View Full Version : LS Cocktail Production 2 Present: "GIN"__"TONIC" TARMA BLEND(Pics and Lesbo Act Avai)

03-07-2008, 11:23 PM


********* CLICK HERE FOR PICS OF "GIN__TONIC" ********* (http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w194/loveseedthai/GiT.jpg)

21yo, 1.55m,
BBBJ, Frenching, CIM, COB
(Tarma with Lesbian Show Avail)

21yo, 1.6m,
BBBJ, Frenching, CIM, COB
(Tarma with Lesbian Show Avail)

Do Sms me or PM for Slots

Best Regards,

04-07-2008, 07:37 AM
See already very steamy especially GIN

04-07-2008, 11:28 AM
Both can tarma somemore? damage?

04-07-2008, 02:03 PM
Arrived !!! Bros please join group to check damages for members...:p Cheers !!! :D


04-07-2008, 08:52 PM
Saw this wonderful pair of GIN ToNIC pics last night and decided to book for a session the next afternoon...
After checking my work schedule, i sms loveseed bro for a slot...however, last min kena 1 arrow..hurry up take cab and was late for 5 mins...haiz
After getting the number from bro, i went up quickly and was greeted by a SYT behind the door. It was the TONIC i needed...behind her is GIN who was sweet looking too...but my mind already know who was the real babe here...TONIC!!!
Their service and attitude was good...help me to undress and usher me to take a shower...at first only TONIC was there to help me...but it was more than enough...the more i look at her face...the more i was attracted to her..the sweet smile and face...still deeply stuck in my mind...
Soon after, GIN join in and helped me wash my back..while TONIC was working on the front..and who else...my little bro :)
After shower, i went to bed and TONIC join me quickly while GIN was still showering...mai tu liao...slowly start to kiss and caress her...she was so cute...
Soon, TONIC starts to gif a catbath and she seems to enjoy licking my nipples alot...i tot i shld be the one who enjoys it...GIN came out after that and join in the action and start to attack my little bro while TONIC continues with her work...after that they switched position...my hand was auto roaming between the both of them...TONIC figure is very good...just nice...breast also quite a handful...GIN was more petite...smaller boobs...don't like..cause i boobs lover...
While TONIC was still giving me a BBBJ...i start to finger her from the side and she was real wet...cannot tahan...ask her to cap me and she became the cowgirl here...and ride on me...up down front back...non stop action...she looks like she enjoy riding on me and was trying to find the best position....however, i took over after that and went for the missionary...the stereo was pretty loud and real and i soon start to lose control and fire off my 1st shot...after that...she tell me i very good in this...wah..dunno real or not..but hear liao very happy...lol
Massage follows after this and they tried to get me on my 2nd shot after some time...too bad my little bro was not responding and although GIN managed to ride on me for awhile, my little bro soon went to deep sleep after that and no amount of BBBJ from TONIC could wake it up...haiz...sad..
GIN kept apologising to me after that because she could not make me fire off my 2nd shot...told her its ok...but she seem really apologetic...feel abit bad...but i was satisfied with myself...cause managed to bonk TONIC...she is really a gem...was thinking about a overnight session with her while she was massaging me...still tinking about it now :p

Looks : TONIC 9/10 GIN 7/10
Boobs : TONIC 8/10 GIN 6/10 (i boobs lover)
Body : ToNIC 8/10 GIN 7/10 (GIN too petite)
FJ : TONIC 9/10 GIN nv really try
BBBJ : TONIC 6/10 GIN 8/10 (TONIC needs a bit more practise on this...i enjoy GIN's BBBJ more...and the way she lick the balls)
Attitude : Both 10/10
RTF : If $$ enough...defnitely...hoping to try TONIC again

Overall...a great session with 2 SYT with great attitude...there's not much more you can ask for...
Just now saw loveseed bro advertising GIN TONIC PINA COLADA for threesome and foursome...wah...abit tempted...but i think the damage will be too much for me...
Thanks loveseed bro for bringing in TONIC...a real gem...no doubt abt it

05-07-2008, 04:04 AM
Thanks bro sianz123 for Drinking GIN TONIC and the TARMA FR !!! :p :D


05-07-2008, 03:58 PM
1st Blood FR on Tonic Taken from LS Group by bro nabewan

Promise Bro LS an FR after the 1st blood but were too shagged to pen
a proper FR till this morning.

Actually already have urge for a session with Colada who looks very
much similar to a friend's wife that I have the hots on till Bro LS
sms me informing of arrival of new stocks. had a quick peek before
knocking off from work and decided on tonic. Just my luck, Bro
informed me that it will be a 1st slot thus need to do a bit more OT
to pass the time before the time.

As everyone know, 1st blood can either be the unfogettable experience
or you being the guinea pig to test out a lemon. In most instances it
will be the best as the gals want to make good 1st impressions and I
was not dissapointed at all with Tonic.

Tonic turned out to be a fair, sweet pixie faced damsel all out to
sextify you. I had a most enjoyable and satisfying session with her.
This gal is another true gem from LOS that all bros should try. To
cut story short, here are my rating.
Overall summary: 9/10
Service and attitude: 10/10, she will treat you like a king and along
lost lover
Face: 9/10, her sweet dimple smile will melt all bro
Boobs: 7/10 , not for boobs lover but handful and nice pointed nips
Body: 8/10, not too slim but curvy with nice slight baby fat tummy
French: 7/10, yes, lots of tongue action
BBBJ: 10/10, her forte with me CIM and she swallowing all my future
FJ: 9/10, tight and wet-wet, no ky required
GFE: 9/10
Painiting: nice trimmed bush with nice pink labia. She enjoyed this
most with her hands auto roaming her boobs and pinching her nips with
a most enjoyable stereo moans.
RTF: Definitely a Yes if time and vit-m permits

06-07-2008, 12:31 PM
Awaiting more FRs... :p


06-07-2008, 11:39 PM
Thought of giving myself a bit of a reward again tonight with a cocktail!

Sms bro LST and set up for appt at 8.30pm.

Just before 8pm, LST told me to come a little later as the cocktail will only be ready at 8.45pm. Told him no problem and that I am looking forward to lots of lesbo action! (in the hope that he will pass the message across)

It's my first time to that hotel hence took a little longer to find parking space behind it.

Just as I parked my car, bro LST smsed me. Just nice!

Went up to the room and pressed the bell - Ding Dong!

The door opened and I was greeted by 2 cute looking ladies.
I read some FRs before going, hence I was expecting more of Tonic as per the previous Tarma FR by our fellow bro.

However, I must say that I really prefer Gin much better in terms of her size. She was so petite and slim! Small breasts but that's ok for me. Nice face, nice bum and slim small petite bod is my favourite!

Anyway, I am pretty happy with both ladies.

The round of action started with them both helping me out of my clothes. Felt like a king served by 2 concubines.

Once that's done all 3 of us proceeded to the bath all squeezed into 1 tub (standing up of course!) Both of them started cleaning me 1 in the front and 1 behind me. Nice!

Once back in the bed (which was really small as the room has 2 single beds instead of 1 big one). The beds cannot be put together due to a lamp table in between that cannot be moved.

The battles begins with me frenching both ladies... Gin is definitely the better kisser. Maybe there's chemistry... then Tonic and I started to lick and suck Gin's nipples... (but I think they are not really keen on lesbo actions because I noticed Tonic avoiding the nipple and only licking and sucking near it only)

Anyway, Gin started to kiss me, while Tonic started to bbbj me. Feels good... next, they swapped places and this time it was Tonic frenching me and Gin bbbj me. Nice bbbj by Gin, doesn't feel the teeth like how Tonic does hers.

Then I signaled to Tonic for some painting while Gin continue to bbbj me. As I painted Tonic, Gin capped me and start riding me... she's small sized, small in everything, including small tight pussy!

Anyway, the rest are pretty much the same... but overall feeling was good. I especially liked the smallishness of Gin. She is only 149cm tall!

My assessment on Gin
Looks :9/10 (looks like what you see in the pics, nice and smallish!)
Bbbj :8/10 (nice smooth and wet, and no feeling of teeth.)
Fj :8/10(my first battle with them. felt so high and she's really tight!)
Service/Friendliness/Gfe :9/10(friendly and able to communicate more in english)

My assessment on Tonic
Looks :7.5/10 (doesn't look like the pic but she has a smile that grows on you. nice set of white teeth and sweet smile)
Bbbj :6.5/10 (felt too much teeth for my liking but overall, she's really hardworking)
Fj :8/10(my 2nd battle. couldnt finish it as I was tired already.)
Service/Friendliness/Gfe :9/10(friendly, however, cannot talk much due to language barrier.)

Overall, they are both extremely friendly.

The setback is that both had worked a lot today. Gin with 5 customers and Tonic with 4. And they had not had dinner!

Hence, I can really feel for them.

RTF: Maybe, but this time I will book for morning session so that I get them when they are freshest!

07-07-2008, 10:18 AM
Thanks bro james30lim for the Gin Tonic Tarma FR !!! :p


08-07-2008, 04:34 PM
Awaiting more FRs... :p


09-07-2008, 11:56 AM
After a longgggg...2-week layoff, JUMBO needed some good pleasures to release the accumulated pressure. As there are too many gems out there and nah bei JUMBO couldnt make up his mind/head, little me delegated this responsibility to Bro Love with all the key attributes specified ahead. Kudos to Bro Love for introducing this gem to me, though it was a very short notice.

Bro Love recommended GIN, without the TONIC, and I happily accepted the challenge though without the TONIC would make me drunk faster. :D After the horrifying experience with the rapist COLADA, JUMBO needed something very mild and tender to heat up the engine.

The moment little me was greeted by GIN, JUMBO knew he would be in a pair of safe hands. GIN looks like a 15-16 yo girl, whose body is still developing and growing, especially the 2 tiny and cute boobies. She has a very sweet and cute look which makes me think of my puppy love days.

The shower part was rather SOP but something to mention is she scrubbed and rubbed until JUMBO became like a fried sausage-with wrinkles. Wow..what a good 20-minute of scrubbing. After drying up ourselves, we started to go slow with frenching and without telling her what to do next, she sucked and licked my nipples as if I am a girl. Slowly and gently, she proceeded to BBBJ, with some deepthroat stunts in between. As she increased her speed, I tried very hard to push her head away but to no avail. Looking at this, I warned her that she could be having the fullest dinner in her life if she didnt stop the stunts immediately. She just didnt heed my advise and in a spilt second, I gave her whatever that I have- my minerals, vitamins and protein. It was a result accumulated from 2 weeks!!!! Bo pian..she had to spit out some on my body and continue with her vaccum cleaning. What a scene sia..

After resting for a while, I went to clean up myself as I wouldn't want JUMBO to look like fried sausage anymore. As soon as I stepped out from the shower, I quickly jumped onto the bed and hugged her tightly. I like the aroma from her CK Eternity perfume. Slowly, we went into frenching mode again and when it reached the peak...damn..it was almost time to leave. :( Bo pian, poor time management. Before leaving, Colada and Tonic came to her room. Luckily...the rapist Colada didn't do anything to JUMBO, except giving me a goodbye kiss as she will be leaving the shore in 2 days time.

Key stats:-
Look: 8.5/10 (Cute and innocent look SYT)
Boobs: 32A- (Very very immaterial but I like the peanuts!)
Body: 7/10 (Petite)
Frenching: 8.5/10 (What a feeling...)
BBBJ: 9/10
CIM: 9/10
FJ: Sigh...sigh..sigh....BBBJ made my day.
Service: 9/10

Plus points:-
1. She can make you fantasize as if you are bonking your neighbour's daugther
2. Cute and innocent little girl, makes you feel like hugging her more
3. While giving me BBBJ, she rubbed her pussy against my leg and I could feel her damp-ness! Guess what...well shaven pussy too!

Minus points:-
1. Her boobies are too immaterial, only can find her small peanuts :p
2. Not very proactive - looks like inexperienced

09-07-2008, 01:40 PM
Thanks bro Jumbo DarkHorse74 for the GIN FR !!! :p


10-07-2008, 01:03 AM
My 9th FR....
Saw Tonic's pictures in group and decided to text bro loveseed. When I reached the lovenest, overheard loud moans from the opposite room. That brother must be having a good time or the girl must be having a good time. Whatever. I am only keen for my own escapade. After the last episode with bro loveseed's babe where look nice but don't taste that good, this one is worth a mention as I am going to write an FR on her. Some of you may think why my ratings are not that high. Out of 10, there will be that 1 bonk not worth mentioning, so better don't write and keep as memories.
Back to this TONIC. when the door first opened, I realised that not really look like the photos, She is tanner, and slight baby fats.

In the room, we has some small talk and she proceeded to take off my shirt. Once taken off, she said I look handsome. (I hear already want to vomit because I also always say the girls look pretty. Always taken with a pinch of salt.) Then she start to lick my nipples with my pants still around. I took off her bra and dress and fondle her soft breasts. All these done without having a bath yet. She spare no effort and time in stripping me and very soon she was licking my little foxy to become big fat fox. I grabbed her and brought her to the bed. Told her to soften her moans or else outside the room can hear. Licks, kisses and the rest is history. After the 1st shot, we continue to lay in bed, talk some more, and she wants another. This time she rides and I decided to give her another one more ram with her below. The moans are very very loud and I had to kiss her to prevent her from shouting.

Tonic is the target

FACE: 3.1/5 Stars (SYT looks and tan)
CHARISMA: 3.4/5 Stars (Chatty)
BODY: 3.3/5 Stars (Small girl body with some baby fats around)
BOOBS: 3.3/5 Stars (Nice size, handful)
ATTITUDE: 3.8/5 Stars (Great attitude)
PERSONALITY: 3.7/5 Stars (Cheerful and jokes)
GFE FACTOR: 3.3/5 Stars (Frenches and kisses)
BBBJ: 4.1/5 Stars (I gave her this high score because she was kneeling and blowing me till rock hard )
FJ: 3.5/5 Stars (loud moans with wet pussy)
ADD POINTS FACTOR: 1.6/5 Stars (Add some stars for overall factor)

TOTAL: 33.1/50 Stars

Overall, IT"S WORTH IT!!!!

10-07-2008, 01:58 PM
Thanks bro SilverFox@ for the TONIC FR !!! :p :D


10-07-2008, 07:17 PM
Awaiting more FRs... :p


11-07-2008, 01:35 PM
21yo, 1.55m,
BBBJ, Frenching, CIM, COB
(Tarma with Lesbian Show Avail)

21yo, 1.6m,
BBBJ, Frenching, CIM, COB
(Tarma with Lesbian Show Avail)

Do Sms me or PM for Slots

12-07-2008, 01:07 PM
Hope to see more GIN TONIC FRs... :p


14-07-2008, 12:20 PM
21yo, 1.55m,
BBBJ, Frenching, CIM, COB
(Tarma with Lesbian Show Avail)

21yo, 1.6m,
BBBJ, Frenching, CIM, COB
(Tarma with Lesbian Show Avail)

Do Sms me or PM for Slots

15-07-2008, 04:41 PM
Last few days for the Lesbo Tarma Pair...:p


16-07-2008, 11:25 AM
Last day for the Lesbo Tarma Blend...:p


30-09-2008, 04:20 PM
Yes !!! Dear bros !!! GIN and TONIC are back !!! :p :D

View Pics here = > http://i394.photobucket.com/albums/pp28/loveseed8/GinTonic.jpg

Best Regards,

30-09-2008, 07:15 PM
21yo, 1.55m,
BBBJ, Frenching, CIM, COB
(Tarma with Lesbian Show Avail)

21yo, 1.6m,
BBBJ, Frenching, CIM, COB
(Tarma with Lesbian Show Avail)

View Pics here = > http://i394.photobucket.com/albums/pp28/loveseed8/GinTonic.jpg

Do Sms me or PM for Slots

02-10-2008, 01:24 PM
21yo, 1.55m,
BBBJ, Frenching, CIM, COB
(Tarma with Lesbian Show Avail)

21yo, 1.6m,
BBBJ, Frenching, CIM, COB
(Tarma with Lesbian Show Avail)

View Pics here = > http://i394.photobucket.com/albums/pp28/loveseed8/GinTonic.jpg

Do Sms me or PM for Slots[/

03-10-2008, 03:33 PM
21yo, 1.55m,
BBBJ, Frenching, CIM, COB
(Tarma with Lesbian Show Avail)

21yo, 1.6m,
BBBJ, Frenching, CIM, COB
(Tarma with Lesbian Show Avail)

View "GIN TONIC" Pics here = > http://i394.photobucket.com/albums/pp28/loveseed8/GinTonic.jpg

Do Sms me or PM for Slots

04-10-2008, 04:22 PM
21yo, 1.55m,
BBBJ, Frenching, CIM, COB
(Tarma with Lesbian Show Avail)

21yo, 1.6m,
BBBJ, Frenching, CIM, COB
(Tarma with Lesbian Show Avail)

View Pics here = > http://i394.photobucket.com/albums/pp28/loveseed8/GinTonic.jpg

*** Do Sms me or PM for Slots ***

05-10-2008, 03:27 PM
;) :p


06-10-2008, 01:10 PM
21yo, 1.55m,
BBBJ, Frenching, CIM, COB
(Tarma with Lesbian Show Avail)

21yo, 1.6m,
BBBJ, Frenching, CIM, COB
(Tarma with Lesbian Show Avail)

View Pics here = > http://i394.photobucket.com/albums/pp28/loveseed8/GinTonic.jpg

*** Do Sms me or PM for Slots ***

07-10-2008, 01:02 AM
Awaiting more "GIN TONIC" FRs !!! :p


07-10-2008, 05:46 PM
21yo, 1.55m,
BBBJ, Frenching, CIM, COB
(Tarma with Lesbian Show Avail)

21yo, 1.6m,
BBBJ, Frenching, CIM, COB
(Tarma with Lesbian Show Avail)

View Pics here = > http://i394.photobucket.com/albums/pp28/loveseed8/GinTonic.jpg

*** Do Sms me or PM for Slots ***

07-10-2008, 11:06 PM
wanted to rtf fumiko but alas, she's not available at the time i wanna to bonk. thus, decided to have some tonic to drink instead. confirmed the time with LS and went to the hotel. reached the hotel and sms for the room number.

ding dong, a SYT wearing a silky dress (lingerie type) opens the door. as it's a last minute booking, did not have time to do much research on tonic and seeing pics on my HP is very jialat.

went in and complained the room too hot (think she's feeling cold, the aircon like not on lidat). she adjusted the aircon and poured me a glass of ice cold water. while she's pouring, groped her ass and boobs. underneath her short silky dress is a black g-string.

drank the water and ma tu liao, started the action. started to undress each other. she then pushes me on the bed and gave me a bbbj kneeling on the floor. after some time, it's time for me to return the favour. this time, she's on the bed and i started to paint her nipples. soon, start to attack the base. while painting her, she will moan in a very subtle and sexy way, calling 'yes darling, ah darling'. she then say she wants to fuck me and i was thinking, of course, why not

she went to take the cap and came back and gave me a BBBJ again. i buay tahan liao, and told her i wanna fuck her. she then capped and started to ride me. her pussy was tight, warm and moist. we then switched to missionary and the doggie. dunno why, but still unable to cum. think she also tired liao. after pumping her for 45mins still haven cum. she suggest to bbbj and i agreed. ended cumming in her mouth

time to take a rest. while resting, she washed up and then gave me a massage. well, massage not tt gd lah, but i sorta ignored it and continue to rest.

rest enough liao, it's time for my 2nd shot, opted for a hj, as also tired to fuck her liao. think she also tired :D 2nd shot nothing much to talk abt.

hope my fr does not bore you guys reading it

08-10-2008, 04:49 AM
Thanks bro univarse for the FR on Tonic !!! Thanks for drinking some Tonic !!! Hee hee... :p


08-10-2008, 01:44 PM
21yo, 1.55m,
BBBJ, Frenching, CIM, COB
(Tarma with Lesbian Show Avail)

21yo, 1.6m,
BBBJ, Frenching, CIM, COB
(Tarma with Lesbian Show Avail)

View Pics here = > http://i394.photobucket.com/albums/pp28/loveseed8/GinTonic.jpg

*** Do Sms me or PM for Slots ***

08-10-2008, 04:43 PM
Awaiting more FRs... :p


08-10-2008, 10:17 PM
:D :p


09-10-2008, 12:40 PM
21yo, 1.55m,
BBBJ, Frenching, CIM, COB
(Tarma with Lesbian Show Avail)

21yo, 1.6m,
BBBJ, Frenching, CIM, COB
(Tarma with Lesbian Show Avail)

View Pics here = > http://i394.photobucket.com/albums/pp28/loveseed8/GinTonic.jpg

*** Do Sms me or PM for Slots ***

09-10-2008, 09:17 PM
Upsszzz !!! :p


10-10-2008, 02:56 AM
Had a tonic+colada mix cocktail! High alcohol content!

After a quick shower with tonic, lied down on the bed in anticipation. The gals jumped onto bed and attacked me immediately, tonic on my manhood and colada gladly playing with my nipples. My hand were wandering around aimlessly.. 4 boobs! which one to grab?? decisions! decisions.

Was having one of those "off" days. Kudos to Tonic for trying hard to help me rise to the occassion. Think she went down on me for what seemed like almost an eternity... while I frenched licked and sucked colada.

Didnt want to explode in her mouth without getting some pussy action, so when I was at half mast, told them to cap me. Rode Tonic 1st, with colada back to licking all over my body. After a while, change cap and started to pump colada. Think her hormy CFM look got me more excited and I my erection finally got harder and harder. Started to pump her harder and faster, with help from Tonic behind following our rythm and pushing me.

When Tonic went below to start licking my balls while I was thrusting hard in and out of Colada, I couldnt take the enjoyment anymore. Tried as I did, I couldnt hold back and shot a big load out.

Showered with Colada this time, and back to the bed where they both massage me. My dick was sore by then! Probably from the super long BBBJ... so I declined a second round.

Though only had 1 shot, it was aother sextisfying tarma! wtf! I think I am getting addicted to tarmas!! hahaha

Thanks bro for the arrangement! cheers!

10-10-2008, 10:47 AM
Thanks bro notti_boi for the TARMA FR !!! :p


10-10-2008, 03:01 PM
21yo, 1.55m,
BBBJ, Frenching, CIM, COB
(Tarma with Lesbian Show Avail)

21yo, 1.6m,
BBBJ, Frenching, CIM, COB
(Tarma with Lesbian Show Avail)

View Pics here = > http://i394.photobucket.com/albums/pp28/loveseed8/GinTonic.jpg

*** Do Sms me or PM for Slots ***

10-10-2008, 10:44 PM
:cool: :p


11-10-2008, 11:57 AM
21yo, 1.55m,
BBBJ, Frenching, CIM, COB
(Tarma with Lesbian Show Avail)

21yo, 1.6m,
BBBJ, Frenching, CIM, COB
(Tarma with Lesbian Show Avail)

View Pics here = > http://i394.photobucket.com/albums/pp28/loveseed8/GinTonic.jpg

*** Do Sms me or PM for Slots ***

11-10-2008, 07:02 PM
Ups !!! :p


12-10-2008, 12:30 PM
Happy Sunday Bros !!! :p


13-10-2008, 06:23 AM
had a tarma session with gin and tonic..FR as promised..


both really pretty..worked really hard...share bbbj, lesbo act..good english...

what more could a guy want?..whats better then coming once with these girls...cumming twice!!

ill just give an overall rating


value for money too..

thanks bro loveseed..will be back soon!

13-10-2008, 12:28 PM
had a tarma session with gin and tonic..FR as promised..


both really pretty..worked really hard...share bbbj, lesbo act..good english...

what more could a guy want?..whats better then coming once with these girls...cumming twice!!

ill just give an overall rating


value for money too..

thanks bro loveseed..will be back soon!

Thanks bro ikidyounot13 for the GIN + TONIC Tarma FR !!! :p


13-10-2008, 03:58 PM
:cool: :p


13-10-2008, 09:23 PM
21yo, 1.55m,
BBBJ, Frenching, CIM, COB
(Tarma with Lesbian Show Avail)

21yo, 1.6m,
BBBJ, Frenching, CIM, COB
(Tarma with Lesbian Show Avail)

View Pics here = > http://i394.photobucket.com/albums/pp28/loveseed8/GinTonic.jpg

*** Do Sms me or PM for Slots ***