Polls They say the stats never lie! Place your polls here and discover whether your behaviour and opinions are mainstream or on the fringes of extreme perversion.
View Poll Results: Jamie Yeo or Fiona Xie? Who is sexier?
Jamie Yeo
09takashi ,
12121212 ,
123qwe ,
13122 ,
1tigerboy ,
2124 ,
2828 ,
3m3m3m ,
4200 ,
44mm ,
4frame ,
513513 ,
52896 ,
747JJ ,
7strike ,
Aaron09 ,
abcd1999 ,
abugga ,
Acer09 ,
adgjla ,
adrian_534 ,
Ah Goo ,
ahaven888 ,
AhLim ,
AhYe ,
ah_huat1234 ,
ah_xiao ,
Airlord ,
aisong ,
aj76ers ,
ajash ,
akan88 ,
alanthegreat ,
alff ,
All_4_Sex ,
alvintoh ,
andthenhor ,
anfield2468 ,
angels.delicacy ,
Ange|Boy ,
apac ,
armball ,
astute ,
Augustine_81 ,
av365 ,
avatar_zen ,
Axo_vampire ,
ay1010 ,
bad88 ,
badboys ,
banana boat ,
bananana ,
baragas ,
barons ,
beancurd ,
beck7777 ,
BenQ ,
bepo ,
bigfatwilly ,
bigfoot889 ,
big_cojones ,
BikinisLover ,
billabong69 ,
Bird77 ,
bjs33 ,
blackouter ,
blackpower ,
BlueBird88 ,
Bluetwigy ,
bobie ,
bobtan999 ,
bochup101 ,
bonk88 ,
bonker77 ,
bonkster78 ,
boohoo23 ,
boyboy13 ,
Braydenheng ,
Brothers ,
bryanooo ,
Bry_n ,
bsky ,
CalMonstrous ,
cancan2 ,
CandyKisses ,
Capella ,
carfield ,
castle ,
cattyyat ,
ccw1979 ,
ch18 ,
cheongsterjon ,
Cherry 2004 ,
CheungAh ,
chickenzip ,
chikoman ,
chioeves ,
Choong88 ,
christiano ,
chris_goh1984 ,
chua ,
chuawmchris ,
chun@wen ,
circle_23 ,
cloud9 ,
cocklikesteel ,
cockster87 ,
coldblood ,
colin000 ,
combatus ,
comeinat69 ,
commando23 ,
cooler07 ,
coolfire69 ,
coolteng ,
cooper ,
craptag ,
Crazy4Love ,
crazyivan6636 ,
croovy ,
CumRainer ,
cuppam1982 ,
curiouslooker ,
daimyo42 ,
danesy ,
dannywee75 ,
darkafac ,
darkness51 ,
darkschneider ,
Darrenlow ,
daveman ,
davidtan471 ,
deathryuk ,
dementorz ,
descipable ,
destiny1159 ,
Deuter1985 ,
Diamond808 ,
divers666 ,
djlethal67 ,
Doggypooh ,
dolphinz ,
dopod1980 ,
DQspyz ,
dragon545454545 ,
dragon_1823 ,
dreadlord ,
drntsh76 ,
dunnoo ,
durgarry ,
dv8er3 ,
dweeb ,
Eager2enter ,
Easydeals ,
eggplant_00 ,
elth ,
enpath ,
et911 ,
evilcube ,
Evolution4352 ,
evolve ,
Exciteme ,
farkadipa ,
fatbastardx ,
fatty001 ,
fcuk N forget ,
fififiboy ,
First ,
fishyfish ,
fl2529 ,
fly_ash ,
forgetful ,
fox78 ,
FoX999 ,
Fredz ,
freegirl ,
FreeTime ,
funfuck ,
gemini3333 ,
gene ,
Gentle Boy ,
gestapozi ,
ginger ,
Giralda ,
glenchong ,
gnky69 ,
goldmember ,
Gooduse28 ,
goon ,
grandfisher ,
gshock5600 ,
gt77 ,
hairymango ,
handcell ,
hartbeat ,
hatasang ,
Hatchetman ,
hcbj ,
Heart Break Kid ,
heartbroken ,
HeartThrow ,
hell4lif ,
Hendrich ,
hereiam ,
hermanboy123 ,
hext3r ,
hihiall ,
Historyx ,
hohoho80 ,
Hojth ,
holygod ,
HootHoot ,
hootieblwfsh ,
hor_fun ,
hottiefish ,
hot_ignis ,
huat27 ,
Hub Hub ,
huntersg ,
i00i ,
icepoint ,
ifeelhorny ,
ihs0riHk ,
ikanbilies ,
iluv69 ,
Innocentfirst ,
Instinct63 ,
Inthuran ,
iproute ,
iscariot10 ,
iseeicome ,
issan_madboy ,
itguy75 ,
ivan wonghc ,
iwantitnow ,
Iwaotoko ,
jackjack__1 ,
jamesc ,
jameslee1 ,
Jap-Lover ,
jasonz3610 ,
jc383 ,
jdi813 ,
JediMaster ,
jeff231299 ,
jeff88 ,
jejaaka ,
Jensen Ang ,
jenson_button ,
jiejielover ,
jimboi ,
jjess ,
jlkl ,
joane eagle ,
joew2005 ,
johnhermit ,
johnlim_1988 ,
johnlittle ,
johntan_68 ,
johntian ,
Jolteon ,
jt.diva ,
justin ,
jyn1989 ,
kabito ,
KangTuo ,
kattun ,
kendom7 ,
kevingkw ,
Kid A ,
killerbee ,
kingfisherman ,
kingko ,
kingkong88 ,
kitts1000 ,
kizzte ,
klbanker88 ,
know ,
knylim ,
koijio ,
koji01 ,
kokmeewong ,
konglong_88 ,
krongster ,
lahchi ,
lbs14 ,
Led Hero ,
leo2chat25 ,
leonghut2001 ,
letterl ,
levin lee ,
Levis_501 ,
lexgie_am ,
li gu li gu ,
Liana ,
lilian ,
limqw17 ,
limsuhup ,
Linksys ,
lkh111 ,
lobster ,
loudao ,
luckz83 ,
lungless ,
machoman ,
makando ,
maklung ,
makmak ,
Manchester-City ,
manl26 ,
maomao79 ,
marchboy ,
Markiee ,
masterofsound ,
maximilliondude ,
maxsteel ,
mclovin_boy ,
meandmyself ,
Megaman ,
megardstorm ,
meng0009 ,
Me_Me ,
mightyys ,
Mintboi ,
MnlBkk ,
moe11 ,
moh_moh_cha ,
monster779 ,
monsterwins ,
morer ,
MrAnMo ,
mrapple ,
mrtoulanbai ,
muffhunter ,
murano ,
mustachio ,
mystical_falcon ,
n8250 ,
naka_liew ,
Nanako ,
natralata ,
neoid ,
neuro33 ,
newbadass ,
newtonhan ,
ngngng ,
Niak66 ,
nichky ,
nickygoh ,
nightzip ,
Nitestarz ,
nizhenyoucai ,
notepad ,
o21979 ,
OcEaNx1987 ,
Oldmanliao ,
old_yet_horny ,
Onion ,
OodN ,
OralMaster ,
oranje ,
orrkahcheng ,
pantylover1982 ,
pastandnow ,
pee_diddy ,
Petrus ,
Pikadrian83 ,
pitstop ,
plantation321 ,
playb0y85 ,
poopeepee ,
purpleruzz ,
putra77 ,
pykrete ,
raider123 ,
RainTree85 ,
rakkhun399218 ,
RamBro ,
raw333333thirty ,
raymond1603 ,
RCG65 ,
re123lax ,
reeznero ,
Regular1000 ,
reno ,
revdev ,
Richard75 ,
rivcale ,
rivergod ,
robertttt ,
rockz ,
Roman city ,
Rome2 ,
ronn80 ,
rookie0644 ,
Royalhunter ,
rubber66 ,
rubikscube ,
sammyboy101 ,
sanrio10 ,
Scanner ,
scoppy ,
scorpio99 ,
secret999 ,
sensit32 ,
Sensory Sniper ,
Sentguy ,
sentsggirls ,
Sexcrazed6009 ,
sexwonderller ,
Sg35Drew ,
SGhornyguy ,
sgturboz ,
sherrry ,
shev07 ,
sianguy2006 ,
sianjipua ,
sianxxx ,
siaox ,
sibu guy ,
sicko69 ,
simp0212 ,
sinbin3333 ,
SirDennis ,
sirtuo ,
sizzly ,
Skyinnova ,
sky_gerrard ,
sliver88 ,
smallboyz ,
snakeimp ,
snbd ,
soccer_maniacr7 ,
socialsocial ,
solucky0621 ,
soulless85 ,
spade ,
SPC7 ,
speedrazor ,
Squall ,
squidmo1 ,
ssboy123 ,
StarTree ,
Steelix ,
stmapede ,
storm69 ,
strooper7 ,
stupidokt ,
sunny boy ,
Super White ,
SuperBread ,
supercheongster ,
superunderdog ,
surecan ,
suteerak1099 ,
tabtab ,
talismanicme ,
TalkingCock ,
Tallchap ,
tame77 ,
Tana1235 ,
Tatical ,
tecky03 ,
teoh75ki ,
terjjj ,
TheFallenOne ,
The_Mad ,
Thrustme83 ,
tigerzz ,
Tin Robot ,
tkjk_ ,
tomben79 ,
toothbrush ,
topkelf ,
torahlai ,
Torchic ,
totolim ,
Toyota Honda ,
triump ,
tRuStNo1 ,
ttw_62 ,
tungking75 ,
Tutankhamen ,
twintower ,
ultimates0ccer ,
UndeaD80 ,
unknown_user ,
unsung80 ,
valve ,
vin2324 ,
vinsc ,
vinzgoo ,
vinzo ,
vivsavage94115 ,
w00ters ,
wacko69 ,
wali ,
wanker10 ,
warhead ,
wasabi29 ,
watmidoin ,
webroll ,
wesley67 ,
white22 ,
willytell ,
wilsonng84 ,
wino ,
Wins88 ,
WiseOldCat ,
wll119 ,
wm1077 ,
Woah123 ,
wondering94 ,
woodychew ,
woof ,
wqjt ,
xbenq ,
xcure ,
xiaobo ,
XiaoHoUzi83 ,
xiaoqiang ,
xiaoyang ,
Xiao_Zhu168 ,
ximo ,
xjasginx ,
xxaaaxx ,
xxxdreamer ,
x|aoPiggy ,
YenMach288 ,
yifan ,
yixghjh ,
youngboy99 ,
youngsterpop ,
YummyBear ,
yvettechong79 ,
yy0202 ,
zetman8282 ,
Fiona Xie
$|im ,
正宗香烟 ,
(o)(o) Tuner ,
*FiReWoRkS* ,
..... ,
........ ,
.OSF. ,
000000 ,
003boy ,
0066 ,
071126 ,
0tah ,
1000years ,
10inch ,
112233 ,
123456789 ,
123fucker ,
123lol ,
141penang ,
1491mohteh ,
14animal ,
18sign ,
1970s ,
1redknapp1 ,
300ml ,
343GS ,
4855 ,
5815 ,
654321 ,
69 pussy seeker ,
69CIMLover ,
89757 ,
911GT3Cup ,
999999999 ,
a380ao ,
aaaaaaaaaa ,
AbandonShip ,
abapc ,
abc999 ,
abcdef4 ,
abcxyz1606 ,
abdii ,
ABeng ,
AbsoluteVodka ,
abuja ,
abz123 ,
Acdc ,
aceart1 ,
acechew2008 ,
Acer168 ,
Ace_venture ,
achi ,
AcidCoke ,
acid_rxz ,
acquaghiacciata ,
action81 ,
adam81237 ,
AdamVIII ,
Adept6969 ,
AdGuy ,
afterdark ,
agent_x ,
ah huat ,
Ah Ken ,
Ah L ,
Ahboyz ,
AhFad ,
ahhaoxx ,
ahpaul25 ,
ahpek66 ,
ahq83 ,
AhYoung ,
aikirakira ,
aka12345 ,
Akira86 ,
aklam ,
akxiuna ,
alama69 ,
Alankee ,
albertyeo ,
Alessi ,
Alien_shooter ,
allenwalker ,
alloyz ,
aloysius1976 ,
alphonse ,
aLun ,
alvinchang ,
alvnchng ,
amkamk3828 ,
anakinsextalker ,
anchor868 ,
andicy ,
andrew101 ,
AnDs ,
andyown ,
Anel King ,
ang076 ,
Angel&D ,
angrybigpenis ,
anric79 ,
Antony wong ,
apacag ,
Aphael ,
apui ,
arcanedenial ,
armpitfetish ,
arpNehX ,
Arse-nal ,
arsernal ,
Arucard ,
Asianguy ,
ass321 ,
assky ,
asspanker ,
as_as ,
Avamoric ,
axxa ,
B.Bollocks ,
B@@B_L@VER ,
baba33433 ,
Baboo ,
bac2002bac ,
bacaraat ,
bacelona ,
badboy4eva ,
Badzand ,
bake ,
bangdoll1976 ,
bapok123 ,
BatistaSG ,
bazoo ,
BeckTan ,
BeefCake ,
Beeman1024 ,
behemoth ,
beingunknown200 ,
belowthebelt ,
Benelli ,
benjerry13 ,
benlee2102 ,
Benzamania ,
Benz_Cum ,
berber ,
besafe ,
bestbest ,
Be||aDonna ,
bhp_factor ,
BiAndPretty ,
big fatty ,
BigBallMan ,
bigcow2373 ,
bigguy1980 ,
bigm ,
bigMiMi ,
bigNeNe ,
bigpenis ,
big_dick ,
Bill Lam ,
billybilly ,
billy_bonker ,
bilyzerpoa ,
bipster ,
birdie8819 ,
bivalve ,
BlackAss ,
blackhock ,
blackknight168 ,
blackpitviper ,
blacksheepwall ,
blim70 ,
blitzmeout ,
bloodyhot ,
BlowJobfan ,
Blowjob_lover ,
blowsuckme ,
blueman81 ,
bluerain0 ,
blur182 ,
blurangels ,
blurdeath ,
blursimmons ,
bmw318 ,
bobafett77 ,
bochapsing ,
bonfire ,
boobebe ,
BooBGuY ,
Boobsseeker ,
boonsiong1 ,
bossyvin ,
boy12345 ,
boyboyhello ,
boycity31 ,
boyjake ,
Boyle ,
Boys2Men ,
boysammy_065 ,
boyz1991 ,
brabribra ,
bratwurst_dick ,
Breadpig ,
brendan86 ,
briancola ,
BroAA ,
BrokenWave ,
Bronzong ,
BroRelax ,
bruderschaft ,
BST10 ,
BtmMan ,
bugmenot ,
Bull05 ,
c0rnfl4ke ,
cairol ,
canopener ,
Cao_pi ,
CapsLock ,
captain17 ,
careless09 ,
carnivore33 ,
carrothead ,
casanova ,
CashRider85 ,
catbert ,
Caterpillar ,
catfish99 ,
cathaypcf ,
catjedii ,
cazooba ,
cckman ,
Cervast ,
Chamsiong ,
chance ,
changedman21 ,
chatlovers ,
chc218 ,
chef_kong ,
ChemistryLover ,
chessepie ,
chest ,
chew6733 ,
Chicken Chickee ,
chikoner ,
chineselover ,
ChowTurTur ,
chrism ,
christan506 ,
Chua Soi Lek ,
ChuiTaLan ,
cimman305 ,
CIM_lover ,
Cissiboy ,
citizened ,
CKee ,
CKLW80 ,
CL7R ,
clb5 ,
clclcl ,
CLee2 ,
clicks ,
Clyde Frog ,
cocainechoo ,
colafantasy ,
collon ,
Consperm ,
cool33 ,
cool888 ,
coolhikaru ,
coolken1784 ,
Cougar ,
cr8tiv3 ,
crab8888 ,
crayonleon ,
Crazydudez ,
cronaldo0717 ,
Cronus ,
crystalfish78 ,
cttan ,
cufk ,
cum_in ,
Cunt ,
cuntlover81 ,
CuteBuns ,
cyber69_x69 ,
Cyberfriend ,
Cytan7 ,
czhsg ,
Dab_sbf ,
dada123 ,
Dade ,
dadevilz ,
dale43 ,
damienx ,
Dan82 ,
dangman ,
dap26 ,
darkhorse ,
darknightz ,
darktimus07 ,
darth vader ,
DarthRevan ,
darzee ,
dasparate ,
davelokesong ,
David_Ginola ,
dbidbi ,
dcrusader ,
dead123 ,
dearie ,
Deathbysex ,
dejavu5 ,
demia ,
densh ,
dentrac ,
deo1982 ,
des4747 ,
Desires ,
Desk10 ,
deszz ,
dethknight ,
devil1158 ,
devil81 ,
devilmcdean ,
deviltan ,
Devilzz ,
dexing ,
Dgds ,
DGGuess ,
dicaorez ,
dicke ,
dickyboy ,
die1900 ,
DieCockStand ,
diGeorge ,
dirk_diggler ,
diulei ,
djfunkmaster ,
dleifna ,
dodo654321 ,
dog1234 ,
dogomania ,
dokapsm ,
Dom_sg ,
Don Hay ,
donatello14 ,
dongdongmao ,
donnykkl ,
dorababu ,
Doss ,
doublekeen ,
dragorn ,
drassen ,
dream88sg ,
dreamking68 ,
dreammare ,
DreamMaster1985 ,
dreampuzz ,
dreamzon ,
drider ,
driver2032 ,
drvie2xtd ,
dsmond ,
dtdtdt ,
dths056 ,
dualanjiao ,
dubberinc ,
Duddy ,
dude11 ,
dude22 ,
duek ,
dukelow ,
Dunhill_11 ,
dunnodunno ,
duran ,
Dylkait ,
e5175a ,
Eastpipper ,
Easy123 ,
ecarg ,
eddi_e ,
edifier22 ,
edmundhello ,
Eibble65 ,
ejacula ,
eldo ,
elflord ,
elmobirdy ,
Elson328 ,
eltek ,
elvix ,
ensign2000 ,
Enzer ,
en_en ,
epsilon ,
epson118 ,
esoterics1984 ,
etch ,
ethan22 ,
EtherC ,
eugene88 ,
evilsuns ,
evil_eagle ,
exo18 ,
exoticouple18 ,
exozen ,
ExtD ,
ez2828 ,
fables ,
fakeast ,
falcao_no12 ,
falconbite ,
fanaticd ,
fastdone ,
Fat Fatt ,
Fatfucker ,
FBDfkingBIGdick ,
Fear ,
fee3fow ,
fellatio.b ,
fenwick ,
ffff12345678 ,
fiddler3343 ,
fillpak ,
fio22 ,
fireblade_e ,
fireishot ,
fkwks ,
flame8888 ,
Flavoured ,
fleabag ,
Flicker212 ,
flnew ,
Floyd ,
FL_Noob ,
fl_slayer ,
foooah ,
foranangel ,
fortuneteller ,
Fowler09 ,
freeman96 ,
freethinker3693 ,
freezetheDB ,
friend_mass ,
fuckass07 ,
FuckingTeenager ,
fullpower ,
funksoulbro ,
Funkysoul ,
funlover88 ,
fun_n_pleasure ,
furrball_22 ,
fusion1984 ,
fym00 ,
gadgetboy ,
gaizka.jaeden ,
gako_v3 ,
gamester74 ,
Gareena ,
garlic ,
gaya ,
generalecho ,
Gengar ,
geniusme28 ,
Genocide5 ,
gent ,
genwo ,
getaway ,
Giggity ,
GilaCow ,
gioleko ,
givemeanick ,
glory_glory ,
goatee33 ,
godzilla007 ,
gofuckspider ,
Golduck ,
gondie ,
goodboy86 ,
Gopherman ,
Gosen ,
gpmg ,
gr8dick ,
grandhotel ,
greaseant8 ,
GreenHorny ,
greg1u ,
GrieGzEters ,
GuardianX ,
guldtan ,
gutfill ,
guy46 ,
habeb111 ,
habibibi ,
haha250 ,
hahiho ,
haiti ,
Handsome2008 ,
handycam ,
hang37 ,
haonan25 ,
happybirthday ,
hardthrob81 ,
hare15 ,
havana ,
havbec ,
HaveFun69 ,
hayashi72 ,
hccarkey ,
Heaven_Sent ,
hee01 ,
Heldacarite ,
Hellishguy ,
hellme ,
helloworld88 ,
hellplay ,
Henry_ghk ,
hesker ,
heujenying ,
hexagon ,
High till Dry ,
Highjoys ,
hiltiboy ,
hipgrinder ,
hiphop ,
HippingHippo ,
hitch223 ,
hitech ,
hkxinren ,
hm4455 ,
hobbyseeker ,
Honda27 ,
hondawave8 ,
hoosdathu ,
horneguy ,
Hornyking ,
hornytan ,
hosaylah ,
Hot&Spicy ,
hotchiliz ,
hotday ,
Hotguy ,
hotkey ,
howard1 ,
hsp0804 ,
hubber28 ,
Hugo168 ,
humour11 ,
hungryscribe ,
hyundai ,
i.book ,
i.love.sex ,
iakiak ,
ialnairda ,
iamadil ,
ianchew ,
icecoolT ,
icegray ,
icemonkey79 ,
icesmoke ,
Icez84 ,
Ichigo_Kurosaki ,
idiotass ,
ihateyou ,
iii_light ,
iioopp ,
iismackeuu ,
ikebukuro ,
ilovesammyboy ,
ilovetatboob ,
imaisaki ,
imation ,
immortaljoe ,
imnsa ,
inc. ,
incomplete ,
Infernape ,
initialll ,
Invincix ,
iporn ,
Iron Piston ,
ishtarsg ,
itchytesti ,
ITrigue ,
itsabt6x ,
iwillbfine ,
iye59 ,
izerkudie ,
i_like_devils ,
jacklss ,
jackspider ,
jaden ,
Jaetie ,
Jai84 ,
jamez ,
japboy ,
japlover14 ,
jasonscottsg ,
JasperKing ,
java_cool ,
Jaxratch ,
jbuster ,
jcmh ,
JediSkull ,
jerkmagnet ,
jgilles ,
jibai ,
jimc619 ,
Jimmy1289 ,
jjack ,
jnlover ,
joe1986 ,
joe2222 ,
joegoody ,
joejoe6999 ,
Joesoh ,
johnng ,
johnny2 ,
johnnybravo7 ,
Johnnytow ,
john_5414 ,
Jojolee ,
joker88 ,
Jokteon36 ,
jommie123 ,
jonlim ,
jonny1213 ,
jonodawn ,
joseph12 ,
Js78 ,
js81 ,
Jsee ,
jsty ,
juayboy79 ,
Julian77 ,
junkie2807 ,
junksss ,
Junta ,
jusmet ,
justl00king ,
justpassingby ,
juzdodo ,
K99125 ,
kaiserpro ,
kakapone ,
kane ,
kankaro ,
kat2558 ,
Kawasaki11 ,
keating ,
kecoak ,
keef ,
keeweenz ,
keith21 ,
kelso ,
kelvan ,
kelvindartz ,
kel_te ,
kenji_2008 ,
kerplunkz ,
KhawKJ ,
khen ,
kiddodude ,
kieuster ,
killerweapon ,
kilroy ,
kimono ,
kim_hwoarang ,
kingboi ,
KingCobra ,
kingic ,
kingsam ,
kingx3 ,
kio1314 ,
kitklang ,
kiya ,
KLHungry ,
klkk ,
Klklhbk ,
knightsbridge ,
kolian ,
koolmann ,
kryptonite123 ,
kukukia ,
kulim11 ,
lalee ,
lamb0 ,
lamerdude777 ,
lamtaetae ,
laonene ,
Largeville ,
larotomo ,
Las_Vegas ,
lblittlebear ,
lcybol ,
Learhsa ,
leebo1215 ,
LeeYokeYuen ,
LehManBros ,
lenux ,
Leongster ,
letitbeme ,
leumas ,
Lexus118 ,
lexus3rx ,
lgwong500 ,
liangyuxi ,
Lightsultra ,
lightyears ,
likesex ,
lima16 ,
lio23 ,
listeneralways ,
littlebro ,
liver1 ,
lixiao17 ,
Liyue ,
llcn ,
LMLee ,
loh1991 ,
lolipok ,
LoneEagle ,
lonely_joe ,
looney20 ,
Loose_Change ,
lord_evilbat ,
Lormeelover ,
Lostinmotion ,
love69guysg ,
lovehunter ,
LoveLove08 ,
lovelyguy ,
lovespreader ,
love_sick7 ,
loyloy ,
loyyyy ,
lsb258 ,
Lubest ,
lucif32 ,
Lucky Luciano ,
lugh ,
Luis ,
luke1970 ,
Luna ,
Lunar ,
luv2lick ,
lxxg ,
ly1968 ,
m&m7 ,
m13jetty ,
mac75sg ,
Mac85 ,
macisfree ,
madnessman ,
madprick ,
maggi goreng ,
magnaboy ,
majere23 ,
malauliu ,
mambo979 ,
mammothwhale ,
maninlove ,
Manjch ,
Manofwar ,
Manta Ray ,
Mantasman ,
mantino ,
manwhore79 ,
markck ,
marlbor0.lights ,
marlboro ,
Marlborolgt ,
martian55 ,
masai ,
mashsea20 ,
master bate ,
Master Duck ,
Mature ,
maxlee34 ,
maxng82 ,
max_priest ,
maya123 ,
medic_a ,
Melatonin ,
mem2004 ,
Mercfl2001 ,
MerCure10 ,
mervinyeo ,
metalslug84 ,
metalspidy ,
mexx01 ,
me|zuo ,
michael9090 ,
milf.hunter ,
Milo80 ,
Minty Mint ,
misc ,
misterezio ,
mokermania ,
moneyplantplant ,
monicalf ,
Monkey4 ,
Morales ,
morinfen ,
moscowman ,
MrHindu ,
mrpig85 ,
Msdy777 ,
mseveninch ,
msnmsn ,
murbmub ,
mvp85 ,
myDcup ,
myohmy ,
nael ,
Nancy Ho ,
natto3 ,
naughtyben22 ,
naysmith ,
neb000 ,
neilharris ,
nenen ,
neverdoit ,
NeverLand ,
newbee ,
Newbie007 ,
newbird9403 ,
niceday ,
nicotine2008 ,
nightboy ,
nightman82000 ,
nightstalker123 ,
night_owl ,
nikjiying ,
ninesone ,
ninkampoop ,
nino1982 ,
nisiel ,
nk7610 ,
no123 ,
noentry ,
nokia147 ,
Nokia8930 ,
nonok ,
noobboy ,
Norikasan55 ,
Northie ,
noscun ,
notsonewbird ,
NoviceMonster ,
no_mocha ,
NyehGongGong ,
oakenfoldsg ,
obelisk38 ,
obiwan78 ,
ocean888 ,
odes ,
ohcr01 ,
Okada ,
OldTrafford ,
olympia2soon ,
omnia ,
oncemore ,
ooliverr ,
oooooo ,
oovoo ,
orgasm69u ,
Outbox ,
oxen69 ,
ozon7667 ,
page333 ,
paikia ,
papapro ,
papaya15 ,
parasite ,
passer.by ,
pasted ,
Paulus ,
paxotic ,
pay99 ,
Peacock29 ,
peanut123 ,
pearlite ,
peckpeck ,
pedderred ,
pepek ,
PeroPero ,
petainrd ,
Peter Bang ,
peter.sg ,
peterfoxtrot102 ,
peterpan ,
peterpan_24 ,
peterpeter ,
petersonfuture ,
pharrell ,
PHeN0M ,
piang ,
pikachu ,
Pinetree ,
PinG ,
pita987654 ,
pkkhong ,
plax*1 ,
pleasureland ,
plmn ,
ploy66 ,
pocketrocket ,
poems ,
polk098 ,
Poop ,
porn ,
possys ,
powerpower ,
Prakash ,
Prawnmee ,
Probe99 ,
procodin1 ,
proff ,
Prolink1 ,
pspp ,
psx2sg ,
pumaz ,
PunjabiPlayboy ,
punkrod ,
purplefire ,
pusielover ,
putton ,
pychan ,
pyronix ,
qazqaz ,
qbabyrainq ,
qiang21 ,
qqqmmm ,
qscefb ,
qscesz ,
Quartz28 ,
qwaz ,
r2009m ,
raceguysg ,
radar23 ,
ragefury777 ,
raitoyagami ,
rapala ,
raxhephon ,
raymariah ,
rc7977 ,
Recon ,
redhero12 ,
redwolf ,
Reiko ,
relaxman ,
results ,
retrobeatz ,
Rexelone ,
Ribery ,
rich1228 ,
rick.c2009 ,
rickowen ,
rinoa52 ,
rizzoc ,
Rockin' Rabbit ,
rocky2004 ,
rockybed ,
RockyLam ,
romaleouf ,
ron21 ,
ronckw ,
Rookies ,
roselvl ,
rovinrak ,
Royston ,
rtthone ,
Rw6828 ,
ryanivan ,
ryanlim2000 ,
S i l v i a ,
s(Aint ,
S.B.Y ,
sabsabswift ,
sad83 ,
sainter ,
salacious ,
salla6ue ,
saltyOman ,
sam30sg ,
samgoh ,
samierk ,
samLOW ,
samuelthymia ,
sandydusty ,
Sangrawi ,
sanmyinttun ,
satan666 ,
scandalz ,
scarecrow ,
Schmi ,
scholes ,
scott999 ,
screwing ,
sebayang ,
secret177 ,
see see only ,
sennheiser ,
serav1 ,
sethiot ,
severussnape ,
sex-eight ,
sexbuzz ,
sexbuzzz ,
sexfrenzy ,
sexnoob ,
SexPat ,
sexprofessor ,
sexrookie ,
sex_dog ,
Sex_man ,
sghunk88 ,
sgwong ,
ShagMeister ,
shag_fest ,
shakeitmama ,
shawnieboy ,
Shi Jin ,
shinyu ,
shornet ,
shoutcast ,
shox2002af ,
sibobby ,
sicko787 ,
siewsuah ,
siggzzz ,
Silver_S ,
simei91 ,
simple2kee ,
Simpleshooter ,
sinfulguy ,
sinfulman79 ,
sinless ,
Sith Lord ,
sitonski ,
sjb1994 ,
skcar ,
skelanton ,
skinnyfatman ,
Skyboi2004 ,
skylancer ,
Slash1 ,
slayerlust ,
slyer ,
smay ,
smellybelly ,
smellycat ,
smking ,
sniper542 ,
snowscape ,
soccerball ,
soccerpicks ,
sogc ,
soh123 ,
sohec ,
sonicthe ,
sonic_youth ,
Sorin^^ ,
sososo ,
spark135 ,
spawn369 ,
speedo ,
spermist ,
Spider122 ,
spinefinder ,
sporelover ,
Srygonic ,
starkai ,
starsun ,
starvinder ,
steamer ,
stepup ,
steven_1812 ,
stiletto ,
sting218 ,
stout007 ,
straysheep ,
Strider_sG ,
strongman ,
stst ,
studdyme ,
stupidken ,
sucker909 ,
suedehead1976 ,
sumfeifei ,
sumomo24 ,
Sun77 ,
sun814 ,
super123456 ,
superhohozor ,
superjumbo ,
superman ,
superman67 ,
supermembers ,
supermok ,
supermouse ,
superookie ,
supershaft ,
SupremeD ,
suria ,
SweetAdeline ,
swift ,
swim ,
swisscash ,
syt lover ,
syz2688 ,
t3_sb ,
taadaa ,
Tachengo ,
takashi-san ,
tango2000 ,
tanmikel ,
tantan ,
Tapgold ,
tarzanboy ,
tatata21 ,
TD.king ,
tehlulz ,
TehQ ,
tek524 ,
telepo ,
tele_tubby ,
tengku ,
Tengz ,
tepes ,
terenceee ,
terence_39 ,
terror03 ,
terrra4400 ,
tesco ,
testguy ,
TheES ,
thefella215 ,
the_e_ones ,
thief-kid ,
thomas88 ,
Thongchai ,
thosai-boy ,
Thrill-seeker ,
tiangchuanhng ,
tickoo ,
tiger123 ,
tikokosan ,
Timothy241 ,
TingTongLove ,
Tintinsnowy ,
titan84 ,
TNT2 ,
ToCumCum ,
toho72 ,
tokkokking ,
tomcat ,
tomgooey ,
tommyboy290906 ,
TommyBoy5i ,
toms_trd ,
tongalvin ,
Torque83 ,
toto train ,
toto1388 ,
tottohaw ,
toyboyz ,
toyman123 ,
transformer77 ,
treason ,
trellis001 ,
trinity ,
triplejoy ,
TritonSt ,
Tryhpora ,
tsunami ,
tt4321 ,
twinturbo ,
tyuh ,
uitw ,
uncle gg ,
Uncle Nay ,
unhandy ,
unknown_guy ,
unnivox ,
Untrust ,
upskirtlegs ,
user999 ,
utd4ever59 ,
uytrewq ,
Valentino1818 ,
vandervaart ,
vbvietnam ,
vecong ,
vic88 ,
VietCong ,
viewsonic ,
vince_kid ,
vintage8899 ,
vkiller ,
vodafone ,
voyy25 ,
VS88 ,
vvvvvvvv ,
vv_great ,
w1erdguy ,
w800i ,
wan32 ,
wanmalay ,
WanThai ,
warcraft ,
warlord77 ,
wat100 ,
wateverlah ,
wats ,
wavelet ,
wbtym ,
wchink ,
wei ge ,
wei1234567 ,
welcomed ,
wen77 ,
Wet Fantasy ,
whatever999 ,
whatisthat ,
whiplash ,
whycare ,
whypay88 ,
wicky ,
wild fire ,
wildfire72 ,
wildwildcat ,
Willie ,
wiseyee ,
WithoutEuu ,
wonder boys ,
wonderzz ,
wondy ,
wonga ,
woodywood7 ,
wooster ,
woyosi ,
wreckernice ,
wsxujm2002 ,
wtc321 ,
wunderfust ,
w_00005 ,
x1x2x360 ,
xaiverviii ,
xavier69 ,
xawana ,
xiandao ,
xiaomaomi ,
xiaonanhai ,
xiaoyanzi ,
xmail ,
xplay ,
xsgrantz ,
xsmithwesson ,
xtom ,
Xtrail02 ,
xtremsproz ,
xwf3331 ,
xyz1001 ,
X_plorer ,
y68708903 ,
yabadabadoo ,
yakult123 ,
yanz ,
yaoming864 ,
yaya ,
yaya123 ,
yayah ,
yayaman ,
Yazi ,
yecha ,
yeeck ,
yellowmilk ,
yossy ,
yoyo1 ,
yoyo1133 ,
yoyoyo123 ,
yuanyue ,
yuan_2768 ,
yucks ,
yuwannaknow ,
z329875 ,
Zambuca ,
zarry ,
Zedge ,
zefy7 ,
Zenkistan ,
zerocool23 ,
zheng_ruixian ,
ZhuBaBa ,
zhubajie ,
zidanetan ,
ziggy ,
zigmerton ,
Zionace ,
Zionclone ,
zoopme7 ,
zzmoronzz ,
zzxxzzxx ,
zzz77 ,
All times are GMT +8. The time now is 07:02 AM .