View Full Version : Incest roleplay paid services

05-10-2023, 04:20 PM
Hi all, wondering if anyone had the opportunity to experience role incest roleplay paid services?

05-10-2023, 05:39 PM
Hi all, wondering if anyone had the opportunity to experience role incest roleplay paid services?

If you have the cash to burn...............many sex fantasy are purchasable.

What you request is nothing difficult and just asking the paid service to treat you as a son (assuming you are a male) during copulation :D

05-10-2023, 08:35 PM
Hi all, wondering if anyone had the opportunity to experience role incest roleplay paid services?

Tbh, it’s not difficult to get what you fantasize from paid services. Just go dome1 and text the okts to request. I’m sure they can find someone who can fulfill your fantasy.

Alternatively, go HC dome and look up MM or TT. Role play- sisters and bro-in-law is in their regular menu. Or you want aunt/ mother/ grandmother or whatsoever, you ask they’ll fulfill.

There’re also some in massage dome who does role play in uniforms, airline, nurse, lingerie etc.

You only live once, go fulfill your fantasy fast.

06-10-2023, 09:20 AM
If you have the cash to burn...............many sex fantasy are purchasable.

Tbh, it’s not difficult to get what you fantasize from paid services.

U 2 implying TS is a moron huh? I wild guess nia, mai angry hor..:D

Nope..i neber tried, sorry can't sic TS. :D

06-10-2023, 09:46 AM
Hi all, wondering if anyone had the opportunity to experience role incest roleplay paid services?

i have had gals In GL calling me 爸爸 and 小叔 when i fuck them
Have to admit it sounded queer in chinese tho :D

06-10-2023, 07:06 PM
U 2 implying TS is a moron huh? I wild guess nia, mai angry hor..:D

Nope..i neber tried, sorry can't sic TS. :D

Lol. Just sharing with a probably young inexperience chap that this world is more colorful than he thinks. As he thought roleplay is hard to find, still need opportunity to experience

06-10-2023, 10:30 PM
If you are working, just look for an ah Soh at your work place to fuck. These days got so many, just chat chat abit and flatter them their chee byes wet wet, while their men are fucking xiao mei meis out there. The best thing is some of them know it, but because of face and practical concerns they stay put in their marriages. But love is already long dead, and their cheebyes are damn itchy. How do I know? When they talk to you, the hunger in their eyes. Some you can literally smell the lust. Many are just waiting for you to incite and invite them. Don’t be lazy. Money can’t buy you everything

04-10-2024, 10:44 AM
Hi all, wondering if anyone had the opportunity to experience role incest roleplay paid services?

04-10-2024, 07:20 PM
Wow that's exciting