View Full Version : What kind of approach to be FB/FWB

15-12-2023, 12:38 PM
As for me, i would ask a few more questions from lady, eg if she has no bf how she settle it? If got bf, if she is open enough i will ask if her sex life ok? Will go in further and ask if she is willing open up. Would like to know how fellow samsters approach too, feel free to input sharing is caring!

15-12-2023, 12:44 PM
Just ask them straight "ai sio gan mai?" :D:D:D:p

The older I get the more I realise all the beat round the bush, scene-setting just to try and ask a girl to hook up with you is time-wasting nonsense, and more likely than not result in the girl seeing you no up because you can't even have the balls to be direct and ask them straight if they wanna fuck. High chance any girl you even are considering hooking up with is in a real life environment/online app whereby they know exactly what they are getting into and why guys might show interest in them.

The worst that can happen to you being direct and asking them is that they say no; the best that can happen is they say yes and you two hook up. Once you make this mental leap of faith and see through all the PUA bullshit, ironically you will find yourself trying to hook up with FEWER girls because suddenly you realise you CAN set standards and expectations for the kind of girls you want to have as a FWB.

15-12-2023, 12:45 PM
I knew my ex-FB via Tinder. As we chatted more regularly, sexual banters come up in the convo etc. Then we also exchange views abt sex. Then we exchange photos of slightly more daring, like me in undies taking mirror selfie after gym. She take topless photo (covered the most impt parts of cos) to show me her post work out also.

Then one fine day.. the wait is too much. We checked into the hotel and thats it.

15-12-2023, 12:49 PM
Just ask them straight "ai sio gan mai?" :D:D:D:p

The older I get the more I realise all the beat round the bush, scene-setting just to try and ask a girl to hook up with you is time-wasting nonsense, and more likely than not result in the girl seeing you no up because you can't even have the balls to be direct and ask them straight if they wanna fuck. High chance any girl you even are considering hooking up with is in a real life environment/online app whereby they know exactly what they are getting into and why guys might show interest in them.

The worst that can happen to you being direct and asking them is that they say no; the best that can happen is they say yes and you two hook up. Once you make this mental leap of faith and see through all the PUA bullshit, ironically you will find yourself trying to hook up with FEWER girls because suddenly you realise you CAN set standards and expectations for the kind of girls you want to have as a FWB.

I somewhat follow same method as suggested by you. Upz you for same style

15-12-2023, 12:51 PM
I somewhat follow same method as suggested by you. Upz you for same style

Haha thanks! Will return the favour once my power renews.

16-12-2023, 05:48 PM
i more on the fast game type. If i sense she got a thing for me, i would use a very stupid questions that she is aware of i'm hinting her. Like i left my key at home and house has no one in at this moment. If she is ok to acc then 90% deal close, left with 10% choosing the venue

19-01-2024, 05:51 PM
Thx bros for the advice and tips