View Full Version : Am i a clone when i post an FR?
23-06-2008, 10:33 AM
got deducted points: 21-06-2008 08:35 PM okt clone
wow first time experience this after i wrote local minah Linda's Fr. no wonder so many bros 'lazy' to giv FRs.
i always read these things in other threads and conclude them as the doins of rival OKTs but dear bros readin this now.. i believe i've contacts of most of the OKTs with local stocks and though i may not be a regular chiongster, i've tried them at least once. so i should be in their respective database n not mistaken as a clone?
i'm at work wasting my time typing this becos i felt this forum has changed alot since i joined almost 3 yrs old askin for Fifi ( local minah ) contact. Bro BlondBoy shared with me and gave me hope that this forum is the real deal!
Along the way i ventured into the Euros. ( i'm sure everyone remember Bro E777). n then i got the chance to experience the fabulous thais. ( Bro Hugo pls stand up n take a bow.)
how can i forget bro datz4u2004 sharing the legendary Celine's contact.
Discussion with bro nihonji abt the quality of local gers in PM ( cos fake Frs was causing me to make wrong orders ).
Saving up to have a chance to try Angel from Bro TE. ( 300/60/2 for a hot ger is the best deal any bro can ever had!) there's so many ladies from different stables i've tried just that i was 'lazy' to write Frs. technically this yr alone i owe Frs from Coco+Elle tarma and Vivi and countless thais. maybe if i write them all i wouldnt be seen in favour of just one OKT.
But wat has the forum becum seriously, i'm just a small time chiongster and still need to prove my Frs are real so that other bros can consider? i really wanna try the recent local gers like Summer, Ferine and Winter but wish there were more FRs for me to judge so i figured many bros are probably in the same boat. This is exactly the reason why i decided to make the effort n start writing Frs so we can all chiong smartly.. i'm not concern with the points. if i wan points i go to links section share porn clips can get tons of them. But this is just alittle disheartening.
p.s i've recently embarked into the HC thread. so far the bros there hav been very cool. we talk thru PM n share lobangs. maybe i'll stay there for a while.
23-06-2008, 11:01 AM
Ahem Brother!
I completely share you sentiments.
I have not been around this forum as long as you have. But I have contributed my small share of FR and stuff. From what I have found, there are many that are clearly good brothers that make good, fair comments and share with the rest of us. Then there are those that forget “blood is thicker than water” and are clearly not brothers. They spend all their time docking people’s points and calling people clones. I think what those people should do is spend more time writing FRs so that we can have more points of views on the ladies, instead of bashing people that actually take the time to write FRs and contribute.
But brother, you and I will probably be zapped for many points for voicing the true sad state of affairs. :D Oh so be it!
24-06-2008, 09:48 AM
ah don't worry about it bro. when i posted my first FR i got zapped too.
i think when your first post is an FR, the automatic assumption is that its a new account created JUST for that FR. but like you, i've supported quite a few different.. groups.. and i've tried to post honest opinions, so i guess i'm "safe"?
maybe i'm speaking too soon, and might just get zapped again. hah! :p
anyways, points don't really matter much, but they do help when people want to see if you're safe or at least trustworthy, and not one of those number collectors or prank callers. :cool:
lets just continue to do our little bit. if everyone posts honest FRs without fear, i'm sure sbf will change for the better, even if its just a little at a time.
just my $0.02.
24-06-2008, 10:27 AM
IMHO, here's the percentage of being clone.
>50% you are a clone when you post FRs only on 1 OKT. :(
<50% you are a clone when you post FRs on 2 or more OKT. ;)
99% you are not a clone when you post FRs on all OKT. :D
100% you are not a clone when you post FRs on all OKT with live action pics. :p
Don't feel dishearted, just be yourself lar, you are the one having fun while others are just reading the fun.
Will keep this mind..
24-06-2008, 11:00 AM
got deducted points: 21-06-2008 08:35 PM okt clone
wow first time experience this after i wrote local minah Linda's Fr. no wonder so many bros 'lazy' to giv FRs.
Don't worry so much. Maybe we can start a group to band together with like-minded people who kena zapped after providing a fresh and true FR.
True and fresh FR are indeed rare. Even as a samster for so long, sometimes I am also accused for being a OKT clone.
But to me I don't care much about points so I continue to write FRs as I deem fit - even at times negative FRs.
Tell you what. If any brother write a good FR and kena zapped, just send me the link of the FR. I will read and will consider up him 7 points to compensate for the zapping. And if we band together to help each other, we shouldn't be afraid of writing FRs.
24-06-2008, 11:13 AM
IMHO, here's the percentage of being clone.
>50% you are a clone when you post FRs only on 1 OKT. :(
<50% you are a clone when you post FRs on 2 or more OKT. ;)
99% you are not a clone when you post FRs on all OKT. :D
100% you are not a clone when you post FRs on all OKT with live action pics. :p
Don't feel dishearted, just be yourself lar, you are the one having fun while others are just reading the fun.
Very true analysis too.
When you don't post FR but talk kok in every thread, are you a clone or not a clone?
Bro johnnylens, understand your plight and dilemma. In the end, ask yourself, do you owe a favour to write FR after every bonk? You only bonk for your own pleasure. To write FR or not, depends on how happy and how generous you wish to share with others.
Points are secondary. Sextisfaction is primary.
24-06-2008, 11:17 AM
Over the issues of zap, I have not post my views or FRs since last year.
AFter the incident of me writing my honest FR on a new OKT, he zapped me till eternity. But in the end, honesty wins. Bros here appreciate you writing honest FR, be it good or bad.
Only the OKT will zap you if you write bad FR. I curse this OKT who zapped me till eternity. May samsters eventually realise how much they got cheated/conned.
24-06-2008, 11:48 AM
Very informative thread..
24-06-2008, 12:43 PM
Hi Bros,
I encountered before too, after writing an FR, kena zapped..I think these come from rivals of the OKT.
As to bro Norikasan's post, with all due respect bro, I think the FR-to-OKT analysis may be accurate but might not be 100% accurate too. Personally, because I go to OKTs whose services are good and I keep returning to his stable. I write FRs to give info. Doesn't mean that because I keep going back to the stable that gives me the best service then I am a clone. For example, I frequent sis bonniesan and bro beauthaiful 'cos of the customer service. I have written a few bad FRs on bro Frank's gals too. To his credit, he just asked me to give honest FRs, not to keep writing good must-try FRs. Also, I don't get or been offered special discounts for writing good FRs.
Anyway, just a point I wanted to raise bros, no disrespect. I still believe that contributing FRs is a way to give info, for bros to see if they wana try the girls.
24-06-2008, 12:54 PM
Well, get used to clones in this forum bro TS........its the way of life in the virtual world, sometimes we also get zapped......up you for voicing up and keeping the spirit of sharing alive, keep it going :D
24-06-2008, 01:11 PM
OKT really zap us for writing bad-FRs or good-FRs of rival OKT?
I rather think not. I think must be the work of some bo-liao pple zapping.
24-06-2008, 01:15 PM
OKT really zap us for writing bad-FRs or good-FRs of rival OKT?
I rather think not. I think must be the work of some bo-liao pple zapping.
Might be also. We never know because they don't leave nicks..only bo-liao comments.
24-06-2008, 03:00 PM
so many cute cute model . :p
whoa lau..........u ar........MIA MIA MIA..............we miss you bro.....try the new intake :D slurppp...........
-FRs or good-FRs of rival OKT?
I think must be the work of some bo-liao pple zapping.
hmmmmmmmm.........agreed......better to have one more friend than an enemy.........unless out of jealousy they make us their enemy........:D
25-06-2008, 04:23 AM
when i just join SBF, i also got zapped by unknowns... one guy even left a remark " kao pei simi lan jiao" . it wasn't so easy to understand at first But after a couple of yrs in the forum. u more or less know who are the ones tht really share good lobangs. also encounter few times when stats given by some bros are not really wht it seems(36d stated but turn out to be 33b ) BUT we do not zap them cos they do not bring along a measuring tape along for every bonking session (not even if i am a tailor).. OKT, samster, guest..whatever... as long near genuine FRs are will be deeply appreciated
25-06-2008, 05:32 AM
I truly feel that FRs are very important as they can show how good the girl is and her standard in service factor. It reflects whether the bonk is value for money or not.
(Have been chionging for 4 years but created another account as i hand itchy went to change password then now forget, i'm getting old lar!)
25-06-2008, 04:37 PM
I truly feel that FRs are very important as they can show how good the girl is and her standard in service factor. It reflects whether the bonk is value for money or not.
AGREED! FRS are something i look for before making my decision on a girl i would like to bonk from okts or sharers.. Its like a reliable source.. unless, the FR is written by a clone lar but i doubt so.
29-06-2008, 05:19 AM
wow.. wasnt expecting anyone to reply but this shows indeed there can be a 'band of brothers' in this forum. thankyou all the bros for taking the time and 'risking' yr points to discuss this topic. needless to say, just like wat bro wordcraft predicted, i got zapped more for starting this thread. but some bros upped me to encourage me. i dun hav enough rep to up u all back but u know i appreciate it. its not the point but the spirit!
bro infinitiumus i was thinking of the same idea as you. why not we start our own private group. host Frs only. but still we cant prevent fakes. i remember Bro JT last time invite to go gathering, i paisay cos wanna keep my activites here discreet but i really believe that may be the only way to identify OKT clones and fake Frs.
something i notice quite interestin abt the bros from the HC thread.. they chiong together and discuss openly so newbies like me can judge n decide whether to try. 'one man's meat is other's poison' still applies but the general culture there so much more fun. whereas in this FL forum alot of politics. :o
anyway.. who m i to change this situation. but bro clarkent is right. we just continue to do our little bit. if everyone posts honest FRs without fear indeed this place could be fun again...
thats exactly the reason why i decide to write for Linda. looks like i will have to find time to backtrack to tel u guys my experience of Coco + Elle tarma, Vivi and Jasmine.
Some thais i had go home liao so no point discuss but this week had Paula from Bro Mystic. looks & figure all score high!
Bro Te got new group, wish he brings bk 2 shots arrangements. if got time got money then can try.
bros, since the thread i open liao. might as well u all continue to contribute both your sucky or great experiences.
29-06-2008, 09:28 AM
dun worry abt the long as u got the money,many okts will still want ur business.the points things are actually a 2 sided coin depending on how u look at it.for newbies,they think they cant get contacts easily if they dun have high points.honestly speaking,how many contacts are actually good lobangs or gems in here?if good,usually very fast,okts clones will recruit and then remarket them with a new name and higher pricing.
as we can notice,more and more frs are posted by new accounts or those without postings before and suddenly they post out frs for certain okts.2 ways to look at this.1)it could be they trying to prove that they are genuine cheongster.2)it could be okts clones trying to drum up interest in their fls.
as we all knw,competition are getting tougher and more choices are being offered.too many okts are chasing after the same pool of customers hence all these politics and zappings going on.even okts yahoo group keep getting deleted so it just goes to show how bad competition are which actually mean good news for us cheongsters as prices seemed to be more varied nowadays.
the reasons for the zapping might be due to some of the following reasons.
1)rival okts clones doing the zapping.tit for tat
2)disgruntled past customers of that okts
3)frs are not truthful
maybe there are more other reasons for the zapping.1 sentence summarise it all.if u got money,dun worry u cant get the honey ;) unless u really got a bad reputation as a customer.
29-06-2008, 09:39 AM
i don't really like to post FR anymore because later ppl zap me, say clone or wad. the big problem is trying to get contacts, so thanks alot for bros who trust me. most of the time i will go for those FL under OKT in those groups. last time alwys go hugo one, anyone wonder where hugo bro wwent? haha.. haven't been chionging for some time. i join SBF for 2 yrs liao, don think i considered noob rite? haha.. but look at my pathetic points, always think twice when askin for contacts. sadly.
29-06-2008, 10:21 AM
Dear SB Chiongsters,
I do admit that FRs are one way to "check out" whether the FL is worth our hard earned money. My take is, i always take the FRs with a pinch of salt. Reason is, different bros have different standards, tastes and experiences. (might also explain the zapping legacy) Compared to a senior chiongster, a green horn like me would be giving a "better score" FR as i have not fully seen the world, yet (kekeke)
And of course it eventually boils down to the "chemistry" thingy where u might not be compatible with the FLs. As for OKT clones OR for newbies like me who wans to prove that i'm a genuine chiongster, that is another story la kekeke. I always try to make my posts constructive (mostly consists of IMHO FRs) so fellow bros can benefit from them. (provided that my FRs are helpful la keke)
I can very well relate to the "Freedom of Speech" thingy as one might get zapped for posting his sincere thoughts. But i believed for Service Orientated Minded OKTs, they would also expect genuine FRs (good or bad) from chiongsters like us so as to determine which FLs to bring back again. Which they will end up with a list of good service FLs for us to bonk as well as blooming business for them (Like that win-win situation ma keke.)
My 2 cents (dunno how many 2 cents i give le, reaching 20 cents already keke) & my Motto; Different people will have different chemistry. Everything also must try before judging or giving comment, u never know if the girl have good chemistry with u or not ma keke. Hereby wishing all fellow chiongsters a good bonking session ahead ~! :D
29-06-2008, 12:40 PM
Saving up to have a chance to try Angel from Bro TE. ( 300/60/2 for a hot ger is the best deal any bro can ever had!)
Bro, just want to highlight, Angel was 300/90/2. :D 60 mins is too short for 2 shots. (hmmm.... it ryhmes!) Anyway i share your sentiment, that's why i never request any of my clients to write FR for my gals, you should know better since you took Angel before. Yet some idiot could flamed me that i offered raw in exchange for FRs... :( Hai~ The transition is there whether we like it or not. Let's just embrace it rather than being upset yet can't do anything about it. Right?
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