View Full Version : Do U consider urself as having sex addiction?

01-09-2008, 02:13 AM
This is purely for discussion only.

Breaking News (http://www.straitstimes.com/Breaking%2BNews/Singapore/Story/STIStory_273853.html)

According to an article "Just can't Say No to Sex" on the Sunday Straits Time 31 Aug 08. The defintion of Sex-Addiction according to psychiatrists is as follow:

" It (sex-addiction) can take several forms, ranging from a constant urge to view pornographic material to seeking out one-night stands with, say, prostitutes. Some even indulge in fetishes like sex with objects.

Although some addicts have partners, they often seek external stimulation at the expense of their relationships as they may find their partners boring."

Another words, if any samsters who
1. views "The Sammyboy link/Picture exchange Plaza" on a daily or regular basis.
2. visits FL/WL on a regular basis (from once every week to every month).
3. prefers to have sex with FL/WL rather than his CO
are classifed as a sex addict according to the definition.

If you meet the above 3 (first 2 if u r single) criteria, would you consider yourself as having sex addiction?

The above seem pretty normal to me, here we are not referring paedophiles and sex offenders here.

My guess is that most of the samsters here don't consider ourselves as one, on the contrary we see ourselves as any healthy normal man who would have sex with a hot babe given a chance. Which man doesn't like sex right?

01-09-2008, 02:20 PM
I think its natural that most man are sex addicted :D

01-09-2008, 11:37 PM
i beg to differ.

im addicted to money. ;)

01-09-2008, 11:42 PM
Too much, they called it addicted. Too little they say impotent. Why think so much, just enjoy will do:D

02-09-2008, 12:20 AM
Too much, they called it addicted. Too little they say impotent. Why think so much, just enjoy will do:D

Hahaha...that's a good one.:D

Going by the psychiatrists' definition, majority 90% of samsters here are sex addicts.

Rather be a sex addict and than to be impotent. :p

02-09-2008, 12:39 AM
I am not a sex addict, definitely not, I am just horny all the time... nothing wrong with that right? Isn't everyone else? :cool:

02-09-2008, 12:50 AM
I am not a sex addict, definitely not, I am just horny all the time... nothing wrong with that right? Isn't everyone else? :cool:

Oh Yeah baby yeah :D nothing wrong with that, of course not.
Most guys would love to have a girlfriend or CO as horny as u r (I presumed u r female going by ur avatar nick).

02-09-2008, 01:39 AM
Yes, i guess so.....but when i compare myself to the rest here, i become only 10% ;)

02-09-2008, 01:56 AM
Yes, i guess so.....but when i compare myself to the rest here, i become only 10% ;)

so u belong to the 10% that are impotent is it?

02-09-2008, 02:03 AM
Think like that I am having sex addiction liao

02-09-2008, 08:24 AM
Me think me addicted

but better be addicted than impotent. and the foremost thing is enjoy the process. As long you dont go around and raping and molesting i think its ok.

better have it with FLs/WLs than raping.

02-09-2008, 10:15 AM
I am sexually experience, enjoys sex... and talk openly about it... (not in details)...

but it's not an addiction...

02-09-2008, 10:51 AM
I love to have sex everyday with different women...

However, I am ok to do without sex for a few days and can skip the DIY for a couple of days as well..

I think high sex drive is the word to describe me or most of the bros here in SBF and I would only say a minor of samsters are Sex Addict...

Sex Addict can be a very complicated mental or physical illness which affect ones's work performanc and his personal life... So I guess Sex Addict is a very serious term to use on somebody who loves to have sex but can do without it.

Just my 2 cents.:)

02-09-2008, 10:58 AM
this is only a problem for those who are rich and can afford to seek professional help i.e jia ba bo sai pan. for ordinary people like us it is not a problem because we are too busy to see it as a problem, many of us actually enjoy it. it actually help us to de-stress. life is tough why be too hard on yourself but evrything must also 适可而止, otherwise 妻离子散, 家破人亡, then it will to too late to regret. :D

02-09-2008, 11:07 AM
I am sexually experience, enjoys sex... and talk openly about it... (not in details)...

but it's not an addiction...

i am experience smoker, enjoy smoke...and talk openly about it...(not in details)...

but its not an addiction...............

wat toking u bro?:confused:

02-09-2008, 11:20 AM
i am addicted to SBF...if I can't access it I will go into cold turkey and suffer from shakes...oh please don't take SBF from me....i need my daily dose of porn.....:D:D

02-09-2008, 12:06 PM
i am addicted to SBF...if I can't access it I will go into cold turkey and suffer from shakes...oh please don't take SBF from me....i need my daily dose of porn.....:D:D

hahaha..that's true. Alot of us may or may not be a sex-addict but definitely a SBF-addict.

02-09-2008, 12:07 PM
Eh monster, you mean you will put your ONE into a cold turkey and shake vigourously so that you actually suffer?

Anyways, what does a Frankestine's dick look like?

02-09-2008, 12:32 PM
...you mean you will put your ONE into a cold turkey and shake vigourously so that you actually suffer?

Wah Piang... Like that also can think of it.. school children reading might mislead and perform it... hahahaha.:D

02-09-2008, 06:05 PM
Me think me addicted

but better be addicted than impotent. and the foremost thing is enjoy the process. As long you dont go around and raping and molesting i think its ok.

better have it with FLs/WLs than raping.

I would said that samster here r fortunate to be able to afford to engage FL/WL to satisfy our urge for sex. The fact that due to our strong Sing$ and many FLs flocking to our shore to ply their trade at a reasonable price made it all the more affordable.

What if a person can't afford a FL/WL? Would his sex addiction lead to molesting and raping if he can't afford a FL nor able to control his sexual urge? This is when sex-addiction will become a problem if you can't afford FL to feed ur addiction.

03-09-2008, 02:14 PM
What if a person can't afford a FL/WL? .

Can always buy a sotong.....less the head.:D:D:D

03-09-2008, 07:41 PM
Can always buy a sotong.....less the head.:D:D:D

haha trust Monster to come with clever ideas.
nothing can substitute the real thing.
a sex addict will never settle for anything less than the real thing.

05-09-2008, 12:45 AM
wanting something is not an addiction. i believe it's only addiction if you can't carry on with your normal life (all other activities) without that act/thought.

but i consider myself as a sex addict if i follow my definition of it.

05-09-2008, 11:31 AM
more like obsessed with it. i am now spending most of my free time reading these forums, finding WLs, doing them and then thinking about them.

07-09-2008, 06:24 PM
Another articile on the same topic.

"Sep 7, 2008
Rise in sex addiction: Blame Internet porn
I think the Internet has been the No. 1 enabler of sexually compulsive behaviour in people today, and it is affecting millions of people in their relationships as well.

One example is my husband, who is hooked on pornographic websites, which are easily accessed on the Internet.

In the past, a sex addict might be someone who cheated compulsively on his partner, or who had multiple affairs. Today, millions more - especially men - are vulnerable to sexually compulsive behaviour because of the proliferation of Internet porn sites.

How can sex addiction be treated? One way would be - if one has the money and time - to check into a rehabilitation facility for such addictions, which would combine counselling with other types of treatment to help a sex addict kick the habit.

What are the possible triggers?

For many men, it may not be a desire to have sex that leads to their addiction, but rather, a desire to escape from their wives, anxiety, daily stress, depression or other issues. Perhaps X-Files star David Duchovny had such issues.

Sally Tay (Ms)

Will the husband of Sally Tay please still stand up if u r one of the samster here :)
How did ur wife found out that u visited porn sites including SBF?:confused:

07-09-2008, 06:33 PM
I am wondering if Ms Sally Tay has seek her husband's permission before she wrote to the ST Forum? Now all hers & his families, relatives and friends know that he is a sex addict.

Note she asid "my husband" and not "my ex-husband", either they are going thru a divorce or they have reconciled and he recovered from his sex addiction. Hope it was the latter.

09-09-2008, 10:45 AM
Maybe when every ladies you saw, you think of bonking them then that could be a very serious sexual addiction.

09-09-2008, 12:02 PM
Maybe when every ladies you saw, you think of bonking them then that could be a very serious sexual addiction.

I sometime have this thought, confirm liao! I am a SEX ADDICT. :(