View Full Version : Monthly budget?

10-08-2023, 12:40 PM
Curious what is everyone’s monthly budget to spend on ML/FL/WL?

And if you don’t have a set budget, how much approximately do you spend every month?

10-08-2023, 01:35 PM
Curious what is everyone’s monthly budget to spend on ML/FL/WL?

And if you don’t have a set budget, how much approximately do you spend every month?

Poor peasant no budget

10-08-2023, 01:42 PM
1500 i can monthly maintenance and loan of a car. 😮‍💨
For me $100-200 per month only. I poor peasant. Have to go selectively

10-08-2023, 01:46 PM
1500 i can monthly maintenance and loan of a car. 😮‍💨
For me $100-200 per month only. I poor peasant. Have to go selectively

Same same, my budget is oso around $200 a month, only can go twice.

10-08-2023, 01:56 PM
i also poor category. twice a month, but not more than 300.

10-08-2023, 02:10 PM
I’m doing 800-1k per month but still not enough!

10-08-2023, 02:14 PM
I’m doing around 1000 / month but still not enough!

Deep pocket bro!

10-08-2023, 02:28 PM
Keep in mind to spend within your means.

Last month I went for 6 sessions, felt it was too over at the end of the month. -_-||

So I'm restricting myself this month, only 1 session so far, going for another 1 this weekend.

10-08-2023, 02:35 PM
700-800 per month for me..

10-08-2023, 02:45 PM
I’m doing around 1000 / month but still not enough!

Brother u are living my dream :'(

10-08-2023, 03:02 PM
Poor peasant no budget

I already edited my answer. Pls dont send anymore pm to me regarding insurance or investment or MLM.. My inbox for fellow cheongsters to chiong together one

10-08-2023, 03:05 PM
$250 - JG and Tool Maintenance
$300 - Horny MLs and piak piak
$180 - Geylang Adventure

Total budget ~ $800/mth
Actual spending ~ $600/mth

10-08-2023, 03:07 PM
Roughly 600 to 800. Once per week, Massage plus special.

10-08-2023, 03:16 PM
Sometimes overshoot budget
Weekly 300..means visit twice
If weekly 450...I overshoot
Haizz need partime job...to cover up...sian ....addicted

10-08-2023, 03:24 PM
I just start visiting ML/FL 3 mths ago.
Being new to the scene.

1st mth spent 700-800
Went 7 times. Havoc.

2nd mth i tried to limit to 4 times. End up went 5 times cus itchy go rtm.
Spent 600

3rd mth. I realised i spent too much.
Limiting my self to 3 times a mth with a 400 budget. If i only use 2 times this mth i can bring over the 1 time to next mth🤣

I think for me il try to spend no more than 10% of my income.

10-08-2023, 04:32 PM
Sometimes overshoot budget
Weekly 300..means visit twice
If weekly 450...I overshoot
Haizz need partime job...to cover up...sian ....addicted

once start hard to stop… especially during early years..

10-08-2023, 04:34 PM
$550 - $650 per month
budget basing on once weekly massage + bbbj or $88 + $50

10-08-2023, 05:17 PM
once start hard to stop… especially during early years..
True money no enough and hard to stop

10-08-2023, 05:20 PM
once start hard to stop… especially during early years..

Late years easier to stop?

10-08-2023, 06:05 PM
Late years easier to stop?

Once the initial excitement of exploring this world wears off, you start to develop a pattern and collect some regular contacts that you can rotate around to scratch a particular itch.

For me, as I start to have more income, my spending on this increases proportionally, but now tapered off to once a week, anything between $60-$150 each time, depending on what I need.

So max is $600 per month for me, other than those very special occasions where I get to bring ML to hotel.

10-08-2023, 09:06 PM
Wow loaded question.
IMHO, the cheonging game whether it's massage, FL, WL,KTV.. it can be addictive whether here in sg or elsewhere.

I generally keep it at a cap of 5-10% of disposable earnings.

Early days, I recall KTV a month can hit 15k. Thankfully those days are alot less now only play overseas

So nowadays just keep it between 3k to 4.5k a month. For special months, still burn thru 6 to 8k, but those happen at most once or twice a year.

Having seen people burn through earnings, I just put aside in another bank account 10+% of earnings to manage my limits.

Play safe and stay level headed

10-08-2023, 09:08 PM
Wow loaded question.
IMHO, the cheonging game whether it's massage, FL, WL,KTV.. it can be addictive whether here in sg or elsewhere.

I generally keep it at a cap of 5-10% of disposable earnings.

Early days, I recall KTV a month can hit 15k. Thankfully those days are alot less now only play overseas

So nowadays just keep it between 3k to 4.5k a month. For special months, still burn thru 6 to 8k, but those happen at most once or twice a year.

Having seen people burn through earnings, I just put aside in another bank account 10+% of earnings to manage my limits.

Play safe and stay level headed

Well said bravo