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20-11-2023, 10:22 AM
Finally have time to read your story
FInally finish reading
BOth Milly & Jasmine are best

20-11-2023, 10:33 AM
Good monday all!!

I've finished writing the ending already, abruptly ended also because this was merely a fling.


She pulled open the zip and stepped into the gown. Little gog was awaken.

Lindi Lindi.

Also imagine if Milly went to the wedding with little gog essense inside still. :p:p

20-11-2023, 01:39 PM
Finally have time to read your story
FInally finish reading
BOth Milly & Jasmine are bestNot yet finished leh, I break a while only. Mai gan chiong leh bro. Hahahaha.

Lindi Lindi.

Also imagine if Milly went to the wedding with little gog essense inside still. :p:pYou'll find out... :p

20-11-2023, 01:39 PM
Good mid-day feels good to have finished writing, time to spam the storyline. :D


M(illy): Dear, can you help me zip up?

gog: I think you look nicer like that.

She was giggling and laughing at my stupid remark, but it's true, why wear it if we're just going to fuck again?

M: Quick.

I stood up and zipped it up for her. I've never seen her choose her gown, must be during those weeks whereby we didn't have any communications. She was ravishing. Her style, her figure, her mannerisms, everything just seems so ladylike, I can't believe I actually went between her legs just now.

gog: You are so pretty. I mean it. First time I saw you, you simply caught my eyes.

M: Thank you. While the first time I saw you, I knew you were a horny man.

gog: HEY!!!!!!

She stood there admiring herself infront of the mirror in the dresser. Instinctively, I went behind her still naked and hugged her. Kissing her cheeks and pressed my body to hers. Milly moved her face aside and let me kiss her neck, while my hands moved to her bosoms, caressing the shape which the gown has provided, though Milly has the size, the gown was still bigger, I think she was provided with paddings but didn't use it.

Kissed her neck, rubbing her tits, Milly also reached a hand below and to her back, trying to grab little gog.

A bit off tempo and wrong timing but...

gog: Can I fuck you in the wedding gown?

Milly nodded. HO SEH LIAO!

Placed Milly on her back and had a tough time pulling up her gown's skirting to access her pussy. Still, when a man's horny, you can't stop him from finding the pussy. Holding the skirting, pushing my cock in and fucking Milly, took some skill. Should have doggy her but fuck it.

I was rocking her and she was going 'ah ah ah ah' as I tried to go deeper, could see her pussy was swelling as I pushed in, gyrating my groin enjoying her pussy.

Her hands grabbed the sheets which by now is a mess already with our physical intimacy going on. She was enjoying the fuck.

M: More.. more!! Ahhhhh fu-fu----fu--ck---meeeee!

With pleasure of course. I went harder and faster but it wasn't easy, little gog refused to work, probably he wants to go on strike. I could only keep fucking her watching her face squirm, her body shaking waiting. I heard something.


I slowed down, Milly's hands let go of the bedsheets while she was breathing heavily. Sigh, she cummed without me again. Not willing to be hung up and dry, I beat and slapped little gog awake and continued pounding her.

M: No... no... ahhhh

I couldn't but I just want to finish off. Milly's "no", soon turned to sweet music again.

M: Ah.. ahh ahh ahh ahh

Her sounds were in sync with my thrusting actions. Finally, I could feel that sensation, little gog gave up and is cooperating with me again. I pushed harder and harder, prioritizing my happiness over Milly's but she was moaning with joy and looking at me with her eyes open.

Seeing her in that state, I couldn't hold back.


I let loose right into her, not much but there's still cum at least. Pulling out, some dripped on the bed covers - oops. And some dropped on the inside of the gown skirting.

Moved myself on top of Milly, and well, not much but a small drop dripped down on her chest before I finally got little gog into her mouth. Milly expertly cleaned my cock of cum and moaned sexily.

M: mm ghe-wee-shus mmmmmm

I think she meant to say delicious but probably she can't since little gog was stuffing her mouth.

gog: I got some on your gown.

M: Doesn't matter, they'll wash it after I return it anyway.

Fuck, she's wearing my cum to the wedding?!? WHAT HAVE I DONE!?!

These sessions are short in description, but the act was long in real life. Helped her out of the gown and laid back on the bed, wanted to tell her I'll be leaving, but before we knew it, we were hugging and asleep in the comfort of the bed.

Which, was a bad thing.

20-11-2023, 02:04 PM
Milly is a sex crazy woman.
Some of the hotel staff who saw this CB Gog, then the day after saw the actual groom, how's it like for them to comprehend?
Also, how to explain the dinner in the suite that's consumed by two pax and the bed that's ruined?
I have decided to accord Milly and Gog a title, Mr and Mrs GNNBCCB Gog.
She's a real slut. The next time when I fly SQ, will look hard to see if I can identify her. Lol.

20-11-2023, 03:01 PM
Fuck, she's wearing my cum to the wedding?!? WHAT HAVE I DONE!?!

Which, was a bad thing.

technically not inside lah

uh oh, little gog want get cut off dy

20-11-2023, 04:03 PM
Milly is a sex crazy woman.
Some of the hotel staff who saw this CB Gog, then the day after saw the actual groom, how's it like for them to comprehend?
Also, how to explain the dinner in the suite that's consumed by two pax and the bed that's ruined?
I have decided to accord Milly and Gog a title, Mr and Mrs GNNBCCB Gog.
She's a real slut. The next time when I fly SQ, will look hard to see if I can identify her. Lol.KNN!!! LOL I don't think she flying anymore liao.

technically not inside lah

uh oh, little gog want get cut off dy
You jump the gun too fast... read on. :D

20-11-2023, 04:04 PM
Late day post, think I'll save the ending for tomorrow as well as Epilogue.

Good day all!!!


Saturday (Wedding day)

6am - rough gauge.

I was like a dead log barely wanting to wake up. The bed was comfortable, the aircon was cooling yet cozy under the comforter, the body heat kept me cozy through the night.

Milly moved out of the bed, I didn't think too much.

U(nknown): Errr sorry, I didn't know you're here.

I was groggy but damn sure that wasn't Milly. Opening my eyes, I saw a lady bearing brushes and a trolley of equipment in the bedroom.

*STOMP STOMP STOMP* Milly ran up behind her.

M(illy): Sorry, sorry!!!

I was there, fully naked, under the sheets, Milly was wearing my office shirt. How do I illustrate it?

M(akeup) A(rtist): Sorry, Milly didn't tell me you were here, hope we didn't wake you. Thought you are coming over to fetch her later? You can sleep longer, I'll do her make up as quiet as possible.

I was wide awake, the covers covering my bottom and my mouth was open but I don't know what to say.

Shit. How are we going to get out of this?

Milly heard the door bell and went to answer it but had forgotten it's her wedding. The MA simply went into the bedroom thinking that's where the make up will be done and saw me. Open as most of them are, they probably thought i was the husband with a fun night before wedding.

Milly probably also realised it and ran behind her after using the washroom outside without thinking. Too late.

--- Total silence ---

I think this is where the MA also realised something is off.

With her teeth clenched together, lips opened outwards, none of us spoke until Milly did. AWK-WARD!

M: He'll be leaving, don't worry.

Great. Milly's gown is on the floor, her bra is in the living room, my clothes are practically all over.

gog: I'll just gather my clothes and...

The MA nodded and left the room briefly, Milly closed the door and I hugged her again.

M: Don't... no time, you overslept.

I reached out to kiss her and we frenched for a short while.

M: See you later, okay?

I got dressed and stepped out.

The MA simply smiled without showing teeth and I just nodded in response and quickly left.

Didn't get any messages from Milly, I also didn't bother to message her, she must be busy. Her wedding invitation was 12.30pm at the bukit batok church. Headed over earlier at 11.30am, parked there to get a parking lot and walked around the area instead.

Came back was about 12+? I saw the bridal car arriving and I quickly hid behind a wall. Saw her alighting in gown. Looking good. I also saw the MA hurrying up behind her.

Fuck, means our tyrst was exposed. Quietly, I crept to the hall and found a seat.

20-11-2023, 05:56 PM
About the bit that I mentioned I would be looking out for Milly on my next SQ flight I ain't serious.
CB Gog, you think I so bo liao? Or I trust you when you said she flew SQ? Maybe she was with Air India or some other airlines. Also, instead of Chinese, she might be other races.
It's just a story for us all, other than yourself. Honestly, most of us don't care or bother, as long as the story was well written and vivid.

20-11-2023, 07:18 PM
Wow. You're so lucky.
Some men didn't even manage to fuxk their wife in their wedding gown and you did!

That last two parts got me real hard and I sneaked to my wife showering. She was surprised. Was just trying my luck but she got horny and we had a quickie there. Thanks man!

21-11-2023, 10:43 AM
Is it gog gonna give the MA a good time also, so that the MA will not expose both of them? 😂

21-11-2023, 01:10 PM
Is it gog gonna give the MA a good time also, so that the MA will not expose both of them? 😂

MA could be the next story after Milly. 🤭

21-11-2023, 01:43 PM
seeing horny gog... now should be the MA s turn to be rape...

21-11-2023, 03:14 PM
About the bit that I mentioned I would be looking out for Milly on my next SQ flight I ain't serious.
CB Gog, you think I so bo liao? Or I trust you when you said she flew SQ? Maybe she was with Air India or some other airlines. Also, instead of Chinese, she might be other races.
It's just a story for us all, other than yourself. Honestly, most of us don't care or bother, as long as the story was well written and vivid.Haha... parts of the story are not true, some details are spiced, some aren't... who knows, right? Hahahah

Wow. You're so lucky.
Some men didn't even manage to fuxk their wife in their wedding gown and you did!

That last two parts got me real hard and I sneaked to my wife showering. She was surprised. Was just trying my luck but she got horny and we had a quickie there. Thanks man!Sometimes you just gotta ask, sometimes... who knows, they are willing :D

Is it gog gonna give the MA a good time also, so that the MA will not expose both of them? 😂Eh ... not keen in the MA. LOL.

MA could be the next story after Milly. 🤭Nope... nothing happened. Hahahhaha

seeing horny gog... now should be the MA s turn to be rape...How come is not I get raped leh? :(

21-11-2023, 03:15 PM
Sorry folks, was tied up this morning, this is the ending :)

Short one as promised so the ending also very fast. 30+ pages only for this story.

Thank you for the support.



M(illy): r u here

gog: Yeah, I'm here, won't miss your ROM for the world.

M: cm lv2 de crnr rm

The WA actually specified the room name, but I will censor it for obvious resons.

Took the stairs up and saw the signs directing me, I knocked on the door before opening it. Yup, Milly was there, and so was the MA.

The MA's eyes opened quite big when she saw me.

gog: Er, hi.

M(akeup)A(rtist): H..i.

M: Give me a minute, almost done.

The MA touched up and applied some fresh lipstick and was done in no time.

MA: I.. er..

M: Ya I think it's fine, will see you later at the hotel for dinner make up?

MA: Okay, 5pm?

M: Yup!

I stood at one corner, shyly, not wanting to approach Milly until the MA rolled her bags out of the room and the door closed. Instinctively, I went over and locked it leaving us both behind.

gog: You look so pretty.

I bent forward next to her and kissed her softly on the lips, didn't want to smudge her nice lipstick applied.

gog: How's the morning and all?

M: Am exhausted, tea ceremonies, gate crashing and all, now have to prepare for church ceremony, really exhausted. And.. I miss you too.

gog: Miss me... or...

Milly just giggled like a little girl who suddenly got shy. Her hands however, were very cheeky. Admittedly, I've always wanted to fuck a bride before her marriage or on the same day at least. This was like one of my wildest dreams come true. Could I reject her?

M: Make a guess?

I slid my hands down into her gown by the front neckline and found what I wanted and had missed this morning thanks to the MA's appearance. Those soft mumps.

M: Quick one... before the ROM?

Without thinking and not sure why I did that, but if she was planning to blackmail me with videos or have been planning this since we met, today's the day because if we get caught, it's all over for her, I'm not that bad, I'm single. Janice at most will snip off little gog.

I unzipped my pants and pulled down, while Milly stood up and pulled up her skirt, fuck. I had to contest access to her pussy with her gown's kenken, had to remove it first, else there's no way I can doggy her easily.

M: Hurry... not much time.

This was thriling and exciting at the same time, it's really not honourable to do this to another man's wife before their ceremony or even after marriage but my thrill was aroused, I only want to shoot hot cum in Milly.

Pushing in and hearing Milly moan at the same time was exhilarating, holding on to her heavy gown, she bent over at the dressing table, and trying to cum was a mixed feeling and emotion. The thought of her going on the altar to take her vows, and swear faithfulness to her husband with my cum inside her swimming did the job eventually.

It was a quickie and I emptied my last bit into her. While pornhub and spankbang has plenty of such scenes, I assure you, it's not easy to hold on to the gown skirt and fuck even if the bride is willing. The porn scenes probably uses night gowns, which resemble wedding gowns, but aren't gowns.



The knob rattled crazily, I was so scared it'll open or give way!! I quickly ran behind the fucking door again, little gog still hanging while Milly let go of her skirting and covered up.

M: WAIT... I'm coming out!

Milly waved at me, to get the kenken we fumbled and finally got it attached back. Little gog hanging out was the least of my concern at that time.

M: Come out after I leave.

We had a quick kiss and I hid behind the door. Milly opened it and greeted her brides maids and hurriedly left for the church ceremony. I watched from the keyhole (no peep hole) and left as well.

I went back to the hall and found a seat, they had already gone in and the procession began.

My mind wasn't focused on the wedding, I wonder if my cum was dripping down her legs the whole time. I never thought I'll ever have this chance in life to do this.

Vows were exchanged, ceremony concluded and they invited friends and family for phototaking. I didn't join of course, even when 'all others' were called. I saw Milly looking around, probably for me, but it's hard to see somebody when everybody's walking around in the church hall.

Retreated for a simple after ceremony meal, queued up, took something to bite, nothing fancy and probably already past lunch time to eat much anyway.

Felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around.

M: Why didn't you take a photo with me?

gog: I'm hungry ma.

M: You hor...

We took some photos on her phone with some funny poses, didn't get a chance to talk to her husband, but we chatted for a while before she had to run to talk to other guests.

After I had my fill, I waited to catch Milly's attention, and waved 'bye bye' to her doing the yellow pages fingers walking off.

Milly quickly lifted her skirt (*DING*) and quickly walked over.

M: Thanks for coming!! Sorry I'm not a good host!

gog: Aiyoh, don't worry la, go entertain your guests, I'll see you again soon.

Milly tiptoed and gave me a good hug.

M: Okay, will see you again soon.

I returned her hug and pat her on the back as we hugged.

----------------- The END -----------------

21-11-2023, 03:16 PM

After that day, I sent some messages to Milly, they were never responded to but the ticks at the WA tells me she read them.

"Hey, how's things?"

"Having honeymoon?"

"When's your next flight"

And many more. I think it's quite obvious that with her radio silence it was the end. The last fuck in church settled it, and she decided that she should stick with her vows.

I also stopped messaging since she didn't reply, didn't want to ruin her marriage either. As men, we need to know when to stop and don't try to get more out of something that a girl has decided to let go.

Me? I went back to Janice full heartedly of course, she was still my main love/fuck of this spawned off story.

Milly was a short fling that occurred during a holiday flight, something I never thought I'll be lucky enough to get - a Singapore Girl - into bed with me. I mean, they're girls and have boyfriends/husbands too, but to get one for a short fling, dang... I'm defintely lucky.

Didn't bother to try contacting Milly since she didn't want to reply. Her WA photo changed over the years. Earlier this year while penning Janice's story, I glanced at her WA image of her hugging two kids. She's happy and so I will be too.

Thank you all for reading, this is a short epilogue as it's mostly a fuck story, not love, I don't really love Milly but I enjoy how good she is in bed. Pleasing, entertaining and really knows how to read a man's body during sex. She was a really good sex machine.

21-11-2023, 04:19 PM

Did your encounter with her nerf your faith in true love and loyalty? Or has SBF here already done that?

21-11-2023, 07:05 PM
Any celebs lookalike of Janice, Lindi, Milly and Penny? :p

21-11-2023, 09:17 PM
Nice story bro.. my heart stopped when i read about the people at the door. that was so close..:D

21-11-2023, 09:54 PM
It was a quickie and I emptied my last bit into her. While pornhub and spankbang has plenty of such scenes, I assure you, it's not easy to hold on to the gown skirt and fuck even if the bride is willing. The porn scenes probably uses night gowns, which resemble wedding gowns, but aren't gowns.

----------------- The END -----------------

Geng la gog, fucked whole night liao still can quickie come out in less than 12 hours :o

21-11-2023, 09:55 PM

We should be thanking you for such a wonderful story.

Looking forward to more of your adventures.


Thank you all for reading, this is a short epilogue as it's mostly a fuck story, not love, I don't really love Milly but I enjoy how good she is in bed. Pleasing, entertaining and really knows how to read a man's body during sex. She was a really good sex machine.

21-11-2023, 09:55 PM

After that day, I sent some messages to Milly, they were never responded to but the ticks at the WA tells me she read them.

"Hey, how's things?"

"Having honeymoon?"

"When's your next flight"

And many more. I think it's quite obvious that with her radio silence it was the end. The last fuck in church settled it, and she decided that she should stick with her vows.

I also stopped messaging since she didn't reply, didn't want to ruin her marriage either. As men, we need to know when to stop and don't try to get more out of something that a girl has decided to let go.

Me? I went back to Janice full heartedly of course, she was still my main love/fuck of this spawned off story.

Milly was a short fling that occurred during a holiday flight, something I never thought I'll be lucky enough to get - a Singapore Girl - into bed with me. I mean, they're girls and have boyfriends/husbands too, but to get one for a short fling, dang... I'm defintely lucky.

Didn't bother to try contacting Milly since she didn't want to reply. Her WA photo changed over the years. Earlier this year while penning Janice's story, I glanced at her WA image of her hugging two kids. She's happy and so I will be too.

Thank you all for reading, this is a short epilogue as it's mostly a fuck story, not love, I don't really love Milly but I enjoy how good she is in bed. Pleasing, entertaining and really knows how to read a man's body during sex. She was a really good sex machine.

What if....its Gog's instead of her cuck husband one :p
damn gog spreading his genes

21-11-2023, 10:02 PM
Of course lah, you think your followers all IQ=0 ah. Even though we might not know you, if everything you wrote is true and honest, some super smart and bo liao ones might CSI you and expose you.
Then will be super drama leh.
Ain't sure if you would agree, after this pandemic, I noticed more and more mentally not sound fella lurking around. One small and trivial matter may trigger them to react excessively or even violently.
Milly, confirmed plus chopped, has used this CB Gog until gao gao. Even the ROM and big day still wanted to use. If any of her bridesmaids have sharp nose, might smell the CB Gog mojo stinking the room.
Also, when she said see you soon was absolute BS to the MAX.

22-11-2023, 07:04 AM
End of Milly...start of... ? Hahaha

22-11-2023, 08:24 AM
End of Milly...start of... ? Hahaha

Start of MUA

22-11-2023, 09:05 AM
End of Milly...start of... ? Hahaha

Would suggest to this CB Gog, if he's starting another new thread on another of his conquer to provide the link here.
With two very good ones on Janice and Milly, the third one will be tough to match.

22-11-2023, 09:32 AM
Janice arc & Milly arc had ended..
Great writing from our beloved TS..
HOpe to hear more from him..

22-11-2023, 09:48 AM
Time for Lindi's branch to be extended, but it's mostly gonna be wham bam thank you mam kinda story, I guess?

22-11-2023, 09:56 AM
Did your encounter with her nerf your faith in true love and loyalty? Or has SBF here already done that?No leh, I'm not that close minded, some people cannot accept their wives fuck others before, but like most ang mohs, it's not how many you have before marriage, it's how faithful you are AFTER marriage.

So I guess, it works both ways, guys want to fuck girls, but cannot expect wife to be a virgin. Guys wants to fuck a lot of girls, but you cannot expect one not to have sex before doing it with you.

If we think that way, die lor.... this world no more babies liao.

Any celebs lookalike of Janice, Lindi, Milly and Penny? :pI'm supposed to post a pic of Milly-alike, let me go find the porn video. It's always when I want to do a screenshot the bloody video cannot be found, knn. SORRY!!!

Nice story bro.. my heart stopped when i read about the people at the door. that was so close..:DWah lao... my balls shrink lor, maybe people admire me able to fuck, but that kind of close calls, really if kena caught, it's a whole lot of mess... and my preference for women largely, by far, surely will get into trouble one day.

Geng la gog, fucked whole night liao still can quickie come out in less than 12 hours :o12 hours can la... but any shorter... but steam la, not really a lot cum out, but shiok... hehehe...


We should be thanking you for such a wonderful story.

Looking forward to more of your adventures.

Thank you folks for reading actually, appreciate the silent readers, people who drop encouragement notes. Sorry that I usually have to ration my posting, else sometimes I do go by weeks without writing, so there will be a super long hiatus between posts, rationing tho' short, at least I update everyday.

Thank you!!!

What if....its Gog's instead of her cuck husband one :p
damn gog spreading his genesHahaha... mai scare me, her kids don't look that old to be honest, I should have asked if she's on birth control... damn.

Of course lah, you think your followers all IQ=0 ah. Even though we might not know you, if everything you wrote is true and honest, some super smart and bo liao ones might CSI you and expose you.
Then will be super drama leh.
Ain't sure if you would agree, after this pandemic, I noticed more and more mentally not sound fella lurking around. One small and trivial matter may trigger them to react excessively or even violently.
Milly, confirmed plus chopped, has used this CB Gog until gao gao. Even the ROM and big day still wanted to use. If any of her bridesmaids have sharp nose, might smell the CB Gog mojo stinking the room.
Also, when she said see you soon was absolute BS to the MAX.Like as usual, stories are meant to share, my moments are real, but the location/settings/build up might not be. They might have interchanged, they might have been modified. I can't risk any finding out.

By now, I think most realise what kind of women I like/prefer. I like attached, married women. For some reason, I simply find them a turn on. They are easier to get, not shy in bed, and no mind games, just fuck, enjoy and... well that's it.

I can't really risk it because if it traces back to just 1, everything will be a domino effect. Appreciate understanding on this. So while it seems too good to be true in some cases, it might, and it might not.

Will leave you folks to discern my story. True, then true, false then false lor, I don't care. Important is little gog enjoy can liao. Hehehhehehehe.

End of Milly...start of... ? HahahaKNS, RE-TIRE, repeat after me... RE-TIRE!!! LOL!!!

Start of MUAHahaha nope, nothing happened with her, not my kind of girl.

Would suggest to this CB Gog, if he's starting another new thread on another of his conquer to provide the link here.
With two very good ones on Janice and Milly, the third one will be tough to match.LOL... I have, but I want to retire liao. I don't want to blue balls people again, always kena scolded, jin sad.

Janice arc & Milly arc had ended..
Great writing from our beloved TS..
HOpe to hear more from him..Thank you bro, appreciate the encouragement, writing so much made me write better and know how to blue people better... but don't like getting scolded. LOL!!!!

Will consider writing when I have the time :D

22-11-2023, 09:57 AM
Time for Lindi's branch to be extended, but it's mostly gonna be wham bam thank you mam kinda story, I guess?It is. What else is there with Lindi, it will be individual story line kind of happening :)

22-11-2023, 12:25 PM
You are sibei CB indeed in terms of your preference in targeting married or attached women.
Just be careful, don't ever get caught by their hubbies or bf. While the men can flirt and fxxx around, unless they have the unusual fetish to let and see their partners being fxxxed by others. Otherwise, if they find out what you have been doing, then jialat leh.
I recalled there's one such man got stabbed and beaten up badly by the husband and his bros when he found out the affairs.
You are just lucky so far that those men of your flings are either too trustworthy, dumb or blind.

22-11-2023, 01:11 PM
Thank you TS for sharing the story. It’s a very good read.

22-11-2023, 01:44 PM
Curious, did the make up artist suspect anything?

22-11-2023, 04:42 PM
Curious, did the make up artist suspect anything?

Quite obvious bah, still need suspect?
Not in her power to say anything also, she just there to do a job

22-11-2023, 04:42 PM
No leh, I'm not that close minded, some people cannot accept their wives fuck others before, but like most ang mohs, it's not how many you have before marriage, it's how faithful you are AFTER marriage.

So I guess, it works both ways, guys want to fuck girls, but cannot expect wife to be a virgin. Guys wants to fuck a lot of girls, but you cannot expect one not to have sex before doing it with you.

If we think that way, die lor.... this world no more babies liao.

I'm supposed to post a pic of Milly-alike, let me go find the porn video. It's always when I want to do a screenshot the bloody video cannot be found, knn. SORRY!!!

Wah lao... my balls shrink lor, maybe people admire me able to fuck, but that kind of close calls, really if kena caught, it's a whole lot of mess... and my preference for women largely, by far, surely will get into trouble one day.

12 hours can la... but any shorter... but steam la, not really a lot cum out, but shiok... hehehe...

Thank you folks for reading actually, appreciate the silent readers, people who drop encouragement notes. Sorry that I usually have to ration my posting, else sometimes I do go by weeks without writing, so there will be a super long hiatus between posts, rationing tho' short, at least I update everyday.

Thank you!!!

Hahaha... mai scare me, her kids don't look that old to be honest, I should have asked if she's on birth control... damn.

Like as usual, stories are meant to share, my moments are real, but the location/settings/build up might not be. They might have interchanged, they might have been modified. I can't risk any finding out.

By now, I think most realise what kind of women I like/prefer. I like attached, married women. For some reason, I simply find them a turn on. They are easier to get, not shy in bed, and no mind games, just fuck, enjoy and... well that's it.

I can't really risk it because if it traces back to just 1, everything will be a domino effect. Appreciate understanding on this. So while it seems too good to be true in some cases, it might, and it might not.

Will leave you folks to discern my story. True, then true, false then false lor, I don't care. Important is little gog enjoy can liao. Hehehhehehehe.

KNS, RE-TIRE, repeat after me... RE-TIRE!!! LOL!!!

Hahaha nope, nothing happened with her, not my kind of girl.

LOL... I have, but I want to retire liao. I don't want to blue balls people again, always kena scolded, jin sad.

Thank you bro, appreciate the encouragement, writing so much made me write better and know how to blue people better... but don't like getting scolded. LOL!!!!

Will consider writing when I have the time :D

Lindi Lindi

22-11-2023, 06:09 PM
lindi sure have story too...

23-11-2023, 11:21 AM
So Penny's story ended at the trip?
No more back in SG?

23-11-2023, 02:57 PM
You are sibei CB indeed in terms of your preference in targeting married or attached women.
Just be careful, don't ever get caught by their hubbies or bf. While the men can flirt and fxxx around, unless they have the unusual fetish to let and see their partners being fxxxed by others. Otherwise, if they find out what you have been doing, then jialat leh.
I recalled there's one such man got stabbed and beaten up badly by the husband and his bros when he found out the affairs.
You are just lucky so far that those men of your flings are either too trustworthy, dumb or blind.Everybody has their preference. Some likes young girls, some like girls with a cock between their legs, some like A cups, some like DD, some like thicc.

Married/attached is just a classification of types of girl as well. I already expected outbursts when I shared my story. There are many girls out there, but for unexplained reasons, I like women that are 'unavailable'. They really are the best if you know what I mean.

Like I say, I might be lucky, so far, but who knows, eventually one day, my luck my run out. Maybe I'm too innocent, so people won't believe me anyway if they caught their wives with me.

Thank you TS for sharing the story. It’s a very good read.Welcome bro, glad you liked it :)

Curious, did the make up artist suspect anything?Yep. Pretty sure, a naked guy in the room before make up, and when she arrived at the church with Milly, I'm not there, but another, it's kind of obvious.

Quite obvious bah, still need suspect?
Not in her power to say anything also, she just there to do a jobHahaha... yes... when hired to do a job, just do, don't act to be a saint to interfere with what you shouldn't. I guess client's confidentiality is also part of responsibility. Imagine you see the bride have a tattoo on her tit, you also don't go around telling people, that wouldn't be nice.

Lindi LindiSimi simi???

lindi sure have story too...Soup? HAHAHAHA

So Penny's story ended at the trip?
No more back in SG?There is but honestly, it's boring, the fun was when it happened and what transpired in Europe, she's a boring fuck if you ask me.

23-11-2023, 02:59 PM
For those who wants to know roughly how Milly looks like, google "Kanna Misaki"

If you can find her in bob haircut (straght, chin length), she looks similar. Face is less rounder then the porn star and youthful-er, slimmer also.



23-11-2023, 03:00 PM
Eh brother KNNBCCB GOG thank you for the nice stories. Now is it time for lindi or even your friend gf/wife? Hahahahaha... I never scold you ah... I'm your best friend leh.. Hahahahaha

23-11-2023, 03:07 PM
Eh brother KNNBCCB GOG thank you for the nice stories. Now is it time for lindi or even your friend gf/wife? Hahahahaha... I never scold you ah... I'm your best friend leh.. Hahahahaha

NB!! You started off with knnccb and still say best friend, you my #1 (https://sgsbf.social/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=1) sbf enemy liao! LOL!!!

23-11-2023, 03:09 PM
NB!! You started off with knnccb and still say best friend, you my #1 (https://sgsbf.social/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=1) sbf enemy liao! LOL!!!

Wahahahahaha... Hello only best friend then will call you this way hor... We best buddies lai eh.. You know i know can le... Hahahahahaha

23-11-2023, 03:09 PM
For those who wants to know roughly how Milly looks like, google "Kanna Misaki"

If you can find her in bob haircut (straght, chin length), she looks similar. Face is less rounder then the porn star and youthful-er, slimmer also.



Just imagine Kanna in the SQ kebaya.
Milly might be a Jap AV in disguise? That's why skill not bad too.

23-11-2023, 06:47 PM
Simi simi???

dont act, you know what we want :p

24-11-2023, 09:39 AM
Wahahahahaha... Hello only best friend then will call you this way hor... We best buddies lai eh.. You know i know can le... HahahahahahaSorry, who are you ah? Do I know you? :D

Just imagine Kanna in the SQ kebaya.
Milly might be a Jap AV in disguise? That's why skill not bad too.I remembered her during my write up with Janice and was watching porn and the resemblance really struck me, this portrait for kanna is edited. Milly is close to the edited version, slim and pretty.

dont act, you know what we want :pWhat ?!? I never act, I very innocent one . Don't corrupt me please. I'm GENTLEMAN HOR!

Golden Apple
26-11-2023, 12:16 PM
thanks for the wonderful story GOG

26-11-2023, 05:15 PM
For those who wants to know roughly how Milly looks like, google "Kanna Misaki"

If you can find her in bob haircut (straght, chin length), she looks similar. Face is less rounder then the porn star and youthful-er, slimmer also.



Thanks bro GOG! Any possible lookalikes of the other 3 ladies? ;)

27-11-2023, 10:48 AM
gog any more story to share ma. boring liao lei

27-11-2023, 04:44 PM
thanks for the wonderful story GOG
Welcome bro, glad you enjoyed it :)

Thanks bro GOG! Any possible lookalikes of the other 3 ladies? ;)Eh, risky. Hahaha that one maybe not because if too striking, then somebody might pick it up... that one is domino effect. I share Milly's one because no way to link to church.... so.. sorry ah!

gog any more story to share ma. boring liao leiYou all love to be blue so much issit LOL!

27-11-2023, 06:30 PM
You all love to be blue so much issit LOL!

no lei... you write more then we can scold more ma... haha

28-11-2023, 01:00 PM
no lei... you write more then we can scold more ma... haha

Then I shouldn’t write liao. Hahahahaha. Nobody wants to hear my life stories all so short one. lol!!!

29-11-2023, 04:42 PM
come gog... you know you want to write on lindi..dont pretend leh

29-11-2023, 09:09 PM
come gog... you know you want to write on lindi..dont pretend leh

he diok blue ball many time, now blue ball us back;)

30-11-2023, 09:01 AM
he diok blue ball many time, now blue ball us back;)

We where got blue ball him? We only like to verbally gan him and super loved it.
Anyway, I doubt he will write on Lindi. That one basically it's his SM relationship, not much story and plot.
Would rather hear his other stories.

30-11-2023, 05:04 PM
We where got blue ball him? We only like to verbally gan him and super loved it.
Anyway, I doubt he will write on Lindi. That one basically it's his SM relationship, not much story and plot.
Would rather hear his other stories.

other stories... penny? MA? or other milf?

01-12-2023, 01:42 AM
Eh KNNBCCB GOG I know you miss me calling you this.Hahahahahahaha You still owe us all here a story of your friend wife. Cmon start that story then lindi.

01-12-2023, 09:47 AM
come gog... you know you want to write on lindi..dont pretend lehMai liao... people complain posting too short, then I always blue them and I always kena scolded, mai liao!!! Hahahah

he diok blue ball many time, now blue ball us back;)Blue is good ma, don't always blue cannot control next time, how?

We where got blue ball him? We only like to verbally gan him and super loved it.
Anyway, I doubt he will write on Lindi. That one basically it's his SM relationship, not much story and plot.
Would rather hear his other stories.Don't gan me please, I'm gentleman hor, I don't want. Hahaha.

Lindi ah, no plot is correct, it's always play and shoot with her, I also don't know how to write, each meet up is not always exciting, even roleplay also got limits. Cannot always expect her play Janice or what, or even pop stars, won't work.

I like Lindi because whenever I swing my needs, she adapts and follows. Good girl!

other stories... penny? MA? or other milf?Bo liao leh, I'm a gentleman, I where got so many? LOL!!!

Eh KNNBCCB GOG I know you miss me calling you this.Hahahahahahaha You still owe us all here a story of your friend wife. Cmon start that story then lindi.KNN! Mai! I don't like you!! Siam! Get lost!


01-12-2023, 05:58 PM
Lindi ah, no plot is correct, it's always play and shoot with her,

Shoot with her or shoot in her :p:p

I like Lindi because whenever I swing my needs, she adapts and follows. Good girl!

I want a Lindi too :( so syok

03-12-2023, 09:36 AM
Shoot with her or shoot in her :p:p

I want a Lindi too :( so syok

Hahaha.. ownself go find... :D

03-12-2023, 12:05 PM
A gentlemen's story .... please keep going ... :D

04-12-2023, 08:23 AM
Hahaha.. ownself go find... :D

wait you intro Lindi :p:p

04-12-2023, 08:33 AM
Hahaha.. ownself go find... :D

when you going to start a thread of her? or your friend wife story ah

04-12-2023, 04:14 PM
A gentlemen's story .... please keep going ... :DThis story concluded already bro... all done :D thank you for the support.

wait you intro Lindi :p:p:p cannot, I selfish de. Hahaha

when you going to start a thread of her? or your friend wife story ahWah lao... I want to retire liao... no more!! Hahahah!

04-12-2023, 07:01 PM
Wah lao... I want to retire liao... no more!! Hahahah!

dun lie. so many of us support you. so gian song right.

04-12-2023, 10:54 PM
:p cannot, I selfish de. Hahaha

But you gentlemen ma lol :D

06-12-2023, 03:00 PM
dun lie. so many of us support you. so gian song right.If I gian song, I will always put, "no points, no post" or wait until people comment then I post lor.

I post because share story, I don't give a hoot about I gian song or what, you can't suan me for it one.. hahahah rain, sun, snow I also will post daily, except when I on holidays.

You folks see Janice thread, 8+months, never missed a day.

Milly thread, only 1 day missed 'cos I thought I did post.

Hahahhaha if I gian song, you folks will know one.

But you gentlemen ma lol :D
Yes! Confirm I gentleman! Very very gentleman!

07-12-2023, 09:35 AM
haha. we know la~

07-12-2023, 10:46 AM
NBCBCCB Gog, are you or are you not going to post another story of you with another married or attached woman?
Seems like you either not or forget about that? I am quite sure there ain't another one as memorable as Janice.

07-12-2023, 01:56 PM
haha. we know la~
Good good!!!

NBCBCCB Gog, are you or are you not going to post another story of you with another married or attached woman?
Seems like you either not or forget about that? I am quite sure there ain't another one as memorable as Janice.I didn’t forget but you all CONFIRM want to blue first or not?

Any regrets? If I shared then cannot scold me! And must be blued regularly!

This one a bit romantic. Unlike Janice, but still has a romantic side to it but didn’t end well. Janice is a fairytale on its own. None of my sex partners and flings ever came close.

Through Janice I met Lindi, had Penny, and Janice gave me a gift of life that I adore so much.

No story will come close. So confirm, you folks want one last story? This one dates further back even more, far far back. I had to change church because of it. No scolding, lots of blue-ing hahaha!

07-12-2023, 04:05 PM
You should be asking yourself, whether you want to leave a legacy or not.
This forum is for us to write and share something we can't normally share with others in our real life. Also, to remind us of someone worth my time, love and mojo.
We can't be the ones to decide for you if you want to share or not.

08-12-2023, 03:22 AM
You should be asking yourself, whether you want to leave a legacy or not.
This forum is for us to write and share something we can't normally share with others in our real life. Also, to remind us of someone worth my time, love and mojo.
We can't be the ones to decide for you if you want to share or not.

nicely said bro !

08-12-2023, 10:52 AM
You should be asking yourself, whether you want to leave a legacy or not.
This forum is for us to write and share something we can't normally share with others in our real life. Also, to remind us of someone worth my time, love and mojo.
We can't be the ones to decide for you if you want to share or not.
Legacy ah... sad thing is my stories can't tell anybody, sigh, that's why I share here only.

So many things to worry and not like I can share with friends who I fucked. LOL...

nicely said bro !
Wah lao! Silent reader also support him, I very sad liao la :(

08-12-2023, 10:58 AM
That's why you can share here.
Afterall, you will make some changes to hide the women's and your identity anyway.
For us, when we read, it's just another story as we are neither the woman or you.
Suggest you just go on to share another story here or stop asking us if we want another story or we want to be blue ball or not.

08-12-2023, 11:03 AM
So many things to worry and not like I can share with friends who I fucked. LOL...

Wah lao! Silent reader also support him, I very sad liao la :([/QUOTE]

Bro TS,

Please continue to share the ONS, Fling or whatever you have. Your style of writing is very interesting and we, as reader can connect easily. Please do not stop

or....you are inviting us to KNN CCB you to get started or you are itchy for such scolding like other bro here....no F+#k to shiok? hahahaaaa

08-12-2023, 12:47 PM
That's why you can share here.
Afterall, you will make some changes to hide the women's and your identity anyway.
For us, when we read, it's just another story as we are neither the woman or you.
Suggest you just go on to share another story here or stop asking us if we want another story or we want to be blue ball or not.Of course, that's why the story sometimes sounds too nice, too good, but if I put in the details, it might get exposed, so just read it like a fairytale, you'll be happier.

Bro TS,

Please continue to share the ONS, Fling or whatever you have. Your style of writing is very interesting and we, as reader can connect easily. Please do not stop

or....you are inviting us to KNN CCB you to get started or you are itchy for such scolding like other bro here....no F+#k to shiok? hahahaaaa

Thanks, I just try to put in some lightheartedness, thoughts and feelings of mine along the way. I tend to overthink things sometimes, and sometimes see things only from my view, I try to make things lighht so it's easy to read, I hated the ending of my story with Janice, that pain, that guilt, gosh, you had no idea how often I wanted to just jump to it, get it off my chest.

Truth be told, I do enjoy writing, because I can be myself here, I can share, be judged, scolded, because people share their thoughts about me and my story. I honestly, can't walk up to my cell group and talk about Janice. I don't think at the end of the talk, I can still remain in the church. Or about Lindi, or how I took Penny and sexually abused her for my gratifications.

Thank you for the kind remarks though...



08-12-2023, 12:49 PM

That said...enjoy continuing getting blued.... it's WIP, so don't expect fast and lots of post. I'm still recollecting the events.

01-10-2024, 11:27 AM

After that day, I sent some messages to Milly, they were never responded to but the ticks at the WA tells me she read them.

Thank you all for reading, this is a short epilogue as it's mostly a fuck story, not love, I don't really love Milly but I enjoy how good she is in bed. Pleasing, entertaining and really knows how to read a man's body during sex. She was a really good sex machine.

Another excellent writing.
Totally agreed, learn to let go when it is time's up.

01-10-2024, 11:46 AM
Another excellent writing.
Totally agreed, learn to let go when it is time's up.

Thank you, how did you even find this buried thread :D

I always remind friends, it’s alright to eat but know when to stop, don’t do anything stupid. There are many girls out there. Don’t have to worry.

01-10-2024, 12:01 PM
Thank you, how did you even find this buried thread :D

I always remind friends, it’s alright to eat but know when to stop, don’t do anything stupid. There are many girls out there. Don’t have to worry.

CB Gog, if I were your friend who knows your dark secrets, what you preached won't mean anything, cause you sort of deliberately look for married women, if that ain't evil, I ain't sure what is. Lol.

01-10-2024, 03:38 PM
Thank you, how did you even find this buried thread :D

I always remind friends, it’s alright to eat but know when to stop, don’t do anything stupid. There are many girls out there. Don’t have to worry.

I spent the last 12 hours, reading non-stop from the Janice thread, then Milly, and now still on the Alice thread.... :D:D

It is now 1:37 am in the USA and I started like after lunch time. :p

02-10-2024, 09:53 AM
CB Gog, if I were your friend who knows your dark secrets, what you preached won't mean anything, cause you sort of deliberately look for married women, if that ain't evil, I ain't sure what is. Lol.Its my kink and fetish.

I get a kick out of getting a married women into bed, it’s something I can’t stop, I’m no saint. Others prefer mothers, some prefer older, some likes insurance agents etc… it’s a kink leh.

I spent the last 12 hours, reading non-stop from the Janice thread, then Milly, and now still on the Alice thread.... :D:D

It is now 1:37 am in the USA and I started like after lunch time. :p
It’s a bit tad impossible to finish all in 12 hours bro… take a chill pill leh! Haha.

How on earth you dig up the old threads sia…

02-10-2024, 11:26 AM
It’s a bit tad impossible to finish all in 12 hours bro… take a chill pill leh! Haha.

How on earth you dig up the old threads sia…

I skipped the detailed sex process parts and also didn't read all your replies to your fan club. :p

There were links in your Janice and Milly stories I think?
I could also do an advanced search for threads posted by you.