View Full Version : Car-less people how you hide traveling trace

24-10-2023, 09:40 PM
Any bros got tips for deleting ride history for ride hailing apps?
looks like grab and tada don't allow to delete ride history

Any tips for this?

24-10-2023, 09:55 PM
Any bros got tips for deleting ride history for ride hailing apps?
looks like grab and tada don't allow to delete ride history

Any tips for this?

If u scared of taking public transport u can always walk or ride bicycle.

24-10-2023, 09:58 PM
Any bros got tips for deleting ride history for ride hailing apps?
looks like grab and tada don't allow to delete ride history

Any tips for this?

Don't take it directly to the ML's address. I normally take ride to a restaurant nearby so I can say that I went there for a meal.. or meals in this case, if you know what I mean.

25-10-2023, 02:55 AM
If your partner suspicious type, hard to explain frequent trips.
For me, after a while I really forget where I went and for what.
The gf believes me cos I am that type of person.
She don't check my movement tho.

25-10-2023, 11:18 AM
Any bros got tips for deleting ride history for ride hailing apps?
looks like grab and tada don't allow to delete ride history

Any tips for this?

Get an extra sim .. if on Android create a new profile for cca ..use grab in alternate profile logged in with the second phone number
Just pray your suspicious girl friend not so tech savvy to spot and open the extra profile on your phone
Some Huawei and china phones give an option of app clone and applocker .. can also explore that to hide the activities

25-10-2023, 06:06 PM
On those apps, if you cannot delete the history, as least try to delete the email receipts that you get.

For public transport, need to be aware not to link your ez-link card to an account.

If die die have to take cab, don't rely on applications. For now, still got enough taxi density to flag down from road side.

26-10-2023, 02:48 PM
for traveling, you can pay cash on bus + buy 1 off tickets at mrt stations this one most secure for hiding trace.

if paying cash too expensive/troublesome, then u want to buy a cashcard from 7-11 use as ez-link card. beware that anyone who gets their hand on the card may be able to see its history

if high SES want to avoid peasant on public transport. get a prepaid sim card, register a new grab account under the new number, pay for your rides with cash. good to have a separate phone for best practice

if a combination of the above methods still dont work for you, there is always the option to walk. SG v small and govt encourages walking :D

27-10-2023, 11:35 AM
for traveling, you can pay cash on bus + buy 1 off tickets at mrt stations
if paying cash too expensive

Aiyo.. 没这么大的头,别戴这么大的帽 ba.. Tiagong there's a storm ahead hor.. :D

27-10-2023, 12:40 PM
Easier to just change ur gf :rolleyes:

28-10-2023, 03:20 PM
Easier to just change ur gf :rolleyes:

Best reply :D :D

29-10-2023, 05:10 PM
Why is your gf/wife so suspicious of you ?
Got caught before ?

30-10-2023, 07:17 AM
Use different app. Then deletw the app when not in use. When wanna use, download

30-10-2023, 03:23 PM
Why is your gf/wife so suspicious of you ?
Got caught before ?

Thanks for upping, up u back +156

16-11-2023, 05:31 PM
Based on your question you already done the deed and want to cover trail.

I strongly suggest you delete your app and close account for the time being. Say got issue and you open again and see how.

On a side note, if your gf check until this level I think you 2 should just break up.

If is wife then bo bian. Better follow the advice of the rest of the bros here.

17-11-2023, 10:49 PM
Use a 2nd hp with another number


Use one PHV app for yr cheonging trips. Check your hp whether got a hide app function. Hide the app whenever not in use.

Last resort, hail from street and pay cash.

Any bros got tips for deleting ride history for ride hailing apps?
looks like grab and tada don't allow to delete ride history

Any tips for this?

18-11-2023, 01:18 AM
Easier to just change ur gf :rolleyes:

Lol y not jus be single, can piak all the ladies u wan??