last week i find under Shakyywayy: Annie those who know and her webby blog but because i cant find the thread le so bo bian cant paste here~
ok for her she quite big size lo lol quite sian 1/2 that the con part i dont like~ but then pro part massage use butt n jg ok la make up and also she quite friendly can chit chat and her boob big big le~that all ba lol
and once again ytd need badly for massage lol so i look n look around the webby finally i chose her
actually i dont know i have find her before until i saw her person lol that time she come is last year time under chewyfruit i think~
pro part her massage strength is good hard one de not piano type~place ok good...and her boob woo big also...hardworking also hj me very long time try make me shoot out~~
con part is 1st look she quite dao dao de cold cold look~ and also got eat up the timing 5 to 10min~ but then she still nice lady~~ worth the try lo
and yes last thing any bro got any fr on her ??
because i dont know is it she the one i get bad experience~