View Full Version : Any ktv pub type with working ger ?

01-11-2023, 03:53 AM
Hi all Bros I am totally new to JB chiong scene and wanted to start exploring the area .

Are there ktv pub type like Joo chiet / Geylang in JB?
Like end of the day give the ladies tips . Would prefer Vietnamese ger.

As I go thru a few pages seem like mostly is those ktv night club or hang flower joint which I not really into it .

Thank you 😊

01-11-2023, 04:47 PM
Follow as well.. interested to know

01-11-2023, 09:11 PM
read somewhere here is at the Zon level 4.
but i donno, never go b4, dont quote me.

04-11-2023, 10:31 AM
read somewhere here is at the Zon level 4.
but i donno, never go b4, dont quote me.

Thank you . The Zon is hotel place ? Sorry I am not familiar with JB

05-11-2023, 11:11 PM
Thank you . The Zon is hotel place ? Sorry I am not familiar with JB

The zone is a duty free area with hotels, pubs and discotheque.just type Berjaya waterfront hotel on Google map and it will take you there.

07-11-2023, 01:29 PM
The zone is a duty free area with hotels, pubs and discotheque.just type Berjaya waterfront hotel on Google map and it will take you there.

Thank you 😊

08-11-2023, 11:29 PM
The zone is a duty free area with hotels, pubs and discotheque.just type Berjaya waterfront hotel on Google map and it will take you there.

Bro, you look very familiar with that Avatar.
Do i know you...:)


16-11-2023, 12:58 AM
Hi all Bros I am totally new to JB chiong scene and wanted to start exploring the area .

Are there ktv pub type like Joo chiet / Geylang in JB?
Like end of the day give the ladies tips . Would prefer Vietnamese ger.

As I go thru a few pages seem like mostly is those ktv night club or hang flower joint which I not really into it .

Thank you 😊

There's 1 along the stretch of "Zing Reflexology", pretty near the 3 petrol stations. Can't recall the name of the KTV pub. From outside you cant see much. Exterior not much decor. But once u go in, it feels like a sg local KTV pub vibe. Pool table using tokens, bar, standing tables etc.

But you don't go there to play pool. Waitress consists of a few milf locals, and more importantly, young siambus from Chiang mai who speaks Chinese and have Malaysia accent, and feels damn local. Buy them enough LD and they will sit and play with you. LDs has different tiers too.

But whether you can score is entirely up to your skill level ;;)

16-11-2023, 01:35 AM
Wow. Bro thank you for the information . 😊

19-11-2023, 03:10 PM
There are a lot. Depends on what you looking for. Texas in the Zon operate that way. Cheap beer, girl butterfly and accompany you drink with live band. Pool table at level 2. The whole area at The Zon duty free have a lot but it tends to get crowded which I always skip that area. Exit from The Zon also always have police road block. Don’t drive there if you tend to drink.

Mount Austin area, Johor Jaya area which nearer to where I stay also have a lot. Less crowded but beer more pricey and LD more expensive compare to The Zon which just give RM50 tips.

11-12-2023, 02:20 PM
There are a lot. Depends on what you looking for. Texas in the Zon operate that way. Cheap beer, girl butterfly and accompany you drink with live band. Pool table at level 2. The whole area at The Zon duty free have a lot but it tends to get crowded which I always skip that area. Exit from The Zon also always have police road block. Don’t drive there if you tend to drink.

Mount Austin area, Johor Jaya area which nearer to where I stay also have a lot. Less crowded but beer more pricey and LD more expensive compare to The Zon which just give RM50 tips.

I was under the impression that Texas has close down. They is a new pub at the hotel.

Or you can go to q club at level 4 of the mall... Siam diu concept but Viet girls.
Tips 50 rm onwards

16-01-2024, 02:51 PM
NZ SPA Berjaya Waterfront Hotel Level 7

距离上一次写的免税区The Zon真实现况快接近1年了!跟去年相比今年的变化真大,餐馆,酒吧,商场,酒店,花场,KTV,Club 都有新的更新!让我一一向你们道来��

金尊club,zon 51 club,Vaxx /Taxx shanghai club,Avenue Pub,Moonlight Pub,Sunsent Pub,chill Club,level 5 live Band Palm louge
花场:Taxx shanghai Club,Zon 51 Club (Rm350-400)一箱啤酒

蝴蝶场:金尊club,moolight,Sunsent Pub(Rm300-400)一箱啤酒654203

liveband场:(Avenue Pub Mon-Fri)after 10pm can sing song平均消费Rm300 大概10杯+一些小吃食物选择蛮多的

4:KTV De Paradise 皇城至尊

Palm Louge buffe Sat-Sun 630pm-1030pm
Thai Restaurant
(Mei Shan Restaurant 听说会改成别综合性的料理餐馆)期待����

酒店虽然还没有什么大装修但是也提升了很多,酒店的View有新加坡夜景,高尔夫球场View,一点海景V iew(价钱都在Rm230-250)房间空间都蛮大的,未来希望可以在装修我觉得更完美

Jacuzzi,Steam Room,Sauna,TV Room,按摩脚,cafe食物都是现叫现炒,小姐都是面对面照镜
包夜,送KTV(Paradies),ABNB 摇头都有送

654207 654208654209654208
Kim >+60103773178
Nick> +60193622051
Telegram Group: https://t.me/+llqx6jvT9bMyYThl



Telegram Group:

22-01-2024, 12:34 PM
I was under the impression that Texas has close down. They is a new pub at the hotel.

Or you can go to q club at level 4 of the mall... Siam diu concept but Viet girls.
Tips 50 rm onwards

Lvl 6 new Shanghai club have Indon and Thai hang flower concept as well. I wonder if they are recycled stock from level 7 NZ spa:confused:

26-01-2024, 12:16 AM
There's 1 along the stretch of "Zing Reflexology", pretty near the 3 petrol stations. Can't recall the name of the KTV pub. From outside you cant see much. Exterior not much decor. But once u go in, it feels like a sg local KTV pub vibe. Pool table using tokens, bar, standing tables etc.

But you don't go there to play pool. Waitress consists of a few milf locals, and more importantly, young siambus from Chiang mai who speaks Chinese and have Malaysia accent, and feels damn local. Buy them enough LD and they will sit and play with you. LDs has different tiers too.

But whether you can score is entirely up to your skill level ;;)

Can check how much the LD the place u mention? Is the pub call pisco…

26-01-2024, 12:23 AM
For johor jaya pub anyone can share experience there and also LD price?