Polls They say the stats never lie! Place your polls here and discover whether your behaviour and opinions are mainstream or on the fringes of extreme perversion.
View Poll Results: Which do you prefer?
The Breasts
木头和尚敲木鱼 ,
(.)(.) lover ,
0hms ,
14animal ,
2124 ,
4200 ,
aceryan ,
ahkong ,
akuma6969 ,
alvinado ,
alwayshard ,
amx13sm1 ,
Anel King ,
anotherlife ,
apemcc ,
aqualabel ,
Arse-nal ,
arsenal_84 ,
Ashyboy ,
badboys ,
benjo83 ,
BigOx ,
biker ,
blackhock ,
blursotong58 ,
bmirror ,
Boiiz22 ,
bokepmode ,
bonkabonk ,
BooBGuY ,
BoobloverGuy ,
boyworld1013 ,
boy_penang ,
BraCup ,
bucktron ,
castle ,
chinvilla ,
chionger ,
cleanair ,
cobratarget ,
coldtea ,
ConnerDoReMe ,
CrazyyAss ,
ctkwang ,
cuntarow ,
cyber69_x69 ,
cynicalmindz ,
decibel8808 ,
digor23 ,
dk1903 ,
dorseht ,
DreamMaster1985 ,
dubberinc ,
Duddy ,
Echo3 ,
Ecuader ,
ed81 ,
edwin0120 ,
Fabregas 4 ,
fairydragon ,
fat88 ,
fenwick ,
firewater ,
fookydud ,
Fowler09 ,
Fraser007 ,
freeman96 ,
frozenicex ,
fsfguy80 ,
gardet ,
ggrreenn ,
gleneagles ,
greenyfrog ,
grimreaper82 ,
GuardianX ,
Hardaway1818 ,
hardik008 ,
harou87 ,
HFJAdvisor ,
hornyboiz ,
hosaylah ,
hotmann ,
hum_coyote ,
I Love Boobs ,
ice85fire ,
ice_mit_devil ,
IronHawk ,
itchylanjiao ,
ivengle ,
izerkudie ,
japjepun ,
jbjb ,
jeff88 ,
jimijamison ,
JKrauser ,
Johnny3Tears ,
johnpond ,
Jolie ,
jollyshandy ,
joncheong ,
jonnyboi ,
justinlol ,
kennychew ,
kesche86 ,
Killforsex ,
koos ,
kukuchiao ,
kwaychup ,
kwok28 ,
ladyinpink ,
laozuzhong ,
LazyCat ,
leeml69 ,
legacy66 ,
littlefat ,
llcn ,
lmao68 ,
LocalFruit ,
lonely40 ,
loouss ,
LouisVuiitton ,
luckyboiboi ,
luv2lick ,
luvjazz ,
lw0u3109 ,
markck ,
marlboroblack ,
Master bedroom ,
mazatsushi ,
mclovin_boy ,
me55y ,
megumikaruka ,
Mighty Night ,
morinfen ,
nelson_c ,
neo1234 ,
newyorker88 ,
nightstalker84 ,
Nitestarz ,
notepad ,
nsrchuan ,
olderguy ,
onlytellu ,
parkinglot ,
passi0n ,
Pikablu ,
pohpiahboy ,
poomani ,
PradaLJ ,
preacher1010 ,
previous ,
qaswedfrt ,
qweqwe85 ,
ranma_79 ,
raykee ,
razorviper ,
Realgoodguy ,
reca ,
revdev ,
revi ,
rhinoration ,
RockyLam ,
Rookies ,
rt123 ,
sad83 ,
sam72 ,
sammyboy82 ,
sammyboyforums ,
scarecrow ,
scrazy ,
seanlaw ,
SeekingLoveV ,
sewn910516 ,
siaoehhh ,
simei91 ,
simikangtao ,
soccer_maniacr7 ,
Sooooony ,
Soopafly ,
spidlohman ,
sta1100 ,
starcrosser ,
steamyx ,
Stonehead ,
sumfeifei ,
syntex ,
teteku ,
Thorn ,
tiko ,
tomben79 ,
totetite ,
Trinitrophenol ,
tRuStNo1 ,
trycool ,
Tsuki ,
tuakeeBoy ,
twisty ,
tym733 ,
valuedguy ,
viking898 ,
Virginhere ,
wantanabee ,
wchink ,
wildrabbit ,
wqjt ,
Yahoo.com ,
The Ass
-AssLurver- ,
4am'rs ,
69wolverine ,
Ah Liang ,
Ahboy12 ,
akan88 ,
aldof.hilter ,
andy32 ,
Arthurh ,
azrain9 ,
bado ,
baudy ,
bejor78 ,
Bibibabiboo80 ,
bigbond ,
Blackpussy ,
blakxtik ,
Bless006 ,
bohosei ,
boyish2011 ,
Calvin ,
castaway_wilson ,
chessepie ,
chivas82 ,
chocy ,
cored ,
Dark4343 ,
dejavu5 ,
delipri ,
desmondtwh ,
devildemon ,
dino85682 ,
doppelherz ,
Drooler ,
eugene_wong ,
eyeswideshut ,
fapfapfap ,
fartfetish ,
Flagship ,
Fmcane ,
friend_mass ,
froggiestyle34 ,
goonduman ,
Hadidas ,
hahalalaa ,
Hammer11 ,
heineken ,
hell4lif ,
henkitoo ,
hhhbatman ,
hserfruits ,
I1pussy ,
imagineer ,
jdi813 ,
jonlovemiao ,
jukem ,
jun_hui90 ,
K1975 ,
kat2558 ,
keat666 ,
kenergy ,
kingx3 ,
leojm ,
lionhead ,
machoviking ,
magixskin ,
Masoyama ,
Meiji ,
mervintan71 ,
Mr.Big ,
Naked Ambition ,
netraker ,
newt ,
Nokia3230 ,
nxe1978 ,
ObamaRock ,
pee_diddy ,
phloi ,
pinkfish ,
pploftheworld ,
pqowie80 ,
prince33 ,
rainy ,
randomtots ,
rauldon ,
redboi ,
rooney1000 ,
ryajon ,
saltyOman ,
seow ,
sexrookie ,
Sexygal ,
Shakyywayy ,
sikoyo ,
siuok ,
smlee ,
spark135 ,
star1331 ,
suedehead1976 ,
sunshinebox ,
tkwshan ,
topcook1 ,
Toyota Honda ,
upskirtlegs ,
vlaar ,
waaasooo ,
watmidoin ,
WooLaaLaa ,
x-capade ,
xcure ,
xiaodai ,
XiaoWangZi ,
zephyr2 ,
All times are GMT +8. The time now is 12:42 AM .