Thread: UpSkirt Photo
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Old 04-08-2005, 09:43 PM
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Re: UpSkirt Photo

Let's have a competition.
2 categories: Upskirt and Downblouse.
1) photo must be original.
2) Photo must not be someone you ask to pose.
3) Must have a few shots including:
3a) from "below", clearly show the "color", if any.
3b) zoom out of the person and the surrounding (eg. infront of xxx shop in Suntec), to be consider verified by fellow samsters.
3c) Front shot (most difficult, yet most easy too), walk pass your subject, turn around and wait till she walk pass you from the front, take a shot of her head-to-toe.

1) photo must be original.
2) Photo must not be someone you ask to pose.
3) Must have a few shots including:
3a) from "above",
3b) zoom out of the person and the surrounding (eg. infront of xxx shop in Wisma etc), to be consider verified by fellow samsters.
3c) Front shot (most difficult, yet most easy too), walk pass your subject, turn around and wait till she walk pass you from the front, take a shot of her head-to-toe.

Anyone support this idea and wants to be judge?