View Full Version : The Behind Confess after PT gone

03-11-2021, 10:58 AM
Sine PT has gone down history, nothing is secret anymore. Any confess or stories with the WLs. Start from myself:

I did few times raw each with H22R7 Sally and H22R9 Xiaowei. Not to mention how much effort i put in them to have such feel to allow this. :D:D

05-11-2021, 08:49 AM
I do know some of the WLs doing tarma.. H22 is one of them but its very discrete.

06-11-2021, 11:46 AM
My first raw was a sw opp of Jac at H7 second floor. Beautiful but worked short period of time.

After bbbj, she so horny and began to ride me. I creampie her at missionary.

MJ was the second sw allowed me to raw. Shot outside her after doggy.

06-11-2021, 05:34 PM
Brother! R u referring to Kathy? After she quit the scene I kind of find a WL over at JB, Ocean's hotel looked like her. She might have change her name. I had a feelings that 2 customs, Woodlands and Tuas reopen in the second week of Jan 2022.

A "medical" mother of all question. Did we reopen bothers too early?

06-11-2021, 05:40 PM
Shared with u guys. An old friend's son is Dec NS intake. He received letter informing him he is given extension of 5 mths. It come a shock because he wish to do his NS fast and continue in further study.

Why and what happen? I guess Mindef is ask to prepare for an increase in cases, and if it is bad. A need of army camps as isolation ctrs. We have return to CB 2020.

We are not out of the woods yet.

06-11-2021, 09:20 PM
My first raw was a sw opp of Jac at H7 second floor. Beautiful but worked short period of time.

After bbbj, she so horny and began to ride me. I creampie her at missionary.

MJ was the second sw allowed me to raw. Shot outside her after doggy.

who is MJ?:confused:

07-11-2021, 09:41 AM
who is MJ?:confused:

MJ is old bird previpsuly 150 gl. export to pt at 50 per shot. she is considered quite young among the rest I also did sally raw. cim , cip and cia too.

07-11-2021, 02:24 PM
Miss MJ. Value session with her. Pretty and Frenching provided. During her short days u have to travel there during weekdays. Always command a Q. She hang a Mickey mouse toy behind her door.

After she left the room was taken over by Miss FY. A truly legend. To all the girls we fucked, may all be happy and healthy. Counting down to year end.

07-11-2021, 04:44 PM
MJ is old bird previpsuly 150 gl. export to pt at 50 per shot. she is considered quite young among the rest I also did sally raw. cim , cip and cia too.

CIA???? CIP????

07-11-2021, 11:02 PM
CIA???? CIP????

yea cip and cia!

08-11-2021, 07:52 AM
Brother! R u referring to Kathy? After she quit the scene I kind of find a WL over at JB, Ocean's hotel looked like her. She might have change her name. I had a feelings that 2 customs, Woodlands and Tuas reopen in the second week of Jan 2022.

A "medical" mother of all question. Did we reopen bothers too early?

Not Kathy.

This sw only worked short period of time.

Kathy worked very long since my NS time till 2010s. I coming to 50.

08-11-2021, 08:06 PM
yea cip and cia!

i dont know what is that?

09-11-2021, 12:07 AM
Not Kathy.

This sw only worked short period of time.

Kathy worked very long since my NS time till 2010s. I coming to 50.

Couldnt remember her name and yes, she is only there for a few months after a complaint lodge against her n lic being revoked then cut card n back malaysia immediately.

09-11-2021, 11:07 AM
Memory flash back to 8 yrs ago. H7 L2. We have an old thread on this. U have to activate it to see the old threads. Members also talked about the 4 faced Buddha in the open area. The place where resting WLs had their meals, and do washing of clothing.

A period of time ex GL WL, Ann was in one of the room on this level. 2 yrs later this stretch was closed down, and all girls relocate to the other lane. Alot of girls to talk about rolling good times. Not to forget, Evon and Mun Mun. Catherine and Kid.

I missed them. I move on in the new normal.

09-11-2021, 03:36 PM
Miss Janet from h12. Had my first aj experience with her and i KO within a couple of mins. Still remember that time her naked butt was facing me when she was hanging her towel. I took a quick hug from behind and rubbed my D on her butt. Told her so shiok i feel like poking into it. Didnt expect her reply to be (in mandarin) "u want to poke then later let u poke lor".

Wonder how is she now..

13-11-2021, 02:51 PM
i dont know what is that?

Cum In Pussy and Cum In Ass

13-11-2021, 03:35 PM
Cum In Pussy and Cum In Ass

H22 sally do anal???

14-11-2021, 03:13 PM
H22 sally do anal???

of cos pls read the past posts

18-01-2022, 06:45 AM
Had raw with Pat & Sally. Tried to do the same with maggie H22 but she outright refused.

18-01-2022, 05:53 PM
Had raw with Pat & Sally. Tried to do the same with maggie H22 but she outright refused.

I tried RAW with Sally too.. feel awesome... didn't know Pat allow RAW also.
As for Maggie.. no point as she is not that adventurous and more like a dead fish.

19-01-2022, 09:45 AM
I tried RAW with Sally too.. feel awesome... didn't know Pat allow RAW also.
As for Maggie.. no point as she is not that adventurous and more like a dead fish.

Maggie was one of my favorites actually, her BBBJ IMO is one of the better ones beside Mun Mun.

Not sure why but Mun Mun's service dropped alot after she moved to H26. Previously at H2 I used to go to her all the time. BBBJ in all positions.

Pat initially was reluctant with raw during the pussy grinding but after a while she just gave in. Raw with Pat was so much better than raw with Sally. Sally's pussy dont know why but abit tight/shallow, not that nice to fuck.

19-01-2022, 10:06 AM
Maggie was one of my favorites actually, her BBBJ IMO is one of the better ones beside Mun Mun.

Not sure why but Mun Mun's service dropped alot after she moved to H26. Previously at H2 I used to go to her all the time. BBBJ in all positions.

Pat initially was reluctant with raw during the pussy grinding but after a while, she just gave in. Raw with Pat was so much better than raw with Sally. Sally's pussy don't know why but abit tight/shallow, not that nice to fuck.

haha sally was wild enough although faking but her responses somehow help in the ambiance. Pat i havent yet try, it's a pity!

MunMun was goooood, She moved from H2 to H22. As for Maggie, I find she quite a dead fish when bonking no matter how deep I thrust haha. Maggie's BBBJ above average. but no much body reactions when bonking.. dead fish!!!

19-01-2022, 10:10 AM
join the PT Chat:


19-01-2022, 10:20 AM
Cum In Ass

You should have said CIA is Cum in Armpit. Maybe some guys will believe and it will start a new trend. :p:D:D

19-01-2022, 12:30 PM
Join the PT Chat:


07-06-2022, 02:39 PM

(.)(.) lover
09-06-2022, 12:30 PM
I think Ann the big boob offer raw. There was once when she was washing me after session say lately fatter as pop too much contraceptive.

In my mind, was she hinting me she provide raw but I not taking the risk and pretend never hear.

10-06-2022, 09:24 AM
I think Ann the big boob offer raw. There was once when she was washing me after session say lately fatter as pop too much contraceptive.

In my mind, was she hinting me she provide raw but I not taking the risk and pretend never hear.

Actually they take contraceptive another reason is to stop menstruation. This is my PT regular told me before.

10-06-2022, 12:58 PM
Actually they take contraceptive another reason is to stop menstruation. This is my PT regular told me before.

Yes to stop code red from coming.

10-06-2022, 02:59 PM
3 yrs into official RLDs shuts down. It will back in business. Not any time soon. I remember 10 yrs ago. Is in this thread. We were talking of ex Pat aka Lady Macbeth. What about her?

She was 1 ex ang pai of a HC. Age caught up and, she relocated into PT brothel. Her days there she called $40, & command a q. I remember I too join the q & okt told me to wait outside. Do not obstruct the walkway. Soon the roll of the house taken back by URA? The girls moved into the opposite brothel. Ex H16.

This was competition. Pat has to work over the weekend. The time of I wanted her, I have to apply leaves. She don't operated over weekend & PH. Many girls too. The most popular was Ex Vivi. I recalled during her times she seldom open the door. Couple of times I saw her customers. Booking no doubt!

Unoffical RLDs in HC. Alot of shops and shopping malls. A % of FLs will be given licences to operate in legal brothels when green light is given. This is the road map of Spore commercial sex.

When the days arrived we will know where. PT is history. Desker brothel could be the next value added sex service. Of course AV will not allow LB and ex HC girls to be house in the same shops.

11-06-2022, 09:16 AM
Fri Night C8 Frontline. The producers and the 2 ex NMP who r in charged of National disease centre tried their best to warn against Monkey pox. This is a country of censor ships. Members who knew how to down load last night Frontline please do so.

The message is Money pox transmit is the style of HIV. Both dr said the same. If a husband got hit, his closed contact to his wife. They stop b4 the word SEX. Not to worry of holding hands unless we got cuts on our fingers.

The dr dicourage against travelling on sex tours. Pls focus on this Frontline. It saved our lifes. Till a cure is found. We are stuck in this pickle!

17-06-2022, 09:46 AM
Next Mth is the hungry ghosts festival. Although official RLD shuts down past 3 yrs. The un offical 1 in business. The owners and FLs must be prepare for slow down. This is the country of traditional and beliefts.

Include PR and new citizens who are free thinkers. Avoid doing things just 1 mth only. RLD is 1 industry that will see slow down. 2 more my friends. Properties and reno industry.

Many more. Find out your selfs.

17-06-2022, 09:53 AM
Members who spend $ at HC and pubs. Is popular over in OT threads. A conversation that capture a popular FL, PRC Tang Li. Please inform her to expect slow down during a mth of hungry ghost festival.

PRC in this country are scare of black magic. This is a country of more then black magic. It is also a country of respect earth gods. And ancestors.

22-06-2022, 11:30 AM
Way back into the 80s. Whenever Malaysian VIPs suggested Spore should merged with Malaysia. SAF on high alert. Past 3 days fighter jets flying over Spore skylines. A message to Malaysian VIPs. We are on stand by.

By the way if both countries become as 1. Our politics parties will travel into Malaysia and contest in GE. Malaysians has praises and from parents to children they wish 1 day Spore politics parties will serve them. I am afraid their dreams are in vain.

What if LW secure a GRC in KL? The king listens to him and approve all budgets. All KL residents above 18, include rich Malaysians will receive M$1000 GST vouchers a year. A term of 4 years. There is no riots on the street of KL.

What if P Singh secure the biggest GRC in Sabah? This state will shine as 1 of the richest state btw Malaysia and Spore.

What if PSP under founding father second son is the MP in Penang? A SMC. Alot of PG women will marry into Spore.

The lists goes on.

22-06-2022, 11:39 AM
1 more. What if RP secure a GRC in JB? JB ICA become as productive as Spore ICA. My worry is increase in FL and WL into Spore. RLD must be a mix of women of countries. It must not be control by 1 country.

02-08-2022, 01:26 AM
Is there any kind bro able to share what PT is?

02-08-2022, 03:17 AM
Is there any kind bro able to share what PT is?
Petain road

02-08-2022, 09:50 AM
Is there any kind bro able to share what PT is?

From Farrer park MRT take exit H. Walk towards the back of city square mall and cross the road. You will see alot of motorcycles parked there.

Appreciate if you can up my points if you found this useful.

15-08-2022, 09:04 AM
Hehehe so many confessions. Now they are back, payback time?

19-01-2023, 04:19 PM
Wah u all openly say raw which WL nvr kanna zapped?..
I tried before kanna zapped like crazy

28-01-2023, 10:28 AM
I doubt Pat is coming back from what I read in this forum….. haiz… miss those days….
I still remembered someone posted some photos of Pat take from FB …. Wishes I had those photos to reminisce!


07-06-2023, 05:56 PM
share what PT is?

21-07-2023, 07:46 PM
haha sally was wild enough although faking but her responses somehow help in the ambiance. Pat i havent yet try, it's a pity!

MunMun was goooood, She moved from H2 to H22. As for Maggie, I find she quite a dead fish when bonking no matter how deep I thrust haha. Maggie's BBBJ above average. but no much body reactions when bonking.. dead fish!!!

What about Fongyi

I rated her when shen was in Geylang

The best

Fat Fatt
27-07-2023, 11:46 AM
haha sally was wild enough although faking but her responses somehow help in the ambiance. Pat i havent yet try, it's a pity!

MunMun was goooood, She moved from H2 to H22. As for Maggie, I find she quite a dead fish when bonking no matter how deep I thrust haha. Maggie's BBBJ above average. but no much body reactions when bonking.. dead fish!!!

Pat is too fierce I thought she will slap me if I put it in raw haha but I am also not a raw player la

27-07-2023, 04:56 PM
quite a number of them work in ocean hotel when covid period and when they cannot come sg

27-07-2023, 07:25 PM
Pat is too fierce I thought she will slap me if I put it in raw haha but I am also not a raw player la

pat got cum back I miss pat lo

28-07-2023, 01:47 PM
pat got cum back I miss pat lo

maybe u can find her at ocean hotel johor

31-08-2023, 08:07 PM
What's PT? What does it mean?

02-09-2023, 09:07 AM
What's PT? What does it mean?

Petain road, Flanders Square.

02-09-2023, 02:21 PM
pat got cum back I miss pat lo

pat spotted in ocean hotel level 5 . live from JB. RM 50 per shot which is SGD less than 20 lol

02-09-2023, 02:36 PM
pat spotted in ocean hotel level 5 . live from JB. RM 50 per shot which is SGD less than 20 lol

Thanks for the info👍

04-09-2023, 12:56 PM
pat spotted in ocean hotel level 5 . live from JB. RM 50 per shot which is SGD less than 20 lol

Hi. Do you know what time Pat or other Ocean girls start work? Thanks. Up you my humble points.

04-09-2023, 01:01 PM
Hi. Do you know what time Pat or other Ocean girls start work? Thanks. Up you my humble points.

the pimp said they work not everyday normally open 12 pm onwards till 10 pm at night

06-09-2023, 01:01 AM
Is it spa setting or need go thru a OKT to go up and open door one by one?

06-09-2023, 10:10 AM
ocean paradise hotel can google easy to find entrance just beside the yellow phone booth . upstairs all the chicken like pertain
https://www.google.com.sg/maps/place/Ocean+Paradise+Hotel/@1.4590184,103.7648904,3a,41.5y,60.91h,87.17t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sA7HWDqVjlw399NQ3l8L8bg!2e0!7i1 6384!8i8192!4m9!3m8!1s0x31da12dd42c351e3:0x92e946b f18fa54ad!8m2!3d1.459055!4d103.765028!10e5!14m1!1B CgIgARICCAI!16s%2Fg%2F11c54ywx2n?entry=ttu

10-09-2023, 09:14 PM
Woah, RM50 for room and bath setting, very cheap.
Wonder how’s the quality and service? Seems like no threads about it in JB talk

13-09-2023, 03:23 PM
Woah, RM50 for room and bath setting, very cheap.
Wonder how’s the quality and service? Seems like no threads about it in JB talk

There is a thread under the Johor Bahru (just across the causeway) threads bro. Seems the quality is fuck & go. Looking to try it one day too.

10-10-2023, 01:29 PM
I just asked the 5th pimp. He say Pat very long never come already.

23-11-2023, 01:41 AM
any bros got idea where pat gone? Went ocean but cannot find her there.:(

23-11-2023, 12:33 PM
any bros got idea where pat gone? Went ocean but cannot find her there.:(

applying back to sg