View Full Version : Year 2024 - Johor Bahru - JB - Spas & Massage & Joints (B2B - HJ - BJ - FJ)

27-11-2023, 04:41 AM
Can i take the initiative to start a new thread since its gonna be a new year soon.

Welcome all to contribute your experiences and knowledge about all JB places. Thread is mainly for purpose of consolidation so old and new members can come and refer to a single thread for all things JB.

You are welcome to use the template below to start the ball rolling.

Name of Place:
Known Services Provided:
Any WA Contact or TG group:

It's been known and hopefully will stay to be, that the SGD is stronger than MYR, hence I'm sure many brothers do cheong across the borders to get their money's worth and also to experience something outside of our own SG backyard.

It'll be of great help to all old and new brothers here who can share and contribute so we all can help one another.

27-11-2023, 04:46 AM
Name of Place: King Spa 1 + King Spa 2
Location: Google Maps / Waze
Known Services Provided: Massages with additional extras
Any WA Contact or TG group:
https://t.me/JBkingspa (Mostly TCSS and occasionally reviews)