View Full Version : My one and only cheating partner

05-07-2023, 03:54 PM
Hi all, starting a new thread to tell my own story on how I got into a cheating relationship that lasted two years. Been thinking of sharing but haven't really got to it. Hope all bros and sis here be kinder to me as there are truths in it so it won't be so dramatic like what you all see in adult videos.😅
1st thing 1st. A little background, I shall call myself - V and my cheating partner - T. I am a considerably tall guy at 1.85m, married but not handsome at all. Haha. As for T...we shall get into her details as we go deeper into the story..
So..two years back, I joined a company as their inhouse graphics designer. It wasn't a very big company, so it consists of the boss, a couple of designers, admins and one admin executive which is T. T was a pretty normal looking lady in her mid 30s, married. She's 1.65m tall, C cup, a little bit on the plumb side(my favorite btw, meaty is nice), meaty and big ass..one thing that stands out are her round eyes tho...I remembered how I always fantasize on coming onto her face, specifically her eyes in the initial stages, more on that later.

05-07-2023, 03:56 PM
Pls share more of sexscapades with her :)

Any lookalike pics of T?

I love reading cheating stories when both parties are married /attached with their own respective partners...

05-07-2023, 04:01 PM
Pls share more of sexscapades with her :)

Any lookalike pics of T?

I love reading cheating stories when both parties are married /attached with their own respective partners...

I would liken her to Fish Leong, not really chio type.haha

05-07-2023, 04:06 PM
Part 1
So weeks passed and I was slowly getting into the rhythm and pace of my new job, we got more familiar with each other, so the barrier between colleagues naturally became lesser...T came across as a lady who's reserved but friendly at the same time, definitely someone who plans way ahead....😂
So....the 1st incident that leads to everything starts like two months or so after I started work? We were preparing to get off work and were at the area near the pantry where we will change into our own shoes (most of us wear slippers in office), T was in a A shaped dress if you folks know what I mean, She was sitting down on the bench to wear her shoes while I unknowingly was positioned in front of her bending/kneeling down to take and wear my shoes. It was then I noticed her lifting up her legs to wear her heels, it was subtle but I managed to spot a hot pink underwear that she's wearing. Instinctively I looked up to see if she spotted me looking and I swear I saw a very slight smirk as she open up her thighs wider, just natural enough for me to see more but not awkward if others walked past. Damn! I just took it naturally and spoke nothing of it although I did jerk off to that scene the moment I reached home...what a natural teaser...that was the start of a string of events....more to come later, I need to try and remember more before posting. I hope this confession of mine interests you folks..not a natural writer so apologies if it's boring

05-07-2023, 05:17 PM
Love to read stories of females cheating on their partners :p

Keep it up!!

05-07-2023, 05:53 PM
Love to read stories of females cheating on their partners :p

Keep it up!!
Thank you for the encouragement, will try to post one more part if time allows

05-07-2023, 06:34 PM
camping for more...

05-07-2023, 06:40 PM
Nice story to start off.
"Instinctively I looked up to see if she spotted me looking and I swear I saw a very slight smirk as she open up her thighs wider, just natural enough for me to see more but not awkward if others walked past."
The best part to see a guy struggling to see and trying not to see :p please continue ya.

05-07-2023, 08:20 PM
remembered how

05-07-2023, 08:29 PM
Part 1
So weeks passed and I was slowly getting into the rhythm and pace of my new job, we got more familiar with each other, so the barrier between colleagues naturally became lesser...T came across as a lady who's reserved but friendly at the same time, definitely someone who plans way ahead....😂
So....the 1st incident that leads to everything starts like two months or so after I started work? We were preparing to get off work and were at the area near the pantry where we will change into our own shoes (most of us wear slippers in office), T was in a A shaped dress if you folks know what I mean, She was sitting down on the bench to wear her shoes while I unknowingly was positioned in front of her bending/kneeling down to take and wear my shoes. It was then I noticed her lifting up her legs to wear her heels, it was subtle but I managed to spot a hot pink underwear that she's wearing. Instinctively I looked up to see if she spotted me looking and I swear I saw a very slight smirk as she open up her thighs wider, just natural enough for me to see more but not awkward if others walked past. Damn! I just took it naturally and spoke nothing of it although I did jerk off to that scene the moment I reached home...what a natural teaser...that was the start of a string of events....more to come later, I need to try and remember more before posting. I hope this confession of mine interests you folks..not a natural writer so apologies if it's boring

Thanks to all bros/sis for the encouragement. Here's one part before I sleep.

Part 2

Hi all, back with more details, I try to remember as much as I can.

Work was busy as usual, so nothing significant until a week or so later. Busy as usual and we had to rush as there was a company outing to dinner and movies after work. I remembered that she's wearing a v neck top and a pretty short skirt with her jacket that she usually wears in the office.. zipped up, I did asked her previously why she always zip up her jacket (obviously I am thinking of other things), she said it's cold in the office. So on that day, T had to explain some stuff to me, she stood in front of my desk, bent down and explain the things on the paper, I thought nothing of it until I realized her jacket was unzipped and her C cup was in full view right in front of me, not to mention that her top was quite loose and there were glimpse of her brown nips. I had a hard on while she explaining, luckily she walked away quite soon or I might not be able to even respond to work. Guess what? Her jacket was zipped up for the rest of the day, I knew something is on at that moment, maybe a hint for me to take the initiative? That thought was in my mind the whole day😁

After work, the whole company went for dinner, all I had in my mind were her boobs and nips, what's worse was i had random hard on because she's sitting in front of me. When we go to the cinema, coincidentally (or not) she sat next to me, the last seat next to the wall, so I am on her right side while her left side was the wall. Halfway into the show, I felt her thighs leaning against my thighs, so I tested water by leaning against her thighs also and no rejection response from her, so throughout the show, we were subtly having body contact while acting blur.. After the show, all of us went our separate ways and I decided to Whatsapp her..below is the conversation(agar agar from memory)

Me: Hey, what do you think of the show tonight?

T: Hey! Not bad.

Me: oh...
*Me thinking I think too much so don't know how to respond

T: Sorry ar, was messaging my husband just now. So short replies to you, why the sudden message? You got something to ask? I mean you don't usually message me after work, got work issues?

Me: oh, no lah. Just wanna tell you next time be more careful..

T: huh? Careful of?

Me: haha, you know today at work, you literally showed me your boobs when you explaining things to me? I don't mean anything, just remind you to be careful. Not the 1st time already

T: ....and you?

Me: what me?

T: you were leaning your thighs on mine during the show, no? You think I didn't notice? Shiok hor?

Me: *me panicking....
Sorry sorry, I didn't mean that...

T: haha, nvm lah. Gtg, bye!

And I was left hanging there, went home, did my wife, got praised for the performance but in my mind....

Ok, that's all for now, next up will be a major development that shows her twisted side, stay tuned!

06-07-2023, 01:13 AM
T is hinting of something to you?

Camping here for more juicy updates please.

06-07-2023, 01:41 AM
Very good start bro. Camping for more updates! :)

06-07-2023, 07:05 AM
Pitching tent n setting up campfire ;)...to read notti wives stories :)

06-07-2023, 07:57 AM
Part 3
A short update before the start of the day. Will try to update more later in the day. Appreciate the encouragement from all.

We didn't speak of the conversation after that. Usually she will be the earliest one in the office and I will be the second to arrive, the rest of the team usually arrives on dot which is like 40 to 45 mins from the time I reach office. When I reached office, I saw that the lights were on but no sight of T, I went to the pantry to have my usual cup of coffee thinking she's probably in the restroom or what, after awhile, I need to go clear my bowels, I assumed she's inside, waited but still no indication of her coming out, so I knocked on the restroom's door "T, you inside? Are you ok? You like inside very long already." Seconds later, she came out of the restroom looking as if shocked that I was there "oh no lah, I having stomach pains". She said. I thought nothing of it, just that her reaction and expression looks weird. As the day goes on, I got a Telegram message from her, a secret chat with timer consisting of just me and her. Weird but yeah..

T: hey..how long were you outside when I was in the toilet just now?

Me: I was having coffee at the pantry before deciding to go shit, why?

T: you heard anything when waiting outside?

Me feeling weird: why? Is everything ok?

T: means you heard something? Can we meet after work for coffee somewhere? We need to talk.

Me feeling even more blur: ok, sure.

T: make it at the pantry then at 8pm, no one's around after work, easier to talk instead of going outside.

Me: ok....

06-07-2023, 08:29 AM
Part 3
A short update before the start of the day. Will try to update more later in the day. Appreciate the encouragement from all.

We didn't speak of the conversation after that. Usually she will be the earliest one in the office and I will be the second to arrive, the rest of the team usually arrives on dot which is like 40 to 45 mins from the time I reach office. When I reached office, I saw that the lights were on but no sight of T, I went to the pantry to have my usual cup of coffee thinking she's probably in the restroom or what, after awhile, I need to go clear my bowels, I assumed she's inside, waited but still no indication of her coming out, so I knocked on the restroom's door "T, you inside? Are you ok? You like inside very long already." Seconds later, she came out of the restroom looking as if shocked that I was there "oh no lah, I having stomach pains". She said. I thought nothing of it, just that her reaction and expression looks weird. As the day goes on, I got a Telegram message from her, a secret chat with timer consisting of just me and her. Weird but yeah..

T: hey..how long were you outside when I was in the toilet just now?

Me: I was having coffee at the pantry before deciding to go shit, why?

T: you heard anything when waiting outside?

Me feeling weird: why? Is everything ok?

T: means you heard something? Can we meet after work for coffee somewhere? We need to talk.

Me feeling even more blur: ok, sure.

T: make it at the pantry then at 8pm, no one's around after work, easier to talk instead of going outside.

Me: ok....

I suspect T is masterbating in the toilet! 🤣

06-07-2023, 11:29 AM
She was using her vibrator? :D

06-07-2023, 12:55 PM
Part 4
Nice guesses by all, but T is more than that, you folks will know as it develops. Which is why I am so addicted to her. A small part for the afternoon, I try to finish this sub episode by tonight 😀

So, I made an excuse that I had to work late that night, waited till everyone goes off. Time to see what she wants to say even though I don't know wtf is happening. Upon reaching there, I made a cup of coffee and sat down at the table, she looks damn hot on that day with a spaghetti top and tight jeans..

T: ok, what did you hear this morning standing outside the toilet?

Me: ummm....

T: yes, I was video calling my husband and... showing him live show of me... that's why you hear the moaning...and yes, I moaned your name because my husband ordered me to moan a colleague's name...

Me: wait what?! I was going to say I didn't hear anything, but ok...

T: .......

At that point of time, I knew it's now or never, all the fantasies I had of T can be fulfilled one by one since she also seems to be interested....

Me: so....why will you moan my name?

T: (gives out a loud haiz), the multiple up skirts, down blouse and the cinema incidents, it was all planned. I just thought it was fun to show you because you are my type and I like seeing your bulge inside your tight jeans. But that's it, I didn't think of going further....I told my husband what I did and he encouraged me to reveal more but maintain a bottom line. So...yeah..

Me thinking jipai hoseh liao: ok, the bottom line is just show no touch or... cheating for real?

T: yea..looks like no more fun since now that you already knew

Me: what's your fantasies of me?

T: umm....big....

Me: since you like fun, why not take it a step further and proceed for real? It can be our secret

T: no! I have to draw the line somewhere

Me: aren't you interested to confirm your fantasies? No one needs to know


06-07-2023, 02:15 PM
AHHH, I guess I have the same fetish as the husband :p

Part 4
Nice guesses by all, but T is more than that, you folks will know as it develops. Which is why I am so addicted to her. A small part for the afternoon, I try to finish this sub episode by tonight 😀

So, I made an excuse that I had to work late that night, waited till everyone goes off. Time to see what she wants to say even though I don't know wtf is happening. Upon reaching there, I made a cup of coffee and sat down at the table, she looks damn hot on that day with a spaghetti top and tight jeans..

T: ok, what did you hear this morning standing outside the toilet?

Me: ummm....

T: yes, I was video calling my husband and... showing him live show of me... that's why you hear the moaning...and yes, I moaned your name because my husband ordered me to moan a colleague's name...

Me: wait what?! I was going to say I didn't hear anything, but ok...

T: .......

At that point of time, I knew it's now or never, all the fantasies I had of T can be fulfilled one by one since she also seems to be interested....

Me: so....why will you moan my name?

T: (gives out a loud haiz), the multiple up skirts, down blouse and the cinema incidents, it was all planned. I just thought it was fun to show you because you are my type and I like seeing your bulge inside your tight jeans. But that's it, I didn't think of going further....I told my husband what I did and he encouraged me to reveal more but maintain a bottom line. So...yeah..

Me thinking jipai hoseh liao: ok, the bottom line is just show no touch or... cheating for real?

T: yea..looks like no more fun since now that you already knew

Me: what's your fantasies of me?

T: umm....big....

Me: since you like fun, why not take it a step further and proceed for real? It can be our secret

T: no! I have to draw the line somewhere

Me: aren't you interested to confirm your fantasies? No one needs to know


06-07-2023, 08:38 PM
do continue...
camping with tissues in stock...;)

06-07-2023, 09:17 PM
Part 5

Hi, am back. Appreciate the response from all bros/sis. One for tonight to close this sub episode.

Me: why don't we discuss in your office?


In her office, I sat her down and stood in front of her to give her a direct view of the bulge inside the tight jeans. I can see her struggling to look and don't look at the same time. Grabbing the chance, I unzipped my jeans, pulled down together with my underwear to show her what she wanted to see.(not big, just around 6 inches. No fantasy size here)

Me: is it as what you thought?
I said as I see her eyes widening.
T: yes... definitely as I thought..bigger than his.....
Me: bigger than who?
T: my.... husband
Me: what do you want to do now that you saw it.

I didn't expect the next action she took, she grabbed my fully erected cock and took it inside her mouth, slurping it like a delicious ice cream! It was an amazing feel as she did it just like the av stars. It was hard trying to hold back long after having fantasies on her for so long.
Me: arrgh, I am coming soon! Where do I finish?
She just looked up towards me with her round puppy eyes and ignored me, that only serves to make me more aroused and I finally shoot my load into her mouth...I was expecting her to spit out but to my surprise, I saw her throat moving, she nonchalantly swallowed the load of a guy she's sucking for the 1st time....knn....
T: why you come so much? I almost cannot hold all!
Me: I very long time didn't shoot so much already...
T: you like? I can do it often since you said that it can be a secret
Me: next time will be in other holes...
And she gave me a naughty squeeze on my balls in response 😅

On the way home, I received a message
T: just want to say I look forward to the next time.. and actually the toilet events leading to just now..it was planned...hehe.but you bigger that part is true tho..... miss your....hehe...hehe

"Wtf is up with this girl?" I thought to myself.not that I am complaining tho..

06-07-2023, 10:17 PM
damm... me shoot a big load too...:p
thanks for the updates...;)

07-07-2023, 12:20 AM
damm... me shoot a big load too...:p
thanks for the updates...;)

You are welcome 😄

07-07-2023, 06:23 AM
AHHH, I guess I have the same fetish as the husband :p

Nice! Would love to hear more as it's closely related to the later part too😘

07-07-2023, 01:52 PM
Please continue ur sexcapades with T :) Jus curious, how old are u guys?

Does her hubby know that u r fking her?

07-07-2023, 02:21 PM
Please continue ur sexcapades with T :) Jus curious, how old are u guys?

Does her hubby know that u r fking her?
Thanks for the encouragement. Will try to post later, she's in her mind 30s, I'm in my early 40s.
As for your question, will be known in later episodes 😁

07-07-2023, 04:34 PM
Good one... camping ⛺️ here for more updates on the story. I love the start.

07-07-2023, 05:08 PM
Looking forward to hearing more of ur sexcapades :)

07-07-2023, 08:14 PM
Part 6

Over the next few days, there were no interaction except for work. Just when I thought that was a one off event, I received a telegram message, I got excited because telegram message means something is up!

T: have you been storing your power? I expect nothing less than the load like previously...which was followed by a photo of her big brown nips..
T: you like this color and size? My husband loves them. Hehe

Me trying to stay calm and non desperate: haha, who wouldn't?

Without any warning, I saw T appearing on front of my desk claiming that there is a problem with the paper work. She sat next to me and professionally point out what she needs and what I did, oh btw, my desk is at the last of the row, meaning my back is to the wall. Just as she was explaining, I feel her thighs rubbing against mine reminding me of that movie night... immediately I got a hard on thinking what should I say or react. The next thing I know, I felt her hands rubbing my already erected cock from the outside of the jeans. Shit man it's making me crazy and I can't take it out! She increased her speed of rubbing and suddenly stopped as if she knew I am coming soon, wtf! At that point of time, I was already preparing to shoot and think of how to clean later! Then she just walked away like nothing happened. I almost wanted to go toilet and finish the job myself! As I was calming down...

T: looks good and prepared huh? Hehe

Me: ........

T: you thought you gonna shoot? Haha..maybe...just maybe... tonight? Bring me to dinner, go in my car... since you don't drive

Me: ok....

Ps..appreciate the rep from all, give me sometime to up your rep as I have limited power for each day. Paiseh paiseh

08-07-2023, 10:43 PM
T: looks good and prepared huh? Hehe

Me: ........

T: you thought you gonna shoot? Haha..maybe...just maybe... tonight? Bring me to dinner, go in my car... since you don't drive

Me: ok....

Wow direct invitation.

Camping here for more juicy updates please.

08-07-2023, 11:19 PM
Awesome story bro leeroy. Please continue

09-07-2023, 06:33 AM
Thanks to all for the encouragement, will try to push out the dinner date sub episode later

09-07-2023, 01:57 PM
Thanks to all for the encouragement, will try to push out the dinner date sub episode later

Yes please, wonderful time coming up, cheers!

09-07-2023, 05:45 PM
Part 6

Over the next few days, there were no interaction except for work. Just when I thought that was a one off event, I received a telegram message, I got excited because telegram message means something is up!

T: have you been storing your power? I expect nothing less than the load like previously...which was followed by a photo of her big brown nips..
T: you like this color and size? My husband loves them. Hehe

Me trying to stay calm and non desperate: haha, who wouldn't?

Without any warning, I saw T appearing on front of my desk claiming that there is a problem with the paper work. She sat next to me and professionally point out what she needs and what I did, oh btw, my desk is at the last of the row, meaning my back is to the wall. Just as she was explaining, I feel her thighs rubbing against mine reminding me of that movie night... immediately I got a hard on thinking what should I say or react. The next thing I know, I felt her hands rubbing my already erected cock from the outside of the jeans. Shit man it's making me crazy and I can't take it out! She increased her speed of rubbing and suddenly stopped as if she knew I am coming soon, wtf! At that point of time, I was already preparing to shoot and think of how to clean later! Then she just walked away like nothing happened. I almost wanted to go toilet and finish the job myself! As I was calming down...

T: looks good and prepared huh? Hehe

Me: ........

T: you thought you gonna shoot? Haha..maybe...just maybe... tonight? Bring me to dinner, go in my car... since you don't drive

Me: ok....

Ps..appreciate the rep from all, give me sometime to up your rep as I have limited power for each day. Paiseh paiseh

Part 7

Time passed damn slow for the rest of the day, when it's time to get off work, I excitedly packed up and met T at another location where she picked me up. After dinner, she suggested to go somewhere to "chill".

Me: chill? How about h81? Very chill

T: haha, you think I so easy? H81 not for me. You don't think I sucked you off that day means you can talk to me like I am a slut hor... respect please...

Me: sorry sorry, thinking using the wrong head...

T remained silent and drove on, I was thinking tonight got to diy already when I noticed she drove to an isolated area where there are no cars at all. Not going into details on the location tho.
Like clockwork, we got out and went into the back seat of her car where she starts to tie up her hair, triggering an instant erection from me. She starts rubbing my tool which is feeling suffocated from outside my jeans while looking at me seductively, then she took it out and suck on it like she did the other time.

T: wow, bigger and thicker than last time?

Me: no thanks to what you did earlier, don't waste it then, it can go other places besides your slutty mouth you know?

She didn't respond and sat on top of me..
Me thinking "what she doing? Even tho wear skirt, doesn't mean she don't have to take off her underwear..or is she going to just rub against me to tease some more?"
I barely finished my thoughts when I feel my cock wrapped by a warm and wet pussy.

Me: wtf T, you commando since when?

T: since dinner....
She said seductively while moving her ass expertly.

"What a lucky guy the husband is, this biatch fucks like a porn star" I thought to myself, enjoying her movements and hungrily slurping on her C cup boobs which I had wasted so much of my army when fantasizing, while biting her nips which she enjoyed. She's got all the correct momentum and angle...after awhile (sad to say because too excited), I feel myself coming.
Me: am I reaching deeper than your husband?

T:...yes....yes...bite my nipples! Show me how man...you are!
I bite hard on it triggering a super slutty moan from her

T: that's it! Make me feel pain!

Me: I am coming! Get...get up!

T: no, finish in me, I am on the pill..let me feel your sperm in me...come....fill me up like a man!! You horny bastard!!

Upon hearing that, I shoot my load into her and pumped her the hardest I can while shooting, after that she took my cock in her mouth and cleaned it like the slut she is..then we lay there for awhile before going home with my sperm still in her..

"Damn, next time I am going to take control" I thought to myself or so I thought..

09-07-2023, 08:58 PM
Just given TS leeroy137 my 27 points for his sexciting story with his office colleague T :);)...powered up his points from 210 to 237 ..plss continue the story n don't stop halfway k

09-07-2023, 10:49 PM
Please continue with ur story! Does ur wife knows that u r cheating on her? :)

10-07-2023, 02:04 AM
Lucky TS so shiok to finish with cip.

Camping here for more juicy updates please.

10-07-2023, 08:25 AM
Just given TS leeroy137 my 27 points for his sexciting story with his office colleague T :);)...powered up his points from 210 to 237 ..plss continue the story n don't stop halfway k

Thanks to bro Rickey, you are always an active member who encourages fellow bros/sis

10-07-2023, 10:11 AM
Part 7

Time passed damn slow for the rest of the day, when it's time to get off work, I excitedly packed up and met T at another location where she picked me up. After dinner, she suggested to go somewhere to "chill".

Me: chill? How about h81? Very chill

T: haha, you think I so easy? H81 not for me. You don't think I sucked you off that day means you can talk to me like I am a slut hor... respect please...

Me: sorry sorry, thinking using the wrong head...

T remained silent and drove on, I was thinking tonight got to diy already when I noticed she drove to an isolated area where there are no cars at all. Not going into details on the location tho.
Like clockwork, we got out and went into the back seat of her car where she starts to tie up her hair, triggering an instant erection from me. She starts rubbing my tool which is feeling suffocated from outside my jeans while looking at me seductively, then she took it out and suck on it like she did the other time.

T: wow, bigger and thicker than last time?

Me: no thanks to what you did earlier, don't waste it then, it can go other places besides your slutty mouth you know?

She didn't respond and sat on top of me..
Me thinking "what she doing? Even tho wear skirt, doesn't mean she don't have to take off her underwear..or is she going to just rub against me to tease some more?"
I barely finished my thoughts when I feel my cock wrapped by a warm and wet pussy.

Me: wtf T, you commando since when?

T: since dinner....
She said seductively while moving her ass expertly.

"What a lucky guy the husband is, this biatch fucks like a porn star" I thought to myself, enjoying her movements and hungrily slurping on her C cup boobs which I had wasted so much of my army when fantasizing, while biting her nips which she enjoyed. She's got all the correct momentum and angle...after awhile (sad to say because too excited), I feel myself coming.
Me: am I reaching deeper than your husband?

T:...yes....yes...bite my nipples! Show me how man...you are!
I bite hard on it triggering a super slutty moan from her

T: that's it! Make me feel pain!

Me: I am coming! Get...get up!

T: no, finish in me, I am on the pill..let me feel your sperm in me...come....fill me up like a man!! You horny bastard!!

Upon hearing that, I shoot my load into her and pumped her the hardest I can while shooting, after that she took my cock in her mouth and cleaned it like the slut she is..then we lay there for awhile before going home with my sperm still in her..

"Damn, next time I am going to take control" I thought to myself or so I thought..

Part. 8

Appreciate the acknowledgment from all.

"OT tonight" says the telegram message on my HP screen. I gave a slight smile as I knew it's gonna be a good evening ever since the dinner episode two days ago. "Seems like I got myself a cheating partner" I thought to myself as I felt a stir in my jeans.
Me: how was i that day?

T: thick but....

Me: ?

T: not manly enough.... that's your hint to "unlock" the true me. Hehe. But I still enjoyed tho.

Me: oooo
"So she likes manly guys" I thought to myself

Me: take off your underwear and send me a live video of you diy, must see your face to prove it's you. And I mean now!
Almost immediately, I saw T getting up to close the blinds to her office as if she gonna attend a important zoom meeting like she usually does (when she does that , no one goes in, not even our boss) Damn, this girl is a gem! I acted like I have a stomachache and "rushed" to the toilet. Just as I locked the toilet door, my phone rang with a video call from T. Right on the screen is her dark blue lacy thongs (btw, she's wearing a normal 3/4 sleeve top plus cargo mini skirt on that day), followed by her slutty face appearing on the screen.

T: Hi V, what...what do you want...
"Wait what? Why does she look so submissive all of a sudden?"
My inner thoughts are running on turbo to try and understand..
"Ah, I think I know her game, game on!"

Me: What I want? You should know if you do not do what I want, whole world will know how slutty you are

T: please, no..I have a career and a happy relationship with my husband...just don't...

My inner thoughts: wtf, this girl literally can be anyone any character, Oscar awards caliber!

Me: I have 5 mins and I need a good show to destress

T:....(while lowering her head)

She started lifting up her bra to reveal that pair of boobs that I loved so much, then started to pinch her own nips and giving soft painful moans..

Me: tell me, who's in your mind right now? Who's the one pinching you?!

T:......N... please pinch me harder...

Wtf?? I was expecting my name to pop up and this slut is imagining N enjoying her body???? (N is one of our freelancer). When I thought I will lose interest, I actually got more aroused..T sure knows how to play with guys' mind. Just when I barely finished my thoughts..

T: ughhhh, fuck me harder N, harder! I need your whole cock in me!!

I turned my attention back to the screen, scrambled to lower my phone's volume and T was using a dildo to diy while moaning N's name... I was literally mind fuck. Here is she cheating on her husband with me but she's moaning another guy's name. And I am getting super aroused??!!

T: come in me N! I want to have your baby!!

I literally watched T satisfying herself thinking of others while my own tool is leaking loads of precum without me noticing, it was hard to resist jerking myself off but I had to, to get my revenge tonight...

T: will that do? You won't tell others right?

Me:....(I am too horny to respond)

T: I hope this works, tonight I will be very busy in my office, you do your part of the project and please avoid disturbing me if possible...thank you...


Next up will be the ot. hope you guys enjoyed.

10-07-2023, 10:12 AM
Swallowing and letting you cum in her all on your first try!! What a gem!

11-07-2023, 08:38 AM
Part. 8

I literally watched T satisfying herself thinking of others while my own tool is leaking loads of precum without me noticing, it was hard to resist jerking myself off but I had to, to get my revenge tonight...

T: will that do? You won't tell others right?

Me:....(I am too horny to respond)

T: I hope this works, tonight I will be very busy in my office, you do your part of the project and please avoid disturbing me if possible...thank you...


Next up will be the ot. hope you guys enjoyed.

Lucky you to have such wonderful colleague to work with, cheers!

11-07-2023, 10:54 AM
Part 9

Throughout the day, thoughts and questions ran thru my mind like the morning traffic. What is she doing? Why the sudden hot and cold? Ot but asked me not to disturb her? Am I being mind fucked again? Getting no answers to these questions, I decided to ignore and just concentrate on my work. Sent a Whatsapp to my wife(S) and told her that I ot tonight....

Me: tonight ot...again, no need to wait up for me ok?

S: ahhh..ot again? I still thinking tonight I want.....

Me: sorry, haha. You diy lor. Hahahah

S: don't be crazy! Remember to eat dinner.

"For sure I will" I thought to myself.

After looking at the time multiple times, finally around 7 plus, I see my colleagues packing up and started to go home one by one.

"8pm is the magical hour!" I thought as I looked towards T's office. She's buried in her work and I couldn't see much of her. After the rest went home, I went to the pantry and made myself a cup of coffee while thinking how should I proceed? There wasn't much work to do for ot, surely she dont really mean ot? Or I am just waiting for her to delegate the work to me for real later on....sian half thinking of that.

My thoughts were interrupted by the alarm on my phone stating the magical hour is here. Walked back to my table and I finally saw T, back facing me and standing in front of her own table while bending down like checking some documents. Her short cargo skirt perfectly displayed her meaty hip and thighs which was on me just couple of days ago, thinking if she's also commando like that evening.... I got an erection immediately,, then my mind just opened up suddenly. "So... that's the game plan for tonight's ot!!! What a slut!!"

Will try to post the ending part of the ot episode soon. Hope you folks like it.

11-07-2023, 11:30 AM
Just given my points to you!! Keep it cumming!

11-07-2023, 02:25 PM
Just given my points to you!! Keep it cumming!

Appreciate it! I should be able to post tonight. Thanks!

11-07-2023, 05:19 PM
It's like a best selling novel here.

12-07-2023, 02:12 PM
Wow nice nice, bookmark

12-07-2023, 04:40 PM
Part 10

Hi all, am back. Here we go.

I prepped myself while still having a hard on.

Me: hi T, I have some questions on the work that I need to do, can I check it in person with you?

From my table, I saw her picking up her phone and looked at my message, portraying an annoying expression. That gives me more confidence that I am going according to the unknown game plan..
T: V, I thought I literally told you not to disturb me tonight because I will be busy with my work?? You are not new here, there are stuff you can decide for yourself!

I saw her threw her phone on her table and carried on doing what she's doing. Her reply made me a bit angry and also well prepped for what's coming. I went to her door, took a deep breath while maintaining that anger, opened it up and walked in without any notice.

T: what are you...

Without waiting for her to finish her sentence, I pushed her onto her table, turned her around and started grabbing her C cups from behind, ignoring her resistance, lifting up her top, I pushed her bra up in a rough manner and pinched her nipples hard to get that painful moan which excited me so much previously. Then I started to rub my already erected cock against that cargo skirt and her thick ass like a desperate man..she started to struggle more which only serves to make me more arouse! "Damn! This is exciting! I thought to myself "

T: stop it V! What are you doing? Stop!
She said as I rub myself furiously against her.

Me: don't you like it? Huh? Don't you want my cock? Huh? Scold me right? I'll show you! Bitch!

I said arrogantly as she shows no signs of giving in. While pressing her down, I unzipped myself, let my jeans dropped to the floor and clumsily pulled down my underwear to reveal that hard and thick cock which T likes so much, I swear I have never seen myself so big before!

T: what..what are you doing?....not..not today!

She said while struggling more. Without answering her, I pushed up her cargo skirt to reveal that blue lacy thong which I saw in the video call..."no commando" I thought to myself. As if I was guided by unknown forces, I pulled her thongs aside and pushed the hardest I could into her already dripping wet lovehole.

T: no! I already said not...not tonight

Me: arrr, that feels great..

Whatever she said only made me pumped her harder. I turned her around to face me, lifted up one of her legs to my shoulders and started fingering her furiously in that position on her table while putting my mouth forcibly to hers to engage a tongue fight. T started moaning while trying her best to resist me but her pussy doesn't lie, my hands are soaked with her water. After awhile, I stopped the fingering and inserted my cock the hardest I could into her.....giving the most strength with every thrust made.

Me: bitch!! This is what you get for scolding me because of work! If your husband can't teach you manners, let me do it!

She started to struggle more and hitting/pushing me on my arms as I pumped harder and harder, I had never use so much strength fucking or even working out! I don't even know I had such strength!

T: please..stop....I am not safe tonight... please don't....
She said as she gives that helpless expression in between the unwilling moans ..

Me: not safe? Who cares? Don't you like my sperm flowing in you?! Huh?!?!

This particular convo triggers me and I felt my load coming in a big wave, I held her tight to prevent her from running away, her moans of mixed feelings only made me more aroused and rough. I gave her a few slaps on her face as the thought of impregnating her made me feel more dominant!

Me: this is what you get! I am coming anytime now..ahh..

T: no! no! please no!!! Let me go!!!!!
As she tried to push me away from her pussy

Me: arrghhh!!! Arrghhh!!!!! Ah....

I shouted out loud as I unload waves and waves of my army into her. "I had never experienced such intense orgasm before!", I was thinking as I pulled out my cock after unloading into her...I took a look at her , seeing her laying there soft and "lifeless", regrets started to fill my thoughts."did I just forced myself on her?" What if she reports me? Just as I was thinking, T kneeled down on front of me and started to clean me up using her mouth. I looked down at her...

Me: .......
She looked up at me with her puppy eyes, pause what she's doing..
T: not bad, you got my hint...you literally took the energy out of me with that amazing hardness and the rough sex you forced on me .

Me: but you said you not safe and I..

T: hehe, will you come so much if I said otherwise? This is a roleplay of rough/forced sex. Hehe. Don't worry, safe.. you came alot...I can feel them shooting inside me just now ..now don't disturb me... for real...let me eat up the remaining, wastage is not good..

She said as she hungrily slurped up what's left of my army on my cock. After that, we went for supper like a couple and head home separately

On the way home, i received a message from her which seems to be SOP now.

T: it was a really good evening, I always wanted this feel but my husband do not like it. I am kind of addicted to your manhood now..hehe..your manhood really tastes good..good night.

Oh wow, I just had the best orgasm of my life so far and it seems that there will be more of such. Am I addicted to her too or am I feeling more than that?

Hope you folks enjoyed, up next will be a short episode about my wife-S, not really interesting or long but it seems apt to add in for a short break from T's crazier events...and for future developments too..

12-07-2023, 09:48 PM
Thanks for the update! It's really hot and sexy!

Btw wanna ask u, who's more sexy and attractive?

T or ur wife S?

Who do u enjoy having sex more with?

13-07-2023, 12:00 AM
am still camping with tissues restocked...;)

13-07-2023, 05:46 AM
Thanks for the update! It's really hot and sexy!

Btw wanna ask u, who's more sexy and attractive?

T or ur wife S?

Who do u enjoy having sex more with?
S for looks
T for sex

13-07-2023, 05:47 AM
am still camping with tissues restocked...;)

Thanks for the encouragement!😀

13-07-2023, 08:02 AM
bro leeroy137

up you 20 points for the good story.

Thanks for the encouragement!😀

13-07-2023, 08:54 AM
bro leeroy137

up you 20 points for the good story.

Thank you, upped back with my humble points

13-07-2023, 08:58 AM
Ts thanks for the sexciting story
Just upped you and pls carry on

13-07-2023, 10:52 AM
Ts thanks for the sexciting story
Just upped you and pls carry on

Thanks! Upped back. Will try to post the next asap

13-07-2023, 03:26 PM
Upped you bro. Hope to read more soon

13-07-2023, 05:36 PM
Upped you bro. Hope to read more soon

Thanks bro, I got limited power for the day. Will up you back tomorrow

13-07-2023, 05:38 PM
Part 11
Hi, appreciate the response from all. Here's a little short diversion from T's craziness for a couple of posts.

Me and my wife -S are just like every couple you see out there. Working to survive, making sure our family is well managed and such. A little bit about S, nothing really fascinating about her outlook, just the slightly above average sg girl you see on the road. A little bit taller, longer legs compared to T, but definitely smaller boobs than her..no big deal, I am not saying she's not good, just use T for comparison😅. Sex wise, we are pretty active too just that it's not so wild. I do realize that she has a fetish of exposing too but her girl next door nature made it that she does not really act on it and I don't really push her to do anything too. Her favorite thing to do besides work is to post on social media about her daily life so I always called her social media "influenza"(pun intended). What I'm going to post next happened before T appeared.
A lazy weekend at home..in front of the TV
S: hmmm..

Me: why?

S: there's this person who one shot liked all my posts on insta.. weird..

Me: maybe your secret admirer? Can jio him/her 3p.(*I always joke around asking her to jio 3p, be it mmf or mff). Haha

S: siao ar? Guy or girl I also don't know.

Me: hehe.
The rest of the day went without any main events until evening.

S: bb, remember I said someone like all my posts? I know who already, it was a hi bye friend from long ago.

Me: how you know?

S: he dmed me, took me awhile to remember who he is. Hehe

Me: he? Shit, cannot mff already, only mmf...

S: oi...you know I uncomfortable with these topics....

Me: okok, I am just saying only. Say no wrong mah, not really do it. So how? Handsome?

S:......ok lor....
I noticed S going into deep thoughts, my sixth sense tells me S is imagining some scenarios in her mind which she won't do it in reality. That's how she is , very "tiko" but won't do it. "It's ok" I thought to myself. "Sooner or later, I will make you reveal true face." All I know is usually when she's got that expression, the sex that night will be amazing, I roughly knew she's having other thoughts in her mind while having sex with me, I know her too well but not gonna say it out as we both enjoyed it everytime. I trust her to keep it only to imagination.

That's all for the background for my wife, sorry folks, no classic naughty wife scenario here yet, I try to keep it real. Reason for the short intro is because she will be appearing in the later stages. Stay tuned. Now back to T..

15-07-2023, 11:33 AM
Pls continue with ur sexscapades with T :) Will we see a threesome with ur wife n T?

15-07-2023, 02:44 PM
let the story goes on

15-07-2023, 06:25 PM
Part 12
The retreat(1)

A week or so after the last main events, things were busy as usual in the office. There were little personal interactions between T and me except for quick episodes of oral sex(both ways) after work in the office and some sexting, so nothing to go into details about there. It always amazed me how T changes her mood so fast, one moment she's sending me sexy photos of her, the other moment she's talking work to the team and me with a straight face like the professional she is. What a girl!😅

*Clapping sounds
Boss: guys, good news! Company did well for the work year, we are going for a retreat! Will be a short getaway to a nearby resort island, freelancers included but they got to pay 50%.....T, please let the freelancers know and confirm who's going. Thank you all for the hard work! Date of the retreat will be the upcoming long weekend.

T: yes boss!

I saw T standing at her door gleefully answering while exchanging knowing looks with me.
"Looks like this is gonna be a crazy trip for me, must eat more nutrition to store power!" I thought to myself.

*Back at home
Me: bb, there's a company retreat next week, I will be out of town for three days (keeping a straight face, trying to hold back my excitement)

S: huh? I still thinking we can go somewhere during the long weekend..

Me: sorry lah, can't say I don't go right?

S: ok lor...I find my own entertainment..

Time passed so slow leading up to the retreat, I know me and T will fuck like rabbits over that 3 days because it's overseas, lesser stress and lesser chances of meeting familiar people except for our colleagues. Finally on the morning of the day

Me: ok ar, be good these 3 days

S: ok! Enjoy!

I looked at S in a strange way, she's unusually high but I shrugged it off as my mind is already on T's warm love hole and slutiness which will be exclusively mine for the next 3 days! The team met up at the ferry terminal, I was one of the 1st to arrive and I saw T there, 1st as usual wearing a padded spaghetti top which made her C cups look amazing and cargo shorts which is nothing special to speak of. I looked at her lustfully as I walked towards her.

T: hello, your eyes dropping out soon..

Me: who asked you wear this top, confirm no bra since is padded. How to tahan?

T: hehe, because very hot mah, padded also bra..

Me: you just want to....

?: Hi guys!

Our kinky conversation was interrupted by a familiar voice from behind. I turned around feeling disrupted to see who it was.

N: eh, you two so early ar?

T: hi N! Glad you can come along!! Will be lots of fun definitely!! Wa, fit hor...

"Knn, it's N the freelancer. Why the fuck is he here too?" I thought to myself while having an unknown emotion.*You folks should remember this person who's name appeared very briefly in earlier episode. Dude was literally wearing beach wear showing off his ribbed body. Knn..

*Forcing a smile
Me: yoooo N. Let's enjoy the next 3 days!

N: you bet! I brought my camera set up also! Can take swee swee photos of you all.

T: yay!

As the rest of the team arrived one by one, we hopped up onto the ferry towards our destination..

Up next will be the retreat, stay tuned.

15-07-2023, 09:02 PM
vinegar smell in the air...:p

15-07-2023, 09:56 PM
Nice thread. Tent set!

Chua Soi Lek
16-07-2023, 07:18 AM
Nice story, keep it up !

16-07-2023, 07:54 PM
Bro i suspect ur wife also having her own fwb outside.... Or she knows that u r cheating on her ...

16-07-2023, 08:54 PM
Bro i suspect ur wife also having her own fwb outside.... Or she knows that u r cheating on her ...

Hahaha, will know in time to come as it develops, but definitely no fwb, that's what I can say for now

16-07-2023, 11:08 PM
Hahaha, will know in time to come as it develops, but definitely no fwb, that's what I can say for now

Waiting for more updates bro :D

16-07-2023, 11:32 PM
Hahaha, will know in time to come as it develops, but definitely no fwb, that's what I can say for now

Yes cannot wait for more, cheers!

17-07-2023, 10:42 AM
Part 13

Hi all, am back. Glad you folks enjoyed. Appreciate the encouragement from all! Here we go

The Retreat (2)
Upon reaching, we were chauffeured to the hotel, along the way, I saw T and N having soft conversations and laughing loudly, I felt even more sian, after the standard welcome drinks and such. We got the cards to our respective rooms.

T: sorry guys, boss and management level have their own rooms, the rest will be shared rooms. Haha!
V, N! Here you go!

"Ccb, I got to share the room with this narcissist!" I thought to myself.

N: V, we will be roommates for the next 3 days, feels like NS again? Hahahahaha

Me: haha, so long no stand by bed I ok!(me trying to sound happy)

I took a quick look at T but she's going on her stuff as usual without taking a look at me..I felt slightly disappointed as we took the lift up to our respective rooms. As we were unpacking inside our rooms( luckily hotel did not cock up, two single beds instead of one queen, if not hassle to arrange again)

N: V...you think T hot or not?

Me:(taken by surprise by the question)....huh? Don't know leh, but she's married, where got lobang?(acting blur) you interested in her? Haha

N: haha, no lah. I also know she's married, just feel that she looks hot today, maybe because of the holiday mood, maybe because of her top...Haha...

Me: hahahahaha...

After which, the team met for a meal, food tasted nice to be honest, probably the holiday mood. After the meal..

T: ok guys! Free time till we meet up later at the pub for a drink, no one is supposed to skip ar...haha

Telegram message comes in..

T: I badly need a cock in my mouth now, food too bland...room xxxx in 10mins...send me a message when you near so that I can leave the door open a bit to let you come in fast to avoid others spotting you...

Upon seeing that, I made an excuse, rushed up to my room and cleaned my tool then I went over to T's room..as planned, the door was slightly opened, after scanning the area, I slipped into her room and close the door immediately. As I turned around eagerly, I saw T, still wearing that padded spaghetti, on her bed with her fingers inside her love hole and dripping wet..

T: what...took you so...long? I couldn't take it...so I...ahh...diy 1st..I need your cock in my mouth now..ahh....

Having a instant hardon after being disappointed since reaching here, I took off my shorts and walked towards T, pushing my erected cock into her mouth.."revenge time!" I thought to myself..

Me: here you go, honey..

After 10 seconds, I pulled out of her mouth and looked at her without saying anything..

T: why did you take out? I need it in my mouth....

Me: that's your punishment!

T: huh? (Her fingers still actively in and out of her pussy)

Me: punishment for ignoring me till now and talking to other guys! No cock for you tonight! (I gave a stern look as I said this) are you trying to seduce N?huh?

T: no...no... it's just casual talk.. please...give me....give me the honour to serve you....my mouth needs something inside.... please...

I took a couple of steps away from her and stood there just looking down on this bitch who's fingers are still actively working on herself while begging me...she began to crawl towards me as I moved backwards with every steps she took forward while giving a triumphant expression.

T: please.....give me my dessert.....

Me: promise you won't try to seduce others and I'll consider letting you eat....

T: I promise....I promise....

Without warning, I took a step forward, pulled her hair back and fucked her mouth furiously...T obliged by tightening her mouth while giving me that puppy eyes which she knows I loved.

Me: fuck! Your mouth is so tight today! Arrghhh

T: I loooveajwjsjd itttt

Me: bitch! I don't know what the fuck you saying but I expect to see zero drips when I pull out later...arrghhh

T: ummmm...ummmmm.

T began tightening her mouth even more while fondling my balls, I felt my army coming, held her head tight and released waves and waves into her mouth...after I finished unloading, I looked at her still kneeling in front of me struggling to swallow all of my load. "Bitch!" I said as I turned around and walked out of her room without waiting for her to respond.

Back at my room, I recap to myself.."wow, that was intense, especially the last part where I walked away! Man! This should teach her not to seduce others in front of me!" I smile proudly to myself at my "achievement "....or so I thought...after a quick shower, it's time for some clubbing. I noticed N wasn't in the room the whole time I was here as I came out of the shower. Cb kia must be somewhere trying to impress some ladies with his bod I thought to myself...

Will try to post more later, stay tuned!

17-07-2023, 02:59 PM

Maybe after you left T's room, N is servicing her?

Part 13

I noticed N wasn't in the room the whole time I was here as I came out of the shower. Cb kia must be somewhere trying to impress some ladies with his bod I thought to myself...

Will try to post more later, stay tuned!

17-07-2023, 03:22 PM
Part 13

Hi all, am back. Glad you folks enjoyed. Appreciate the encouragement from all! Here we go

The Retreat (2)
Upon reaching, we were chauffeured to the hotel, along the way, I saw T and N having soft conversations and laughing loudly, I felt even more sian, after the standard welcome drinks and such. We got the cards to our respective rooms.

T: sorry guys, boss and management level have their own rooms, the rest will be shared rooms. Haha!
V, N! Here you go!

"Ccb, I got to share the room with this narcissist!" I thought to myself.

N: V, we will be roommates for the next 3 days, feels like NS again? Hahahahaha

Me: haha, so long no stand by bed I ok!(me trying to sound happy)

I took a quick look at T but she's going on her stuff as usual without taking a look at me..I felt slightly disappointed as we took the lift up to our respective rooms. As we were unpacking inside our rooms( luckily hotel did not cock up, two single beds instead of one queen, if not hassle to arrange again)

N: V...you think T hot or not?

Me:(taken by surprise by the question)....huh? Don't know leh, but she's married, where got lobang?(acting blur) you interested in her? Haha

N: haha, no lah. I also know she's married, just feel that she looks hot today, maybe because of the holiday mood, maybe because of her top...Haha...

Me: hahahahaha...

After which, the team met for a meal, food tasted nice to be honest, probably the holiday mood. After the meal..

T: ok guys! Free time till we meet up later at the pub for a drink, no one is supposed to skip ar...haha

Telegram message comes in..

T: I badly need a cock in my mouth now, food too bland...room xxxx in 10mins...send me a message when you near so that I can leave the door open a bit to let you come in fast to avoid others spotting you...

Upon seeing that, I made an excuse, rushed up to my room and cleaned my tool then I went over to T's room..as planned, the door was slightly opened, after scanning the area, I slipped into her room and close the door immediately. As I turned around eagerly, I saw T, still wearing that padded spaghetti, on her bed with her fingers inside her love hole and dripping wet..

T: what...took you so...long? I couldn't take it...so I...ahh...diy 1st..I need your cock in my mouth now..ahh....

Having a instant hardon after being disappointed since reaching here, I took off my shorts and walked towards T, pushing my erected cock into her mouth.."revenge time!" I thought to myself..

Me: here you go, honey..

After 10 seconds, I pulled out of her mouth and looked at her without saying anything..

T: why did you take out? I need it in my mouth....

Me: that's your punishment!

T: huh? (Her fingers still actively in and out of her pussy)

Me: punishment for ignoring me till now and talking to other guys! No cock for you tonight! (I gave a stern look as I said this) are you trying to seduce N?huh?

T: no...no... it's just casual talk.. please...give me....give me the honour to serve you....my mouth needs something inside.... please...

I took a couple of steps away from her and stood there just looking down on this bitch who's fingers are still actively working on herself while begging me...she began to crawl towards me as I moved backwards with every steps she took forward while giving a triumphant expression.

T: please.....give me my dessert.....

Me: promise you won't try to seduce others and I'll consider letting you eat....

T: I promise....I promise....

Without warning, I took a step forward, pulled her hair back and fucked her mouth furiously...T obliged by tightening her mouth while giving me that puppy eyes which she knows I loved.

Me: fuck! Your mouth is so tight today! Arrghhh

T: I loooveajwjsjd itttt

Me: bitch! I don't know what the fuck you saying but I expect to see zero drips when I pull out later...arrghhh

T: ummmm...ummmmm.

T began tightening her mouth even more while fondling my balls, I felt my army coming, held her head tight and released waves and waves into her mouth...after I finished unloading, I looked at her still kneeling in front of me struggling to swallow all of my load. "Bitch!" I said as I turned around and walked out of her room without waiting for her to respond.

Back at my room, I recap to myself.."wow, that was intense, especially the last part where I walked away! Man! This should teach her not to seduce others in front of me!" I smile proudly to myself at my "achievement "....or so I thought...after a quick shower, it's time for some clubbing. I noticed N wasn't in the room the whole time I was here as I came out of the shower. Cb kia must be somewhere trying to impress some ladies with his bod I thought to myself...

Will try to post more later, stay tuned!

stay tuned indeed:D

18-07-2023, 11:36 AM

Maybe after you left T's room, N is servicing her?

Nice guess!

18-07-2023, 11:37 AM
Part 14
Am back, thanks for all the response!

The retreat (3)
The team met at the cosy pub, everyone was relaxed and chatting about everything except work😁. For me, I just shot a load, so I just sit there casually, joining in the topics while my attention is on T to see if she's doing anything weird. "That's my good girl, looks like what I did just now works" I thought to myself as I saw her joining in the fun, talking and joking with everyone instead of just engaging in small talks with N. To be honest, she's not a very pretty lady but she knows what to wear to cover her weaknesses and enhance her good points of her body. I saw her in a beach shorts and a tight T shirt only complements her C cups that for some reasons caused some stir inside my shorts too. Just when I was thinking if I'll get some tonight...

N: bro, come! Have a drink!

Me: yooo, lai lai. Hahaha, let me get some more for you.

N: chill chill, no need to be so courteous lah, we all bros! Come!

I was taken aback by N's actions. We seldom interact during work but here he is "bro here, bro there"..must be the effects of alcohol... After a couple of hours, the team started going back to their rooms one by one, T was one of the 1st who said she wanted to go back to the room and rest which kind of surprised me but I thought what I did to her just now tamed her, I unwittingly smiled thinking of that....

N: bro, going back room? Wa, damn tired already..

Me: huh? Ya, ya...let's go.

Back in the room, N went for a shower 1st while I was sitting there thinking if tonight got kangtao or not when I received a Telegram message, "hoseh liao!" I thought to myself, I unlocked my phone eagerly while making sure N will not see anything if he comes out. Weird but it was a video from T.."maybe some diy video for me, this little slut" I thought to myself...as I tapped to open the video, I saw T close up in the video still in the padded spaghetti which she wore earlier when I mouth fucked her plus her lacy underwear on.."hmm, she took this after i shot my load? Why?"
She slowly move away from her phone's camera and started to kneel down, ensuring she's in the frame, more questions popped up in my mind, I barely finished my thoughts when I saw her beckoning to someone using one finger in her slutty way and looks. Then I saw someone with a full erected cock enter the frame and T just took it in her mouth without hesitation! Wtf??!! I looked at the owner of the cock and there was N enjoying the service of T with that horny look on his face! Here was I looking at my cheat partner sucking off her fantasy partner while I can only look helplessly as it was a deed done earlier!

N: arrr, T....you damn good at this...this holiday should have happen earlier, I missed out on so much.....

T looked into the camera frame periodically, as if to protest against me for treating her that way earlier on.

T: (while licking N's shaft) I know right? You are so long and thick, plus your abs....I can't wait to taste what's coming out of that monster....ummmm....(bitch looked at the camera again after saying that)

N: can I fuck you?

N pulled a chair from behind him and sat down to enjoy a different angle of sucking from T. He leaned in front, which only shows his abs more clearly, to fondle T's breasts softly, playing with the rims of her nipples, triggering moans form her. T began to use her fingers to run along N's abs while looking at the camera frame again...

T:.......no....just enjoy your oral....

N: you like taking videos huh? Ahhh

N didnt push for it and just sat there enjoying what T is offering him... after sometime...

N: I'm coming...coming!!!! Arrghhh

N tried to hold T's head like I did(guys are all the same😂)but T pulled away and let N finish on her face instead, N released a huge load and I started to think who can shoot more
when N finished shooting, T took a look into the camera frame again and gave a smirk.....upon seeing that, I instinctively thought "what a beta! You didn't push hard enough to fuck her and only finish on her face, loser!"...the video ended there and I started to process what's happening..
Was this pre planned? Was this post planned as T's way of getting back at me? Is she angry at me? Why am I feeling some jealousy or is that a man's instinct to desire dominance over other guys? Then I remembered something, the top..so T sucked N off right after me! What the fuck??? I am supposed to be excited but why do I feel some anger? Is she changing interests because N is fitter, longer and thicker? I was deep in thoughts when...

N: bro, I done showering, your turn

I gave a slight nod of the head, picked up my bathing stuff and walked into the shower room without answering N. As I walked past him, I can't help but swear inside my mind knowing this narcissist is better equipped than me..

Further developments in next post. Stay tuned!

19-07-2023, 06:06 AM
Part 15

The retreat (4)
I sat at the toilet bowl, thinking how should I reply to that video.. with no answer in mind. I thought that it's best not to do anything, should message my wife 1st, I haven't contacted her ever since morning when we reached..

Me: bb, what are you doing? We just had some drinks and now I am just chilling.

S: ok lor. Just watching TV. Hahaha

Me: watch tv need to be so high meh? LoL

S: no ar...I ask you something can?

Me: what?

S: do you think I still look good? As in just wearing undergarments or like naked?

Me: huh? Still good ar, why that weird question?

S: haha, no lah. Maybe recently fatter so a bit insecure ba.

Me: don't worry, fat or thin I still like..

S: hehe, I go sleep already. Good night!

Me: ok, goodnight.

I took a look at the time, it's just 10am or so, she don't usually sleep so early. But that doubt was swiftly thrown out of my mind when I see an incoming Telegram message..
T: like the video?

Me: ..........

T: jealous ar? I am not your wife nor gf, no reasons for you to be jealous. Hehe

Me: no lah, just...abit...shocked.

T: who asked you to leave me there on the floor after coming, although I like the feeling.......so I had to show you I can get another cock anytime..N is thicker than you no doubt...but he doesn't read me like you do....you can see from the video that he requested for sex I rejected him and he just leave it at that, that's why I only let him finish on my face. I still prefer you...the dominant you...and no need to be jealous, I had agreement with him that our flings only last till end of this retreat. As for whether he will get to enter me....well...I can't promise anything....hehe
The text was followed by a photo of her dripping lovehole..

Me: you now overseas, husband not here you very daring hor.....want me to fuck you hard now? I can go over anytime you know....

T: no....come over at 4am instead, make my day......oh, N didn't know about you so don't spoil my retreat..I know you guys sometimes like to show off your "trophies" during casual talks. Just letting you know I'll be talking to him over text later..

Me: be prepared to start your day sore tomorrow. Enough said(I sound cold but T is starting to give me the gf feel although in a twisted way)

I took a shower and walked out to see N sitting there, supposedly replying to messages with that tiko look on his face. "Must be talking to T" I thought to myself, it sure feels different when one feels that he is in control.
Me: sup N? Why you look so happy looking at your phone? Talking girlfriend ar?

N: haha, no lah. Just some interesting exchanges with a friend.

Me: come on man, what friend? Confirm is female, your tiko look all come out already. Hahahah

N: hahah, actually... nothing lah.

Me: okok, don't disturb you already. I go sleep 1st, damn tired.

I left him alone to his interesting exchanges and went to sleep earlier, planning in my mind on how to make my own day and T's too at 4am..

19-07-2023, 08:44 AM
Morning wood?

Do not forget to set the alarm for 4am.

Also do not wake up N.


I left him alone to his interesting exchanges and went to sleep earlier, planning in my mind on how to make my own day and T's too at 4am..

21-07-2023, 06:04 AM
Part 16

The retreat(5)
I could barely sleep as I kept looking at the time on my phone, finally around 345am...
Me: time for some fun, I hope you are awake..

T: ....I am half asleep....I leave the door open now....

Upon seeing that, I got up slowly and tip toe out of my room to avoid waking N up, it's gonna be a hassle if I got to explain why am I up and about so early. Once out of my room, I walked as fast as I could to T's room on another level while trying to be natural.
Door was opened when I reached there as she said, I walked in, closed the door softly and walked towards the bed where T is. "Time for some play" I thought to myself. There were dimmed lights just enough to see her but not totally clear, T is on her bed, laying flat on her stomach "sleeping", in a black lacy lingerie which somehow seems different but I couldn't put a finger on it. That ass in my view is really a piece of art...meaty and thick...perfect for dog style...
I tip toe to her bedside and took out one of 2 extra t shirts I brought along for my play... without warning, I pinned her down gently and used the t shirt to blindfold her eyes from behind her.

T in her sexy half asleep tone: who's...that....what are you trying to do? Is that N?

I got agitated but strangely aroused upon hearing that, I turned her around gently and used the other t shirt to tie her hands together. It was then I knew why the lingerie looks different to me.. she's wearing the type of lingerie where there are bra straps but no cups, just lacy linings along the rim of the breasts, the black lacy thongs had a hole where the pussy is, this view made me almost go mad, I knew of this type of lingerie but this is the 1st time I seen it in person and in bedroom play!
Calming myself down, I put my mouth to hers for an intense tongue fight while fondling her C cups, as I slowly slide down to her breasts, I gave a hard bite on both her nipples..

T: arrghhh, that is so painful while enjoyable...I don't know who you are but... hmmm.....I like.....it...

Then I slowly kissed her stomach right down to her pussy, teasing her by kissing the inner thighs while skipping the important area..

T: whoever you are.....this is so wrong but......I need....your tongue....there... please...

I continued teasing for a couple of mins before I suddenly place my mouth there and started licking it hungrily, rimming the entrance while rubbing the "little pearl"...or clitoris....

T: oh my!!....ahhh.....ahhh....don't.. don't..stop.....I'll do anything, just don't stop!!!!Ahhh!!!!

This shit is getting too hot! I thought to myself...after making her dripping wet, I got up...put her tied hands above her head and started to mouth fuck her... as usual, T never disappoints..even with her hands tied, her mouth still works wonders, taking up every inch of my throbbing cock like the hungry slut she is.

T: stranger......fuck me please..I am tied up, I know I can't do anything to stop you..I don't know who you are but I need you inside me... please...

I maintained my silence, turned her around, my cock grew harder seeing that slutty thong with a hole just right for penetration, I slowly slide into that reddish wet pussy without taking off her thong...and started doing her doggy style..

T: ahhh, ahhh, this feels so good, can you take off the cloth on my eyes so that I....know....who...you...are....

Me whispering in a badly faked voice: not a chance...slut...

After a couple of mins, I turned her around, put her tied hands above her head again and started to pump with her legs on my shoulders.

T: ahhh, ahhh, I never had such a strong penis inside me before, please...tell me who you are...are you N?.....if yes, I want you beyond our..... agreement..... please..tell me..

My primal instinct got triggered hearing that and I started to pump her even harder! When I felt myself coming, I pulled out and shot my load on her face while looking at her desperately trying to lick up those that was near her mouth. Looking at the amount of sperm I shot, I felt that I outdid myself again.

Me whispering to her ears: I have loosen the cloth on your hands..do not move until you hear me out of the room..

T in a mess with sperm all over her face: yes...yes..I will obey.....I will not attempt to see who you are..... as long as you come again...I need you to fuck me again... please...

I did not reply and walked back to my room feeling satisfied,feeling in control..

Upon reaching my room, N is still asleep. "Great, no need to cook up reason on where I went" I thought..
*Telegram message

T: you are better than I thought....my below is sore... seems like you passed.....made my day, let's enjoy the day!

Me:? Passed what?

T: hehe...

21-07-2023, 03:26 PM
needs to restock tissues...
thanks for the update...;)

21-07-2023, 08:03 PM
needs to restock tissues...
thanks for the update...;)

Thanks for the encouragement bro, will try to update soon. Down with flu yesterday

22-07-2023, 01:22 AM
Thanks for the encouragement bro, will try to update soon. Down with flu yesterday

take care & have a good rest...
will be camping here for your updates...;)

Humpy Dumpty
23-07-2023, 06:03 AM
Thanks for the encouragement bro, will try to update soon. Down with flu yesterday

Flu this year is no joke. Get well soon TS!

23-07-2023, 04:11 PM
Flu this year is no joke. Get well soon TS!

Thanks bro, I agree with that 😄

24-07-2023, 06:02 AM
Part 17

The retreat (6) end
The team met at 8am for breakfast and water sports after that."cb kia confirm show off his bod later" I thought to myself. True enough, N appeared topless with beach shorts, triggering wows from the ladies in the team. After the activities, the team sat there to just chil when I received a Telegram message.

T: just telling you, I am going to give N oral in awhile, don't get jealous ok? I just can't reject those abs....You are still better...stranger....hehe

I did not reply, looked up, saw N and T walking away in different
directions quietly trying not to attract attention. I felt some jealously to be honest but at the same time having the girlfriend vibes from T. Mixed twisted feelings..
30 mins or so later, T appeared with some food and drinks along with N. I tried to ignore the fact that N just unloaded onto T's face but I supposed you can't hide some emotions.
*Telegram message comes in

T: angry? Your face so black.

Me: nah, just thinking why does a blow...takes so long? You two go paktor ar? Or he cannot get it up?

*video comes in
I made sure no one will see my phone from behind and opened the video.
As expected, T was blowing N in our room, dude was enjoying the skills of T. "What a cb face...Do I look like this when T was blowing me" I thought to myself .
Just when I thought that's all there is to it, I saw T getting up from her kneeling position and hold N's hands, they started to walk towards...my bed!?? Wtf T???? I looked up from my phone to see T giving me a cheeky smile, when I looked down again at the video, N was on my bed while T was rocking on top of him!!! That movement...reminds me of the car episode, I got a slight hardon thinking of that..She looked into the camera with a slutty expression....They were fucking on the bed that I was using...I paused the video and looked up with anger. T was busy chatting with the rest, I took a deep breath and carried on watching. Soon after, N placed T against the wall and started pumping her from behind..

N: I'm coming..T.. inside?

T reacted immediately, withdrew from the position, kneel down and took every inches of N's cock into her mouth, sucking up every drop that was dispersed from him. I can see N's disappointment at not being able to finish inside her. I felt better after that tho. "Loser" I thought to myself..
*Telegram message

T: hehe

Me: wtf? You not only let him in, you did it on the bed I was using?

T: I thought it was fun, it excites him.....and me too... because I haven't been to your room and we are going back to sg tomorrow....


T: don't angry ok? I made him request for change of bedsheets already. Hehe

I didn't reply her but carried on with the activities for the day. Before going back to sg the next day, we made out two more times (in her room, not mine..nbcb😂), I made sure to finish inside her to make myself feel more balanced mentally while she blew N again right before check out(no sex this time, or so she said). I went back to sg feeling satisfied yet angry.....

Next up will be a break from T, time for mini episodes on S before T shows her true colors. Stay tuned!

24-07-2023, 09:12 PM
welcum back...
thanks for the updates...;)

Chua Soi Lek
24-07-2023, 11:37 PM
Follow your story until blur liao … who is S again ?


25-07-2023, 05:55 AM
Follow your story until blur liao … who is S again ?


S is my wife. She was briefly mentioned in a mini episode earlier too, Thanks for following the story. Appreciate it

Chua Soi Lek
25-07-2023, 07:42 AM
S is my wife. She was briefly mentioned in a mini episode earlier too, Thanks for following the story. Appreciate it

Oic thanks ... continue with the story ...

Btw, just wondering, this is a true story or just fiction ?


25-07-2023, 08:11 AM
Oic thanks ... continue with the story ...

Btw, just wondering, this is a true story or just fiction ?

True but some details like initials and job industry was changed, cannot too much personal details, haha. The important parts are true tho. Just trying to remember as much as I can

25-07-2023, 09:23 AM
S sounds like she up to something. Feels like she a naughty girl?

25-07-2023, 10:18 AM
Part 18
Appreciate the encouragement from all!

My wife - S(1)
Me opening the door to my house: bb, I'm back!

S appearing from the room after awhile: oh, you are back? I didn't expect so early. Hehe

Me: huh? Maybe because not much jam on the way back. What were you doing inside? You looked so surprised that I am back.

S: huh? No ar, I was taking a nap..3 days you not at home, I feel so. bored, so keep sleeping...

"That expression again" I thought to myself, she's hiding some thoughts from me again but no big deal, maybe she diy and embarrassed to say. I brushed it off and unpacked all my stuff before taking a nap.
Halfway into my nap, I felt something wet on my cock, I woke up to see S blowing my half erected cock while making slutty sound.

S: mmm...mmmm....mmmm

Being the horny bastard I am, I got an immediate reaction, pushed her head down fast to her surprise...she nearly fell off the bed due to my sudden reaction 😂

Me: you miss me huh? So much that you need to eat it when I am asleep?

S: yes...can I blow you in just my undergarments?

Me: you can go naked for all I care, I don't mind.

S took off her outer clothing to reveal her not big but perky B cups and lengthy legs beneath a set of wine red lacy bra and mini panties..

Me: when did you buy this set? I haven't seen it before...

S while licking my balls: just two days ago...when you went for your retreat...mmmm...

Me: ahh, that feels good...why the sudden purchase tho?

After a long silence..

S: I..I.....bought it to surprise you
Then she starts to launch a full attack on me, slurping me, taking up every inch of my manhood like she never ate it before...

Me: get up, I need a hole

S: no....let me serve you......

S proceeds to serve me in a way that I never felt before....almost like she's... blowing.... others....
before I can think further..

Me: I'm coming, let me finish in your mouth..arrghhh

S carried on like nothing, I felt myself coming and I unloaded into her mouth, to my surprise, she did something which she never done before. As I was shooting, she carried on sucking, in the process lengthening my orgasm.....

Me: where did you learn that from? Feels damn good.....(me trying to hide the fact that T does it often)

S after spitting out my army: ....glad you like it....hehe
She said without answering my question.

I knew something is up based on my understanding of her but I will take my time to fish it out. I also know it will not be a very serious matter...

25-07-2023, 10:19 AM
S sounds like she up to something. Feels like she a naughty girl?

Nice, upz your post

25-07-2023, 11:03 AM
Looking forward to hearing how naughty S is !! Update again soon!

25-07-2023, 01:57 PM
Looking forward to hearing how naughty S is !! Update again soon!
Thanks bro, will try to push one update out tonight, don't get your hopes up too high tho because trying to be as close as possible to what happened, so no porn like stuff. Haha

25-07-2023, 08:44 PM
Part 19

My wife - S(2) end
Over dinner..

Me: so...these few days what did you do alone at home?

S: huh? Nothing, just watching TV.... surfing net...

Me: you sure?

S: ya, why? What else can I do? More rice for you?

Me: don't divert the topic..you know what I meant....the new undergarment, the way you suck me off just now....you weren't thinking of me just now when you suck right? I know you too well. Just tell me the truth, I am not angry..

S after a long silence:...... sorry.....

I looked at her giving her the chance to say all instead of jumping on it. I know she will not do what I am thinking...

S: remember the hi bye friend who liked my posts? When you were out, he dmed me, we exchanged numbers....

I maintained my silence

S: and...maybe because I am bored, the topic gradually went personal...

Me: what do you mean personal?

S:.....we chatted on the sexual topics..and...he said...I will look good in red sexier undergarments....but but I swear, when I went out and bought it, the intention was never to show him!!

Me: that means he saw you in that set?

S:....on that night he suggested a video chat, I don't know what came over me, I agreed and subconsciously wore that set under my normal clothes... halfway into the video call, the topic went sexual and he asked if I am curious about his manhood size, if so, he can show me and I just have to show him without my outer clothes in exchange..


S: I don't know why I agreed to it and he took off his shorts to show me his..... at that point, I was feeling wet below and excited so I took off my outer clothing to show him... that seems to excites him as I see him stroking his... sorry.....

Me: then?(taking deep breaths)

S: he said I looked really good and very nicely asked for permission to jerk off to me and I agreed.... seeing his lust towards my body, I took off....my bra without him asking...and played with my nipples to seduce him over the video and I also...diy... showing him my.......we carried on until he came and my guilt came over me, I told him nicely that's the 1st and last time which he agreed unwillingly but still nicely. After which I blocked his number..I am really sorry....

Me: .....you liked the experience?

S: yes....but I swear we did not meet and do it. It's just that one video call..

Me: tell me the truth, even now you still thinking of it?


I stood up from the dining table, walk behind her, made her stand up and squeezed her breasts from behind which shocked her. Unable to hide my raging hardon, I rubbed it against her ass to get some relief.

S: bb.....you.....

Me: I let you imagine with actions, don't worry about it. Let yourself go....

I took off my shirt and blindfolded her, S went into the mood almost immediately after that, so I turned her around and made her kneel down, pushing my cock into her mouth...

Me: talk to me...

S while stroking and licking me, still blindfolded: I'm glad you came over while my husband is out of town...I was lying when I said no more interaction, I need you , I want to try a different man...someone like you.... gentleman and well mannered for a change....

S proceed to suck me off diligently while I just got harder and harder..I never knew S can reach this level..I carried her to the sofa, made her bend down, pulled down her fbt + undies in one action and started to pump her furiously. Angry yet aroused at the same time

S: oh my! You are so good! Totally different experience from my husband!!! Ahhhh!!!! Can...can you....fuck me on my bed? Facing my wedding photo.... please....I always wanted someone else besides my husband to fuck me on our bed...

"Wow!" I thought to myself, I carried her to our bedroom and threw her on the bed, positioned her facing our wedding photo, she moved to a dog style position seductively. Then I removed the shirt that is blindfolding her and

Me: do not turn back and let yourself go now...

I started fucking S in the doggy position with a renewed passion.

Me: talk to me!

S: you are so good and daring! Fucking me on....on....the bed in my house.. facing my wedding photo.....I like manly guys like you...ahhh.ahhhh..go on! Fuck me hard like the cheating slut I am!!!

Me: like it huh? Being fucked by others on your bed!!! Look at your wedding photo! Your poor husband not knowing his wife is being fucked at home while he's out!!

S: yes.....yes!!!!!! Oh my...... that is so good and exciting!!!!!
After 10 mins or so....

Me: I am coming!!!!

S: in me please!!!! Inside me!!!!

I came and shot my load inside her, after which both of us laid down there in silence...

Me: you ok?

S: sorry, I cheated on you although it's only video chat and you letting me imagine....

Me: it's ok....I enjoyed too....quite fun wasn't it? You came too.... Never knew that part of you..just make sure no more secrets....ok?


Now..back to T for a surprising development..stay tuned

25-07-2023, 08:49 PM
damm... i only get to unload in tissues...
thanks for the updates...;)

25-07-2023, 08:55 PM
damm... i only get to unload in tissues...
thanks for the updates...;)

Thanks for the support bro 😁

Chua Soi Lek
26-07-2023, 12:07 AM
True but some details like initials and job industry was changed, cannot too much personal details, haha. The important parts are true tho. Just trying to remember as much as I can

Very envious life you have leh, i also want … lol

26-07-2023, 01:14 PM

26-07-2023, 09:17 PM
Wow very hot update bro! Looking forward to more of ur sexcapades :) Maybe threesome with ur wife and T?

Haha, u Wan her to be honest with u but u didn't share with her that u piaking with T 😂

Chua Soi Lek
27-07-2023, 02:31 AM
Next, tarma with S & T ... haha

27-07-2023, 12:11 PM
Wow very hot update bro! Looking forward to more of ur sexcapades :) Maybe threesome with ur wife and T?

Haha, u Wan her to be honest with u but u didn't share with her that u piaking with T 😂
Haha, guys mah...selfish..😁

27-07-2023, 12:12 PM
Next, tarma with S & T ... haha

Who knows...watch out for the next post. Haha

28-07-2023, 10:58 AM
Part 20

The trap(or not) 1
Things kind of spiced up after S opened up her dark fetish(sort of) to me, we had sex more regularly and with more fun in it. If any, her admitting to the video call made us closer.
Meanwhile my sex life was alternating between S and T, not gonna complain about that tho. A wife who's shy yet adventurous to some extent and a side chick who's crazy and always give surprises. What more can a man asks for? Haha.. but as people says, nothing lasts forever..
*Telegram message

T: ot tonight? Hehe

Me: sure, can't wait to finish the extra work!

T: but...this will be our last one.....

Me: huh? Why? You grew tired of me?

T: no lah, how can I? You always feed my desires as if you know me inside out, how I wished you are my legit partner... just that time to stop...talk later ok?

I wondered about it the whole day, trying to figure out what's going on? Did she grow tired of me? Did she carry on the relationship with N despite their agreement? Thousands of possibilities came to my mind until I saw my colleagues packing up their stuff and scrambled to get off work. At 8pm(as usual), I walked into T's room, she hugged me the moment she saw me.

Me: you ok?

T: it's nothing, just that....nvm... can we make love like a real couple tonight? Instead of the fetishes stuff?

I looked at her deeply into her eyes and proceed to kiss her mouth gently, subconsciously I felt something is going away from me..

Me: I love you T.... really love you...

T kept silent while I kissed her neck while slowly fondling her C cups..I took my time to explore every inch of her body as I slowly rimmed her nipples, triggering soft moans from her..

T: I love you too, V...only you know me so well...how I wished we can be together forever

As she said that, she slide down and started to play with my nipples, then she kneeled down, slowly undressing the lower portion of me while sensually touch my body. I had never felt so good despite the many rounds of cosplay with her.

Me: suck for me, T. If this is our last time, make it memorable..
T obligingly took it into her mouth with a momentum that I never felt before with her...the closeness of two individuals..

Me: ahh...you are the best partner I ever had, how I wished this can lasts forever....

After a couple of minutes, I led her to her sofa, removing her pencil skirt and started to work on her pussy with my tongue...

T: V, how can I ever leave you...your skills...your willingness to make me feel special....ahh....

Upon hearing that, I sat down on her sofa, signalling her to come on top, she sat on top of me and rocked in her usual faultless momentum.

Me: this feels so good and....close
I said as I reached out to softly bite her nipples...

T: yes....close and..... romantic...no cosplay, just two individuals deeply. .. connected ....doing the deed...

For some reasons, I got more aroused hearing what she said and I started to take control. I carried her, placed her gently on her work table and started going in and out of her in a loving way, no violence, no restrictions..

T: V, don't stop... maintain that speed...I...am...... com...coming..ahhh, ahhh

I felt T's body reacting to her own words and the unmistakable movement of her stomach while I maintained that speed on her

Me: my turn now, my love.

I felt my lower body tensing up as T made a tighter grip on my cock with her pussy..

Me: ahhhh..ahhhh.arrgghhhhhh!!!!

I shouted as I shot all of my load into T..deep inside her...

As we laid there exhausted...

T: V, thank you...it was really one filled with love...I came....twice ..

Me: is this really the last time?


I did not push for an answer but made a mental note that this is gonna end..felt a tinge of sadness but..yeah...we didn't speak much as we cleaned up and went our separate ways towards our respective homes after that..
*Telegram message received

T: it was a really good session...

Me: yes, I think....I love you...are you ready to answer my question? Was that really the last one?

T....all things come to an end....just a matter of when..

T: I wanted to tell you something just now but couldn't say it face to face..my husband suspected there is something going on with me and some colleague.. he confronted me and I fell into his words play, unwittingly admitting I am cheating on him..

T: now he asked me to tell you, he wants to meet you and talk it out like men should...

"Wtf! Cover blown!' I thought to myself, should I go or just ignore? My mind ran on V8 twin turbo mode trying to get the best response to this, what if it's a test by T? What if..it's...true? Cheaters will never win an argument against the legit party .. finally I decided...

Me: ok...time to face the music, talk like men..when?

T: this weekend....come over xxx hotel, room xxxx for dinner. We order room service as you and him talk over it...

Me: ok...are you ok? Did he turn violent against you? Why hotel room tho?

T: no, don't worry about that..he didn't turn violent...as for hotel room, he figured public is not a good place to hang dirty laundry, our house will be invading too much into our privacies. He has a long term room at xxx hotel for his meetings and such, so that's the best place..

Me: ok...I guess wrongdoer can't choose...

"Yeah, I should probably worry about myself, confirm tio hoot until buay lin chu in two days time because"talk like men should "...." I thought to myself... consequences for thinking with small head..

Up next will be the show down.. stay tuned!

28-07-2023, 12:16 PM
Wow thanks for the update!

Who knows we will see a threesome between the hubby, N and TS himself?

Or maybe the hubby says wanna fk S since TS fked N? :)

28-07-2023, 01:50 PM
Wow thanks for the update!

Who knows we will see a threesome between the hubby, N and TS himself?

Or maybe the hubby says wanna fk S since TS fked N? :)

Her husband is S' Online Hi Bye fren ...is a trap :p

28-07-2023, 02:55 PM
She could have called N instead, guess she felt a stronger bond and a sense that TS can settle this matter.

28-07-2023, 06:25 PM
Remembering how she setup and plan your first encounter with her......
I guess it's another setup for 3P!
Woman like her I doubt will he so careless and let her husband suspect.

29-07-2023, 06:02 AM
Appreciate all the responses from fellow bros/sis. Will post an update later. Thanks for the encouragement!

29-07-2023, 01:53 PM
Part 21

The Trap(or not) 2
My mind was still on the matter as I reached home. Upon opening the door, I saw S sitting at the sofa asleep. She have a habit of waiting up for me but due to some unknown emotion, I got aroused seeing her asleep on the sofa with her legs slightly open and a white panty peeking out beneath her fbt. I walked over, pulled out my already erected manhood and started pumping her mouth...this action shocked her as she jumped up but she took it naturally, diligently sucking up every drop of my precum..in my mind was all T.

Me: ahhh..I want to do this forever...
I said as S started kneeling down in front of me to get a better angle.. within mins, I pulled out and shot my load on her face...

S: eeee, hehe.....you came so much, my face all protein..

Me: I love you S...(with some guilt in me)

S: hehe, me too...

The next two days went really fast and true to T's words, it was as if nothing ever happened. On Saturday morning, I was still feeling dejected when I received a Telegram message

T: hi V, remember the meeting tonight. It's important for the company.

I knew T was using work reasons in case S sees my messages.

Me: hi T, noted, will be there on time.

After letting S know of the work meeting, the rest of the day went by without much happenings..
I reached the hotel at 6pm and went up straight to the stated room. Bracing myself for a beating or some shit, I knocked the door..almost immediately..

T: hey! You are here, come in!

I was taken aback as T was unusually straight faced and was in a nice white tube and short skirt, which made me even more sian thinking that I can't enjoy that body in future anymore.
And the attire looks damn good on her...did I come at the wrong time?" I thought to myself as I walked in cautiously. Thinking maybe there's a group of bengs inside waiting to hoot me...

T: V, this is P....my husband..

I looked ahead to see a man around my height but bulkier, not the body builder type but definitely bulkier. His eyes seem to look into my soul as he spoke..

P: hi V....nice to meet you, take a seat...

Me:..yes... thanks...

P: relax, I said to talk like men should, I won't do anything to you. I a man of my words...

Me: yes...of course....
I was stammering as P spoke to me, this man right here had a weird aura around him which makes one believe his words... charismatic is the word..yet dangerous..I am sure fellow samsters who encountered such people before will know what I meant.
I took a look around the room to ease the awkwardness. It was more of a small suite rather than a room, there's the usual hotel settings plus a sofa set completed with a rectangular coffee table at one end.

P: take a seat

I sat down at the sofa with me on side, P and T on the other sofa opposite me, in between us was the coffee table. "Good distance for me to react in case this man go crazy, here we go.." I thought..T appeared with some coffee

P: so....you ready to tell me everything over some coffee?

Me: yes, look, I'm sorry man, I let my small head took over and.....yeah..I do not know what else can I say except sorry.

P: that's a good start, you are willing to admit...tell me all....right from the beginning...(in a commanding yet calm tone)

Again his eyes seemed to pierce through my soul as I started confessing everything right from when I saw T's up skirt..

Further developments to come, stay tuned.

29-07-2023, 03:06 PM
That guy had stag fetish for sure

29-07-2023, 03:16 PM
Either TS gets to screw T in front on P to satisfy his kink, or P screws TS as revenge payback. Some serious piak piak is gonna happen in that room.

Keep going TS. 😉

29-07-2023, 09:07 PM
I think P is the TS wife friend

01-08-2023, 10:10 AM
Part 22

The Trap(or not) 3
Am back, once appreciate the encouragement from all, nice guesses from fellow samsters, things are gonna get abit crazier from here on which might look unbelievable to some but fellow samsters who had been in the same situation will know that it can happen...here we go

As I was confessing everything, my head was literally facing down, probably ashamed that I got caught fucking others wife...and to avoid P's sharp eyes..then halfway into my confession..
P: hmmm...ok..
I looked up and saw P pulling down T's tube, T was sitting there head down not moving and her C cups which I thought I can never see again was in full view....then in a sudden action, P pulled T's hair back showing me her guilty face and said
P: this is what you see in the car, office and retreat? Huh?!
I felt shit is getting out of hands, just when I am thinking how to react, P pulled down his shorts, revealing his manhood, pushed T's head down to mouth fuck her. Wtf?? I sat there motionless thinking what's happening and what should I do..is T in danger? Should I stop P? How can I stop him? Just when thoughts are racing through my mind..
T: mmmm....hubby... that's why I love you so much....you are so man....

Wait what? I thought T's was being abused but she's..... enjoying? What's going on?
P: haha, suck it bitch, let's see if what you said is true..argghh..
"True, what true?" More questions popped up in my mind when I saw T taking off her short skirt, revealing that meaty ass I loved, shifting herself to kneel down in front of P and continued blowing him off...
P: so far I am not impressed.. looks like your boy here needs some pushing...ahhh....damn it, you are still so good after so many years...
What? I was thinking..still confused as fuck.
P: V, push the coffee table away, will you?
I obliged as if under a spell, to see T's dripping wet lovehole in front of me, then I realized I had a hardon see what's happening..
P: come on bro, don't disappoint us. A slut's pussy needs a tongue you know...P said impatiently as T was hungrily taking in his whole length..

"Is this what I am thinking?" I thought to myself. Cautiously, I moved over, laid down flat on the floor, face up.. shifted my head in between T's legs and positioned her ass properly to start servicing that dripping wet pussy in need of some relief..
T: oh my!!!! That feels so good, am I right hubby? See what he is doing? Ahh...ahhh.ahhhh...

P: we'll see....
Halfway into the act, P pulled T up, positioned her on the carpeted floor and started doing her dog style.. getting the hint, I moved in front of T and started fucking her mouth..

Me: argghh T, I miss your suction, argghh, do you miss the hardness of my cock? Huh?! (at this point, I realized what's happening and I am not gonna lose out)

P: now we are talking...turn the other way T, let's give your boy here a hole to enter...
T obligingly switched over and started blowing P while beckoning me to penetrate her..I did not think too much of what's happening and started fucking T in the usual momentum she liked....
T: ahhh...V....I love the way you fuck me... so good......I'm coming...again...ahhh...
Upon hearing that, I pumped with more gusto which triggered more moans from her..I took a quick look at P and his eyes are telling me to go ahead....I felt the tension in my cock and..
Me: I'm coming....T......arrghhh
Then I pulled out and shot it on her back(still cautious at this point, so not gonna shoot inside), waves and waves of it while T was still blowing off P. After which, p sat on the sofa and got T to sit on top of him to rock like the slut she is....while he menacingly pinch T's nipples to get that moan which I loved...I moved over and started caressing T's breasts from behind..
T: this is so nice... two of my favorite guys doing me...ahh..ahh..hubby....make me come again...ahhh

P: argghh, I am coming.... arrghhh...
I saw P shoot waves and waves into T which amazed me as his orgasm seems to last longer than usual guys...the three of us laid down there exhausted..
T: see hubby? Am I correct?

P: ya ya, you correct...

Me: ummm... what's going on?

T: remember I said you passed previously? (T mentioned this at the end of part 16 if you folks noticed, but I didn't know what she meant at that point of time)
Hehe.. actually me and my hubby are into multiple partners or.. swapping or..hot wife...in a responsible way of course...so when I told him about you, he said to test you before getting you on board...I am glad you didn't disappoint today...I came multiple times because of you two...

Me: ........

P: no hard feelings bro, only hard cocks..haha...but as responsible adults, I would say from now on, no secret meeting, any sexual acts of any form between you two must be made known to me, fair enough? That's to avoid things getting out of hands, fetish is fetish, we all still have a responsibility towards our own married life. Swee bo?

So it was all a test till now, I was sort of played but not gonna complain..
Me: you bet bro...
Before going home, P allowed T to seduce me and let me fucked her one more round which was another intense session with P looking on. The primal instinct to dominate I guessed..
On the way home, I felt some relief as things turned out differently from what I thought..now I get to fuck T legit as long as communication is done as P say.
What good luck I have....or so I thought....

That's for now, more to come in later posts.

01-08-2023, 04:45 PM
Nice update Leeroy !

Haha , P says they are into hotwife and wife swap.

U guys tried dp with T?

Next he will suggest swapping wife with urs so he can fk Ur wife S ? ;)

01-08-2023, 04:55 PM
Part 22

The Trap(or not) 3
Am back, once appreciate the encouragement from all, nice guesses from fellow samsters, things are gonna get abit crazier from here on which might look unbelievable to some but fellow samsters who had been in the same situation will know that it can happen...here we go

As I was confessing everything, my head was literally facing down, probably ashamed that I got caught fucking others wife...and to avoid P's sharp eyes..then halfway into my confession..
P: hmmm...ok..
I looked up and saw P pulling down T's tube, T was sitting there head down not moving and her C cups which I thought I can never see again was in full view....then in a sudden action, P pulled T's hair back showing me her guilty face and said
P: this is what you see in the car, office and retreat? Huh?!
I felt shit is getting out of hands, just when I am thinking how to react, P pulled down his shorts, revealing his manhood, pushed T's head down to mouth fuck her. Wtf?? I sat there motionless thinking what's happening and what should I do..is T in danger? Should I stop P? How can I stop him? Just when thoughts are racing through my mind..
T: mmmm....hubby... that's why I love you so much....you are so man....

Wait what? I thought T's was being abused but she's..... enjoying? What's going on?
P: haha, suck it bitch, let's see if what you said is true..argghh..
"True, what true?" More questions popped up in my mind when I saw T taking off her short skirt, revealing that meaty ass I loved, shifting herself to kneel down in front of P and continued blowing him off...
P: so far I am not impressed.. looks like your boy here needs some pushing...ahhh....damn it, you are still so good after so many years...
What? I was thinking..still confused as fuck.
P: V, push the coffee table away, will you?
I obliged as if under a spell, to see T's dripping wet lovehole in front of me, then I realized I had a hardon see what's happening..
P: come on bro, don't disappoint us. A slut's pussy needs a tongue you know...P said impatiently as T was hungrily taking in his whole length..

"Is this what I am thinking?" I thought to myself. Cautiously, I moved over, laid down flat on the floor, face up.. shifted my head in between T's legs and positioned her ass properly to start servicing that dripping wet pussy in need of some relief..
T: oh my!!!! That feels so good, am I right hubby? See what he is doing? Ahh...ahhh.ahhhh...

P: we'll see....
Halfway into the act, P pulled T up, positioned her on the carpeted floor and started doing her dog style.. getting the hint, I moved in front of T and started fucking her mouth..

Me: argghh T, I miss your suction, argghh, do you miss the hardness of my cock? Huh?! (at this point, I realized what's happening and I am not gonna lose out)

P: now we are talking...turn the other way T, let's give your boy here a hole to enter...
T obligingly switched over and started blowing P while beckoning me to penetrate her..I did not think too much of what's happening and started fucking T in the usual momentum she liked....
T: ahhh...V....I love the way you fuck me... so good......I'm coming...again...ahhh...
Upon hearing that, I pumped with more gusto which triggered more moans from her..I took a quick look at P and his eyes are telling me to go ahead....I felt the tension in my cock and..
Me: I'm coming....T......arrghhh
Then I pulled out and shot it on her back(still cautious at this point, so not gonna shoot inside), waves and waves of it while T was still blowing off P. After which, p sat on the sofa and got T to sit on top of him to rock like the slut she is....while he menacingly pinch T's nipples to get that moan which I loved...I moved over and started caressing T's breasts from behind..
T: this is so nice... two of my favorite guys doing me...ahh..ahh..hubby....make me come again...ahhh

P: argghh, I am coming.... arrghhh...
I saw P shoot waves and waves into T which amazed me as his orgasm seems to last longer than usual guys...the three of us laid down there exhausted..
T: see hubby? Am I correct?

P: ya ya, you correct...

Me: ummm... what's going on?

T: remember I said you passed previously? (T mentioned this at the end of part 16 if you folks noticed, but I didn't know what she meant at that point of time)
Hehe.. actually me and my hubby are into multiple partners or.. swapping or..hot wife...in a responsible way of course...so when I told him about you, he said to test you before getting you on board...I am glad you didn't disappoint today...I came multiple times because of you two...

Me: ........

P: no hard feelings bro, only hard cocks..haha...but as responsible adults, I would say from now on, no secret meeting, any sexual acts of any form between you two must be made known to me, fair enough? That's to avoid things getting out of hands, fetish is fetish, we all still have a responsibility towards our own married life. Swee bo?

So it was all a test till now, I was sort of played but not gonna complain..
Me: you bet bro...
Before going home, P allowed T to seduce me and let me fucked her one more round which was another intense session with P looking on. The primal instinct to dominate I guessed..
On the way home, I felt some relief as things turned out differently from what I thought..now I get to fuck T legit as long as communication is done as P say.
What good luck I have....or so I thought....

That's for now, more to come in later posts.

Nice update TS..!:cool:

01-08-2023, 06:03 PM
Nice update Leeroy !

Haha , P says they are into hotwife and wife swap.

U guys tried dp with T?

Next he will suggest swapping wife with urs so he can fk Ur wife S ? ;)

Definitely a possibility!! S is naughty too. Imagining getting f by another man.

02-08-2023, 06:16 AM
Nice update Leeroy !

Haha , P says they are into hotwife and wife swap.

U guys tried dp with T?

Next he will suggest swapping wife with urs so he can fk Ur wife S ? ;)

No dp, probably not to P's taste. unless you talking about mouth and vag which happened in the last update. Hahaha

02-08-2023, 06:16 AM
Thanks to all for the support! Will try to post an update later in the day. Appreciate it!

02-08-2023, 09:19 AM
Sounds like wife swapping might be coming soon..

03-08-2023, 09:06 AM
Part 23
Am back, I guessed you folks know one thing leads to another judge from the previous episodes, here we go.
The Trap(or not) 4
Things between the 3 of us went up another level ever since the hotel episode, we met regularly at the same hotel, same room for sessions, sometimes together, sometimes P watched, sometimes I watched. I was amazed at her remarkable collection of different attires for different genres of play, add on her Oscar winning acting and willingness to serve, I think we almost played all the stuff in porn except for the really extreme ones. But that's not the most exciting thing in my opinion. The most exciting thing is the chat group created just for the 3 of us.. saying things like

T: hubby, horny at work, can I have permission to suck V off?

P: if V is fine with it..

Me: I wouldn't reject. Haha

After which we will make excuses to carry things from her car and get a quick session in her car with photos sent to the chat group. Sometimes P will request to see my load on her face, mouth or swallow. When P and T had a session, photos will be sent to the chat group also but we had a gentlemen agreement not to save the photos (sorry folks 😅)
Meanwhile on my part, I am still alternating between "ot", "meetings" and my wife-S. S seems to be letting go more ever since that confession weeks ago which is a good thing, it made her more relaxed in some ways too. There were some days when I thought things are too good to be true...what a life I'm leading right now!
It was during one of the sessions at the hotel when 3 of us were chilling stark naked after another intense memorable session with "Teacher taking on two peers on exchange trip" as the theme of the day, by then I already had full permission to finish inside T as and when I feel like it. P was in the toilet when T started stroking me as she spoke

T: V, you are getting more and more powerful during our meetings....I can't imagine if we do 4p like mmff, how powerful can you be..there seems no limit to what you can do..

Me: haha, now then you know? You made the correct choice when you chose me over N....4p? Where to find another girl? Not everyone have good judgement like you, you know?

T: you know they say all girls are actually more tiko than guys? I'm sure your wife have some sort of thoughts too?

P as he was coming out of the toilet: yeah, T's right, you may want to try convincing her. You already know our style of doing things, pretty sure you'll feel safe getting her on board..

This totally caught me off guard although deep inside I know this topic will surface sooner or later..
Me: Wa, this is... difficult man, I mean ya, she has her fetishes but never got to do it for real, just me letting her imagine.....

P: then it's up to you to convince her. I will suggest we start by going for meals together just to get comfy then proceed to having sex with our own partners in the same room..but bottom line is, it must be based on mutual consent amongst all parties., we are straight thinking adults although we have our fetishes, remember that.

Me: ...ummmm..well..

P: hah, no stress bro. Just a suggestion, it's really up to you to decide..I don't even know how your wife looks like, so it's not some conspiracy of some sorts, just straight exploring different stuff..

T: yeah, now let me start eating that monster of yours... it's beckoning to me....
T said as she gives me that puppy eyes again while I gave in to her endless appetite yet again...
On the way home, my mind was all on the suggestion given by them. There was a struggle inside me as I wanted to see how far S can go, on the other hand I wouldn't want another man in her for real(selfish I know) and the problem of how to go about approaching it too. She will be asking how I get to know them where such topics can be spoken without much taboo between each other....if I am going to do it, I have to spin a story to cover my cheating relationship 1st...in the end my small head took over and I decided to try convincing S..

03-08-2023, 01:47 PM
4p... the next level...

03-08-2023, 05:43 PM
Sounds like wife swapping might be coming soon..

That is what i suspect too :D

04-08-2023, 05:13 AM
Wow! More wild theme orgies cumming?
Keep cumming, keep cumming pls 💦

04-08-2023, 05:28 AM
Thank you for nice story. Pls continue.

Chua Soi Lek
10-08-2023, 11:17 PM
Alamak, TS disappeared liao and left us hanging … haha

Chua Soi Lek
13-08-2023, 05:19 PM
TS, continue leh ..,

14-08-2023, 11:58 AM
Paiseh paiseh, very busy last week. Will update soon. Haha

Chua Soi Lek
15-08-2023, 12:48 AM
Paiseh paiseh, very busy last week. Will update soon. Haha

You busy bonking T ?


Chua Soi Lek
17-08-2023, 11:25 PM
Paiseh paiseh, very busy last week. Will update soon. Haha

Why so busy leh ?

18-08-2023, 05:58 AM
Why so busy leh ?

Paiseh bro, here we go. I try to update more often. Haha

18-08-2023, 05:59 AM
Part 24

Very busy past few weeks, but here we go!

The Trap (or not) 5
It was hard thinking of a way and story to convince S without her realizing I cheated..
Telegram group chat

Me: guys, I thought about your proposal..for the swapping, I am all for it but I need a background story to make this work without my wife knowing I..well..cheated.

P: what do you have in mind?

Me: here's the plan, I am going to tell her that because we are exploring her fetishes recently, I came to know about a swingers forum, then I spotted T actively participating in the forum, then I'll just react according to her reaction from then on. At least that will cover my ass. Haha

T: me again? Why am I always the slut?
P: don't you love it?

T: hehe.
Now that we have a background story to cover me, it's up to me to convince her..
One day over dinner at home, I was still struggling with how to approach S with the topic, done wrongly and shit could happen. At this point, her imaginary partners had gone from that hi bye friend to strangers like the courier guy to her colleagues. At some point, I did wonder if she had done it for real behind me..as for me, she volunteered to let me imagine also, and no prize for guessing who I wanted her to play as..

Me: so..what do you think of our sex life recently?

S: ....if I can be honest, it really made things more fun..you?

Me: obviously I enjoyed it too, you can judge from my reaction down there..as we are talking, I am getting hard already..

S: hehe, ya, recently you seems bigger and harder.

Me: yeah .. actually...ever thought of trying for real? Like really try a different cock instead of imagining?

S: what?? You siao ar? Don't say about where to find, even if can find, people also will hiam me. Hehe

Me: so you mean if people won't hiam, you ok to try?

S: don't put words into my mouth.. it's all hypothetical...

I see her deep thoughts expression coming out again, signalling that she's actually having some interest in trying.."here we go" I thought to myself
Me: recently we were so open with each other so there's no need to hide your thoughts...

S: ..... sorry....yes...I wanted to try...I feel really bad saying that but yes....

I felt my underwear tightening upon hearing that which surprised me too, the 3p sessions must have got to me. P's way of letting his wife getting fucked yet still an alpha male made me wanted to be one too.

Me: you know recently I was researching ideas online for us to explore and something interesting caught my eye..

S looked up at me as if waiting for me to carry on asap..

Me: there's this forum for swingers where like minded people gather to make plans and such..I think I spotted T on it actively participating..

S put her chopsticks down and stared at me with a surprised look.
S: T? The colleague whom you always imagined? No way! She seems like a very keep to the rules kind of person.

Me: that's what I thought, so I made an account anonymously to talk to her, I am 99% sure it's her.

S: and?

Me: I was thinking if we wanna try higher level stuff, might as well get someone we know. More credibility in some ways. Haha. Much better than some strangers where we do not know their background...

S: and her husband?

Me: oh, according to her, they are both into it. So.....yeah...

After a long silence..

S: you fucked her before.....my 6th sense told me that...

I was taken aback by her response, how did she know?

Me: what?!!

S: .....since we are gonna be open to each other, let's be totally open before we proceed..

Me: I...

S: the way you fucked me when I was acting as T, I already knew...what you said today just reinforced my suspicion....

Me: wait..I...

S: calm down, I am not angry, like I said, let's be totally open with each other...

I see a drop of tear came out of her eye as she carried on talking..

S: I'm sorry, I just feel glad that I am not the only one not fully open till now. Remember that new undergarment set? You were not the 1st one to see and feel it in real..I let that guy come over on the night after the video call and we....but it was really only for one time.... that's why I know you fucked T before, I had the same feel when you act as him..

Me: what??
I took a deep breath before talking again
Me: ok....looks like we are finally stark naked open in front of each other..

The atmosphere was unusually quiet and stale, I totally did not expect things to turn out this way but I got a weird reaction from this 10 mins of interaction...I moved over to hug S

Me: it's ok, now that we are finally truthful with one another, let it go, let us now do it as we should..as a loving married couple before we explore more if any...

I said as I led S to our bedroom..the bedroom that belongs to us. Only us...

Chua Soi Lek
18-08-2023, 07:43 AM
Paiseh bro, here we go. I try to update more often. Haha

Yes continue, more more more

19-08-2023, 03:39 PM
Your wife is very daring, she allowed the guy to came over your house and let him fuck on your bed.
That remind me of my wife in yesr2011, she was on the messenger chat every night with one guy, much younger than her. They been chatting for one month, when he suggest a video call,, showing each other as they undress and each masturbating. Thereafter, she want his real dick and invited him over to our house.( I was on might shift then, as I found out later, she confessed that she did invite him over for sex).
The rest is history, we did meet up and we had 3some with her new b/f. On thing lead to others, she eent ober to his house overnight on weekend. .

23-08-2023, 12:38 PM
Your wife is very daring, she allowed the guy to came over your house and let him fuck on your bed.
That remind me of my wife in yesr2011, she was on the messenger chat every night with one guy, much younger than her. They been chatting for one month, when he suggest a video call,, showing each other as they undress and each masturbating. Thereafter, she want his real dick and invited him over to our house.( I was on might shift then, as I found out later, she confessed that she did invite him over for sex).
The rest is history, we did meet up and we had 3some with her new b/f. On thing lead to others, she eent ober to his house overnight on weekend. .

Nice one bro, I was surprised too then. Haha

06-09-2023, 08:56 PM
Hello leeroy137, any updates on your sexcapades with T and your wife? Wonder if ur wife has gotten fked by T's hubby?:D

06-09-2023, 09:25 PM
Really enjoying this story! More please

07-09-2023, 09:57 PM
TS continue please…….

22-03-2024, 05:32 PM
Hi all, starting a new thread to tell my ow

30-03-2024, 01:10 AM
Thx bro for the share

30-03-2024, 08:16 AM
Hello leeroy137, any updates on your sexcapades with T and your wife? Wonder if ur wife has gotten fked by T's hubby?:D
TS has not been seen since 23 Aug last year ..sigh

30-03-2024, 08:18 AM
Hi all, starting a new thread to tell my ow
Pitching tent to read the story...quick, quick

27-02-2025, 10:49 AM
Gonna camp here patiently , Ts I miss your updates