View Full Version : Olympic Ping Pong: Has He fuck Her ?

Jia Qi
17-08-2008, 09:46 PM
Let's talk about this guy, R, a badmiton payer we import from Indonesia and this girl, L, a ping pong player we import from China.

Recently I noticed both their performace dipped tremendously.

Could this be because:

1) they fucked each other too often prior to this tournament ?

2) they miss fucking each other since they breakup before the olympic ?

What you guys think, has R fuck L already ?

Xiao Zhu Zhu
18-08-2008, 09:43 AM
Fuck is confirm fuck liao ... even though marriage is annulled and not diviorce, but whether performance and whether they miss each other ,.,,,, I dont care and dont know

18-08-2008, 10:16 AM
why does this topic even exist? zzzzzzzzzz

18-08-2008, 10:18 AM
why does this topic even exist? zzzzzzzzzz

I also wonder

18-08-2008, 10:29 AM
Haha, maybe Jia Qi is Jia Wei's sister ..

18-08-2008, 10:54 AM
From the newspaper report, I believe that R has definitely F'd L's mind. Whether the physical happened, I don't know. And I don't think it matters, the mind game is much more powerful than anything physical.

18-08-2008, 11:36 AM
What you guys think, has R fuck L already ?

you doing part time sales for Baby Bonus banking now?

18-08-2008, 12:19 PM
bro (or sis) TS, you have a strange siggy...:confused:
are u FL ?

18-08-2008, 01:04 PM
LJW must have been unsatisfied with RS' shuttleCOCK.

RS must have been unsatisfied with LJW's pingpongs.


Just joking.

18-08-2008, 01:15 PM
why does this topic even exist? zzzzzzzzzzmaybe TS wans to see if the conclusions here ended tat RS did not fuck JW, jia qi will go n fuck RS?:confused::eek:

Big Semens
18-08-2008, 02:06 PM
Why associate sports performace with sex, whether do well or not ?

18-08-2008, 02:39 PM
What's with this topic??? :confused::confused::confused:

18-08-2008, 10:52 PM
What's this topic? At LJW has won something which RS cannot take away from.

18-08-2008, 11:00 PM
What's this thread for??:confused:

18-08-2008, 11:08 PM
Nothing personal, but i think this topic is a bit uncall for. Firstly, this is much to their private life thus i don see any reason to bring it up over this forum and talk about it.

Look at this way, both of them had worked hard to represent Singapore for the games. Shouldn't we give them some respect rather than tallking about their performance and wonder if sex had worsen it. :(

18-08-2008, 11:20 PM
LJW must have been unsatisfied with RS' shuttleCOCK.

RS must have been unsatisfied with LJW's pingpongs.


Just joking.The comments on this thread is really amusing! hahaha :p :p :p

19-08-2008, 12:32 AM
LJW must have been unsatisfied with RS' shuttleCOCK.

RS must have been unsatisfied with LJW's pingpongs.


Just joking.

Maybe LJW can't control herself SMACKING RS's balls instead of SMUACKING !!! Ooouch !:cool::D

19-08-2008, 05:00 PM
Let's talk about this guy, R, a badmiton payer we import from Indonesia and this girl, L, a ping pong player we import from China.

Recently I noticed both their performace dipped tremendously.

Could this be because:

1) they fucked each other too often prior to this tournament ?

2) they miss fucking each other since they breakup before the olympic ?

What you guys think, has R fuck L already ?

Total Irrelavance.....pls put in thread under "nothing better to post":mad:

19-08-2008, 08:15 PM
Let's talk about this guy, R, a badmiton payer we import from Indonesia and this girl, L, a ping pong player we import from China.

Recently I noticed both their performace dipped tremendously.

Could this be because:

1) they fucked each other too often prior to this tournament ?

2) they miss fucking each other since they breakup before the olympic ?

What you guys think, has R fuck L already ?

================================================== =======
They miss f..king each other verbally

19-08-2008, 08:33 PM
Total Irrelavance.....pls put in thread under nothing better to post:mad:

maybe cn ask Boss Sam start a new section - Boh Liao Talk. then transfer this thread over :p

19-08-2008, 09:17 PM
doesnt matter. but i'm sure R regrets not being with L since she just won a lot of money from pingpong

19-08-2008, 09:18 PM
Bro, In yr 2008, no fuck than is a breaking news. Just imagine this news head line: Lee Jia Wei and Siselo together for 2yrs and still a VIRGIN.

You will shock if see this right.

20-08-2008, 01:01 AM
cannot help but notice ts signature.. :D

16-09-2008, 01:22 PM
Hi Jia QI, wanna hv a session with u. PM me ure contact pls. Thanks. :)

Pearl Jam
16-09-2008, 01:26 PM
I think they once fucked each other several times a week.
Now they fuck each other upside down if they meet on the streets :p

16-09-2008, 04:34 PM
LOLz... TS really run out of ideas on how to attract attention... :D

17-09-2008, 02:04 PM
why does this topic even exist? zzzzzzzzzz

What's this thread for??

What's with this topic???

The simple answer is that the TS is in fact a very bitter, vindictive, sabotaging freak who's sole purpose on this forum is to stir sxxt and to try to ruin the reputation and name of a particular FL. :eek:

Why is this freak doing this? Truth is, I have no idea.:confused: What I do know is that this freak is newly registered and since then have been on a destructive warpath to assainating a FL's character with utter prejudice and malice. It shows in the siggy doesn't it?

This freak has since cooled down with his character assasination attempts and seems to be on a new mission - to start arbitrary, useless, tasteless, silly smear campaigns targetting anyone and everyone.:confused::mad:


Thanks for reading

17-09-2008, 07:44 PM
Hi Jia QI, wanna hv a session with u. PM me ure contact pls. Thanks. :)

It's Li Jia Wei :)