View Full Version : AngelFighter's 3 or more girls
07-07-2008, 04:57 AM
Hi to all brothers and samsters,
I believe everybody would be wondering why i started a new thread regarding AF's girls. I would like everyone here to know that AT LEAST 3 of AF's girls that hes marketing are UNDERAGE. We here are regular chiongsters and want to be SAFE. It is by right dangerous and against the law to have intercourse with a minor under 18 years old.
Through alot of feedbacks and PMs from certain brothers here, I have come to a conclusion that Ferine, Summer and Pinky ARE all UNDER 18 years old. Ferine and Summer are 16 going 17 this year and Pinky is 17 going on 18 this year. It is rather unfair to cheat brothers here by editing their ages so that you, yourself, the okt can earn commission as the weakness in most singaporeans and men is that, we love FRESH and as young as possible girls.. the younger the better.. but it is against the LAW and it is not honest to lie to your paying clients!
My point is, if you want to market girls, please for the sake of the community and safety of this website and the web-makers and the web-goers, please do not market underage girls.. will kena rotan one leh plus squat in jail for damn bloody long.. (not like i kena before but its written in AGC site)
I know i sure kena zapped for creating a thread like that but i MUST warn brothers out here before you all kena underage girls and then expose yourself to the shades of grey of the other side.. Please be wise. Just like raw is war, underage is also WAR!
I urge everybody to not boycott this OKT but to play safe and boycott the 3 girls stated as above.. You can still support his other girls but for the 3 listed up there, i am very sure from my sources that they are all underaged. No reason to doubt me as i myself am a seasonal chiongster just that i am using another account to come out to speak out on behalf of my sources and so that i do not risk getting exposed by others as I am a loyal customer of AF's :p but i feel what he has done by lying to sbf bros is bad.
Thanks for taking your time out to read. I hope bros out there will take the safe way out instead of taking the hard way.
Sharing is caring.. Warning is better than sharing and caring!
Cheers! :p
07-07-2008, 10:22 AM
actually i did pm him abt this matter but he simply chose to ignore it.hopefully those gals threads that he posted out with frs from samsters with their nicks will not get them into trouble with the laws when shit hit them.
the saying "dun look for troubles when troubles dun look for u" apparently doesnt apply to him.dun challenge the laws openly especially when it out in the open they are underaged.
cheong safely and discreetly.
anyway,good luck to him and his customers.
07-07-2008, 10:40 AM
i dont ostracize him just because of a few black sheeps but i sure do want to warn other bros here about the 3 girls that he has are underage as i do believe samsters in the forum should have a right to know.
the law has already stated clearly about intercourse with minors under 18 years old and i personally feel that the law should not be flout with especially in this instance when the consequences are severe. its not like getting a parking summon when u do an illegal parking on double white/yellow lines, continuous white lines.. if i'm not wrong, the nature of this offence should be under the penal code. :eek:
i dont mean to discredit AngelFighter here but i would like to warn his potential clients that his 3 new girls are underage.
cheers! :)
07-07-2008, 11:26 AM
Hi to all brothers and samsters,
I believe everybody would be wondering why i started a new thread regarding AF's girls. I would like everyone here to know that AT LEAST 3 of AF's girls that hes marketing are UNDERAGE. We here are regular chiongsters and want to be SAFE. It is by right dangerous and against the law to have intercourse with a minor under 18 years old.
Through alot of feedbacks and PMs from certain brothers here, I have come to a conclusion that Ferine, Summer and Pinky ARE all UNDER 18 years old. Ferine and Summer are 16 going 17 this year and Pinky is 17 going on 18 this year. It is rather unfair to cheat brothers here by editing their ages so that you, yourself, the okt can earn commission as the weakness in most singaporeans and men is that, we love FRESH and as young as possible girls.. the younger the better.. but it is against the LAW and it is not honest to lie to your paying clients!
Frankly speaking, I believe the age limit in question is 16 and above.
You may wish to check and verify my statement.
A man commits "rape" when he has sexual intercourse with a woman, with or without her consent, when she is under 14 years of age.
It should be noted that under the Women's Charter, any person who has carnal connection with any girl below the age of 16 years except by way of marriage is guilty of an offence and is liable on conviction to imprisonment of up to five years and a fine not exceeding S$10,000.
As this offence raises the age of consent for females from 14 to 16 years, cases of underage sex are usually charged under the Women's Charter rather than the Penal Code. (The offence is often called 'statutory rape'.)
07-07-2008, 12:09 PM
i do patronise af girls a few times, and was amazed of what i heard bout what af did to his own girls, but that's another story. still i'm not surprised that af wouldn't care if his girl is underage or not.
i've heard from my buddies who try ferreine that she's underaged, but i don't dare to book and confirm myself lah, just in case. there's also one bro who claimed to bonk aldora raw, just have to pay more. not sure how credible that bro's claims are but, i would urge af to get aldora to go for checkup and educate her. though some sources had voiced that af qc his girls raw. but that's only his girl's words against his.
i'm sure there will be many bros who would want "proof" and will say that all this are only "he say, she say" seriously, you guys want what kinda proof? black and white? video with sound? pls, all this are mere warning, up to the individual to access and take neccessary precaution himself.
having said all that, these kinda problem has been going on all over the industry, and it is no surprise due to the nature of the industry. like TS said, cheong safely.
07-07-2008, 12:14 PM
bro nismo, check out this link
Commercial sex with minor under 18
376B. —(1) Any person who obtains for consideration the sexual services of a person, who is under 18 years of age, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 7 years, or with fine, or with both.
(2) Any person who communicates with another person for the purpose of obtaining for consideration, the sexual services of a person who is under 18 years of age, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 2 years, or with fine, or with both.
(3) No person shall be guilty of an offence under this section for any sexual services obtained from that person’s spouse.
(4) In this section, “sexual services” means any sexual services involving —
(a) sexual penetration of the vagina or anus, as the case may be, of a person by a part of another person’s body (other than the penis) or by anything else; or
(b) penetration of the vagina, anus or mouth, as the case may be, of a person by a man’s penis.
07-07-2008, 01:01 PM
after read bro personal feels that bro bonker 69 is fr other OKT group and his comments r provide free ads 4 de 3 gals n de AF ....bonker 69 try to effect de bussiness for de 3 gals n AF....4 me if i hv session wit gals thro OKT/agent...whether de gal is underage or not, it is not my problem....i think its dam rude to ask de gal to prove whether they r underage or not, i onli ask gal to show her IC when i have direct contact without go thro de agent/OKT...this is to just play safe..
de info is provide by de OKT....if 1 day we r dam unlucky then the OKT shld get de penalty not de consumers cos OKT has provided inaccurate info and mislead us, we r just a victim.....
my personal beleive those gals r prof enough in tis line, what's main reason bhine they want in tis line, it's none my bussiness....i just pay 4 enjoy....i don think we will get in trouble as what bro bonker 69 try to warn us unless de gals do a police report...we pay n de gal provide de is a win win deal 4 all party....whether raw or no raw that is between customer n de gal...if de gal said no raw but u force her then u r asking 4 trouble 4 urself....
i will visit them once i m bck to sg...
07-07-2008, 02:03 PM
This is really big issue. Those involved should directly get in contact with the OKT involved
07-07-2008, 05:45 PM
after read bro personal feels that bro bonker 69 is fr other OKT group and his comments r provide free ads 4 de 3 gals n de AF ....bonker 69 try to effect de bussiness for de 3 gals n AF....4 me if i hv session wit gals thro OKT/agent...whether de gal is underage or not, it is not my problem....i think its dam rude to ask de gal to prove whether they r underage or not, i onli ask gal to show her IC when i have direct contact without go thro de agent/OKT...this is to just play safe..
de info is provide by de OKT....if 1 day we r dam unlucky then the OKT shld get de penalty not de consumers cos OKT has provided inaccurate info and mislead us, we r just a victim.....
my personal beleive those gals r prof enough in tis line, what's main reason bhine they want in tis line, it's none my bussiness....i just pay 4 enjoy....i don think we will get in trouble as what bro bonker 69 try to warn us unless de gals do a police report...we pay n de gal provide de is a win win deal 4 all party....whether raw or no raw that is between customer n de gal...if de gal said no raw but u force her then u r asking 4 trouble 4 urself....
i will visit them once i m bck to sg...
i had a gd laugh
07-07-2008, 06:16 PM
after read bro personal feels that bro bonker 69 is fr other OKT group and his comments r provide free ads 4 de 3 gals n de AF ....bonker 69 try to effect de bussiness for de 3 gals n AF....4 me if i hv session wit gals thro OKT/agent...whether de gal is underage or not, it is not my problem....i think its dam rude to ask de gal to prove whether they r underage or not, i onli ask gal to show her IC when i have direct contact without go thro de agent/OKT...this is to just play safe..
de info is provide by de OKT....if 1 day we r dam unlucky then the OKT shld get de penalty not de consumers cos OKT has provided inaccurate info and mislead us, we r just a victim.....
my personal beleive those gals r prof enough in tis line, what's main reason bhine they want in tis line, it's none my bussiness....i just pay 4 enjoy....i don think we will get in trouble as what bro bonker 69 try to warn us unless de gals do a police report...we pay n de gal provide de is a win win deal 4 all party....whether raw or no raw that is between customer n de gal...if de gal said no raw but u force her then u r asking 4 trouble 4 urself....
i will visit them once i m bck to sg...
Hi bro, however in the name of Law, it will be your problem. dont say its not your problem. the Women's Charter is very powerful. check the website below and go to CAP. 353 then you will know if its your problem or not. sorry if my words are too hash
Singapore Statutes OnLine (
07-07-2008, 07:29 PM
I am not a clone for any OKTs please. I have a senior account which to many seems like i have retired from the FL scene.. I just want to be low-profile and keep my ass out of trouble every time i see one and this time, it happens that my sources tell me about this issue and here i am warning everybody who are scared of rotan plus jail sentence.
Why would i want to affect AF's business? I've been his loyal customer for almost a year now! I just simply want everybody to know that his 3 new girls are underage and that everybody must be informed that intercourse with minors under 18 years old is against the law.
For the bro who said that 16 years old is the required age, please check again as Singapore has just revised its law on sexual intercourse with minors.
Thanks and cheers! Have a good day folks! :cool:
07-07-2008, 07:31 PM
after read bro personal feels that bro bonker 69 is fr other OKT group and his comments r provide free ads 4 de 3 gals n de AF ....bonker 69 try to effect de bussiness for de 3 gals n AF....4 me if i hv session wit gals thro OKT/agent...whether de gal is underage or not, it is not my problem....i think its dam rude to ask de gal to prove whether they r underage or not, i onli ask gal to show her IC when i have direct contact without go thro de agent/OKT...this is to just play safe..
de info is provide by de OKT....if 1 day we r dam unlucky then the OKT shld get de penalty not de consumers cos OKT has provided inaccurate info and mislead us, we r just a victim.....
my personal beleive those gals r prof enough in tis line, what's main reason bhine they want in tis line, it's none my bussiness....i just pay 4 enjoy....i don think we will get in trouble as what bro bonker 69 try to warn us unless de gals do a police report...we pay n de gal provide de is a win win deal 4 all party....whether raw or no raw that is between customer n de gal...if de gal said no raw but u force her then u r asking 4 trouble 4 urself....
i will visit them once i m bck to sg...
haha.. you will visit his 3 new girls when your back ah? haha. better pray to whatever god you worship that the hotel u bonking at wont kena raided if not jialat leh..!
good luck to you bro!
07-07-2008, 07:38 PM
I am not a clone for any OKTs please. I have a senior account which to many seems like i have retired from the FL scene.. I just want to be low-profile and keep my ass out of trouble every time i see one and this time, it happens that my sources tell me about this issue and here i am warning everybody who are scared of rotan plus jail sentence.
Why would i want to affect AF's business? I've been his loyal customer for almost a year now! I just simply want everybody to know that his 3 new girls are underage and that everybody must be informed that intercourse with minors under 18 years old is against the law.
For the bro who said that 16 years old is the required age, please check again as Singapore has just revised its law on sexual intercourse with minors.
Thanks and cheers! Have a good day folks! :cool:
well bro,
the website is just in my previous reply and i also included the chapter number, they should be able to find more info from there.
so god bless them.
07-07-2008, 08:08 PM
well bro,
the website is just in my previous reply and i also included the chapter number, they should be able to find more info from there.
so god bless them.
yeap.. just saw that bro.
Thanks! =)
07-07-2008, 08:18 PM
yeap.. just saw that bro.
Thanks! =)
No worries, however worry kana zapped later. bcos i am too straight with my words
08-07-2008, 12:45 AM
No worries, however worry kana zapped later. bcos i am too straight with my words
haha.. yup. sure to get zapped.. nowadays hor, okts will have alot of clones all around one.. they use them to zap people like me. sian. lol.
anyway, points are just a system to add fun to this website actually. not really reliable as crazy people with crazy clones can just go around anyhow zapping people's account/user id.
thats just my 2cents. :p
08-07-2008, 12:48 AM
i do patronise af girls a few times, and was amazed of what i heard bout what af did to his own girls, but that's another story. still i'm not surprised that af wouldn't care if his girl is underage or not.
i've heard from my buddies who try ferreine that she's underaged, but i don't dare to book and confirm myself lah, just in case. there's also one bro who claimed to bonk aldora raw, just have to pay more. not sure how credible that bro's claims are but, i would urge af to get aldora to go for checkup and educate her. though some sources had voiced that af qc his girls raw. but that's only his girl's words against his.
i'm sure there will be many bros who would want "proof" and will say that all this are only "he say, she say" seriously, you guys want what kinda proof? black and white? video with sound? pls, all this are mere warning, up to the individual to access and take neccessary precaution himself.
having said all that, these kinda problem has been going on all over the industry, and it is no surprise due to the nature of the industry. like TS said, cheong safely.
Hi bro,
Who is adolra? Another girl of AF's?
Personally, i do not believe that AF DID raw on his girls .. Most likely is he recieves/demands a FREE session first before letting them join his stable. QC-ing for free nowadays, quite common lar..
08-07-2008, 05:42 PM
Ahh.. I guess AF or his clones have started the art of ZAPPING already. hehe but its not of any use to me lah actually. Basically the point is you zap, i more happy because that shows how guilty u are to be marketing underage girls. Today despite the fact that you already know they are underage, you still pushing their thread at 9 plus in the morning.. wah really dono whats trouble until it comes knocking on your front door man AF. Better do something about it. Even have brothers coming to me telling me about you doing QC raw and free on your girls.
Ferine, summer and pinky are all below 18 years old and if you qc all of your girls for free and raw, i think i will need to go for check-up soon already! i tried almost 90% of your girls excluding the underage ones..
really need your views here.. dont send your clone doomsranger come in to talk.. yes AF, i your supporter so long, also know that doomsranger is your clone. :D
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