View Full Version : More than 10K Covid Case Today!
05-02-2022, 12:02 AM
05-02-2022, 12:07 AM
Not surprising. CNY effect (more social connections, crowded mall etc). Once the minister told can go up to 15000 per day.
05-02-2022, 12:08 AM
Just now I call to go massage/FJ and suddenly cancel.
ML receptionist still ask me coming or not. LOL
05-02-2022, 01:10 AM
Just now I call to go massage/FJ and suddenly cancel.
ML receptionist still ask me coming or not. LOL
Don't worry too much about the number of cases per day.
I live in the USA and it is the epicenter of the pandemic.
But nobody even care about it anymore and just go about with life like pre-pandemic days since a year ago.
I mean just do whatever you can with vaccine, mask wearing and hand hygiene. But there is nothing much you can do about the things you cannot control.
It is rather restrictive in Singapore and it deters me from wanting to visit in the near term.
But I also understand the high population density in Singapore and the strict measures put in place to protect the people.
05-02-2022, 01:13 AM
Don't worry too much about the number of cases per day.
I live in the USA and it is the epicenter of the pandemic.
But nobody even care about it anymore and just go about with life like pre-pandemic days since a year ago.
I mean just do whatever you can with vaccine, mask wearing and hand hygiene. But there is nothing much you can do about the things you cannot control.
It is rather restrictive in Singapore and it deters me from wanting to visit in the near term.
But I also understand the high population density in Singapore and the strict measures put in place to protect the people.
How's the situation in USA now, my company sending me over next month sia..
05-02-2022, 03:07 AM
How's the situation in USA now, my company sending me over next month sia..
Which state or city?
In general, there is zero restriction.
Mask wearing is not enforced and about 80% of people don't wear mask at shopping malls or supermarket.
The Omicron spike seems to be coming down in the last few days, but you never know about this tricky virus.
I think you will enjoy it here as compared to all the restrictions in Singapore.
05-02-2022, 04:23 AM
Which state or city?
In general, there is zero restriction.
Mask wearing is not enforced and about 80% of people don't wear mask at shopping malls or supermarket.
The Omicron spike seems to be coming down in the last few days, but you never know about this tricky virus.
I think you will enjoy it here as compared to all the restrictions in Singapore.
Will be at 8th Avenue New York, working for G*****
Let's see how it goes, i will still wear a mask. Feels better wearing a mask. Hopefully not much restrictions over there. Thinking about i can get to bang a afew of my ang mo colleagues again, make the trip worth it. Haha
05-02-2022, 04:55 AM
Don't worry too much about the number of cases per day.
I live in the USA and it is the epicenter of the pandemic.
But nobody even care about it anymore and just go about with life like pre-pandemic days since a year ago.
I mean just do whatever you can with vaccine, mask wearing and hand hygiene. But there is nothing much you can do about the things you cannot control.
It is rather restrictive in Singapore and it deters me from wanting to visit in the near term.
But I also understand the high population density in Singapore and the strict measures put in place to protect the people.
Yes cant even sing Karaoke. Need to travel to other countries to enjoy this service. fml
05-02-2022, 05:47 AM
Not surprise by this figure as i have colleagues getting it.It is now common like the flu. The situation is not helped by the CNY timing where people gathered to eat and gamble.
05-02-2022, 06:42 AM
Will be at 8th Avenue New York, working for G*****
Let's see how it goes, i will still wear a mask. Feels better wearing a mask. Hopefully not much restrictions over there. Thinking about i can get to bang a afew of my ang mo colleagues again, make the trip worth it. Haha
Yes, please continue to wear mask to protect yourself and others.
If you can get to bang them, go ahead. - Covid would not deter them.
05-02-2022, 06:52 AM
Yes cant even sing Karaoke. Need to travel to other countries to enjoy this service. fml
Given the highly transmissible Delta/Omicron variants, I will be very surprised the virus is not already widespread within the community. - Singapore is so densely populated.
I hope the government will relax the rules and restrictions soon.
05-02-2022, 08:26 AM
Why live in fear?
Sooner or later we will be lucky enough to get infected. Its like flu. Just be more careful and do the necessary to reduce the infection rate.
There is HIV and ppl still fucks around. Which is more deadly? HIV or covid?
05-02-2022, 09:04 AM
Why live in fear?
Sooner or later we will be lucky enough to get infected. Its like flu. Just be more careful and do the necessary to reduce the infection rate.
There is HIV and ppl still fucks around. Which is more deadly? HIV or covid?
There is more than fear at play.
If kenna covid, you bring back home. All family members kenna.
If parents are old, they get sick and die from this. You definetely won't feel happy.
05-02-2022, 10:51 AM
actually there is nothing we can do ... just gotta accept. wat will be will be.
05-02-2022, 12:00 PM
There is HIV and ppl still fucks around. Which is more deadly? HIV or covid?
HIV has been around long time and resesrchers have managed to produce medications to treat HIV and nowadays HIV is no longer seen as a deadly disease. Patients with HIV can live a normal live for longer than 20-30 years with medication.
COVID on the other hand is relatively unknown and at the moment there is no effective proven medications that can fight it. An infected person only has his/her own immune system to fight Covid.
So I would say COVID is more deadlier than HIV at this moment.
05-02-2022, 12:23 PM
Don't worry too much about the number of cases per day.
I live in the USA and it is the epicenter of the pandemic.
But nobody even care about it anymore and just go about with life like pre-pandemic days since a year ago.
I mean just do whatever you can with vaccine, mask wearing and hand hygiene. But there is nothing much you can do about the things you cannot control.
It is rather restrictive in Singapore and it deters me from wanting to visit in the near term.
But I also understand the high population density in Singapore and the strict measures put in place to protect the people.
Agree why worry about the numbers is just a serve flu. So long everyone has social responsibility in mind life goes on..
05-02-2022, 12:30 PM
My members return to the clock! Spore. I guess the biggest group is Malaysian Chinese returned from Malaysia, after CNY holidays.
In the traditional of HK movies back into 2000. I told u so. Past 2 yrs stay here u been safe. C19 is a sickness where patients could need oxygen supports. Don't play play. Who re opens VTL?
And. Avoid Malaysian FLs this year of the water Tiger.
05-02-2022, 12:42 PM
How's the situation in USA now, my company sending me over next month sia..
I was in Denver, Colorado for near 4 months, returned a few days before Christmas.
Restrictions are mostly a thing of the past there. Any closing time restrictions you encounter existed even before Covid, people hug and shake hands as if Covid doesn’t exist.
Mask wearing? They call it face covering there and I never wore one because it is not a good idea to be the odd one out and some cowboy might think you are wearing it because you have Covid.
It may be different as rules differ by state and also by cities or county.
I also heading for US next month.
I Love Boobs
05-02-2022, 12:45 PM
My members return to the clock! Spore. I guess the biggest group is Malaysian Chinese returned from Malaysia, after CNY holidays.
In the traditional of HK movies back into 2000. I told u so. Past 2 yrs stay here u been safe. C19 is a sickness where patients could need oxygen supports. Don't play play. Who re opens VTL?
And. Avoid Malaysian FLs this year of the water Tiger.
You're a xenophobic low IQ Dumbass.
Pray tell where the fuck I can get a Malaysian FL?
Your English sucks.
Your ability to express an opinion is dismal.
And you claim to work in healthcare in management.
No wonder the numbers are apocalyptical...
05-02-2022, 01:10 PM
Just wanted to share, there will never be a cure for Covid19 or similar flu like symptoms.
Why? If there is no cure for common flu, what make "experts" think they can cure the harder version of this flu e.g. Covid19, Sars...
Whoever gets it beware, your lungs will never be the same again. The damage is done.
05-02-2022, 01:26 PM
Heard the side effect can be quite jialat for some people, although didn't die but months down the road still suffering from constant tiredness and breathlessness, maybe a small group of them only, anyone have personal friends whom kena and live to tell the story?
My ex-collrague didn't live to tell his story..
05-02-2022, 01:33 PM
Heard the side effect can be quite jialat for some people, although didn't die but months down the road still suffering from constant tiredness and breathlessness, maybe a small group of them only, anyone have personal friends whom kena and live to tell the story?
My ex-collrague didn't live to tell his story..
Exactly the bolded text... , considering that someone still has to wear a mask even though he can't breathe properly...
At times, I feel people really have to use a bit of brain...
If everyone is not trying to steer clear of Covid or similar symptoms, please dont be ignorant and follow the same...
05-02-2022, 02:15 PM
My members return to the clock! Spore. I guess the biggest group is Malaysian Chinese returned from Malaysia, after CNY holidays.
In the traditional of HK movies back into 2000. I told u so. Past 2 yrs stay here u been safe. C19 is a sickness where patients could need oxygen supports. Don't play play. Who re opens VTL?
And. Avoid Malaysian FLs this year of the water Tiger.
Maybe keep quiet is a better choice for you.
05-02-2022, 03:25 PM
Heard the side effect can be quite jialat for some people, although didn't die but months down the road still suffering from constant tiredness and breathlessness, maybe a small group of them only, anyone have personal friends whom kena and live to tell the story?
My ex-collrague didn't live to tell his story..
So far it seems like Omnicon does not have this issue yet i think.
Lets hope it stays that way:)
05-02-2022, 03:32 PM
So far it seems like Omnicon does not have this issue yet i think.
Lets hope it stays that way:)
As long as no mutating virus coming out, should be fine.
05-02-2022, 03:47 PM
If only u do not have 3 High no need to worry
Close friends n relatives recovered from Covid19 live as nom no side effect after all
Live it as nom flu but take good care of yr old folks at home
Follow the SOP n get yr booster jab as soon as possible
Live go on :)
05-02-2022, 03:49 PM
Heard the side effect can be quite jialat for some people, although didn't die but months down the road still suffering from constant tiredness and breathlessness, maybe a small group of them only, anyone have personal friends whom kena and live to tell the story?
My ex-collrague didn't live to tell his story..
Yes, initial variants have that kind of effect, took my colleague some months to recover from the bout of tiredness and breathlessness. Another colleague, female, recovered much faster.
Omicron has been much milder for sure and this could be one of the consideration for UK to drop the mask wearing. With so many cases, I am sure there are plenty more asymptomatic cases walking around. With the approved Pfizer antiviral drug in SG recently, I think we are on track to enter into endemic mode.
I hope the government will relax the rules and restrictions soon.
They are already too relax, if not how the Delta/Omicron virus come to SG?
05-02-2022, 03:51 PM
If only u do not have 3 High no need to worry
Live it as nom flu but take good care of yr old folks at home
Follow the SOP n get yr booster jab as soon as possible
Live go on :)
Soon most of the population will have immunity. life goes on.
back to normal life in 2-3 months.
05-02-2022, 06:01 PM
As long as no mutating virus coming out, should be fine.
Omicron has not passed on yet...... and today a new variant has emerged in Europe... the VB variant.
Hope it stays in Europe and do not come into SGP.
05-02-2022, 06:09 PM
Omicron has not passed on yet...... and today a new variant has emerged in Europe... the VB variant.
Hope it stays in Europe and do not come into SGP.
There will always be new variant as virus mutate to ensure their survival due to evolution.
05-02-2022, 07:50 PM
Given the highly transmissible Delta/Omicron variants, I will be very surprised the virus is not already widespread within the community. - Singapore is so densely populated.
I hope the government will relax the rules and restrictions soon.
They are already too relax, if not how the Delta/Omicron virus come to SG?
Yes agreed. I felt more freedom when came back to SG for CNY.
In Brunei, there's no locked down, but curfew imposed for 5 months since last Aug 21, from 8pm - 4 am. Since mid Jan 22, the curfew has relax a little from 12 midnite to 4 am to fight the local transmission... added with restrictions in and out of country & banning all countries (less essential approval) are imposed to prevent or minimized imported cases.
At the airport, the moment you step out of the plane, you are guided all the way to take the ART before proceeding for immigration clearance. All baggage and luggage goes through 100% checks.
Once out, you are guided to waiting Hotel buses for 7 - 14 days isolation, with PCR 5 days later. You felt like you have arrived in a bird cage with no where to go freely.
05-02-2022, 07:55 PM
Omicron has not passed on yet...... and today a new variant has emerged in Europe... the VB variant.
Hope it stays in Europe and do not come into SGP.
Oh my god the VivianBalakrishnan virus!
Will we be illiterate if we are infected by it? :eek: :eek:
05-02-2022, 09:48 PM
May all keep calm. There is NO need for any further panic. Been there & done that in 2019, & the results WERE clear - 99% of COVid 19 infected survived, even with the strongest variant Delta.
COV - Corona Virus, had been with Humankind since Humankind began on Earth, & known throughout historical records across different civilisations on our planet Earth by many names, but similar symptoms.
Omicron will NOT be the first, nor the last variant by evolution of COV cellular life for survival. Evolution depends on time & opportunity, as proven by Delta in India due to neglect of infected & even bodies dumped into river sources to spread the virus, but yet 99% survived even WITHOUT vaccines back in 2021 based upon recorded data.
Today, with mrNA vaccines PROVEN effective to combat COV for months close to a year, there is no need to fear COV, but never ever to let guard down- hygiene, enough sleep, moderate exercises & proper diet had been proven for 2 yrs to save 99% of Humanity, less those whom had neglected their health, old age where cellular decay is only natural & those whom were born with DNA defects.
Light speed cutting edge created mrNA vaccines teaches the Human Immune System to fight our common enemy for centuries - COV. Ultimately, it is still up to us to strengthen our personal immune system.
For centuries, Humanity had learnt to live with our ancient & invisible enemy COV, with courage & fortitude. Should we descendants of courageous ancestors whom knew little of this virus & yet survived to give us our today, falther, or worst fear, hide from a proven by scientific data that is NON-FATAL to 99% Humankind, it would only spell doom for ALL, even the 1% whom are clinging for selfish & unrealistic hopes, as NOTHING will be produced with all hiding at home, as out of touch insane medical authorities worldwide had pleaded & found out later no PPT they needed were produced as all stayed at home.
05-02-2022, 10:02 PM
chinese new year do not dare to go here and there
05-02-2022, 10:03 PM
May all keep calm. There is NO need for any further panic. Been there & done that in 2019, & the results WERE clear - 99% of COVid 19 infected survived, even with the strongest variant Delta.
COV - Corona Virus, had been with Humankind since Humankind began on Earth, & known throughout historical records across different civilisations on our planet Earth by many names, but similar symptoms.
Omicron will NOT be the first, nor the last variant by evolution of COV cellular life for survival. Evolution depends on time & opportunity, as proven by Delta in India due to neglect of infected & even bodies dumped into river sources to spread the virus, but yet 99% survived even WITHOUT vaccines back in 2021 based upon recorded data.
Today, with mrNA vaccines PROVEN effective to combat COV for months close to a year, there is no need to fear COV, but never ever to let guard down- hygiene, enough sleep, moderate exercises & proper diet had been proven for 2 yrs to save 99% of Humanity, less those whom had neglected their health, old age where cellular decay is only natural & those whom were born with DNA defects.
Light speed cutting edge created mrNA vaccines teaches the Human Immune System to fight our common enemy for centuries - COV. Ultimately, it is still up to us to strengthen our personal immune system.
For centuries, Humanity had learnt to live with our ancient & invisible enemy COV, with courage & fortitude. Should we descendants of courageous ancestors whom knew little of this virus & yet survived to give us our today, falther, or worst fear, hide from a proven by scientific data that is NON-FATAL to 99% Humankind, it would only spell doom for ALL, even the 1% whom are clinging for selfish & unrealistic hopes, as NOTHING will be produced with all hiding at home, as out of touch insane medical authorities worldwide had pleaded & found out later no PPT they needed were produced as all stayed at home.
yey hopefully this pandemic can over soon, then i can go yum cha
05-02-2022, 10:04 PM
every day at home so boring, only can chit chat with girl, can see but cannot touch....haiz
05-02-2022, 10:05 PM
Oh my god the VivianBalakrishnan virus!
Will we be illiterate if we are infected by it? :eek: :eek:
so many upgraded virus been determined, so scary
05-02-2022, 10:05 PM
There will always be new variant as virus mutate to ensure their survival due to evolution.
from science perspective, yes the virus will evolve
05-02-2022, 10:10 PM
May all keep calm. There is NO need for any further panic. Been there & done that in 2019, & the results WERE clear - 99% of COVid 19 infected survived, even with the strongest variant Delta.
COV - Corona Virus, had been with Humankind since Humankind began on Earth, & known throughout historical records across different civilisations on our planet Earth by many names, but similar symptoms.
Omicron will NOT be the first, nor the last variant by evolution of COV cellular life for survival. Evolution depends on time & opportunity, as proven by Delta in India due to neglect of infected & even bodies dumped into river sources to spread the virus, but yet 99% survived even WITHOUT vaccines back in 2021 based upon recorded data.
Today, with mrNA vaccines PROVEN effective to combat COV for months close to a year, there is no need to fear COV, but never ever to let guard down- hygiene, enough sleep, moderate exercises & proper diet had been proven for 2 yrs to save 99% of Humanity, less those whom had neglected their health, old age where cellular decay is only natural & those whom were born with DNA defects.
Light speed cutting edge created mrNA vaccines teaches the Human Immune System to fight our common enemy for centuries - COV. Ultimately, it is still up to us to strengthen our personal immune system.
For centuries, Humanity had learnt to live with our ancient & invisible enemy COV, with courage & fortitude. Should we descendants of courageous ancestors whom knew little of this virus & yet survived to give us our today, falther, or worst fear, hide from a proven by scientific data that is NON-FATAL to 99% Humankind, it would only spell doom for ALL, even the 1% whom are clinging for selfish & unrealistic hopes, as NOTHING will be produced with all hiding at home, as out of touch insane medical authorities worldwide had pleaded & found out later no PPT they needed were produced as all stayed at home.
Yes they survived, afterwards died of covid implications.
Those who survived had implications and cases might not even be reported on news.
05-02-2022, 10:26 PM
Sadly, NO mortals live forever...
Covid caused deaths are often only side effects to the actual causes of death, such as cellular decay either due to natural old age or neglect of health, or birth defects, as proven by TRUE scientific data, & not those whom simply classify death by drowning or road accidents as covid deaths just because one had been infected with covid, pushing up numbers for political gain as in USA.
Health reminders & advisories had been sent to all Humanity-young or old for ages, but often disregarded as most want to live life & indulge in extreme vices. In the end, when personal health fails- who is to be blamed - society or the individual, & worse-drag 99% of innocent & healthy down with them?
Humanity do have a choice - to indulge by all means, but MODERATELY & watch out for warning signs, alter course & live healthily. COVid 19 is a timely reminder to Humanity once again.
05-02-2022, 10:56 PM
every day at home so boring, only can chit chat with girl, can see but cannot touch....haiz
You can ask your gay buddy sammylee88 to poke your backside
I Love Boobs
05-02-2022, 11:47 PM
Covid is a biological agent designed by the US to kill Chinese.
It's just doing what it's designed for.
This country will die a slow painful death.
Rising food prices.
Rising unemployment.
And increasing Chee bye behaviour.
06-02-2022, 12:25 AM
Really no light at the end of the tunnel!
06-02-2022, 12:32 AM
I have only one simple question. I know google is a great resource and the internet change the world. But home many here placing comments about Covid have a medical degree or work in the medical field. Its like asking an FL/ML to defend you in court.
06-02-2022, 12:38 AM
I have only one simple question. I know google is a great resource and the internet change the world. But home many here placing comments about Covid have a medical degree or work in the medical field. Its like asking an FL/ML to defend you in court.
Haha, I like this comment..But then Google is really a great resource..
06-02-2022, 05:23 AM
Oh my god the VivianBalakrishnan virus!
Will we be illiterate if we are infected by it? :eek: :eek:
Only if you study in RI :D
06-02-2022, 07:04 AM
I have only one simple question. I know google is a great resource and the internet change the world. But home many here placing comments about Covid have a medical degree or work in the medical field. Its like asking an FL/ML to defend you in court.
Your comment is being sarcastic.
I can totally write off your comment by saying those with medical degree or work in the medical field have no clue about Covid or their variation.
If they have a clue, then why is there no cure?
It's like saying you know the topic, but then why do you not have a resolution to it?
This will contradict your point that those with medical degree or work in the medical field actually knows something about Covid or their variation.
Those in medical field are as clueless as we are.
Everyone here is sharing to protect themselves based on what is readily available on the web. Of course individual does have to put their due diligence.
06-02-2022, 02:08 PM
Ho Sei Liao!
Over this weekend, my colleague get Covid and take MC.
Doctor said to rest until he recover.
More work for everyone to do...
As more and more people get Covid, work will become tougher and unbearable. More Free OT coming!
06-02-2022, 09:28 PM
May all keep cool & rational. It will be peer reviewed scientific facts & reliable published data which are objective truths that will free us from fear.
Omicron variant had been proven to be less severe than most other COV strains. 99% infected DO recover from it, & many if not most do not even show symptoms, & after a few days show negative ART test results, for those whom are fully vaccinated which proves cutting edge mRNA vaccines are working to eliminate any spiked virus in the Human body.
However, we still do have a responsibility to the 1% - the aged, those with existing health conditions & those whom may have health defects yet ignorant which can be young or old. Their immune system are defective & not working well, & thus easily succumbed to COV virus which replicates very fast, faster than their immunological memory cells can produce T cells to fight this virus.
It is them that needs to be isolated or at the least protected with PPE or Decontamination schemes for anyone who wishes to visit them, for the time being till Humanity finds better advance vaccines or cures for them.
COV will continue to evolve, but these are only RNA type virus. It follows an evolutionary path designed - to replicate other cellular life to survive. It is not a DNA type virus which has various other components to form life. The moment it attempts to MUTATE to DNA level, the host's immune system will self destruct, to protect other species from COV, as had been since DNA type lifeforms appeared on Earth.
Thus, do not live in fear. The truth will set one free, & critically - never to be complacent. The Human Immune System is a gift, & must treated properly daily for each's survival - enough sleep, moderate exercises & diet.
06-02-2022, 09:37 PM
May all keep cool & rational. It will be peer reviewed scientific facts & reliable published data which are objective truths that will free us from fear.
Omicron variant had been proven to be less severe than most other COV strains. 99% infected DO recover from it, & many if not most do not even show symptoms, & after a few days show negative ART test results, for those whom are fully vaccinated which proves cutting edge mRNA vaccines are working to eliminate any spiked virus in the Human body.
However, we still do have a responsibility to the 1% - the aged, those with existing health conditions & those whom may have health defects yet ignorant which can be young or old. Their immune system are defective & not working well, & thus easily succumbed to COV virus which replicates very fast, faster than their immunological memory cells can produce T cells to fight this virus.
It is them that needs to be isolated or at the least protected with PPE or Decontamination schemes for anyone who wishes to visit them, for the time being till Humanity finds better advance vaccines or cures for them.
COV will continue to evolve, but these are only RNA type virus. It follows an evolutionary path designed - to replicate other cellular life to survive. It is not a DNA type virus which has various other components to form life. The moment it attempts to MUTATE to DNA level, the host's immune system will self destruct, to protect other species from COV, as had been since DNA type lifeforms appeared on Earth.
Thus, do not live in fear. The truth will set one free, & critically - never to be complacent. The Human Immune System is a gift, & must treated properly daily for each's survival - enough sleep, moderate exercises & diet.
Your post brings a smile to my face :D
07-02-2022, 12:14 AM
Your comment is being sarcastic.
I can totally write off your comment by saying those with medical degree or work in the medical field have no clue about Covid or their variation.
If they have a clue, then why is there no cure?
It's like saying you know the topic, but then why do you not have a resolution to it?
This will contradict your point that those with medical degree or work in the medical field actually knows something about Covid or their variation.
Those in medical field are as clueless as we are.
Everyone here is sharing to protect themselves based on what is readily available on the web. Of course individual does have to put their due diligence.
I am not being sarcastic. Its the truth isnt it. We learn about everything online and we are interpreting what we learn and do not have a clue about what is right and wrong. The world is a stage and everyone wants to be a tiktok star. Its like recently the news always over reacting and making things out to be more serious and sensationalize news just to get viewership. Yes we should read and learn what is right and wrong but honestly no one knows what is right or wrong. We are all speculating and that needs to stop.
07-02-2022, 12:34 AM
I am not being sarcastic. Its the truth isnt it. We learn about everything online and we are interpreting what we learn and do not have a clue about what is right and wrong. The world is a stage and everyone wants to be a tiktok star. Its like recently the news always over reacting and making things out to be more serious and sensationalize news just to get viewership. Yes we should read and learn what is right and wrong but honestly no one knows what is right or wrong. We are all speculating and that needs to stop.
No one is speculating. Forum is a place where everyone is free to speak up, discuss and share. Based on what you say, forum is not a place for you to stay if you feel everyone is spreading unnecessary speculations. Rather than saying everyone is speculating and needs to stop.
07-02-2022, 06:59 AM
Covid-19 recovery memo from GP not needed to return to work or school: Govt
07-02-2022, 07:08 AM
From MOH: ealthministry%2Fposts%2F315755500579880&show_text=true&width=500
07-02-2022, 07:42 AM
No one is speculating. Forum is a place where everyone is free to speak up, discuss and share. Based on what you say, forum is not a place for you to stay if you feel everyone is spreading unnecessary speculations. Rather than saying everyone is speculating and needs to stop.
So now its about free speech? Jesus make up your mind . You want the freedom to say what ever your want or you want the truth. My last response. Too many people on here need a life outside of the interweb. No time to keep answering post that will never have any winners only losers who lose precious time to go tap another DH ass or take another Maid to H81. And with that i end all responses to this topic and moving on. Bye.
07-02-2022, 07:46 AM
So now its about free speech? Jesus make up your mind . You want the freedom to say what ever your want or you want the truth. My last response. Too many people on here need a life outside of the interweb. No time to keep answering post that will never have any winners only losers who lose precious time to go tap another DH ass or take another Maid to H81. And with that i end all responses to this topic and moving on. Bye.
Like I said before, you don't understand what a forum is for. This is my last post to you. Bye.
07-02-2022, 09:51 AM
Question : with the current situation, would you all still go MP (or FL and ML) this 2 weeks?
07-02-2022, 12:44 PM
We are now approximately two years into the Covid-19 situation. Sadly, nothing seems to have changed since the Circuit Breaker period.
07-02-2022, 01:15 PM
It's all about how many people eat together... sometimes I just wonder why the decision maker dun think harder before implementing polices... if we can accept cramping people like sardines in public transport, there is little left for anything else... if only we can start lifting restrictions one by one.. like without mask when outdoor for a start...
07-02-2022, 02:09 PM
3 colleagues called back, they tested + I was shocked. Last yr we have 2 confirmed cases. This time our Manager is 1. He is new citizen from Myanmar, migrated here back in 2015.
The time is now for plan B. We are under staffs. Cant write in what sector. And past 2 yrs selected people allowed OT. Because HR temporary measures. No mixing of staffs btw shifts.
07-02-2022, 02:13 PM
3 colleagues called back, they tested + I was shocked. Last yr we have 2 confirmed cases. This time our Manager is 1. He is new citizen from Myanmar, migrated here back in 2015.
The time is now for plan B. We are under staffs. Cant write in what sector. And past 2 yrs selected people allowed OT. Because HR temporary measures. No mixing of staffs btw shifts.
Exactly, everyone is shorthanded now because of Covid.
If ppl take 1 or 2 days MC, we already feel the strain.
Can you imagine 1 or 2 weeks of Medical leaves now?
07-02-2022, 04:01 PM
What has this got to do with adult discussions about sex? U contracted covid during butt fuck issit?
It has nothing to do with adult discussion about sex.
Why cannot? I just want to post here? What can you do about it?
Worry for yourself mate. Keep continue getting butt fucks.
07-02-2022, 05:43 PM
We are now approximately two years into the Covid-19 situation. Sadly, nothing seems to have changed since the Circuit Breaker period.
It's actually much worst now.
It's the mentality a lot of people have that it's fine to live with Covid, not protecting themselves and not caring about anything.
That's the whole reason for the spike for this spread.
People will do themselves in eventually.
So much saying about better medical facilities to extend human lifespan.
In fact, older people lifespan is being cut short by Covid and their variations for the exposure.
Who requires medical aid the most and will visit the medical centre? Think about it, it's the elderly. It will eventually come to every youngsters who start to grow old.
It has already been 2 years. If there was a cure, it would already have been made. They are even publishing materials like it is better to build immunity rather than cure BS.
07-02-2022, 07:03 PM
We are now approximately two years into the Covid-19 situation. Sadly, nothing seems to have changed since the Circuit Breaker period.
I humbly beg to differ.
Nothing remains stagnant. Just as COVid 19 evolved, so did we Humankind. Today is no longer Dec 2019 when panic was worldwide over this virus & caused much unnecessary pain & hardship to Humanity thru lockdowns & all kinds of foolish restrictions that DID NOT end or destroy the virus, decided by clueless & fearful leaders worldwide, especially in New Zealand & Australia.
COV had already been long documented in recorded Human history, known by many names across lands & cultures. It is a RNA virus & a microbial lifeform that existed even before Humans appeared on Earth, & will continue to exist in environments on Earth after Humanity ends.
It is not easy to destroy such microbes, as it will evolve-cells that successfully survive intermingling with other better cellular life, feeding on its proteins, to grow stronger, while the weaker COV cells disintegrate into inert molecular matter - carbohydrates compounds.
By April 2020, thru light speed discussion on a planetary scale, the 1st cutting edge mRNA vaccine was developed in Germany. Such vaccine are far better than previous versions which uses deactivated virus in hit or miss fashion to teach our body immune system to fight the virus, which China still uses.
This new mRNA development uses the Human cell to produce just the spike of COV virus & NOT the whole virus, which latches onto Human cells, triggering the immune system to produce T cells to destroy any spiked type virus that attempts to invade the Human cell. Once taught, it remembers thru the immunological memory banks of our immune system, to unleash T cells each time such virus appears in Human bodies.
mRNA vaccines had been mass produced & majority of Humankind had been vaccinated till today. While it does not mean one will not be infected, it does mean that the Human will suffer less than the unvaccinated, or none at all as recorded data over 2 yrs had proven - mild or no symptoms even if infected, & needs no hospitalization except for the 1% whom may have weaker immune system or decaying cells.
While med science had advanced, little had change on the social arena, as cowardly or fearful leaders are still flirting with proven useless lockdowns, $Trillions spent & wasted, tanking economies, populations starved both physically & mentally.
Many whom had been infected with COV eventually recovered, especially the vaccinated within days, as data had proven for months. However, it is the 1% that most leaders worry over. The only solution now is for further research into more advance vaccines & even cures for them, but may Humanity accept the reality that NO mortal lives forever...
08-02-2022, 01:06 AM
3 colleagues called back, they tested + I was shocked. Last yr we have 2 confirmed cases. This time our Manager is 1. He is new citizen from Myanmar, migrated here back in 2015.
The time is now for plan B. We are under staffs. Cant write in what sector. And past 2 yrs selected people allowed OT. Because HR temporary measures. No mixing of staffs btw shifts.
Covid nothing to worry, take MC rest at home and cure, similar like flu
08-02-2022, 01:39 AM
Let's all take a step back & be rational.
COVid 19 had infected ALL aspects of life, including even sexual matters.
As some foolishly believed that its spread can be caused by mere breaths, cowardly and foolish leaders of societies worldwide ignored science & issued bans upon even sex between married couples, let alone nightlife, a critical issue for many here, & thus an appropriate place to discuss about covid, & find solutions to alleviate the mental stress & physical pain felt by many here going thru restrictions & isolation due to the pandemic.
The more one is aware, the more one can discuss & find solutions or ways to surmount obstacles to maintain one's sanity & needs, male or female, thru the golden Spore pragmatic gentleman style of hurting no one & not being hurt by anyone.
We Humankind/Singaporeans can afford to lose money, as it can be gained back thru intelligent & diligent hardwork the next day.
But if one loses one's mentality, corrupted by self delusions, isolation or ignorance , sanity may never return..
08-02-2022, 02:36 AM
The title of this forum says Adult Discussions about Sex you fucking cunt. There are many other forums on covid, why don't u go there your retard?
Your post is making me laugh.
I told you I don't care. I just want to post here.
I am smoking and not only that, I am doing it here with both hands in the restricted* zone.
09-02-2022, 08:53 AM
3 colleagues called back, they tested + I was shocked. Last yr we have 2 confirmed cases. This time our Manager is 1. He is new citizen from Myanmar, migrated here back in 2015.
The time is now for plan B. We are under staffs. Cant write in what sector. And past 2 yrs selected people allowed OT. Because HR temporary measures. No mixing of staffs btw shifts.
Think I know which sector.
Anyway, stay safe.
09-02-2022, 08:59 AM
The title of this forum says Adult Discussions about Sex you fucking cunt. There are many other forums on covid, why don't u go there your retard?
Since when have you become the patriarch of this forum?? :D
09-02-2022, 11:10 AM
Toto Hongbao jackpot at $16 million, biggest since 2000.
For 1 time past 2 yrs, under C19. We be happy and hope to be the winner. Actually, the Q at 4D shops already there few days ago. Is worth to bring back a page from PT back into 2019.
During CNY periods, b4 the world lock down. Many PT girls who were ang pai back in business. A thing. All pool their investment in this jack pot. The most popular can be found in ex H14. WLs Kit and Ah Bao went around collecting begs. And ex H22.
So sad! What we have are memories, nothing more. We move on.
I code HK director, John Woo gangsters movies back into the 90s. How are we going to get out of this mess?
09-02-2022, 02:26 PM
It's actually much worst now.
It's the mentality a lot of people have that it's fine to live with Covid, not protecting themselves and not caring about anything.
That's the whole reason for the spike for this spread.
People will do themselves in eventually.
So much saying about better medical facilities to extend human lifespan.
In fact, older people lifespan is being cut short by Covid and their variations for the exposure.
Who requires medical aid the most and will visit the medical centre? Think about it, it's the elderly. It will eventually come to every youngsters who start to grow old.
It has already been 2 years. If there was a cure, it would already have been made. They are even publishing materials like it is better to build immunity rather than cure BS.
U think so ez to find cure for disease? AIDS got cure? Cancer got cure? Leukemia got cure? Dengue got cure?
It take years to come up with a cure.
09-02-2022, 02:42 PM
U think so ez to find cure for disease? AIDS got cure? Cancer got cure? Leukemia got cure? Dengue got cure?
It take years to come up with a cure.
It takes the right combination to find a cure. Hopefully a very bright person will be able to do it.
Some ppl take an hour to solve a puzzle, some ppl take their entire life to do it and was still unable to.
Anyway, 13K cases yesterday. Let's embrace it for the upcoming days.
09-02-2022, 02:53 PM
Anyway, 13K cases yesterday. Let's embrace it for the upcoming days.
Not to worry because very few are actually sick. :D
09-02-2022, 03:26 PM
Not to worry because very few are actually sick. :D
Yes, as what William shared. Let's just hope the improved vaccine will help despite having no cure. :)
09-02-2022, 04:17 PM
Even with the high number more ang mo country start to not wearing mask :)
09-02-2022, 04:18 PM
We cannot go onto tinder and simply fuck
09-02-2022, 10:34 PM
Ho Sei Liao!
Over this weekend, my colleague get Covid and take MC.
Doctor said to rest until he recover.
More work for everyone to do...
As more and more people get Covid, work will become tougher and unbearable. More Free OT coming!
Ask your employer to claim from the bastard who decided to open border and let the omicron virus in :D
10-02-2022, 03:21 AM
It takes the right combination to find a cure. Hopefully a very bright person will be able to do it.
Some ppl take an hour to solve a puzzle, some ppl take their entire life to do it and was still unable to.
Anyway, 13K cases yesterday. Let's embrace it for the upcoming days.
Even with the high number more ang mo country start to not wearing mask :)
Masks do absolutely nothing to prevent infection they are just for show.
10-02-2022, 08:35 AM
There are people still waiting for Covid to subside before they want to chiong, so this thread is still valid.
10-02-2022, 08:40 AM
Masks do absolutely nothing to prevent infection they are just for show.
It is partially useful, but once someone takes it off during sex/running/cycling/eating, makes it totally pointless :D:D:D
10-02-2022, 09:24 AM
I have just released myself from self isolation last week. I had no symptom at all but was detected ART+ during regular RRT. I was already -ve after 72 hours but my company insisted I stay home till 7 days and submit daily ART results. Fortunately company deducted my absence from the 60 hospitalisation leave and not regular MC.
I believed majority of the positive are like me, no big deal.
10-02-2022, 09:26 AM
If masks had worked, no Human would had been infected.
The origins of this fixation of masks aroused back in 2020 from Hong Kong which had a civil dispute with the ruling CCP govt, wore masks as a protest sign, & sadly coincided with the clueless days of Worldwide leadership when COVid 19 panic struck, supported the belief that masks worked & also as a protest against the CCP govt, a political decision & not based on science.
Back in early 2020, already Asymptomatics exists, those whom have been infected, & yet showed no symptoms or only mild symptoms. This because their immune system is strong, & is fighting back against the virus.
Although they do breathe out the virus, a liquid state of matter, equally within the nanosphere of a single droplet, such contains ALSO T & B cells, passed onto another within 1 meter range, which helps to activate their own immune system, as T & B cells are universal in Humankind.
However, the fear is that others may have weak immune system, & may be fatal, & thus out of this fear, masks was adopted on a planetary scale.
However, as recorded data proves-99% of infected do have only mild or no symptoms, usually recovering within days. It is the 1% that suffers-elderly with decaying cells, those with existing health conditions, & those with DNA defects, whom are the ones that need isolation & decontamination procedures for social contact, not the 99%.
And as most of Humankind had been vaccinated, the results are even clearer & evident that COV is non-fatal to more than 99% of Humankind. Masks had never worked, just as gloves, lockdowns, social distancing & other idiotic restrictions did not.
It is mRNA vaccines, personal hygiene, daily maintenance of one's gift of immune system-enough sleep, moderate exercise & proper diet that will keep the virus away, not foolish masks & other panic driven man-made restrictions which had only destroyed economies & caused starvation both physically & mentally upon Humankind for 2 wasted years.
10-02-2022, 09:30 AM
Forgive me in putting fear in members. An old friend got hit. Of course he informed his boss, and self isolated at home. A week later still same results. That's positives. His boss told him to return to office. He is working in SME.
All the while I believe only - can return to work. Not so in this year. Maybe in the news. Spore lived with the virus. My point is we who are clean practice social distances. Never share foods with any1 including family members.
What so scary about - cases walking among us? We have pregnant women who are scare they could be infected by these people. I understands but this is the new normal. Does the new normal include massage ctrs ladies who are + and continue in their business?
10-02-2022, 09:39 AM
I have just released myself from self isolation last week. I had no symptom at all but was detected ART+ during regular RRT. I was already -ve after 72 hours but my company insisted I stay home till 7 days and submit daily ART results. Fortunately company deducted my absence from the 60 hospitalisation leave and not regular MC.
I believed majority of the positive are like me, no big deal.
Thanks bro for the sharing. I was getting worried. Upz you.
10-02-2022, 09:44 AM
Forgive me in putting fear in members. An old friend got hit. Of course he informed his boss, and self isolated at home. A week later still same results. That's positives. His boss told him to return to office. He is working in SME.
All the while I believe only - can return to work. Not so in this year. Maybe in the news. Spore lived with the virus. My point is we who are clean practice social distances. Never share foods with any1 including family members.
What so scary about - cases walking among us? We have pregnant women who are scare they could be infected by these people. I understands but this is the new normal. Does the new normal include massage ctrs ladies who are + and continue in their business?
That's a breached to government regulation, that manager will lose his job as well as the employee will be subjected to huge fines. FYI.
10-02-2022, 09:48 AM
For those whom had been FULLY vaccinated, they must be wondering why they still get infected with COV?
(May all be aware that COV exists in ALL environments-forests, seas, roads, streets, buildings, wild life, etc, that can help its survival - moisture & conducive temperatures below 35C. Just a touch upon such surfaces, & then touching one's nose, mouth or eyes is enough to get infected, not just from Human contact.)
The answer is that all medicine takes time to work. Even panadol takes 2 hrs to relieve pain. What more our immune system that has to deal with not just COV virus, but many more other bacterial infections inside our body from daily life in all kinds of environments?
mRNA vaccines only TEACHES the Human immune system how to fight the virus - thru T cells that targets, identify & destroy each virus cell, & the B cells which flows back to the immunological memory banks within the immune system, to unleash T cells when it identifies the COV spike virus in the Human body, once taught & is retain forever & even to the next generations.
As ALL cells replicate at a fast rate, especially Omicron, by the millions, and thus take time for the human immune system to identify & unleash battle troops to face millions. But the result will be same - within days the battle is won especially by those whom had been vaccinated. Thus a need to maintain our immune system daily.
I Love Boobs
10-02-2022, 10:00 AM
For those whom had been FULLY vaccinated, they must be wondering why they still get infected with COV?
(May all be aware that COV exists in ALL environments-forests, seas, roads, streets, buildings, wild life, etc, that can help its survival - moisture & conducive temperatures below 35C. Just a touch upon such surfaces, & then touching one's nose, mouth or eyes is enough to get infected, not just from Human contact.)
The answer is that all medicine takes time to work. Even panadol takes 2 hrs to relieve pain. What more our immune system that has to deal with not just COV virus, but many more other bacterial infections inside our body from daily life in all kinds of environments?
mRNA vaccines only TEACHES the Human immune system how to fight the virus - thru T cells that targets, identify & destroy each virus cell, & the B cells which flows back to the immunological memory banks within the immune system, to unleash T cells when it identifies the COV spike virus in the Human body, once taught & is retain forever & even to the next generations.
As ALL cells replicate at a fast rate, especially Omicron, by the millions, and thus take time for the human immune system to identify & unleash battle troops to face millions. But the result will be same - within days the battle is won especially by those whom had been vaccinated. Thus a need to maintain our immune system daily.
Absolute bollocks.
10-02-2022, 10:18 AM
What so scary about - cases walking among us? We have pregnant women who are scare they could be infected by these people. I understands but this is the new normal. Does the new normal include massage ctrs ladies who are + and continue in their business?
Trust science & reliable recorded data, not those who spread unfounded rumors & unsubstantiated claims, or one line posts.
As long as anyone - from the President to the toilet cleaner - whom had been fully vaccinated, they are safe for social contact. Their immune system had been taught to react to COV, & thru such contact, will pass on immune system agents - T & B cells within each droplet one comes in contact with, to activate another's immune system.
Even if they are infected with COV, & may pass on the virus to you, within that nanosphere of droplets contain immune system agents too. Depending on the strength of your own immune system, you either will have no symptoms or only mild symptoms as recorded data had proven.
It is only the 1%, based upon recorded data, that will need to take precautions or decontamination procedures for social visits, as their immune system is weak.
In the end, each do have a choice - to live in fear, hide away and rot to death, or have courage, live & adapt to the virus, & live life as our ancestors & forefathers had done under worse health & social conditions to give us our today.
10-02-2022, 10:29 AM
Trust science & reliable recorded data, not those who spread unfounded rumors & unsubstantiated claims, or one line posts.
As long as anyone - from the President to the toilet cleaner - whom had been fully vaccinated, they are safe for social contact. Their immune system had been taught to react to COV, & thru such contact, will pass on immune system agents - T & B cells within each droplet one comes in contact with, to activate another's immune system.
Even if they are infected with COV, & may pass on the virus to you, within that nanosphere of droplets contain immune system agents too. Depending on the strength of your own immune system, you either will have no symptoms or only mild symptoms as recorded data had proven.
It is only the 1%, based upon recorded data, that will need to take precautions or decontamination procedures for social visits, as their immune system is weak.
In the end, each do have a choice - to live in fear, hide away and rot to death, or have courage, live & adapt to the virus, & live life as our ancestors & forefathers had done under worse health & social conditions to give us our today.
Question is people are afraid because they never know if they are the 1%.
One might think he is young and fit but never know if they are truly asymptomatic.
10-02-2022, 10:39 AM
GONG HEI LEI to those who survive Covid and is Asymptomatic~!
You have proven yourself this Chinese New Year, a brand new person alive.
You can Chiong w/o any worries. :D
10-02-2022, 11:04 AM
Question is people are afraid because they never know if they are the 1%.
One might think he is young and fit but never know if they are truly asymptomatic.
Actually Humankind do know. It is based upon recorded data of the 1% fatalities over 2 painful years. They are:-
a)The elderly - 65 & above. Only normal as no mortal lives forever as each's human cell decay from the moment of birth.
b)Those whom have existing health conditions - cancer, HIV, hi blood pressure, diabetes, etc.
c)Those born with health defects - asthma, down syndrome, Tay Sachs,etc
For those whom are young & fit, & yet suffers from COV are often those whom had neglected to maintain their immune system daily - example:- athletes who pushed their bodies to extremes, or alcoholics who drink to extremities or drug addicts, etc..
10-02-2022, 11:13 AM
Almost forgot. The 10 days into CNY is also earth god birthday. Temples are crowded except Water loo street temple, that practice even numbers entry. Today is Thu.
Do not forget too the people in charged looked at $. There fore it is going around from the last GE to now. The people in charged look at $, almost every things can. Include + cases in work places. SME bosses are rich. They have friends and family members in high places.
Is like this past 57 yrs. $ is the root of all evil. Last yr we saw the founder of city harvest church got his sentences reduced. And I known of a person. He informed me Kong He lawyer is a member of the house. Who? Look at Marine Parade. 1 of the VIP.
10-02-2022, 11:21 AM
Actually Humankind do know. It is based upon recorded data of the 1% fatalities over 2 painful years. They are:-
a)The elderly - 65 & above. Only normal as no mortal lives forever as each's human cell decay from the moment of birth.
b)Those whom have existing health conditions - cancer, HIV, hi blood pressure, diabetes, etc.
c)Those born with health defects - asthma, down syndrome, Tay Sachs,etc
For those whom are young & fit, & yet suffers from COV are often those whom had neglected to maintain their immune system daily - example:- athletes who pushed their bodies to extremes, or alcoholics who drink to extremities or drug addicts, etc..
It could apply to people who have pre-existing conditions without knowing it. Some people do not go for medical checkups routinely.
10-02-2022, 11:44 AM
I never claimed to be the patriach. SInce when did you become a moderator? Do your job. There are hundreds if not thousands of forums on covid. There are only a few forums about sex in Malaysia and Singapore. People come here because the title of your forum says Adult Discussions about Sex. People don't come here to look for covid conspiracy theories. Which part of this are you confused with? Do you job and close down all these threads that have nothing to do with Covid.
I became mod/admin on 1st December 2001.
Covid has affected everyone's sex lives so the thread is relevant. If you don't like reading the contents don't click on the thread. There is no need barge in with your rude comments.
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