caught doing something naughty. She comes towards me and pushes me back onto my back on the bed. "Here, let me do it".

She starts licking and kissing me all over. Its not the usual catbath where they start with the nipples but instead she starts with light kisses on my jaw line, moves slowly down my neck, chest, and then finally reaches the nipples. Her tongue darts outs once twice on each nipple before continuing her oral exploration down my chest, my navel and finally approaching my groin. I've never had this done quite this way and her soft passionate kisses and licks are driving me crazy. My dick is so hard its starting to get painful.

She finally reaches the base of my rod and starts licking delicately along the shaft like you would an ice cream cone while looking at me with those large expressive eyes. I kid you not, she winks at me from down there. I've never had another PRC girl wink at me before and never seen it since Ting Ting. I quite literally nearly shoot my load there and then. She's that good! At the same time, she's using her nails to gently draw patterns on my tight. The tingling (no pun intended) sensation mixed with the attention on my didi brings me again to the brink. She stops here to slide on the condom and that gives me some respite.

Now I'm just a regular guy with a regular sized dick. Definitely not small but neither does it resemble an elephant's trunk, but geez, the condom she has on her apparently were meant for a 2" midget... We fumble around trying to get it on and finally do it, success coming largely due to the fact that my cock has deflated somewhat due to the poor treatment. With small grimaces from me especially when the condom pinches me in a number of delicate areas, it finally goes on. We look at each other and start laughing.

Now with the brief moment of hilarity, everything's more relaxed. She's no longer acting the seductress but its rather like two friends who's having sex. A couple of months ago I had a brief fling with a friend who I've know since Secondary school (that's a story for another time) and it felt exactly like that. Comfortable and sweet!

Ting Ting gently coaxes my manhood awake with her mouth. She doesn't manage to quite deep throat it, but rather goes down to around mid point before sliding back up. At the same time, she gently rolls her tongue on my underskin. Before long, I'm fully erect. All the while she's giving me a blowjob, she has her eyes staring up at my face. There are few things as lavicious as a girl looking into your eyes while giving you a slow erotic blowjob. I gently stroke her long black hair, running my fingers on her ears and down her cheek. After about ten minutes of this bliss, she whispers softly, "bao bei, fang jing qu ba."

I need no further encouragement. She slinks up my body. There's no other way to describe the way she justs smoothly glides up to a sitting position on top of me, running her breasts on my legs and navels. Usually I find girls dont like to do it on top as it tires them out but Ting Ting was going all the way. She gently lets my shaft slide on the outside of the pussy lips (she has one of those neat slits that have everything compactly folded in except for the clit sticking out a little) for a couple of strokes before positioning the head at the entrace.

Penetration was bliss. She was tight and young, and I could feel her indescribable warmth down there. I moved in slowly but once completely inside her, she started moving up and down my shaft. She had her eyes closed and was biting her lower lip again. The fact that she had done it earlier when she was nervous made her look so cute and adorable. Here was this teenage goddess bouncing up on my didi with her long black hair swaying back and forth and her beautiful mounds jiggling with the motion. This was my first time with Ting Ting and while it took place in a seedy hotel room, to me it was a glorious experience. Sex with a hooker is one thing. Sex with a girl who's trying to enjoying herself too is quite another. There wasn't the fake moans or the exaggerated screams. Her pure concentration on the task at hand was enough to show me she was trying to have as much fun as I was.

While bouncing ontop of me and with my hips further helping things along, she had one hand gently resting on my stomach while the other hand was rubbing furiously on her clit. I wasn't going to last much longer, so I rolled her over gently and started pushing into her in missionary position. I had her legs on my shoulder and she crossed her feet behind my neck. This way I could move into her deeper. Both hands of mine were on her hips pushing her into each stroke. Her ample bosom would also bounce up and down in rhythm with the thrusts.

Finally, I could take it no longer and I started cumming into the condom. My strokes started slowing down. I gave Tingting another gentle kiss and whispered "Thank you" to her. She smiled at me and my god, even in the dim lighting of the room she was radient.

"Deng yi xia" she said to me and ran over to her purse. She took out a couple of wet tissues, the kind you get a seafood restaurants wrapped in a plastic cover, and ripped them open. She pulled out the condom for me and put it in a wad of normal tissue, before gentling massaging my privates with the wet tissues. When everything was clean and all the disposables ended up in the waste basket, she takes out a little orange tic tac box. She flips a couple into her mouth and asks me if I want any. Tic Tacs... this girl never fails to surprise. I bummed a few and start sucking on them.

We rested on the bed and kept on talking. Through the night, she tells me her real name, even lets me have a look at her passport, talks about her family and life back in Shenyang. Her family is rural and poor but she wanted to have a little spending money so her friend persuaded her to come over to Singapore. Her friend has gone back since then so she's a little lonely here. No hard sell with the sob story about needing money for family and all that and its refreshing to her about her life back in the mainland. The phone rings once or twice with the manager asking if I wanted to extend the room. I spent five hours that night with Tingting and even fucked twice more. I'm a young guy but after my third orgasm, I felt like coughing blood. With daylight starting to shine in, I told her I had to go. She gave me her cellphone number and slowly dressed back in her street clothes. We walked together out of the hotel. She never mentioned more money, but I like to do well with the people who are good to me, so just before we parted, I took out six more fifty dollar bills and passed it to her. Her eyes opened wide. One more parting kiss and that was it for the day.

I'd found the girl who'd be partying with me for the week to come. And we'd definitely be having more fun.

To be continued.

Feedback if you like the story thus far. Stay tuned for more!

20-04-2008, 01:45 AM
You write very well.

I like your story..... but do you have a point to your story, which you started by saying, "I think there's something seriously wrong with me..."

Thank you. Well I'm just writing what comes to mind as I recall these events. This is free prose so whatever flashes to mind gets written down. Sometimes I do wonder why I can't resist the hot young PRC girls. :)

20-04-2008, 08:08 AM
Good story. Setting camp here.

20-04-2008, 10:09 AM

nice writing style. Pl continue:D

20-04-2008, 10:41 AM
Interesting well-written thread but spare a thought for us, poor folks who can't spend as much as you. :p

Not nice to call us stingy as some of us, me included, have a limited budget & are just struggling to make ends meet. :(

20-04-2008, 10:47 AM
Well written story bro chrysler . ;)

Interesting well-written thread but spare a thought for us, poor folks who can't spend as much as you.

Not nice to call us stingy as some of us, me included, have a limited budget & are just struggling to make ends meet.

Yup I do agrees with you bro machoman and now going to your story thread . :D

20-04-2008, 10:52 AM
haha,both "tikoiest" are here.

bro chrysler,you are good in writing.thanks for sharing. ;)

20-04-2008, 11:05 AM
Wow bros this is really another cool way to get the gal but a bit too expensive, but if u think its worth the price then its ok :p

20-04-2008, 11:09 AM
nice story + writing

keep up the good work bro

will start camping here for more :D

20-04-2008, 11:35 AM
Dont know the threadstarter is angmo or singaporean.and talk so yaya too.IMO,is a stupid crackass to spend few hundred bucks on a prc whore.i dont find his fr extremely arousing and where got si bei ho service after spending so much $ on her?hahaha,si bei kum lan lei...:D

20-04-2008, 12:17 PM
Nice narration & hope you'll be back with more on Ting X2

20-04-2008, 05:04 PM
great story.

20-04-2008, 11:18 PM
Good story bro , camp here for more

20-04-2008, 11:28 PM
Bro i just like the way u write your story :)

21-04-2008, 12:46 AM
Part III

When I am in Singapore, I have two roles to play. The filial son, going out to lunch with mom and dad, having meetings with his business counterparts in the city, networking with the Singapore crowd and doing all the things a hardworking up and rising young professional has to do to get ahead in life. Afterall, I'm only back in Singapore once or twice a year since I started working overseas and there's alot of responsibilities to take care of.

However. once its 7:00pm and the dinner meal with the family is over, I cut loose and head out. Once I'm safely ensconced in the privacy of my car, I call Ting Ting.

"Ni hao. Ting Ting, zhe shi ********. Xian zai you si jian ma?"
"For you, I'm always available," she replies coquettishly.
"Hao, jin tian wo dai ni chu lai wan wan."

Now that I've decided Ting Ting's the one whos going to be my companion for the week, I need to make the necessary arrangements. First of all, cruising Geylang all night, staying at the sometimes acceptable sometimes disgusting budget hotels is not my idea of paradise. I've booked a room at the Mandarin Oriental (my personal favorite in most cities other than HK where i prefer the Island Shangrila or the IFC 4 Seasons) for the week and that's where I plan to use as my base of operations.

But firstly, we do need to do a few things for Ting Ting as well. I pick her up from the basement of her flat in Geylang. She's looking radiant as always, but one thing I have to admit though, she looks like a working gal. No problem, simple thing to fix.

She gives me a perfunctory kiss on the cheek as she slides into the car, and I can't help but notice her smooth white thighs and her long shapely legs perched on top of a pair of stilleto hills. "We're going shopping," I announce to her, whatever you want today, whatever you get. I ask her where she would like to go and she replies, "Zhen Zhu Fang." I'm not sure I recognize the place. She describes it to me and I get the inkling its People's Park or something similar.

"Ni you qu guo Wu Jie Lu ma," I inquire and find out that she hasn't. We talk a bit more in the car and find out she's pretty much only been in Geylang with one trip to People's Park for working clothes, picking up supplies, and sending money back home. The poor girl has been here in Singapore for just over two weeks and most of her exposure to this great country has been within the confines of two lorongs. Well tonight's going to be different.

First things first. Too high a chance of meeting someone I know in Orchard, and especially with her dressed as she currently is, the possibility of an akward chance encounter was too high. We drive out to Bugis Junction, which is a convenient hop away. Along the way, Ting Ting is excited. This is her first excursion outside her area of familiarity and deep down, I can tell she's a rural chinese girl finally getting her first glimpse of Singapore :) . In the car, she talks non-stop, asking me questions about where're we going, what are we going to do, can she pick out a dress etc.... I rest my hand on the smooth creamy thighs and tell her she'll find out soon. When I finally park inside the basement carpark under the Intercontinental hotel, just before we get out, I ask her any particular brand she is interested in. My little angel chirps out, "zhe li you mei you ADIDAS."

Ha ha, Adidas. Well that could be easily accomodated. Ask my girlfriend and her favorite brands are Prada and Burberry. Coincidentally I knew of a Bugis junction branch of the Adidas store. Along the way, quite a number of guys ogled Ting Ting as she was dressed quite provocatively. A few of the holier than thou crowd turn black black especially when I smiled broadly at their frowing faces :)

While at the store, I watched as she tried out a variety of outfits. With a body like that, she looked stunning in everything. Finally, she picked out a hoodie, a sweater, a nice tank top and a pair of pink adidas sneakers. When she looked at the price tags, I could see her adorable habit of biting her lower lip coming out again. "Zhe xie dou zhe me gui, hao, wo yao zhe ge!" She says holding out the sweater with one hand, "ke yi ma?" I look at it, its a $130 sweater... "Hao mei won ti.". She hands me the other three discarded items expecting me to put them back. I bring everything to the counter and pay for them. She looks surprised as the cashier rings up the purchases. "Bu shi, zhe xie wo mei you mai," she says to the cashier in a frantic panic. I'm a little twisted I admit, and I can't help grinning at her surprise. Especially since the cashier, a Malay dude, looks a little puzzled and obviously can't speak Chinese. He glances at me for help. "No worries, just ring them up," i say and I tell Ting Ting the sky's the limit today. She thanks me furiously. I gently swat her back to the changing room and ask her to switch into the clothes she bought.

Now its always stunning the way clothes can bring out the best or worst in a woman. An beautiful girl can look whorish or classy depending on just a few layers of fabric and makeup. When she stepped out, she looked like one of those girls on the posters in the store. A beautiful fresh and charming advertisement for Adidas. Hell screw Nike. She had her hair done up in a pony tail and that just accentuated her appeal. She looked like a girl just about to hit the tennis courts at SICC.

Now for step II. Adidas is okay for hanging around and chilling but lets do the real shopping now. "Wo dai ni qu yi ge bi jiao hao de di fang." I drag her back to the car as she stares wistfully at the tons of little shops that we pass by along the way. Before we leave though, we pick up a pair of cheap $10 earrings at one of those trinket stores that line the throughfare. Looking as she did like a TCS 8 Actress, she was attracting envious looks from both sexes. Gone were the disapproving stares, replaced by furtive admiring glances and again I was struck by what a simple change in wardrobe could do. Robinsons, here we come.

Among the Orchard Road stores, I've always preferred Robinsons / Centerpoint. I know Takashimaya has more of the high end branded stuff, but I have fond memories of my youth on the fifth floor of Centerpoint. My mom used to love shopping there so she would leave me at either MPH or Times and I would devour book after book for hours on end before she collected me at the end of her day. Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Autobiographies, Classics, it didn't matter. I would read each of them cover to cover. However, books were not on the top of my mind when I finally reached this destination.

Part of the fun for me is to help in the transformation from a streetwalker to a lady. First of all, we arrive at the make up counters on the first floor. Like a kid in toystore, Ting Ting's eyes are agoggle as she looks at the bright display fronts for Clinique, Shinsaegae, Elizabeth Arden, Chanel, Christine Dior etc... I let her browse around but the poor girl honestly can't make up her mind. I scan through the counters and see a well made up Chinese girl standing behind the Christine Dior counter and so I approach her with Ting Ting in tow. "Can you help my friend out. She's from Shanghai visiting Singapore for a quick trip and she only speaks chinese, but I'd like you to recommend what's best to bring out her features." I let the girls talk shop and soon when the subject matter turns to foundation and such, I quickly lose interest. After around 20-30 minutes the sales girl has laden her with a bundle of goods. When paying for the purchase, they even throw in a free handbag. Its a simple white clutch, but Ting Ting is esctatic. The cosmetic girl has also done a wonderful job with Ting Ting's makeup. Its an understated work of an art. The make up accentuates her well defined cheek bones and large eyes, without overdoing the effect.

We move on to ladies wear next. Now I know nothing about fashion, so again, we ask the help of the friendly sales people. Soon we have a couple of casual and evening dresses lined up. The pile of bags we're carrying are starting to add up.

Eventually by the end of the shopping spree, Ting Ting has a couple of new outfits that will allow her to grace any function with ease. She also has a pair of heels and boots, a cute little skull cap, and lastly a designer hand bag. The total of cost of the shopping excursion including the little detour at Bugis has now set me back around $3500. For $3500 Singapore dollars, one can transform a rural girl from China into an exquisite socialite (at least from external appearance). By the end of the session, we have shop girls fighting for her attention. Ting Ting is a bit shellshocked by now. She's giddy but oh she's so cute in that new black cocktail dress and matching boots. Shes clutching her purchases ever so tightly in those delicate little fingers, the handbag slung confidently over her shoulder. By now, its already 9pm and we haven't had dinner yet.

Back at the car, I try to put the packages in the backseat but Ting Ting will have none of that. She stashes it altogether in the front seat with her, cradling most of the bags on her lap. By the time we head off, she's practically buried underneath her purchases. Nevertheless, she steals kisses all the time on me, and keeps on repeating that she's having so much fun. Girls and shopping... something I guess men won't ever understand.

Its a little late and quite honestly, the shopping has tired me out so our next destination is the Mandarin Oriental. Plenty of time to hit the bars and dives over the next few days.

To Be Continued.
This part hasn't any juicy bits, but I promise the next will be a doozy. Thanks for your patience. :) Let me know if you like the story thus far.

21-04-2008, 12:59 AM
Thanks for both the criticisms and encouragements.

Agreed, this story not so much about boinking and fucking, more about my fun times in Singapore.

I know sometimes I make fun of people haggling price, but its my way of just talking cock with the girls I meet in Geylang. Good or bad, they do have that impression so if you agree with them they just start to bond a little with you. Afterall, complaining together with your kakis is what made NS bearable right?

And come on lah, you want me to tok kok and spk singlish also can. But speak yaya now and then also cannot is it? Must give and take lah. Bro, u come and have drink with me next time in Singapore and I show you what can of guy I am.

For those who talk about me blowing money away, and for the gent who zapped me screaming, "so much money for fcuk? want to throw away give it to me.", why can't I spend money as I choose? I've budget some cash for fun times, and whether I want to pay $100 for a 30 minute session or a few thousand for a week again its up to me. Its not like just because I'm a little loose with my money, the PRCs will start asking for $120. Also, I can probably have the same service with a fraction of the money, but I also don't mind showing a girl from China rural area who's had only a few opportunties to experience the good life how fun Singapore can be. Think of it as community service or my penance for taking advantage of their need for money. :)

Its less about the sex but just having fun with a few sweet young thangs every now and then. After all, I play only once or twice a year and the rest of the time I have alot of obligations to meet.

And now, on to the next installment.

Thanks Gents.

PS: Me not ang moh, but local. Went to local school but left to follow dreams out of singapore. Peace.

21-04-2008, 01:01 AM
Part IV

Check in is a breeze at the Mandarin. One of the the nice thing about the Mandarins in Asia (unfortunately not the US branches) is that their service is usually top notch. So long as it wasn't during peak check in / check out hours, usually one of their lady staff would accompany you to your room, serve you hot tea from their signature tea service and make sure everything was alright and you're satisfied with the room before leaving. Ting Ting was very subdued from the momemt we entered the hotel. She looks like she's out of her depth, and clings tightly to my arm throughout the trip to the room. Even when the hotel girl compliments her on her outfit, she doesn't respond at all. Once we're alone in the room, she runs to the bed and jumps on. She snuggles on the blankets, and practically purrs. I look at her. At that moment, I just couldn't understand how a girl like her could be acting solo and not under a mafu. This was definitely a girl who needed to be taken care of. I look out the window and see a view of the swimming pool (note to self, get her a bikini).

"Xiao Jie, jin tian kai xing ma? Er le bah, rang wo jiao wan chan." We scan through the room service menu and finally settle on the steak for me and a prawn noodle mee for her. I also ask in room dining to arrange some chocolate covered strawberries for dessert as well. We have thirty minutes before the food comes so what could we do... what could we do indeed. :)

There's a full length mirror along the wall beside the entrance to the bathroom and I bring Ting Ting to stand infront it. "Kan, ni shi duo me piao liang. She starts giggling, a musical sound that eventually has me laughing along with her too. However, I can't resist anymore and start nuzzling at her neck. I can slowly feel myself getting more and more aroused. She starts stroking the back of my head. I pull the dress over her head, and find that she's wearing a new red lacy bra and a matching red panty. "Do you like it, I specially bought it for you," she whispers breathily. Me like. Me like alot. My hands reach around and cup her breasts gently kneeding them through the fabric. They feel wonderful, soft as putty in my exploring hands. I snap the bra off and they fall to the floor, revealing a couple of erect nipples. She has the most gorgeous breasts with pink nipples sticking proudly out. I continue to massage her breasts with gentle flicks on her nipples, all the while planting soft dry kisses on her neck and earlobes.

Slowly, one hand snakes down her body. Pass her belly button, tracing the curve of her hip and finally reaching into her panties. I can feel the soft tangles of her pubic hairs and finally they find their destination. I tentatively slide one finger in and am pleasantly surprised to find that she's already wet. By now, she's grinding her tight pert ass against my groin, and the satiny feel of her panty covered ass against my engorged dick is driving me crazy. I begin to feel extremely uncomfortable with my manhood stuck in my trousers. Thankfully, Ting Ting resolves the issue by using those nimble fingers to slide down my zipper and reach in, freeing my happy soldier from those restrictive confines.

Picture this. A topless raven hair chinese beauty, made up to the nines, hair slung back in a pony tail, dressed only in red panties, moving to an unheard beat, rubbing her ass against your cock. And to top it all, you get to capture all this in its utmost glory with the reflection in a full sized mirror. I lose my head completely at this point. I pull down her panties frantically. She whispers to me "condom" and nearly crying with frustration, I frantically reach into my back pocket and pull out the one in my wallet that I keep for emergencies like this. I throw my wallet on the floor, and rip the foil open. I slide it on desperately myself with one hand while playing with her pussy with the other. With that done, in one fluid motion I sheath my penis in her pussy. One stroke, one plunge. Her wetness, the warmth, the eroticness of it all is too much for me. For the first time in a long time, I can't help but groan in the act of fucking. There's no slowness or gentleness this time. I feel like a pent up animal and ram into her hard. She makes this soft grunts as I pummel myself into her, the sound of my groin hitting her buttocks serving as a counterbeat to her exhalations. I lever one of her legs up so that I can thrust even deeper into her. She smells so lovely.

I feel her suddenly shuddering against me. I'm quick to explode this time and I can feel myself spurting within her. Her pussy muscles squeeze and clench on my dick as I orgasm within her, milking me dry. My legs feel rubbery and we end up leaning against the miror, with me ontop of her. Our breaths fog up small patches on the mirror. My now shrunken manhood is still within her and we stay like that for a few more moments. I give one quick kiss on her forehead and stumble back on unsteady legs. While she looks like a spent goddess, I catch a glimpse of myself with my condom covered covered dick sticking out of my trousers and realize I look like an idiot. I quickly take off my trousers and rip off the offending rubber cover. "Lets take a bath" and I lead my precious into the toilet.

The bathtub is just large enough for the her to rest in between my legs and lean back against me. We let the water flow in, the hot steaming water gently lapping against our bodies as the bathtub fills up. Soon, our bodies are immersed in this liquid heaven. Nothing beats a hot bath after sex I find (unless its more sex!). In this lazy satisfied mood, I still can't help but admire her smooth pale skin. With the heat of the water, her skin takes on the most delightful rosy hue. I chat with her a little bit, and she gushes about her little excursion tonight. She turns around and gives me a quick peck on the nose. "Xie Xie ***** ge. You really made me happy today. Noone's been as nice to me as you were." Aww shucks.... I'm taking advantage of this girl and she's still thanking me for it. I'm a bad bad man. She tells me that while she's young she wanted to have the chance to see the world and quite honestly, this was the only way a girl like her could get to go beyond China and make some decent money. However, things were not as good as she imagined, and it was really really hard to make money to pay off her "loan" for the help in getting into Singapore. She stated a little bitterly that all night she was servicing men who tried to get as much out of her with as little money as possible and wasn't confident enough to explore the city on her own, afraid of attracting attention of the police. Not that she had the energy to do so after walking the streets the entire night. Abruptly she switched the conversation. She didn't want to talk about such things. She told me a funny story about some of her first experiences in Singapore and some of the pecularities of the girls she was staying with.

Ding Dong! Ting Ting jerked upright. Oh right, dinner. I had completely forgotten about it with this delicious treat lying on top of me. Come in, I shouted from the bathroom. I could hear the door opening. Ting Ting had a completely unexpected reaction though. She jumped out of the bathtub, grabbed one of the towels and ran into the shower partition, closing the frosted glass door behind her. To say I was a little perplexed by this would be an understatement. "Where would you like me to set this up sir," the bellhop said through the bathroom door. "Infront of the bed please."

"Will do. Have a great evening sir," he replied, closing the door behind him after he was done setting up the room service cart. With him gone, I called out to Ting Ting. "Ta zhou le. Ni wei she me zhe me hai pa ne?" She doesn't respond. Hmmm... I climb out of the bathtub and open the shower partition door. She's cowering against the far wall. After calming her down, I realized she thought it was an AV conducting a raid when the bellhop entered the room. She had heard from her friends horror stories about girls being rounded up and deported. "Bu yao dan xing, zi shi wan chan er yi," I reassure her.

I bring her outside and show her the empty room. She spots the dinner service table and flips open the lids to reveal my steak and her mee. she glances at the familiarity of the mee bowl, then looks at the steak. Back and forth her eyes dart. Hugging her from behind, I tell her to dig in. She can have half of my steak and I'll have some of her mee. I've used the word "adorable" so many times, but quite honestly, I can't think of another word to describe her actions. I love a girl with a healthy appetite and she polishes off both plates quickly. She even lets out a cute burp. "Hope you have more room for desert", and I unveil the final course. Chocolate covered strawberries!!!

There's four strawberries on the plate. These are not the usual thumb size ones but are nearly half the size of my fist each! And the presentation is awesome. Using a combination of dark and white chocolate, the chocolate layer is designed to make it look like each of the strawberries are wearing a tux. There's even a red bow tie on each made with raspberry paste. I feed her one of them. Her mouth suckles on the large fruit and I can picture something else she'll be suckling later ;P She's only able to eat the one though.

She lies back on the king bed. Spread out with her arms and legs wide spread. I lie next to her. I must have been more tired then I thought. We both fall asleep.

To be continued.
Feedback if you like the story thus far. Thanks!

21-04-2008, 01:01 AM
Keep it cumming!!!! :D

21-04-2008, 01:54 AM
nicely done

21-04-2008, 03:48 AM
Part V

Hmm... where am I? "Slurp. slurp," What's that noise? "Slurp. slurp."
A wave of pleasure hits me. I look down and there's my raven haired
beauty. She's completely nude and I have a great view of her sucking
on my stiff manhood. Somehow while I was zonked out, she had slid the
condom on and was gulping my dick down like a pro. Which in
retrospect perhaps she was. Her hair is tousled, hanging over her
shoulders and spread out on the bed. Her elbows are resting on the
bed in between my thighs, her head cupped in her hands. I knew a girl
who did homework or read on a bed that way, but she sure as hell
wasn't preoccupied with any ol' book.

I glanced at the bedside clock. Damn! 3am. I had slept the night
away. Ahh.... another wave of pleasure runs up my body from Ting
Ting's kind ministrations. I rest my large hands over her dainty ones
cupping her face. I sweep back the hair covering half her face and
stare at this goddess.

"Zao an," I mumble. She looks at me, gives me that wink of hers again
and then goes back to the job at hand. I can't resist and start
pushing my hips up to her downstrokes, trying to get as much into
that warm red mouth as possible. She swallows it all. Her cheeks
deflate during one particular hard sucking exertion. Shes doing
something wonderful with her tongue as well, rolling it up and down
my dong with each slide into her mouth. After around 15 minutes of
this bliss, I blow another load. I wish I could wake up every morning
this way. I'm gonna miss Ting Ting when I leave.

I'm wide awake now and so is my lady of the night. But 3:30am... what
can we do at 3:30am in the morning? "Hurry up. Let's get dressed and
go." I call the concierge service. I ask for their help in preparing
a few egg salad sandwiches and a picnic set. I also ask them to
include candles. The great thing about staying at a decent hotel
chain like the Ritz or the Mandarin Oriental is that they do
everything to meet your needs. In 20 minutes, there's a knock on the
room. I've warned my dear Ting Ting in advance and this time she's
calmer. I assure her that the police do not raid hotels like this.
Too many lawyers to deal with in such an event.

The hotel had outdone themselves. I take a quick look at the wicker
basket (they must have this request a lot to have this readily
available) and see a full utensil set for two with the necessary
plates and cutlery. Also, they've packed two egg salad sandwiches, a
bowl of wildberries and even a bottle of red wine. Everything is
neatly tucked under the picnic blanket and wrapped in saran wrap to
prevent spills. Ting Ting has changed into her Adidas outfit. She
looks at the hamper curiously and asks me what's that. She had been
hiding under the covers when the bellhop had been in the room.

"You'll find out," I tease her while I guide her out of the room. Its
back to my carriage, where I drive my princess out into the blue
yonder. Where should we go next. Mt Faber? East Coast Park? Fort
Canning? East Coast Park is where I lost my virginity and it holds
fond memories for me. Its as good a place as any for an impromptu
picnic. With destination decided, we play a few Zhang Xue You CDs
that my sister likes to keep in the cars. Ting Ting grooves a little
to the music, swaying her body gently to the crooning beats of Jacky
Cheung's love ballads. She rests her right hand gently on my left
wrist, stroking it a little. A couple of times, I stare at her during
the trip. Its sad in a way that a sweet beautiful thing like this has
to sell her body but hey, I guess I'm in no position to complain.
We arrive finally. I park my car and we stroll across to the beach.

To be continued

This part is a little shorter than the previous ones but I'm feeling
a little fatigued. Wow, writing this is actually quite fun. Kinda
like reliving the past. Hope u guys are enjoying it as well.

21-04-2008, 09:01 AM
Nice story... Pls continue...

21-04-2008, 10:03 AM
Most impressive bro....i like the way u treat the lady......i supposed all gals deserved such pampering irregardless of their occupations....keep the stories cuming......:D

21-04-2008, 12:26 PM
gd gd storyline. Keep it coming dude!!!!

21-04-2008, 01:04 PM
slurp slurp ... gd one bro :D

21-04-2008, 01:49 PM
Here you go, Part VI:

We walk along the beach. Its peaceful. The sound of the surf lapping
on the sand mixes in with the steady chirping of a couple of crickets.
There's noone, just the two of us in the dark. The light from the road
lamps barely reaches the part of the shore that we're walking along.
I've slung the basket on the right arm, my left clasping Ting Tings
hand. She's got her new pink adidas shoes slung over her shoulder with
her left hand, and she's taken off her socks and walking on the sand
barefooted. We keep close to the waterline, where the sand is smooth
and soft.

Its a couple more hours to daybreak, a couple more hours where the
weight of my responsibilities are still gone from my shoulders. Ting
Ting also is lost in thought. We walk quietly along the beach, each of
us in our own introspective musing. I'm content. I hope she is. She
suddenly stops. she turns me around to face her.

"*****-ge, ni shi zuo she me ne?" she inquires directly. Her eyes
searching my face.

Until now, I've always been the listener. I like to hear her talk and
have heard about her family, her life in Shenyang, her roommates in
Singapore and even her rocky relationship with her boyfriend back in
the mainland. I crack jokes, encourage her, and basically nod at all
the right places, however, I've said very little about myself. I'm a
little happy that she wants to know more about me. I tell her what I
do, the importance of work at this point in my life when I'm just
starting out. I talk a little about life overseas. At this point, she
interrupts me. "Ni zhu zai *****, na ni hui hui qu ma?"

Okay, here it goes... I let her know I'm only here in Singapore for a
few days, and that I'll be on a plane back to where I came from on
Sunday morning. Its already in the wee morning hours of Wednesday. "Na
ni ji shi hui hui lai ne?" She falls back on that ever familiar habit
of biting on her lower lip. I rarely lie, no need to, so I honestly
say, "After I leave, I'll probably never see you again." Her eyes open
wider. I can see the flow of thoughts running across her face. She's
very easy to read, the poor girl.

We start walking again. Quietly. I wait for her to say something. Its
still just the two of us on this peaceful beach. The silence is
unnerving. I spot an open area that looks perfect to set up an
impromptu picnic. I lay out the sitting blanket and set up the place
servings for two. The glasses come out last, together with the bottle
of red. As I make the arrangements, Ting Ting is looking out at the
ocean. The surf comes up to her ankles, and she has her hands crossed.
Her shoes lie between me and her. I walk over to her and hug her from
behind. "We can still have fun before I leave," I whisper to her. "I
won't leave you empty handed."

I come to this stunning realization. She's crying! My poor baby is
crying. I have this personal weakness. I hate seeing girls cry. I'm my
nature pragmatic so in the back of my mind, I remind myself that she's
probably crying for a variety of reasons. I don't know how much of it
is real, how much of it is because she cares about me from the ever so
short time we've know each other, or how much of it is because she's
losing a sugar daddy, but I know at least this much. I hate to see a
pretty girl cry. Especially if its because of my actions. All the more
from such a lovely lovely face.

I wipe her tears with my thumb. "Bu yao ku bao bei. Bu yao ku." i hug
her again, from the front this time. I squeeze her tight. "I know its
a short time, but I'll make sure you have a great experience. Let's
not waste time thinking about the end. Let's just have fun now." She
wipes off a few more errant tears with her hands. Her voice is steady
when she finally speaks. "Ni shi ge da hui dan! Hao, wo hui rang ni
yong yuan ji zhu wo," she says defiantly. I shoot a quick thanks to
someone up there for letting me find this diamond in the rough.

I lead her back to the picnic spread. Her eyes are still red but she
nibbles on the sandwiches. Its so cute the way she eats. She holds te
sandwich in her two dainty little hands and takes the smallest bites.
I pour her a glass of red. She takes a sip but wrinkles her nose. "Bu
hao he," she complains with a pixie look of disgust. Well, I didn't
like red wine the first time I had it too. Luckily, there's a small
carafe of iced water and I pour that for her instead. I sip slowly on
the glass of wine and watch her eat. I think to myself that I could
look at Ting Ting for hours at end and never get bored.

21-04-2008, 01:50 PM
She catches me staring at her, and gulps down the last of the sandwich
selfconciously. "Ni bu yao yi zhi kan zhe wo. Wo lian shang you she me
ma?" "You, rang wo lai," I reply and suddenly flick her nose. She
sqwaks in indignation and nearly falls backward. I laugh heartily. She
grabs two fistful of sand and flings it at my face. It gets into my
nose and mouth and some of it goes down my throat as I was laughing. I
splutter the sand out. This time, its her turn to break out in
laughter. I keep on choking though... She gets concerned. She hurries
over to me. "Dui bu qi dui bu qi, ni hai xing ma," she frantically
pats my back. I keep on fake choking. The girl has got to pay! She's
nearly panicking right now and thats when I reach over and grab her
and lift her up in my arms. She shrieks and quite honestly, if there
was a policeman I'd probably have been arrested for rape. I drag her
to the water and together we plunge into the ocean.

The water is cold, but not painfully so. Ting Ting is gasping and I
brush the water away from her eyes. She growls and starts splashing
water at me when she finally recovers. She even dunks my head back
underwater for good measure. By the time we get out, both of us are
soaked thoroughly. I glance over at Ting Ting and my heart nearly
skips a beat. I've talked about how beautiful Ting Ting is but I want
you readers to really understand what i saw at this moment.

Here's a girl who just stepped into womanhood. Her breast are firm and
her nipples are hard from the cold. They haven't had the time to sag
yet and they thrust out proud and hard, visible through the wet T-
shirt. Her long raven locks are shiny from the soaking, slicked back
and resting on one side, curling around her swan neck and dripping
droplets of water onto her chest. The line of her collarbone is sharp
and prominent, her big round eyes shine brightly against the moonlight
and fading light from the farway street lamps. She's wet, soaking wet
but the tight clingy material doesn't detract away from her beautiful
body, but rather accentuates every lovely curve and every glorious
line on that sleek sevelte body. Her slight shudders as the breeze
waft around her makes her look so vulnerable and feminine. Here was
indeed a goddess from the legends of old, come out of the water to
enchant men and lead them to their doom. And like a spellbound fool, I
was captured by her charms.

By now, she knows me too well. She lets out a small smile and walk
towards me ever so slowly. Her hand reaches out and grabs the back of
my neck, pushing me to those lucious red lips. I lean down and kiss
her deeply. My head is spinning and I'm in heaven once more. We kiss
for what seems like hours. Finally we break apart. She pulls her shirt
off and slides her skirt down. I practically rip out the buttons of my
shirt in the hurry to get it off and jump out of my trousers. She's
not wearing her underwear and we're both now nude on the beach. I pray
that there's no nighttime security guard. I reach out to her and once
again carry her light weight onto my arms. She squeals again but this
time in delight and I pepper her with light feathery kisses as i walk
towards the picnic blanket. I set her down gently and with one swipe
of my arm, push the now irrelevant plates and utensils off what will
soon be the stage of our lovemaking.

Remember how she kissed me from head to toe in my very first time with
her. Well I always try to return a good deed in kind :) I start with
her earlobes, I love nibbling on them. My hand is on her clit rubbing
it softly in a slow circular motion. My mouth traces a string of hot
quick little kisses along her jawline, down that beautiful long neck.
It follows the ridge of her collar bone, down to the twin mounds of
her breast. She's breathing heavily, and I can tell I'm doing
something right with her grip tightening on my shoulders. Lower and
lower I go, until my head rests between the valley of her thighs. How
thoughtless of me. She's blown me so many times, but i must be really
inconsiderate to ignore her needs. Well, I better make recompense

Using a trick that was thought to me by a frat buddy of mine, I lick
her clit, spelling out the alphabet with my tongue. I also gently
insert one finger into her quivering sheath, not going deep but rather
applying the lightest of pressure just inside her snatch. Her
breathing has gotten heavier and heavier. Some guys like their girls
to scream and shout, but her deep breaths make this so much more
personal and sexy. She pushes my head down against her groin and soon
I'm breathing in the deep aroma of her pussy. Its clean and pleasant
and smells so much like her. Finally after what seems like forever and
also in the blink of an eye, she's shuddering and quivering under me.
She's not a squirter but I can feel the sudden rush of wetness that's
not from my own ministrations. She lets out one last deep sigh and
relaxes, all tension draining out of her.

I look back up at her and grin. "Hai xing ba," I jokingly announce at
her. She grins back then pushes me from between her legs with her arms
and closes up her thighs. She suddenly comes to the realization she
naked out in a public beach and looks all around for her clothes. Now,
I'm standing up and my boner is screaming for attention. Unfortunately
we realize that we don't have a condom on us (stupid stupid stupid
me!) and i try to coax my hardon back into my pants which I've put
back on. In a flash, but of us are dressed back in our sodden clothes.
We both come to the realization that wet clothes and sand are not the
best combination for anyone seeking to be comfortable. We pack up our
stuff and walk back to the car. Another night is drawing close to a

I'll stop here and the story will be continued.Thanks for all the feedback, pms and pts. Appreciate all your comments
including the criticisms. There's more to come, I hope.

yang punk
21-04-2008, 01:55 PM
You're the man... you can teach us guys more than a trick or two.

21-04-2008, 02:21 PM
with the budget that chysler has, anywhere anytime also can hav great time!:)

21-04-2008, 03:33 PM
more money doesn't guarantee you a good time.
While these girls are all out to make money, show them care and respect and they really treat you very nice.
But ultimately of course, they here to make as much as they can. So if you can afford it, why not give a little and make everyone happy. ;)

21-04-2008, 03:35 PM
wonder whether chrysler treats his actual gf better or at least as well as the PRC girl ???

21-04-2008, 04:08 PM
wonder whether chrysler treats his actual gf better or at least as well as the PRC girl ???

Hey! I know I'm lucky to have her. She's smart, good looking, and comes from a better family than mine. I never take her for granted and treat her like a queen. But there's something in me that's just wired wrong I guess. i just need the fun of something different every now and then. I'm very discreet that's why I only confine my escapades to Singapore. Her circle of friends are different from mine and she's not a local.

I guess I'll eventually stop if we decide to go on to the next step. As for treating Ting Ting better than her, lets not even go there. You don't even want to know what I did for our last anniversary...

21-04-2008, 05:53 PM
Then lucky you loh ... ;) ... You are the envy of lotsa guys here ...

Sigh, I only got enuff $$$ to splurge on 1 person ... can't afford to have romantic flings wif FL once or twice a year like you ...

But abt your 'wiring' probs ... I think you are not alone .. a lot of guys here hav the same probs ... me included ... :p

21-04-2008, 05:58 PM
Hey TS,

Seems like you are doing a scene in Pretty Woman. I once had the dreams of using the monetary power I had to change the lives the lucky few. All these happened when I was in China though where I dont have to spend S$3500. Instead it was a few thousand RMBs.

I believe you might be those who will enjoy every shortlived romance as possible before settling down with the final one. Living every dream of any kind of romance. Of course with your higher than normal income, you are able to bring it to a higher scale. The brothers in Southern China might be doing it on a much smaller scale.

I know friends who just enjoys the process and not really the final product. In the past, people had told me that I am abusing my social status and trying to be some kind of hero. I sort of cut down my kind of playing style when I realise some of the WL in China earn much more than me.

About comparing how you treat your read gf, I guess you should know better than all of us here. For me I tend to treat my other half better after any kind of whirlwind encounter I have in China or anywhere else. My benchmark is never to treat my other half any lesser than these WL.

Anyway have fun and great writings.... SBF is really 卧虎藏龙. So many great men are hidden here! Just a slight note, you used PinYing for your conversation with her and English for her part. Somehow I was thinking you are the Chinese one and she the Singaporean.......:D

21-04-2008, 06:09 PM
Thanks for sharing bro :)

21-04-2008, 07:25 PM
Nice write up.
It is like a fairy tale story where Ting Ting meet his Prince Charming (TS).
Her dream will eventually wakes up after the "week" of good days....

22-04-2008, 09:47 PM
Good write up TS... up you for the good writting skill and story line. I have a philosophical question thoug....

1. Is it correct to hold her high for a short term and have her crashed to earth ?
2. Why not stay single all the time as we can create different scene with different girls.

I am obsolutely agree with you that if money is not an object, let's treat the gal nice if she respond it nicely as well. I also agree with you that we should not misled the girl that this is a permanent relationship or giving her a false hope.

Way to go bro...
PS. next time stay in scarlet.. much better with romantic ambience or better... go to Bali and stay in the secluded villa. Don't do in-room dining... go to up scale chinese fusion restaurant with good dress code.. she will like it as many PRC are not good with western food. A word of cautious thoug... As you swept her with whirlwind romantic events to the point that she does not want to let go at the end of the road, harden your heart and just go. She can be bitter and want to continue the fantasy and will throw the kitchen sink.

22-04-2008, 11:13 PM
nice write up!

like a story of 2 couple met lols

23-04-2008, 02:50 PM
Ummm... to those romanticising this encounter, I'm paying money for sex...
All the extravagence is dressing for the actual sordid deed. No Prince Charming and definitely not Richard Gere.

Nevertheless, I had fun and I hope the girls did too. Appreciate all your comments and if I seem to be bragging I apologize. I am far from rich, but I do like to splurge occasionally so I work hard to put myself in a position to do so.

Anyway, I definitely look forward to writing a few more parts, but during the work week, I don't really have the time nor inclination so until the weekend then.

23-04-2008, 11:02 PM
I'm not gonna sit on my high horse and say I didn't enjoy the story, because yaya or not, it was well-written.

However, as Pink_Floyd has pointed out, I have similiar concerns. I hope you managed to let her down lightly after rocketing her to 7th Heaven. Yes, we might not have deliberately inflated her hopes, but women have their own genetic inclinations to dig romantic holes to bury themselves. I'm glad you didn't lie at the beach, but I'll be damned if she wasn't sad about you leaving.

Great story though, enjoyed reading it very much.

27-04-2008, 11:17 PM
Part VII

It had been more than two days since I last saw Ting Ting. Dinner obligations as well as an evening revelry with the colleagues from our Singapore office had prevented me from my usual tryst with my lovely Chinese flower. I still remember how we parted. I had offered to set her up at the hotel for a week but she had admantly refused. She didn't want to stay at a strange place and I felt she wasn't really comfortable around the Mandarin Oriental without me. I dropped her off infront of the flats at Lorong Six and she had given me a parting kiss. A friendly peck on the cheek and a small wave goodbye was strangely all the more endearing than a long french kiss.

Stirring myself out of my recollection, I took a quick glance at my car close as I took the Fort Road exit off the highway. 7:21pm the LED numerals announced. I was quite exhausted by this point. It was my fifth day in Singapore and what with spending the mornings and afternoons with my family and office obligations and playing through the evenings with Ting Ting, I was quite literally burning the candle at both ends. Ironically, vacations take alot out of me.

Here we go, I had finally arrived at my destination. As the phone dials her number, I glance out the car window. The night is still young but the weekend crowd is already out in full force. The men stroll in packs, looking for their pick of the evening. Men in office wear, older gents in their trademark bermudas and singlets, and teenagers with their t-shirts saunter down the back alleys with one common purpose. There's not many girls here in this lorong, but a few walk pass my car, heading towards the nearby hotels with customers in tow.

"Wei, wo lai le. Xian zai wo zai xia mian deng ni."
"Huan yi fu jiu chu lai. Jin tian wo men hui chu qu ma?"
"Of course. Whatever my princess prefers."
She giggles and ask me to wait for 30 minutes.

Sigh... 30 minutes it is then. I should have remembered to call ahead, I chide myself. 30 minutes... what should I do? I walk over to the coffeeshop and order a grass jelly drink. Its the simple things in life that you miss while overseas. The steady parade of working girls and prowling gents serve as an interesting distraction. Its fun to observe the different interactions. That's an old grandfather cracking a few jokes with a girl who looks like she could be his granddaughter. There's a young guy with a tattoo on his neck berating a woman twice his age. one of the gals is sitting on the curbside, massaging her aching legs, her stiletto heels lying discarded beside her sore feet.

Before long I see Ting Ting's phone number flash up as my phone rings.
"Ni xian zai zai naer?" I let her know which coffeeshop I'm waiting at and she turns up within a few minutes clearly excited. She's dressed up in the evening dress I had bought for her with matching accessories and shoes. It wasn't anywear as revealing as some of the other outfits on the street, but the simple elegant strapless design coupled with her natural beauty makes quite a few gents gawk as she passes by. As I mentioned previously, its remarkable how a few pieces of clothing can completely remake a woman. Before she can make her way to me though, a cleancut muscled teenager stops her. From where I sit, I can tell he is prepositioning her. She waves him away distractedly, but he grasps her left arm, not allowing her to move away. I can see from her facial expression that she's getting irritated.

I step into the situation before anything blows up. "Hey, she's not a working girl, she's my friend and we're just here for a meal. Let her hand go will you?" The teenage thug looks at me, then back at her expensive looking outfit, and quite naturally buys the lie. You can see the gears working in his head. Not the brightest of bulbs but hey, I'm not complaining. "Fuck man, don't bring your girlfriend to this kind of places. Fucked up man," he mumbles before moving on. Well, I guess that's his idea of an apology. At least this did not evolve into a fracas.

On to more pleasant things though. Ting Ting is a sight for sore eyes. She's as beautiful as I remember her. This time round she has her hair flowing straight down to her shoulders, framing her beautiful face. She's a fast learner i note, observing how she had managed to replicate the same understated beauty through the careful use of makeup instead of lathering it on. Sometimes less is more. She apologizes for being late, but mentioned that she had been stopped twice before on the way here by other guys who had been just as persistent as the chap I had interrupted. Maybe I should wear this to work everyday she teases. I laugh along with her. She is indeed stunning, but not only that, she looks just that bit different from the rest of the working girls. Indeed, if I had been one of the gents prowling along the streets, I would have given her a pass as I would have just assumed she was a Singapore girl coming to Geylang to sample the food and had taken a wrong turn somewhere.

Speaking of which, dinner plans tonight is for the Equinox at the top floor of the Swissotel. I hate driving in Orchard road and searching for parking, so I leave the car within one of the Hotel 81 carparks and flag a cab to bring us to our dinner destination.

Inside the cab Ting Ting is restless. Other than the her habit of biting her lower lip when she's nervous, she tends to play around with her hands. She grasp each fingertip with the other hand and squeeze and move on to the other hand. Its amazing what kind of little things you notice after being in close proximity for just a few short nights. Shes been quiet, but all of sudden she turns to me and ask me why I haven't called for the past two days.

"Ni zai kan bie de nu ren ma? Wo dui ni bu gou hao ma?" she accuses.
"Wei she me ni mei you jie wo de dian hua ne?" Sigh... I hate this kind of little scenes. I know she's just feeling insecure, but in my previous trips back, whenever I miss an evening appointment with one of my ladies, I inveritably get the same response. I don't keep my "play" cell turned on when I'm not with a girl so I rarely respond to texts until I'm actually planning to meet her. I note that Ting Ting had called me nearly 14 times in the past two days when I received my missed call registry.

I take her hand in my own clumsy paw, and then give a light kiss on her fingers, I apologize for my inconsideration and promise to make it up to her tonight. I swear my innocence with regards to the charge of seeing other women, but admittedly, I guess from her point view it would be very difficult to believe me. At this point, I remind myself why I keep my relationships with my companions restricted to week. A week is just enough time to to build up the passion of a real relationship, without all the hang-ups that you usually have to deal with. I know its a fake kind of affection, but it approximates the real thing so closely that I really don't care. Quite frankly, I am a purely selfish person. All that matters to me is that as long as I'm around, she treats me like I am the center of her universe.

27-04-2008, 11:19 PM

Just prepared for occasions like this, I take out a little trinket from my bag. Its a "get out of jail card." I usually have ready to smooth out the rough patches. Its a small delicately crafted gold chain. I've realized that a lot of PRC girls like to buy yellow gold chains while in Singapore. I've heard that the quality of the gold is relatively high here compared to other places like HK, Taiwan or our Muslim neighbors, and always inveritably get a request to buy a chain for their mothers, sisters-about to get married, grandmothers etc... Nowadays, white gold is all the rage amongst the Singaporean girls and my girlfriend even exchanged one of my gift of a burberry charm bracelet for a cheaper sterling silver version rather than the more expensive gold version cause she felt it was slightly gaudy.

Ting Ting lights up like a candle. She takes the chain and admires it for a while before sliding it onto her small thin wrist. She has a little difficulty with the clasp and I help her lock it. She looks at me with those wide oval eyes, and I realize the shimmering reflection within those opal gems is the hint of tears welling up. "There, there now, I promised you a week of fun and games and here I am to make good on it. I'm sorry I wasn't around the past two days, but work has been busy. I've been thinking of you constantly, so let's not fight and just kick back and enjoy what time we have left!"

There, that reticent biting of her lower lip is back. She fights back her emotions and just whispers a soft "xie xie. wo hui dui ni hen hao de." Money can't buy love, but it can sure bring out a near flawless substitute. I don't usually fool around in public places, no exhibitionist urge within me and I also find that usually girls don't like too much physical attention when they are outside of their familiar environs in Geylang. However, Ting Ting is very affectionate on the ride over. Her teasing fingers stroke my legs through the fabric of my trousers and with her devilish eyes have that unmistakable come hither look. However, before I can initiate anything, we've arrived at our destination. I pay the driver and we're off into the ground lobby of the Swissotel.

We're the only two people in the elevator that is heading up towards the 70th floor. I cup Ting Ting's head in my hands and give her a gentle kiss on the forehead. In my mind, she's just like a porcelain doll. Oh so pretty and delicate, but ever so fragile. She hugs me tight. I can smell her perfume. Just the slightest trace of strawberries. Her little form pressed against mine just reinforces my image of her as a damsel in distress. It makes me a little ashamed that I'm taking advantage of such an innocent fairy, but life is what it is.

The Equinox is a great place to have a romantic time in my own humble opinion. During the afternoon brunches, you are treated to a skyline view that stretches all the way to Malaysia. Alternatively, the nightime view allows you to have a grand vista of the Singapore commercial district in all its lighted glory. The large plate glass allows you to have an unrestricted views so I always make sure to make my reservation for a table by the window. Mix in a little liqour, lots of ambience, some good food and you have all the ingredients for a passionate evening leading up to some of very fun bedroom activity later. For those with significant others, I can't recommend the place enough.

Ting Ting is like a little kid. She oohs and ahhs at the view. However, when we arrive at the table her face falls when she sees the silverware. She whispers at me, "Wo bu hui yong zhe xie. Wo men qu chi zhong fan ba!" I ease her in the chair and when the waiter comes over, I ask him to replace the cutlery with chopsticks. What I like about the service here is that while its a nice restaurant, the waiter staff are fortunately not as snooty as in a few other places I care not to mention. He comes back shortly with a set of chopsticks for both of us. The menu is completely in English so I order for the two of us. We have the house soup, some braised scallops, a sea bass and a glass of orange juice for each of us. Ting Ting gets over her initial trepidation with the friendliness of the waiter and I note to myself to give him a good tip.

Its a relaxing meal. None of the gentle pecking I see when I go out for dinners with my female colleagues or friends. Ting Ting has a hearty appetite and before long, the appetizers and main courses have been devoured. All the while we chat more about her family, her life growing up and what she intends to do in the future. I hear from her her eventual goal is to open up a clothing store with the money she's hoping to earn. She also talks about the brother who's always looked out for her growing up but now is estranged due to him finding out about what she's doing. I commiserate with her there. Before desert comes, I know so much more about Ting Ting and she fleshes out as an actual person when perhaps before she was just a beautiful doll that I was playing with.

We cap the meal off with desert. I order a baked pear desert for her, and just an expresso for myself. Her expression as she savors each bite of the desert is priceless. she wrinkles up her face in positive delight and gives a little small "ah" with her first taste! In the gentle lighting of the restaurant, the soft croonings of a ballad being played in the background, and the candle light flickering shadows on her face, Ting Ting looks like a Chinese fairy descended on earth in her black dress. She has that distinctive yet intangible quality that makes you notice her stick out in a crowded room, and add to that a sultry evening gown and a light endearing blush on her face from her few sips from a peach cocktail and you have an angel who turns head. Throughout the evening, I had seen furtive glances from the other patrons who were sitting around me, much to the consternation of the dates with them who noticed.

After dinner is over, we just enjoy the ambience of the restaurant, languidly sipping our drinks. Ting Ting is a good conversationalist, and she continues with a litany of her observations in Singapore. Her soft feminine voice washes over me as I bask in the warm feeling of fullness. Well the night is still young.

To Be Continued

Sorry gents for the delay in writing this. Been a little busy this week. Unfortunately the writing pace will be a little slower so appreciate you bearing with this. Again, this story is less about sex but rather my time with an Chinese angel in Singapore.

Si Geena
28-04-2008, 01:56 PM
Good writing chrysler. You're entertaining. Don't mind the jibs and jabs from naysayers. Do your thang. I'm enjoying it.

29-04-2008, 07:26 AM
Most people have been complimentary and I appreciate their kind words.
For those with criticisms, its interesting and useful to hear their viewpoints. I do admit, it is written in a little bit of what the sbfers call "yaya" or something like one of those people who like to act cheem or poser style.

I suang so write like dat what. cannot is it :P Anyway sometimes can write like beng sometimes can write like one of those akua drama club members what. I can say I been in the army so can switch back and forth. Anyway now in my new job i have to speak perfect engish, scaly speak singlish kanna look down upon.

Other than that, admit a little slow in the pacing. But I'm a slow guy. Anyway, welcome more feedback, good or bad. Remember sharing is a two way street. Thanks all.

29-04-2008, 03:44 PM
I like your writing style.

Keep it coming :)

29-04-2008, 04:25 PM
The threadstarter called Chrysler has clearly proven that foreigners like him are such a fool or "robert" to spoil the "market" or scene in geylang. If you are that rich or trying to brag, i suggest you do it elsewhere. I'm just afraid that its just another typical poseurs who is trying to act rich or gentleman by his field report here....LOL....anyway what are you trying to prove by mentioning that singaporeans are cheap bargainers or bastard????? Hello its not just singapore only and pls dont sterotype all singaporeans are like this. Whats wrong in asking for a cheaper price? hmmmm....So where do you live in? Is ur country that good? I find that there aint anything wrong by bargaining for a cheaper price. Its just losers or "roberts" like you who are trying to act rich and brag. IN short, we chinese call this type of ppl "cai taos". If you are not that rich pls dont act rich. Dont like a typcial virtual poseur like what i saw often in any website. I call them "dua kangs" or " wannabes" or maybe poseurs too. If you are that great, u wont need to come to singapore and spend your money here since you mentioned we singaporeans are that cheapos! Anyway i doubt ur contry is anything better. Most likely you're another typical jealous freak who likes to flame about singapore. I have seen such foreigners often who always badmouth singapore. Last but not least, i dont think you need to sterotype all singaporeans are that cheap. It's only a portion of them. I wanna stress that bargaining for a cheaper price is not wrong. It is wrong that people like you bragging how rich they are when they might not be so. I believe a rich person will be humble and wont act to be rich. Only those poserus or wannabes who aint rich will act like one.



29-04-2008, 04:31 PM
To the threadstarter Chrysler again, i have seen tons of poseur like you acting rich. You're not something new to me. Good luck in acting rich here. You wont get anything by trying to flame singaporeans. You're just a timid mouse to me acting great here. That's what i called virtual warriors. You seem childish to me. Maybe a kid behind the screen. Your actions prove to me that u're a childish ass by typing such field report. LOL!

It's good that we have some clown or entertainer like you in sammyboy. We wont be so bored because people like u just love to entertain us. Dont they ? haha



29-04-2008, 11:28 PM
To the threadstarter Chrysler again, i have seen tons of poseur like you acting rich. You're not something new to me. Good luck in acting rich here. You wont get anything by trying to flame singaporeans. You're just a timid mouse to me acting great here. That's what i called virtual warriors. You seem childish to me. Maybe a kid behind the screen. Your actions prove to me that u're a childish ass by typing such field report. LOL!

It's good that we have some clown or entertainer like you in sammyboy. We wont be so bored because people like u just love to entertain us. Dont they ? haha



Hey dude, what are you so worked up?

If the story is true, he is just paying a premium trying to buy something more than a superficial bonk. I do not think he's belittling singaporean or trying to impose his own standards on you

If the story is false, just take it as a pinch of salt, and enjoy the reading.

Hey Chrysler, granted that you are writing what is real, care to share how much you earn a year ?? :D

29-04-2008, 11:35 PM
To the threadstarter Chrysler again, i have seen tons of poseur like you acting rich. You're not something new to me. Good luck in acting rich here. You wont get anything by trying to flame singaporeans. You're just a timid mouse to me acting great here. That's what i called virtual warriors. You seem childish to me. Maybe a kid behind the screen. Your actions prove to me that u're a childish ass by typing such field report. LOL!

It's good that we have some clown or entertainer like you in sammyboy. We wont be so bored because people like u just love to entertain us. Dont they ? haha



Dude, why are you so worked up??

if the story is false, just take it as a pinch of salt and enjoy the good reading which invoked beautiful imagination to you.....

if the story is true, Chrysler is simply paying a premium to buy something more than a Superficial Bonk. He is not trying to belittle singaporean and i dun think he is imposing his own standards on others.

Say, Chrysler, if it's true, care to share how much you earn a year?

02-05-2008, 08:17 AM
Sorry, I'm not rich as ReCaRo79 pointed out, although not for lack of trying... :) I just make enough so I have a comfortable amount of discretionary spending. However, I certainly intend to be suitably well off earlier in my career though.

As to how much I make, it would be a bit crass to point that out right? I just like to have a little fun every now and then.

Feel free to believe the story or not, but it doesnt matter if you do. This is cathartic and fun for me and that's what important. As I said, I am a selfish guy. :p

02-05-2008, 09:17 AM
Good stuff Chrys.

I would love to do what you did. Had a short relationship with a sweet Vietnamese beauty once. It was much like what you mentioned. Only problem after that was the splitting. She's still single and sending birthday, new year, etc wishes after years we are apart. Whether it's me or something else, I feel guilty that she's still single. So, I have decided to keep such things purely commercial to save me the guilt trip and heart breaks.

Since you are a seasoned player, you might have better luck than me.

btw, good style of writing. It's quite a long story but it is easy to read. Much nicer than some of the other threads. Keep up the good work!


02-05-2008, 03:04 PM

love your story, you seem like a true gentleman.


Be Safe
02-05-2008, 03:16 PM
I think we all have to agree alot of stories posted in SBF are false .... for obvious reasons. But then, whether it is true or false, it take time to write them, so for me personally I read them and enjoy the reading and for the work, I still think most should still be rewarded. :)

02-05-2008, 06:46 PM
I think we all have to agree alot of stories posted in SBF are false .... for obvious reasons. But then, whether it is true or false, it take time to write them, so for me personally I read them and enjoy the reading and for the work, I still think most should still be rewarded. :)

And an Amen to that as well. I'm sure Bro Chysler will agree that he did take a healthy dose of dramatic license regarding his adventures, none the less they were pleasurable to read and well written, honestly, who gives a, for the lack of a better term, a "flying fuck" if it appears to be showy?

Its a well written story/account, enjoy it as such, no need to bring in all the moralizing et all.

04-05-2008, 12:28 AM
It's a pretty good write up, thumbs up.
i would say to each of it's own on.

I do have similar scenario like chrysler , sometimes it's something on what we want and feel it in life. i can understand how he goes thru. Too much fake masks in reality world, and suddenly it's like back to one starting point, yet feel the whole twilight feeling (i do ask myself if i'm crazy sometimes)
Rich or not rich, What we spend is what we like. no qualms about it.

Keeping track...

04-05-2008, 08:54 AM
Final installment coming out soon.

Thanks for all the support from those who liked it, and for those who didn't, it'll come to an end this weekend, so thanks for putting up with it.

Writing the last bit.

04-05-2008, 10:05 AM

I must say.. it has been an interesting read. Be it true or not.

However, to each his own. With the $$ or not!

Great story. I dun mind having the excess $$ to spend.


04-05-2008, 12:01 PM

Its still early in the evening. We've just had a comfortable dinner and now I find myself at a loss as to how to proceed. Originally I had an idea in the back of my mind to bring her to Velvet or one of the other clubs but somehow didn't really feel in the mood for clubbing. I ask Ting Ting what she wants to do. She thinks long and hard, but eventually with a shrug, just tells me that whatever I pick should be fine. Admittedly, I'm just a touch surprised that she's not asking for another shopping date.

I've mentioned that I was exhausted but I really didn't want to head to a hotel so early in the evening. Suddenly I have a flash of inspiration. It takes but five minutes by taxi to bring her to the newly renovated cineplex at Cathay. I'm constantly surprised by the lack of crowds at this new movie theater which in my opinion has relatively more comfortable and newer amenities. I wouldn't have known this place at all, except one of my friends rents a place at Penang Rd and he prefers this haunt rather than the more crowded Plaza Singapura. A nice relaxing movie just seems perfect for the occasion.

I check what's playing and surprise surprise, there's something called, "The Warlords." It looked like one of those bigger budget hongkong production and hopefully with Jet Li as the lead it wouldn't be too bad. We buy two tickets, then proceed to the concession stand where I purchase a big bag of popcorn and sodas. We're hardly hungry after the dinner we just had, but what's a movie without popcorn.

The movie turns out to be another typical Jet Li period piece. Over-the-top but with some cool battle scenes. Ting Ting is completely engrossed though. At some points, I see her cringe from a particularly gruesome kill. She even crys a little when one of Jet Li's "brothers" in the movies kills the leading man's love interest towards the end of the film. This girl holds her heart on her sleeve and its just another one of her endearing traits. Although we're full, I can't help but delight in feeding her popcorn. She takes each piece delicately between two fingers and pops it into her mouth. Surprisingly, I'm not tempted to do some of the usual antics that I do in dark enclosed rooms with pretty young girls. I can't bear to bring myself to interrupt her while shes obviously enjoying the film so much.

When the credits roll, I can still see the drying trails of tears on her cheeks. Since Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, it seems that all the grand chinese historical war movies have a tendency to kill off all their main leads in an melodramatic finale. I wipe those wet trails off her face and rest one hand on her cheek. She is such a dear. We wait as the rest of the movie patrons file off before making our way out. I wrap my one arm around her shoulders and hold her close. As we stroll out towards the exit, she excitedly recites out which parts of the movie she liked and really gets into it. Her guileless enthusiasm reminds me why I like Ting Ting so much. I find out that because she used to live in a rural area before moving into the city to work long hours as a factory girl, she only had the chance to see a few movies before.

For the last cab ride of the day, we head towards the Mandarin once more. While waiting for the cab to arrive, I call the hotel in advance to book us the same room. I also request the staff to prepare a bubble bath as well as a bottle of champagne, topped with an order of strawberries and cream. Something about strawberries has always been an aphrodisiac for me. I grin throughout the ride, anticipating the joys of the evening. My fatigue leeches away as the blood rushes to regions below.

This time Ting Ting is much more bolder than her previous trip to the hotel. Once out of the taxi, she runs ahead of me, pass the doorman holding the glass door open, into the main lobby. Turning back towards me, she gives me her trademark pixie grin. This girl knows what's in store for her and boy oh boy is she enthusiastic. The hotel staff who checks me in gives me a little conspiratory grin as I take the keycard from him. "Hope you and your friend have a pleasant stay at the Mandarin", he says with a knowing smile. This time I decline the offer to show me to my room and head towards the elevator banks. As the lift ascends, Ting Ting presses her hands on the glass walls and watches as the view of the main lobby recedes with each floor we pass.

As with previous experiences, the service at the Mandarin is impeccable. Everything is as requested. A chilled bottle of Dom Perignon stands in its silver ice bucket, beside a service tray laden with a plate of strawberries and two small bowls of cream. And what's this? They've even provided a complimentary plate of cut fruits and achocolate fondue. The waft of steam that blows out of the bathroom door promises a warm wet tub of fun! I bring the plate of goodies into the bathroom and set up the adjustable table right next to the tub before turning back to Ting Ting. I can't wait to unwrap my present!

I love a pretty face but beyond that, I find three features of a lady incredibly sexy. A long swan neck, a distinct and well defined collarbone, and dainty gentle hands. Ting Ting has all three and that was part of the reason why she drives me crazy. I take her hand and bring her giggling towards the tub. Her little hand is warm and smooth and looks ever more feminine in my big clumsy paw. I wrap her hand in both of mine and brink it to my lips to give it a light kiss. Such warm hands she has. Well enough of that. With a gleeful chortle, I grab her and start tickling her. She squeals in surprise and tries to run away. I'm having none of that! Soon we collapse onto the ground. We catch our breath on the cold marble floor as the giggles die down.

My face is right infront of her. Her almond shaped eyes are nearly tearing with laughter, her bright red lips open partially. I can't resist. I lunge forward and steal a kiss. Her eyes open wide in surprise initially, then close as she gets in the mood. Finally after what seems the longest moment, I relunctantly remove my lips from her and gaze upon this goddess. My hands move with a mind of their own. I pull the dress off her thin shoulders. Slide it down and down. Soon the dress lies discarded beside us. I bring her up to her feet, not wanting her to be cold on the stone floor. There she stands, in a black bra and matching panties. She looks so small, so defenceless. Her hands are clasped behind her back her face looking down with a little trace of shyness. She doesn't look like a prostitute, just an innocent little girl. I slowly unhook her bra and then she removes the final wrapping herself. I lead her into the bathtub, carefully making sure she doesn't slip on the slick tiles. A small smile slowly forms on her face. The water is at the perfect temperature, the warmth that just stops short of being uncomfortably hot. I keep on holding her hand. We both sink to the ground, her in luxurious warmth of a bubble bath, me in my evening full sleeve shirt and trousers reclining against the bathtub. Our hands gently clasped together are the only thing connecting the two of us. I sit like that for an indefinite amount of time, just content to hear her gentle breathing in the silence.

04-05-2008, 12:03 PM
Some time passes. I dip a finger tentatively into the water. Slowly breaking the surface of the water, I slide my finger to the hollow of her neck. The soap bubbles in the bath stick to my finger as I trace lazy circles along the line of her collarbone, dipping down and encircling the base of her breasts. Slowly moving in smaller and smaller circles, my finger finally hits the tip of her left nipple. Its jutting out, nearly defiantly I note with amusement.

She sits up in the tub and says to me, "Bao bei, wo xian zai zhen de hen shu fu. Xie Xie ni jin tian zhe me zhao gu wo. Ni zhuo liang tian mei lian luo, wo yi wei zai ye bu hui jian dao ni le."

"Wo men hai you duo yi tian. Bu yao dan xing. Wo ming tian yi ding hui zai gen ni jian mian. Dan shi hou tian wo yao zou le." I reply.

"Wo zhi dao," is all she says.

To ease the mood, I dip a small piece of melon into the chocolate and feed it to Ting Ting. I really do love taking care of this girl. She takes a bite but when I try to feed her another piece, she raises her hands in surrender and say she's completely stuffed what with all the food she's consumed that evening. Hmm... well, we still have a small pot of hot chocolate. What should I do with it?

"Hao, dan shi wo men ke bu neng lang fei cao ke li a."
Dipping a finger into the chocolate fondue pot, I coat her right nipple with the gooey confectionary and before she can say anything, I have her nipple in my mouth. Oh its so sweet! "Ni hen huai!" she exclaims. She dips a finger herself into the pot and soon I can feel the warm substance coat my ear before her tongue spreads its all over my lobe. Ahhhh, this is what heaven must be like. :)

I smear chocolate on the tip of her nose, she retaliates by drawing streaks on my cheeks. Two stripes on her neck, invites a line across my forehead. I have no idea what I look like but before long she looks like she's has brown warpaint on her face, neck and upper body. My shirt is ruined with chocolate streaks but I hardly care. I rip it off, and this time I do pull out a button in the rush. My pants are discarded in a similarly hasty manner. I drag her out of the tub and bring her under the shower to wash off the gook. Her laughter rings muscially in my ears. She doesn't care about getting her hair wet this time, and before long, she's reveling in the water cascading down upon the two of us. Feeling frisky, I quickly step out to grab a condom packet from my trouser pocket before returning into the stall.

I take her slowly from behind. She's leaning against the wall, and I enter her from behind. The steam from the hot water rises all around us. Her outstretched hands are planted against the glass partition while mine are resting on her hips. Her long black hair is plastered to her back while her pale smooth skin blushes red in the heat. I push into her as deep as I can, before slowly sliding back out. Once more inside her and then slowly again I withdraw. I keep to the slow rythm, the fire of her body hotter than the water spraying out of the showerhead. She makes little grunts with each stroke in. I bend over her and whisper in her ear, "Xie xie."

She takes one hand off the wall places it on my shaft, sliding it out of her. She turns around presses against me, her firm breasts and stiff nipples resting against my chest, her hand gently stroking my dick. I sigh contentedly. This is what life should be everyday. Facing me, she slides it back into her. Shes like a water sprite, her black hair wet and slick, the water flowing down her tresses, down her body and forming rivelets on her legs. I push against her while she keeps looking at my eyes. We go on like this for an age. Time passes, the only thing we're aware of is the rythmic bursts of ecstasy pulsing up from our nether regions.

My strokes become faster and faster. With a final burst of strength, I lift her up and push deep deep into her. She wraps her legs around my buttocks and pushes back. She has her arms locked around my shoulders and gives me a deep french kiss, her tongue diving into my mouth. Her vagina muscles clench and unclench on my member, and I'm torn between the sensations coming from both ends of my body. I'm no superhuman and don't last long in this situation. Letting out a groan, my seed spills out of me. The strength leeches out together with my cum and I lean listlessly against the partition, Ting Ting sandwiched between. She grinds her hips against mine for a few more strokes. My spent member is in the ultra tender post orgasmatic state and she makes me shudder with the sensations. I kiss her cheek and we disengage. Her face is flushed and I certainly hope that's a testament to my efforts rather than just the effects of the warm water.

She chuckles and grins. "Shuang ba *****-ge. Wo yi jin shuo ni yong yuan bu hui wang ji wo de." I only have the strength to nod my head weakly in agreement. Ting Ting takes a lot out of me. We wash up for real this time, other than a few playful burst of naughtiness when wiping off each other's privates. As we step out of the bathroom, we slide into the silk kimono like bathrobes that the Mandarin provides. Another nice thing I like about this chain over the others is that beside the usual white terry cloth robes that all the other decent hotels provide, the Mandarin also provides a black silk robe which I find much more comfortable. We lounge around the bed, drinking a couple of glasses of the champaign to chill off. I forego the usual rite of shaking the bottle and popping the cork along with the accompany "pop" and outflow of bubbles. The alcohol is sweet enough that Ting Ting doesn't mind the taste. In fact, if I'm not wrong she polishes off 3 refills of her flute glass that night.

We lie under the coverlet, snug and toasty in the cool air-conditioned room. Somehow, the conversation drifts to my life and suprisingly I find myself opening up. I let her know about how lived my life, and what I expect out of it. She lets me talk on and on and I before I know it, I realized I've been blabbering on for quite some time. "Enough about me, I want to know how you're feeling. Have I been treating you alright?" I inquire.

She looks at me with those innocent eyes and gives me a faint kiss on the cheek as an answer. I'm under no false pretenses. I'm know I'm not a good guy. After all, as I've said again and again, I'm paying her to be my companion and she's been more than obliging. However, there's something about that little kiss that just makes me smile with a faint spark of real happiness. After that, we watch a little bit of TV, before sliding off to sleep.


I was never able to keep that promise of bringing her out on Saturday. We had a urgent development back in my office and I had to focus on it during that weekend, working my ass off pulling an all-nighter out of the Singapore office. Before I left, I made the time to meet her face to face one last time. She came down to meet me wearing the same black outfit with the gold chain around her left wrist. I told her I was leaving Singapore.

She was silent for a while and asked softly if I wanted her China number or if I could give her a number where I could be reached. I didn't say anything, and handed her an envelope. In the time I had been with her, I'd spent six thousand odd dollars. Here was the balance of the ten thousand I had planned for my vacation. I'm sure there were smoother ways to give her the money than the clumsy, even some might say insulting timing of my approach but I wanted things to be square between us. Ting Ting had given me some unforgettable memories and I wanted to make sure she didn't come out poorer from the events of the past few days. She didn't open the envelope in my presence, but I'm sure even my innocent lady of the night was able to guess what it was. She turned around then and walked away, her head held up high. Some might scoff that she did so without throwing the envelope back at my face, but really, when it all boils down to it, the last week while memorable was ultimately a business transaction. I would have been disappointed and angrier at myself if she had refused the money. As it was, that money while crass, was a salve on my conscience. Something I could point to to rationalize my guilt, weak excuse though it might be.

Before I started the drive back to my apartment to start packing, I did what I always do at the end of my Singapore trips. I deleted all the smses, snapshots, and phone book entries in my temp phone, took out the new SIM card I purchased upon the start of each of my vacations and snapped it in two. All the memories I needed was safely locked away in my head and I needed no trophies of my brief hedonistic impulses.

04-05-2008, 12:07 PM
Well, finally this tale is done. hope most people who took the time to read this effort of mine were entertained or at least amused by my humble submissions. As ika_tomas pointed out, I've taken dramatic license with some portions but at least we did do all those things that I wrote about believe it or not. That's why the ending is so abrupt, as I did indeed have to cut short my vacation. Hope others will share their experiences as well. To those who are unhappy at some parts or feel this was a waste of their time, please feel free to provide constructive criticism, but if all you want to do is rant and rave... well go ahead and post it too! :D I find everything interesting and this is a free board so be as expressive as you can.

04-05-2008, 02:52 PM
This is one of the better written stories I've ever read. Thanks Chrysler

04-05-2008, 03:13 PM
chrysler, l like ur story, but sumhow ur ending, l dun quite like it. :(

l mean, l tink tere is a better way for the both of u and ting ting to part mah.

04-05-2008, 08:25 PM
Thanks Longwinter but that's how this ended.

This was never a romantic story. Just me having some fun in sunny Singapore.
I don't profess to be any kind of cheongster, most people can convince a girl to share the same time without paying for it given equal means, but I have neither the inclination nor the time. Plus quite honestly, I prefer the girls who are really from rural china. Maybe its an inferiority complex on my part... who knows but I love seeing them light up in the correct setting.

I'll be back in Singapore again soon so I'm planning for another week of fun and games actually. :)

04-05-2008, 10:17 PM
a perfect sexcapade. and with a little heartache to boot! well done bro. truly enjoyable.

04-05-2008, 11:17 PM
Thanks Longwinter but that's how this ended.

This was never a romantic story. Just me having some fun in sunny Singapore.
I don't profess to be any kind of cheongster, most people can convince a girl to share the same time without paying for it given equal means, but I have neither the inclination nor the time. Plus quite honestly, I prefer the girls who are really from rural china. Maybe its an inferiority complex on my part... who knows but I love seeing them light up in the correct setting.

I'll be back in Singapore again soon so I'm planning for another week of fun and games actually. :)

l see, but chrysler bro, dun u feel sad when parting wif ting ting? l mean u had such fun and memorable moments together. Dun u feel anything? Maybe l am more emotional, For me, if l am in ur position, l will find it kinda hard. :(

But l noe la, such things no outcome one. But at least can still stay in contact , be friends mah. :(

Prostate Intact
05-05-2008, 02:36 AM
Dear Chrysler

Some samsters like what you have written while others are less appreciative. I just want to let you know that, real or imaginary, you have a knack for writing. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your encounter with Ting2.

You are a good wordsmith and hope that you will contribute again the next time you buy a new SIM card!

In the meantime, I also hope that Ting2 will get over this epoisode and return to earth(Geylang, actually) and 'get real'.

Gentlemen, the challenge now is for us to have as much fun for a fraction of $10,000. A piece of Equinnox cake, I say.

Happy oystering,
Prostate Intact

05-05-2008, 04:31 AM
Fun is fun, life is life. don't invite too many complications. What would I do if I kept in touch with her other than to invite the risk of discovery?

Plus honestly, she's practically a teenager while I'm in my mid twenties not to mention the cultural differences in background and upbringing. The shine would wear off quick I believe.

Besides, despite my actions, I do appreciate my gf and just think it would be too low even for me to keep in touch with these brief flings. Hey, even us lowlifes have some minimum standards. That's why I would never have an affair, just a string of meaningless encounters. Again back to the point of something being wired wrong within me.

*don't mind these self-deprecating comments. While hypocritical, I just don't understand the comments romanticizing this story. Nothing great about paying for sex. Its just something that's convenient and gets me what I want. :) We're all a bag of contradictions.

05-05-2008, 09:39 AM
Looking forward to read another master piece from you Bro once you put the new SIM card !!!! I like the ending thou.. It is a good way to end and at the back of our head, we wish Ting Ting good luck in her endeveaour in SG.

Si Geena
05-05-2008, 01:50 PM
It's a good way to end. There's no complicated "What ifs?" There's no way to find out. It's as good as that.

And I also agree that giving money is expedient, compared to emotional ties. There's a soft spot for the sweet ones, it's hard not to have. If I only need to pay 1-2 k to salve my conscience and start all over, that's not a bad transaction at all.

So are there more tales we can look forward to? Perhaps back in your stomping ground?

05-05-2008, 03:38 PM
Agree with most of what you've said so far bro.

At the end of the day it's still a commercial transaction, and a purchasing a bit of an "illusion" in the end. Great story, throughly enjoyed reading it. :D

06-05-2008, 02:24 PM
Hi Chrysler,

An excellent piece of writing and a wonderful read. Thanks for the pleasure you have provided.

12-05-2008, 05:52 AM
Moving on to a quick story on my short trip to Beijing, China.
Will be much shorter than the first story.

12-05-2008, 11:23 PM
Bro Chrysler,

One of the most captivating and well written stories i've read. The fluent English really brought the story to life and i can see why you are doing so well in your career.

Hope to have more stories from you.


26-05-2008, 05:31 PM
Title: Best Friends

I confess. I broke my own rules for playing in Singapore. Not just one but a whole string of them. Guess I'm not as smart as I thought I once was.

On my latest trip to Singapore, I ran across one of my old PRC flings from a year ago still standing along the streets of Geylang. Let's call her XiaXue (I don't care much for the blogger, always thought she looked too old but that's neither here nor there). She had changed much in the space of a year. She was no longer the sweet naive girl, hesitant and uncertain in her first trip out of her hometown in China. Gone was the straight black hair and the plain blouses and short skirts. She used to apply minimal make-up and quite honestly, it was her youthful simplicity that had drawn me to her previously.

Now she was one of the Darlene hundred dollar girls, sporting highlighted curly tresses and wearing a strapless see through one piece where you could practically trace out the panty and bra lines. Her face was practically caked with foundation and she was smoking, a habit which she must have picked up recently as she had previously refused smokes in our last encounter. I honestly did not recognize her at all, but she definitely did me.

"Ah! *****-ger!" I heard this voice call my name as I was crossing the Lorong.

To say I was surprised would be an understatement. As someone who values his privacy and reputation, the very last thing you want to hear while prowling the redlight district is a shout of recognition. I turned my head in dread, fearing that it would be someone I knew within my social circle, already cursing the unknown person for being so indiscreet. I didn't recognize XiaXue at first. As I have mentioned, she had undergone quite a transformation. When she ran over to me, her large bosoms heaving on her small frame, I was a little confused.

"*****-ger, shi wo, Xiaxue," she announced, clinging onto my arm, "ji de wo ma?"

Her voice finally triggered my memory. I breathed a sigh of relief as I realized who it was. "Xia Xue, hao jiu mei jian. Ni you lai xin jia po le?"

"Yes!" she enthusiastically replied. "Mei you xiang dao hui you jian dao ni!" One thing that had not changed was her endearing enthusiasm. She was practically like a kid who had just discovered a candy treat. As you can guess, I treat all my ladies right, and not all of them part with me on poor terms like Ting Ting. XiaXue was one who had enjoyed the fun times and understood my limitations. She was practically jiggling with excitement and her hands were all over me, as if making sure it really was me. Some of her "sisters" looked at me curiously, wondering what all the fuss was about. XiaXue's boistrous greeting was starting to draw attention with other strollers peering at the commotion and I quickly guided her towards the Hotel 81 nearby where we would be less conspicuous.

A little shorter and not the best place for a break, but this is just a preface to the story. Check back in a couple of days for more. Comments are always welcome, good or bad.

26-05-2008, 05:47 PM
Able 2 recognize u mean sumting 2 her mah.;) Hey not every gal behaved so enthusiastic when c familiar faces, tends 2 b more discreet juz in case e old clients choose not 2 c them.:p

27-05-2008, 12:41 AM
Chrysler Bro,

Great great write ups you have right here in this thread. A renown author-to-be and definitely a true gentlemen others ought to learn from. Besides your paid sexcapade, every single move you did to pamperize the PRC is pure elegance. I appreciates every single word you've sincerely typed out for us readers here to enjoy. I myself have also learnt & picked up a thing or two after completing your masterpiece. It's something people like "ReCaRo" would never understands. It's people like you that let others realised that in life there is still a glimmer of hope and that there is still people who treats humans like humans. And one thing for sure you definitely knows how to make full use of your money and the commercial services provided. ;) It's friends like you that teaches us (the less experienced) the finer side of life. Anyway x10 THUMBS UP & x3 REPUTATION POINTS for your life experiences. EVEN if its an imaginary write-up i'm buying that lie for good. I'm definitely pitching my tent here and setting up campfire for your upcoming stories!! :cool: Way to go bro. CHEEROS!!

27-05-2008, 11:05 AM
hi bro chrysler,

just like to ask a q re: the prev story on tingting.

if u were not going to keep in contact with her, why give her the parting gift of $ 3k ? unless of cos u r very rich, but even so , surely that money could be put to better use?

btw, great story, i really enjoy the story & the moral behind it, keep it up!
glued to yr thread now! :D

27-05-2008, 04:34 PM
Continuation of the Preface

Here I was in a slight spot of indecision. Xiaxue had been a great previous encounter. In my time with her, I recalled that she was bright, cheery and enthusiastic. A joy to be with. True, she had a slight temper that could flare off suddenly, but hey, a little bit of spice always adds to the fun right? Still, I would be breaking my own cardinal rule of never prolonging a fling beyond one week if she became my companion for this trip.

"*****-ger, ni bu kai xing you kan dao wo ma?" she asked plaintively sensing my hesitation. Her face crumpled. Call me a pushover but I just can't stand seeing my girls unhappy. "Whatever gave you that idea? I'm just surprised to see you here again. Ni bian de gen mei le! Wo men shang qu ba," I took her hand and led her into the Hotel 81. With this careless act, I had just broken one of the rules that had protected me during all my previous escapades. The first crack was made that would bring my castle of cards crumbling down.

I booked a room, passing two ten dollar bills to the malay lady behind the counter. After signing the checkin-form and her swiping my driver's license, I received the room keys. We took the elevator up to the fifth room. As the lift made its slow mechanical way up, I peered over at XiaXue. Her big oval eyes stared back at me...

"Umm...," in an unusual circumstance for me, I found myself at a complete loss of words, I tried to think of something to say. I know I've mentioned it, but the change in her was like night and day. The sweet little girl had changed into a worldly vamp and that was throwing me off my game. Plus having this delight from my past suddenly popping out of nowhere wasn't helping matters.

She suddenly stepped towards me and hugged me tight. "*****-ger, wo hao xiang nian ni le. Wo zai geng ni zai yi qi de shi hou zhen de hen kai xing. Ke shi ru guo ni bu yao wo le wo ye ke yi li jie. Na shi hou ni yi jing ming ming suo ni zai ye bu hui lai zao wo le."

I'm usually a callous guy but come on, who can resist a line like that? Even though a voice at the back of my head whispered a warning that this could be a manipulative act, her open display of uncertainty still pulled a little at my heart strings. I hugged her back and reassured her that this week I would be hers too.

I didn't know it at that time, but I had just stepped on a road leading to deeds I would not be proud of. Perhaps if I had known what would happen, I could have gotten the hell out of there, but then again, maybe I wouldn't. I just don't know.

27-05-2008, 04:36 PM
Chrysler Bro,

Great great write ups you have right here in this thread. A renown author-to-be and definitely a true gentlemen others ought to learn from. Besides your paid sexcapade, every single move you did to pamperize the PRC is pure elegance. I appreciates every single word you've sincerely typed out for us readers here to enjoy. I myself have also learnt & picked up a thing or two after completing your masterpiece. It's something people like "ReCaRo" would never understands. It's people like you that let others realised that in life there is still a glimmer of hope and that there is still people who treats humans like humans. And one thing for sure you definitely knows how to make full use of your money and the commercial services provided. ;) It's friends like you that teaches us (the less experienced) the finer side of life. Anyway x10 THUMBS UP & x3 REPUTATION POINTS for your life experiences. EVEN if its an imaginary write-up i'm buying that lie for good. I'm definitely pitching my tent here and setting up campfire for your upcoming stories!! :cool: Way to go bro. CHEEROS!!

Friend, i'm thankful for your enthusiastic support, but I've done nothing to be proud of, just having some fun. And look where the fun got me this time round... read on to see how the story unfolds...

27-05-2008, 06:18 PM
It is quite amazing that I didn't get to read your interesting thread till today; I would browse SBF almost daily...

Nice stories..

Some candies for you once my rep power regains.


11-11-2008, 07:24 AM
Wow, its been a busy few months. So many things have changed, yet much has remained the same. Times are finally turning hard even for my industry, and I'm seeing colleagues and friends being laid off.

I guess writing this is carthartic in its own way and hope the gents who have enjoyed the previous posts would like to share their comments. It makes everything seem simple and clear when you commit circumstances to paper. Gives a fresh perspective one might say.

Well, the girlfriend is finally gone. Can't say I really blame her. No, she didn't find out about the flings but rather, we've been steadily growing apart. Work has kept me busy and I haven't exactly been maintaining my "spontaneously fun" facade consistently. Still friends and parting on the best of terms, but the passion that used to be has pretty much cooled.

Bastard that I am, I'm still "jiao da liang chuan". or San chuan to be precise :)
Two korean ladies and one American (Lithuanian but she's 2nd generation). Sometimes, i really wonder if I have gone mad, especially now that i've even broken my own rules of not shitting where I live. I'm in my late 20s and I guess I'll have to change once I hit the big 30.

Hope the rest of you gents are having good times as well.

11-11-2008, 02:29 PM
Bro Chysler

There will be naysayers no matter how you tell your story. You cannot make everyone happy. :-)

Your posts are very well written and partly because they are based on true stories from your own life.

I, for one, enjoy them and have learnt a bit more about how the game is played. In your case, since you have the means, who are we to tell you how to live your life.

Singapore is a f***ed enough place already without the holier-than-thou hypocritical veneer of civility and morality when in reality we place money in front of all else. We are all working gals/guys in one way or the other. Most work for bosses and get shafted day-in-day out metaphorically for that monthly paycheck.

Enjoy your own life and thanks for sharing and allowing some of us some voyeuristic joy from reading your stories!

31-05-2009, 06:34 PM
Well, back to this thread after a long hiatus, here's a little more recollection. Enjoy!

The Beginning

It's been a while since I last posted here, but thought I share a few of my adventures as I can't sleep anyway. Where should I start...? Why not right from the beginning then. I'd like to talk about the very first paid encounter I have ever had. Who knows, perhaps putting these recollections on paper (electronic bits in this case) will help me better understand myself.

I had just started out with this company and had only been with them for a couple of months. There was significant travel involved and they would fly me out to different cities to meet with clients or representatives from our satellite offices. Accommodations were always first class, and I became no stranger to chain hotels such as the Ritz, Four Seasons, and the different Hyatts... I had a nice girlfriend who treated me well, and we had been going out for a few years. I was happy, had a challenging job, and was well-compensated for my efforts. In short, life was good.

I'm not a flashy kind of guy, my favorite hobbies were reading a good book, maybe exploring interesting new restaurants or occasionally going for a little hiking, nothing spectacular or grand. My girlfriend was a little more active than me, and would drag me to the clubs occasionally, but she respected my space and wouldn't press the issue too hard if I was feeling lazy... I was in love with her and I hoped she was with me. However, my simple staid life all changed on that faithful trip to San Francisco.

It started out the same as any other business trip. A hard day's work concluded, I look forward to getting in touch with a few friends to meet up that evening. Before heading up to the room to change, I stepped into the lobby lounge to grab a quick light refreshment.

There she was.

Before I describe her, I just want to say in advance that the streets of San-Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, and dozens of major cities in the US are awash with beautiful women. You have aspiring actresses, models, party girls, socialites etc... that throng every metropolis looking for their big break. Pretty girls are a dime a dozen.

YET, there was something about this vision, something about this angel who was seated, no poised, on one of the sitting chairs in the lounge, that gave her a standout glow of her own. She had long flowing golden tresses that perfectly framed her face, from which two green as sapphire eyes gazed imperiously around. Even sitting down, you could tell that she was in fabulous shape, the simple dark cocktail dress hugging her svelte figure and showing off her long legs to best advantage. A simple thin strand of pearls adorned her swan-like neck, accentuating the sharp line of her collarbone and drawing attention to her shapely bared shoulders.

I did something I have never done before. I stopped short and simply gawked at her. Now, people who have read my other stories may think that I'm easily impressed by beautiful women, but up till that point in my life, they had never had such an impact on me. Sure, I've admired some especially attractive lady as they pass but it was like appreciating good weather: a brief happy sensation that was as fleeting as it was enjoyable. This was a visceral physical sensation. I completely froze for a few seconds. Luckily, the lovely lady in black didn't notice my faux pas and I recovered sufficiently to get my ass into a seat that afforded me a view of this goddess.

I'm not very proud of what I did next. Like a socially awkward teenager, I kept on stealing glances of her while pretending to read the small cocktail/snacks menu. An attractive waitress took my drink order but I barely noticed her. My full attention was on HER.

She was apparently waiting for somebody. She would glance impatiently at her watch, drum her fingers, and glance back at the watch again. Inside my head, I wondered what kind of idiot would let a creature like that wait. Heck, if it was me, I would be at her beck and call twenty four seven. She let out a final sigh, then gestured at a hovering waiter for the check. Watching her bosom heave with the sigh, I nearly let one of my own escape... I don't know what I was thinking, but hey nothing ventured nothing gained right. Gathering my wits about me, I got off my ass and made those fated steps towards her...

<To Be Continued>

31-05-2009, 08:33 PM
Welcome back!!
Love your simple-to-read style of writing. Some say pictures paint a thousand words but with your words, no picture is needed to relive the stories.

Keep the stories flowing! Thanks!! :D

01-06-2009, 10:36 AM
Eloquent. Please continue.

01-06-2009, 02:43 PM
Welcome back to the thread. Looking forward to read more from you.

01-06-2009, 03:52 PM
Welcome back. Have enjoyed your posts, :D

01-06-2009, 03:58 PM
A really good story dude. Somehow,I can identify with your feelings about Ting Ting. Just gotta love those cute and dainty girls.If only Ting Ting wasn't a prostitute.Sometimes the best girls out there are doing the worse jobs,sad fact of life.
I'm a student in a boys' school and I can't wait to get out of here into the real world.
Girls,and more girls!


01-06-2009, 04:04 PM
yeah welcome back, your posts are a delight to read and behold.

01-06-2009, 04:36 PM
great story bro. its nice to know tat there r still men who treat FLs like princesses. although it is no doubt still a transaction, but guess it would be a welcome change for them instead of the usual sex trading. i must say that its clever of u to make it clear to the girls at the start lest they fell too deep into their own illusions.

camping here for more stories.

01-06-2009, 08:34 PM
To the threadstarter Chrysler again, i have seen tons of poseur like you acting rich. You're not something new to me. Good luck in acting rich here. You wont get anything by trying to flame singaporeans. You're just a timid mouse to me acting great here. That's what i called virtual warriors. You seem childish to me. Maybe a kid behind the screen. Your actions prove to me that u're a childish ass by typing such field report. LOL!

It's good that we have some clown or entertainer like you in sammyboy. We wont be so bored because people like u just love to entertain us. Dont they ? haha



hey you are the loser man, if i were rich i also will spend like him.

although i earn a average salary of around 3-4k a per month. i still tip whenever i can

You are just cheapskate

04-06-2009, 03:49 PM
Part II

I won't even try to pretend that I'm a smooth operator. My mouth was dry, and I felt like sweating buckets. "Umm... hi, I couldn't help but notice that you're waiting for someone. I'm waiting for a friend too (best lie I could think up of at short notice). Do you mind if I buy you a drink?"

For those groaning, yes, I know that was superweak... I never professed to be a modern day lothario and the fact that she was so gorgeous was leaving me tongue-tied. She looked at me and those fabulous green eyes gave me the quick once-over. I was wearing my standard office suit, and couldn't help but nervously fiddle with the knot of my tie and wish I had something more snazzier on. She hesitated a little then replied, "well, I think my friend just stood me up, I'm about to leave..."

Here it goes, balls to the wall and all that jazz. "I'm sorry, I'm sure you're in a rush, but I just wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I let you step out of my life without trying to get your name or a phone number?"

She blinked. Her eyes widened a little with surprise, then a small smile crept unto her face. A ray of sunlight seem to shining through the clouds. Could it be that such a cheesy pick-up line would work on her? However, her next words struck an icicle in my heart. "That's sweet, but I'm sorry, I really need to go. Maybe I'll see you around." With that dismissal, she elegantly pivoted and walked towards the main entrance. If you had seen my face then, you would have thought a close friend had died. I slumped back into my chair. Never in my life had I ever randomly asked a girl for her phone number before; always thought it was crass as hell and beneath me. Well, at that point, I promised myself I never would do so again. Just as I was berating myself for being such a complete idiot, I noticed that a figure was looming over me. A miracle had occurred! The angel had returned!

She sat down across from me and as she gracefully lowered herself onto the plush seat, I could detect the faint aroma of her perfume. Nothing strong or heady, just the slightest trace of lavender and lilacs. Giving me a tight small smile, she opened her mouth and the words that came out were definitely not what I expected... "Let me just be upfront with you. I'm an escort and my appointment is now a no-show. How would you like to have a night out on the town with me. You pretty much made it clear that you're attracted to me."

My jaw dropped. This was about the last thing that I expected to hear from the mouth of this heavenly creature. Like I said, I had never ever been in the pay-to-play scene before and I thought this was straight out of some badly directed movie. I was about to angrily dismiss her for a whore, but then something stopped me before those hurtful words came rushing out of me. Here was a lovely girl who was basically offering to be me and mine for the evening. True, it wasn't out of affection or attraction, and underlying the rosy veneer of her companionship was the reality that it was a cold monetary transaction. Still... you had to be there to know the dilemma I was in. She was not only beautiful physically, but she had a certain presence, a certain élan that allowed her to say those unpleasant words yet retain her haughty manner, as if by offering to be my paid date, she was doing me a favor. She sensed my hesitation. "Maybe I was mistaken about you. I'm usually more discreet but you're the one who came on so strong. Well, have a nice..."

"How much if you don't mind me asking," I interrupted.

She looked slightly offended as if I could put a price on her company, and I wondered if I had broken some unwritten rule of soliciting an escort. Was I suppose to know the price already? And then she said those memorable lines, "Honey, if you have to ask, you can't afford it." She stood up about to leave. I grabbed her hand. Wow, her little dainty fingers were swallowed by my much larger palm and I reveled in the warm gentle heat of her palm.

"Wait, sorry, didn't mean to upset you, I'm just new to this," I confessed. She sat back down. In a soft lilting voice, "don't get too nervous, I only approached you because you were sweet, but seriously, I was planning to work tonight but who say's we can't mix a little fun with work." She gave me an impish grin. At this point, I was completely hooked. Thoughts of my poor girlfriend a thousand miles away were the last thing in my mind. I also didn't know how much this would set me back, but then again, money seem so meaningless in the face of such a flawless creation from gods themselves.

Her name she said was Alison, although in due course I would learn her real name. I was starting to feel the need to assert myself a little though. Throughout the whole "introduction" she had taken the lead. Now was the chance to take the initiative required by my male ego. "I don't know about you, but I'm starving. Want to grab a bite to eat?" I asked her. "Sure, why not." I fell back to established patterns. Flying out repeatedly to San Francisco, at least I knew a little about where to go for some nice ambience. We had the doorman flag the cab for us, and I couldn't help noticing out of the corner of my eye the envious glare he shot my way after appraising my lady friend. Apparently, my mistress of the evening perked his fancy too.

We arrived at a nice little restaurant, "La Folie." Swine that I was, I had been scoping the place out as a romantic destination in case the girlfriend ever made it down to San Francisco with me, but today, it would be the first stop in a titillating evening of fun and games. Something about French restaurants and beautiful women, they always seem to go so well together. In her black cocktail dress and elegantly coiffed hair, she looked like a seamless part of the restaurant, blending in flawlessly with the immaculate white linen and deep burgundy decor. Every time her emerald green eyes sparkled by way, I would feel weak in the knees.

That dinner was one of the best meals I ever had in my life. Over the five course tasting menu with matching wines, the dinner conversation spanned from life in San Francisco, my days in the army, her work teaching kids (she was apparently a school-teacher when she wasn't moon-lighting), life in college, anything and everything. She was a remarkable conversationalist, and not to be outdone, I poured on the charm. Every time I made her laugh drove a jolt of elation, every shared story led me to understand a little more about her. Thinking back to that evening now, wiser and more experienced, I don't know how much of it was her professionalism and how much was her genuine enjoyment, but I do hope I provided some of the latter as she was a true delight to me.

Before we knew it, the restaurant was empty and while the service staff were excellently discreet, it felt politic to call for the check. Walking out into the fresh air, she looked ever more radiant under the faint moonlight that cupid had provided for the evening. I know I might be recollecting with a rose-colored view of events, but I want to drive the point across that she was a divine creature. I have never since then, met a more beautiful woman and she still brings a slight ache of craving when I recall the times we shared.

But I digress. The evening was still young at 11pm. "You up for more? Let me know if you can't keep up!" Apparently she wanted to hit a club nearby. While the night's meal rested comfortably in my stomach, I couldn't afford to reveal a hint of weakness and agreed wholeheartedly that after dinner entertainment was a must. The next two hours were surreal. We arrived at a club where apparently she knew everyone and everyone knew her. She joked with the bouncer and gave him a light kiss on the cheek when he let us in. I would have smacked him one if it weren't for the fact that he was black and probably had a hundred pounds over me...

Inside, it was one of those clubs with a kaleidoscope of multi-colored dim lighting and heavy thumping music. Definitely not my scene, but in such company, how could I complain? We danced, we drank, she screamed, I shouted... in truth, that part of the evening is a little bit of a blur to me. Suffice to say, when we stumbled our way out, I was completely inebriated. Alison had also steadily gone wilder inside the club and towards the end, we were actually making out like a couple of drunk teenagers, which in our current state, was a pretty accurate description. The caress of her lips, her silky smooth skin, her hot little breaths were all driving me insane with lust!

Luckily we managed to flag a cab quickly and make it back to the hotel. Throughout the ride, we had to endure the cab driver's disapproving harrumphs as we continued our mutual exploration in his backseat. This night was already one of those best evenings I had in a long, long time, but it was about to get even better!

<To be continued>

04-06-2009, 03:51 PM
I hope you can tolerate the wordiness. The good parts I promised will be in the next part. Its actually been fun to write!

05-06-2009, 03:45 AM
Are you chinese?

05-06-2009, 08:07 AM
I feel for you, bro. Once you start, you just can't stop, can you?

05-06-2009, 04:19 PM
Bro, when i grow up.. I want to be like u...


24-09-2009, 06:41 AM
No more? :(

24-09-2009, 07:09 AM
great stories bro.. very well written.

24-09-2009, 08:55 AM
Reading your stories is a delight. Thanks for sharing.

29-03-2010, 09:52 PM
Its been a while since I checked back on this thread....
Maybe will try to continue although recently been a lot more laid back. ;)

30-03-2010, 01:14 AM
hi bro chrysler

great story with tingting, not juz the sex part but the whole flow.....i feel sad at the part...haha tats juz me...

30-03-2010, 04:31 PM
Bro Chrysler

Do carry on with your stories, sexual or not, they are a darn good read.

They way you write, the elaborated descriptions of your emotions while you are out 'playing' draws me into your world for that brief brief moment.

Do come back with more stories!

07-09-2011, 12:19 AM
Wow, has it been 5 years already? I've grown older that's for sure. No longer part of the mongering scene unfortunately. Things have changed so much but brings back such nostalgic memories.

Nothing to be proud of but those were indeed the days.

07-09-2011, 12:33 AM
Rereading the stories written three years ago, I realize I sound like such a pretentious douche. I hope I've changed. :D

07-09-2011, 12:44 AM
No more stories? Im camping!

15-04-2017, 08:14 PM
Wow, its been 8 years since I started this thread. So many things have happened since then and rereading these posts makes me so nostalgic.

Will try to write something more recent so can look back on it after another decade. Lol

15-04-2017, 09:05 PM
Wow, its been 8 years since I started this thread. So many things have happened since then and rereading these posts makes me so nostalgic.

Will try to write something more recent so can look back on it after another decade. Lol

Welcome back bro :)

15-04-2017, 11:24 PM
Maybe can restart the good times TS?

15-04-2017, 11:34 PM
Maybe can restart the good times TS?

Yes, please restart

22-04-2017, 01:14 AM
In the space of a decade, we grow a little bit older, a little bit wiser, a little less carefree and a little more cautious. Now, I have a girlfriend I love and cherish and wouldn't want to hurt for all the money in the world, yet the distance between us in our long distance relationship makes me search for some extra spice every now and then. I feel guilty but accept that this is who I am. Not a good person maybe, but just a man with a sickness for affection.

Gone are they hedonistic days of spending thousands on playing out a scene straight out of "Pretty Women." In the 20s I was a dreamer, using money to create a fantasy of romance and adventure. Now I just found myself needing a pretty face every now and then, a svelte warm body lying next to me.

I was stationed back in Singapore a while back. The country was no longer the playground I vacationed to once or twice a year to collect memories, but the home I found to love and enjoy. After years of abstinence in which I haven't even thought of the pay to play scene, I found myself to again drawn to the seedier side of life. It all arose from a period of boredom. The girlfriend I adored was in a busy point in her career and we couldn't find the time to link up as often as we used to, and the distance of a few thousand miles between our cities sometimes felt more than the few hours of flight time it acutally was.

A little browsing, a few smses, and that's how I found myself in a small studio condo near little India, visiting a thai girl name "Pom".

Now other than a short little trip to Thailand, I've never had the pleasure to really know any thai girls. In my younger days, it was always paramount that I could joke or converse with the girls and the fact that I had no fluency in thai or vietnamese usually deterred me from engaging with Viet or thai-bus. I make my living with words so it really pains me if I engage someone who I can only communicate with gestures. However gone were the days when the streets of Lorong 8 and 10 would be filled with Chinese SYTs you could pick and choose, the 10s of girls huddled in the Darlene Hotel car park, dressed to the nines. Well beggers couldn't be choosers and I hoped Pom could speak English well.

After the necessary song and dance with the operator, I pressed the doorbell of the unit I was finally directed to and the door opened onto a little piece of heaven.

(to be continued...)

03-12-2018, 05:29 PM
Very nice write up. Professional indeed.

04-12-2018, 11:41 AM
TS, thank you for such a nice happening thread.

Reading this brings me plenty of similar experience.

04-12-2018, 05:39 PM
Thanks TS, brings back memories …. those were the days.

04-12-2018, 08:51 PM
Nice update TS, do continue soon :)