Geylang (Petain) legal houses are strictly managed/controlled by DSC/AV. Mandatory WLs' monthly health checks etc. FLs, MPs, HC, JB (Johore Bahru etc) are relatively unsafe compared to Geylang. No health checks/no "quality control" - illegal. DSC/AV have been doing a great job in pushing safe sex; preventing/controlling STDs/HIVs in Singapore.
Big Sexy: Use a condom at all times.
More than one is unsafe (greater risk of rupture due to
friction between them).
Ensure: right size (penis not swimming in condom), not expired (look at
expiry date), do not leave them in the car (hot sun will harden) etc.
Many thanks to Sammyboyfor/UbErZoNe/BigSexy in making SBF the best sex forum in Singapore; for screening through and deleting Konni's latest slanderous post (
insinuating that a PRC has gone back because of HIV/STU.):
"Konni, spreading nonsense (use 10 condoms etc) / rumors (WLs got HIV/STDs) , slanderous remarks eg:
IMHO, TCSS should not be allowed for slanderous (affecting WLs' rice bowls) / unsafe recommendations (10 condoms) etc. "
Just a "Note of Appreciation" for a job well done (by
PS - Sammyboyfor/Moderators are fair/understanding/very busy (
to be aware of everything). PM them for help to act on slanderous posts etc.