Kindly dont twist my words...!!
Did I ever bring up Max_Priest's circumstances...NO!...
Now since u made such uncalled for insinuations n raised my PM to you...I think it is only appropriate that I paste my PM to you in here...and let the samsters draw their own conclusions...
Originally Posted by omnia
Not sure if u recall PMing me sometime back unsolicited, requesting to exchange points n also requesting to add u to my friends lists?...
Well I did both gladly, but u never got back to me...not even a thank you!!...
I let the matter rest n just removed u fm my friends list as clearly u had no intention of being my friend in sbf...not a big deal to me as I aint bothered abt cyber friends nor am I bothered abt rep points...
However I was taken aback by your gall n audacity in yr recent posts in the rep points thread...particularly this one....
You are nothing but a hypocrite, liar and a reputation points desperado....
I suggest u stop yr sanctimonious pontificating in sbf...if not I may need to show the forum your true colours 
Originally Posted by Mr_don_juan
Seriously i don't know what intention of your PM.
Why can't i rally my supporters to up when there is clone/ gang zap ?
So means kenna mass zap cannot rally people to counter the neg sibo.
If you gang zap MaxP, so you want him in moderation ?
He is someone whom i repeatly stand up and support because of his frs and contributions.
Gang zappers are like this, they can't stand the sight of another samster whom they want to zap, yet his points keep increasing.
Then they had to resort to other methods such as complaining to mod and find fault when there is an exchange thread going on.
Excuse me, these are actual samsters that given their approvals instead of clones.