Originally Posted by derrickboy
Bro... just remembered you said miqi not my type... and I also recalled a not so good MR about her being lazy to a multiple rtm customer... so maybe shd strike her out again...
Alamak! how cum you and her did the same thing - dug up my posts from months ago. She just question me last week, digging up a post from several months ago where I casually mentioned Liwen gave a better massage than her and she's not very happy about that

Btw, she's leaving in a few days. You can kill her and xiaodanchun together, in the same building.
My past MR for yangyang
Sorry to her fans but I gotta said this, she looks too damn young, that guilt felt over lust for my session. Anyway, give the look some discount and you won't be disappointed with her service.
My heart skip a beat when I saw that Hatty is back, search thru the whole tiger den ..... no she's not there