View Full Version : Mother Nature Wants You To Get A Bad Girl
01-05-2022, 02:45 PM
Mother Nature Wants You To Get A Bad Girl:
Bad girls are akin to spicy Korean chicken wings; you know they are extremely unhealthy for you and you will definitely regret eating them but they honestly taste so delicious.
Good girls are comparable to avocado salads sprinkled with flax seeds, topped with chia seeds and drizzled with olive oil, doubtlessly beneficial and nutritious but come on, who will eat such super food everyday?
At first sight, a guy is instinctively attracted to that bad girl with heavy makeup, spaghetti strap top and short skirt before his brain starts to perform the mathematical calculations and logical analysis, advising him to go for the other good girl. That is always the case. If any guy tells you that he is innately captivated by good girls, tell him to cut his bullshit and put him under a lie detector test! I can bet all my money in Maybank (never DBS, UOB, OCBC, and don't ask me why) the alarm will go off!
According to the theory of evolution, bad girls might possess some superior genes that should be passed on down to the next generation, and that explains why guys are inherently charmed by the bad girls and not the good girls. Visual evidences can be observed all around you. We absolutely do not see bespectacled nerdy girls becoming successful models and porn stars, careers fields that are largely dominated by girls with an air of badassery.
Through the lens of Mother Nature, these bad girls might have a certain little-known set of positive traits that are necessary for human's survival, hence guys should simply trust their pre-programmed gut reaction and home in onto the bad girls, instead of being brainwashed by institutions and overwriting their natural predisposition.
In conclusion, the take-home message is: Mother Nature really cares for you and wants you to get a bad girl, but your own traditionally-misled mother wants you to get a good girl! That is the first law of intuitive attraction.
Ok students, dismiss!
01-05-2022, 04:35 PM
According to the theory of evolution, bad girls might possess some superior genes that should be passed on down to the next generation, .
How to pass down to the next gen if the next gen is (likely) not going to be raised well by so-called "bad girls"?? Maybe the "bad girl" would even shun traditional motherhood roles. No next gen :D
01-05-2022, 05:07 PM
How to pass down to the next gen if the next gen is (likely) not going to be raised well by so-called "bad girls"?? Maybe the "bad girl" would even shun traditional motherhood roles. No next gen :D
You had highlighted a very good question which plagued me for many years.
Maybe, in the first place we probably have a biased preconception about the so-called "bad girls" being "bad" at raising a family due to our culture constantly depicting them as "bad". But if they have higher probability of being bad mothers, why do the males' brains subconsciously encourage the guys to shoot sperms into their vaginas?
These so-called "bad girls" can actually be very good at bringing up children with a higher rate of societal success. Being expressive, loud, sexually active, and having a good sense of adventure may very well be essential traits for survival, which are stereotypical characteristics of the so-called "bad girls".
Logically, from a scientific standpoint, the "bad girls" possess some necessary DNA in their eggs which the guys crave to fertilize.
01-05-2022, 05:38 PM
A good guy get a bad girl.
A good guy get a good girl.
A bad guy get a bad girl.
A bad guy get a good girl.
A good girl get a bad guy.
A good girl get a good guy.
A bad girl get a bad guy.
A bad girl get a good guy.
In all the above combination, it is up to the individual guy or girl who choose their so called good or bad partner. Does it really relate to mother nature?
Think mother nature only wan or hope all good guy and good girl remain good guy and good girl. bad guy and bad girl change become good guy and good girl. bcos "ren zhi chu, xing ben shan" (we all are borned with a good nature).
another thing is how u define good n bad?
the above is just my own thinking.
02-05-2022, 01:19 PM
A good guy get a bad girl.
A good guy get a good girl.
A bad guy get a bad girl.
A bad guy get a good girl.
A good girl get a bad guy.
A good girl get a good guy.
A bad girl get a bad guy.
A bad girl get a good guy.
In all the above combination, it is up to the individual guy or girl who choose their so called good or bad partner. Does it really relate to mother nature?
Think mother nature only wan or hope all good guy and good girl remain good guy and good girl. bad guy and bad girl change become good guy and good girl. bcos "ren zhi chu, xing ben shan" (we all are borned with a good nature).
another thing is how u define good n bad?
the above is just my own thinking.
I guess ts so called good and bad definition is player and non-player.
02-05-2022, 03:02 PM
I guess ts so called good and bad definition is player and non-player.
It gets interesting when we try to establish an accurate definition of the "bad girls" in order to draw a distinct undisputed line between the "bad girls" and the "good girls". However, this ambiguous word "bad" gets thrown about freely in almost all cultures so much so that that distinct undisputed line gets blurred.
In reality, we all can recognise a "bad girl" when we see one but we are unable to set into stone a sweeping description categorising all "bad girls". Take note that I have always written "bad girls" with the quotation marks because I am referring to the proverbial "bad girls" and not the morally corrupted ones who cheat your money, lie between their teeth and suck the god-damned energy, time, and dollars (instead of your coagulated cum) out of you.
These proverbial "bad girls" are always the misunderstood ones, consisting of ladies who do not give two hoots about the "boliao" social decorum, simply doing/saying what they really desire, examples of which are spreading their legs to random cocks because there is nothing wrong with loving sex. They had conducted secret experiments with cigarettes and alcohols after school during their teenage years because of their entrepreneurial inquisitive nature instead of following what the MOE textbooks taught them. By 21 years old, they perfectly understood the smooth texture of a guy's dickhead more than their plastic dildos.
They are deemed "bad" because they do not fit into the molds society expects them to squeeze into. And this very quality is a trait our future children should possess.
02-05-2022, 03:28 PM
It gets interesting when we try to establish an accurate definition of the "bad girls" in order to draw a distinct undisputed line between the "bad girls" and the "good girls". However, this ambiguous word "bad" gets thrown about freely in almost all cultures so much so that that distinct undisputed line gets blurred.
In reality, we all can recognise a "bad girl" when we see one but we are unable to set into stone a sweeping description categorising all "bad girls". Take note that I have always written "bad girls" with the quotation marks because I am referring to the proverbial "bad girls" and not the morally corrupted ones who cheat your money, lie between their teeth and suck the god-damned energy, time, and dollars (instead of your coagulated cum) out of you.
These proverbial "bad girls" are always the misunderstood ones, consisting of ladies who do not give two hoots about the "boliao" social decorum, simply doing/saying what they really desire, examples of which are spreading their legs to random cocks because there is nothing wrong with loving sex. They had conducted secret experiments with cigarettes and alcohols after school during their teenage years because of their entrepreneurial inquisitive nature instead of following what the MOE textbooks taught them. By 21 years old, they perfectly understood the smooth texture of a guy's dickhead more than their plastic dildos.
They are deemed "bad" because they do not fit into the molds society expects them to squeeze into. And this very quality is a trait our future children should possess.
But if they are deem bad because they cannot fit into the society moulds, wouldn’t they lose the bad gal status when all future children turns bad? :D
02-05-2022, 03:58 PM
But if they are deem bad because they cannot fit into the society moulds, wouldn’t they lose the bad gal status when all future children turns bad? :D
You are right in this and I think you understand what "bad" means. In order to retain their "bad girl" badges, these ladies have to find more innovative and productive ways to break out from the norm or end up becoming mainstream.
This is a story of Good Girl, "Good Girl", Bad Girl and "Bad Girl" working in a multinational corporation:
1) As the front line salesgirl, Good Girl attended some Communication courses at night in order to generate more sales for her company.
2) On the other hand, "Good Girl" obsessively followed the office's rules line by line and even observe the lunch duration to the nearest second. She even bought herself a stopwatch so she would not be late in returning to the office after her meal, causing all her colleagues to brand her as crazy!
3) The third girl, Bad Girl, was lazy and very often, she was suggested by the upper management to be dismissed due to her poor performance but she did not give a fuck because she was a serial job hopper.
4) To get promoted quickly, the fourth girl, "Bad Girl", just as quickly found her way into the pants of the CEO and ended up becoming his favorite cocksucker.
Simply by judging the endpoints, from a Darwinian perspective, which girl has the highest chance of survival?
We want a bit of Good Girl and "Bad Girl", but not the Bad Girl and "Good Girl".
02-05-2022, 08:31 PM
When it comes to the allure of a bad girl, it's not necessarily that men want a force of destruction in their life. It has more to do with symbolism of what a bad girl represents. When men think of bad girls, they imagine a woman who is sexually free, open for adventure and just doesn't care what other people think of her. These are women who play by their own rules and will try just about anything once.
In a world where many men increasingly feel that they are living a monotonous life with an overwhelming number of rules and restrictions, this can be incredibly appealing, even if it is nothing more than a fantasy. It's the symbolic freedom that men have yearned for, the freedom that the average relationship doesn't always allow due to the constraints of society and responsibility.
Of course men know they will be happier with supportive and responsive women in the long term, but sometimes the temporary excitement that a bad girl represents is just too much to pass up. Men are hunters by nature and love the thrill of the chase. Men like bad girls because they represent the ultimate chase. It is every guy's dream to ride in on the white horse to tame or "save" a "bad" girl. But this is a fool's errand.
A bad girl is elusive and can never truly be tamed. That won't stop a man from trying over and over again. He may get burned every time, but the excitement of the journey is just too much of an adrenaline rush. It's all about priorities and deciding what one truly wants in life. People are creatures of habit and have a hard time breaking cycles of poor choices that have been plaguing their lives for years, sometimes even decades. Self-actualization is the first step toward finding a healthy relationship.
Once a man comes to terms with why he is making poor choices with women and what he truly wants in women instead, he can take active steps toward making the right decisions for himself. But I would also argue that men strongly associate nice women as women who are not nearly as fun, exciting and open as bad girls. This is a blanket statement and generalization that is often not true, but perception is everything.
So how should a nice girl attract a man? The best thing a nice girl can do to attract a man is to demonstrate alluring qualities a bad girl has, without actually being a bad girl. Know what men want from women. As a woman, show that you are open to trying new things, are fun, adventurous, exciting, and have a sexual side, without providing all the drama that a typical bad girl brings to the table. The more you could demonstrate these qualities while still maintaining the qualities that make you a nice girl, the more a man will feel as if he won the jackpot and the best of both worlds.
02-05-2022, 11:15 PM
Good gals too boring. Bad gals too hard to tame. Choose your poison.
03-05-2022, 02:48 PM
Good girls are stable. Bad girls are sexciting. Choose your cuisine.
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