Managed to secure a slot yesterday afternoon with this masseur for a massage session:
MR as follows:
Looks: 7/10 (Seriously, I can't really associate with what TS has described. Nonetheless, while she doesn't look bad, she's certainly not a drop dead beauty)
Body:7/10 (Slightly on the chubby side. But still acceptable)
Location: 7/10 (Tidy and clean)
Massage: 7/10 (I think it's a style of her own. It's hard to categorize specifically. But if you need strength, she certainly has it)
Boobs: C (Organic.)
HJ: 7/10 (Hardworking. Tried her best with catbath, moaning and all others)
Attitude: 7/10 (Chatty. Conservation on everyday lives. Ironically, nothing dirty)
Damage: $120 (1.5hrs)
RTM: Maybe. Service was rather good though.