View Full Version : It changes everything....

13-09-2023, 03:39 PM
I've always considered my mother to be beautiful. She married young (i was shotgun baby). She stood at 162cm and weighed about 55kg. Her figure was topped by her well rebonded hair and her bubbly personality make her loveable by everyone. I had always compared other girls and women to her, and none of them can replace her. At 40 years old, she was the most amazing woman and a constant source of encouragement to me

I had never known my dad as he left us when i was 1, so my mom was everything to me. Apparently, my dad knew my mom while part timing at IT Show when she was still in poly. That few days of flirting leads to a relationship, which at age 19, lots of sex and exploring were expected. And at 19, they thought everything is in control , and pregnancy could be prevented if you time the date accurately. Not surprising, i am seeded on one of that fateful day when he reassured my mom that it is a "safe" period. They quickly married amidst many unhappiness among my grandparents. My dad about to enter army, has plan to sign on as officer, and take a scholarship to study abroad. With me, everything changed. He has to be put on non combat due to family commitments, and not considered for OCS. 1 year later, he believes that i am the mistake of his life, and decided to reset his life without me. Of course, that decision didnt happened overnight. There are alot of resentment in the marriage just 3 month in. It is a marriage of responsibilty, not love. Mom, being a strong headed women, wants nothing from him, and parted ways. Luckily, i have a very supportive grandparents whom care for me while my mom continues to upgrade herself in order to be able to care for me independantly.

Mom had never remarried and rarely dated since. Most relationship ended with her boyfriend not wanting a baggage. Eventually she stopped. She seemed to throw all of her time and energy into my upbringing. At 18, I had finished JC. Enter army, Due to my good grades and competitive in sports, I secured a full scholarship to NUS once i ORD. (Cant say which scholarship, but it is from a huge GLC). Everything seems to be in place for me and planned, but the moment i ORD-ed......

13-09-2023, 10:32 PM
A quick introduction of myself. I am 185cm tall, and weighs 82kg. I grew up with very little in a single parent family. From young, i envy all the kid who has both mom and dad, whom takes oversea vacation, whom gets to own a computer, whom gets to visit all the places of interest in Singapore.

My childhood had always with my grandparents, as my mom has to hustle. She is insistence that i am her responsibility, and my grandparent should not be financially involved. The only thing i had is a basketball, which was given to me by an aunt on my 10th year birthday. Apparently, my cousin got 2 of the same from his birthday, and she decided to give 1 to me.

Ever since, i live, breath and sleep with it, as it is so precious to me. One day, i went to the basketball court next to the hdb and started bouncing it, and my passion for the game starts to grow. With literally nothing to play at home, i spend almost every after school hour at the court playing. Sometime, bigger boys or adults were playing, and i observe them from afar. Occassionally, due to missing 1 player, they will asked me to join in to make up a 3v3 or 4v4. Due to me spending almost all my free time at the court, i spend a significant time playing with people above my age, and that really trains me to be many levels ahead of my peers.

Not surprising, i chose basketball as my CCA as i enter secondary school, and my first practice made the teacher incharge jaw dropped. Even the B boys can't guard me. In one of the C boys ISG, i literally 1v5 the opponent school the whole game as my other team mates were outsize or outplayed by that atas school. For almost 70% of the game, 3 players were guarding me. While we lost that game (basketball is ultimately a team game), i become famous. On my next game, there are many more other seniors by the side watching me, and once again, i shine. Since then, i became a celebrity. All the ah bengs wants to be my friend. Girl blushes when they see me. My fame went on into B boys, and i even got the first ever color awards for my school. My mom were especially proud of me. She were crying when i brought it home, and said she did nothing to get me to where i am, and she is guilty. She knows many parents were there watching their kid play, but she is not. Well, growing up in a single family, i am sensible enough to know she is trying her best to be both a mother, a father, and a breadwinner at home, and i never blame her. With such level of fame, naturally i was invited for combined school team. However, due to the distance needed to travel for training, and most of the training were after school, i rejected the invite as i only has that little time with my mom and i do not want to waste it training. Basketball is ultimate a game, a passion, and not a career to me

Luckily for me, due to my talent, i had manu good teacher and coaches watching over me all the time, therefore i never strayed. I never smoke a single cig, nor did anything to break my mom's heart. Due to the level of intensity of my training, my physique is well built and lean. I had especially broad shoulder and strong arm. Many mistaken me as a swimmer.

13-09-2023, 11:20 PM
A bit on my mom. She is the only child. She were born during the era when our govt says 1 is enough. At the sweet age of 20, she became a mother. She were pregnant me in her last semester, and gave birth to me 6 month later. While most of her friends were moving on to local uni or enrolling into private uni, those were not an option for her. She tried to look for a job, but no employer wants to hire a pregnant poly fresh grad. They do not want to waste money paying for 1 month maternity leave as well. Married, jobless, baby to care for, me crying at night, without money in bank as parenthood is expensive, they quarreled every few day. Whenever my dad need money to buy stuff for me, his parent will give those "i told you remarks". Resentment grow, he wants his old life back, they divorced. No amount of conselling helps. He wants me and my mom out of his life. I not sure why i am even describing him as dad here (should just call him fucker). I do hope he is childless now, and karma bites him hard.

At 21, divorced, with a kid, without money, my mom went back home, and my grandparent love me nothing lesser than a perfect family would. She manage to find a job at a local company as an admin, earning a meagre 1.8K a month. That is barely keeping her alive. And she has to save on everything. No foodcourt, no mcdonalds, no kfc. Only home cooked food by my grannies. Occassionaly, my grand dad will indulge me with some goodies, but working as a general worker, he didnt have much either.

My mom strong headness, plus the situation she is in, left her crying many nights. But there is no single seconds she wanted me out of her life. That is how beautiful motherhood is. With such circumstances she is in, it builds a very strong character.

At 25 years old, financial crisis hits, and her company folded. She decided that she no longer wants her fate to be in controlled, she enrolled into CEA and become a property agent with a renowed agency. She cant find a job in the middle of a crisis, and without income + her studies, her saving is dwindling down fast.

Thankfully, she saved hard, and we are able to survive that few months. She passed her CEA test, and maybe due to fate, we entered into a period of property boom. Her agency were awarded to sell a few new property launch, and she literally has people walking up to her at showroom saying they are there to buy. While that few years of hardship makes her character strong, her bubbly personality didnt change, and she instantly connects with her client. She has a hands on approach, followed up closely for her client, fights for the best, and ensure all paper work are thorough. Many of her client's wife loved her for whom she is. One after one, referral after refferral, she established a sizeable base of clients now. Some of them are already into their 3rd property with her now, and remain close friends. While many male buyer establish a buyer/agent relationship with her to get into her pants, she is professional, and never crossed that line. There are genuine suitors, none proceeded after knowing she is a single mother. Well, to my mom, i am her everything. Even the wealthiest man wants to take her without me, she will say no.

My grand parent passed away one after another due to illness. They slog their whole life, having to bring up my mom and myself. I cried every night at the wake as i have no idea what i am without them. My mom cried badly on the last day as she felt she did not gave them a good retirement, and they had to tire themselve to care for me. But they never complained a single day. We are their sunshine, and they are happy we all grown up to be independant.

After inherting the old HDB, my mom, a property agent, decided to sell it and we upgrade to a private condo penthouse. She has already amassed a fortune by then, and know the low property market, it is the best time to acquire one. On the day we moved in, she placed my grand parent altar in the house, and said they can now enjoy the life she owes them.

14-09-2023, 03:54 PM
TS, loves this genuine story from my heart..

Hope to hear more about it.

14-09-2023, 05:58 PM
Waiting for more from TS, could be an incest story coming along 🤣🤣🤣🤣

14-09-2023, 06:33 PM
I thought 'IT' changes everything...

A blessing in disguise...

Can feel that TS story is an original so keep it up! :D

16-09-2023, 12:34 AM
There is a day that every Singaporean son has to go through - our enlistment day. As my enlistment gets nearer, i can sense my mom getting anxious. For sure she isn't worried about the physicality of Army, as my physical fitness has been at the elite level. I probably did 12 chinup with ease, 60 sit-ups in 60s, 270cm in SBJ, under 9s for shuttle run and under 9min for 2.4km. In-fact, the day our army changes the standard of IPPT, i am thinking i am IPPT gold for life.

Is it the jungle training? Is she afraid that i might tio mark? Is it the separation anxiety (as I am never away from her for more than a weekend), or could it be she is worried my fxxker dad actually manage to sign on in the end, and he could be an officer in Tekong and become the CO of BMTC? Well, i didn't ask, and i shouldn't. I guess every parents will be worried as their boy goes through the journey to become man.

Being a property agent is not just about helping client buy and sell houses. They are also interior designer, fengshui master, and well verse in many laws. As she has an appointment in the evening, she didn't dress too shabby that day. As that day is quite hot, She wore a tight and thin white color T-shirt, with her favorite skinny jeans. You can see clearly how her T-shirt and jeans accentuated her figure.

Oh! i forgot, at age 38 (on my enlistment day), she look like a 30 years old. With a flat tummy, and slim legs, you wouldn't believe she is 55kg. She also joking saying her bones density makes her heavy. The way she dress, make her figure really stands out among all the mummies at gathering point. I can see clearly she is wearing a white color bra, and lacey bra cups.

I still remember vividly the day we gather at Pasir Ris MRT, and getting ready to board the bus to SFT and take our first ferry ride to Tekong. I saw some of my JC friends with their parents, siblings, and girlfriend. We call out to each other, and i started to walk towards them

Most of the readers probably went to same place for enlistment, and i can guarantee you, that is probably the first time u see that many 18/19 years old boys from all walks of life gathering at one place. With the way my mom dresses, she is drawing quite a lot of attention. I can really see many heads turning as we walked to our lane. To be honest, she look better than some of the "influencer" that also accompanied their boyfriend on enlistment day. To help readers imagine, she look a bit like the more mature version of debbwie.

As i was speaking to my friends, some of their parent asked if my parents are joining me, and got a shocked when they know my she is my mom instead of my girlfriend. Immediately, you see the mummy face turned sour, and the daddy face starting to scan. As the boys were talking about what school we might be going, the parents started their small talk, and my mom being a property agent, it is her occupational hazard to start giving out name cards and gave her views on property market.

Growing up with my mom and grandparents as my only kins, i developed the habit of holding their hands as we walked even as a teenagers. They are simply too important to me, and i held their hand afraid that i might lose them. As my name being called, i held her hand as we board the bus to SFT and from there we took the ferry to tekong. Both inside the bus and ferry, i keep looking at her. How she has aged, and how beautiful she is, and how important she is to me.

The look of anxiety and sadness on her face as we disembark the ferry worries me. I am fully confident on my ability to adapt to Army (don't forget i grew up at the basketball court with strangers), but she just cannot accept that i am leaving her for 2 weeks confinement. Unlike the old school mother whom keep telling their son to be careful, do not get into trouble, do not fight, remember cover blanket blah blah blah, she said non of them, just constantly holding my hand tight, and occasionally brushing my hair, she said it will be gone soon!

As we proceed to the cookhouse, we were treated to the "official version" of SAF food, and due to it being very crowded, she sat really really close to me. To be honest, i never sat that close with my mom before. I used to sit at my grand dad side when young, and after their passing, i always sit opposite of my mom as we eat at home or outside. This is probably the first time she sit next to me and such close proximity. Our arm are touch each other, and because she is sitting to my right, my elbow actually touches her side boobs at time. While a mother feels nothing from such innocent contact, me, at age 19 with a well developed boy, i begin to have some weird feelings on such contact

To be honest, i am a perfectly normal guy. Since secondary school, i have many suitors, even till JC, due to my popularity and look. Well i am not a model type of handsome, my height and build makes me of one of the ideal candidate to be MR XXX JC. But then again, due to growing up in a broken family, i do have low self esteem when it comes to relationship. Furthermore, i am very focus on where i want to go, and i do not want any relationship get me off track, and i did not get into any relationship even till age 19.

All tour has to come to an end. As we finishes the lunch, it is time to say goodbye. We were constantly reminded to call back at night on day 1 to inform our parents about our day, in case they got worried, and reminded again that we were not allowed to charged our phones inside the bunk. Before my mom left for the jetty, she gave me a big tight hug. I never had this kind of hug from her since my grand parent passing. It is so tight that I can feel her breast pressing onto my lower chest. Due to the thin fabric, i swear i can fee the lace on her bra as well. She gave me a kiss on my cheeks, telling me to be careful, take care, remember to call her. This time, she gave me another big tight hug and says she will be miss me at home. Her breast is now pressing onto my lower chest again and her cheeks touching my chest. Now, i starting to feel it......

16-09-2023, 12:55 AM
To protect identity, some references to schools, education journey, vocations, occupations has been altered and replaced by something somewhat similar. If there is any coincidence to any readers real life experience, i am deeply sorry

Chua Soi Lek
16-09-2023, 02:04 AM
How come no sex part yet ?

The intro too “cheong hei” already leh …


16-09-2023, 10:10 AM
i like the intro. very local flavour and real unlike many of those where characters are thrown in just to make up the numbers. sometimes read until luan.

waiting to read the updates!

16-09-2023, 10:32 AM
Is this some kind of incest story? :confused:

18-09-2023, 08:58 PM
I can sleep late, but waking up early is my biggest weakness, and army has a 630am fall in timing. We had to do a simple 5BX + water parade. At 185cm tall, it is a no brainer that i am a right marker in my platoon. Wherever i stand, that is where my platoon will gather. The sergeant were really nice in the 1st week, but 2nd week their pattern comes. They were teaching us basic command drill - turn left, turn right, U-Turn, how to march properly, and there is about 3 fellow in our platoon that really cannot hand and leg coordinate. They either execute the wrong command, or totally don't know what to do. Then u start to see from talking nicely, to using vulgarities. Now, the real funny part is, the sergeant likes to talk as if they are the best in the army, being task to train the recruit, and they are there because they chose to, which is utter bullshit. From the looks of it, i guess they didn't even qualify to join a battalion as section commander, thus relegated to be a trainer because they are given the 3 arrow rank. There's a saying that goes - when the master sucks, don't expect the disciple to be better.

While the PT aspect of army is easy, the rush to wait and wait to rush way of functioning is a total nonsense. One the first day of fitness trial, i score 5 point in every station, and many of my sergeant was amazed. Even my OC, whom looks overweight to me, was nodding his head in approval. Come 2.4KM run, i completed it below 9min, with ample gas to spare at the end. Now, i become the class of under 9min in the battalion, with only 5 person with that timing (the other were track n field and footballer), and only 3 of us were full marker.

BMT has a buddy system, and my buddy, ironically, is a person whom are physically opposite of me. He barely passed his IPPT to skip the additional 1 month of training, and everyday, the rush here and there with FBO is taking a toll on him. He is the kind of silent doer, where he simply just do what he was told, and hope to day ends quickly. Now, while fitness is not his strength, he has a damm good mouth. He has no lacks of jokes to crack in the platoon, and he has that natural aura that wants to bring people near him.

Well, i got a boring life. My life is always school, home, basketball court. Repeat this 360 a days year. But for my buddy, i will say it is exciting. He already has 4 girlfriend prior to enlistment, and he shared many intimate stuffs about them. As we get to know each other better, we starting to share more. I get to know that his family are very well to do (they are business people), and stays in a landed property near chai chee. He is the only child, and his parent sometimes has to be oversea to oversee their factory operation. Since his JC days, his parent business has accelerated, and he starting see them lesser. The family has a helper that has been with them for more than 10 years, and they treated her like a family. They even allowed her to go out on weekends and stayed overnight as long as she do not bring trouble back home. It has been many years with 0 issue, and they trust her. Every 2 weeks, the helper will go out and stay overnight with one of her real sister (she married here and live in a HDB at Tampines). She usually visits her from saturday morning, play with her kids at her house, and stayed over the weekend. That is when he indulge in his porn with no restrictions. His relationship with his helper is so symbiotic that he knows when she will be outside overnight, and he can invite his girlfriend over. From time to time, he showed us some pictures he taken. Well, he only shows us vague images and very pixelated video, never in full hd, and the bunk thinks he is just lying, and using some random internet pictures.

Almost halfway into BMT, on one of the weekend, by fate, we were arrowed to do guard duty on a friday night, which means we can only book out on saturday evening. That night, as we were prowling, i joking ask where he got those fake pictures, and why he wanted to lie about this. That is when he looked at me straight into my eye and says its all real. And because we were buddy, and he thinks that i am a proper but innocent guy, he decided to help me widen my horizon. We quicken our phase and we stayed abit longer at a checkpoint. That is when he flashes out his phone, and he showed me the full hd version. Inside this video, his face, the girl face, his dick, can be seen clearly. Shocked at this, plus i had no sexual experience before except secretly watching some porn, i almost cummed into my Long-4.

In one of the video, he is wearing his Smart-4 (obviously he just home after book out), and his girlfriend was in the same room as him. I will say, his GF looks like the typical JC girl, whom look studious, well educated, proper, but has a hidden side to her. She already has tinted hair, so i guess she has already graduated from JC, or she could be someone he knew outside from poly or ITE.

Buddy: b when did you have lunch?
GF1: maybe 1pm why?
Buddy: You hungry?
GF1: not yet, it is barely 6pm
Buddy: Yes you are hungry
GF1: what makes you think so?
Buddy: (Point camera to his pants) Because i say you are hungry

Next, he places his cameraphone at the table with it still recording, he walked up to his GF, and pulled her closer to the table where the phone is, put a pillow on the floor, and make her knee on it

Buddy: Take it off
GF: bb, i don't want......
Buddy: (Grab her mouth) Isn't this what you love b... to make me happy, and make you happy
GF: bb.....
Buddy: I say you are hungry (Hand now grabing her mouth harder into an O and shaking her head)
GF: bb......
Buddy: I want to see you hungry b
GF: yes bb....
Buddy: (his hand now touching her head, like comforting a little girl) Good....

You can see the puss in boots look on his GF face, and slowly she unbutton his pants, and as it falls, you see his flabby stomach appear

GF: bb, can you bath first?
Buddy: I have already bath in the morning before i booked out
GF: but weather so hot, got sweat
Buddy: (Now hands on her chin, his thumb circling around her lips) But i say you are hungry. And i want to feel happy now
GF: bb.....
Buddy: (thumb continue to circle around her lips and he pushes it in) Touch your food
GF: mmmphhh, sluurrrrrrp (Her tounge twirling around his thumb, while her hand pulls down his pants to reveal his blue boxer, and her hand touching his dick with his boxer still on)
Buddy: Ahhhhhhhh, (i can see his head drop backward, as he moves his wet thumb out of her mounth) Tell me what are you wearing today?
GF: i am wearing a T shirt and shorts bb....
Buddy: I am asking what are you wearing today.....
GF..... i am wearing a light blue bra and white panties today bb......
Buddy: i cant see them
GF: (pulling up her T-shirt) bb, its true (now her nose and face is feeling up his cock)
Buddy: Woooooooooooooooo~ (the look of pleasure on his face when she rub her face up his dick) i cant see anything, there is nothing to see
GF: (while her head and nose still moving up and down his cock, she proceed to unclip her bra) Yes bb, there is nothing to see
BF: yesssssssssssssss.....i love you doing this... and i say nothing to see b...
GF: (while still kneeing, she button her shorts and pull down her shorts and panties. The camera angle cant see anything beyond that as her face is the main focus, and her ass in below the table height)
GF: Yes bb, nothing (now both her hand is moving up and down my buddy thigh and ass with her face still feeling up and down his dick, i can see her finger tracing his boxer seam and her well manicured nails tickling his ass

I cannot believe what i see next............

18-09-2023, 09:04 PM
while some bro think my story so far is a bit long winded, it is important that i start really from the very beginning. There are many emotions in this, and the readers deserve to know how it develops, the various turning point, and how the many incidents unfold.

If you are looking for a direct straight into action kind of story, this is not what you are looking for for

I do promises actions, but it will come in as the story develops. It didnt just happen to me just like that. many happened in between that leads to what happened in the end

18-09-2023, 11:13 PM
Enjoying yr story so far TS!

prefer a slow build up, plus lots of details and what goes on in the mind of the characters

looking forward to more


19-09-2023, 01:14 AM
Excellent story TS, support!

19-09-2023, 07:59 PM
incest story coming

21-09-2023, 10:57 PM
At this very moment, my mind is fully focused on that video, and my body is ignoring all the mosquito buzzing around my ear. I can see from the video, her hands are alternating between massaging his leg and grabbing his. Just as i thought she will start to strip him and go for the blowjob, it just gets more exciting.....

It started with my buddy moving away, and his GF still kneeing and the pillow. He move out of the camera briefly, and he came back to left something on the table but outside the camera angle, and a rubberband. she tie her hair into a cut pony tail, and i though the typical hair grabbing blowjob gonna start.

Now, from the video, i can see my buddy's room is rather squarish. He has a desk that is L shape (because the camera i can see the other side of his desk with a bear brick sitting on it. and right beside the desk is his queen size bed. Inside the video, the were in between the desk and the bed, and the camera is on wide angle video recording.

After she tie up her hair, my buddy reenter the screen. His finger were rubbing her chin like playing with his pet, and next he move his hand down to her tits and grab it with both hand. Now, due to landscape shooting mode, her tits are half cover by the table edge, and depending on how high she kneel, i only occasionally see her upper boobs and some nipple. Suddenly, i hear it

GF: ahhhhhhhhhhh~~~~~~ oh my god~~~~~~ fuckk........~~~~
errrghhhhhhh..... ahhhhhhhhh~~~~~~

This is very audile, and in the silent of night doing guard duty, it is audile even from 1 meter away

Now, she has knee higher up, and i can literally see her side boobs on screen (she is easily a B cup), and this happens because my bubby is radio tunning it. From the video, i can see her boob are visually shinning. I wonder.....

GF: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~~~~~~ urhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~~~

Buddy: you like this right, me pinching you. you like me massaging your breast right

GF: bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb~~~~~dun want~~~~~~~~~ahhhhhhhh

Buddy: i like to hear this sound, this radio station very good

GF: bbbbbb............ erghhhhhhhhhhhh......ahhhhhhhhhh.....

Buddy: Come, sing for me. I love this sound

i can see his his finger alternate between twisting and turning her nipples. Although his finger is pinching it, i can almost make out (he is using a flagship smartphone btw), the type of nipple she hard. It should be brown color eraser type, and that video can see that it is very sensitive

GF: oooooooooooooooooo..... oh my god......... fuck.......

Buddy: (his hand now alternative between pinch and running his fingers around her boobs)

GF: mmmmmmmmm, ah!.....urhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. ahhhhhh.....ah! ooooooo...oooooooo..... ahhhh......errghhhhhhh... ah!

Buddy: (Everytime he pinch and pull her nipples, she gave an ah!) Next, his hand went outside the screen, and came back wet and it went for her boobs again

GF: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! (ok, i guess he went to take some warm oil and now apply it on her boobs, and i can see her boobs even shinner now)

GF: (hand now starting to massage his dick and hand went up to his waist band)

Buddy: NO

GF: bb...... i hungry... i want to eat banana

Buddy: NO. Not yet (twist and turn and pinch again)

GF: ahhhhhhhhh.... mmmmmmmmm.. ah!

Buddy: I not done yet. You not hungry enough

GF:bb.......... ah! (can see her mouth now open, and her hand massaging his dick furiously)

Buddy: You wait

He went to the phone still with his boxer on. And the video ends!

Me: OI WTF. That's all?

Buddy: Oi, too much already la

Me: Where got people show video halfway one?

Buddy: Really cannot la. This is very personal leh. You already see the girl naked, and me in my boxers in it. What else you want to see? This is to tell you whatever i say in the bunk is true.

Me: Show le. Come on la, steady. What happen after video stop? She give you a blow job? You fuck her? at the table? at the bed?

Buddy: bro, stop la.. really show u too personal stuff liao

Me: Oi, you cannot like that leh. You make me shiok already, then left me hanging.

Buddy: hahahahah. who ask you all keep dare me. If i never show this, you think i ugly fuck no one love right. hahahahaha

Me: come on la, show the rest leh. Every time exercise, u cannot already, i always help you right. Outfield, i see ur face white from carry store, i also come help you. Friend in need is friend in deed leh. Come, show me the rest

Buddy: No No No No No No. This is how much you can see. And if anyone in the bunk knows about what i showed you, i make sure you have missing rifle you fucker. haha

Me: you damm cb leh

Buddy: i care for you. i scare if i show you more, u will rape me here. HAHAHAHAHA

Me: OI, u fuck. So what happen after that

Buddy: Stop asking. You wont see anything more. Unless one day something changed my mind.

Me: I gonna push you into the SEA when we are near the jetty


well, this is just be beginning.

On book out day for both of us, both his parents are in malaysia, and his maid is again at her sister house, so guess who is there to pick him? His gf

GF: Hi!

Buddy: Hey, you waited very long?

GF: Not really, was watching netflix at starbucks while waiting

Buddy: Come, let's go home, i only got 1 day. Book a grab

Me: eh... im transparent?

Buddy: Oh ya, he is my buddy. We live together, sleep together, almost bath together. hahahaha.

GF: Oh hi, nice to meet you. Do not steal my BF away from me =)

I look at her, she look non like the one on video. The one on video has tinted hair, and on the chubbier side. This has long straight hair, fair & skinny, and a demure look. I probably looked at her a bit too long that she blushes and say she go get a bubble tea before booking grab

Me: eh.... is she.....

Buddy: No. Time to go home (he gave me the wanking myself hand sign)

Well, this is gonna be a difficult weekend for me.........

22-09-2023, 09:07 PM
Hope to hear more about it.

23-09-2023, 08:45 PM
incest story coming

24-09-2023, 10:43 PM
Waiting for updates :)

25-09-2023, 09:30 AM
Well, this is gonna be a difficult weekend for me.........

Well, it had been a difficult weekend for us without updates. Lol

26-09-2023, 11:16 PM
the bus ride home has not been easy for me. Many thoughts went through my mind.

What could have happen after the video ends? Did they just plainly fuck?, or there is more foreplay? Buddy seems to be a non so adventurous guy... will he be going beyond what we can image? Is she clean clean shaven? How does it feel to be grabbing her boobs? Who is she? Is she a GF or just a FB?

the questions just goes on, and on, and on, and on. I literally had a hardon through out my bus ride

I reach home around 6pm, since it is a saturday, it is almost given that i will not see my mom home. A typical weekend i will see her dressed in her agency polo Tee early in the morning, and by 10am, she will be on her way out to either a showroom, or bringing her client resale property. At 6pm, well, i got the whole penthouse for myself. While i am consider very fit, but a overnight guard duty, plus that excitement i had to go through, no doubt build some fatique. I quickly bath, throw my 2 sets of no.4 and PT into the washing machine, and time to release.

As i had VPN, i quickly launch pornhub, and from my usual fav content like asian, girls, hot chicks, i started to explore Massage, subbmissive, slavery. Woah, that content totally took me by surprise. It is extremely sensual, and to a certain extend, mind blowing. This also leads to one of my most explosive ejacuation in a month. I probably shot 1 week's worth of load in 1 shot. Then, i feel alseep.

An hour later, the chimes of my washing machines goes off (it is almost 9pm by then as i did a wash + quick dry). took me another 15min to hang my clothes onto the drying racks at the balcony, and i check my phone

G: bro, back to civilization liao boh? (G is one of my kaki while training at SBL, he is 3 years older than me, an ITE grad, and already working at his father's car workshop)

Me: Just woke up. wassup?

G: why are you wasting your precious book out time

Me: guard duty la. tired so sleep lor. why? i no need shoot ball now

G: siao bo. i wont waste my life shooting ball at 9pm on a saturday night, we should be shooting something else

Me: wat shooting you mean

G: come on la. ah boys to men. You dont fake.

Me: If u mean PCC, yeah. done that.

G:WTF!!! knn, you really a boy. Come, i come pick u up with K. We are going out (K is also another basketball buddy at SBL. he is a polygrad, now working as well in IT sales)

Me: Now?

G:ya, K changed already, i otw pick him. I tot u not replying tonight. Now u appear, we can meet up

Me: lazy leh. i just wake up, now very nua

My phone rings. K calling

K: eh fuck, dun be a boy. U r a men already. When u play ball, u like a man, like you behave like a gu niang. We say u change and come out means u come out, u understand or not chao recruit (K actually ORD a 2SG, G is CPL)

Me: wa lan leh. k la k la. wat time

K:ETA 10min.

It is almost 930pm, my mom is still not home yet. I wonder why so late tonight

G came over and pick me up in his dad ES250. Honestly, it is a really nice car, and comfortable. even at my height, i sits comfortably at the back, like a boss

K: Recruit, how is your ah boy to men journey? We never see you are a few weeks

Me: Normal la. Rush to wait, wait to rush. daily do stupid PT. See stupid sergeant like you tekkna us

K: We earn that rank to tekkan recruit. u accpet your fate. WAHAHAHHAHAHA

G: eh, stop talking cock. We go as plan?

K: ya, of coz. We go there. a customer bring me there, and i swear it is really good

Me: where?

K: you dun care where. u got cash or not

Me: i recruit leh, where got $

G: nb, i give you $100 lah

Me: you dun KNS, this $100 is you owe me when u lose to me when we play 1v1 before i enlist leh.

G: wahahahahahaha. fuck. u still remember that. I never scare before, only lose before. i give you this $100

Me: Ok, i got $40 in my walelt, with this is got $100. So where we going? eat steamboat?

K: we go release steam

The car drive towards bugis, and we parked at liang seah street. I think some bro here already know, its at level 2 where you take the lift that opens direct to the SPA

K: i bring you go relax your muscle. SAF v tough one. Then tomorrow night you need book in

Me: seriously, you damm jia lat leh. I can use my massage gun at home, why waste $ on this

G: ah boys, to men, for this 2 years~~~~ we make you a man in 2 month

Lady behind counter: got booking or not

K: got got. i booked M, then my 2 friend no booking. got people available.

Now 10pm, last session, all got. Anybody you like?

G: eh, first time here. you intro us good one, we come again

Lady behind counter. Here all good. You want 保养?

K: yes yes.

lady behind counter: $110 each

Me: errr...... that is almost all i got

K: i just take my commission lah, this one i pay. anything else, you ownself settle

Me: huh?

lady behind counter: M, E, B 做工

We were then usher to a waiting area with many recliner

Lady M: hi, you here again here

K: yeahhhh, cannot forget

Lady M: hehe. told you my massage very good right

Lady E: who is mine

G: yeah me me. come follow me

Lady B: so you with me?

Me: yeah...

I was lead to a room at the corner. It is 10pm at night, and my surprise, it is still fairly booked. I walked pass 2 room, my height i can clearly look into the window. One of the room is very dark inside (maybe the customer doesnt likes it bright) and one the room, i can see the masseur rubbing oil up the guys back. looks good to me

B: here is our room. you bath and change first

Me: ok

It is basically a small room with light in pinkish tone. The bath area is like a portable one

B: first time here?

Me: ya.....

B: hehe. bath you body clean, then change into the shorts on the bed. do not wait underwear as will apply 精油

Me: ok

B: brb

I took off my clothes, grab the towel and into the cubicle. it is really small, and my head almost out of it. The water came out extremely cold, and it warms up quick. As i had already bath at 6pm, i just did a quick wash down, and change into the shorts

B: you done?

Me: yah

B:coming in

She asked me to turn over, and face down into the hole. She then put a towel over my back and started the massage. As this is the first time i experience this, all i can say is the kneading and pressing felt really really good. It indeed feels much better than my massage gun at home. After like 5 min, she came down the bed, and lift up the towel on my back, and started to apply the oil and rubbing up and down by back, shoulder and neck. To be honest, this rubbing makes me doze off. I can literally feel my eye rolling up already before she finishes my back, and lift off the towel on my right leg

B: did i woke you up

Me: hahaha. it feels very good

B: your first time having massage here

Me: yeah. infact my first time massaging

B: oh.....

B: you leg is very muscular, you exercise alot

Me: yeah, i played basketball

B: wow, must have strong arms

B: how come you arm has 2 color, it is so dark below, and not so tann on your body

Me: oh, in army now. everyday under the sun mah

B: oh, you 服役 ah

Me: yaya

B: no wonder

You started to rub the oil up my calf to my tight, and her finger magically stopped below by asscheek, and her finger went into a grabbing grip on my hamstring and pull it down to my knee. OMG, this sensation felt so gooooood!!!

Me: woahhhhhhhhhhhh

B: did i hurt you

Me: noooooooooo, very shiok

B: hehe. like it then good

B continues to do that up and down a few times, and then onto my next leg

B: you book 保养?

Me: i think so. Are you going to use herbs now?

B: hehe. so cute

B started to massage my ass, and it felt so good. Then she started to pour more oil around it, and so strategically down my ass crack

And then, her finger is rubbing up and down by asshole, occasionally apply pressure on it, and the massaging my perineum. At that begins, my dick hardens immediately

Me: ehhhhh... is this the 保养?

B: hehe. shhhhhh.

Her fingers start to massage my balls, and skillfully move her hand between my dick and the bed and rub it up and down.

Me: woooooooooooooo

B: hehe, you like it

Me: yaaaaaaaa

B continues to rub her hand up and my rock hard dick

B: so hard liao

Me: ahhhhhhhhhh.... yes......

B: flip over

She lift up the towel and i turn over. My dick is pointing upwards

She came bring out a pillow under the bed to cover the hole and let me die out it

she then cover the towel from my waist down. My dick outline is visible from outside the towel

B gave a hehe smile and uses her finger to poke my dick

Then, she lift up the towel on my right leg and massage my thigh with oil. Using the same method as before, it sends that hair standing sensation up my spine and then send blood flowing down to my dick, making it harder than ever. He finger magically brushes pass my balls, giving me the tingling sensation. At the end of both leg, i at near explosion. She over up both my leg, and using her body weight, she presses both her palm just at my pelvic area to release some tension: After like 15seconds, she move her mouth to my ear and

B: you want add on $30

Me: what is this add on?

B: i will blow you

Me: errrrrrrr

B: it is ok if you don't want. i just finish you off with my hand

Now, that video flashback on my mind. the look of my buddy GF face planted on his dick

Me: Ok, i add on

B: you wait for me

B left the room, and i stayed in the room feeling anxious. There is a signs in the room that say any sexual activity are prohibited

What if this place got stormed by police? Will i get charge go DB? Will i go jail? Did they also ask G and K to top up? Will i get STD? Should i back out now? What if she bites it? Will she secretly take video and blackmail me? All these thoughts runs through my mind.

B come back in a few mintue with 2 cups

Then she dimmed the light (now i know why one of room is so dark just now)

B: relax. She then proceed to pull down my shorts.

She uses a small hakerchief to wipe around my dick, and then she pull down my skin and clean my dick head. That 2 min of waiting and anxiety has already deflated my dick, now it is back alive again

B: hehe, it woke up

She then starts to kiss around my dick, except my dick. Her slow sensual kisses sends litres of blood to my dick, and next she knew, she is holding onto a rod

B: waaa.. so hard now. you indeed exercise alot

She then took a mouthful of water, and i see her mouth move down my dick



The moment the warm sensation hits my dick head, i am literally on estacy. I can feel her tounge moving around my dick head with the warm water on it.

B: mmmmmmmmphhhh...... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

After like 30s, she lift up her head, and let the warm water falls onto my dick onto the hakerchief she left below my balls

She then took another mouthful of water from another cup, and i though that is for her to rinse her mouth

Never did i imaging, she move her head down onto my dick again, and this time round it is cold water


Me: OMG OMG.... oooooooooooomppphhhhhh..


B started to move her head up and down my dick, and she suck on the water to create the bubble effect that give my dick a special sensation. After 30s, she lifted her head, and let the cold water drop onto my dick once again.

B: hehe. i never see such a big one before (she pointing at my dick)

I didnt see my army bunk mates dick erected before, but i tot we are almost the same size. I probably measure 12-13cm fully erected edge to edge.

Now, when i tot that is my $30, and its over, she walked to the side of me, lifted up her polo tee, and unbuckled her bra. At this moment, my soul almost left me....................

First time in my life, i see a real pair of boobs infront of me. They don't look anything like those i saw in pornhub where it is a pair a big melons with huge areola, nor like those small pinkish nipple from JAV. It is basically brown in color, with eraser like pointy nipple. I not sure wat got into me, i instinctly grab it and suck on it

B: hehe. dun so hard. slowly. we still got time

Me: mmmmpphhhhhh, sluuuuurrrrrrppp, lick lick lick lick lick lick,

B: so itchy, hehe. ahhhh!! not so hard

Me: one mouth sucking, one hand pinching

B: mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. (her hand rubbing the back of my head)

Me: slurrp slurrp slurrp

This goes on for like 2min

B: come, sit up

Me: ok...

Me: (sitting nake on the bed, and with pointed dick, she took my hand and grab both her boobs, and she french kiss me) mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, slurrp slurrp

B: mmmmmmm.... grab my breast harder. yes yes yes yes, like this

Me: continue to stick my tounge into her mounth, and she reciprocate.

B: mmmmmm, slurp slurp slurp slurp slurp slurp... MMMMMMMMM

i not sure what got into me, i start to move my hand down to her butt

B: hehe, naughty

I caress her butt for a while, and i move my thumb to her band of her tights

B: MMMMMMMM (we are still tounge fighting)

I pull her tights down slightly, to reveal and very normal ah man underwear

B: MMMM.... so naughty

I keep my hand massag her from her underwear, and occasassional, i pulled her underwear into a thong like style and grab her ass

B: hehehe, naughty boy, bully, i never say you can do this

Me: sorry.... (thinking that i could have offended her, i stopped)

B: silly boy (she grabbed my head and tounge fight with me again

Maybe some devil possesed me, or some porn images took over my brain, i move my hand forward, and into her triangle region, i feel a small bush there

B: naughty naughty naughty. Still say you first time

Me: i am really first time

B: who teaches you to do this on the first time

Me: i dont know

B: so cute (she kisses me harder)

I can finally apply my years of porn watching skill into action now. I moved my middle finger along that line, and i felt her labia. Well, porn usually shows that is is squirting wet, but this feel nothing like that. Well i guess she is just acting infront of me since i am just one of her customer for the day

I rubbed her labia for a while, and feeling nothing fantastic, i move down further to her glory hole. OMG, here, i feel the wetness. It is not water like what i thought it is in porn. It is not a pee like texture either, it is thicker than water, and it just gives me a good feeling about it. I tried to move my finger in and she stoppped me

B: nonono.. you cannot go further. I alreay went further than i would with any customer. you can touch outside, but not go inside

Me: orh

Applying a bit more juice on my finger, i move my finger back to her clit, and started rubbing in. This time round, i can feel her labia is more 3D, or more swollen i would say, and it become even more swollen with the juice rubbing it. I went back and forth between moisturing my finger with juice and rubbing her clit

From kissing me, she is now breathing and speaking into my ear

B: OMG...
B: mmmmmmmmm,ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah
B: 坏蛋, 坏蛋 ,坏蛋, 好爽, 好爽 , 好爽

The more she said this, the more motivated i am. And my dick is throbbing now

Then, the phone ring, it gave me a shocked! i tot it is a call to warn her about police visit, or stop whatever we are doing

B: don't worry. it is to tell us we have 10mins more

Me: ok.. is this ending soon?

B: well, it wont end until you finishes

She next pull up her tights, and knee down. The mental images of what i saw on my buddy's phone flashes again. is this how it feels like? How is feels like to be in control, to feel like a master, to feel like you had control over everything

B: let me get it out

She jerk me off for a few seconds, and her mounth went in again

B: mmmmmm, blob blob blob blob

Me: Ah!!! ooooooo, mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

She lift up her head, and uses the tip of her tongue to tease my pee hole


Her head went back in. Now, i instinctively grabbing her head and move it into a in/out motion

B: mmmm, mmmm, mmmm, mmmm, blob, blob, blob, blob

She took a breath, and goes back in. She one hand is grabbing my dick shaft, another is playing with my balls, and asshole

Me: ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, mmmmmmmmmmmmmm, woooooooooooo, ah ah ah ah

I sense it coming

B: mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm,

she moves her head faster and faster and her finger almost went into my asshole. That sudden action by her makes her climax immedaitely and i can feel my 2nd load of the shooting out like cannons into her mouth.

Me: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Once i finishes shooting, she removes her head, and spit it out

Me: i am sorry, i should have told you earlier.....

B: it is ok. that is the $30 that you paid for. hehe. and i like you

Me: blushes. hehe

B: We overrunning. faster go bath. I need to change the bed sheet

I took a clean towel and went into the shower. Once i came out, she is not there, i starts to put on my clothes. she came back in with new sheets and start putting them on. It is done is a minute

B: bye bye

Me: bye bye (give her that loving bye bye)

B: my $30. hehe

Me: oh oh, sorry sorry. I took out 3 $10 notes and pass her

B: thank you. hope to see you again. remember i am B ok

Me: yes i will

Wait a min......did that consider i just lost my virginity?

01-10-2023, 12:42 AM
Do come back soon TS

04-10-2023, 10:20 PM
i came out to the holding area smiling, and i saw K and G both done as well

K: eh, boys to men already? hahaha

G: song bo!

Me: song what?

G: don't geh siao. did you top up?

Me: what top up?

K: wah KNN this boy trying act innocent

Both of them grab me by my neck and trying to attack my cock

Me: ya la ya la ya la. got la. happy?

K & G: ah boys to me, for this 2 years~

We went to the lift, and the recept say goodbye to us.

G: Hungry? Just finish release, not need replenishment

K: jiak simi? Mookata?

Me: im ok. but not too full. tomorrow booking in.

G: dun be a pussy. army no night snack now meh?

Me: whatever la. you sibei irritating today

We settle at the Mookata just below that spa. And i started sharing about the video my buddy showed me, and describing how that video goes

incidentally, i recently saw a IG reels that looks similar to what i saw that day

and this is the pussy eye

Me: based on what i told you, what do you think?

G: your buddy very rich?

Me: Ok la, family owns a business

K: very handsome is it?

Me: flabby type. so so la. dress lik a rich kid though

G: maybe the girl is a gold digger


Me: doesnt look like it to me?

G: or maybe your buddy cock like a black man? big and hard?

Me: fuck la, he sleep next to me. if so big in bunk wear admin shorts also can see. sometimes we rush change atire also see him in underwear. i think normal normal la.

K: or that girl a hooker?

Me: from that video, looks non like it. either a GF or FB. but he intro another girl to me as his GF today when we book out

G: hmmm....

K: eh, i once heard my client say, at the KTV scene, some of the guy is damm good at sweet talking, until the hostess become real girlfriend. cos they are also lonely in SG, then everyday entertain those customer that go for the vice, some guys sweet talk until the girl fall in love. they can live with the guy got family, girlfriend or kids. as long as they bring them out on weekends, talk to them like lover, those girl are very happy

Me: hmmmmm... i have yet seen the sweet talker part of him. if that is so, he would be very talkative wat

K: then i no idea liao. maybe that video is an act with a hooker?

Me: seems too real to be acting, plus at his house

G: ah! i know. he place gong tao on the girl!

Me: go die lah. kns

G & K: hahahaha. relax la. why u care so much. people show u private video, you just enjoy la

Just as we are finishing up our food, across the road. i saw some very familiar. This is by far the closest picture that i can find the resemble her


Isn't that my buddy GF? Why she is alone crossing that road? Where is my buddy?

As we are just sitting beside the liang seah street road, as she walks into liang seah st, she saw me, and she stop momentarily beside me

Buddy GF: ehhh..... aren't you......?

Me: Aren't you..........

Buddy GF: Oh yaaaaa

Me: yaaaaaa

G & K: yaaaaaaaa. who is she? (both looking at her like never see a women before)

Me: That is my buddy gf.

G & K: ohhhhhhhhhh

Buddy GF: didnt expect to see you again so soon!

Me: where is he? he is not with you?

Buddy GF: (expression changed slightly, and then reset) nahhh, he say he is tired. so he is resting at home. you guys gonna book in tomorrow night right? why arent you resting at home

Me: i got this 2 idiot pulled out for supper lor

G: and something else

Me: what something else?

G: nothing, nothing. just want you feel civilian life

K: ya. we "helping" you fit into civilization

Buddy GF: hahahha. you friends are so cute. i need to go and meet my friend. Till we meet again

Me: ya, ok.byeeee

btw, she is wearing a one piece that looks like that

as she walks down the street, all 3 of us keep our eyes on her..

G: eh, is she the.........

Me: no. not here. that one is more baaa and more slutty look

G: i tot so too. she doesnt look anything that one that will do that

K: me too.

Me: OI! you back on earth? where did you drift to for the past 1 minute

K: i look at traffic

G: lame. u looking at her right

K: women is for men to look wat

Me: wa lao wei. you hopless. can you respect women or not

K: i respect by looking at them. they dress that way for people to look what. they should feel happy got people looking at them ok

Me: you and your lame shit again

As we parked further down liang seah street, almost towards the end, we had to walk down that path. It is past 12mn and the whole street still bustling with life. totally the opposite of army, and my old life where the court would be lights off by 10pm

As we walked down the street, not sure its fate or what, we saw her again, with her friend. my god, this is exactly the scene we saw at that moment

2 Girl. same outfit...posing for selfie. If not because of lighting, i bet we would have a very clear view of her friend panty... she saw us, gave us a wave and back at her selfie

G: did you see...

K: yes....

Me: black?

G: no, red

K: not shaved

Me & G: wa lao wei!!! you got laser eye meh


I believe at the moment, all 3 us felt a stir inside our pants........

we shrugged off and K send us home

Well, it is 1am at night when i reach home. In the silent of night, the house is eerily quiet. I saw a pair of heels at the door, and i guess mom is home.

Strange, why didnt she call or text me at all today? Must be a damm tiring day for her

As this is a 2+1 study penthouse, there is 1 big master bedroom at level 2, and 1 bedroom at level 1. needless to say, i sleep in level 1. i changed out my smelly clothes, from the mookata, and and throw them into the washing machine. at the washing machine.

Strangely, she typical wore her agency Polo + jeans on weekend, but now it's different. I cannot believe what i just saw.....


The material is so thin, and likely under direct sunlight, you can see through the fabric.

Seriously, after seeing this, and what i gone through the night... how to sleep?

05-10-2023, 09:52 AM
camping for more updates...;)

09-10-2023, 10:33 PM
I guess it is the army, my body clock seems to wake me up at 7 even if i force myself to sleep.

Now, because i came back real late, and i only see my mom's clothes in the washing machine, i didnt really know if she is actually home or not. So i quiet creep upstairs to her room. As we had only each other for the past 18 years, and for the most part of my growing up years, we actually slept in the same room (we were staying at my grand parent house), she didnt have the habit of closing her door, not even locking it. I guess home is the place she feel safe, and she has a big boy like me protecting up

I was standing outside her door, and i was contemplating if i should just walk in. Her room has a huge L shape layout, where there is a corridor into her room (like a hotel type), where i will walk past the washroom, then straight ahead is her work desk + daybed, and her king size bed is towards the left. Her room is rather dark as she tends to sleep with her light blocking curtain fully closed. She is a light sleeper, and a little bit of light and sound inside the room can literally wakes her up from dreamland. I can sense that she is really tired yesterday, as she is still asleep. I can hear her light breathing.

I walked up to her and shit, at this moment, my stomach growled, and sends a packet of air towards my asshole! I tried my very best to controls it, but it is human nature that it has to be released, so i tighten my ass muscle, and i let out a bit of the gas, and a quick fart escaped. It is just a short "puhhh" sound.

Maybe she is already at the brink of waking up, the sound stir her a bit, and she turned to her side, with the blanket falling off her thigh. At this moment, my eyes is given to a good treats like this

I dare not moved a single inch, and worried that she might wakes up and see her pervert son standing next her. At this moment, only her legs are revealed.

I waited for like a minute, thinking that she could be back into her dreamland, i slowly walk backwards in extremely light steps. Now, the devil must be playing a trick on me, as i walked backwards, my stomach growled again, and another pocket of gas went to my asshole, and i let out another fart. This is, it is louder.

She stir a bit, and i can see there is this fight between waking up and going back to sleep. I guess the Z monster won when i see her scratch her thigh a bit and it went silent again. Now, this is how she looks like


The room is really dark, i can roughly make out that she is wearing a singlet. Now balls is literally shrinking now, and i slowly make my way out.

Sweat. and damm my stomach

I went to the toilet, took a huge dump. It must be that damm mookata last night. I probably unloaded 1KG worth of shit in the toilet.

Now, i am fully awake, with a sleeping mom, i guess i go do what i do best - shooting hoops.

The best part about living in a small scale private condo is that the basketball court are usually empty. I have the full court to myself. After shooting for an hour, sweating all over, it is almost 830am. Now i had a bad habit. i usually bring my toiletries to the courts, and after sweating it out, i like to take a cold dip in the pool :D

I changed into my slippers and walk over to the pool. It is only 830am, and pool now crowded, with only a few person catching the morning sun. I take off my top, with only my PT shorts i take a quick shower before going into the pool.

As i was enjoying the cold morning water and the sun shining on my face, i saw a familar face walked towards to pool. Oh, that is jiaxuan.


Jiaxuan is one of my JC school mates. I have not seen her for almost 6 month, my oh my, she seems to grown. When i first met her in JC1, she is like a little girl that still carry a kiddish bag to school, with a non frill specs that makes her look like a nerd. Her parents is a big donor to my schools, and she alway get the limelight in school magazine. She is one of the student leaders, and i am the kind of person that she always aim - the boy that is only good at sports. Now that she has dropped her specs, in uni now, and her hair properly curled, she look really different (or delicious)

i still remember one of her recent photo i caught on her IG stories and she look so yummy

jiaxuan: ello botak, long time no see

me: do i know you?

jiaxuan: come on, dun fake (splashes water me)

me: oi. lifeguard, this sia chabor distburbing me

jiaxuan: oi!

me: hahaha.

jiaxuan: why alone in the morning?

me: 无敌是最寂寞

jiaxuan: arbish! stop giving this crap. you didnt change at all!

me: in basketball, this is called CONSISTENCY

jiaxuan: how's army? i didnt see you around here for months? growing muscle? (poking my shoulder)

me: hello, my muscle already there before army ok. Not like you lor

jiaxuan: like me what!

me: growing prettier. hahah

jiaxuan: arbish! (can see she is in high spirit)

me: what are you doing here

jiaxuan: swim lo, before the sun comes out.

me: and then?

jiaxuan: then what?

me: what are you waiting for?

jiaxuan: waiting for?

i slam my arm quickly into the water, and the water splashes onto her clothes

jiaxuan: oiiiii!!!! idiot la you

me: you are going get wet eventually (maybe i meant something else?:cool:)

jiaxuan: wait for me lah.

i can see she walked towards one of the tanning chair, and drop her bathrobe. OMG..... just 90min ago, my eye had a treat at my home, now, i get to see...

After she dropped her bathrobe, she walked towards the other end of the pool. She is wear a 2 piece swim suit, and her bottom isnt really covering her ass much. This is how it looks

she swam from one end of the pool towards me and stop beside.

jiaxuan: you swimming?

me: yes

jiaxuan: what are you waiting for?

splash alot of water water on me and it blinded me briefly, and she dive back into water

me: wa. she never die before

If you think because i am a sportsman, i can catch up with her, you are so wrong. I am like a log in the pool, and i can only swim breast stroke. She went into torpedo in free style and in no time she reaches the end end. I started walking halfway through the pool (it is only 1.2m deep...)

She came up, gave me the victory hand sign, and cast me this look

I am thinking to myself: this is going to be so fun....

10-10-2023, 08:58 AM
Nice update. But we need more of your mum.

10-10-2023, 10:09 AM
Nice update. But we need more of your mum.

This one I agreed. :D:D

11-10-2023, 07:49 AM
lady behind counter: M, E, B 做工


Slow and steady build up story, keep it going!

For a guess!

M = Miko
E = Eva
B = Baby


11-10-2023, 11:31 AM
incest story coming

11-10-2023, 09:22 PM
Well, this is gonna be a difficult weekend for me.........

12-10-2023, 03:21 AM
Another tent set up here... more buddy, more...

12-10-2023, 03:51 PM
Enjoying your story so far, support!

12-10-2023, 09:56 PM
incest story coming

12-10-2023, 10:41 PM
She is already standing at the end of pool as i slowly walked towards here

as she is quite petite, i am literally towering over as i closes in to her.

She smells trouble, and tries to dodge me.

With my agility, i pushes a big wave towards here, and start splashing water at here. She launches her counter attack and we both go back and forth splashing water at each other. Our neighbors must be thinking why the both of us are so childish.

jiaxuan: ok, stop stop stop

me: hahahaha. not going to happen

jiaxuan: hey, my eye hurts (i can see her rubbing her eyes)

me: you ok?

jiaxuan: yeah, the water went into my eyes. i need to rest a well

she then proceed to sit up on the edge

jiaxuan: u r so bad eh. keep bully me

me: hello, who started first?


i launches another wave of water splashing

jiaxuan: i surrender i surrender


jiaxuan: hahahahaha. you never change. always such a naughty boy

me: i think i hear something


me: im naughty, but extremely adorable


She burst out laughing.

jiaxuan: you are not adorable at all, you are ugly!

i walked up towards here, and closes in

jiaxuan: yes?

me: (remain silent)


i am now almost nose to nose touching here

jiaxuan: heyyyyyyyyyy

me: you are gonna get an ugly attack from

jiaxuan: WHATT!!??

i grab her waist,and toss her into the pool


jiaxuan: you idiot!

me: its 2-0 now!

jiaxuan: oh come on!!!

me: that is for saying im ugly, but deep down you know im adorable

jiaxuan: i got to go, today is my nephew 100days celebration. need to go home prepare and go to her place by noon

me: your sis married??

jiaxuan: OMG, she got married last year!

me: why i didnt hear you say so?

jiaxuan: why should i tell you?

me: because im your friend, schoolmates and neighbor?

jiaxuan: that is not a very good reason

me: how did she know her husband?

jiaxuan: you very kaypo lehhhh

me: curious mah. I thought she is just a few year older than you

jiaxuan: hello, she is 5 years older than me ok. She already gradudate from uni 2 years back

me: is it. i though she is just 1-2 years old than you?

jiaxuan: hello, are you saying that i look older than my age

me: no, she looks younger than her age

jiaxuan: arbish!!!

jiaxuan: why you asking so much about her?

me: why i cant?

jiaxuan: because it is very strange that you asked so much!

me: errrr? what's wrong? I am just so surprise that your sister got married so young.

jiaxuan: what is wrong married young? she could have found her soul mate

me: my mom though so too when she was 20, and my dad abandoned me when im not even 1 years old

jiaxuan: oh my god.... im so sorry....

me: it's ok. not many people knew about this.

jiaxuan: i see. no wonder you always hang out with your cousin

me: what cousin?

jiaxuan: then who is the one that we always see with you around the condo?

me: OMG, that is my mom!

jiaxuan: what!!!! are you serious

me: dead serious la

jiaxuan: she doesnt look like a mum

me: why?

jiaxuan: because she look so young, so pretty, so positive, so confident, and so much energy. Impossible she has an ugly son like you

me (another wave of water splashes at her)

jiaxuan: hahahahahahaha. but honestly, nobody will believe she is your mom. At best cousin, at worst stepmother. most will think you are 姐弟恋

me: i wont be surprise. i ever had someone asking me for my mom's number thinking she is my elder cousin, and some even asked her why is she dating a boy, only to be shocked by i am her son. haha

jiaxuan: yeah, more shocked that her son is so ugly. must be bad father genes

Me (1 more wave of water going after her)


she gave me this look while in the pool

jiaxuan: i really need to go now. see you around. catch up for a swim again

me:ya ok

jiaxuan: you got my number?

me: yes, still that number in school?

jiaxuan: ya.

me: see you around

Now, to be honest, me asking about her sister has nothing to do with my life story. That is because, her sister is one hella of a hottie! i probably pcc thinking about her sister more than any porn star or crush i had

i first saw her during my year one, when we had a Sentosa beach activity day. btw, her name is jiamin. We are playing beach volleyball, and Jiamin came with her parents to pick jiaxuan home. When she walked into the beach area, almost all eyes were looking at here


Her sweet smile swept me off my feet, and for a moment, i fell into a dream world with her everyone. The next thing i knew, someone shouted at me, and the volleyball hit me on my face, and i fall onto the ground. She saw this, and laughed. I still remember that smile till today

Thereafter, i saw her a few times at our condo, and one of the day as i was going for my basketball training, i saw her at the pool relaxing


when she saw me, she gave me a smile and i waved back at her. She is wearing that same smile that made me fell that day.

Another time i saw her was at a cafe, and she is waiting for her friends. Such a coincidence that i saw her. She gave me her signature smile again, and i smiled back


As we were just done with training, we were seated outside the cafe. All my kakis asking me non stop who she is. 2 of the older player were daring each other to go know her and get her number

The last time i saw here, she just done with her swim, and was coming out of the pool like this

once again, signature smile. Everytime i saw her, if i am on the way home, i will go and pcc with those images still fresh in my mind.

I am dying inside when i know she is married. Why did my goddess abandone me!!!!

I took a quick shower at the common shower and went back home.

As i am outside my door, i can hear quick tempo music playing in my house. I guess mom is awake. But what is she doing?

I opened the door and saw......

17-10-2023, 10:39 PM
Come back soon pls TS

21-10-2023, 10:29 PM
The music outside the door is pretty audible, and the tempo is high. As i open the door, i can see my mom doing some yoga following the instruction on the tv

First she is in this position stretching her back

Next she went into a push up position like this and move her leg left and right

next she does this to stretch her back

i tot she gonna end her exercise before she goes into this crazy position

the raising her leg up

then making a T

Since when she became so flexible i thought. She didnt notice i had already opened the door, and was looking at her from the door

She make a few more of this move before she goes back into her sitting position, and she saw me, giving her sunshine smile


Mom: baby, u r back

Me: hey mom, wow, what are you doing?

Mom: i picked up some yoga recently, and it really helps me keep my energy level high through out the day

Me: why not go for a run

Mom: nah, too much sweat, plus weather is so hot recently. How's your swim?

Me: yes, it was good. guess who i saw?

Mom: who?

Me: i saw jiaxuan

Mom: your that pretty school mate that lives in the same place as us?

Me: yeah

Mom: oh, not surprising to meet neighbors

Me: she also went for a swim

Mom: ohhhhhh (she gave me a cheeky look)

Me: it a coincidence

Mom: so, did any chemistry happen?

Me: Mom! come on....

Mom: hahahahahaha. i can understand, no worries

Me: (roll eye)

My mom has now made herself a morning shake and went to the breakfast table

Mom: so how's jiaxuan doing?

Me: in Uni?

Mom: and then?

Me: what else you wanna know?

Mom: like is she attached, school life?

Me: Mom, we only met at the pool for the first time. why would i asked about those

Mom: you need to learn how to talk to a girl

Me: is there a youtube video on how to do that?

Mom: Lesson 1: stop playing with your basketball. Lesson 2: Stop watching Youtube. Lesson 3: go out and talk to more.

Me: ...............

Mom: i am trying to be father here ok.

Me: what is that comment for?

Mom: ............... well, there are stuff is are meant to be men to men, and girl to girl

Me: I only need you mom, no need for any men to men talk.

Mom: (she look at me and gave me a sweet smile)

Mom: you always had been such a sweet boy

Me: are you hinting me that you are getting me a stepdad?

Mom: WAT!!!!!!!????

Me: then what's with the learn how to talk to a girl, men to men talk etc?

Mom: Hello! you had been hanging out with boys since young, and now you are in the army, and i never hear you spoke of any girl you like before, i am worried you might be gay!

Me: me?? gay?? HAHAHAHAH. no worries mom, i am perfectly normal

Mom: you sure?

Me: yes mom! i am normal.

Mom: ok. but promise you will always tell me the truth ok, i can accept it. i will always love you for who you are

Me: MOM!!!!!

she gave me that cheeky smile again

Mom: what time you booking in today?

Me: i leaving home at 5pm

Mom: and where did you go last night?

Me: I was out with G & K

Mom: your basketball tranning friend?

Me: yeah

Mom: see. that is why i am worried. You keep hanging with guys

Me: hey hey hey, you will never know what guys will do together ok

Mom: like? You guys went to hanky panky place?

Me: nothing. we just went for Mookata

Mom: see, i am worried about you

Me: hello....

Mom: fine fine fine. i got a few appointment today, and the first one is at 11am. I wont be able to bring you to Pasir Ris. can you manage it on your own?

Me: i am 19.

Mom: still a boy to me

Me: go away. go change

The my mom went back up to her room to wash up and change. I took out some breakfast cereal from the cabinet, and make myself a non SAF breakfast, then with some protein shake. I think skipping this in army is making me lose muscle

Just then, the phone ring from the security rang

24-10-2023, 10:58 PM
Security: there is a package for Miss XXX

Me: ok. i will come back to pick it up

I went downstairs, and the delivery guy was at the lobby

Delivery guy: for miss XXX

Me: that's my mom

Delivery: sign here. sorry i need take a picture of you to prove it have delivered it

Me: sure.....

I went back up

Me: mom, there is a package for you?


Me: mom~~~~


Strange, why is she quiet

I decide to bring this up to here. It is almost 30min since she went up took a shower, she should be done and now clearing email

Now, when i went up, i saw her still in the midst of changing.....

She is still putting on her top

wearing her top

i guess she didnt see me as she is so engross in buttoning her top


I immediately backtrack down the stairs before she raise her head.

I call out loudly from the bottom of the stairs

Me: Mom, there is a package for you!!!

Mom: hey, i'm almost done

Me: ok

2min later

Mom: bring it up

Me: ok

I walked up the stairs and to the front of her door again

Mom: how do i look?


Me: always so beautiful. anything will looks good if its wore by you

Mom: WOAHHHHHH. that is a good one. Keep doing this and some girl will fall for you!!

Me: i meant it

Mom: blushes slightly. I am so fortunately to have such a sweet boy. I got to go now, take good care, and becareful during training

Me: yeah. no worries. army is easy

Mom: still be careful, nothing can happen to you dear

Me: ok

She grab her bag, went down, wore she shoes, and off she go

I am now left alone in the house, again, at 1030am. Those image that i just saw is still so fresh in my mind......

Me: why are those images not leaving my mind.....

Me: she seems to be.... fully shaven

Me: (i slap my face). That's mom. stop thinking about this

Me: her yoga post... her butt... my god....

OK. Stop thinking. She is MOM. i go and take a cold shower

I came out of the my 2nd shower and saw a message from Jiaxuan

Jiaxuan: hello hello, is this XXXX

Me: yes, it me

Jiaxuan: hey jx here

Me: yes i know. told you i still got ur number le

jiaxuan: hahaha. just wanna be sure

Me: yes?

jiaxuan: i told my parent about meeting you. they asked if you wanna join in my sis baby shower?

Me: huh? that is strange leh

jiaxuan: why strange?

Me: because i am not really that close to your family, it will be damm strange when i appear at her place

jiaxuan: oh, hahahahahaha. i made a mistake. actually my dad booked the function room here, so it is she coming over, not us going over

me: that doesnt change the fact that i am not that close to your family lehhhhh

jiaxuan: can come pls. considering it helping me

me: help you?

iiaxuan: errrrrrrr

me: what happened?

jiaxuan: one of my distant cousin, he is coming. He is damm irratating. He likes me, and always making use of this gathering to ask me out. The he will always be touchy, like hand touch my shoulder when taking photos, or on my waist. I don't like it

me: why don't you just tell him so?

jiaxuan: well i did, and both my parents and his said we grew up together, don't be sensitive about it

me: maybe you are?

jiaxuan: no, sometimes he likes to ask me what i like, say he can bring me up, bring me go meet his friends, they had a yatch, we can have private party. I really don't like it.

Me: oic

Jiaxuan: so can help me pls

Me: so you told your parents you happen to meet me at the pool, or more than that

Jiaxuan: errrrrrr.... hahahahaha

Me: you really hopeless lehhh

Jiaxuan: pls.....

Me: fine fine fine. What time

jiaxuam: 12 noon. I see you at the function room

Me:ok. got any dress code

Jiaxuan: casusal

Me:basketball jersey can?

jiaxuan: OMG.

Me:hahaha. see you at 12pm
1215pm came, and i went down to the function room in a simple t-shirt and shorts. I can see balloons around the function room, and many of her relatives are dress quite formally

i went in, and saw jiaxuan waving at me

jiaxuan: here here

i walked towards her

jiaxuan: you wanna see the baby? my sis is feeding the baby at the other side

me: sure. i have not seen her for some time. and go baby shower must sure visit baby one mah

jiaxuan: ya lor

Jiaxuan brought me to her sis, whom is feeding her son

That sight is unforgettable

25-10-2023, 09:29 AM
Shouldn’t u raid your mum’s laundry basket for her used lingerie and yoga outfit the moment she left the house?

28-10-2023, 01:03 AM
the condo we live in, the function room has an attached private room where it can fit 5-6 person. As i went in, i saw jiaxuan parents in there

Me: hi uncle aunty

Uncle: hello young man

Aunty: Hi. keep your volume down. the baby just drank

I tip toe to raise my head over both uncle and aunty head, and i saw jiamin with her well fed little cuttie, ready to burp


WOW, i didnt realize she has grown so much. almost nose bleed

jiamin: jx says she gonna bring someone here today, i didnt realize its you (with a smiley face)

me: hahaha. (me not knowing what to say)

jiaxuan: hey sis, don't scare him off ok.

jiamin: hahaha. he looks like a good catch to him. tall, strong, naughty like you

jiaxuan: hello, who is the naughty one here

jiamin: you always had been.

baby started crying

jiamin: i need to make him sleep. please to enterain the guest pa, ma and xuan. i will be out in a bit. please ask dear to come inside to help

uncle/aunty: ok. (hand saiyang the boy)

jiamin: hey bro-in-law. sis calling you

bro-in-law: ok. brb guys. my duty time

as me and jiaxuan went to the main function room area, i can see the room is almost 50% occupied.

jiaxuan: grab some food first before more come

me: okok

as we went over to the buffet table, there is another table with a photo album of the baby photoshoot. Almost all the photos are a happy family. I can barely remember if i even saw 1 photo of a happy family in my childhood

uncle: xuan, big aunty bought a huge hamper for min. can you help to bring it up to our house first

jiaxuan: ok

uncle: you can get a bit of help from that young man over there

me: sure uncle. piece of cake for me

uncle: hahaha. yes, this is sure a cake for you looking at your build

jiaxuan: let's go

I took the hamper and went with jiaxuan towards her block

As the hamper is quite book, it is actually covering part of my vision. So jiaxuan has to hold my arm and making sure i don't trip and fall. As we are entering the lift, coincidentally, we walked in together through that small opening, and my elbow and jab into breast

jiaxuan: ouch!!! heyyy u wait for my guide la

me: usually ppl let the handicap or the one carry stuff to enter first while u hold the lift leh. why u come in at the same time

jiaxuan: i wanted to hold the lift from the inside!

me: no, u r suppose to hold it outside!

jiaxuan: watever la. faster go in.

i can see her rubbing her breast

me: you ok? i didnt do it intentionally ok

jiaxuan: yes i know. but getting jab by u hurts. ouch... if it is my sis getting this jab, i am sure her milk will be spilling out

me: WTH...

jiaxuan: just now your eye so obvious looking somewhere lo. think i cannot see meh

me: did i?

jiaxuan: on come on, i think you visually raping her


jiaxuan: especially after giving birth, can see her grew by at least 2 cup size. so envy

me: you also not bad what

jiaxuan: arbish! now i suspect you did that purposely to eat my toufu!

me: no i never

jiaxuan: come, say the truth, you wanted to eat my toufu right

me: no. no no. no. no

jiaxuan: humpf!

The lift chime came, and the door open

me: you go out first and hold the lift

jiaxuan: no, u go out first i hold the lift from inside

me: you first

jiaxuan: you first

me: you first

jiaxuan: you first

me: wa lao wei, okok i go first


we walked towards her unit, and she kept giggling, then open the door

leave it on the dining table, i need to use the washroom. you can drink some water if you want

me: sure

i look around here house. She is not staying in a penthouse, but it is a 3 bedder. the living is rather spacious, good for family. i walk into one of the room, that looks partially vacated (guess this is jiamin's room), and she has a study desk right at the corner. i walk up to it and saw a paper bag with the baby photo shoot album in it

i picked it up, and wanted to see those photos again, and see if i can savour a bit moreof her boobies. When i open it, OMG, it is not the baby photo shoot, if is her pregnancy's photo shoot

page by page, you see her bump develop, and page by page, her clothing gets lesser and lesser to put more focus on her tummy


At the moment, how i hope i can steal this booklet and i can bring back and savour all i want, but i know that is not possible. i took out my phone and snap a few picture and quietly put it back.

now, i hear the toilet flushes, and i quickly step out of jiamin's room and back to living room

jiaxuan: you had your water?

me: nope

jiaxuan: you wanna have a look?

me: we are neighbours

jiaxuan: maybe this unit more interesting

me: i staying in a penthouse. you should be more interested in my house

jiaxuan: arbish!!! you are so irritating!!!

me: byeeee

she chased me out of the house and we took the lift down and back to the function room

Now, her irritating cousin has arrive. As she enter the function room, he came up to her

cousin: hello jiaxuan, miss me

jx: miss you for?

cousin: been 3 month since we gather.

jx: just 3 month?

cousin: yes. you free later, wanna catch a movie later. i hear blank panther is really good

jx: not interest in such movie

cousin: then what you like

jx: im not into movie

as this moment, i had actually walked back towards the buffet table to grab some food. I didnt know that is her irrtating cousin, so i just move on and let her catch up with relatives. When im done, i looked back at where she is, i can see her with a irritated face talking to him. Then i realize it must be him

Now, time for me to perform. i walk right up to her, and in between her and cousin

me:hey xuan, here is your food

(she look at me, giving me the thank you look)

cousin: well well well, who is this?

me: hi, i am xxx, i am her friend

cousin: why is a friend doing here?

jx: (grab my arm): boyfriend (my arm touching her side boobs now)

cousin:you got a boyfriend. dun lie

jx: why am i lying?

cousin: because he doesnt look like someone you will like? some more he is an army boy. still a chow recruit? i see this botak head i know

jiaxuan sudden gave my cheek a kiss


cousin: ok. i am not giving up. just not today

he then walked back to where his family are

jx: thank you for coming back

me: my pleasure, dear?

jx:hahaahahah. i mean thank you for come back with food. im famish!

we then sit outside at the pool area where it is quieter, and start chatting

jx: how do you find me?

me: what you mean?

jx: as a friend, as a girl?

me: i think you are ok. i mean we don't talk much in JC, and you the the good results type while i am the sports type, but someone, we can hangout like this

jx: as a girl?

me: as in?

jx: how you feel about me as a girl?

me: i find that you are quite attractive. although your sis wins you by a mile

jx: arbish!!

jx: yeah, you is always the prettier one, smarter one, more sensible one in the house. i am just me

me: it is fine being you. i like this version of you

jx: really?

me: yeah why not? if i dun like you at all, i wont even both come down and help you

jx: thank you

me: how about me? tell me how you feel about me

jx: slight blushes

jx: you are always the idol of my girls in school. i can see so many screaming when they see you play.

me: did you join in the scream

jx: yes

me: that surprises me

jx: because i also want to cheer for you, and also hoping you can give me some attention

me: hahaha (scratching my head). thank you. maybe i too focus in the game, i didn't notice

jx: not that kind of notice. but more of pay attention that i am around, not just your school mate, not just someone u see at the canteen, at the library, a the swimming pool. sometimes i feel invisible

me: but i always see you in school with alot of people around you. you are popular, u r not invisbile.

jx: but i am invisible to you...

me: oh... hahaha... sorry

jx: you have time after this?

me: like what time

jx: say 230pm? this event will end around then

me: should be fine. but i need to leave for camp at 5pm

jx: ohhhhh

me: what's your plan?

jx: maybe find somewhere chill?

me: how about my place? penthouse is more interesting

jx: arbish! irrirating!

after our lunch, jiaxuan went to entertain the relatives, while i was helping her with carrying the gifts, tidying up the balloons, helping her family take family photos. I was asked to join in, but i always say its ok, nxt time. Jiamin put on a cardigan and there is almost no meat to be seems. sad

relatives started leaving at 2pm, and by 230, it is pratically left with us. Jiamin has just packed her stuff, and need to bring baby back home as his is crying non stop due to no good sleep

jiamin: pa, ma, i need to bring him back already

uncle: go go. we will clean up here

jx: yeah. u go first

jiamin: thank you, i really love you all so much

jx: just go. i got a helper anyway

me:wat the....

jiamin: hahaha. you got yourself a good man i guess

spent another 15min tidy up the place, and i helped to carry up stuff to their home

uncle: young man, you wanna rest a while?

me: no worries uncle.

jx: pa, we going out, and he is going back camp tonight, so i will eat with him outside before i come home

uncle: ohh. ok. so much left over food, guess we can eat it tomorrow then

aunty: take care. you still got school tomorrow

jx: yes yes

with that we left

jx: come, let's go see the penthouse!

ok... let's see what will happen next

30-10-2023, 07:32 PM
Waiting for more

03-11-2023, 06:45 PM
jx: waaaaaaaaa, penthouse indeed different

me: ok la. just a house (i on the aircon)

jx: no lor. the high ceiling is so nice. Your balcony got unblock view wor!

me: not like you spend alot of time looking out of the balcony

jx: the forest view is soooooo nice lor. i love this view

me: if you want, you can always come and see

jx: really?!!

me: yeah, $10 for 10min

jx: arbish!!!

me: hahaha. you want any drinks?

jx: what do you have?

me: 100plus?


me: protein shake?

jx: is that what you always offer a girl?

me: you are the first girl that came my house

jx: really? hehe

me: how about a latte? we got a coffee machine at home

jx: oh, those nescafe capsule one?

me: no la. my mom loves coffee, we got a delonghi type

jx: waaaaaaa.

me: i went with her to learn before. quite fun. i make you a cup

jx: ok!

With that, i went into the kitchen and took out a bag of arabica beans that my mom bought recently. I place it into a grinder, and grind it down to powder. All this while, jx is sitting at the dinning chair looking at me

jx: hey barista, i want skinny milk

me: there is only fresh milk

jx: i gonna give you a 1-star review later

me: don't make me smack you until you see stars

jx: hahahahaha

i took the bottle of meji milk from the fridge, while i try to figure out how to use the machine

jx: so professional

me: hey, i got some left over korean ricecake in the fridge, can you help me to warm it. the pan is beside me

jx: sure. (she went over to take out from the fridge)

As i am staying in a condo, the kitchen can barely fit 1 person, and there is quite a fair bit of body contact as we move around the kitchen

jx: hey, just throw it in and warm it?

me: yes, low fire, otherwise it will burnt

jx: okie

OK, i finally found out how to use the machine, and i took an expresso cup, place it below the and power up the machine to squeeze out that coffee juice

me: where is that milk cup... hmmm

jx: i think it above me. i can see it on the dish rack

me: oh

I turn around to grab it. As i am taller than jiaxuan, i just tries to reach over her head to grab it, and right at this moment, there is some splatter in the pan, and she moved backward.

As we are both wearing shorts (mine a thin one), i believe she felt my dick pressed onto her bum. We were quiet for a moment, before i resume to take the cup

I look down, and she continues to focus on warming the ricecake

me: ok, time for the real show

jx: (she turned back) looking forward to it!

I start to warm the milk, and forth it shortly. I pour coffee from the expresso cup into a proper cup, and then i pour in the milk, and the forth. i attempt to make a love shape but failed.

me: here's your latte

jx: what is that on top?

me: it is a mushroom head

jx: i tot barista always make love shape one?

me: today is mushroom head day. you can imagine that?

jx: OMG, u r so disgusting!!!

me: hahah. try it first ( i put the cup near her mouth)

jx: ok. (she took a sip)

jx: not bad.

me: yeah, you just tasted the mushroom head i made for you.hahahahaha

jx: AHHHHHHHHHHH! you are so irritating!!!

me: hahahaha. i leave it on the coffee table first

jx: ok

me: you done soon?

jx: yeah, i think it looks ok to eat

me: come, let's eat it

As we walked into the living room, she suddenly notice there is a huge mirror just at the wall beside the sofa, She left the ricecake on the coffee table, stand infront of the mirror, and tidy her clothing. she then pose a few times, and took 1 or 2 picture of herself in the mirror

me: what is that?

jx: i love taking mirror photo

me: why mirror photo

jx: because i love doing that? i love it even more at fitting room where i can try many many different dress and take photo of it, without buying it!!

me: cheaponana

jx: heyyyy, this is a very normal girl thing ok. You go IG you can see alot of girls doing that

me: really? i dont use IG

jx: nerrrrrddddddddd

She sat beside me and showed me a few IG influencer whom love to take photo of themselves, while sipping the coffee and me eating the ricecake

To be honest, the influencer she showed me are really beautiful. I didn't know there are so many pretty girl now on the internet willingly show off their skin

me: waaa, what happen to this world now, girl dress like that, take photo, and post on internet

jx: hello, it is 2018 already, what era already. can you don't be such an uncle?

me: i mean, i love seeing such photos, but don't you feel weird letting other guys see it

jx: it's social media. pictures are meant to be seen. don't add any sexual reference to it

me: errrrrr, i think most of them are

jx: not really. mine isnt so

me: you got such picture?

jx: i though i just told you i love doing that??

me: ohhh yaaaa. show me

jx: can can. (she then sit beside me, now shoulder to shouder)

jx: see, nice a not


To be honest, i have never seen this side of her before. I always see her as my schoolmate, neighbour, but now looking at these picture, she is like a women, and something in my sub-conscious begin to stir

me: let me scroll myself la, easier

jx: ok lo. (she passed me her phone)

As i keep scrolling right, i can see she is always in some nice dress at a fitting room, sometime can even see her bra hanging on the hook inside the room. There are multiple picture where what she wear is so revealing. Every image i scroll, i tends to zoom to see how she really looks like, and i start to compliment her

me: woooahhhh. you so pretty in this. you see the dress fits you so well

jx: hehe, real or not.

me: real. you see this one, the cutting on the dress going up to your thigh. i didnt know you got such nice leg

jx: thanks. hehehe

me: woah, this, your shoulder. looks really sexy. you should wear this more often.

jx: i love this one too! you got great taste!

me: this one really best, can see your figure, your slim waist. look so huggable

jx: really?

me: really. i would love to hug someone like this

jx: thank you

The more i compliment here, the closer she lean onto my arms. I can feel my arm touching her breast, and it keeps pressing harder. I can almost feel the lace of her bra now. I can see her face blushing.

She went to take sip of the coffee, and a finger swipe, i seems to switch folder, and i start to see more intimate photos. I try not to alarm her, and continue to compliment her. She seems to not notice it is now a different folder in her phone. She continue to lean it closer to me so that we can see those photo. her legs now touching mine


me: WOW

jx: hey dun look (she tries to use her hand to cover to screen)

me: you look really sexy in here. Dont cover

jx: dun want la.. shy. this photo shouldnt be here

me: come on, already see so much. (i bring her hand down, and leave it on my lap)

jx: promise you don't tell my parents

me: i don't know who they are

jx: :)

me: you look really sexy in this bikini. You see, your stomach is so tone, and you leg looks really great.

jx: thank you

me: and you see, the bikini top really bring out your figure. this colour also matches your skin tone really well. this is really a picture that i wont get bored of

jx: (face blushing really red now). thank you...

The temperature is rising. She is enjoying looking at me enjoying her photos


me: now where did you take this from

jx: i took it when on holiday at new zealand with my friends

me: you look so sexy in this top

jx:..... (blushing)

me: you didnt wear a bra (i zoomed in)

jx: i didnt

me: why?

jx: because all the girl agree to not to

me: why?

jx: because we wanted to try to be free

me: did you like it?


me: did you like it?

jx: yes

me: do you feel sexy doing so

jx: yes

me: are you wearing a underwear in this picture?

jx: hey!!! why are you asking me this

me: are you wearing a underwear in this picture?

jx: yes

me: what type of underwear are you wearing?

jx: i am wearing a thong la

she is now obediently answering all my question. Thinking back at what i saw in my buddy's video, his girl also appear to behave the same way. I decided to take it a notch higher, and start asking more intimate, probing, leading and mind twisting question and see how she react.

me: do you like the thong?

jx: yes

me: why do you like it?

jx: i don't know

me: you like it not covering your bum?


me: you like it not covering your bum?

jx: yes

me: tried a G-string before?

jx: stop asking me these la...i blushing already

me: try before?

jx: yes

me: you like it?

jx: like it (face really really red now, and lips dry)

me: you like the nothing feeling?

jx: stop asking me this

me: you like it?

jx: yes

me: you like the feeling of just a small piece of cloth and nothing

jx: yes

me: did you show anyone of you wearing a G-strong

jx: i didn't

me: why not?

jx: because i am not ready

me: and yet to took such sexy photo of yourself


me: you like to be show off your skin. You want to be sexy

jx: .................................

her lips is very dry now, and she keep using her tongue to wet it

me: did you have a pokie when when you wear this top?

jx: what is a pokie?

me: erected nipples

jx: hey!! you are so bad! why asking me this

me: so you got pokie?


me: did you?

jx: yes

me: do you feel excited when people looked at you?

jx: no

me: tell me the truth


jx: yes

me: you love to be free, and be seen

jx: yes

me: what is the color of your nipple?

jx: don't ask pls

me: tell me

jx: plssss

me: say it

jx: it is brown

i scroll to the next picture


me: where is this taken?

jx: at my airbnb room in new zealand

me: why you took this photo?

jx: i don't know. can you stop asking

me: why are you wearing this lacy bra

jx: i don't knowwwwwww.....

me: did you buy this bra?

jx: yes

me: you like this bra?

jx: yes

me: you want to feel sexy wearing it?

jx: yes

me: you love to show off the sexy part of you?


me: you love to show off the sexy part of you?

jx: yes

me: how are you feeling when you taking this picture

jx: i dont know

me: you feeling sexy?

jx: yes

me: you hope this photo can give you attention?

jx: yes

me: you feel like having someone touching you when you taking this photo

jx: i don't know

me: i can see your breast larger than other picture. you are horny


me: are you?

jx: yes

me: did someone touched you at new zealand?

jx: no

me: why not?

jx: i am not ready

me: why not ready

jx: i just starting to discover this side of me. i don't know how to comprehend it

me: you growing to be a women. and women needs to feel sexy

jx: yes

me: do you dream of someone hugging you to sleep?

jx: yes

me: how?

jx: hugging me from behind

me: naked?

jx: ......

me: naked?

jx: yes

me: why?

jx: i want to feel skin against skin

me: why?

jx: because it makes me feel wanted

me: you want to feel wanted?

jx: yes?

me: or you want to feel owned


me: wanted or owned?


me: wanted or owned?

jx: owned

her hand is now resting on my thigh, make some movement.

i scroll to the next picture


me: where did you take this photo?

jx: inside my room

me: why take this picture

jx: i don't know

me: you want to take a sexy picture of your self


me: am i right?

jx: yes

me: why arent you wearing a bra

jx: i don't know

me: because you don't like wearing one


me: am i right again?

jx: yes

I zoom into the picutre

me: you have such a nice underboob.

jx: thank you

me: it looks like lovely. many guys would love to touch it


me: have you ever thought of someone touching you below your boob?


me: have you?

jx: yes

me: have you ever though of someone standing behind you, pinching your brown nipple from behind?


me: have you


me: did you pinch your own brown nipple in this picture?


me: you want someone to pinch your brown nipple, and twist it, am i right?


me: am i right?

jx: yes

me: is this photo take before or after shower?

jx: after

me: why isnt your hair wet

jx: i like to dry it before wear my clothes

me: you dry your hair naked?


me: you dry your hair naked?

jx: yes....

me: where did you dry your hair

jx: inside the toilet

me: why the toilet?

jx: because my hair dryer is in there

me: is that the only reason?

jx: ......

me: what is the reason?

jx: there is a mirror inside the toilet

me: you like to look at yourself naked?


jx: yes

me: why would you do so?

jx: i don't know

me: you hate wearing clothes

jx: no

then why are you naked when drying hair?

jx: i don't know

me: do you know you look extremely sexy in this picture

jx: yes

i zoom in futher. i can see her clit

me: you shave?


me: did you?

jx: dun ask.....

me: did you?

jx: please.....

me: did you shave?

jx: yes

me: why did you shave?

jx: i don't like hair down there

me: no. you want feel sexy. you want to look sexy


me: am i right again?

jx: yes

me: do you touch yourself after you shave?

jx: ......

(she is not rejecting any question i ask now)

me: do you touch yourself after you shave?

jx: yes

me: how does it feel?

jx: i feel good

me: is it wet?

jx: yes

me: you enjoy it?

jx: yes

me: how often you do it?

jx: everytime after i shave

me: is that the truth?


me: is that the truth

jx: no

me: how often you touch yourself

jx: everytime i bath

me: do you moan when you touch yourself

jx: yes

me: is it very wet?

jx: yes

me: did you put your finger in?

jx: no

me: why not?

jx: i dare not

me: would you let a guy touch you?

jx: i don't know

me: if the guy can makes you feel sexy, feel good, will you? if the guy can give you the estacy you have been looking for, will you?


me: will you?

jx: (biting her lips now)

me: will you?

jx: yes

me: even if the guy is not your boyfriend, will you?


me: even if the guy is not your boyfriend, but he can make you feel so goood that you wanted him more and more, will you?

jx: ........

me: even if he can makes you so high that you feels so free, and your soul escaping your body, and your every cells exploding, will you?


me: will you?

me: will you?

me: will you?

jx. yes.....................

me: you feel horny now?


me: then why your face so red?

jx: i don't know

me: then why your breathing so fast?

jx: i don't know

me: then why your breast pressing onto my arm

jx: i don't know

me: then why is your hand rubbing my thigh now?

jx: i don't know

me: you want to feel sexy, you want to look sexy, you love to be free, you want to be touched, you touch yourself daily, you want to be owned.


me: your face is red, your breathing is fast, your breast pressing onto my arm, your hand rubbing my leg. You want to be touched. Are you horny now?


me: you want to be touch by a guy. a guy that can give you the high. a guy that liberates you. a guy that can show you the estacy. a guy that can give make your senses explode. a guy that wants you. a guy that owns you. a guy that that makes you wet. a guy that dominates you. a guy that makes you flood. a guy that send electricity right into your body, making you electrified, in pure orgasmic senstation. you wanted to be own.


me: you want somethat owns you, that dominates you, that controls you, that strip you nake and set you free. someone that grab your brown nipple that twist it so hard that you scream in pleasure, which his hand is playing with your hairless pussy make it the wettest piece of meat that he wants to eat immediate

jx: stop saying it anymore

me: i am right, aint i?

jx: stop....

me: i am right?

jx: stop

me: am i right?


me: answer me


i grab her chin, make her look at me

me: answer me

jx: yes


05-11-2023, 10:21 PM
Please continue TS 😳

05-11-2023, 10:50 PM
is this about your mom or your teenage love story with jx? The intro is about your mom then the rattle is getting out of point with jx.

09-11-2023, 11:07 AM
Everyone is waiting for the mother. Taboo stories have strong demand.

13-11-2023, 10:02 PM
At this point in time, jx seems to be in full control by me. Without further ado, i plant a kiss on her lips.


She did'nt reject

I kissed her again, with more passion.

no rejection again

this time, i go more aggressive, and i pushed my tongue him. She reciprocate

This went into a 5 min of wet tongue fight. We were so eager to explore each other mouth that we frequent exchange saliva and drinking it. From her mouth, i start to explore her neck, her ear loop. Every time my kisses went to her neck, she gave a light moan

jx: ahhhhh

me: you smell so gooooood (kiss kiss)

jx: noooo.. ahhhhh

i went to her ear, and stick my tongue him

jx: ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

me: (i whisper into her ear) you like this

jx: yes, yes

i move back to her neck, and alternate between both side

jx: mmmmmmmmmmm.... ahhhhhhhhhhhh

Sensing she has already succumb to her desire, my hand didn't lay idle.

Instinctively, i moved my hand towards her breast


Her eyes were still closed, and enjoying my touches.

I alternate between fondling and squeezing it, and everytime i apply some strength, she moan louder

jx: ahhh!!!!

me: feels to gooooood.... i love touching you

jx: mmmmmmmm......ahhhhhhhhh....

after a min or so of fondling her breast, i pull her in for yet another wet kiss, but this time round, we were tongue fighting outside our mouth


jx: mmm..mmmm.mmmmm (slurp slurp slurp slurp)

and then, not sure what took over me, i pull her up, and went behind her and hug her, while i continue to plant my kisses up n down her neck

me: i love to hug you like this

jx: mmmmmm

me: you like me hugging you like this?

jx: yes

me: do you want me to touch you again

jx: *knod her head*

me: tell me you want me to touch you

jx: please touch me

me: tell me you want me to touch you again

jx: please touch me again

me: tell me i can do anything to you

jx: *shake her head*

me: don't you want me to do nasty thing to you?

jx: no

me: you sure



i turned her head for yet another wet kiss, and my hand pull up her top, and start attacking her breast with her bra still on

jx: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.........urghhhhhhhhhhhhh

i occassionally move my fingers inside her bra cup and twist her nipple

jx: ahhh!!! mmmmmm...

next i use my left hand to pull up her dress, and my left hand start touching her down there

jx: ahhhhhhh!!!!!! no....... ahhhhhhh...

me: you like this

jx: noooooo...

me: that doesnt sound you like hate it

jx: no........

everytime she said no, i either twist her nipple or my thumb rub her clit

jx: ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.... no.......

i can feel some dampness from the cloth of her panty. I can feel her self control breaking down

me: so can i do anything to you

jx: ........

I pinch her nipple hard

jx: ahh!!!

me: so can i?


i pinch her nipple and rub her clit at the same time

jx: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

me: so can i?

jx: yes.....


i swiftly remove her dress, and the next thing, we are left with our undergarments. The skin to skin feeling felt so good that the moment i hug her again, she gave out a loud moan, and my hand is back playing with her breast and clit. She is definitely ready for the taking

This carry on for a few min, and she is now leaning onto my chest now. I can see her self defense is gone

I try to use my right hand to pull down one of her bra straps and my left hand move inside her panty and feel her clit directly, skin to skin it. All of a sudden, her phone rang. she regain her conscious, and put a stop to it


jx: im sorry

me: wait

jx: this should'nt had happen. i need to go

me: wait

she pushes me away, wore her clothes swiftly and storm out of my house

me: wait........


for the next 1 hour, she didn't reply my message, or read it. She seems to have disappear. I changed into my Smart 4, took my bag, left home. I went over to her block, went up, and her door are closed. Looks like nobody's home.

I gave my mum a text

me: i going back camp already

no reply from here

i took train to pasir ris, and went to the gathering point. I am early, just 630pm

still no text from jiaxuan or my mom

i saw my buddy

me: wow, so early

buddy: you too

Me: hey, how's your 1 day

buddy: HAHA, how's yours?

me: eventful

buddy: woahhhh.. what happen

me: long story.

me: yours?

buddy: same. LOL

buddy: you had dinner?

me: not yet

buddy: we go grab some food. still got some time before the bus arrive

we went into macdonald, got a seat, and order mcspicy meal

buddy: tell me about your evenful day

me: met an ex school mate cum neighbour, went to her sister baby shower, she confess to me, we got touchy, she suddenly left

buddy: that is fucking brief.

me: well, i don't know where to start, i don't know where to stop

buddy: hahaha. life can be simple and complicated

me: what about your eventful day?

buddy: went home with my gf, had a quarrel, she left me alone

me: hey, i saw her at bugis

buddy: really? alone?

me: she is with her friend.

buddy: friend? i tot she did'nt have much friend to hang out with at night

me: well, life can be simple and complicated right

buddy: hahahaha. fucker

me: and we both had the same situation. our girl left us alone at our home

buddy: WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I guess we can be real brother than just SAF buddies!

its 730pm. Time to go. Still no reply from jiaxuan or my mom. What the hell is going on.

reach SFT, took the ferry, back to our bunk. Every body was updating each other what they did over the week. Most asking us how's guard duty, what is it like and etc. Most of them had family day, whereas we were all alone day

10pm - lights off. SAF also strict rule on mobile phone. Sergeant will check the bunk and see if someone is still using phone after 10pm. 7 hours of uninterrupted rest is a must. It has been 2hours since i last checked my phone, and i can see a whatsapp unread message

mom: ok baby. be safe ok. mommy loves you. can't wait to see you back

me: ok mom. see you next week

mom: *hugs*!

she must be easy at the showroom today, to only be able to reply this late. That's the life of a property agent

She seems to have updated her whatsapp profile pic as well. I open it up to have a look


wait....isnt that....

14-11-2023, 12:58 AM
Why your gf and mom always change character one?:confused::eek:

18-11-2023, 01:21 AM
Waiting for more

18-11-2023, 09:35 AM
Keep the story going ts

24-11-2023, 11:10 PM
The next few day past uneventfully. We spend alot more time outfield, in preparation for our 7 days confinement. We had an IPPT on Wednesday, and i get gold easily with 30pts, and clock the company fastest time, while my buddy failed his SBJ, and borderline pass 2.4KM

Buddy: u ate frog growing up?

me: why?

buddy: then how the fuck u jump so far? u almost jump out of the SBJ mat

me: its skill bro

buddy: seriously, i dun want have my weekend burn because i fail IPPT

me: weekend burn?

buddy: yeah, the PTI says there will be another IPPT 3 weeks later, those whom fail had to stay back on saturday for RT

me: woah woah woah, u serious?

buddy: ya man. i got better things to do on weekend than staying in camp. Is there any short cut to passing SBJ? my 2.4KM also at risk

me: there is no shortcut bro, all hardwork

buddy: what type?

me: 2.4KM - u need to do interval training, and get ur lung capacity up. You need some speed to pass, slow jog wont get you a pass

buddy: then SBJ leh?

me: do more burpees, but with squats

buddy: wth....

me: settle ur SBJ first, we can practice in bunk before bath.

buddy: thanks bud

Day 1, we tried 5x 10 squats burpee, my buddy almost fainted. He was still ok on 1st 2 set, cannot catch his breath on the 3rd sets, and struggling on the 4th

buddy: i cannot already, i cannot already

other bunk mates: come on bro, 1 more sets only

buddy: i cannot... cannot breath (face turning white)

me: hey, you dont want burn weekend you need to burn now

i did 4x 10 and i barely break a sweat

buddy: your lung and legs made of steel. why it look so easy on you

me: cos i used to do 8x 30 bro. 5x10 is warm up. come last set. even if you do 1 by 1 slowly u also must finish. its in your head, not your legs

buddy: ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

9,2,3,4 (LAST ONE!!)

buddy: har har har har har har (lie flat on the floor, whole body dripping sweat)

me: good job buddy

buddy: i.....i.........i

me: you can say i did it after you catch your breath bro

buddy: i........i........rather burn weeked.....

me: pussy

10min later, i carried him to shower. he walk as if his soul has left him

and we carry on this for thur and friday.

Saturday morning, our bookout day. Till now, still no reply from jiaxuan. i guess we are done...

Once again, and the white sands, i saw buddy's gf waiting

me: hey

buddy gf: hello, you guys look dark

buddy: scorching hot this week

buddy gf: yeah. i had to put on sunblock

buddy: let's go home~~

me: bye, and remember your squats

He throw me a middle finger

it's only 1030am, so i went home straight.

I open up the door, and the living room is empty. I call out to my mom, and no answer. I went up stairs to check out if mom is still home

Forgot to mention, because we are staying in a penthouse, there is a small jacuzzi at the level 2 balcony

I went up, and i can see my mom, do some yoga in her swim suit


first she is stretching, then she turned over and lift her legs up


she did a few more stretches and turn over and let the sun shin on her face


all the while she has her airpod inside her ear. nowonder she didnt realize i have called her

she did a few more post and stand up before she walked into the jacuzzi


Oh my god.... this view is unforgettable. I have never see my mom in this before. My cock starts to stir. I wanna walk up to her and grab that 2 piece of meat. It look so delicious that i wanna bite it and lick it all over.

Wait a minute, what is wrong with me? she is my mom! i shake off that thoughts and went down.

Now, knowing she is on airpod, and i dont want her to know i have just seens her doing yoga in her swimsuit, i decide to go down and give her a call

me: hey mom, where are you?

mom: hey baby, im home. You booking out soon?

me: hahaha, i just reach home. i didnt see you around the house

mom: what!! why did you tell me you are coming back this early? i could have fetch you at pasir ris!

me: im old enough to come home myself. where are you?

mom: im upstairs dear, inside my jacuzzi. i will come down in a while after i wash up

me: ok

i throw my dirty laundry into the washing machine, and started washing it

It will probably be another 10min before she come down, i just go back into my room and rest

Lying on my bed, my mind starts to wonder again. That ass.... how will it feel if i grab it. is it firm, is it soft? why will she wear such a swim suit, wont our neighbour see? the more i think, the harder my cock is

i try to shake it off thinking of jiaxuan giving me a blowjob

her hand holding my dick, stroking it softly (my hand stroking myself)


she then sticks out her toungue and fly with my pee hole, and then starts to swallow my dick, giving it the wettest blowjob
jx: blurp,blurp, blurp, blurp
me: yes baby, yes baby
jx: do you like this
me: i love it. ahhh! ahhhh! ahhhh!, touch my balls.
jx: yes
me: wooooooooo..... ahhhhhhhhhhhh! feels so goooood, who teaches you how to give such a good blow job
jx: it's you, master
me: yessssss, yesssss, ahhhhhhh...ahhhhhh...ahhh...yesss.. so good. take off your clothes now
jx: yes

she turned over to take off her clothes.

i closed my eye to continue imagine my sexual fun with jiaxuan.

i imagine her slowly take off her top to reveal her red bralette, and then slowly removing her skirt to reveal her matching red panties

she sits on top of me, riding me with her panties still on, and my hand starts caressing her breast, twisting and turning her nipples. I slowly remove her bra, and my mouth went over to suck her nipples. her panties is getting wetter and wetter, and she stands up to remove her panties. i look at her mouth go back into to my cock and start sucking it again. i closed my eye to enjoy it

Suddenly, the image on my mind went missing, and another image appear



06-12-2023, 07:42 AM
Any update?

06-12-2023, 05:13 PM
she is looking into my eyes intensely.

Her small mouth taking in my full cock

mum: mmmmmmmmmmm

me: mum..what are you doing?

mum: mmmm...mmmmm.. slurrrppp...

me: what are you doing?

mum: shhhhhh..

me: but..... this is not right

mum: quiet.

she stop sucking me, and jerking my wet cock


mum: i needed this baby

me: mum....

mum: just let me do what i want.

me: but...

mum: it's been so long baby. i needed this

and then she went back down to my cock, and start licking up and down my shaft, occasionally taking in my whole balls.


She did this magical tricks where she ate my balls, and using her tongue to play with it inside that almost send me to heavens.

me: oh my god, ah......

mum: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

me:mum mum, stop, stop, stop

mum: mmmmmph....slurrrpppppp

me: i cannot control

mum: not so fast

she stop the sucking, and now feeling my hot rod on her face.

me: mum.......

mum: i miss this so much......

me: mum.....

mum: i have not tasted a cock for so long......

me: mum.......

she then move in for the kill by fully engulfing my cock head, and using her tongue to tease my pee hole.

me: mum!!!!!!

mum: mmmph, mmmph, mmmph, mmmph, mmmph,

me: i cannot control

she suck even harder and faster

i tried to push her head away, but instead she pushes my hand away

mum: mmmph, mmmph, mmmph, mmmph, mmmph,

me: i am cummmming mom!!!!! i cannot control any longer

mum: mmph, mmph, mmph, mmph

me: AHHHHHHH!!!!

i shot all my load into her mouth

she neither stop, nor release my cock. she continue sucking it and milking me dry.

She ended by sucking on my cock head and my pee hole to extract the very last drop of cum on my cock

she then let it drip out onto her palm with her saliva


me: mum.....

mum: thanks baby... you taste so good

me: mum.....

suddenly, my mind black out, and the image of my room appear infront of my eyes, and i can feel the tissue my palm is wet with my sticky cum.

I have cum with my mom in my mind. what the hell is wrong with me.

i opened the door, and peep out. i didnt see my mum around the corner. i can hear faintly the sound of the hair dryer. I guess she must have finish showering and drying her hair now

i quickly make my way into the toilet to throw that tissue away.

shit, some of my cum has stained my jeans. to prevent any suspicion, i took a shower and change into a shorts. and then i drop my jeans at the laundry basket.

Now that i feel freshen up, i feel like having a cup of cold water, so i went over to the kitchen

then i saw my mum there getting water as well.....


I swallowed my sailva hard.

Something is stiring again, and its a big one

07-12-2023, 07:14 AM
Any update TS?

07-12-2023, 01:45 PM
Pictorial story:D

TS Keep it up
Up for the effort

08-12-2023, 10:54 AM
Keep coming up! Waiting for the juicy ones

08-12-2023, 12:50 PM
she is looking into my eyes intensely.

I swallowed my sailva hard.

Something is stiring again, and its a big one

This is good read, interesting too.....keep posting.

08-12-2023, 02:04 PM
Pictorial story:D

TS Keep it up
Up for the effort

Return +22

09-12-2023, 08:16 PM
Keep coming. Bro

09-12-2023, 10:57 PM
I cannot believe what i am looking at.

My mum, standing right in front of me, wearing so a tight top, and showing off her tone abs. i swalloed my saliva and call her

me: hey mum

mum: hey baby. so early today?

me: its almost lunch time

mum: haha. must have lost track of time

me: how's your morning?

mum: i was working out upstairs. practicing my yoga

me: yoga?

mum: yah. one of my friend intro-ed me to yoga. i love it so far

me: where is it?

mum: it is somewhere near jalan besar. It's a private studio. why?

me: i tot you are into HIIT. saw you doing that a few weeks back

mum: and that was few weeks back. this is new for you. you know “活到老,学到老”?

me: errrrrr

mum: old dog can learn new tricks too. Im not really that old actually

me: errrrr

mum: what is that errrrrr about? (obviously irritated)

me: why not you learn basketball? i can teach you?

mum: LOL. i am not going under the sun. i need to 靠脸吃饭

me: property agent need use face meh? i thought it is the house that matters

mum: well, its human nature to pick something more pleasing to the eye. The same logic applies to choosing a property agent. works for the male and female. HAHA!

me: ooooooooo

mum: so how's you and your that girl?

me: which girl?

mum: the neighbour?

me: oh jiaxuan ah

mum: yeah. you meeting her later?

me: no

mum: oh. why? aren't army boy always look forward to meeting girlfriend when they book out

me: she is not my girlfriend la

mum: hmmmmmmm... you even went her sister baby shower right.

me: that's a favor

mum: ahhhhhhhhh. must be irritating relatives

me: you know also?

mum: i had that alot. so what's your plan later in the day?

me: not sure yet. what about you?

mum: i had 3 viewing today, which likely stretches till evening. and one of my client had some problem with his house, i need to go over and look into it

me: huh? got problem why need you settle. i though you only sell the house

mum: that is the trick of my trade. I am not just a property agent knowing all the buying and selling rules. i also know about fengshui, renovation, maintenance, even getting the house furnished according to what the buyer is looking for. I am a one stop shop for my client!

me: sounds like an advertisement to me sia

mum: oi! have some manners. took me years to build up to this level

me: haha. my bad.

mum: so what's your plan?

me: no idea. let me see where K & G is going?

mum: (ROLLING HER EYES). you need to out grow your life surround basketball

me: but i love it

mum: but that is not going to get you to success in life

me: yeah i know. probably i'll figure out what i really want when i ORD

mum: yeah. i hope that is really the case

she begin to lecture me for 10min, and telling me about her life, my fucker father, and how we need to be committed to achieve success in life in order to provide for family blah blah blah

me: okok. you are going to be late. are you going out like this?

mum: of coz not. this is what i wear at home.

me: ok. u get going. u sound like 50 now when u r not even 40

mum: (ROLLING HER EYES AGAIN) you quickly figure out what you want, and don't make mistake like me

me: OKOKOK. you win. i will stay at home and soul search what i really want ok

mum: i not asking you to stay at home, i asking you to get useful!! HAHAHA

with that, our conversation ended

i went back into my room, power up my PC, and i starting playing fortnite

mum: i left $50 bucks on the table. you can spend it if you need it

(she has changed into a black dress)

me: OK MOM! (i speaking louder cos im wearing a headset)

I spent the next few hours totally immense in fortnite, and next i know, it is already 630pm, and i just had some instant noodles

I saw a few text on the phone.

G: hey bro, wanna happening again tonight (replied no $)

Buddy: is the gathering time still 7pm tomorrow? (replied yes)

and few few more messages coming from inside my various basketball group that is calling for players. I replied yes to one. I need to sweat it out

It is the old gang of big boys that i played with at my grandparent house. It has been almost a year since i saw them

i texted my mum that i am going back there to meet old friends. She gave me a roll eye emoji. and asking me take care and don't be back too late

All them were delighted when they saw me, and keep saying i have grown up so much in 6 month. After 4 game of 5v5, looks my finally i out run and outplayed them. most of them are in the 30s already anyway.

We had so much fun that we forgot about the time, and the light switches off mid point into our last game. We stay on at the court and continue to chit chat

one of the guy say let's go for supper. There's is a famous 24hr prawn mee nearby that my grandpa used to buy for me, and i had been craving for it since i moved

I saw a text from mum that she will be home late as a few of her fellow agent is gathering for a drink. i also told i will be home late. she didnt reply

we chat at the kopitiam till almost 12am. most of them already married, some have kids, and they cherish such man only hour.

one of the them volunteered to drive me back as it is really late, and calling a grab is gonna be expensive plus he lives nearby

I went back home, it is pitch dark. but there is a tint of alcohol in the air. like the smell of drunk people

i look around and see no sign of life at home. maybe mum still not home yet

i washed up, and come out wearing only my boxer

then, i hear the sound of aircon compressor is on. maybe mum is already home?

i went up, and can feel the cold air coming out from her room. the door is not closed, and there is some faint light in the room.

i called mum, but there is no reply.

i called again as i walked towards her door, but still no reply.

i went into her room, and the smell of alcohol is very strong. she must have alot of it tonight with her fellow agent

as there is only some light coming from between the curtain, the room is pitch dark, and dead silent

i can hear faint breathing sound.

i walk up to her bed, and i on the small night light that she had beside her bed

I can see her sound asleep in her bed. she is surprisingly wearing a black jacket to sleep

suddenly, he phone vibrates on the table, and it stir her abit, from sleeping sideway, she know turn and face up, and she is wearing this


OMG OMG OMG. This is too much for me. She is so sexy wearing this. I can see so much of her skin, and her V

This is a sensory overload and i can feel my face blushing with blood

A few more message appear and she stir a bit more. All these while, i am just beside her

accidently, her hand touches my dick


This immediately sends alot of blood down to by dick, and a full fledge erection is formed

my mum, drunk and in deep sleep wearing very sexy lingerie in front of me

me, wearing only a boxer, and a full fledge hard on, with blood flowing into my head and my dick, what should i do?

a few few more message came in, and it stir her again

she then turn again, this time her finger near her lips, and another hand near her V




10-12-2023, 07:40 AM
Wow.......this time sure reached climax liao. I'm now imagining the mum and son having sex together.

10-12-2023, 09:47 AM
Wow.......this time sure reached climax liao. I'm now imagining the mum and son having sex together.

Nah. I think nothing will happen.

11-12-2023, 12:56 AM
Nah. I think nothing will happen.

too soon for something lifechanging to happen

15-12-2023, 04:55 PM
So many days had passed, when are you going to pen down your steamy story?

17-12-2023, 11:22 PM
i stand there, not knowing what to do next

so much is going through my mind

my hardon is sending so much blood into my dick that the small head has taken over me

my finger trembling

i wanna squeeze her breast

i wanna rub her V

i wanna kiss her

she is my mom

she is my mom

she is my mom

she is not my mom.

she is not my mom

she is not my mom


what is fucking wrong with me.

my face is blushing. my head is spinning. i not sure what to do at all

i shake my head hard, i gave myself a hard pinch

"No, i cannot do this. THIS is fucking wrong!"

i retreat quietly, and back into my toilet

i washed my face, but it is still red

i tries to jerk off thinking of what i will do, but i am not cumming

i went into my room and lie on my bed

my face is still red

my hardon is still there

i tries to close my eye to sleep

my heart is still beating very fast

my face is still red hot

my hardon is still there.

i tries to do a bit of push up

my head is still spinning

my face is still red

my cock is still rock solid

i tries to think of basketball. my signature move

my heart is still beating fast

my face is fucking red

my cock is fucking hard

i started counting


I went up to her, and started kissing her hard


mom: mmmmmmmm

mom: ahhhhhhhhhhhh

mom: oh my god............

mom: mmmmmmmmmmmmm

mom: oh my god......

my chest can clearly feel the outline of the lace of her bra. she looks so sexy in her black bra

i kissed her neck

i kissed her cheek

i kissed her chest

i kissed her earlop

i kissed her neck

i kissed her lips

our tongue met

every kiss i made, she felt hotter and hotter

and the moan she made makes me go crazy

mom: ooooooooohhhhhhhhhh

mom: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

i go back and forth between her neck and her chest

finally i settle with her lips

from kisses, went went into an all out tongue fight. the longer we fight, the wetter it gets


all this while, her eyes remain closed.

mom: oh my god baby.... it feels so good

me thinking: "who is she calling baby? does she knows it me?"

mom: "oh baby.... mmmmmmm"

my hand starts to roam all over her body

from squeeze her breast, and using my finger to tease her V

i can feel her heart beating so fast, and so warm

and it feels even warmer at her V

my hardon is literally killing me.

i decided to take off my brief and let my cock out

the moment i took it off, my cock was pointing up straight, like a rifle ready to kill

knowing i shouldn't cross the line, i wanted to dry hump from the back while she is still in an aroused state without knowing its me

i went to her back, and put my cock in between her leg while her lacey panties is still on.

the material touching my cock is soooooooo goooooood

the more i rub against her V, the wetter i feel it is getting

all the while my hand is playing with her breast

i don't want risk taking off her lingerie as that might wakes up her. she might think she is in the middle of a wet dream

not sure what got into me, i decided to move my finger up from her breast to her mouth. and she started sucking and licking my finger so hard.

it feels like she is eating a lollipop, and the way she suck feels like she is trying to suck all the juice out


the more the suck on my finger

the faster i dry hump her. The more i poke my cock at her pussy with her lacy pantoee as a safety barrier

the more clouded my mind goes

i faster my dry hump, and it seems like she reciprocrate to my tempo

me: ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

mom: ahhhh ahhhh ahhhh ahhhh ahhhh

me: ergh ergh ergh ergh ergh ergh

mom: mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm

the time has come, the solider is finally ready to attack

i point my cock at her ass and started shooting onto her asscheek

she instinctive turned her head to look at my warm cum shooting at her ass, and she gave the totally enjoying look on her face


She opened her eyes


18-12-2023, 08:31 AM
Frankly speaking, u got the chance to fuck ur mom. Why don't u just insert ur hard-on dick into her V rather than rubbing ur dick outside her V? Since u already set Ur mind to fuck ur mom, why don't u jus go ahead rather than keeping everyone in suspense.

18-12-2023, 08:36 AM
bro xiaosiong

up you 21 points


technically still no penetrating sex.

what will be next?

She opened her eyes


18-12-2023, 09:26 AM
I bet this is a dream again

23-12-2023, 11:40 PM
she closes her eyes again, and turned back facing down

she lift up her butt, like signaling me something

i can see my cum shot on her butt

her private is faintly visible behind her lacy panties

the translucent material is so seductive that it is sending blood into my dick

i placed my hand at the side of of waist, preparing to take off her panty


i am going to see her secret forest soon

a huge amount blood started flowing towards my dick again, and it roar back to life

my hands are trembling

my hands are shaking

is this it?

is this the night that i cross the line?

i use my finger to pull her panty band

another shots fire


i opened my eyes to a hand full of my cum

fuck, i had just cum twice imaging me violating my mum

what the fuck is wrong with me?

luckily i did not let the demon take over me. After lying on the bed for almost 15min with no signs that my erection will cool, i started imagining what i will do to her.

The visual is so real

It feels like i am really doing it.

I can still feel it inside my veins

I went to the washroom to clean up my sticky hand.

I went back up to check on my mom

She is still sleeping soundly, but i can see she is having a bad sleep

her eyeballs are moving, like she is having a nightmare, and her facial expression looks bad

the room is actually a quite warm now, her jacket is now on the floor

There she is.

Laying half naked infront of me

No signs that she will wakes up soon

No signs that she knows i am looking at her

No signs that i am right now fantasizing about her now



I cannot do this.


I had been standing there for like 5min looking at her in her lingerie, and the phone constant vibrates with messages coming in

I wonder who the fuck is texting her at this time of the night

Anyway, it is almost 6am now. My body clock is well awake

I better go for a run to sweat it out

730am. I did my usual 1hr run along the estate. Still no signs of jiaxuan. It is early sunday morning, and i can see some elderly went out for breakfast or grocery shopping with their aunty trolley.

I saw a few kids shooting hoops, and joined them for a while. They are in awe of my skills, but i can see their parent irritated that i interrupted their game, so i went back home

Back home, mom is awake, and eating her breakfast

mom: hey baby, so early?

me: yeah

mom: what time did you came back last night?

me: errrrmm....i think 1am?

mom: so late?

me: yeah we went for supper

mom: with who?

me: i went back to our old estate

mom: and then

me: of course i ate with them lah

mom: oh. how did you come home?

me: one of them drove me back. he stayed nearby

mom: luckily

me: what about you?

mom: what about me?

me: i didnt see you replying after my last text

mom: ohhh

me: where did you go?

mom: my client's home?

me: till so late?

mom: .......................

me: what's wrong?

mom: nothing. i not feeling very well from last night

me: did you drink

mom: a bit?

me: u sure?

mom: yeah

obviously she is lying. her whole room smell of alcohol last night

another message came in and her phone vibrated. she uses fingerprint to log in, and i see her frown, and then put her phone down

mom: i have a few viewing today. you can manage on your own today?

me: of course, since im 18 i already manages very well

she uses her hand to rub my cheeks, and look at me lovingly

mom: i love you so much, and i misses you alot whenever you are not at home

me: me too mom. i misses the days where i get to see you when i am home

mom: yeah, those were the days, but you are growing up to be a macho man now

me: and you are getting prettier day by day

mom: such a sweet boy.

She left home at 10am, and i have half a day to myself

I already ran, i already ate breakfast, and it is still a good 8 hour before my next book in.

not wanting to disturb anyone, i text the masseur. (she actually gave me her contact saying i can booked her in advance next time)

me: hey, you working today?

B: hello, i am not working today. This sunday is my off day

me: ohhh

B: why? miss me?

me: yeah, kind of

B: hahaha, but i am not working

me: what is your plan today?

B: no plans, i usually stayed at home and watch drama

me: have you visited anywhere in singapore before?

B: no i didnt. it is so expensive everywhere. and i don't have any friends in singapore to go out with you

me: you want to go out?

B: with?

me: of course me

B: hahah. didi want to bring jie jie out?

me: why not?

B: so where do you want to bring me?

me: how about a movie?

B: hmmmm

me: where you stay?

B: i staying at bugis

me: shall i go find you,then we go out?

B: hmm... ok

me: ok, i see you are 12noon

B: ok. see you


Me: hey im here

B: im not ready yet. do you want to come up first?

me: nobody's home?

B:no. the rest of my jiemei is working today

me: ok

i took the lift up, and she is just at her front door wearing her shoe


me: shall we go?

B: ok!

we went to jewel, and She is so fascinated with this place


we went o eat at the foodcourt, went to have a look at the vortex, and even tried the canopy. There is alot of body contact for the day

I also held her hand during movie, and she didnt reject

We had alots of fun in the 4hour, and i send her back

her spirit is definitely very high, and while we are on the train back, we are holding hands like lover

me: enjoy yourself?

B: yes!

me: you look so happy

B: i am. first time someone brought me out

me: really?

B: yes, i am always working when i came here

me: then i should really ask you out more often

B:heeee. but only on my off day

Me: when is your usual off day

B: every month i have 1 weekend off day. could be saturday, or sunday

me: lucky me

B: yes!

Me: i love holding your hand

B: (face blushes)

As i send her back to her unit, her mood seems to converge between high and low. High because she really enjoyed herself, low that it is ending so fast

She was standing at her front door looking at me. We are still holding hands

B: what?

i remain silent

B: whatttt?

i remain quiet

B: you want to say something?

i walked her to her

B: heyyyy

i use my finger to touch her cheeks, and her chin

B: heyy..........

she is enjoying my touch


I continue to advance, and she is inside her house now. and the door closes

B: what are you doing

I continue to feel her cheeks and chin. She is clearly enjoying my touchs

B: heyyyy

I can feel her neck warmer

I move my hand down from her cheek to her neck, from her neck to her chest, and finally from her chest to her right breast

B: ahhh...

I remain silent, and i uses my finger to ticket the nipple area

B: mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

i use my the other free hand and removed her dress straps

now both straps are falling off


my phone alarm rang

Fuck, i need to go home and prepare for book in

we both laugh out loud

B: time to go

Me: yeah. I hate this

B: hehehe

Me: i wish i had more time

B: hahahaha

I slowly backtrack to the door, and opens it.

Before i leave

B: hey

Me: yes?

B: call me. i will text you my next off day



7pm. Smart4. Boots. Fieldpack. Here we go again

31-12-2023, 12:23 AM
When will be the next episode?

31-12-2023, 08:04 AM
Tonight the night or

Next year?

When will be the next episode?

31-12-2023, 10:01 AM
Waiting for new sexcitement bro

01-01-2024, 09:39 PM
back to my bunk. 13 guys in a room. We start our mutual update session again

My buddy was telling me what he did over the weekend, and lights off at 10pm

the next few days we are busy prepping for our 7 days field camp

lots of equipment checking.

rush to wait

wait to rush

there was a moment many start questioning the purpose of army, especially the not so physically strong like my buddy

for me, my basketball training is much worst than that

the some outfield training, and nothing out of norm happens this week, and its book out day again

this weekend went by uneventfully

my mom, as usual, busy with her showroom activities, and viewing, but she did manage to find sometime to have dinner with me at home.

occasionally, he phone buzz with message, and she replied them

there are times, she look visiblly annoyed by those messages

me: why that look on your face?

mom: nasty customers

me: btw, i wont be back next weekend

mom: why??!!!

me: it is my 7 days field camp. it will start next friday it will end on the following friday

mom: ohhh... that means i cant see you?

me: yeah

mom: i'll miss u

the she gave me a hug

its sunday, and still no sign of jiaxuan. but i did see jiamin coming back while i am on my way back to camp. she still look as pretty

back to camp, all my bunk mates having that damm sian face due to no book out

lights off at 10pm again. i starting to miss my mom


i drifted into my sleep, and starting to dream

i was inside her room, the same scene i saw that night. she in her black lingerie, sleeping on her bed, in room with strong alocohol smell

she turn over, and saw me standing beside her, wearing just my boxer.

her hand reach out, grab me by my waist, pull down my boxer, and started sucking me


mom: mmmmm...mmmmm... slurrp....slurrrp

me: what the fuck.. ahhhh ahhhhhh

mom: mmm...mmmm.. slurpppp slurrp... slurppppp

me: ahhh ahhhhhhhh

half way through suck me, and she sat up, removed her bra, she give my dick head a good kiss and suck and she went back lying down

mom: feed me your cock

instinctively, i point my cock at her mouth again, and she started using her tongue to play with it

the more she suck, the more dreamy her eyes is

it looks like she is enjoying this more than me


It has been a good 10min of sucking, and i am totally enjoying it

but it shouldn't be just she having fun right?



01-01-2024, 11:17 PM
Fantastic share bro. Enjoying it! :)

11-01-2024, 08:45 AM
Come back soon.

11-01-2024, 03:24 PM
Wow good stuff. Please continue soon! :)

15-01-2024, 08:39 PM


the voice of people calling to fall in wakes me up

Buddy: oi wake up. 6am already

Me: wat the fuck

Buddy: why?

Me: nothing, i was dreaming

Buddy: faster, later sergeant tekkan


610am - gather for 5BX. Water parade

630am - breakfast

7am - Long 4. standby draw arm

same old process again. for the next 3 day


It's thursday, and the start of our 7 days field camp

wokeup really early for breakfast and draw arms

7am, FBO up, camo on. we start our march.

everywhere we go-oh~

people want to know oh!

who we are~

where went come from~

so we tell them~

this endless loop of anthem singing starts

1hour later, we enter the jungle, into the first camp site


fast forward. its a saturday now, and we are in the middle of tekong jungle.

We are at the camp site where it looks like graves everywhere. patches and patches of lose soil all around

then i realize, all these are dug by previous batch, and we need to dig this stupid thing called a shell scrap

one sergeant showed us how ones look like, and we are require to dig one for ourself for the night. it is already 5pm by then. we were told to put the 2 metal rod in front of the shelf scrap to guide our rifle barrel where to fire

it is like digging our fucking grave

to be honest, this is more tiring than my bastballall training. i have never felt so tired before.

we eat dinner while digging,

by 8pm, i am shag out. and body full of soil. i dont know how many earth worms i had killed, and too tired to care

we gather for last parade at 9pm, and was told not to wander around at night, as it could be very dangerous. always do buddy movement. never move alone. the the ghost story begin


i cant be bothered about ghost story. i just wanna sleep. they gave us hot milo and nigh snack, and off we go back to our platoon and section area and stand guard at our shell scrap

i doozed off immediately when i lie down in my shell scrap

it is not a easy sleep because i am too tired. there are many visual running inside my mind even when i know i am asleep

there are visuals of the road march this mornng

there are visuals of me digging shell scrap this morning

there are visuals of me sleeping on my bed. my soft comfy bed

there are visuals of my sergeant challenging me do push up, then lost to me

then visuals of my mom appeared.

it seems to be a continuation on my previous dream.................


There i am. Looking at her back.

she turning to me, and moaning.

Me fucking my mom from the back. It was so intense


In no time, i shot at her ass, just like the other day where i spread my cum all over her ass


i felt something warm in my pants

i open my eye

15-01-2024, 11:38 PM
i felt something warm in my pants

i open my eye

BRO this is not a good time to "feel something warm in my pants" outfield with all men or hantus!

20-01-2024, 04:46 PM
incest story coming

20-01-2024, 05:41 PM
Sexciting story with great pics!

26-01-2024, 04:38 PM
Any updates?

27-01-2024, 10:56 AM
incest story coming

Incest dream u mean?

27-01-2024, 06:07 PM
its a saturday now, and we are in the middle of tekong jungle

28-01-2024, 02:25 AM

31-01-2024, 10:43 PM
i opened my eye and see my fxxking sergeant pour water at my groin

Sgt: Rec XXX

Me: wtf

Sgt: wake up

Me: yes sergeant

Sgt: where is your fucking rifle?

Me: oh fuck

Damm it. They really played the steal rifle trick. they must have took my rifle away from me while i am sound asleep

Sgt: go report to CSM

Me: yes sergeant

I followed the green glow stick all the way back to the tentage. There is a total of 4 person there including myself. i guess they pick 1 person per platoon for this. And our CSM is not a old guy, he is also a NSF but given acting CSM title. The actual CSM is an uncle, that looks like he henta taki for a long time as he is still a Master Sergeant at his age

ACSM: What is your name

Me: Rec XXX XXXX XXXX, Sergeant Major!

ACSM: you know why you are here?

Me: my rifle got stolen

ACSM: and i clearly told all of you chao recruit, your rifle is your wife, and your wife got stolen

Me: yes sergeant major

ACSM: write down your rank, name platoon and section. Report to me immediately after this field camp is over

Me: yes sergeant major

fuck my life. not sure what they gonna do

The rest of the field camp went past as per normal. Another 4 unlucky guy got their rifle stolen 2 days later at the FIBUA area.

We are back at company line on a thursday, and the 8 of us report to CSM office after sending stores and rifles

ACSM: gentleman, you are here cause you did not protect your wife. you let your wife get stolen

Us: yes sergeant major

ACSM: it is a chargable offense to have your rifle stolen, and i have to court martial you

Huh??? WTF, is her serious??

A look of bewilderment among the 8 of us

ACSM: but i am a nice person. As this is your first offense, i will let you off with a small punishment of doing 1 weekly duty for the company.

Us: huh? we looked at each other

ACSM: don't worry. You will get to go home this week. I LL has to let you go home because this is OC directive that you MUST go home after your field camp. All of your will stay back the following week when you book in. Inform your parents on this. I don't want to see or hear any parent complain letter. Be a man

I can see the sergeant smirking beside him. let we are their prey

Us: yes sergeant major

As we walked out, i can hear the old CSM speak to them

CSM: arga arga tio ho. You guys will fuck off in 3 month. don't leave shit for me

ACSM: zai la encik, we also came through this. This is the XXX Company culture leh

I went back up, wash up, and back to bunk where it is admin time

My bunk mates is checking on me, on what are the punishment and etc, and all agreed it must be a deliberate tekkan session. But what to do, they have to find 8 person, suck thumb they found me. We all slept early that night, as we are booking out at 10am in the morning

I reached home early at 1pm.

I can hear some music upstairs, so i guess mom is home

I took off my shoe, and walked up and see if she is working

I can see she is posing and taking photos of herself in front of the mirror


she snap a few picture, and then change her black jacket to a white shirt


she snap a few more photos, and she went into her closet and came out in something cooling


i quickly retreat down the stairs, and faking that i just taking off my shoes

She came down and saw me

Mom: baby you are back!

Me; hi mom

Mom: oh my god, your face look so dark. are you always on the hot sun during the jungle training

Me: yeah kind of

Mom: and you look slimer.

Me: of course, i am eating rubbish combat ration daily

Mom: poor thing

Me: you heading out

she went quiet a bit

Mom: yeah, i am meeting my friend. Will be back late. Shall we have breakfast tomorrow?

Me: sure! i miss coffee shop

Mom: hehehe. we go and eat the bak chor mee that ah gong used to bring us eat

Me: ok!

Mom: alright, i going out, might be late. dont forget our date tomorrow

Then off she went, and i am alone at home. I quickly wash up, and lie on my bed

My mind starting to went wild with what i saw just now

Why is she taking such photos?

is there more of such photos?

What is she doing from monday to friday nowadays?

alot of things went through my mind. But what occurs the most is the those images i just seen

My hardon is here.

I text B

Me: working?

B: yes, working.

Me: can booking?

B: ok, time?

Me: 230pm?

B:ok. i will make booking. see you

Me: ok

With that i quickly wash up and rush down

Reach the MP, and they ushered to the room

B came in

We small talked a while, and the massage begin.

She is really good with it. I fell asleep

The next moment i know, i opened my eye and see you on top of me


B: what took you so long to contact me?

she move her hand up and down my naked torso

Me: i in army

B: no wonder you so strong

she can proceed to use her tongue and lick my body

after like 2-3 min of sucking my nipples and licking my chest, she start to move up, and start sucking my ear, and using her tongue to play with my ear and neck. She then gave me a dreamy look at our tongue met


B: i really like this body of yours... I am so wet

she has been using your private part to grind against my cock. The only protective layer is her panties and the towel covering my lower half of body

Me: ahhhhhh, i also like your body

B: you want to touch me......?

Me: yes, i want to touch you

B: how you want to touch me?

Me: i want to squeeze your breast hard.

B: your wish is granted

she lifted up her body, pulled down one side of her straps, and bring my hand touch her, while she sit harder and grind harder on my cock


I swear i almost explode at this moment. But this is not going to end so soon

01-02-2024, 10:22 PM
Keep in coming bro

08-02-2024, 02:41 AM
Bro, please concentrate the story on the mom! Feeling like blue balls here. All teasing but no joy. This could turn into another "Innocently Depraved" story!

12-02-2024, 06:58 AM
Any updates?

12-02-2024, 09:38 PM
B: ahhhhhh. feels go good

Me: so big

B: heheh. ah ah ah

i start to twist her nipple

B: ahhhh....ahhhhh....ahhhh.. mmmmmmm

B: come let me have some fun


She apply some oil on her breast, and gave me a breast job

B: mmmmmm, you like it?

Me: yesssssss... ahhhhhh

B: its so hooootttt... mmmmmm

Me: yes....yes... ah

B: ready for next level?

Me: yes

she looked at me, and move her fringe to the back.


I am already fully erected by then

B: I am hungry

Me: then eat it

She looked at me seductively.

B: what do you want me to do?

Me: do anything you want

B: what will you do to me?

Me: i dont know

Her hand stroking my cock, keeping it alive

B: can i eat it?

Me: yes


the she move her head down and start licking my balls


B: mmmphh.. mmmmph..

Me: oh my god

B: you like it?

She skillfully uses her tounge to massage my balls, sending even more blood to my cock

Me: ahhhh...this is soooo goood

B: hehe...slurp slurp

B: are you ready?

Me: what?


she started using her tounge and play with my cock head. OMG, this is heavenly

she alternate between swallow it whole, and using her tounge to play with pee hole


Me: ah ah ah ah

B: slurlp slurp slurp slurp

I use my hand to hold her hand and moving her faster

Me: oh..i coming soon

B: no. not so soon

Me: why?

B: i want........

17-02-2024, 02:23 AM
Whats the actress name in SUPJAV?

19-02-2024, 10:19 PM
Me: What you want?

B: i want this (hand still grabbing my cock)

Me: are you sure we can?

B: i dont care

Me: wont get caught?

B: dont know

Me: isnt this too risky?

B: dont care

she move down and gave me a deep french kiss. we french for like a minute while she uses her pussy to rub my cock

B: you dare?

Me: you dare?

B: why not dare?

Me: no condom

B: today safe

Me: not afraid i got STD?

B: you look too young to have that

Me: how about you?

B: you scare?

Me: yes

B: what if i told you i have STD?

Me: then stop

B: what if i say i am very safe?

Me: errrrmmmm

B: you dare?

Me: hmmmmmmm

B: you dare?

Me: i don't know

She opended up her leg and start rubbing my cock head at her entrance


B: you dare?

i cannot think any more. the sensation is sending even more blood to my cock

Me: fuck you

B: Yes.

She start to sit onto my cock


OMG OMG OMG. The sensation. This is so overwhelming

She is so wet, and there is virtually no resistance

B: ahhhhhh


B: yes......

Me: yes......

B: mmmmmmmmhhhh... so big....

B: ahhhhh... so hard

She start to squat and move up and down my cock

My cock feels harder than ever

i can feel her pussy sucking my cock, and i can every inch of her pussy wall as my cock slide in and our of her pussy.


Me: yes

B: so shiok so shiok

Me: yes....yess

Suddenly, she trembling.


Me: you came?

B: hehe

Me: so we done?

B: not yet. i want more

she lean backward, and start to rock her pussy back and forth my cock.

This sends a totally new visual sentation to my mind, and i can see clearly her wet pussy infront of me


B: ahhhhh.....ahhhhh

Me: oooooo...mmmmmpphhhhhhhhh

B: oh my godddd.

Me: yes...yes.....yess

she start to rock faster and faster

Me: ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

B: ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

Me: ah ah ah ah ah ah

B: you ...ahhh....like this....ahhhhh

Me: yeesssss ...ahhhh. you like this?

B: yesss... yesssss... i love you fucking you. I want you to cum like this

When i heard the word she loves fucking me, something strange strike my mind. I feels like a different person. I feels like in control. I feels like i am dominating her

I stopped her

B: why stop

Me: ...............

i start to sit up

B: what you doing

i pulled out my cock

B: you don't want to continue

I pushed her onto the massage bed

B: what you doing?

she using her hand to cover her pussy

I forcibly removed her hand, and open up her leg

B: what you doing. stop

I am ignoring her

B: stop. stop. you cannot do this. i had to be on top

Nothing enters my ear

B: no, no. cannot!!!


ignoring her plea. i pushed it in

B: ahhhhhhhhhhhhh


Her hand trying to push my away, but she cannot over power me

B: ahhhh....stop.....ahhhhhhh...cannot....ahhhhhhh

Me: piak piak piak piak

B: cannnott...ahhhh...ahhhh..ahhhh..ahhhh .. stop

i can feel my balls slapping against her wet pussy.

I can feel the veins on my cock expanding.

My cock getting harder and harder

My blood to my cock head

my cock head expanded

i can feel every tissues of her vagina.

i can feel my cock head rubbing in and out of her pussy

i can feel everything

I fuck her so hard

her pussy is so wet

I slam so hard that my cock slip out

i point my cock head at her pussy, and pushed it in again.

Me: AHHHHH........baby

B: ahhhhhhhhhhh


There is ZERO resistance from her this time

But she keep her hand at my body, occasionally trying to push me away

I continue my relentless fucking

Me: ah ah ah ah ah ah

B: ah! ah! ah! ah! ah! ah!

Me: you like me fucking you huh. you like this right (i slam in hard)

B: AHH!! you are so naughty. you are a bad man

Me: you like a bad man fucking you right (i slam in harder this time)

B: AHHHH!!!! fuck you

Me: FUCK. yes i am fucking you. I slowly pulled out my cock, and i slam it in again

B: AHHHH!!!!!


Her facial expression is no longer showing resistance.

She is showing pleasure

She is enjoying it

she let go of her hand

She facial expression telling me she has accepted it

She has succumb to her desire

She wants it


ME: I will

I continue my hard pounding.

She tried her best not to scream

The whole room is smells of our perspire

The whole room smells of sex

It smells of us fucking

The harder i fuck her.

The more loving she looked at me

I can feel my army cumming

20-02-2024, 08:04 PM
Keep it coming bro.

20-02-2024, 09:01 PM
nice story so far

20-02-2024, 09:02 PM
good story with photo reference as well

21-02-2024, 01:27 AM
TS more updating .

21-02-2024, 11:54 PM
Wow this is good. Keep it up. Can't wait for the mum part again.

22-02-2024, 11:17 AM
Wow this is good. Keep it up. Can't wait for the mum part again.

2 more years bro. he's still in bmt. wait for ord first.

22-02-2024, 02:34 PM
Nice story. Thanks TS.
Waiting for the main dish.

22-02-2024, 09:28 PM
But actually he shld be sniffing his mum used clothes everyday right. those who has hot young mum wonder if they have such thoughts. For me, it's too hard to imagine.

22-02-2024, 10:32 PM
Keep it coming bro.

23-02-2024, 12:31 AM
Bro TS keep updating the story. Tks

24-02-2024, 11:05 AM
Keep it coming bro.

24-02-2024, 11:59 AM
Nah. I think nothing will happen.

25-02-2024, 10:10 AM
Me: piak piak piak piak

B: ahhhhhh ahhhhhhh ahhhhhhhh

Me: you like me fucking you

B: yes yes yes.. fuck me

Me: you love me fucking you

B: yes...i love you...fucking me

Me: you say its your safe period

B:ahhhh. ahhhh..ahhhhh..............

Me: you say its your safe period?

B: ahhhh.......ahhhhh....ahhhhh.........yes

Me: i want to shoot inside

B: ahhh......noo......ahhhh...nooooo

Me: you said its safe

B: ahhhhhh....noo...noooo....nooooo

Me: you said you are safe earlier.....

B....ahhhh......ahhhhhh.....yes....i said....

I gave her a one last thrust with all my strength




I can feel stream and streams of hot cum shooting out of my cock



B: what the fuck

Me: yeah....


I can see my cum ozzing out of her pussy

I can feel a sense of victory

I can my cock is still throbbing

B: why do you do this (she sobbing slightly)

Me: you say you are safe

B: but i didn't say you can shoot inside

Me: you said you aren't afraid

B: i only say that to tease you

She is sitting up and wearing back her top, and clear

Me: but you started fucking you

B: i just wanted to feel your cock

Me: and i gave it to you

B: you are such a bastard

Me: and you love a bastard fucking you

B: fuck you


I pulled her in for a deep kiss.

Me: from now onwards, only i can fuck you

B: idiot (a smile appear on her face)

i can feel my cock harden again.

I moved her hand to touch my cock

Me: i am not done yet

B: what.....

Me: lie down

B: no...there is no time already

Me: i am not done fucking you

B: cannot, they will knock on the door soon

Me: so how? I am still hard

B: i have to extend the time

Me: go ahead

i can feel that i have fully conquered her. From scolding me a while again, to now extending the room

B: Room XX. Customer extend 30min

B: ok

I grab her from her back

B: ahhhhhh!!

i push her towards the wall, and lifted her leg up

B: waitt!!!!

With still so cum inside her pussy, i pushed my hard cock in



Me: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

B: you are so badddddd....ahhhhhhhh

Me: i though you love me bad

B: ahhhhhh.....idiot

After a min of thrusting, i push her onto the massage bed

B: wait... what you want

Me: i want to fuck you from the back

B: waiiitttt

29-02-2024, 09:42 PM
without giving her time to get ready, i pushed my hard cock in


B: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......

Me: mmmmmmm

B: ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh ahh

Me: piak piak piak piak piak piak piak

i increased my speed, and doggy her faster

Me: you love me fucking you


Me: you love this?

B: yes....yes...

Me: what do you love?


i stop my thrusting

B: why you stop?

Me: what do you love

B: you.....

Me: me what?

B: you fucking me

I continued my thrusting

She is trying her best not to moan too loud.

looking at her meaty being slam by my cock, i got a kinky feeling

How about spreading her asshole while i doggy her

without giving her warning, i place both my hand on her butt, and pulled them apart


B: ahhhhhh..

I can see her asshole infront of me...

I spit out some saliva onto it

B: noooooo...nooooooo.

Me: i want to play with it..

B: noooooo... it is dirty. if u do anything i'll stop

Guess that is a redline that i cannot cross

i flipped her lying down, and continued missionary

this time, she willingly open her leg, and let me enter her


B: ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

Me: piak piak piak piak piak piak

Her pussy is getting wetter

My cock is getting harder

My cock head is more sensitive now

I can feel blood rushing to my cock head again

I believe she feels it too

Me: ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

B: ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

Me: you ready for it

B: ah. ah ah ah ah ready for ah ah ah what?

Me: you ready?

B: ah ah ah ah what?

Me: this!!!

i send another wave of army into her pussy




i think i shoot out like 5 hot stream into her pussy again. After a while, i pulled it out


B: why did you cum inside

Me: why i cannot

B: i didnt say you can

Me: but you didnt say i can't

B: cant you use common sense?

Me: common sense tells me i just fuck you raw, and came inside. what is the different with cumming inside the 2nd time?

B: you idot!

She cleaned herself up in the toilet, and ask me to go wash up while she change the bedsheet

After washing up up, she has already changed the bedsheet, and back into her robe

Me: so, what now?

B: you need to pay the extra 30min at the counter

Me: is that all?

B: uh huh

Me: ok

B: what do you expect me to say now?

Me: er..nothing (i expecting her to ask for $)

She went to the door and tries to open it

I hugged her from the back


Me: its my first time, you know

B: really? im so honoured

Me: will you still accept my booking the next time?

B: no. we will not meet again

Damm....... I feeling so sad now

B: let's meet at other place next time.. not here...... you have my number......

06-03-2024, 06:28 PM
Waiting for more....

07-03-2024, 08:46 PM

10-03-2024, 05:22 PM
Mom Perspective

ah boy has grown up so much. Wonder how is he coping with his army life. Lately he is different

We used to chat on everything, but he has been more reserved. We felt more distant.

Is it because he has a gf now?

But he keep denying it.

I had been so busy with my work that I really need to spend more effort to maintain my relationship with him.

He is growing into a men now. He is the only family i had.

I am meeting Amy this afternoon -she is one of my secondary school besties. We were so close that other classmates called us TWINS . She is right by my side at the lowest point

she literally watch ah boy grew up, and always complimenting that he looks like me

Mom: Hi babe

Amy: hi bitch!

Mom: com'on.... why am i a bitch?

Amy: you are. who dress like that in the late 30s?

Mom: the weather is hot la

Recap: this is what she wore


Amy: how's life

Mom: same lo, busy busy busy

Amy: how busy can property agent be

Mom: hello, you think we just bring client see house?

Amy: abuden

Mom: my god, you bimbo. we have alot of paper work to follow up on weekdays. need to do research for client. do a pre-visit for potential unit, speak with seller agent, understand client's financial................goes on for the next 5min

Amy: okok. you win you win

Mom: you?

Amy: just the regular stuff

Mom: what regular stuff?

Amy: i joined the SAF!

Mom: what??!! as a soldier?

Amy: no lahhh. I joined their DXO program. I working at depot road now as a program manager

Mom: what is that?

Amy: basically, i takes care of external program SAF has with private setor, blah blah blah blah blah, and they need someone with corporate experience to deal with them

Mom: uh huh. SAF no such people meh?

Amy: you know. Alot of the people inside SAF, had been working there since day 1. Their idea of how the private sector function is limited to 20 years ago. Even the process in SAF is outdated

Mom: i though they have alot of scholars?

Amy: ya. i see tons of them at my workplace. Still, they not expose to private sector

Mom: got handsome one?

Amy: LOTS of them!

And they start to bitch and gossip about all the people amy has to deal with. From general, to colonel, to young captain.

Amy: there is this airforce officer. my god. every women is all over him. He looks so good. Tall frame, chiselled jaw, broad shoulder and chest, flat tummy..

Mom: and then

Amy: when he goes running around the compoud, you see his leg, his muscle... you will be wet

Mom: oh my god.... you are lusting over him

Amy: ya... you want him to hug you, kiss you

Mom: you are married, with a 6 year old girl

Amy: i cannot fantasy meh

Mom: your husband not giving you enough "fun"? hahahahahahahahaha

Amy: don't be a bitch la. he needs to flatten his tummy first, and sort out his sagging chest, and fixes his looks

Her husband was a dragon-boater in NTU. She feel in love with him while studying, and been together ever since.
He has a degree in computer science, and went into cybersecurity after graduation. It pays well, but heavy workload.
Once their daughter arrives, he stopped his body maintenance, and has a full grown dad-bod now.

Mom: at least you had that before right?

Amy: aiya those were the days. Anyway im too old to be lusting over young man now. ahahahahahha

They continued their high tea chatting

Just as the day is getting late - one of Amy's collegaue walked pass

(let's call him jensen)

Jensen: Amy?

Amy: Jensen?

jensen: what a coincidence

Amy: yaaa.. surprise to see you here

Jensen: yeah i was with my friends, gathering. You?

Amy: XXX, this is Jensen, Jensen, this is XXX

Jensen: hi (reaches out his hand)

Mom: hi (shook his hand)

He has a strong hand. and a firm handshake. A jolt of electrical shockwave moves down her spine

Jensen: friend? sister? neighbours?

Mom: friend.

Jensen: oh, is Amy your senior in shool?

Amy: heyyyy! we are same age ok. dont be an idiot!

Jensen: what? stop lying. I will report to ethic concil if you lied

Amy: bleahhhhh

Mom was smiling at their bickering

Amy: you leaving soon?

Jensen: yeah, my friends are all fathers, they need to fetch their kids post tuition now

Amy: wanna join us? XXX you ok?

Mom: why not. im bored talking to you too

Amy: *roll eyes*

Jensen: thanks for the invite. happy to join you ladies.

Jensen started to introduce himself. He is a COL now in the SAF, based at depot road like Amy. Already in his eary 40s. He got a scholarship from govt, and studied in the UK.
Those friend he met were his UK classmates
Jensen is dealing with international collaboration, and Amy assist him at times to bridge and communication gaps when he needs to engage external vendor

Jensen: so what are you working as?

mom: i help client source for their dream home, and investor with a clear asset progression plan

Jensen: a property agent?

Mom: in layman terms, yes

Jensen: what a coinidence. I am on a lookout for a property?

Mom: oh, where you looking for?

Jensen: somewhere in town.

Mom: stay or investment?

Jensen: stay

Mom: wife and kids, a 3 bedder?

Jensen: im not married. alone. looking for my bachelor pad

Mom: where are you staying now?

Jensen: with my parents?

Mom: wow.. still living with parents. No privavy concern?

Jensen: nah. my silbing has moved out, and that house is more big enough to have alot of privacy

Amy: *whispering* he lives in a bungalow at bukit timah

Jenson: eh...i can hear that

Mom: hahahahah.

Jensen: infact i just met an agent that i random message from a propertyguru listing.

Mom: oh. so you had an agent. where did you view?

Jensen: i just viewed upstairs

That's ion residence

Amy: rich siaaaaaaaaa

Jensen: eh..no wife, no kids, no home, no need buy lunch, no need spend $ on work wear, i saved alot of $ ok

Amy: and you rode a motorbike to work

Jensen: that is not an ordinary motorbike..........

Its a harley davidson.

Mom: how long have you been searching for a home?

Jensen: just today?

Mom: oh. keen to engage an agent to help you look around?

Jensen: how does it work?

Mom: you engage me...i find a few options for you, based on your preference, you like it, you buy it?

Jensen: how about that agent i met this morning?

Mom: did you sign anything

Jensen: he gave me nothing to sign. We just viewed the unit, and he said if im interested i can let him know

Mom: that is the seller agent. You need a buyer agent

Jensen: ohhhhhhhh

now i know why amy said they are disconnected from the world.......

15-03-2024, 06:17 PM
Any update?

26-03-2024, 05:36 PM
My Perspective

Its sunday, and i woke up at 9am. I reach home around 9pm on a saturday, to find mom not home yet (she did say she will be home late), and i went to bed early.

The early session with B really drains lots of energy. I can still feel my cock head sensitivitiness, but the tiredness simply overcame my horniness.

I did not had such a good sleep for so long. This 12 hour of sleep is really good

like all typical 19 years old, first thing i do is to unlock my phone screen, and check IG for updates

its the typical updates i see on IG. a few pretty influencer i followed updated their evening, where they went, etc

Some NBA higlights from the 6am games.

I scroll for another min, and saw a post from mom, and the time is 730m, and its a picture of her at our pool


she is wearing this new bikini set

Then i went into her IG story, and it is a post that looks like this


I know she is a morning person, but never expect her to be that early. That post is at 730am

i went out to wash up, and saw my mom already working on her laptop. She is now wearing her typical home clothes

Mom: baby, you awake. slept well?

Me: yes mom. i slept very well

Mom: you were home so early. where did you go? u seldom slept so early.

oh no.... what should i tell her?

Me: yeah. went out to meet K & G. Have dinner at bugis and came home

Mom: them again? you need to get a life baby. haha

Me: com'on... again

Mom: let's go. remember we are going for our fav bak chor mee!

Me: ok, let's go!

Mom: you not changing?

Me: this is fine?

Mom: i need to change


what a nice outfit for a morning breakfast....

We hope onto her car, and started driving

Mom: baby, how's you and jiaxuan going?

Me: what is that for?

Mom: i saw her the other day. she recognizes me, but she ignored me and quickly walked away

Me: no idea

Mom: you made her angry?

Me: no i didnt?

Mom: then you did made her angry

Me: i just said i didnt

Mom: Man are always man, never admit to mistakes

Me: woahhhhhh. dont stereotype

Mom: im not referring to you. you are still my boy!

Me: hello! im a man already. see my biceps

Mom:oOOOOOOOO. so scaryyyy~~~~

Mom: but seriously, do you have girl friends?

Me: ya, i do.

Mom: where are they?

Me: in JC?

Mom: i mean now?

Me: at home?

Mom: you know what im asking. do you meet your girl friends?

Me: errrrrr

Mom: see. you are not meeting girls. you are always hanging with guys, and your ball

Me: errrr.. basketball is my passion. Why should i hang out with girls?

Mom: you see. that is what i am worried about. You are not meeting girls enough.

Me: but i am happy meeting whom im meeting

Mom: are you gay?

Me: MOM!!! no. i am perfectly normal

Mom: you sure? you know you can be honest with me?

Me: i am perfectly normal. I still bio chiobu on the streets

Mom: then why am i not seeing you meeting girls?

Me: because i have you?

Mom: ..........

Mom: that is very sweet baby. But mummy cannot be you other half.

and the conversation goes on and on and on until we reach the coffee shop

Dammm...the queue is long......

Found a seat, and we started eating

We talked about army, talked about how i will suffer another confinement this weekend due to that extra i had to sign

she is cursing and swearing about those stupid sergeant and officer, and only stupid people wants to have a career in the army (she is referring to my fucker dad)

the rest of the day went by uneventfully. we continue to chat about everything, and bicker on every small little thing like how we were for the past 10 years.

I went back to home, and spend time playing game.

She went out to meet client for viewing

Surprisingly, she came back at 5pm, and offer to send me to Pasir ris MRT

Mom: i wont be seeing you for 12 days!! booooooooo

Me: relax lah. im not going to jail

Mom: i tot your the field camp is the longest sepratetion i had with you. now again

Me: hahaha

Mom: let me bring u to the MRT. i want to stare at the stupid sergent who did this to you

Me: if you do that, i will tio mark

Mom: who is mark?

Me: its a term to say i will get aim by the sergeant

Mom: see my complain to mindef fierce or their aim

Ok, she dont understand a single thing i say

Me: anyway, just 12 day. you get busy. It is just 4 more weeks to POP, and i might not need to go tekong again

Mom: hope so

and then...we reaches pasir ris MRT

26-03-2024, 07:24 PM
nice hot body

31-03-2024, 01:52 PM
back in the camp, back to the usual

on a wednesday, we start to practice for our POP road march. we were drawing arms, and suddenly OC walked out of his office, and a smart alec shouted "PLATOON DIAM!"

my buddy, just about to receive his rifle, got startled by this and drop his rifle.

every eyes is looking at him

CSM walk towards him

"See me in office"

5min later, he came out. He also signed an extra

He will serve it together with me this weekend...

we were cursing and swearing at army

fast forward, its weekend

all the bastard happily booked out on friday, and we were alone in the bunk.

next morning 7am after breakfast, we gather at the company line office for our assignment

Me and buddy got assigned to guard the jetty, and we are on 2hr shift with another team

others got assigned as prowler, and had to walked the school

we arent allowed to use our phone while on duty, so buddy is always texting whenever its our break

Soon, its night time. We were having dinner at the cookhouse

Me: why are you always on your phone?

Buddy: texting lo, scroll social media lo

Me: no bored?

Buddy: what we doing now is boring

Me: haha. Texting girlfriend?

Buddy: girlfriendsssss

Me: you fucking hao lian

then we started talking about nonsense stuff. The dinner is quick, and we want to go back and rest before our next shift

Me: eh, any new epsidoe?

buddy: what?

me: that one la?

buddy: which one?

me: that video you showed me

buddy: fuck off

me: show lehhhh

buddy: nonono. it is a chargeable offense to posses obscene film inside your phone

me: eh fuck, dont give me this bullshit

buddy: nononon. nothing

me: ok, there is something indeed

i am now grabbing him

buddy: oiii.. stop

me: i always take care of you when you shag, now u dun show me

buddy: personal stuff la.

me:nono. we are buddy, need to be honest with each other

buddy: no no no

my hand start to reach into his pocket

he starts to struggle

buddy: can you respect me?!

ok. i have crosses the line. i stopped

me: sorry sorry. i though it was fun

buddy: nothing fun about this

we went quite for the next few min

i decided to break the ice

me: you know, i just had my first fuck last saturday

buddy: wooooohoooooo. men liao leh. with gf ah?

me: no la

buddy: went geylang?

me: no la

buddy: called FL?

me: no la?

buddy: then with the canteen aunty ah?

me: fuck you

buddy: so who?

me: a massage lady

buddy: serious?

me: yeah

buddy: how did it happen?

i then describe the whole thing to him

he just nodding his head while listening to me

me: i not just how, but something, i feel i am in a position on power over them

buddy: cause you paying $

me: no..

then i describe jiaxuan case to him.

me: so that is it. so strange

buddy: nothing strange about that

me: what do you mean?

buddy: some girls are slut

me: but they are not

buddy: correct. but most girl has an inner desire to be sluts. to be dominiated. to be controlled and over powered

me: really?

buddy: if not how you think i have those video?

me: what the fuck

buddy: some girls, are easy. most girls, you need to spend alot of time to draw out that desire. once it comes out, it can never be kept again

me: listening intently

buddy: one they tasted that feeling, they will be hooked. their desire will overpower their mind. they want to feel good

me: yes yes

buddy: when you touches them, it sends electricity into their body

me: yes yes

buddy: they will listen to your instructions

me: you are right

buddy: and no matter how their mind tells you they shouldnt be doing that, they will still let you do whatever you want

me: yesssss

buddy: you just has to find out what triggers it. makes them comfortable with you, makes them enjoy whatever they were doing. their hormones will do wonders to them.

me: how?

buddy: when they feel happy, they are more open to have skin contact. more skin contact means more touches. more touches means you can get even closer to their sensitive region

me: teach me leh.. please

buddy: start by touching their arm. if they are ok, keep it there. dont immediately move to other places

me: ok

buddy, then find a place that you want her to see, then move from hand from arm to her back. touch the part where her bra clip usually are. that is the most sensitive part at the back

me: and then

buddy: keep you hand there. if no objection, give it some light caress. not the sexual and pervert type, but the soothing type

buddy: then a few mins later, guide her to continue walking. slowly move your hand to their lower back, just above their bum. that will send another electric signal.

buddy: if no objection, leave it there as you walk. so far this is still not too touchy. and leave it this way for rest of the evening

me: the end?

buddy: no la

buddy: if she still agrees to meet you, keep it hot. meet her again following day, and let your hand be at where it last stayed. if no objections, just enjoy the day

buddy: find some crowded place and move your hand to her waist, and pulled her closer to you. if no objection, and enjoy

me: china town?

buddy: fuck you la. go to clark quay or whatever lah. especially with bars and clubs

buddy: you can occasionally use ur thumb give her waist some rub. it will send electricity up her spine

buddy: by now if still no rejection, she is getting very comfortable with you. if the crowd is thick, hold her hand. 100% she will let you. cos you already hold her waist before, which is more sensitive than hand

buddy: you can bring her to a club. be a gentleman, pay for the drinks

me: uh huh

buddy: if she agrees, you are 75% there

buddy: gave her a long island, or bourbon coke. when the music goes loud, ask her to move. jio her to dance

buddy: if she is shy, be encouraging. bit by bit, get her to move. compliment her. have a few more sip of drinks

buddy: after a cup, she should be very relax. make her more confident to move, and she will eventually

buddy: you will be surprise, when a girl is in the mood to dance, their hand is usually should up, that will leave their waist expose

buddy: encourage her, comppliment her, and her hormones will start playing tricks on her

buddy: when she is totally releaxed, you can leave your hand on her waist and start moving with her

my jaw dropped

buddy: the club should be fairly crowded. when it gets late, its gets more crowded. use this opportunity to pull her closer to you. ideally a fist distance between 2 chest

buddy: keep this as safety distance, as you do not want to alert her safety sense. continue to move with her. as long as she dont reject you, you are on track

buddy: continue to toast with her, small sip is fine. use your thumb to sooth her waist. find an opportunity to move bit by to her back facing the table

buddy: find a chance get her her drink, and reach behind her to grab it. this will close the distance between you 2

buddy: if she didnt back off, and let you get close, you are 90% there

buddy: now, magically, have your face close to her, and looking at her. if she looked away, shake the drink infront of her, and continue this

me: and if she didnt looked away

buddy: look at her. move your hand to her back, show her her drink. you sip it, and you kiss her

me: what if she pushes me away

buddy: say sorry, say you got carried away. but that is unlikely

me: and if she didnt

buddy: let your instinct tells you what to do next. you have already won.

08-04-2024, 10:00 PM
Mom's Perspective

Jensen has inform me formally to help him look out for a his properties. A stroke of good luck, i have found 3 units within my network of agents whom has seller within the orchard vicinity

i decided to text him on a wednesday morning

Me: Hi Mr Jensen, im Serene (let's give my mom a fictatious name here)
Me: i have 3 units that met your requirement, when would you like to have a look? both seller are ok for saturday 11am - 4pm

no reply at all. guess he ghosted me

fast forwad to 5pm

*ting ting*

Jensen: hey serene, sorry for the late reply. busy the whole day. yes sure, saturday im ok

Me: Oh hi! i though you have already gotten what you want, and thus the no reply!

Jensen: haha. nono. not yet. just back to back meeting for the day, and i kept my personal phone inside my bag

Me: ic. shall i meet you this saturday 11am at the marq? this is a hot unit, and seller is ok with a fast deal. we can issue the OTP.

Me: do you know the seller?

Serene: i know their agent

Jensen: haha. yes yes. i forget about this agent thingy

Me: is that timing ok. base on both unit the selling price blah blah blah blah blah

Jensen: okok. too much text and details. i cant digest over whatsapp

Me: will you prefer a meet up for me to explain?

Jensen: how about we meet for breakfast on saturday then you run through the details with me

Me: sure sure. I'll meet you. Where is a good place?

Jensen: 930am, eggslut @ scotts

Me: got it. see you

Jensen: see you, serene

Fast forward, its saturday.


Me: Hi Jensen, im here

Jensen: Hi, im inside. come'on in

He is dressed smartly today.

He got me a sandwich, and i went through the details with him

Me: there is 3 unit to view today. 1 at the marq, 1 at paterson and another OUE twin peaks

Jensen: nearby each other

Me: yep. all with excellent connectivity

i am going through all the details with him, and he listened intently. He has that look that stares deep into a person, and whenever our eyes met, i had to look away in order not to be mesmerize by him

Me: jensen, its 11am, the seller agent has texted me the owner is ready. shall we?

Jensen: yes sure.

Me: i'll see you there

Jensen: we travel separately?

Me: if not?

Jensen: save the planent, i'll take your car. better than i had to wait for you, or you wait for me.

Me: sure. but the parking here is expensive... u sure u ok with it?

Jensen: no worries about that.

Fast forward

Jensen is really a sincere buyer. He asked important question, like fees, like mortage payment, like neighbours. We spend approx 1hour per unit, with another 30min to 45min talking over details of that unit.

We had lunch at Takashimaya, and went on to the 2nd and 3rd unit. at the end of it, we were both exhausted.

Me: finally, we are done. do you have anything in mind now jensen?

Jensen: i need to run over the details again. let's talk over dinner

Me: ok. Shall we go to a cafe?

Jensen: let's eat at ion

Me: sure.


Me: how about five guys?

Jensen: too noisy

Me: then paradise?

Jensen: you have time today?

Me: yes i do

Jensen: i bring you somewhere

And he brought me to ion sky. And we had dinner at FLNT

my god. first time at this retaurant. the view is spectacular


and the first glass of sake appeared

19-04-2024, 11:26 AM
By the end of dinner, i had already down 6-8 cups of sake, and mildy tipsy. It is almost 10pm

i am getting more and more comfortable with jensen.

he is so gentlemen, cool, and humourous. he is having me giggling whole night

Me: So jensen, why are you buying a house in orchard area?

Jensen: cos i can?

Me: such a cock man

Jensen: that is self confidence

Me: so any unit to your liking

Jensen: only one that i find to my liking

Me: it must the the OUE tiwn peaks, i can sense you really like that

Jensen: nope

Me: then must the paterson. you went to have a look at the gym and the pool. You wont bother to do that if you aint keen

Jensen: nope

Me: the marq? that's a surprise. i though you find the facilities there boring, and noisy as it faces the main road

Jensen: nope

Me: then what is it? i am no so drunk

Jensen: Im looking at it

Me: hu?

Jensen: im look at it. you interest me.. the most

Me: blushes

Jensen: you are so detailed orient, so full of energy, so witty, and so down to earth. I cannot find a reason to not like you

Me: thanks....

he cheers with me, and i bottoms up that sake

Jensen: that way you handle the seller, ready to fight base case for me, i really appreciate it

He cheers with me again, and i bottoms up yet another cup of sake

Jensen: and you, so full or engery, i feel young again beside you

another cheers

My mood is pretty high now, and i starting to let go

Me: so what kind of house you like

Jensen: a house with a view

Me: like?

Jensen: i show you?


my heart is beating really fast. what shall i say?

28-04-2024, 04:51 PM
Me: yes. where is this view? at ce la vi?

Jensen:come follow me (he reach out his hand)

instinctively, i held his hand

Jensen: let's go

He brought me to ION residence

He tap a card, and the lift took us up to the penthouse level

The door opened to a house, and the layout is luxurious

Jensen: feel free to walk around


He went to pour 2 drinks

Jensen: this is the view im referring to

He opens up his balcony, which overlooks the orchard belt

He gave me the drink. We cheers, and i drink a mouthful.

It is a strong one, and it sends the alcohol up to my head

Me: who are you?

My head is spinning. The wind is blowing, and my hair is flying. it is getting chilly and i feel goosebumps on my skin

Jensen: just a civil servant

Me: what do you do daily?

Jensen: just the regular stuff =P

how will the night turns out?

it is getting really chilly, with the wind blowing my hair all over my face

we moved indoor, and we settle at his bar counter to continue our drink

He has the lounge chair, where he offered me, and he took another chair and sits beside me

we continue chatting, and giggling

i was sharing with him all the funny encounter i had as a property agent, and he was listening to me intently, and laughing with me

He has that pair of piercing eyes that look deep into my soul. Every time our eyes met, my heart skip a bit

He took out a bottle of whiskey from behind me, and started pouring small drinks for us

We continued to sip whiskey and chat. Every time he wants to refill his drink, or mine, he has to reach behind me to grab the bottle

Every time he does that, we are just inches away from each other

And he gets closer every time

From feeling his aura

To feeling his breathing

To smelling his breath

It's that close now

This continues for another 30min. It is already 11pm, and i am tipsy

I want to go to the washroom and at the same time he is reaching back for another drink

We bump into each other

one of my leg kicked the lounge chair, and i lost balance

i fell back

he grab my back

he held me up

my heart is beating really fast

His hand held my waist, and he pulled me closer to him

My head is now resting on his broad chest. feeling no resistance, he wrap his arm around my waist, and i can feel his heartbeat

Jensen: are you ok?

he speaks into my ear

Me: im ok. hehe

he looked at me in the eyes

Jensen: another drink?

my head spinning, my eyes cloudy, my heart beating fast. He has been making me feel good since evening, and his touches is making me horny

Me: i need the washroom

28-04-2024, 06:02 PM
Please continue to share nice story!

28-04-2024, 08:09 PM
quite a interesting story here.

30-04-2024, 01:48 AM
Camping for next update :)

05-05-2024, 01:04 PM
i went into the wash, and took a pee

i can see my panty visibly wet now.

i wet a tissue to clean myself down there


what am i doing? why am i cleaning myself down there?

I washed my face, and look at myself in the mirror

what am i doing?

i am a divorcee

i have a 19 year old kid

i should not be staying out this late at a man's house

nor drinking with him

and letting him touch me

but the devil is telling me otherwise

i need to enjoy myself

i deserve this attention

i should let my body take control

i should let go

i should enjoy myself

no no no no no no no

i cannot do.

time to go home

i opened the door

he is standing outsid the wahsroom

Jensen: another drink?

Me: maybe time to go home?

Jensen: sure. let me finish this

He took a big gulp

He pulled me towards me, and kisses me with his mouth full of whiskey

We are exchanging both saliva and the drinks during the kiss.

Our tongues are fighting

it sends gushes of juice to my pussy

my nipple is screaming to be twisted

and ass cheeks crying to be smacked

fuck the angel.

i need to be fucked tonight
i am not sure for how long we kissed

my head is spinning

i faintly remember my legs are moving

next moment, i am sitting on his leg

i am so horny that i am sloughing onto him


my conscious keep telling me its wrong

my head keep spinning

my heart is beating so fast

but my mind is telling me to fuck it. just enjoy the moment

i pulled him closer to me, and we continue our french kiss

we were exploring each other mouth furious

we tip of of tongue can feel each other taste buds

it is so wet, and saliva is drooling down our mouth

we are so into it, that we forgot to breath, and let enjoying the moment


he broke off our kiss, and moved behind me. he skillfully nimble at my ear, and using his tongue to tease my ear

that send chills up my spine

it feeeeeeelsssssss so gooooooood

How long as it been since someone kisses me like that that

my cells are enjoying every moment of it

his hand hug my wasit, and place nicely are the bottom of my top

he continue to play with my ear

he skillfully move his fingers under my top, while he continue to kiss up and down my neck

my mind is not thinking

my heart is floating

my skins are so sensitive now

every time we had skin contact, goosebumps appear, and my hear beat faster

the more i didn't react to his moves

the more daring he becomes

quietly, while i am enjoying his kisses

my phone rang

06-05-2024, 03:44 PM
Very nice story

12-05-2024, 05:20 PM
My mind is telling me to pick up my phone

but my subconscious is telling me to ignore

i tried to remove his arm and moved away, but he hugged me tighter

the phone keep ringing

i am struggling

i need to stop this

this ringtone is my last straw of sanity

It is telling me to stop

that's why it keeps ringing

the more i tries to breakway, he hug me tighter

the devil and angle is at odds again

Angel: stop this now. pick up the phone

Devil: fuck that, you derseve to enjoy this moment

Angel: i made that phone ring to save you!

Devil: that is not happening

My perspective

Back in the holding area, im in the midst of my 2hr break

I feel there is a need to tell my mom i am ok

I pick up the phone to call her via whatsapp

her last active is at 9.09pm. It is almost 1010pm now and she didnt check her phone since then?

The ringtone came and i patiently waited for her to answer

Buddy: calling ur gf?

Me: my mom

Buddy: serious? you doesn't look like a mummy boy

Me: im not a mummy boy

Buddy: then why calling her now?

Me: becos she is my only kin.

Buddy: oh...im sorry

Me: its ok. weird, she is not picking up. Usually she picks up really fast

Buddy: may she is busy

Me: she is seldom that busy tilll not picking up her phone

Buddy: its 10+pm, maybe she is watching a movie, and phone on silent?

Me: you got a point

Guard Comd: night snack! prowler come take

Me/Buddy: Yes sergeant!

And i hang up the phone


Fuck this shit, my phone really stop ringing.

hearing the ringtone has stopped, and sensing that i not not resisting anymore, he lift up my top


this is wrong

i should stop him.

but my body is not listening to me

i am so hot now

the cool air in the room that hit my chest makes me feel so good

he finally took it off

his hand is now touch my breast

i can feel my nipple shouting

it wants to break free

it wants to be twisted

but this is so far


he is feeling up my breast

he left his palm at the undercover area

he is still kissing me

i am not thinking straight now

he move his right finger towards my right breast lace

he is playing with it

he is looking at me into my eyes

i know what he wants to do

but this is wrong

he move his finger up and down the lace

he is teasing my breast

i am clearly enjoying this teasing

he stop his fingers are the lace again

he looked at me again, he is looking for that signal

that signal to tell him to go ahead

what a cute army boy. always looking for an instruction

but we have gone too far tonight.

the angel and devil is fighting again

should i or should i not let him continue?

15-05-2024, 04:59 PM
My mind is telling me to pick up my phone

but my subconscious is telling me to ignore

i tried to remove his arm and moved away, but he hugged me tighter

the phone keep ringing

i am struggling

i need to stop this

this ringtone is my last straw of sanity

It is telling me to stop

that's why it keeps ringing

the more i tries to breakway, he hug me tighter

the devil and angle is at odds again

Angel: stop this now. pick up the phone

Devil: fuck that, you derseve to enjoy this moment

Angel: i made that phone ring to save you!

Devil: that is not happening

My perspective

Back in the holding area, im in the midst of my 2hr break

I feel there is a need to tell my mom i am ok

I pick up the phone to call her via whatsapp

her last active is at 9.09pm. It is almost 1010pm now and she didnt check her phone since then?

The ringtone came and i patiently waited for her to answer

Buddy: calling ur gf?

Me: my mom

Buddy: serious? you doesn't look like a mummy boy

Me: im not a mummy boy

Buddy: then why calling her now?

Me: becos she is my only kin.

Buddy: oh...im sorry

Me: its ok. weird, she is not picking up. Usually she picks up really fast

Buddy: may she is busy

Me: she is seldom that busy tilll not picking up her phone

Buddy: its 10+pm, maybe she is watching a movie, and phone on silent?

Me: you got a point

Guard Comd: night snack! prowler come take

Me/Buddy: Yes sergeant!

And i hang up the phone


Fuck this shit, my phone really stop ringing.

hearing the ringtone has stopped, and sensing that i not not resisting anymore, he lift up my top


this is wrong

i should stop him.

but my body is not listening to me

i am so hot now

the cool air in the room that hit my chest makes me feel so good

he finally took it off

his hand is now touch my breast

i can feel my nipple shouting

it wants to break free

it wants to be twisted

but this is so far


he is feeling up my breast

he left his palm at the undercover area

he is still kissing me

i am not thinking straight now

he move his right finger towards my right breast lace

he is playing with it

he is looking at me into my eyes

i know what he wants to do

but this is wrong

he move his finger up and down the lace

he is teasing my breast

i am clearly enjoying this teasing

he stop his fingers are the lace again

he looked at me again, he is looking for that signal

that signal to tell him to go ahead

what a cute army boy. always looking for an instruction

but we have gone too far tonight.

the angel and devil is fighting again

should i or should i not let him continue?

Should to continue lah

16-05-2024, 02:21 PM
relase not too often

16-05-2024, 02:25 PM
nice pair of tits

24-05-2024, 10:49 PM

he skillfully pull my left bra cup down

and then the right

i can cold air in the room teasing my nipples

it has finally broken free

and it stands erected

it is just the nipple i think.

we are not yet crossing the the uncrossable line i think

this is just like a massage. the masseur also touches my breast.

it is ok, i tell myself

just enjoy the moment, i tell myself

our mouth met again, and our tongue started fighting again

he kept his hand busy

he moved his finger towards my nipples, and started teasing them

oh my goooooddddddddddddddddddddd

it sends electrical shock throughout my body

my flood gate is opening

he alternated between teasing my nipples and massage my breast


he start to push me down, and his mouth start attacking my nipple

i am so horny now

my nipple crying

it is so sensitive

he was sucking it so hard, that i feel like milk gonna comes out of it

he suck it so hard that i hear a loud pop, and i am grasping for air next

i think i have came

my whole body is shaking

and my vagina is soaked


sensing i have just came, and move quickly to my back, and let me fall onto him

how sweet of him to do that

or is that so?

while my heart is still beating fast, he move his hand to my Y

he move his finger near my clit, in a circular motion

my breating which has slowed is now becoming fast again

he start to apply more pressure, and my body start to move with his rythmn

i start to give out soft moan

Me: ahhh...... mmmmmmm

Me: ohhhhhhh....ahhhhhhh

sensing victory, he move his finger inssid my lacy panty

his is now directly rubbing my very very wet clit

this is so damm fucking wrong

i should not had allowed him to do this

this is the most private part of my body, how can i allow him to touch me there

oh no

oh no oh no

oh no oh no oh no

i should stop him right here, but it felt so good

it is now or never

i must stop him right now

he applied more pressure at my clit


i let out a loud moan

He won


he pulled my panty aside, and my clit is now exposed to the cold air of the room

he is so wet that i can his fingers coated with my juice

he is rubbing my clit, and sliding his finger up and down my slit

it feeeeeeelsss so gooooood

it send shockwaves through my body

my moaning is become louder and louder

i am in estacy

the next moment, i felt a small stream of juice splirt out of my lovehole

another shockwave up my body

and i let out a satisfying smile


he lift me up, and took off my panties for me. i though it has ended. he merely wants to wash it and we can have a break

but i didnt know this is just the begining of his next attack

he pushed me onto his bed, and started using his mouth to eat me



i have never felt sooooo horny

i have never felt so wanted

i have never felt so goooooood to have a guy eating me.

And he is eating me fucking hard

i can hear de devouring my cunt

He is moving his tongue up and down my Y

and is using his tongue to lick my clit

another shockwave up my body, i feel a gush of juice flowing downwards

he is sucking all the juice that is leaking out of my cunt

it felt sooooooooo gooooooddddd

i am now grapping for air

he stopped to let me breath

my heart beating real fast

but this is so wrong. this is just oral sex. i think it is ok?

25-05-2024, 05:27 AM
…but this is so wrong, but so so good! 😋

02-06-2024, 05:25 PM

he took off my last piece of clothing, which is my bra

i now lay fully naked in front of him

i felt like a piece of sashimi waiting to be devour

and i wanted him to eat me up

after using his tongue, and he change to using his finger to finger me

my love juice is fully coating his finger


as his finger goes deeper into my cunt, i feel my body tense up

oh my god oh my god

i though i only allowed him to give me oral sex

why am i allowing him penetrative sex now

i shouldnt be doing this

but then again, this is just his finger. it is not sex sex yet. i think it is ok

he flip me over, and guide my hand to hold my asscheeks

and he is now using his tongue to drill my asshole


this is the first time in my life i getting my asshole licked

it felt so strange, yet soooooo goooooooood

the feeling of my secret garden being violate is making me even wetter than easier

as he was giving me a good asshole licking and drilling, he is also preparing something

as i am back facing him, i have no idea what is coming after me next....

the longer he drill my asshole, the louder i moan

Me: ahhhhhhhhh......ooooooooooooooooooooooooo

He uses the tip of his tongue to cirle around my asshole

Me: urghhhhhhhhhhh....ahhhhhhh......ahhhhhhh....mmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

this feels soooooo gooooodd

it feels so good that i am faint

my eyes is rolling backward

he started to lick around my ass cheeks

he then lick around my tail bone

he then lick his way up my back

this yet another wave of senstation all over my body

He didnt make his hand rest

he wet his right 2nd finger, and he places it around my asshole

OMG OMG OMG.. what is he doing???

he uses his wet finger, and spread his sailva all around it.

then he went back down again, and uses his tongue to apply even more saliva around it

i dont know what got into my mind, but i just spread my asshole wider for him

he apply pressure around my asshole, and massages it

OMG...it feels soooo goooood

Me: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmm

my moaning gets louder. I guess he just like to tease my asshole



oh my god oh my god...

he pushes his finger slightly in

he humilated me

he invade a very sacred place on my body

yet it felt so good

sensing he has scored victory, he took out his finger, and he pulled me up for a deep french, while he finger continues to twist my nipple sending waves and waves of juice to my pussy

he is now only in his boxer. he must have taken off his clothing when i am enjoying his asslicking

i have never felt so horny before

i am using my tongue to feel every part if his tongue

i am tasting that same tongue that just tasted my asshole

he is deposting his saliva into mine, and i am doing the same to him

it is so wet that both our body are wet

instinctively, my hand reaches down to his dick, and started rubbing it through his boxer

he kiss his way to my ear, and whisper

Jensen: eat me.....

I continue to feel his cock, and he continue to kiss up n down my neck

Jensen: i want you to eat me now

Me: yes....

He applied some pressure on my shoulder, to signal me to move down

I obidiently oblige

I am now kissing his dick with boxer on

Jensen: take it off

Like under a spell, i listened to him

I got a shock as his cock spring up to live and pointing at me

It looks so big, and warm. I can see his viens

It is rock solid

Jensen: hold it

I uses my hand to grab it, and moving it up and down

Jensen: ahhhhhhh..... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

The more he moan, the happier i am

what is wrong with me. why am i feeling happy holding someone dick with him moaning??

I am looking at his dick intently, like a person that went hunger for days with food insight now

I looked up at him, waiting for next instruction

Jensen: you want it?

I nod my head

Jensen: are you going to make me feel good

I nod my head

Jensen: i cant hear you

Me: yes

Jensen: are you a slut wanting to suck a dick?


Jensen: i can hear you

Me: yes

Jensen: what is the master

Me: you

Jensen: who is my slut

Me: Me

Jensen: are you going to be my slut from now owards

Me: yes

Jensen: is the slut hungry for a cock now

Me: yes

Jensen: tell me you want to suck it

Me: i want to suck it

Jensen: what should you call me

Me: i want to suckit, master

Jensen: go ahead

And my tongue touches his cock head


i start from his ball, using my tongue to massage it

then i use my tongue to move it up and down his shaft

Jensen: oh yes.....mmmmm...that is the way

Jensen: use ur tongue to taste every bit of it

i alternate between his balls and his shaft, and he keeps moaning

suddenly, his moaning stops

while keeping my tongue on his shaft, i looked at him


not sure what i did wrong that causes his moaning to stop, but i desperately wanted to please him

like under a spell, i said something i couldnt imaging me saying

Me: how can i make you happy, master

16-06-2024, 04:18 PM
Jensen: lick my dick head

Me: yes master

i stick out my tongue and move it to his dick head

Jensen: mmmmmmmm....ahhhhhhh

whenever my tongue move pass his pee hole, he moan louder

like a girl given encouragement, i use my tongue to tease his pee hole more

from using my tongue to lick over his dick head, i also tries to use my tongue to push into his tiny pee hole

i can see his facial expression is in estacy

i felt so happy seeing his is enjoying

what the fuck is wrong with me? why am i feeling happy in this situation


As i am enjoying myself making him enjoy, the next instruction came

Jensen: swallow it, and suck my balls

Me: Yes master

Without further ado, i fully engulfed his whole dick into my mouth

his dick is so long that i can only take it 70% of it. there is still a 3 finger length that i couldnt take it

As his cock enter my mouth, more juice flows to my pussy

i can feel my pussy juice leaking all over my legs now

Jensen: mmmm....ahhhhhhhh

i alternate between sucking his cock and balls

when i put his whole balls into my mouth, i can hear him moan in estacy

Jensen: ohhh fuckkkk..... ahhhhhhhhhh.. this is fucking goooooood

when i hear that, i suck harder

Jensen: ahhhhhh!!! you are really my slut. a keeper. OOOOHHHHHH!!!

hearing him calling me his slut, i felt so happy that i want to perform better for him

his whole cock and balls is now covering with my saliva


and his moaning stops again

looking at him, i am begging for my next command

Jensen: what shall i do to you next?

Me: any you want master

Jensen: anything i want?

Me: yes, you can do anything you want master

Jensen: i want to fuck you face


I am not very sure how to do that

Jensen: give me your hand

I gave him my right hand

Jensen: both hand

i gave him both my hand, and he held my hand above my head, holding it

Jensen: now suck it

Now as i suck his cock, he couple it with a thursting movement


with every thrust, his cock entered my mouth fully, and into my throating

i not sure what got into me to allow him to do such a humiliating act on me, but i am now following his temp, opening my mouth wide just wide enough to his his cock thrust into my mouth

ever thrust that came into my mouth, i can feel my pussy twist

he is fucking my mouth, but feels like fucking my pussy

the more he fuck my mouth, the more i succumb to his control

after like 3-4min of thursting, he stops

he move on steps to below the bed, and pulled me close to me for a french

i love him doing this. it makes me feel wanted. it makes me feel cherish

It makes me feel i am not just a slut, but a toy that he cherished

our tongue met, and started tasting each other saliva again

my hand didnt left idle

i move my left hand down and start stroking his dick

i use my mouth to suck his nipples

i can hear him moan

i can feel the end is coming. he might come soon

this late night romp is finally over. i have simply crosses too many line that i didnt hear before

i have my needs and he has his needs

i played along to his fetish, and i also gets to satisfy mine

once he shoots, this will end

this is a bad decision made by me with too much alcohol

while this isnt something that i will do, but i kinda like this role play

i am actually ok to be dominated. i don't mind playing the role of a slut afterall as long as this is a secret among us

he starts to move his head down to my neck, and started kissing in up and down

i move my hand faster

his cock is getting harder

he move his mouth to my ear

i am expecting him to say "i cumming"

i am totally ready for it

it is almost time to end

i pointed his dick at my tummy

he can anytime unload his army onto my belly

i can easily clean it in the washroom

he kisses my ear

he kisses behind my ear

i can hear his breathing

he start to speak



16-06-2024, 05:11 PM
love the story bro!

16-06-2024, 05:58 PM
good story bro!

16-06-2024, 06:02 PM
indeed bro indeed good one

17-06-2024, 09:50 PM
really great story man, keep it update
nice one with pics

17-06-2024, 10:23 PM
Love the pics bro! :D

17-06-2024, 11:09 PM

he skillfully pull my left bra cup down

and then the right

i can cold air in the room teasing my nipples

it has finally broken free

and it stands erected

it is just the nipple i think.

we are not yet crossing the the uncrossable line i think

this is just like a massage. the masseur also touches my breast.

it is ok, i tell myself

just enjoy the moment, i tell myself

our mouth met again, and our tongue started fighting again

he kept his hand busy

he moved his finger towards my nipples, and started teasing them

oh my goooooddddddddddddddddddddd

it sends electrical shock throughout my body

my flood gate is opening

he alternated between teasing my nipples and massage my breast


he start to push me down, and his mouth start attacking my nipple

i am so horny now

my nipple crying

it is so sensitive

he was sucking it so hard, that i feel like milk gonna comes out of it

he suck it so hard that i hear a loud pop, and i am grasping for air next

i think i have came

my whole body is shaking

and my vagina is soaked


sensing i have just came, and move quickly to my back, and let me fall onto him

how sweet of him to do that

or is that so?

while my heart is still beating fast, he move his hand to my Y

he move his finger near my clit, in a circular motion

my breating which has slowed is now becoming fast again

he start to apply more pressure, and my body start to move with his rythmn

i start to give out soft moan

Me: ahhh...... mmmmmmm

Me: ohhhhhhh....ahhhhhhh

sensing victory, he move his finger inssid my lacy panty

his is now directly rubbing my very very wet clit

this is so damm fucking wrong

i should not had allowed him to do this

this is the most private part of my body, how can i allow him to touch me there

oh no

oh no oh no

oh no oh no oh no

i should stop him right here, but it felt so good

it is now or never

i must stop him right now

he applied more pressure at my clit


i let out a loud moan

He won


he pulled my panty aside, and my clit is now exposed to the cold air of the room

he is so wet that i can his fingers coated with my juice

he is rubbing my clit, and sliding his finger up and down my slit

it feeeeeeelsss so gooooood

it send shockwaves through my body

my moaning is become louder and louder

i am in estacy

the next moment, i felt a small stream of juice splirt out of my lovehole

another shockwave up my body

and i let out a satisfying smile


he lift me up, and took off my panties for me. i though it has ended. he merely wants to wash it and we can have a break

but i didnt know this is just the begining of his next attack

he pushed me onto his bed, and started using his mouth to eat me



i have never felt sooooo horny

i have never felt so wanted

i have never felt so goooooood to have a guy eating me.

And he is eating me fucking hard

i can hear de devouring my cunt

He is moving his tongue up and down my Y

and is using his tongue to lick my clit

another shockwave up my body, i feel a gush of juice flowing downwards

he is sucking all the juice that is leaking out of my cunt

it felt sooooooooo gooooooddddd

i am now grapping for air

he stopped to let me breath

my heart beating real fast

but this is so wrong. this is just oral sex. i think it is ok?

really good nips though

18-06-2024, 12:46 PM
Is this some kind of incest story? :confused:

might be one... i was thinking abt it too

18-06-2024, 01:27 PM
nice pics! which JAV model is this lady? i never see her before.

18-06-2024, 04:15 PM
Exciting times ahead! :)

19-06-2024, 12:54 PM
might be one... i was thinking abt it too

Initially I thought it’s gonna be an incest story. Got really high hopes for it. Now I’m not too sure. It has become Mom and Son individual sex life story. Lol

19-06-2024, 01:34 PM
Initially I thought it’s gonna be an incest story. Got really high hopes for it. Now I’m not too sure. It has become Mom and Son individual sex life story. Lol

Seeing the writer using JAV as base, high chance is incest / mom son story. JAV alot of this story plot. Especially my favourite Harem with remarried family! :D

22-06-2024, 01:04 PM
But really ar, mum how hot, will we really think that dirty thoughts on her? Like I cannot imagine leh. Just weird me out.

23-06-2024, 10:05 AM
Seeing the writer using JAV as base, high chance is incest / mom son story. JAV alot of this story plot. Especially my favourite Harem with remarried family! :D

JAV theme. But Taiwan 8pm show pace. Lol. It will probably be 200 episodes long.

23-06-2024, 02:33 PM
JAV theme. But Taiwan 8pm show pace. Lol. It will probably be 200 episodes long.

At least not 1000 episode anime like one piece hahahahahaha

25-06-2024, 12:26 PM
he pushed me down onto the bed, then he point his cock at my pussy

I thought its over, but this is just be begining

i can feel his warm cock rubbing up and down my pussy

everytime his cock head brushes my clit, i can feel a waves of sensation hitting my body

Is this my body try to reject it, or embrace it?

I don't know, but this is making me feels soo goooood, and my pussy continue to leak juice

after rubbing it up and down a few times, he can see his cock shinning my juice coating of all over it

He point his cock head at my entrance, teasing my pussy further

All the muscle and cells inside my pussy are crying

i didnt stop him

I am in estacy

I needed this

my eyes are closed, and i keep moaning

This is the signal to him that i am for the taking

without any inviation, he pushes his cock in!

There is 0 resistance

my pussy has already been flooded with my love juice whole night

and his cock has already been well lubricated by my juice

The moment his cock came in, and hit the end, every single cells on my body is pulsating

It feels like a nuclear bomb has erupted inside my bobdy

all the cells are charged up

my nipples pointing to the sky

I let a very very very LOUD moan


Me; Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmm

Me: Oh my goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooddddddddddddddd

he is moving his hip slowly

He is slowly thrusting me

His cock is so hard, and my vagina can feel his veins

I can feel his cock head moving in and up along my vaginal muscle wall

Every movement up, his cock is telling my vagina that he has conquered this hole

I moaning with every single movement coming from him

It was a slow, and sensual moan

Me: ahhhhhh

Me: mmmmmmmm

Me: ahhhhhhh

Jensen: mmmmmmmm

Jensen: oh baby...... ahhhhh

Me: ahhhhhhh... yes.....

Jensen: i love this baby.....

Me: yes yes.......

Every thrust is it building something

I am not sure what it is

But i can feel the cells in my boby recharged

I can feel the hair on my skin stands

I can feel electricity running through my bobdy

He starts to move faster

and harder

and faster

and harder

suddenly, my whole body tense up




Jensen: AHHHH. FUCK....

I just came

i have not came for years, ever since my last relationship 6 years back

My whole bobdy is out of control, and i am arching my back backwards

i needed air

my lung has a vacumn now as all the air has escape my body the moment i came


i feel satisfied now

i am sure he did

what the fuck

i didnt feel anything on my stomach

or my legs

he didnt pulled out?

did he just came in me?

but i also never felt any hot stuff inside my pussy

with a satisfied and worried look, i tries to sit up and ends this

Jensen: where are you going?

Me: what?

Jensen: i am not done yet

The he pushes me back down on his bed, and pushes his cock into me


Oh my god, what have i gotten myself into.....

25-06-2024, 02:11 PM
Great story and pics!
Please keep going... :)

28-06-2024, 10:32 PM
he is alot more forceful this time

after a few thrust, he lift up my bum, and slip his thigh under me

i am now supporting myself using my arm, while my hip automatically grinds against his cock

i have never tried this position before

i can feel his cock fully inside my vagina

and the rocking makes my vaigna wall contracts and his cock will expand it again

this is insane

yet heavenly

i am moaing non stop now

i stayed in this position for another 2 minutues

and i came for the 2nd time tonight


i am exhausted

i am trying to catch my breath

my head is spinning from the lack of oxygen

this should be it

this should have ended

he can't possibly last so long

as i fell backward onto his bed, i feel he cock slip out of my pussy, and still rock hard, pointing to the sky

now, instead a look of horror that this isnt ending soon

that i have came twice in 15min, and yet he is still not finished

though my mind is telling me to stop, the truth is i am still horny as fuck

my pussy is still flooding

my nipples is still very sensitive

i giggled


i want to see how long more he can last

now instead of continuing what we had been doing, he pulled me out of the bed

he help me steadied myself, and he hug me from the back

and we had a deep french session

he must know my mouth is dry from all the moaning

he are exchanging fluid like mad. We are exchanging saliva, and exploring each other mouth again

it is sensual, yet so sexual

is this a goodbye french?

fat hope

he push my back slightly, and i bend forward

what is he doing?

i can feel his hot rod rubbing up and down my ass crack

and next moment, he pushes his cock into my wet pussy again

and this time round, it welcomed his happily


another breath of air escapae my mouth the moment he pushes in

what is happening to my me?

did i become his fuck toy?

why am i so happy that this is not ending?

he start to thrust me from the back

this brings along a totally new sensation to my body

i can feel his hot dick rubbing up the front of my vaginal wall

his cock head magically rubs up and down my g-spot

i am moaning no stop

Me: ahhhh ahhhhh ahhhhhhhh

Jensen: yes baby

Piak piak piak piak piak

Me: oh my god....ahhhhh ahhhhh. oh my goood......ahhhhhh.....urggggghhhhhhh

Jensen: ahhh... fuck..... so feels so good......

he gave a hard thrust

Me: AH!!!

Jensen: you like it?

He gave another hard thurst


Jensen: you want somemore?

i nod my knock frantically


Me: yes yes yes

From quick easy thrust, he changed into quick hard thrust

every thrust he takes, it adds more and more friction to my g-spot

everytime is touches my g-spot, i can feel my whole body more charged up

it feels like a thunderstorm is coming

i cannot take it anymore

it is coming again

my cells are all charged up fully

the dam inside my pussy has been filld up

and the lighting strike my body, my whole body tense up

and it unleashes another round of electricfying senstation all over my body

my nipples are rock hard

my clitoris is hard

my pussy grabbing his cock tightly

all the air inside my lungs escaped

all my energy has been released from my body

my legs no longer has strength to hold my body weight

i fell to the ground

i fell to ground still crying

my body is crying

i am crying

i have never felt so statisfied before in my life

i felt liberated

all the chains on my body has been broken

i looked up at him, and i start to laugh

i not sure what has come into me, what i just laughed

i cannot control my emotion

Jensen: are you ok?

Me: hahah

Jensen: you dont seems ok

Me: hahaha...yes i am ok

Jensen: you sure you are alright?

Me: hahah..yes i am... i just got overwhelmed with emotion

Jensen: what kind of emotion

Me: i'm not telling you

Jensen: tell me

Me: hahaa.. i have never felt so good for so long.... i am happy

Jensen: i'm happy to have made you happy....


Me: please help me up

Jensen: ok

Me: can you bring me my clothes

Jensen: no

Me: what?

Jensen: i'm not finished

he pushes me against the wall

I am not resisting him anymore

29-06-2024, 07:28 PM
Jensen: i'm not finished

he pushes me against the wall

I am not resisting him anymore

Oh man... what will Jensen do to her next I wonder.
After sticking his tongue into her ass, will he fuck her ass next and make her enjoy the pleasures of an anal induced orgasm, or maybe with all that built up emotions, she might squirt hard while getting pounded in the rear. Heh heh heh...

Can't wait for the next update!

10-07-2024, 08:59 PM
Without any instruction given, i lift up my butt, to welcome his cock

my pussy is still wet

he pushes his cock in, and i start moaning again

it feels like round 1

he is still hard, i am still horny

after a few thrust, he lift up my right leg

i looked at him

he looked at me

no words exchanged

just eye contact

and my eyes gave him the approval to do whatever he wants

and he slam his cock into my pussy again, sending yet another round of shockwaves throughout my body



what is the fuck is happening to me

i have already cummed so many times, yet this time it feels as fresh as ever

my pussy can feels every inches of his cock entering me

his huge cock head pushing my vaginal wall open, and straight to my womb

he is thrusting me harder and harder, and moaning into my ear

Jensen: arh arh arh arh arh.. oh baby, i love this pussy of yours. I own this pussy now

Me: ah..ah...ah...ah...ah...yes yes, its yours.. ahhhh

this is such a magical postion that whenever he thrust deep into me, i can feel high thigh rubbing my clit as well. it sends gushes and gushes of juice flowing out of my pussy

Jensen: you wanna see how i am fucking you?

Me: you are already fucking me..ah...ah....ahhh...

Jensen: do you want to see it?


Jensen: do you want to see it? (he tuck my hair backward, and squeezes my nipple hard

Me: ahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

goosebumps all over my skin when he did this

he then move his hand down and rub my clit

my juice started squirting on the floor

Jensen: you want to see your wet pussy get fucked by me?

Me: yes.....

He slowly move me away from the wall, and turned to face right, which is facing a mirror

Oh my god.... that is a huge mirror

and i look like shit

and so sexy

and so much like a slut

all this while his cock is still inside me

He cupped my breast from behind, give my 2 nipple a hard squeeze, like he is trying to get milk out of it

I let out a loud moannnnnnnnnnnn

Me: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....oh......

I can feel his cock hardern, and he pushes in deeper

i instinctively arch my back, and my bum pushes out to welcome his cock deeper into my vagina


he continues to fuck me hard from behind

i assume a half squat position, and i can feel every fucking inch of his cock moving in and out of my vagina

and for myself, i am feeling like a slut now

i move my hand back, grab his neck, and keeping myself steady

why did i do that? because i am losing strength in my legs

i can barely stand now

but i don't want this fucking to stop

he start to thurst faster and faster

Jensen: ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah aha h ah ah ah

Me: urghh urghh urghh urghh urghh urghh urghh urghh urghh ...

Jensen: ahhhhh ahhhhhh ahhhhhh ahhhhhhh

Me: ugggghhhhhhhh.....

another wave of climax is coming

i can feel alot of juice coming out of my vagina

he is using his cock to plug that drain, and keep pushing it in

this is too fucking senstive

every cells in my body is exploding again

Me...ahhhhhhhh........ohhhhhhhh.....myyyyyyyyyyyyy y......fuccccccckkkkkkkkkiiiiiiinnnnnggggg.......G OODDDDDDD!

another wave of erotice sensation overtook all my senses.

13-07-2024, 02:37 PM
Bump bump...

14-07-2024, 04:25 PM
TS can share what is the name of the JAV actress in the reference pics please? Thank you.

14-07-2024, 10:19 PM
TS can share what is the name of the JAV actress in the reference pics please? Thank you.

Mihama Miki

22-07-2024, 11:52 AM
Exciting times ahead!

22-07-2024, 11:53 AM
he pushed me down onto the bed, then he point his cock at my pussy

I thought its over, but this is just be begining

i can feel his warm cock rubbing up and down my pussy

everytime his cock head brushes my clit, i can feel a waves of sensation hitting my body

Is this my body try to reject it, or embrace it?

I don't know, but this is making me feels soo goooood, and my pussy continue to leak juice

after rubbing it up and down a few times, he can see his cock shinning my juice coating of all over it

He point his cock head at my entrance, teasing my pussy further

All the muscle and cells inside my pussy are crying

i didnt stop him

I am in estacy

I needed this

my eyes are closed, and i keep moaning

This is the signal to him that i am for the taking

without any inviation, he pushes his cock in!

There is 0 resistance

my pussy has already been flooded with my love juice whole night

and his cock has already been well lubricated by my juice

The moment his cock came in, and hit the end, every single cells on my body is pulsating

It feels like a nuclear bomb has erupted inside my bobdy

all the cells are charged up

my nipples pointing to the sky

I let a very very very LOUD moan


Me; Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmm

Me: Oh my goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooddddddddddddddd

he is moving his hip slowly

He is slowly thrusting me

His cock is so hard, and my vagina can feel his veins

I can feel his cock head moving in and up along my vaginal muscle wall

Every movement up, his cock is telling my vagina that he has conquered this hole

I moaning with every single movement coming from him

It was a slow, and sensual moan

Me: ahhhhhh

Me: mmmmmmmm

Me: ahhhhhhh

Jensen: mmmmmmmm

Jensen: oh baby...... ahhhhh

Me: ahhhhhhh... yes.....

Jensen: i love this baby.....

Me: yes yes.......

Every thrust is it building something

I am not sure what it is

But i can feel the cells in my boby recharged

I can feel the hair on my skin stands

I can feel electricity running through my bobdy

He starts to move faster

and harder

and faster

and harder

suddenly, my whole body tense up




Jensen: AHHHH. FUCK....

I just came

i have not came for years, ever since my last relationship 6 years back

My whole bobdy is out of control, and i am arching my back backwards

i needed air

my lung has a vacumn now as all the air has escape my body the moment i came


i feel satisfied now

i am sure he did

what the fuck

i didnt feel anything on my stomach

or my legs

he didnt pulled out?

did he just came in me?

but i also never felt any hot stuff inside my pussy

with a satisfied and worried look, i tries to sit up and ends this

Jensen: where are you going?

Me: what?

Jensen: i am not done yet

The he pushes me back down on his bed, and pushes his cock into me


Oh my god, what have i gotten myself into.....

nice bro lol continue

02-08-2024, 03:28 PM
oh my god

he is not stopping

my body is breaking apart from this fucking

my nipples are damm fucking sensitive

my vagina is flood

my skins are screaming from this

yet he is not stopping

he moves his hand to my clit, and started rubbing it

i am in the middle of my climax, and he is doing to this me

he is fucking extending my climax with this

he contines to fuck me from behind hard and fast

he uses his hand to squeze my nipples

Me: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhh......ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Jensen: scream louder


my climax is not just extend

it is elevating

the sensation is getting stronger and stronger with each thrust

my brain is foggy

i am losing oxygen
i am feel i am reaching a tipping point

i started shaking my head crazily

Jensen: time to wet my floor (he whisper into my ear)


He move both of his hand to my clit

one opens up my lips

one rubbing my clit hard and fast


i feel a stream of pee shooting of my pee hole

i am screaming.....

i am approaching mount everest summit now

i cannot control myself anymore

my body no longer listens to me

i don't know what i am doing anymore


Jensen: open your eye and look at yourself in the mirror

I look at myself...

that image of myself overwhelmed me

at the moment, i have reached the tip

and i started falling....

i screammmmmmmeddddddd


i am squirting all over

the estacy has overtaken me

i am falling into the abyss of that estacy

i can feel tears falling off my eyes

and i kept falling....

help me

i am not sure how long have i been falling

but i fell onto the ground

he tries to hold me

but my legs has no strengths left

i am literally sitting on his floor with my wet pussy, and my pe

that feeling that went through my body is making me laugh

he his hugging me from behind

i am not sure what i happening to me, but i feel so happy

my brain is fried

the lack of oxgen is fucking my emotions now

i am laughing cos i am feeling happy

i am feeling happy

i am happy being well fucked

i am a happy slut that has been fucking well fucked


i not sure how long he has been hugging me

but my emtions seems to settled down

and my breating more regulated

He helps me tidy my hair and looked at me

Jensen: you ok

Me: (nodding my head)

he gave me a kiss of my forehead

Jensen: enjoyed yourself?

i slap his chest in a playful manner

Me: you asshole.

Jensen: im not

Me: you raped me

Jensen: you are so happily being raped by me

Me: you gave me drinks

Jensen: and you poured them yourself

Me: then you spike those drinks

Jensen: we drank from the same bottle

he continues to hug me

Me: is this over?

Jensen: this?

Me: yes

Jensen: what?

Me: what we just did

Jensen: what did we just did

Me: the fucking

Jensen: yes the fucking has ended

he held me tight

Me: thank you

Jensen: for

Me: for making me this happy. i miss this

Jensen: you are welcome

Me: can i wash up?

Jensen: why wash up?

Me: i can't go home like this?

Jensen: why are you going home?

Me: cos this has ended

Jensen: who say this has ended?

Me: you just said so!

Jensen: i said the fucking has ended

he grab my chin

move my face to face him

and he kisses me deeply

and our tongue met again

Jensen: now i am going to make love with you

03-08-2024, 12:47 PM
Nice update bro, this is so fucking hot!

04-08-2024, 05:25 AM
Please post more updates and thanks.

13-08-2024, 04:33 PM
like magic spell

my hand went to grab his neck

and we started kissing again

no instructions needed

just instinct

we both stand up, and i pushes him onto the bed

i went ontop of him

Me: let's make love this time

i sit ontop of him, and went down to french with him

he hugged me and for god knows how long we were kissing


i can feel his cock harden

and his dick head is pointing at my pussy entrance, and rubbing my clit

once again, i am getting wet again

i point his cock at my entrance, and let it enter

i am more in control this time


he slid in and out of me in this position, and my waist reciprocate with his movement

i can feel his movement better this way, and i can control the tempo however i wanted it

we were kissing, and making love at the same time

and i enjoyed it

after a few minutes, i can feel it again

that climax building up, bit by bit

i looked at him lovingly in the eye

Me: can i?

Jensen: do whatever you want baby

i sit up, and pushes myself into his hard dick

i can feel it penetrating my vagina, and his dick head hitting my womb

it felt so good

this is such a familiar feeling that i just tasted, and i wanted it so much again

i start to cowgirl on his, and ever movement, it is his dick head hitting my womb, and his body rubbing my clit

felt sooooo gooooood that i rock harder and rocker

i closed my eyes

i just want to savor this moment

this feeling

this love making sensation


14-08-2024, 04:47 PM
the more i rock, the more the sensation is building up

i love this total in control feeling

i rock harder and rocker, and i am getting tired

my back starts to fall backward

but that pushes my clit onto his body, and it sends electricity up my body

i asked for his hand to support

and i continue rocking

i am soaking in my own enjoyment now

Me: ahhhhhh.....mmmmmmmmmm......ahhhhhhhhhhhh

Me: oh baby......ahhhhhhh...ah...ah...ah...ah...ah


he didnt keep his hand lazy

he start to massage my breast, and it adds that extra kinkiness in this love making

i am enjoying his touch

how his hand is massaging my breast

he touching my underboobs

my sideboobs

rubbing my nipples

everything is so sensual

i am living in my own world now

i start to rock frantically

that climax is building up again

and my body wanted to cum

sensing that i am approaching my climax

he playfully stop this by twisting my nipples!

i woke up suddenly, with my eyes wide open!

Me: what are you doing?

Jensen: not so fast

he gave me a smirk

Me: idiot

i smiled at him

14-08-2024, 04:47 PM
he then pulled me forward, and attack my breast!

he is grabbing it!

Me: hello!!!!

Jensen: come, let me eat your eraser

Me: No!!!!

I tries to struggle, but he is far stronger than me

plus his dick is still inside me

he pushes his dick upward, an electric went through my body

i fell forward

now he got full access to my breast

he pulled towards and sucked my nipples hard

Me: OEII!!!!!


Jensen: slurp slurp slurp slurp

Me: Heyyyy!!! you idiot!!! ahh....ahhhh.....ahhhhhhh

Me: stop!!!

Jensen: NO!

he pushes his hip upward again, and another jolt of electricity fly through my body, and my body moved further forward

this time round he is pushing his face into my breast

Me: hello!!!!!!!! who say you can do this?

Jensen: i never ask for permission cher

Me: hey...ahhhhhhhhh......hahahahaha....stop......my ticklish

Jensen: i cannot breath, i cannot breath, i cannot breath

he is giving me lights bites on my boobs

Me: haahahahaha...idoit!!!...stop it!!!!! ahhhhhh!!!!! stoping biting me!!!

from intense fucking... we have transcend into couples love making fun


17-08-2024, 10:14 AM
Update more bro.

17-08-2024, 11:08 AM
Thanks Ts for the nice story.

17-08-2024, 11:10 AM
Update more bro.

Agreed more updates pls!

17-08-2024, 01:35 PM
Creative. Must admit guy’s imagination awesome. This deserves many bumps

18-08-2024, 01:16 PM
i had so much fun, that i forgot that i am still sitting on his dick

the more i struggle playing with him

the happier i am

the more i rock on his body

the harder his cock gets

he is always trying to grab me, while i am try to pushes him away

i tries to anticipate the move that he will push his hip upward and push me forward to me

i counter it by trying to push downward whenever i sense he is doing that

he is now tickling me, and i am pushing his hand away.

he move his hand to my breast again, and i am using my hand to cover

i can sense he is going to do that again. that hip movement

the moment i feel his hip initiate the movement up

i sit harder on it



he is looking at me

i am looking at me


he tries to move his hip again

i counter again by sitting harder on it

Jensen: AHHHHH!!!


my breathing is getting faster

his breathing too

my nipples is hard

his cock hard

did something goes wrong

he didnt move

i dodnt move

i can see his face flushed

i can feel mine too

he tries to move his hip again

i will stop this once and for all

just when he is moving up

i sit down hard and fast on it



his cock is very hard

and it is hitting my womb

i cannot believe what is happening

his hip is moving again

and i sat on his cock again



oh my god..what are we gonna do?


18-08-2024, 06:00 PM
Jensen: i think we better stop here.. too intense

He is breathing heavily

Me:yes...yes... you are right

my face totally flushed... breathing as quick as him

i tries to stand up, then realize i have no strength on my legs anymore

and i fell backwards

i can feel his cock slipping out, and it felt empty inside my vagina suddenly


i was trying to catch my breath a bit while lying on the bed, when he came to my back

without any invitation, he lift up one of my legs

not sure what happen to my brain, i push my butt backward to welcome him

and he pushes his cock into me

that emptiness has been filled again

he started moving his hip forward and backward

i beging to move my butt in synchronization with his thrusting

Jensen: mmmphhh mmmphhh mmmphhh mmmphhh mmmphhh

Me: ahh..ahhhh....mmmmmmmmm......ahhhhhhh

Jensen: piak...piak....piak....piak....ahhhh..

Me: mmmmmmm......ahhhhhhhhh

the room is silent

with nothing but our moaning


18-08-2024, 06:01 PM
i am totally enjoying it

he is not going fast like before

but slow and sensual

i can feel his cock rub past my g spot everytime he pushes in

everytime he moves his hip backward, and his cock slips out, i feel and emptiness

and immediately he fill up that emptiness again

this love hate relationship killing in

i wanted his cock to move, yet i do not want that empty feeling, yet i love the feeling of being filled up again

i am moaning and moaning non stop

Me: ahhhhhh....ahhhhhh.....urggghhhhh......mmmmmmmm... ...ahhhhhhhhh

Jensen: ohhhhhh.....urghhhh.......mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmm


18-08-2024, 08:16 PM
I have a friend she have a beauty face nice body and white skin and she so hot
And oneday we made an event to gather with friends before the high school farewell,,,and the event was quite fun we brought musical instrument,singing together and at night we made a campfire and drank beer,soju,whisky and we so high.

One by one a few friends entered their respective rooms and only the two of us,were left and started talking a bit in asking the boyfriend dream joke and the night atmosphere was getting colder and darker because we stayed in the mountain area.

After that i invited hi to take him to this room and we started walking...on the way to the room because the camfire distance and the room is quite far,Yuriko started walking very close and she seemed to scared because of the lack of lighting,my heart was beating fast because it was getting closer and suddenly there was a sound of bird from the direction of the mountain which was quite loud and she hug me and everthing has change. To be continue:D:D:D

18-08-2024, 08:19 PM
I have a friend she have a beauty face nice body and white skin and she so hot
And oneday we made an event to gather with friends before the high school farewell,,,and the event was quite fun we brought musical instrument,singing together and at night we made a campfire and drank beer,soju,whisky and we so high.

One by one a few friends entered their respective rooms and only the two of us,were left and started talking a bit in asking the boyfriend dream joke and the night atmosphere was getting colder and darker because we stayed in the mountain area.

After that i invited hi to take him to this room and we started walking...on the way to the room because the camfire distance and the room is quite far,Yuriko started walking very close and she seemed to scared because of the lack of lighting,my heart was beating fast because it was getting closer and suddenly there was a sound of bird from the direction of the mountain which was quite loud and she hug me and everthing has change. To be continue:D:D:D

Continue bro

18-08-2024, 08:25 PM
I have a friend she have a beauty face nice body and white skin and she so hot
And oneday we made an event to gather with friends before the high school farewell,,,and the event was quite fun we brought musical instrument,singing together and at night we made a campfire and drank beer,soju,whisky and we so high.

One by one a few friends entered their respective rooms and only the two of us,were left and started talking a bit in asking the boyfriend dream joke and the night atmosphere was getting colder and darker because we stayed in the mountain area.

After that i invited hi to take him to this room and we started walking...on the way to the room because the camfire distance and the room is quite far,Yuriko started walking very close and she seemed to scared because of the lack of lighting,my heart was beating fast because it was getting closer and suddenly there was a sound of bird from the direction of the mountain which was quite loud and she hug me and everthing has change. To be continue:D:D:D

More bro so interested meh

19-08-2024, 08:21 AM
This thread is a damn confusing one. 1st we thought is an incest story. But after almost 1 yr son still haven’t even gotten anywhere near. Never even play with the mum’s lingerie. Then now we have a champion trying to tell his story here about camp fire. 🙄

20-08-2024, 10:10 AM
i am not thinking anymore. again

i just want to live in this moment

i was drowning in my lust, and he spoke into my ears

Jensen: let me come up on top of you

i just nod my head with my eyes still close

i lie with my back on his bed

he opens up my leg into a V

he is looking at my pussy

he cock pointing at it

he looked at me in my eys

i didnt speak a word

i move my left hand to his waist

and i pull him into me

i fucking want his cock to fill my empty pussy


20-08-2024, 10:10 AM
he is doing it slow..and steady

he uses his cock head to open up my pussy lips

he uses some of my juice near my clit to lubricate his cock head

he is searching for the entrance

he found it

he pushes in bit by bit

ohh!!! he cock head has entered

he is pushing is mm by mm

i can feel like cock opening up my vagina wall

and filled that empty space up

the muscle on my vagina wall contracts, and tries to squeeze his cock

but his cock is too hard

all i can feel is 2 pieces of meat touch each other

and all the nerves inside my vagina wall is in estacy

i rolled my eyes backward.......

i can filled....

i pull him towards me

and i french it

like a lover


20-08-2024, 11:13 AM
I have a friend she have a beauty face nice body and white skin and she so hot
And oneday we made an event to gather with friends before the high school farewell,,,and the event was quite fun we brought musical instrument,singing together and at night we made a campfire and drank beer,soju,whisky and we so high.

One by one a few friends entered their respective rooms and only the two of us,were left and started talking a bit in asking the boyfriend dream joke and the night atmosphere was getting colder and darker because we stayed in the mountain area.

After that i invited hi to take him to this room and we started walking...on the way to the room because the camfire distance and the room is quite far,Yuriko started walking very close and she seemed to scared because of the lack of lighting,my heart was beating fast because it was getting closer and suddenly there was a sound of bird from the direction of the mountain which was quite loud and she hug me and everthing has change. To be continue:D:D:D

Pls start your own thread instead of hijacking others.

20-08-2024, 05:25 PM
he increases his speed

i am moaning like hell

my eyes are closed

totally enjoying him making love to me

he has this magical cock that conquered my pussy

i wanted him to so much

or rather i wanted it so much


Jensen: ohhhh baby..... ahhhhh.....ahhhhhhhh

i huged him tighther

i don't want to let him go

he is now kiss my neck

then behind my ear

then he bite my ear lop

then he drill his tongue into my ear

i can hear his breathing

i can hear his moaning

i can hear him catch his breath

we are both fighting for the same oxygen near our face

Jensen: ahhh....ahhhhhh...ahhhhhh...ahhhhhhhh..ahhhhhhhhhh hhh

i can feel his cock harden

i hugged him tigher

no way i am letting him go


24-08-2024, 12:05 PM
Waiting for updates

24-08-2024, 08:03 PM
camping for more

25-08-2024, 04:59 PM
his movement is getting bigger and bigger

and his thrust is getting harder and harder

i am holding him as tigth as i can

i am moaning into his ears

his back is full of sweat

my body of full of sweat

i not sure is it sweat or juice, but its all mixed together

i am losing my strength to hold him

oh my god! i lost it

Me: ahhhh!!!!!!

Jensen: are you ready for it

i nodded

his strong arm is holding onto my waist

and started his thrust

every thrust is carefully planned

his cock head with brush through my g-spot

his cock head will pierce through my vagina wall as they start to close

and his cock head will hit the end

my moaning is getting louder and louder

i can no longer hear his breating

i can no longer hear our flesh smacking into each other

it is just my moaning


25-08-2024, 05:00 PM
his thursting is so fast and furious that it is sending shockwaves after shockwaves through my body

i just want to make him happy

i want him to fuck my pussy hard

he move so fast that his cock slip out a few times

but i am so fucking wet that he can pushes back in immediately

i am no longer moaning

i am screaming

Me: AHH!! AHH!! OHH!! OHH!! OHH!! OHH!! AHH!! AHH!!

just do whatever you want to me

i don't fuck care anymore


26-08-2024, 06:54 AM
How come the fucking got no ending one ah:rolleyes: and also out of context.

27-08-2024, 12:14 AM
Great share TS. Support for more updates. :)

29-08-2024, 10:09 PM
he is picking up his pace

Jensen: i am cumming

Me: yes...yes...

Jensen: are you cumming too

Me: yes......yes....ahhhhhhhhhhh....ahhhhhh

Jensen: what can i do to you

Me: anything.........just let me cummmmmmmm!

he gave a few forceful and deep thrust


i came again for the night

He pulled out immediately

point his cock at my mouth

not knowing what is going to happen, my tounge twirl around his hot cock

then suddenly streams and stream of hot cum started shotting near my chin

my mouth is wide open catch for air

and some went in


he continues to shoot a few more, and i can feel his hot cum dripping down my chin

he finally came

its over

this rendevous is over

i oped my eye to look at him

with a commanding look

he said

Jensen:suck me clean

without thinking, i responded

Me: yes master


end of season 1

03-09-2024, 04:14 AM
Pls season 2 3 4 or even 5 pls quick updates...

03-09-2024, 11:23 PM
Look forward to Season 2 :)

04-09-2024, 12:56 AM
“Yes master”…. Nice..

22-10-2024, 04:36 PM
Chapter 2

Not sure what time is it, but i changed back into my clothes (with a body still smell like sex), and went home

as i enter the door, i am greeted by the same quietness that i came to live with

the darkness

the emptiness

the loneliness

i went up to my room, took of my clothes, and took a hot shower

i need to wash away that smell

that smell of humiliation

that smell of slavery

that smell of excitement

that smell of sex

that smell of exhiliration

i put a thin under wear

and a small top

i am not incline for something too heavy

as my body is still sensitive

i looked at myself in the mirror

i grabbed my phone

and start snapping picture of myself


Although i am nearing 40, i kept my shape well

My breast are still firm

there are no scars on my body

i shaved myself clean

I am still desireable

I am still wanted

The cold aircon is blowing on my skin

My nipples are sensitive

and pinches my nipples

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh

feels so goooooooooddd

i can feel my pussy getting wet again

i can feel a wet patch, again

i felt so sexy

it is getting wet, i crosses my leg

while still looking at myself through my phone


then i realized

there's a few miss call

ah boy called me

how did i miss his call?

its already 2am, and his last call is at 1230am

i called him back

Me: hey, you called?

ah boy: hey mom, what happen to you. you went MIA

Me: oh (face blushing, not sure what to tell him, i better tell a lie)

Me: i was out my with agency friend, and we had a few drinks. I left my phone on silent, so missed you call. Is everything all alright

ah boy: yeah yeah. all ok. i am doing my duty now, but its a rest break now. my turn will be at 3am

Me: is it safe

ah boy: hell ya it safe. How did your night go?

memories came rushing back of what i went through this evening

my face is starting to burn up

Me: its a good. we were talking about the latest product at bugis, and how we can market it (im lying again).

ah boy: over drinks?

me: yeah, yeah, over drinks

ah boy: did you drink alot?

me: not really, just enough to makes me feel happy (this is the truth)

ah boy: so did any guy tries to know you? hahaa

me: hahahahaha. well... you know your mom is still has a market right (this is the truth)

ah boy: well you should. you shouldnt waste your life on me.

me: you are such a darling

ah boy: so tell me how those guys trying to hit on you? maybe i can learn a little

me: well. the usual, drinks, chatting (that is the truth)

i am recalling the night

my face is burning up

ah boy: do did they make any advances

me: you shouldnt ask that! too personal!

ah boy: you told me to always speak my mind

me: well..what did i get myself into now

Me: the usual, drinks, look at me into my eyes, moving my fringe away, its kinda special

ah boy: woah..sound like a good plan

Me: hahaha, sure it did

i am trying to explain how my night go, without going into too much details

but everytime i tries to do that, images of what really happens came flooding into my mind

as i was recollecting what happened, i started to pinch my nipples


my nipples needs to be pinch and twisted now. it wanted those sensation

as i continues to speak and touch my breast, my left hand subconsciously moved to my pussy


me: mmm...yeah. so he works in the army...but he didnt tell me more...mmmmm

ah boy: yeah, there are top secrets unit from what i hear from my sergent

me: yaaaa... but he is a nice chap....mmmmmmm.....

ah boy: mom, you ok? why are you making weird sound? are you falling asleep?

me: yaaaaa.......i am sleepyyyyyy.....mmmmmmmm.......

ah boy: ok, you rest well. i'll be back in no time

me: okkk........mmm.. you take good......care......of.....youself.....ahhhhh

ah boy: good night

i dropped the phone, and used my free hand to pinch my nipples again


all the air inside my lung were released

and electricty went up my spine again

i just came again

and i felt asleep

22-10-2024, 04:37 PM
My perspective

Me: hey buddy, my mom making weird sound

Buddy: like what?

Me: like she is fucking

Buddy: hollllly shittttt. why are you telling this bro

Me: nothing. it is just weird

Buddy: she brought someone home?

Me: i dont think so

Buddy: maybe she is touching herself

Me: hmmmm...maybe

Buddy: hehehehehehe. what are you thinking now? this is fucking incest!

Me: shit you leh. eh, show me your secret video leh

Buddy: nonono.

Me: tell me what is needed to show me that video

Buddy: hmmmmm

Me: i help you pack fieldpack

Buddy: nope

Me: i help you shine your shoe

Buddy: nope

me: i help you tidy your bed for a week

Buddy: nope

Me: so tell me what you want?

Buddy: hm...show me more photos of your mom!

Me: what the fuck. dont be a fucker leh

Buddy: well. show picture for video. good deal right

Me: you are really a fucker

and then, i open her IG account

he started to browse her IG

my mom seldom update her IG, and most of it were years ago, where she is still fairly young

The last few year when she was studying, she found some fun in doing GRMW, and it is obvious my buddy spend alot more time looking at those video


Me: hey, now you know who she is, now is my turn

Buddy: deal

The first video is a girl sucking a dick

Me: is this you?

Buddy: yeah

Me: sure boh... you cock so big

Buddy: hello, im a made of steel

Me: man of steal la. ur stomach so flabby, dun fake

Buddy: bluff you for fuck


She was sucking and licking him up and down, and she is totally enjoying it

I on the volume louder, and i can hear both the man and women moaning

Man: oh yeahhh... suck it harder

Women: mmmpphhhhh....mpppphhhhh.... sluuuurrrrrrpp

me: ok, it did really sound like you now

buddy: of course

Me: especially when he moans, it sounds like you dying at the end of 2.4km

buddy: then dont watch

Me: OKOKOK. i stop poking you

at the end of the short video, i can see buddy shooting on her face


Me: why would they allow you to do that?

Buddy: because im handsome

Me: talk cock. why?

Buddy: because they love me

Me: LOL. what the fuck

Buddy: because i asked them to

Me: and they listen?

Buddy: why not? some girls just likes to be given instruction.

Me: meaning?

Buddy: meaning when sex dominates them, they will do whatever you tell them to. As long as you play the game right

The next video, i can see him rubbing his cock on her ass crack

he was rubbing it up and down, and she is moaning

Me: same session

Buddy: no, this is 1hr later

Me: she still in the mood?

Buddy: it didnt stop even after i came. she has yet to be fucked. she just wanted to stimulate her

Me: zhuuuuunnn booooooo

Buddy: of course lah!


as her rub, he started to move her thong sideway, and he is rubbing raw at her pussy

the next video, the video change angle. It is now filming side way

it shows him fucking her. And he is moaning damm loud


Me: you went raw?

Buddy: yeah

Me: not scare?

Buddy: i will pull out

Me: what if accident?

Buddy: she will get the pills

Me: why will she want to go through this

Buddy: well, after 1 hour of sexually stimulating her, pushing her to the edge of climax time after time, all she want by then is a good fuck

Me: .................

Buddy: try it next time. dont fuck a women. just play with them. dont make them cum. when she can no longer control her desire, you will be in control

Me: ok

Sergeant: Detal 1. Get ready. You turn to prowl

Me & Buddy: yes sergent!

22-10-2024, 04:38 PM
My mom's perspective

Its sunday, and i woke up rather late

It is raining, and i had a few message on client cancelling appointment

from a usual busy sunday, i now had a free sunday

with nothing in my agenda, i went to the gym

as i begin to run, some sweat started to form

the same after sex stickiness feeling

i felt out of breath after just 5min.

what is wrong with me

i went to the weights machine, and my body is just lacking the energy

i tried to do squats, but my legs are just not listening to me

i exited the gym after just 15min

i went back home, feeling totally restless

it is raining, but the whole house is just so warm and stuffy

my breathing is not regulated

i cant sit still

i am pacing up and down my house

tried drying my laundry

tried cleaning the toilet

tried cleaning the kitchen

tried clearing the messy shelves

i gave up on every task the moment i started

i saw some documents on the desk, i went to tidy them up

i saw a file on the table

it is the most recent asset progression plan that i did

i felt shiver down my spine

it is Jensen

He didnt not sign the contract to have him as his exclusive agent

should i just drop this?

or should i pursure

we just crossed the line last night, and there is no turning back

if i decided to meet him, i am not sure what will happen to us next.

maybe i should call this off, and ended this relationship

even if i decided to call this off, i still need to be professional and send him a note

i sat down on my sofa, and weighing the different possibilities

the warm and stuffy room is making me agitated

i decided to pick up the courage and text him

Me: hey Jensen, this is XXX. I would like to follow up on your asset progression plan, and you signing me as your exclusive agent. shall i meet at your place to complete the contract

OH NO!!!!!!!!





next moment, a message reply

Jensen: OK. come over. now

so demanding. what is he treating me as?

Me: OK


22-10-2024, 04:39 PM
my perspective

it is 8am, and we finally completed our guard duty

it is sunday, and the whole camp is rather quiet

we went to the cookhouse for breakfast, and back to our bunk to rest

we are required to report to ops room at 12noon for lunch and 6pm for dinner before the rest of them are back

while bathing, images goes through my mind

what is my mom doing last night?

where did she go?

who did she meet?

what happen?

many things going through my mind

then i recall my buddy commenting on my mum

Buddy: bro, you sure she is your mom?

Buddy: you sure you are her kid? are you adopted

Buddy: she looks good man

Buddy: she doesnt look her age

Buddy: wow, she so happening meh

sighhhh... what have i done
i finish up my shower, dry myself, and back to the bunk

by then my buddy already asleep, and snoring

i was lying on my bed. looking at the fan spinning

i fell asleep

01-11-2024, 10:43 AM
Mom's perspective

i am at the lobby

i had been pacing around ION for a while, unsure of if this is the right thing to do

i had to be professional, lock him up. He is a 5figure comission buyer

I continue to brain wash myself

this is work

this is my profession

this is for my financial indepenance

i walked to his residence

the security guard saw me

i went up to register my name

Me: do you need to call Jensen that i am here?

Security: he already told me. you can go up now

my heart is beating really fast

no need to register myself?

even the security guard is expecting me?

what am i?


i am his agent

i am here to sign the exclusive contract

i am not his bitch

or a whore

that he can just simply inform the security to let me up

my mind is set

i need to stop this

i pressed the lift


the door opened

i press his floor
the door opened

i walked to his door

shall i call him first

or give him a text

or should i walked away

i am pacing left and right infront of his door

not knowing what to do


the door opened

Jensen: what are you waiting for? come in

01-11-2024, 10:44 AM
my perspective

i am walking in a room

its dark

my eye can barely make out where i am

but the layout looks familiar

its like my home

but messier

i am at the upper level (this is where my mom sleeps)

and i can hear some sound at the kitchen

it is a bulgar?

did i forgot to close my door when i came home?

i opened the door slowly to avoid making any sound

i can hear 2 person talking

but i cannot make out what they are talking about

i slowly moved down the stairs

and slowly crawl towards the kitchen

hiding behind the kitchen island

i saw 2 person


the guy is forcing the lady to touch his cock

the lady seems unwilling

as i crawled nearer and nearer, i got a fucking shock

its my buddy and my mom

they are talking

she is shaking her heah

his right hand is holding her left

and he is pulling it to his cock


Buddy: he is asleep

Mom: nooooo.. what if he wakes up

Buddy: i slept with him 5 days a week. he sleep like a log

Mom: but what if

Buddy: the doors are closed. if he opens it, we can hear right

Mom: but....

the resistance from her face are fading


he is now pressing her hand hand on his cock

and then he is using his hand and attacking my mom's intimate area

her eyes closes

Mom: but... but

Buddy: no more but

Mom: but we are not suppose to be doing this

Buddy: but you opened the door

Mom: but..but..


Buddy: this is what we wanted

Buddy: this is what you wanted

Buddy: you need to let go

Mom: but...im in my house, with him upstairs

Buddy: Stop talking you you #%^@%

i cannot make out what he is saying

he pulled her in and kissed her


she broked free, and he turned her over

Mom: nooooooo.......ahhhhh...

he his hugging her, and he pulled down one of the sleeves, and kissing her collar

Mom: mmmmmmmm.....ahhhh...don't do this.....

Buddy: shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... you are going to wake up him

Mom: mmm...mmmmmm...mmmmmmmmmmmm


like a master, he pulled it down further, togetherwith her bra cup, exposing her breast

immediately, his finger found her nipples, and started twisting it

Mom: mmmm...mmmmmm...mmmmmm....mmmmmmmmm....

she keeps on shaking her head
Mom: nooooooooooooooooo......

sensing resistence, his hand went under her skirt, pulled it up, and his hand went into her panty

a moan escape her mouth

and she's trying her best to muffle it


02-11-2024, 01:50 PM
Where is this story going man..

03-11-2024, 04:46 AM
my perspective

i am walking in a room

its dark

my eye can barely make out where i am

but the layout looks familiar

its like my home

but messier

i am at the upper level (this is where my mom sleeps)

and i can hear some sound at the kitchen

it is a bulgar?

did i forgot to close my door when i came home?

i opened the door slowly to avoid making any sound

i can hear 2 person talking

but i cannot make out what they are talking about

i slowly moved down the stairs

and slowly crawl towards the kitchen

hiding behind the kitchen island

i saw 2 person


the guy is forcing the lady to touch his cock

the lady seems unwilling

as i crawled nearer and nearer, i got a fucking shock

its my buddy and my mom

they are talking

she is shaking her heah

his right hand is holding her left

and he is pulling it to his cock


Buddy: he is asleep

Mom: nooooo.. what if he wakes up

Buddy: i slept with him 5 days a week. he sleep like a log

Mom: but what if

Buddy: the doors are closed. if he opens it, we can hear right

Mom: but....

the resistance from her face are fading


he is now pressing her hand hand on his cock

and then he is using his hand and attacking my mom's intimate area

her eyes closes

Mom: but... but

Buddy: no more but

Mom: but we are not suppose to be doing this

Buddy: but you opened the door

Mom: but..but..


Buddy: this is what we wanted

Buddy: this is what you wanted

Buddy: you need to let go

Mom: but...im in my house, with him upstairs

Buddy: Stop talking you you #%^@%

i cannot make out what he is saying

he pulled her in and kissed her


she broked free, and he turned her over

Mom: nooooooo.......ahhhhh...

he his hugging her, and he pulled down one of the sleeves, and kissing her collar

Mom: mmmmmmmm.....ahhhh...don't do this.....

Buddy: shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... you are going to wake up him

Mom: mmm...mmmmmm...mmmmmmmmmmmm


like a master, he pulled it down further, togetherwith her bra cup, exposing her breast

immediately, his finger found her nipples, and started twisting it

Mom: mmmm...mmmmmm...mmmmmm....mmmmmmmmm....

she keeps on shaking her head
Mom: nooooooooooooooooo......

sensing resistence, his hand went under her skirt, pulled it up, and his hand went into her panty

a moan escape her mouth

and she's trying her best to muffle it


JAV number ty

Good story but the timeskip abit awkward

03-11-2024, 09:19 AM
Nice and thanks for updates.

03-11-2024, 09:21 AM
Please keep the stories coming.

03-11-2024, 10:20 AM
Very nice story, camping for more!

05-11-2024, 09:29 PM
Marvelous story here. Strong support.

07-11-2024, 01:29 PM
Mom had never remarried and rarely dated since. Most relationship ended with her boyfriend not wanting a baggage. Eventually she stopped. She seemed to throw all of her time and energy into my upbringing. At 18, I had finished JC. Enter army, Due to my good grades and competitive in sports, I secured a full scholarship to NUS once i ORD. (Cant say which scholarship, but it is from a huge GLC). Everything seems to be in place for me and planned, but the moment i ORD-ed......

09-11-2024, 02:34 PM
Everyone thought its headed towards incest, but this buddy with mom thing throws a curveball but exciting….lol

07-01-2025, 12:37 AM
Bro xiaosiong , pls update soon. Panda here awaiting after reading your story. Pls come back for updates ☺️☺️