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Old 13-11-2013, 11:37 PM
belgianseat belgianseat is offline
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Re: Experience of Sharing Authentic Spanish Fly Natural w/ my wife MAX AROUSAL!!

First time writing an FR. Went to bonk an escort from SG dome and after a seccession, we had a little chat and we talked. I was mentioning that I was having problems with my wife as she has really low sex drive, and she intro Spanish fly and where to get it. Apparently it helps to promote sex drives in girls and makes damn really wet so that it’s really easy to get in, thus setting them into the mode.
I messaged TS and got the number of the supplier. I got the promotion package, 2 bottles. And I added it into the drink – A lot of nice, very little water and half a bottle of Spanish. Waited for 15 mins for the effect to take place. In the end it took Half an hour for me.

At the same time I also tried half of the diety pills. It’s really damn good. I was hard solid and my wife was actually impressed. But she questioned my, and ask if I ate anything. Paisei sia.

We were watching tv on the bed and then suddenly she push the blanket aside and ask me to bathe. I ask why, and she replied, “ don’t go bathe then you don’t regret.” I straight away chiong to the bathe room. 2 minute shower and I was out. Same as the time when I was in BMT. I came out and she was already naked in the bed. Stright away I know the Spanish fly was working.

After 10 minutes of kissing, her whole panties was soaking wet. And it was dripping down her tights. I took off her panties and she ban down on her fours to suck my cock. At this moment I can see that her vagina was dripping and wetting the whole bed. Damn arousing.

Im going to try again tonight… wish you guys luck too.