View Full Version : Bad Landmine Massage Shop Thread

09-08-2023, 05:04 PM
Yes bros, so many threads on places but dun have thread on bad service frs like FL dome 2 have bad bonks thread. so here is our thread to warn other bros of landmine. let me share my 1st landmine at
1) Riveria spa beside ABC bricksworks market.

Old GLIF big tits ask for 100 for body and handjob. while her massage is completely piano and non existant at 60 dollars per hour. I wonder how come still can survive so long. ban that place.

09-08-2023, 07:12 PM
I like this thread but most likely it will be taken down very soon.

09-08-2023, 09:02 PM
What kind of red flags do you guys look out for?

My experiences are limited but from the 3-5 joints I visited (yes 88 joints too), they have been satisfactory for me at least.

I try to find places that has a couple of FRs left by other bros here so maybe that's why I haven't encountered any landmines.

09-08-2023, 09:14 PM
Some white knights will die die want to defend their babies.
Good luck to you

10-08-2023, 12:05 AM
This thread may last longer if we provide the spa name in masked but the location be in clear.

10-08-2023, 12:22 AM
Yes of cos must exposed all these land mines make them suffer and close shop

10-08-2023, 06:46 AM
they remove and we create the thread back again :D :D

10-08-2023, 07:53 AM
I would like to warn bros here about Issa of 333 Beach Rd, JIA KANG TCM. That day went to try her and took her package which allow zhut zhut of her tits. But then when I was about to zhut her, she will try to use her hands to limited my mouth to zhut her. And she still can say if I zhut her more she will fasten the pace of the hj. Really bad experience with her, previously gals that I try in that joint will let me zhut if I take the package. Although she have a pair of nice tits but sadly her attitude and service sucks. Only try her at your own risk.

10-08-2023, 08:35 AM
dun have bad ml thread because every 1 gd ml you find will have 50 bad ml lor... every 1 gd spa will have 10 bad spas... how to slowly list them out? these days want to find gd ml or spa is sibei difficult...

so just take it that if u anyhow walk into a new spa or try a new ml.. it will be bad unless u sibei heng....

anyway.. ts always kpkb abt the ml AFTER he finish the session.... if so jia lat then why continue.. can just walk out mah.. also no one use gun to force to take special... :rolleyes: